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Ampeducator Login

This is Ampeducator’s Login page as viewed

on your phone but looks exactly the same on
a computer too. You can access this
webpage by going to the URL:
The username and password will be
distributed to you sometime during your first
week of classes. If it is not given to you, you
can request it from one of your
administrators and they will give it to you as
soon as possible.
Ampeducator is for students to keep track of
their own attendance and grades and will
show personal information, so do not show
other people your account or share your
username and password. If you notice
information is wrong, please let an
administrator know.
Ampeducator’s homepage
This is the same homepage as above, but shrunk
to be viewable on your phone. As you can see, it
still shows the agenda, courses and if you scroll
down to see more you’ll also see the
announcements are still there as well.

Whats missing Is the top buttons that you saw on

the computer browser. On your phone it
condenses it and puts them into the hamburger
button. When you click on the hamburger
button it will open a menu to select the same
options that were on the computer version.

When you select the Profile tab on the computer version of the website, you’ll see all your personal information listed. If any of it is incorrect,
please let one of your administrators know. It also will show your scores for all your classes and previous sessions if you scroll further down on
the screen. If you think any of this information is incorrect, you can fill out a student action request form to dispute it. If any information is found
to be wrong, it will be adjusted.
Profile page
This is the same profile page as viewed from the
phone. It will have all the same information as
was just mentioned above. To access the profile
page from the phone, tap the hamburger button
and then tap the profile page button.

On this page, as you can see, is your attendance. The overall attendance % is the % of attendance from the first day to current with SSL. The
current attendance number should reflect the attendance from overall with the current sessions attendance, but is not accurate as it does not
have all the data until the current session is finished. In this example 20 Fall 1 is the current session and reflects the students current
Attendance page
The attendance page as viewed from your
phone. You can access this page by selecting the
attendance tab from the hamburger button.

When selecting the courses tab it provides a drop down menu to select your classes from. Unfortunately, it does not provide a way to identify
which is your current classes from this list at the moment. As you can see, this student has 2 Basic classes for each course and 2 intermediate
classes for each course. The only way to tell is by selecting one and looking at the details from the next page.
Courses tab
This is the courses tab as viewed from the phone.
When you tap on the courses tab from the
hamburger button, it opens a list of your courses
that you can scroll through. Again it will not
provide which session a course belongs to, so
you’ll have to open the course and look at the
next page to see which it is.

This is the page you’ll see when you select a course to view. Near the top, you can see the courses name, the location, the session, dates, etc.
Below that information is a few tabs you can select as well: Home, Docs, and Grades. It is on the Home tab by default, this will show any
announcements a teacher may have given to the class (currently none), the instructor you can see is Marina and an upcoming events they have
scheduled (currently not in use). The docs tab will be where you can find any documents the school or the teacher has uploaded for you to have
access to. The Grades tab will show you all the grading you’ve received in the class on a weekly basis. Below this page are some screenshots of
how this looks from your phone.

Not the same as the account button shown after attendance. The account button after attendance is not currently in use. The User account button on the right
is actually your name as you’d see it in ampeducator and can be clicked on. When opened this menu drops down where you can logout or view your user
account information. This is where you can change your password if you wish, your language (which I think only offers English at the moment), and your time
zone. Make sure to click that green update button to save the changes you made. For the phone you can access this from the hamburger button and tapping
your name and then scroll through the options under it to access the User account and logout button.

Next to the user account button is a little ? button. If you select this it will open a window to contact Ampeducator’s support team. Yes, you can
contact them too. You can email them directly at or you can use this button and just send them a message, it will
forward the response to your email listed on your account. They may want a screenshot of the issue so you might send it by email instead of
using this option. There response time is usually around 3hrs to next day. If you want to skip this entirely, you can always contact your
administrators and have one of them email Ampeducator instead. Below is a screenshot of the same button as viewed from your phone.

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