Anterior Üveit

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JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Journal français d’ophtalmologie (2017) xxx, xxx—xxx

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Anterior uveitis夽
J. Gueudry ∗, M. Muraine

Service d’ophtalmologie, hôpital Charles-Nicolle, CHU de Rouen, 1, rue de Germont, 76031

Rouen cedex, France

Received 1st September 2017; accepted 14 November 2017

KEYWORDS Summary Anterior Uveitis is the most common form of uveitis. There are several known and
Uveitis; many possible etiologies for anterior uveitis. After examining the posterior segment and ruling
Iridocyclitis; out masquerade syndromes, the main step of etiologic diagnosis is clinical characterization. It is
Herpetic uveitis; essential to establish the presence or absence of unilateral versus bilateral and granulomatous
HLA B27; features. Subsequently, a directed work-up may be obtained which then helps to confirm diag-
Juvenile idiopathic nostic hypotheses based on the detailed history and clinical examination. The priority is to rule
arthritis out an infection. Treatments are adapted according to etiology and disease severity. Finally, bio-
logics have greatly changed the management and prevention of some forms of anterior uveitis, in
particular uveitis associated with HLA-B27 and juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated anterior
© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction ination along with simple ancillary testing allow a directed

approach to further testing and treatment by avoiding cer-
Uveitides are relatively rare diseases of variable causes. tain pitfalls.
They are potentially sight threatening, representing 10% of
legal blindness in industrialized countries [1]. The uveitis
may be just the tip of the iceberg and may be the present-
ing sign of a systemic disease. Anterior uveitis is the most Definition of anterior uveitis
frequent. Certain routine steps on the initial clinical exam-
The current classification of uveitis is an anatomic classifi-
cation, as set forth by the International Uveitis Study Group
夽 See this article unabridged, illustrated and detailed, with elec- (IUSG) then confirmed by the Standardization of Uveitis
tronic enhancements in EMC-Ophtalmologie: Gueudry J. Uvéites Nomenclature (SUN) work group [2,3]. This classification
antérieures. EMC — Ophtalmologie 2017:1—13 [Article 21-220-A-40]. is based upon the concept of the ‘‘primary’’ or ‘‘initial’’
∗ Corresponding author. site of inflammation. It is thus based on the place where
E-mail address: (J. Gueudry). the inflammation predominates. It distinguishes between
0181-5512/© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 J. Gueudry, M. Muraine

anterior uveitis with iris and ciliary body involvement, inter- Etiologic diagnosis
mediate uveitis with peripheral chorioretinal involvement,
posterior uveitis with choroidal and retinal involvement and Clinical characterization of anterior uveitis
panuveitis. The associated complications do not change the
type of uveitis. For example, an HLA-B27 positive anterior The key to etiologic diagnosis of uveitis is the clinical exam-
uveitis complicated by macular edema remains classified ination. The characterization of a case of uveitis allows
as anterior uveitis. The SUN also allows for distinguishing the patient to be integrated into a clinical context, which
uveitides as a function of their presentation, sudden-onset points quickly toward certain etiologies (Table 1) [5]. The
or insidious, as well as their progression; acute, in the case anatomic characterization of uveitis, its mode of progres-
of a sudden, brief episode; recurrent, in the case of mul- sion and its unilaterality or bilaterality are thus necessary
tiple episodes separated by quiet periods of 3 months or for a targeted diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Finally,
more without treatment; chronic, in the case of a persis- it is necessary to define whether the involvement is granu-
tent episode with relapses occurring less than 3 months after lomatous, which allows the number of possible etiologies
treatment is discontinued. to be filtered down, even if it is not always easy. Any
uveitis may begin as non-granulomatous. Thus, it has been
described that over half of patients with biopsy-proven sar-
coidosis presented initially with non-granulomatous uveitis
Epidemiology of anterior uveitis [6].
The typical symptoms, which lead to consultation, are
In 2016, in over 4 million Americans, the prevalence pain, redness, photophobia and decreased visual acuity.
of uveitis was found to be 133/100,000 inhabitants and However, certain patients may remain asymptomatic, for
121/100,000 inhabitants just for non-infectious causes. example in the case of Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis or
Among these, 80% represented anterior uveitis [1]. The uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
clinical entities found most frequently in series in western One must also keep in mind that the contrast between
countries are HLA-B27 positive uveitis, Fuchs heterochromic the appearance of intraocular inflammation in a ‘‘white
iridocyclitis and herpetic uveitis [4]. eye’’ is suggestive of masquerade syndromes, notably in

