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" UANTUM MECHANICS | ¢ Chapter at a Glance 1, The probability density P(x,¢) is defined as the probability, per unit length of the X axis of finding the particle near the coordinate x at the time 1. It can be expressed as PRD =Y" (EY, Dde =|y(x,0f de 2, Position operator: Operator represents the space coordinate as £,5,2. 3, Linear momentum operator: p, =~in-2; p, th2- andpy ein ay & Ingeneral in three dimension momentum operator j= -ihV ‘ bp Bx te a wth a ee a il 27-25-23) 4, Potential energy operator: V(r) §. Total energy operator: E 1 2m 2m 7. Angular momentum operator: From classical mechanics we know L =7x p. Hence the components along three directions will be 2) (ine 2) = -ny.2 he a 6 Kinetic energy operator: £ = (#9) (09) = v2 im Similarly L, a\ ae =} and L, = 8p, - ohm = 4D, — IP, ‘ Rr \ a 8. Schrédinger equation in one dimension, "alee V(x) = E(x) m ) Ox ij 4 2m 9. Schrédinger equation in three dimension, V'y(r) + pe Vrywr)=0 10. A free particle is moving with a constant momentum and energy. Its wave function is Ment y=de" 11, Two operators 5 and 2 are said to commute when their commutator vanishes ie. ['),2]=0 12. The operators in quantum mechanics are linear. An operator Gis known as linear if it satisfies the following two conditions (1) &(y,+y,)=ay,+ay, and (2) &(Cy,)=Cay, where Cis a constant. . PH-229 a htttininr ha tie 2) nee veneers Hel fa] pact ae ret oe f ere Eigemale: £, = [non en] ‘The energy eigen value coresponding to more than one wave fictions ( ts reeled (ogre A) Theses wich ign awe we etn walled depts Te tr of penton us corp ws ean ota m) Temi i nena ced dope ai deseo ny: SAL ME yyy) wt 3 whee J termed as probaly caren density o snp caren es tae RST] |The ground state energy of 2 particle moving ina one dimensional potenti Ade Rgiven interme of length L ofthe box by [WBUT 2014(000}, 214(000),2019VEN), 20191000), gr 3 py) he ) oa ao 42. The wave function v(x) and y,(x) ate orthogonal to each other then find the correct option. [wBuT 2018(000)) a) fuivde=! by [oivde=0 —o) [vsade=s a) fy.vate=t aoe) 12.Hozenberg's uncertainty elation i waur 2019000) gas! wayat anh aca! ‘Aner: (b) PHI arg wavelongth, PANCK’s law cre py Wen’ dsplacement Lay <)Stephan’s Law INBUT 281000) 21994 sare EA ahs at hae eB raion of # DICK DOSY a sag, 48, Tha maximum oneray deel OTe sorter wavelength, This get femperture T=OK i capiaeed TWBUT 2019 mown a8 1) Wier’ displacement aw 1) Win’ ration a Plank’ radiation aw 6) Reylighoans| Answer: (0) ee... ae eee aw aa Answer: (8) [WeUT 2019000) a3 1.9. Compton wavelength is given by. ‘ (WBUT 2018(000, A A ee ot nnd ae "i ” aver) 4140, Atherton tawe canbe shown lobe specal cases of (WBUT 2019(000} 1) Sletan-Boltzmann’s law a) Wien's law: -¢) Rayleigh-Jeans law 4d) Planck's law ares trimertemeelithy —— seevn, avon Ea, Phas enscs 2. wakn of 8 folowing we function te th solon of Senor Eat asec (0 apatan Oo) Aapex) pore (0) ps. cenerazed 0-278 CM eof any dani, 2) the produc of gntrazed co-rdat and gnuata CMa 2870900 sways of mension m/c »Seenson of he work done depends on te dimension of he grea «te generalzed momentum is avay of the dimension mi the generalized for is alvays of the dimension 1? (Given, mass =, lengt a) Aexp(e) 4. Rigld body has constraints classified in which ofthe following group? ‘J Rreonomic and Holonomic Terror i) Rneonomic and Nor-holonomic 2} Seleronomic and Holonomie }Seleronomie and Nor-holonomic Aner: (0) 4:8 he quantum mechanical state of parte is described by [DvBUT 2008/eVEN v(a)=wet™sfor|s]s2 and y(2)=0,othanviae ten 2) the particle has definite postion but uncertainty in momentum B)tne parce has a dette momentum but ance in positon he palcte has uncertainties both In postion and momentum 