Essay A.zhibek

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In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of

students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to

teach students.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching?
Prior to the development of innovative technologies, a large number of students
were engaged in the classical mode of education as lectures in classrooms, which
nowadays is one of the inefficient kind of training. Modern technologies in
education provide a wide range of opportunities for better assimilation of
information. Similtaneously, do not forget about the negative impact.
The traditional method of studying in lecture halls is becoming less definitely
attracted to the number of students nowadays. The novelty of the educational
structure is given to students to learn without any complications.
The use of technology in education is advantageous because it offers free access to
multiple resources and the chance to learn in different ways.
The Internet allows us to quickly extract the necessary information from various
other sources.. In the form of e-books, articles and online journals. And a student
who learns something using technology based on his skills and interests can easily
access data. Many media platforms provide free education that is accessible to
significant number of people.
The flip side of the coin is that despite all the possible development options that
humanity gets through devices negatively affects health. Dependence on
technology is increasingly common in Alpha Generation today, which worsens
vision problems. In other words the majority of pupil with visual impairments in
today's world go to regular eye appointments with eye specialists, buy drugs, eye
drops, and lenses to support the functioning of their eyes.
In brief in the 21st century education is in demand by mankind. Lecture pairs for a
large number of students nowadays is a monotonous kind of training, after which
the interest is lost. Accordingly, students prioritize new technologies in education.

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