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EXERCISES 2A Consider the following reliability function, where 1s in hours: ~ 1 R= 1 = door (a) Find the reliability ater 100 operating hours; after 1000 operating hours. (b) Rerive the hazard rate function. Is it an inereasing or a decreasing failure rate? r=0 2.2. A component has the following linear hazard rate, where ris in years: AQ = 04 10 (a) Find R(1) and determine the probability of a component failing within the first ‘month ofits operation a (b) What is the design life if relibility of 0.95 is desired”? 2.3. The time-to-failure density funetion (PDF) fora system is Fl) = 001 0-41 = 100days Find ca) RO (&) The hazard rate function —(©) The MTF (@) The standard deviation {(@) The median time to failure 24 The failure distribution is defined by ae Kio= 30s 1 5 1000hr (a) What is the probability of failure within a 100-hr warranty period? (b) Compute the MTTE. (©) Find the design life fora reliability of 0.99, 25 Por RO (2) Compute the reliability for 2 50-br mission, () Show that the hazard rate is decreasing (©) Given a 10-hr burn-in period, compute the reliability for a S0-hr mission. (2) What is the design life for a reliability of 0.95 given a 10-hr burn-in? il Transit Authority 2.6 ‘The PDF forthe time to failure in years ofthe drivetrain on a Regi ‘bus is given by #2) = 02-00% 0515 10yr (a) Show thatthe hazaed rate Function is increasing, indicating continuous wearout over (b) Find the MTT. (©) Find the median time to failure, (@) Find the mode of the failure distribution (©) Compute the standard deviation 2.7 The Kell Fail Company manufactures gizmos for use on widgets. The time to failure, in years, ofthese gizmos has the following PDF: 200 [0° (@) Derive the reliability function and determine the celiability forthe fist year of op- (©) Compute the MTF. {@) What isthe design life fora reliability of 0.95? for = 0 (d) Is the failure rate DFR, CFR, or IFR? (e) Will a one-year burn-in period improve the reliability in part (a)? If so, what new reliability? the 2.8 A uniform failure distribution has the characteristic that equal intervals of time have equal failure probabilities. The density function is given by LO i Os1sb Analyze this general failure distribution by finding F(). RU), A, MTTE, Tht Tomas and 0. 2.9 Repeat Exercise 2.8 assuming that b = 20 yr, 2.10 The reliability of a turbine blade can be represented by the following: Ro = (1-2) 0=15% i where fis the maximum life of the blade (a) Show that the blades are experiencing wearout (b) Compute the MTTF as a function of the maximum life () Ifthe maximum life is 2000 operating hours, what is the design lie fora reliability of 0.902 2411 A new fuel injection system is experiencing high failure rates, The reliability function has been found to be RO =+D 120 where ris measured in years, The reliability over its intended life of 2 yr is 0.19, which is onacceptable. Will a burn-in period of 6 months significantly improve upon this reli- ability? Iso, by how much? 2.12 Using Eq. (2.14), derive the reliability function for a system having a linearly increasing hazard rate function, i., A = at, a> 0,1 = 0. Find the density function, and derive expressions for the median time to failure and the mode. uation in Exercise 2.4, What is the 2.13 Compute the average failure rate for the failure dist average failure rate over the first 500 hours? 2.14 A household appliance is advertised as having more than a 10-yr life. If the following is its PDF, determine its reliability for the next 10 yr if it has survived a I-yr warranty period: JO = ONL +005) 1 =O What is its MTTTF before the warranty period, and what is its MTTF after the warranty period assuming it has stil survived? 2.15 Show that if the hazard rate function is decreasing, the PDF, f(2), is also a decreasing function and its mode must therefore occur at ¢ = 0. 2.16 Find f(#) and R(t) when the hazard rate function is exponential. That is, A(1) = ae’, where a is a constant and a > 0. This is one form of an extreme value distribution that has been used to model wearout due to corrosion. It is also known as Gumbel’s distributiog. EXERCISES 3 3.2 33 34 35 ‘A component experiences chance (CFR) failures with an MTTF of 1100 hr. Find the following: (a) The reliability for a 200-hr mission (b) The design life for a 0.90 reliability (c) The median time to failure (d) The reliability for a 200-hr mission if a second, redundant (and independent) com- ponent is added ACER system with A = 0.0004 has been operating for 1000 hr. What is the probability that it will fail in the next 100 hr? The next 1000 br? ‘A gearbox has two independent failure modes: a constant failure rate of 0.0003 and a linearly increasing (wearout) failure rate given by A(t) = (5% 108). Find the reliability of the gearbox for 100 hr of operation. A hydraulic system is comprised of five components having the following constant fail- ure rates (times are in days): Ay = 0.001, Az = 0.005, As = 0.0007, Ax = 0.0025, and As = 0.00001 (a) Find the system MTTF and standard deviation. (b) Find the system design life if a 0.99 reliability is desired. ‘A complex power system has a nonlinear failure rate that has historically been greater than 0.001 failure per day. Determine an upper bound on the system's reliability for a 60-day operating period. 3.6 a7 39 3.10 3. 