Table 1 Principal diagnoses to consider according to the clinical presentation of anterior uveitis, adapted from Zierhut
M, Carlos E. Pavesio and Debra A. Goldstein.
Ophthalmologic clinical signs Diagnostic consideration
Laterality Unilateral: HSV/VZV; CMV; PSS
Bilateral: Sarcoidosis; TB; Behçet’s disease. . .
Alternating: HLA-B27
Granulomatous keratic precipitates Central/paracentral: HSV/VZV; CMV; PSS
Diffuse: FHI; HSV/VZV
Inferior: Sarcoidosis, TB, MS. . ..
Corneal involvement HSV/VZV; Syphilis; Lyme; TB; Cogan syndrome; Leprosy
Ocular hypertension HSV/VZV; CMV; PSS; FHI; Syphilis; Sarcoidosis; Tuberculosis; Leprosy
Steroid response
Lens-associated uveitis; UGH
Iris transillumination Sectoral: HSV/VZV
Diffuse: FHI; Moxifloxacin
Iris heterochromia FHI
Posterior synechiae FHI ruled out (except in postoperative period)
Hypopyon HLA-B27; Spondylarthropathy; Sarcoidosis; TB; Behçet’s disease
HSV/VZV; Syphilis; Leptospirosis
Masquerade syndromes
Hyphema HSV/VZV
Amsler’s sign in FHI
Associated scleritis Chronic atrophic polychondritis; Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s
granulomatosis); IBD; HLA-B27
HSV/VZV; Syphilis; Sarcoidosis; TB
‘‘White eye’’ JIA; FHI; Masquerade syndromes
M. Zierhut et al. Anterior uveitis. Intraocular Inflammation. Springer; 2016.
HSV: herpes simplex virus; VZV: varicella-zoster virus; CMV: cytomegalovirus; PSS: Posner-Schlossman syndrome; TB: tuberculosis; MS:
multiple sclerosis; FHI: Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis; UC: ulcerative colitis; JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis; UGH: uveitis glaucoma
hyphema syndrome,IBD: inflammatory bowel disease.

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Anterior uveitis 3

neoplastic pseudo-uveitis, since cellular infiltrates actually chamber in the form of a membrane and partially or
simulate visible inflammatory elements. completely occlude the pupil. A hypopyon is a mass of
A ciliary flush may be present. Slit lamp examination inflammatory cells, which settle inferiorly due to gravity
identifies and quantifies the cellular and/or protein Tyn- (Fig. 3). It is an indicator of the severity of uveitis more
dall effect and looks for the presence or absence of keratic so than an element of the etiologic diagnosis. Classically,
precipitates and iris nodules. They define the granuloma- it is described in HLA-B27 positive uveitis, Behçet’s disease,
tous nature of the uveitis. The appearance and location of rifabutin uveitis, or in cases of infectious uveitis such as her-
the keratic precipitates are a large help toward a correct petic uveitis [7]; however, any severe uveitis may present
diagnosis (Fig. 1). with a hypopyon.
Granulomatous precipitates may be: Certain uveitides are typically bilateral, such as sarcoido-
• fine and spiculated, distributed over the entire posterior sis. Unilaterality suggests infection and alternating laterality
surface of the cornea (such as in Fuchs heterochromic is characteristic of HLA-B27 positive uveitis.
iridocyclitis); An increase in intraocular pressure as the uveitis pro-
• of medium size, more or less central, such as in herpes, gresses may result from multiple causes such as a steroid
often gray or brown, with a ‘‘leopard skin’’ distribution; response, clogging of the trabecular meshwork, extensive
• of large size, in a triangular distribution (such as in posterior synechiae resulting in iris bombé, or the pro-
sarcoidosis or tuberculosis), sometimes referred to as gression of anterior synechiae. However, the intraocular
‘‘mutton fat’’. pressure change may occur at the onset of the episode,
suggesting an etiologic diagnosis. Hypotony is possible with
Iris nodules are referred to as Koeppe nodules, situated episodes of anterior uveitis due to ciliary body shutdown,
at the pupillary margin, or Busacca nodules, situated within with a return to normal upon resolution of the inflamma-
the iris stroma (Fig. 2). Their presence must be assessed tion. It is frequently observed with HLA-B27 positive uveitis.
prior to dilation. However, chronic inflammation may provoke permanent
On the other hand, fine, dust-like keratic precipitates and hypotony without recovery of the secretory function of the
fibrin in the anterior chamber suggest non-granulomatous ciliary body. On the other hand, ocular hypertension suggests
uveitis. This fibrin may organize within the anterior infectious uveitis such as viral uveitis, Posner—Schlossman

