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This is one of her autobiographical works in which she gives us part of her life story, she was

unemplyoed, she was nearly in the same age in england, and she was hired by similar association.
She tried to work for BBC, we have similar stories. What shoul we remember, bu otobigorafik bir
çalışma, fleur writes warrender chase which is a aotuobiography. And fleur is a novelist like murriel
spark. Fleur is murriel sparks protagonist, so it means she is a fictional character. But fleur has a
fictional character aswellwarrender chase, she creates warrender chase as her protagonist, so what is
difference between warrender chase and fleur , actually there are no difference but there should be,
bot hare fictional entitites. First difference is warrender chase is more fictional than fleur, warrender
exist in a deeper fictional level. But we have other auotbiographies in fleur story, ten members are
autobiography writer, they function in a similar way to fleur because bir yandan fleur warrender
chase yazıyor diğer yandan bu üyeler kendi otobiografilerini yazıyor. Sir Quentin wants fleur to write
these members’ autobiographies, this means fleur writes these members into her fictional work. So
these members exist in the same fictional level as fleur but they also exist in the deeper fictional level
of warrender chase because they both write and at the same time are written. Fictional levels always
consider this in the novel.

Chapter two bugün, she first talk about autobiography because these autobiographies are
problematic works. What is the first problem, they are not autobiographies they are supposed to be
autobiographies, fleur writes write them they are fleurs fictional works like warrender chase. Fleur
writes instead of members, remember why sir Quentin keeps manuscripts at his flat he answers-
they are not completed yet, actually he lies, because members dont know how to write, and they just
wait for somebody, this is why sir Quentin employs a novelist. This is not coincidince. Sınavda sadece
association yada members diye bahset.!!!!!!

“ The memoirs written by the members of the Autobiographical Association, although none had got
beyond the first chapter, “ “ One of them was nostalgia, another was paranoia, a third was a
transparent craving on the part of the authors to appear likeable.”

First thing we learn, they are stuck, they cant go further, fleur tells us what she sees. She as a writer
talks about the autobiographies, in a sense she criticizes. They misses the past, another paranoia: she
makes evaluation of way they written, she is not happy actually, all problematic. In terms their literary
merit, they have problems as well, nostalgia is very widespread very obvious, this means writers are
problematic persons, this is the way they put themselves into writing.

I think they probably lived out their lives on the principle that what they were, and did, and wanted,
should above all look pretty.

They tries to be pretty, you should like me, I am your character like me in a way, even the typing such
absurd stories making them into sensible, she atleast added more sentences, extractes sth, in order
to make sense this means that writing are just senseless. This works are absurd, not literary works at
all, Typing out and making sense out of these compositions was an agony to my spirit

It was metaporically painful, she never enjoyed to do. Ilk buluşma yapıyorlar, şuana kadar hiçbiriyle
tanışmamıştı, lady Edwina yeni karakter: why she is important, she is a lonely character nobody helps
sir quentin except for lady Edwina, she knows what sir quention does actually she helps fleur tablot.
They will be friends acuatlly.” by this time I had become rather fond of Lady Edwina,” fleur is
interested in lady Edwina as a character, she is just interesting, she stands as an example for her
writing perhaps. She is a writable character, that’s why she feels close to her. I enjoyed her dramatic
entrances and her amazing statements. She despises them, she almost hates them, lady Edwina
konuşuyor: sir quentin doesnot want her to interfere with his business, bakın Edwina ne diyor: “They
want to give me sleeping pills to keep me quiet this afternoon” flat ona aitmiş. Bu benim flatım her
istediğimi yaparım diyor. She is legal owner. You cant stop, silence me in my own property.
Relationship between edwine and fleur is good, they feel friendly but relationship is actually one is
writer one is a character.

“As to her bizarre appearance, I liked it. I liked to see her shaking, withered hand with its talons
pointing accusingly, I liked the four greenish teeth through which she hissed and cackled.”

These members are acuatlly vevry similar, and primitive character but remember how quentin
presented them first to fleur, as important figures, remember the list of the names. But they are
actually very similar insignificant characters, I had expected too much because of quentin diyor.

“For years I had been working up to my novel Warrender Chase and had become accustomed to first
fixing a fictional presence in my mind’s eye, then adding a history to it”

First time they met, önce karaktere karar veririm cinsiyet, yaş falaln sonra history eklerim, she will be
doing the same thing fo the members, this is why these members will metaporically be fictional
character because we don’t have otobiyografi. She is manipulating, she knows what she is doing, she
feels herself obligated to because of money and quentin, she manipulates reality and invents false
story. These works will not be examples of otobiyografi Because of fleur. She played with stories, she
invented fictional stories, I first decide the person physical reality, and then I write the story!! She
does this to cahracters. She fictionlizes real people. Bu iş başarılı olsa da, falsity olduğu için,
corrupted. Tehes works will not be original, these works will be novels,

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