4} tho particle has no uncertainties In eter momentum om postion Anser:(0) 146. p(s) 18 a normalized one dimensional wave function, then |W6UT 2008/EVEN),2014(000) ; i ., a 9 Frets fried a fpvdeao fp es) 11. Which one ofthe following functions isan eigen function ofthe operator 4 War 2000 EN ax bye oct cos x nen: () PH233 a, a ota harmonic onclatare gen by =F Lie yy Lye ask ; ; ; ; igentunetion & forth operator [WBUT 20096veNy a4 | 5 degren of reedom the numberof Hamiton's equation fr WELT S000) ov “7 or functions i acceptable as a wave function of 2 on. [BUT 2011(000), 2014(EVEN} dyaae 8) y=dser | tom with ine Independent potential isin an energy state E. The wave [WBUT 2011(000) of tne with tne period proportion to E of time with time period inversely proportional to E. PHI “EENSICSI agsora tonya cH BOX th degeneracy het a eotolt by three-fold eters Tae nse () to ante fntion of etal parle glen by [weuT 2011(000)1 = Acosx for |x| 2 <0 atnerise untnovave oA a2 a ea )za0 answer: (0) Fe ev in he he oe ove second ie entra aero ee etna eee ns Be sogen of tnton eer of pase ie ae vay tw as ee eK by Mak Nk 4)3(N-K) pens 428, The ignorable co-ordinate corresponding to the motion of a particle under ‘mnzal force Is given by [DWBUT 2012(EVEN)] ar ye ar a8 Answer: (0) 4.30, The expectation value of the position of a particle In a one-dimensional is [WBUT 2012(EVEN)] L L of at 131 Schroondinger ime Independent wave equations (WBUT 2012(000] aity=er wy iiy=By’ oi y= By Answer: (8) PH.235 (BUT 2012059) 8) v4 mansions are MEU 2219 an wavefunction ¥(7, then IWBUT 2013(€ye, Kinetic energy ofthe system Jo h F ot i a ert) 443. The eigen value ofthe energy of a particle ina cubical box of dimension is [WUT 2015(EVEN}] onan i ]} FTheattrtimnuarterel tees 90.40 »)(3,0,1) nse (2) 444 caleulate the wavelength of an electron of energy 10 eV. [WBUT 2022(000)] Answer: 212.2) 70 oe 24x10 Tink” Jixoatmi0™ 0st oc10™ 145, why do not we observe the de Broglle wavelength witha fast moving cricket [WaUT 2022(000)), Jie wavelength associated with a moving particle is given by the relation A= hip. When the momentum ofthe particle is very large, lke fast moving cricket ball, the astocited wavelength is very small, This wavelength is so small that its resturement is nota all possible. So we do not observe the de Broglie wavelength ‘sated with 448, What would be the amount of change in wavelength of a| monochromatic Xray photon, when itis scattred by carbon atoms at an angle 180°? [wBUT 2022(000), Answer: ‘ Dig Cono i maa 82s) wee am 7a wa PH237 back? WwBUT 202369 ays appear back The term "blackbody" in physics ee y uote i incident electromagnetic radiation, rezadl Necdence. docs oot reflect of transmit any light. Whey a would indeed appear perfectly lack because it emit adation and prove that good absorbers are s Prove tat Goo rau 20,0008 thatthe rai ofthe emissne power to absorptive power fo Be eave is constant for al substances, atthe same temperate. real to the emisie power of »perectly black body atthe sae oe same wavelenath. Tee O° ee wwe ne el yo pent fo a=4 oe ot) for tack body aa 5. 7 = Q) ‘ier isthe emisive power of black body Gntiyad(D wcbee “L=£, cone «0 hkeKiterv en piotna D,welwe.e,= Fie, 6,0, toi proved hal pod aborbers of ation is abo gpd emer of mdiaon AS Klowat radio tansmiter operates ala frequency of 50 Kz Find the Anbar of photon emis. {wou 2518(000) ‘oer photons emitted per sec, a not lag ‘energy of photons pS? ‘ Soo aso STI 22,2} What are the basic postulates of quantum mechanics? (BUT 2018(000), Answer: (Space ime behaviour of pacular parce canbe represented by y(t) subject to the coniton that it apres Heisenber's unceraimy relation, y(r) and is space a {i Dynamical variables (viz position vector liner and angular momentum