Figure 1. Appearance of granulomatous keratic precipitates. ‘‘Mutton fat’’ precipitates (a); distribution in an inferiorly based triangle in
sarcoidosis (b); stellate whitish appearance with diffuse, regular distribution to the top of the cornea, suggestive of Fuchs heterochromic
iridocyclitis (c and d); few, central, clear precipitates in Posner—Schlossman syndrome (e and f); central or paracentral gray precipitates
with paving-stone appearance, of herpetic uveitis (g and h).

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
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4 J. Gueudry, M. Muraine

Figure 2. Granulomatous anterior uveitis and iris nodules. Appearance of multiple iris nodules at the pupillary margin (Koeppe nodules)
and iris stroma (Busacca nodules) (a); isolated Koeppe nodule in anterior uveitis associated with multiple sclerosis (b); angular iris nodule
in sarcoidosis and its appearance on gonioscopy (c and d).

syndrome and Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis in unilat-

eral cases, but also sarcoidosis or tuberculosis in bilateral
cases. Lens-induced uveitis also often raises the intraocular
Keratouveitis first suggests herpetic or zoster involve-
ment, which may occur in the absence of concomitant
skin involvement. Corneal hypesthesia or anesthesia is
also suggestive. Also, corneal examination may reveal
band keratopathy, which suggests chronic anterior segment
Examination of the iris prior to dilation sometimes also
aids in the etiologic diagnosis. Sectoral iris atrophy visible
on transillumination is very suggestive of herpetic or zoster
uveitis (Fig. 4). Iris heterochromia is also very suggestive of
Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis due to iris stromal atrophy,
as well as the loss of iris relief and disappearance of iris
crypts. After dilation, the presence of posterior synechiae
also directs the etiologic diagnosis.
A view of the ocular fundus is absolutely necessary. It
allows one to know if the involvement is strictly anterior
and if it is really unilateral or bilateral. When the fundus
cannot be seen during the initial visit, a repeat examination
after 24—48 hours of treatment allows for identification of
posterior involvement.
At the conclusion of the clinical examination, cer-
tain principles may however be applied. For example,
HLA-B27 positive uveitis and Behçet’s disease are never
granulomatous. Posterior synechiae are always absent in
Figure 3. HLA-B27 positive non-granulomatous uveitis. Note the Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis. Unilateral uveitis sug-
fibrin present on the anterior lens and the dust-like cellular deposit gests above all an infectious process, especially when it
inferiorly (a); note the fibrin on the anterior lens, persistent poste-
is granulomatous and highly steroid dependent or steroid
rior synechia, hypopyon and absence of keratic precipitates (b).

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Anterior uveitis 5

Figure 4. Sectoral iris atrophy in herpetic uveitis. Sectoral transillumination (a and b); more diffuse involvement (c); sectoral iris atrophy
causing corectopia, note the old pigmented keratic precipitates (d).