312 $13, bald A landing gear system has repetitive stresses placed on it twice a day as a result of landings. The probability ofa failure during landing is 0.0028. Determine the reliability of the landing gear system over a 30-day contingency operation. What is the probability of a failure occurring between days 10 and 20 of the operation? A system contains 20 identical and critical components that will be replaced on failure (renewal process). As a result, a constant failure rate for the system will be observed. If a design life of 10 yr with a reliability of 0.99 is required, what should the system MTTF and median time to failure be? If each component has a CFR, what will the component MTTF and median time to failure be? Two identical and CFR computers are placed in a redundant configuration, If the system reliability is to be 0.95 at 3000 operating hours, determine the corresponding MTTF (design specifications) for each computer, Specifications for a power unit consisting of three independent and serially related com- ponents (failure modes) require a design life of 5 yr with a 0.95 reliability. (a) Let each component have a constant failure rate such that the first component's rate is twice that of the second and the third component's rate is three times that of the second. What should be the MTTF of each component and the system? (b) If two identical power units are placed in parallel, what is the system reliability at 5 yt, and what is the system MTTF? The time to failure of fluorescent lights in a large office building is exponentially dis- tributed with a failure rate of 0.03125 hr. How many spare tubes must the building custodian maintain to have at least a 0.95 probability of replacing all failures on a given day? Assume continuous 24-hour use of the lights. A flashlight contains two batteries each having an MTTF of 5 operating hours (assume CFR). (a) What is the probability of battery failure occurring within the first 2 hr of operation? (b) If failed batteries are immediately replaced, what is the probability of more than one failure occurring during the first 5 hr of operation? (©) Would you expect batteries to have a constant failure rate? Consider two redundant components having constant but different failure rates. (a) Derive the reliability function and the MTTF. (b) Find the reliability at 1000 hr and the MTTF of a two-component redundant system where A\(1) = 0.000356 per hour and A(t) = 0.00156 per hour. An electronic circuit board with A(t) = 0.00021 per hour is replaced on failure, What is the probability that the third failure will occur by 10000 hours? In reliability testing it is of interest to know how long the test must run in order to generate a specified number of failures. A new condenser fan motor is believed to have a constant failure rate of 3.4 failures per 100 operating hours. A single test stand is to be used in which a motor is operated until failure and then replaced with a new motor from production. What is the expected test time if 10 failures are desired? 3.15 Consider two identical and redundant CFR components having a guaranteed life of 2 months and a failure rate of 0.15 failure per year. What is the system reliability for 10,000 hr of continuous operation? 3.16 Derive a general expression for R(t) and the MTTF for the two-component system de- scribed in Exercise 3.15. icrowave link in a communications network has a high failure rate. Although sev- eral pieces of equipment have been used in the link, the link always seems to fail at about the same rate regardless of the age of the equipment and its prior maintenance history. In general, microwave transmissions are subject to fading. Selective fading oc~ curs when atmospheric conditions bend a transmission to the extent that signals reach the receiver in slightly different paths. The merging paths can cause interference and create data errors. Other channels in the microwave transmission are not affected by selective fading. Selective fading occurs when there is an electrical storm, Flat fading occurs during fog and when the surrounding ground is very moist. It is more serious since it may last several hours and affect surrounding channels. If during the current season, electrical storms occur about once every week and fog alerts are issued at the rate of one every two months, what is the reliability of the link over a 24-hour period? ‘What assumptions, if any, are necessary? BIT A 3.18. A 60-watt outdoor lightbulb is advertised as having an average life (i.e., MTTF) of 1000 (operating) hours. However, experience has shown that it will also fail on demand an average of once every 120 cycles. A particular bulb is turned on once each evening for an average of 10 hr. If it is desited to have a reliability of 90 percent, what is its design life in days? 3.19 A more general exponential reliability model may be defined by Risa" wherea>l, b>0 and a and b are parameters to be determined, Find the hazard rate function, and show how this model is equivalent to R(r) = e~™ 3.20 Repetitive loading. A packaging machine (cartoner) in a food processing facility will jam with a constant probability of 0.005 per application (per carton). Twelve cans of coffee are combined into a single case for shipment to buyers. The production rate is 30 cans of coffee every minute. What is the probability (reliability) of no jams during a I-hr production run? (¢/o00)* 3.21 Forthe reliability function R(1) = e~” use Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14) and compare the upper and lower bounds with the actual reliabilities at 100, 200, 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10,000 hr. This failure distribution has an IFR with an MTTF of 1772.46. 3.22. Show for the exponential distribution that the residual mean life is 1/A regardless of the Iength of time the system has been operating. EXERCISES 5.1 The time to failure (in years) of a Cyclone 365 computer has the probability density function (() = Wa + 1P,1 = 0. e (a) If three of these computers are placed in parallel aboard the proposed space station, what is the system reliability for the first 6 months of operation? (b) What is the system design life in days if reliability of a 0.999 is required? (©) What is the system reliability for 6 months if two out of the three computers must function? 