p & L respectively ec) describing the motion ofthe partie can be represented by some ‘mathematical operators called quantum meshanicel operators. x Gi) Possible outcome ofa dynamical variable say coresponding to its opertor can be represented by an equation called eigen value equation ie, dy =ay PH239 12080) a gestion expectation vale) a (t ~ (21), Maes eur 220, (m2 )0-0) ipa 10 peti box of Fegth 1 5 gen y ie (cso) ete Bert lel he oneig | emt op > KE fr sacl fetes rms ea Ea | me aga acon Cnpion svi f Story the rocol acter | zig te iw ofonservaton of ey we can we [WBUT 2019(EVEN] Iv mgc? = 1c? mnnnnnnnns{ 1) , IE ev of ncn of in fe pee sy nome =(v—) ie. a ae. astm =m Bingo vauc of in) vtay meme! = me! or, metmi~: se(i-z)-e tty on clviect tov 4% 2y(0~c)=0 or, v=, y=¢ and both ofthese are imposible. Hence proved. PH241 z iting the maximum probability for wean poced for 2 in( ® | cos| =) 2= * : Bela le Bt eters fiction y = Fafa) WUT 2019000) ich shows exactly middle ofthe box. {and j= p is consistent with the commutation relation ‘determine the value of xwhere the pr TWBUT 2007(EVEN), 2013(EVEN),2013(000} ng inside the box ony, probability of Finding the partie equao 130 we ca wrt, IWBUT 2007(EVENT, ray eigen function of a particle ina three dimensional box of length L. (You need not derive this). Hence find out the energy 26 well 25 dogenoracys in the ground and the frst excited state. IWBUT 2008(EVEN)| Answer: nay nae Energy Eigen function (x, ig OY ig ME ray Bie we sin sin Energy Bigen state is & = sof bth xyz To solve the above equation We hae ron ofvarablesie, ¥C.2.2)= (2) (9) Z@) sof X,Y and Zofthe diferent equations tated i ote X(s)= Acosa;x+ Bsina,x rae Ss YQ)=Ceosa,y+ Dsina,y aya neee 2 ee DEF ae constant ere ions ae, Boe 9,2) = W002) = ¥C%9,0)=0 ws rine =rebad= Weyl) =O 0) sng the conios sated in (2) io the set of equations sated i i in @) we have en Moning the founda condos sal in (3) no thee Hee (6) imo the st of equations faob=0->2ib= FO, ptsinyl 09 L=1,F 90 = chk oi sna,L=0-9 1 =0,8 >= sere mom, and nae inegets of which none i equal fo 20 speci sons pipenint©!; Yodo, xyyarainBt Sothesolution ofthe differential equation IE. By AREY is vlsn)= XQ) YO 2) ae (sy) BDF sin sin” wae) sin Ife choose BDF-N then y(x, 9,2): pow tat #)=42" 82)" Ae™ ar dgerete wave antons in ot away gen vas. {weuT 20121000) Fa enrnbinscen evan france" (G¥G)+G,4,0))de=1 a, [AVOOCON OME CEE ONO AC OO)! oor tno foronamay 5 J) =, alfocmen a0d 5n,=0 formon wre inthe given poblem excep * and * rm al ether tem wil vanish nd the ten J0%e)8400=1 anh oft A em F694 ()=1 shoe tll expression besomes C+ C} =1, Hence prove. 1) Fom P wave function we have BEEF ancayac oo) From 2" wave function we have 2 (aiy-2iae* = 2 , Won tig Scrdinge's equation we have —2-Viy=y or in one dinerson ek emp) ee B= ico 1112 Find the energy diference between the ground state and fist excited state of insiectron moving n a one dimensional potential box of length 1A. [waUT 2012(000)) of s quantum particle is given by Anewert 1(a) are orthonormal states. Show ha (2 enone ait in ground sate is 6, = jel Energy in rou Bu a ae PHT by 190 OPEN. For example 4 nsowe can write symbolically [5,3] ~ S hen ther commutator vanishes ily) b.(%)) yard y, with eigenvalues £ and, (y=ay; by.) be alo a eigenstate IWBUT 2013(EVEN), 2013000), = By 7 Hi(ay, +by.)