History tuberculosis. They are performed on a blood sample. In

these tests, blood T lymphocytes are stimulated in vitro
The history is then directed based on the differential diagno- with tuberculosis antigen, and the production of interferon-
sis arising from the clinical examination. Certain systematic ␥ is measured the next day. The particularity of these tests
questions are useful and will avoid errors. For example, ask- is to no longer use tuberculin antigen, but antigens not
ing the patient about oral ulcers is necessary due to the shared with the tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) or the major-
ophthalmologic morbidity associated with Behçet’s disease, ity of atypical mycobacteria. A positive test indicates the
and this will not necessarily be reported spontaneously by presence in the subject’s blood of memory T cells specific
the patient (Appendix 1) [8]. for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This test does not allow
for differentiation between latent tuberculosis infection and
active or treated tuberculous disease. These tests are not
Ancillary testing
recommended in France for the diagnosis of active tuber-
At the conclusion of the clinical examination, the etiologic culosis disease except in extrapulmonary forms where the
diagnosis may be purely ophthalmologic and not typically diagnosis is difficult, such as presumed tuberculous uveitis.
require additional testing, such as for a typical herpetic In the literature, two studies in non-endemic zones have
uveitis, sometimes confirmed by PCR analysis of the aque- demonstrated significance of the threshold of positivity of
ous humor after anterior chamber paracentesis. However, in the QuantiFERON-TB gold test, although the laboratory,
the majority of cases, diagnostic hypotheses require confir- which markets it, does not indicate this. Thus, a result above
mation. A minimal etiologic work-up will be proposed upon 1.5 IU/mL [10] or 2 IU/mL [11], increases the success rate of
initial evaluation of the uveitis (Appendix 2) [8] and will be antituberculous treatment in the case of presumed tuber-
supplemented based on the differential diagnosis. Syphilis culous uveitis, most often extrapulmonary.
serology is systematic, given the polymorphism of the asso- Anterior chamber paracentesis (ACP) is often helpful,
ciated uveitis. Antinuclear antibodies are useful in children notably for the diagnosis of presumed viral involvement, in
to document possible juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Rheuma- order to perform aqueous humor analysis. It is performed,
toid factor levels are not systematically necessary in adults. under local anesthesia with tetracaine, after placing a lid
Actually, rheumatoid arthritis causes scleritis much more speculum most often in the operating room, by aspiration
frequently. An extensive systematic work-up has a role for with a 30-gauge needle, which is then capped.
severe chronic uveitis. Finally, numerous viruses may cause
an anterior uveitis concomitantly or subsequently to the ini-
tial infection, such as Zika, Chinkungunya or even influenza Specific entities
Tests to detect production of interferon-␥ aid in the HLA-B27 positive uveitis
diagnosis of tuberculosis. There are two main tests,
® ®
QuantiFERON-TB gold and T-Spot TB . These test repro- HLA-B27 positive uveitis is common. It is associated with
duce in vitro in a standardized fashion the first stage in the spondyloarthritis (ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis associ-
delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to Mycobacterium ated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis,

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
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6 J. Gueudry, M. Muraine