5.2 Find the minimum number of redundant components, each having a reliability of 0.4, necessaty to achieve a system reliability of 0.95. There is a common-mode failure prob ability of 0.03, 5.3 Which system, (i) or (ii), has the higher reliability at the end of 100 operating hours? (i) Two CFR components in parallel each having an MTTF of 1000 hr (ii) A Weibull component with a shape parameter of 2 and a characteristic life of 10,000 bir in series with a CFR component with a failure rate of 0.00005. 5.4 (a) For the following network, derive an expression for the system reliability in terms of the component reliabilities. Assume that each component has a reliability of R. (b) Compute the system reliability if R = 0.9. _ ate R REAR 5.5 Three communications channels in parallel have independent failure modes of 0.1 failure per hour. These components must share a common transceiver. Determine the MTTF of the transceiver in order that the system has a reliability of 0.85 to support a S-hr mission Assume constant failure rates. 5.6 Ten Weibull components, each having a shape parameter of 0.80, must operate in series. Determine a common characteristic life in order that they have a design life of | yr with reliability of 0.99. 5.7 Find the system reliability of the configurations in (a) and (b). @ 0.90 0.95 0.80 cao] [ 0.90 [- o 0.90 0.90 H oa ao] i 095 }-{ 0.95 o 0.99, find R in (c). (Hint: Find R, in the simplest terms of R and use trial and For Ry error), o 5.8 Find the system reliability of the following series-parallel configurations. Component reliabilities are given, 2 hi 0.90 075 tes (a) a, aH} : - (b) 5.9 For each of the following redundant systems, determine the component MTTF necessary to provide a system reliability of 0.90 after 100 hr of operation. The components have the same constant failure rate. (a) High-level redundaney 4eHaHer (P) Low-level redundaney 5.10 Itsa Paling, a reliability engineer, has determined that the reliability function for a crit- ical solid-state power unit for use in a communications satellite is R(s) = 1010 +1), 1 = Ound ¢ measured in years (a) How many units must be placed in parallel in order to achieve a reliability of 0.98 for 5 yr of operation? (b) I there is an additional common mode, constant Failure rate of 0,002 asa result of environmental factors, how many units should be placed in parallel? Compute the achieved system reliability. 5.11 Derive the reliability function and MTTF for three CFR components in parallel. If three each with CFR, are placed in parallel, determine the system reliability and 15 per component for 0.1 yr and the MTT. Their failure rates are 5 per year, 10 per yi year. 5.12 A signal processor has a reliability of 0.90. Because of the low reliability a redundant signal processor is to be added. However, a signal splitter must be added before the signal processors, and a comparator must be added after the signal processors. Each of these new components has a reliability of 0.95. Does adding a redundant signal proces- ‘The following natural gas distribution network contains five shut-off valves configured as shown. Valves 1-4 have a probability of 0.02 of failing open and a probability of 0.15 of failing short. Valve 5 has a probability of 0.05 of failing open and a probability of 0.20 of failing short. Find the system reliability. Cae -14 Compare the reliability between a high-level redundant network and a low-level re- dundant network comprised of two serially related components with three redundant units of each available, The probability of any component failing open is 0.05, and the probability of any component failing short is 0.1 “ 5.15 Determine the reliability of the following series-paralle! configuration, in which the ith component has a probability goi of failing open and a probability qu; of faili short Component H Conponenré Cononent’ 5.16 A system is designed to operate for 100 days. The system consists of three components in series. Their failure distributions are (1) Weibull with shape parameter 1.2 and scale parameter 840 days; (2) lognormal with shape parameter (s) 0.7 and median 435 days; 3) constant failure rate of 0.0001. (a) Compute the system reliability. (b) If two units of components | and 2 are available, determine the high-level redun- dancy reliability. Assume that components I and 2 can be configured as a sub- —+[Component 1 assembly. (c) If two units of components | and 2 are available, determine the low-level redun- dancy reliability. 5.17 Determine the reliability of the following linked system using the decomposition method, 7 5.18 For k-out-of-n systems there may be a crossover point, where the single-component reliability is greater than the -out-of-n system reliability. IfR is the single-component reliability, then the crossover point is Found from solving R =(ea - Ry" (a) Find the crossover point for a 2-out-of-3 redundant system. (b) Repeat for a 3-out-of-4 system, 5.19 An alternative approach for analyzing reliability networks is to identify all possible combinations of failure events of the components, compute the probabilities of those ‘outcomes resulting either in system failure or in a system success (nonfailure), and sum the individual probabilities to obtain the system failure probability or reliability ‘Since each component has two states, success (S) or failure (F), there are 2” mutually exclusive combinations to be considered, where nis the number of components com- posing the network. For the system of Exercise 5.17, the analysis will take the following form:

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