Case Problem

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Dataset: High School Performance Data

This dataset provides information on students' academic performance and various factors that might
influence it. These include parental involvement, access to resources, attendance rates, personal habits,
and more.

Dataset Details:

Variable Name Variable Description Data Type

ID Student identification number Categorical
Gender Male = 0, Female = 1 Categorical
GPA Grade Point Average Continuous
AttendanceRate Attendance rate as a percentage Continuous
ParentalInvolvement How often parents are involved in student's school activities (1 Categorical
= Not involved, 2 = Sometimes involved, 3 = Always involved)
AccessToResources Access to academic resources such as textbooks, internet, etc Categorical
(1 = Not enough, 2 = Adequate, 3 = More than adequate)
ExtraCurricular Involvement in extracurricular activities (0 = No, 1 = Yes) Categorical
DailyStudyHours Hours spent on self-study daily Continuous
ParentEducation Parent's highest level of education in years Continuous
SchoolQuality Quality of school facilities and staff (1 = Poor, 2 = Average, 3 = Categorical
EconomicStatus Economic status of the student's family (1 = Low, 2 = Middle, 3 Categorical
= High)
SubstanceUse Use of harmful substances (0 = No, 1 = Yes) Categorical
MentalHealthScore Mental health score on a scale from 1 (worst) to 100 (best) Continuous
SchoolLocation Location of the school (1 = Rural, 2 = Suburban, 3 = Urban) Categorical
Question: Create prospective problem statement(s) around this dataset and attempt to solve the problem
at hand.

You are also encouraged to provide a visual as well descriptive summary of the dataset along with the
specific analysis. Feel free and be creative in making the required assumptions around the dataset to
achieve the objectives prepared by you to solve the problem.


Submit a Word file including all the Problem statement(s), steps, screenshots of the input window
setup, and output screenshots with appropriate interpretation of the analysis and conclusion in your
own words.

Save the word file in the format <Group No_Student_Name_Division_Case_Test>

Case duration: 6:00-8:00 pm, 16 August 2023.

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