reactive arthritis, undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy), patients [18]. Other teams have since been able to find CMV
but may be isolated without arthritic symptomatology. The by PCR in immunocompetent patients with anterior uveitis
frequency of the uveitis is variable, depending on the dura- and no other etiologies found [19—21].
tion of the disease and the type of spondyloarthritis, rising to CMV anterior uveitis manifests itself as a uveitis similar
30% of patients [12]. The prevalence of the uveitis is greater to the anterior uveitis of HSV and VZV; with brown infe-
in the case of ankylosing spondylitis (20—30%), than in arthri- rior keratic precipitates, marked ocular hypertension and
tis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (2—9%) or marked iris atrophy, associated or not with endotheliitis,
psoriatic arthritis (7—16%). but refractory to typical medical treatment [22]; or as the
Among those with recurrent anterior uveitis, about half clinical picture of Posner—Schlossman syndrome. Also note
are associated with HLA-B27 or a spondyloarthropathy, and that the CMV genome has been isolated in cases of uveitis
up to 60% in a recent study of 798 patients with at least 2 identified as Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis [23].
episodes of anterior uveitis [13]. Anterior uveitis is thus a
frequent presenting condition of patients with the diagno-
sis of spondyloarthritis, while the rheumatologic complaints Posner—Schlossman syndrome (PSS)
are more easily ignored by the patient. The uveitis occurs
in a delayed fashion relative to the rheumatologic manifes- This is a unilateral uveitis typically affecting men aged
tations; Monnet et al. have reported a delay of 8 years on 20—50 years. Patients typically present for blurred vision
average. Recurrence is frequent, said to be alternating in related to corneal edema due to a very significant elevation
laterality, although it appears that the first eye involved is of the intraocular pressure to between 40 and 60 mmHg.
more often affected and that the recurrences are spaced The anterior chamber reaction is minimal and a few cen-
accordingly with the progression of the disease [14]. tral gray keratic precipitates are visible. The attacks may
The typical clinical presentation of HLA-B27 positive lead to severe glaucomatous involvement, although this syn-
uveitis is an acute unilateral uveitis of sudden onset, occur- drome has long been considered benign and self-limited
ring most often in a young subject between 20 and 40 [24]. In PSS, it now appears useful to screen for the CMV
years, and non-granulomatous. It is sometimes difficult to viral genome in the aqueous humor. Studies of the largest
differentiate this uveitis from endogenous endophthalmitis numbers of patients appear to indicate that CMV is found in
when the fundus cannot be visualized. Posterior synechiae approximately half of cases of PSS [23,25]. Visual field analy-
are frequent. It is common to observe a few cells in the sis appears useful for evaluating optic nerve function, which
anterior vitreous, or more rarely a true diffuse vitritis. may be increasingly affected by the repeated attacks. Note
The most frequent complications are posterior synechiae, that it appears that CMV positive PSS has a poorer prognosis
cataract, glaucoma and development of chronic uveitis. than CMV negative cases. In these cases, it has been shown
Macular edema is a complication in 10 to 30% of patients recently that endothelial cell loss was more severe and fil-
[15]. A recent study showed that secondary glaucoma was tering surgery was more frequently required [25]. In CMV
the most frequent cause of irreversible loss of visual acu- positive PSS, specific local or systemic treatment may be
ity in this type of uveitis [16]. Each episode lasts between instituted. Classic anti-herpetic drugs such as acyclovir and
4 and 6 weeks, typically with complete remission between valacyclovir are ineffective. Thus, intravenous ganciclovir or
episodes. more frequently its prodrug valganciclovir, available orally,
must be utilized. There is no established protocol for the
Anterior uveitis associated with herpes viruses management of these uveitides. The use of 2% ganciclovir
eye drops appears effective for treatment induction and
Herpes viruses are enveloped DNA viruses, which are maintenance to limit recurrence [25]. Topical therapy has
able to persist in a latent state within the host after the advantage of avoiding the toxicity (notably hematologic)
the primary infection. Reactivations and primary infec- of ganciclovir and valganciclovir. In France, 0.15% ganci-
tions may be symptomatic. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) clovir gel is available; it might also have a certain efficacy
uveitis is classically unilateral, recurring, granulomatous or in combination with topical steroid therapy [26]. In CMV
non-granulomatous and most often associated with ocular negative forms, treatment rests on a short course of top-
hypertension. A slight hyphema is sometimes present. It ical steroids and topical glaucoma medications. However,
causes relatively few synechiae. The iris examination is very its recurrent nature requires repeating the search for a viral
suggestive in the case of associated sectoral iris atrophy. cause, which may be identified after several attempts.
Anterior segment manifestations associated with the HSV
virus and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) have been previously
described (further reading). We will discuss here anterior Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis (FHI)
uveitis suspected to be associated with cytomegalovirus
(CMV). This is a chronic anterior uveitis of insidious onset. It most
CMV anterior uveitis occurs in the immunocompetent often affects young subjects and is most often unilateral,
patient as opposed to CMV retinitis, which is reserved for the although 15% of cases are actually bilateral [27]. Typically,
profoundly immunocompromised. The diagnosis can only be considered benign, the management of the secondary glau-
made by PCR analysis of the aqueous humor after ACP. The coma may in reality be very complex and it must not lead to
role of CMV in Posner—Schlossman syndrome was suggested a maladapted use of steroids, which may bring about their
the first time in 1987, by identification of local synthesis of own complications. Typically, FHI does not cause the usual
anti-CMV antibodies in the aqueous humor by Bloch-Michel symptoms of anterior uveitis, with redness and pain absent.
et al. [17]. In 2002, this hypothesis was confirmed by PCR in 2 The anterior segment inflammation is characterized by a

