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The ability of creation is one of life’s gifts, as we can use our innovation and imagination to

make beautiful creations or solve problems. What makes me excited the most about creativity is
the satisfaction and joy you get, realizing you created something, for example making a song.
After making a song, we can be happy and proud of the fact we created art that can be used to
express our emotions and thoughts. Having our creativity, we can embark on journeys to not
only make once-in-a-lifetime creations but convey a message or emotions. Therefore, the power
of creativity is something to be excited about.

However, creativity can be worrisome when creativity takes up too much of our thoughts. As a
person who likes music, I am often thinking of different melodies that can be created, and while
thinking of this, I am distracted from the situations at hand. These thoughts can heavily affect
my focus and attentiveness to the matter at hand, and such a large impact worries me.

In order for me to understand more about creativity, the psychology of human beings can be
studied. I am interested to find out the effect creativity has on our decisions. This is important as
sometimes we may make decisions to follow our creativity. However, they aren’t rational and are
too emotional, leading to a large chance of failures. Therefore, we should always learn more
about our creative ideas whenever we have them and not make irrational decisions.

Overall, I believe human creativity is a very interesting aspect of life, as we get to create new
inventions or tools, but we have to be careful not to use creativity for a bad purpose or let it
negatively affect our daily life.

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