= Ey ile of mass is at x20 sgaionary sat: E potebeestin V2 ys vec flety ofthis equation, Sn dcasbx+ Bink ag apd B atte arbitrary constant sealer fA and Bw ay asthe boundary ondons yee0 wien 3-0 =) ye=0 whens=1 aay pains) in goin (1) we fane O= A me (Banke i. ating) in equation 4) we have O= Bsin vB #0 otherwise y(x) will aotexis, So sink! =0 :.hl=n wheren=1,2, Brine ‘ce, the eigenfunction Determination ofthe Constant A and B: Sine the fre paicle is moving inside the box only, probability of finding the particle ine he box maximum andl iseqalt Io wecan te, [Mewee= fosints osx demt (oP fsin®E x de =1 05 EE ae te ara BE (cat amt « Hs 2 Wf » iat > ja-ft Merten ten ns) = ft PHS eel at 08 EEE. On ie slectron confine witht 8 Cubical bog BUT 2015(¢vE4p “of the momentum operator. Check the compat vatorand position operator. (WBUT 2023(E VEN ad te wave funtion can be hinted fom te the mamerum p ofa particle tis wavelength by tthe fom: y= Ac* Baise (hyo) in terms of momentum 7: ferentiation result: nates He PEO 95 003) Ye mmes isp rie ita nme RE py wn fe,-pile|e(-02)-(-n2}e j)el.- [if ne} (3) sapere poston ad momettn operon donot mm Sine hy do mammtion rlaon of 2, ty Sama be messond ty oak ave 8 on pete resin. [Long Answer Type Questions] sysa) Whats Heisenberg’ uncertainty principle? [wauT 2018(000) homer , amino Heisenberg uncerainty principle tis impossible to specify accurately and ‘Assttanecsl the values of Both members Of particular pis of prpsical variables that te the Behaviour ofan atomic system. The produto thir uncertainties is always erect of Planck constant (1). These pars ae psionsmomentum, energy time, moet and angle ‘ seed of uneeaiicsin termining he positon and momentum ofthe pica é ria OE ncn. Fa silanes measurement of nergy and ine we can write AEA2 re A Eand 8 uncertanes in energy and tie spectively ‘Derive Compton wavelength at an angle 9°. (waur2018(000) Answer: ‘he elecron in the scattering block is assumed to be free and stationary. Because the aera of the electron (~ 10 eV) is very smal a compared fo the energy ofthe incident aay photon (~ 10-50 KeV). Thus, PH2SI asics 7 A 6.625x10™ APE TIT aT MOA=243 410% meter pont ie owen Conon weet =, a I. : cae For O75 Comoton whi Bs AA=-B- he eget of compton yavelength A, he smallest posse uncertainty inthe potion of an elcron moving comin) rT ret mae of eeceon 910°. {wour 2010001 Bee eeersey cree en seenina vce inposton wil be ee csu1or bean) dO x31" =2.4«10%am yor: es or eg eer ee a. Bey eos pie ome oe or oe ee oe oe ee eset h Mathematically we an wie px (where his plane's constan) A h E -2| a== and ke A ¥ Ps aa n Welnow, phase velocity v, 2 =n dl {parce velocity Yu) roup veloc (y,)} 412.4) Derive Schrodinger time independent wave equation. [WBUT 2018(0DD)} Answer: Case Fora free particle ue. V(x)=0 The one dimensional Schrodinger wave equation is PH2S3 dimensional, time independent i : aia SctodngEquion for fe pace, ie, ‘atom oF Ge be writen asthe * Cas le which Is acted i) function only Foca particle wii upon by aforce field ie, ¥(x)20 ly of, i ‘); ent re acted yh tet V6) hoe dis bskoiigs eat -{E\E ra) Proceed — somontt {F102 Pi a ee narnia iy wenvetane, Se so, inte dimension Schrodinger time independent equation can be writen at eye yw =0 nite down Schrodinger equation for one dimensional mation ofa 2yYoqecensionl potential box Find Ws igen unetonandegen nee ea f free particle is basically random! ‘pe meaning of fee particle s basically a pail is moving randomly ie, its whole faery iskinetic energy. We know thatthe total energy (E) of any particle is eual sum ofits K.E and PE Tere tig Sotualesersy E- KE sine PEO Sie PEs independent of time so in oder to ind out the eagy ofthe patil inside fhetox ve sould stat wih time independent scradinger wave equation at Scions’ wave equation bsomes PY yey ne anlar = [irbols have their usual meaning) V =0 {stated caler) “ Lets assume a poticle of mass m which can move along axis in a region between x0 tox=L. There are two infinitely high potential bares athe boundaries. ‘Theassumption we have to make, (@ The pact is ssid to bein a one dimensional box wit infinitely rigid hard and elastic walls, (i) The walls ofthe box ae rigid, hard and elastic, Which indicates when the parle hits the wall it will rebound without any loss of K.E i the total enery is conserved (Gi) The walls of the box ate non-penetable, Meaning ofthis assumption i that a tcl can not penetrate the walls ofthe box asthe energy ofthe paris i PH-255 Wn equation ot ofthe box oF eng, its wave fin the following condition ats © we svemlsedwave fini besomes, ye) ints Be ey Patt sosee fontion cre feats ‘he vale ofthe frst three functions y,, yand y, are shown inthe fig (a) along with ‘be probability density values |", |y.