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Anterior uveitis 7

moderate Tyndall effect and fine white stellate keratic pre- Anterior uveitis associated with Behçet’s
cipitates distributed fairly characteristically over the entire disease
corneal endothelium. The other type of uveitis, which may
result in diffuse keratic precipitates, is herpetic or zoster Uveitis is one of the diagnostic criteria for Behçet’s disease.
uveitis. A vitritis with large floaters, leading the patient The anterior uveitis is rarely isolated, but the posterior seg-
to seek consultation, is very frequent. However, the sub- ment involvement may be absent or in the initial stage. The
tlety of the various clinical signs may delay the diagnosis of clinical picture is most often stormy, progressing episodi-
FHI until the time when a visually incapacitating cataract cally. The involvement is non-granulomatous, accompanied
appears. The heterochromia is seen on examination of both rather frequently by a hypopyon. This anterior involvement
irides in bright ambient light prior to dilation. It repre- rarely affects the prognosis.
sents progressive diffuse atrophy of the iris stroma. It is
generally the lighter colored eye that is affected by the
Anterior uveitis associated with multiple
inflammation, except for very light blue eyes, for which the
appearance of the iris pigment epithelium on the posterior sclerosis
surface of the iris may make the iris appear darker than is
The prevalence of uveitis is patients with multiple sclerosis
really is. In the bilateral case, heterochromia is difficult to
is about 1% and the prevalence of multiple sclerosis is cases
identify. In this case, certain clinical signs of iris atrophy
of uveitis is also about 1%, based on large studies. Although
may help, such as diffuse and discrete zones of iris tran-
intermediate uveitis is the most frequent, the occurrence
sillumination or a smoother appearance of the iris stroma
of anterior uveitis is possible, between 14.3 and 28.6% [40].
with less marked relief. The iris vessels become more appar-
Granulomatous uveitis appears to be the most frequent [41].
ent. The fragility of the vessel walls may probably provoke
the classic hyphema upon anterior chamber paracentesis, or
Amsler’s sign [28]. Importantly and relatively pathognomon-
ically, posterior synechiae and ciliary flush are absent, as Uveitis and medications
well as macular edema in the unoperated cataract patient,
despite the chronic inflammation. Iris nodules are relatively Immunotherapies used in the management of metastatic
frequent in over 30% of cases [29]. cutaneous melanoma are responsible for intraocular inflam-
Long-term use of anti-inflammatories in ineffective matory side effects. Anterior uveitis has been reported with
and sometimes harmful in FHI. Management rests on BRAF inhibitors, notably vemurafenib [42], and with ipili-
screening for and treating cataract, ocular hyperten- mumab, which is designed to stimulate the existing T-cell
sion and glaucoma. The secondary glaucoma may become immune response [43]. Whether anti-TNF␣ may cause de
rapidly refractory to medical treatment. Glaucomatous novo occurrences of uveitis remains debated. Lim et al.
involvement is present in 15 to 59% of cases [30]. The report, however, 26 cases of uveitis possibly associated with
prognosis is usually good, with visual acuity of 5/10 or the use of anti-TNF␣ for whom no existing disease pre-
greater after cataract surgery [31,32]. In the postoperative disposing to uveitis was known [44]. However, side effects
period, posterior synechiae may form, as well as intraoc- paradoxically causing uveitis are possible, such as the devel-
ular lens deposits. Thus, use of high-frequency steroids opment of sarcoidosis.
would appear useful during this period to prevent these More classically, biphosphonates (treatment for the pre-
complications. vention of osteoporosis, treatment of bone metastases) and
While FHI is felt to be idiopathic, there are now some rifabutin (treatment for atypical mycobacteria) may engen-
reasons to associate it with rubella. The presence of ocu- der anterior uveitis complicated or not by a hypopyon.
lar rubella infection has been identified by measuring the Treatment of the anterior uveitis rests on local steroids. Dis-
Goldmann—Witmer coefficient in several studies [33—35]. In continuation of the causative medication is to be weighed
addition, its incidence seems to be less since the widespread against its benefits. Brimonidine may also provoke a picture
rubella vaccination compared to an older or foreign popu- masquerading as granulomatous anterior uveitis, paradox-
lation [36]. Although the diagnosis is clinical, a work-up for ically associated with ocular hypertension, after at least
other etiologies as well as ACP for molecular analysis of the 12 months of instillation. This uveitis may be associated
aqueous humor may be considered. One particular form is with allergic conjunctivitis, which appears to precede the
FHI associated with ocular toxoplasmosis, for which a scar uveitis [45]. Moxifloxacin has also been incriminated in the
or active focus must be systematically sought [37]. occurrence of pseudo-uveitis in association with pigment
dispersion and diffuse iris atrophy [46].

Sarcoid anterior uveitis Anterior uveitis in children

Sarcoid uveitis is usually bilateral. Anterior uveitis is the Uveitis in children represents 5 to 10% of all intraocular
most frequent presentation, in 41 to 75% of cases. It is inflammation. The majority of pediatric uveitis is bilateral
chronic and granulomatous or not [38]. The diagnosis of sar- and non-infectious [47]. All the etiologies of adult ante-
coidosis is histologic, but this confirmed diagnosis is difficult rior uveitis may affect children, but JIA associated uveitis
to obtain. In 2009, diagnostic criteria for ocular sarcoidosis is the most frequent and is specific to an onset in childhood.
were published to define on clinical, laboratory and radio- The subgroups of JIA complicated by uveitis are essentially
logic criteria, the diagnosis of certain, presumed, probable the pauciarticular forms with positive antinuclear antibod-
or possible ocular sarcoidosis [39]. ies. The frequency of JIA associated uveitis is estimated

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 J. Gueudry, M. Muraine

between 4 and 38% [48]. This uveitis has the particularity of Neovascular glaucoma and unrecognized intraocular for-
being asymptomatic with a white eye and non-painful until eign body are also causes of masquerade syndromes.
complications arise. Typically, it is a chronic anterior uveitis,
granulomatous or not, and bilateral. In about 5% of cases,
the uveitis precedes the onset of the arthritis. Therapeutic strategy
Differential diagnosis: masquerade syndromes The treatment of anterior uveitis has as its primary goal
the treatment of the acute inflammatory episode, which
Certain non-inflammatory pathologies may mimic a large will then be adapted if the condition becomes chronic or
number of diagnostic elements of anterior uveitis and divert if required to prevent recurrences.
the etiologic diagnosis toward uveitis when there is not any. In the case of non-infectious uveitis, after having elim-
Thus, when faced with an anterior uveitis resistant to the inated a masquerade syndrome, especially in a child,
usual treatment, one must re-evaluate the diagnosis before the cornerstone of treatment rests on steroid eye drops.
escalating therapy [49]. Only the inflammation associated with FHI should be
Primary infiltration of the anterior segment (extension of untreated. The frequency of installation must at first be
a retinoblastoma or vitreoretinal lymphoma into the ante- sustained and adapted according to the suspected etiol-
rior segment) or secondary infiltration (metastases from ogy and the clinical severity. Initially, hourly instillation
leukemia, systemic lymphoma, solid tumor) may give the of dexamethasone drops is prescribed during the day; an
appearance of anterior uveitis. Thus, acute lymphoblastic antibiotic-steroid ointment may be added at bedtime in the
leukemia is the primary cause of hypopyon in children [50]. acute phase, as well as mydriatic drops for pain relief and to
Chronic ocular ischemic syndrome of atheromatous or break posterior synechiae. After 48 hours, the frequency of
arteritic origin is secondary to chronic hypoperfusion of instillation is reduced progressively over several weeks.
the globe due to involvement of the carotid arterial sys- In the case of severe or refractory inflammation, subcon-
tem. It may present a clinical picture similar to anterior junctival dexamethasone injections are used, typically for
uveitis by breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier, which 3 to 5 consecutive days. Resorting to systemic steroids is
may induce a Tyndall effect and more rarely keratic pre- exceptional. In the case of systemic involvement associated
cipitates. However, there is frequently rubeosis iridis with with anterior uveitis requiring systemic treatment, this most
little or no elevation of the intraocular pressure, due to often results in resolution of the anterior uveitis. A ther-
ciliary body ischemia. The anterior segment signs may be apeutic strategy for unilateral or bilateral non-infectious
isolated; however, posterior segment involvement is most anterior uveitis is proposed (Fig. 6) [52]. In the case of ocular
frequent and leads to diagnosis most often due to tortuous hypertension, prostaglandins should be avoided even though
arteries, cotton-wool spots and blot hemorrhages in the mid- their potential harm has not been demonstrated [53]. In the
periphery. Carotid Dopplers are necessary and fluorescein case of posterior segment complications, notably macular
angiography aids in the diagnosis [51]. edema, peri or intraocular depot steroids may be utilized
Pigmentary glaucoma is frequently mistaken for refrac- [54]. Patients with chronic anterior uveitis not requir-
tory anterior uveitis. The diagnosis is clinical, emphasizing ing systemic steroids most often benefit from long-term
the pigmented nature of the Tyndall effect, the presence reduced-dose steroid drops. The side effects of long-term
of a Krukenberg spindle (vertical pigmented keratic precipi- topical steroid therapy must of course be kept in mind.
tates), as well as engorgement of the anterior chamber angle More recently, therapeutic advances based on several bio-
with pigment on gonioscopy. logic agents, notably anti-TNF ␣, allow better long-term
Iridocorneal-endothelial or ICE syndromes have no rec- control of uveitis. Recommendations published in 2014 advo-
ognized etiology (Fig. 5). They may, due to the induced cate the use of infliximab or adalimumab for steroid sparing
ocular hypertension, iris atrophy and unilaterality, mimic in cases of refractory chronic uveitis associated with spondy-
a herpetic uveitis. However, there is no anterior chamber loarthropathies or HLA-B27 [55]. However, anti-TNF ␣ agents
inflammation nor keratic precipitates. Specular microscopic do not have market approval for the management or pre-
analysis with an inverted appearance of the endothelial vention of anterior uveitis, as opposed to treatment of
mosaic confirms the diagnosis. refractory intermediate or posterior uveitis, for which they

Figure 5. Differential diagnosis of anterior uveitis. Appearance of ICE syndrome, which may mimic herpetic uveitis (a); inverted appear-
ance of the endothelial mosaic confirms the diagnosis on specular microscopy (b) compared to the healthy eye (c).