|'and ly, These wave functions resemble the ofa string fixed at both ends because the wavefunction hve the same form. ery Eigen values: 2né Asin whe bined k= Henece energy cigen vale is Since integer so energy eigen values are quantised Find the energy dliference between the ground state and ‘st excited state of an tectron moving in a one dimensional potential box of length 1A . {weuT 2018000), Anoner Bergin ground state is £, reg in excited state is, Soditerence ofthe energy ofthese two sates ae ak eh dea xk Ini? ~ InP” 2x a?x9.10«10 x0) ‘of, AE =1.83% 10°" ergor 1.14x107 eV. 44.2) Estimato the tomperature ofthe sun, fA, forthe sun i 480:nm. [WBUT 2019(EVEN] Ansner: Weknow that 2,7 =const =0.29em K which is Wie’ displacement lw pH2s7 ie ae ier group of Waves oF wave paces Mconsider fw0 such WANes are repress p: est wave RAVE angular equeny a= 4 ra te A and rave vcr Ht og “ps amplode varies with cosine term having angular fequency® ed wane ve weney > and wave vetor AE rye velocity ofthe envelope othe mode * Bertman mt wee ia wae ony, Ae bo _ae Be oy, FE oy, = be ade ae Fa er 7 Wedefine this velocity as ¥,, the group velocity ofthe wave packet So ‘velocity is the velocity with which the envel fe Te pn wy with wich he envelope of he made pan re wll check te vay fe gow of wre wc wt a morn pre BP ror non-relaivistc case So we eet %, = ie, the panicle velocity i equal to the group velocity in nom relativistic porte 1) Forrelaivstic cave: “Agi, te group velocity is equal tothe particle velocy in relatvists particle {4 Eepain the physical significance ofa wave function. A particle confined to move song the x-axis has a wave function y ~~. Find the probabilty of finding the Dale between x= 0.35 to x=045 [BUT 2015(EVENI} AAnener: The required probability i given by Aff (045-0305) (03s) 0x09] PH2S9 Infinite potential wel oy y normalized waver et minions Ad: electron =9.11%10-% free partic ing inside the box on Bi . TWOUT att, Senet mmm andreas ino fig parce ict a ea fonts oso sae at [sets ot el fom ts at fet ae His wf Noamaised wave fu Atgroar va) is Bete +- 22! spine ieinind IB doce wo we havo 20 ? Henece energy eigen value is. E ral a Poti wel of width (L) = Forgoud sate =! so, Energy inthe ground state willbe 6x10" fesiciorg] (65 9.9, AIO AITO a 06038010") 9.603810" NOI” 6, sr ay7 ey 16x10" aad 1) Find the expectation value of postion of the above electron inthe first excited sae, IWBUT 2019(EVEN]) PH261 ofthe scattered photon zane Bless) {Symbols have heir sal meaning) ga2sxi0m=25A 91 =2.5+0.02426(1-c0860%) ) 25, 00206r(1 l 1 =2.54002826x4 H=25+ 0024065 > 4=25+001213 F-25123, which isthe required value ofsatered wave, ‘The maximum uncertainty in the position of an electron in a nucieus is ‘0m. Find the minimum uncertainty in its momentum, given f= 663% 10°". [weUT 2019(000)) ‘sswer: From the uncertainty elation, hk ill be minima which the required minimum momentum uncertainty. normalization constant for a wave function (at 1 [wauT 2019(000), weur 2019000) Fm he condition of normatsation fly ae=1 photons have wavelength ql —— g, — fy(x)y(x)at= make an angle of 60° with the incident ‘scattering. [WBUT 2019(000} mas ‘At an Instant the system ie in y measurement would yield a