Please cite this article in press as: Gueudry J, Muraine M. Anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol (2017),
JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Anterior uveitis 9

are already approved in Europe [56]. Their use in the set- Complications
ting of uveitis takes place in France in collaboration with
internists, and adult or pediatric rheumatologists. Each episode of anterior uveitis or development of chronic
In children, uveitis, although less frequent than in adults, uveitis sets the stage for potentially blinding complications.
is responsible for significant morbidity with potentially Posterior segment complications are possible, notably the
blinding long-term complications, constituting a veritable occurrence of optic disc or macular edema. The occur-
therapeutic challenge. Regarding the management of JIA rence of chronic ocular hypertension and then secondary
associated uveitis, systemic steroid treatment is limited due glaucoma is a major complication of anterior uveitis.
to its side effects, notably on growth. It may be necessary for Cataract, encouraged by local or systemic steroid treat-
short periods in cases of poor control of uveitis by local treat- ment, frequently complicates anterior uveitis due to the
ment while waiting for the effect of other drugs. Regarding chronicity of the inflammation and the presence of posterior
local steroid therapy, it is estimated that a threshold of synechiae. It is most often a posterior subcapsular cataract.
steroid dependence over 3 drops per day of dexametha- Its surgical management requires certain precautions so as
sone is detrimental. Above this dose, the risk of cataract to avoid rebound inflammation extremely deleterious to the
over a mean period of 4 years is clearly elevated [57]. visual prognosis.
Thus, it is preferable to begin systemic immunosuppres-
sive therapy, not necessarily with systemic steroid therapy.
As first-line therapy, methotrexate is used. Its efficacy in Conclusion
the treatment of JIA is well known. Approximately 75% of
patients may achieve improvement in the intraocular inflam- Anterior uveitis is the most frequent and has multiple
mation on methotrexate [58]. Anti-TNF␣ agents, infliximab causes. The key step in etiologic diagnosis is the clinical
® ®
(Remicade ) and adalimumab (Humira ) have revolutionized characterization of the anterior uveitis, notably its charac-
the management of severe pediatric uveitis [59,60]. How- terization as granulomatous or not. Progress in molecular
ever, etanercept (Enbrel ) is effective in the control of the biology has allowed identification of certain viruses at the
arthritis, without, however, appearing to be effective for origin of uveitides, which were thought to be idiopathic.
uveitis [61]. Biologic therapies, after multidisciplinary conferences, have
In cases of infectious uveitis, systemic treatment adapted greatly changed the management and prevention of certain
to the identified etiology is combined with local steroid uveitides, notably severe HLA-B27 positive uveitis, but have
treatment. Multidisciplinary management is necessary in above all revolutionized the management of JIA associated
cases of bacterial uveitis, especially since there is no defined pediatric uveitis [67].
therapeutic protocol, particularly in the case of tuberculous
uveitis, which most often remains a presumptive diagnosis,
and because of the possible side effects of certain drugs Table 2 Anti-infectious treatment in cases of diagnosed
used. A therapeutic strategy is proposed in Table 2 [62—65]. viral or bacterial anterior uveitis.
The value of anti-TNF␣, particularly infliximab and adal-
Viral uveitis
imumab, in the prevention of HLA-B27 positive uveitis has
HSV/VZV uveitis
been demonstrated [66].
Valacyclovir 3 g/day then progressive taper for
CMV uveitis
Valganciclovir 900 mg 2 times per day 21 days
then 900 mg 1 time per day for maintenance
Possible trial of ganciclovir ophthalmic gel
Bacterial uveitis
Triple or quadruple therapy (2 months)
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg/day
Rifampicin 10 mg/kg/day
Pyrazinamide 30 mg/kg/day
± Ethambutol 15 mg/kg/day
Then bitherapy (4 months)
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg/day
Rifampicin 10 mg/kg/day
Penicillin G IV for 14 to 21 days
Lyme disease
Ceftriaxone IV 2 g/day for 14 to 21 days
HSV: herpes simplex virus; VZV: varicella-zoster virus; CMV:
Figure 6. Therapeutic management of non-infectious anterior cytomegalovirus.
uveitis adapted from LeHoang, P. The gold standard of noninfectious
uveitis: corticosteroids. Dev Ophthalmol 2012.

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JFO-1835; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 J. Gueudry, M. Muraine

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Vie, UCB, Allergan, Théa laboratories. [19] Chee SP, Bacsal K, Jap A, Se-Thoe SY, Cheng CL, Tan BH. Clinical
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