value 3<.7 Hepanning from x=0 to a) the eigen Wat are the eneray eigen values in hey [WBUT 2007(EVEN) Es yoo fre article) fe} easy =Vv. ae 2m xusshoore =k fey » elton ofthis equation, y= Acoshe+Bsin kx vaere Aand B are the arbitrary constant F sw fearon lorena Agere prs) a( Sens) geal spas swe ao ne [PVE |p P'bic= [lod toh) BoA teh) laf +Elel bey 118.2) Give the physical interpretation ofthe wave offunctiony/(x).. [WBUT 2012(EVEN)) $0, = 18? ‘Tee wavefunction at subsequent time willbe (1 PHam bail ofthe particle soy bythe wavefunction ¥(x0)=y (9 energy eigenvalue. . IWBUT 20121EVEN), 2015, % ‘with infinitely hard walls whose edges are L unity si) (2 2 en: sera seeped" sot potene nowion i yf a Pha ha) ict on 5 of gut mane tt ig cg a nd see sake megane Seepage Ante SO Sad hi seated te a morse Ny CCL) cameponing eigen ergy sttesare B=, =f, «MA Fo rept ws fe casa erent seen oak ated f 4 Show that the function y(x)=Cre? is an eigensunetion of the operator [2-f)raen ceri stm ‘Answer: From eigenvalue equation we have dy-=ay whee Gis the opemtor and a isthe cigar [WBUT 2012(EVEN Peer -[2-L] oder stae“h venethy “A = vee" Ovex" 42ex0"h eek offer tata aaa Socigenvale ais? 440. a) Find the expectation value of x for the wave function given by, ede, (weur 2013(000)) Answer: = Jvisvde= [udte™ae=0 PH273 ney, {E}SE+ Erm te ia 7 =0 (ated cries) Eee eee, oy a sings find the parle ouside te box an tector its wave fein ero Be evar foncon YC!) sold sany te lowap aes tet adterza dys) Ofna ue Te xl every Vi independent of tin, he wave fon yd) presen a sation se. fae to two different eigenvalug, ‘Tosolve the equation V'y == y, let we choose 2 (weur aoe * fay soln ofthis equstion, y= Acoskr+ Bink =) were A and B are the arbitrary constant Tofind the values of A and B we may use the boundary conditions way=0 when x=0 “o wy=0 when =! ° puting} in ution (1) wehave O= A so, v(+)=Bsinks © ating (3) in equation (4) we have O= Bsin Ad B20 otherwise y(x) will ot exist a snr wheren=1,2,3, ‘wave function becomes yx) = Bsin x ie, the eigen function box (spanning from x=0 10 x=) the eet Bee! csi inside the box only, probability of finding the particle is equal o | so we can write, -Alsofind the energy eigen [BUT 2014(EVEN randomly inside the given box i, its wh pea? somamestim operators = ih. 6 pie sen avefrctnis y= 4a a SH ia) ace“! Cia)y BY row - x ssneln ath cen aes ho is B= socoergyopeator ry oa ‘and momentum of a quantum mechanical particle are oe [wauT 2014(000)) ae (salt. fg) sypston ad moment a0 om ¢) obtain te expression forthe eigen function &f the momentum operator ‘an electron moving in cubical by y Seeeiicl0-31ky, = 6.63xi0 Pg, PONENS OO taen vale 7,. Iweur 2014(000)) [WBUT 2014(VEq | aver: -Asprthe given problem jy = py: sont, iw Cnsoing the above differential equation we have, ~h [2H pfdesc v a] wc m oy ny=—P—© sin =P + nk | where yet i= [wh nk [weUT 2014(000), ni » m, y=Ke™ hich isthe equied eigen funtion of {Prove that generalized momentum p)eoresponding to cycle co-ordinate) ita constant of motion. twaut 2014000) Answers tg; be acyclic coordinate, ten by its definition 4g; be acyclic coordinate, then by its at PH217 . mrccae POS, enter Y= DAE Ltn tig les moving inde he at ea rmtimin ed atau pect Ryo ig mci fye@ved Li a fosnts sin! xdeot e.... slot ou? SE = “an 2 ne (weUr ans oH pasate aio (oath ai ox of length L 4 out the enray ofthe pail ig oy Alias = [a= ing wave equation as Bw ised wavefunction becomes, y(x)= [sin Normalised 8 WC) = in ‘Wehave chosen k ‘Aasin we have obuined k= % easing thes above vo we have 2 Henece energy eigen value is B= Momentum eigenvalue willbe p! = 2m, i ) (4) ‘So momentum ar also diserete and the particle has momenta in wo opposite rections PH279

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