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Verb & Types

Team Members

Adnan Jutt Hina

Aswad Sajjad Khadija
Asif Ayesha
Ibrahim Huma

 Verbs have traditionally been defined as; words that show action
or state of being in a sentence.
A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or
a state of being or condition.
A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject
A word that shows an action state or an event. Verb is an essential
part of a sentence.
Verbs are the hearts of English sentences
 * He walks in the morning. (A usual action)
 * Ali is going to school. (A condition of action)
 * Albert does not like to walk. (A negative action)
 *Anna is a good girl. (A state of being)
Basic Forms of Verbs
 There are six basic forms of verbs. These forms are as
 Base form: Children play in the field.
 Infinitive: Tell them not to play
 Past tense: They played football yesterday.
 Past participle: I have eaten a burger.
 Present participle: I saw them playing with him today.
 Gerund: Swimming is the best exercise.
Types of Verb

There are seven types of verb:

 Model Verb
 Finite Verb
 Non-Finite Verb
 Transitive Verb
 Double Transitive Verb
 Intransitive Verb
 Linking Verb
Modal Verb

A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is

used to express: ability, possibility, permission or
 Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express
the same things as modals, but are a combination of
auxiliary verbs and the preposition to.
 Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express
the same things as modals, but are a combination of
auxiliary verbs and the preposition to.
Modal Verbs are Helping Verbs
 Modal verbs list Since modal verbs are helping
verbs, they are always a part of a verb phrase.

 They do not stand alone as individual verbs.

 Modal helping verbs are still helping verbs, so

they must be used in a verb phrase (helping
verb plus main verb) in order to be
grammatically correct.
Example of Modal Verbs in Use:
 •Ali can swim. •“Can” is the modal verb in the
verb phrase “can swim.”

 •Hina could sing if she tried. •“Could” is the

modal verb in the verb phrase “could sing.”

 •You must attend our wedding. •“Must” is a

modal verb; “must attend” is the verb phrase.
Finite Verb

A finite verb is a verb that has a finite or limited agreement

with a subject.
4. Finite verbs usually follow their subjects: He coughs. The
documents had compromised him. They will have gone
 There are three defined parameters on which this
limitation is fixed.
 The man runs to the store to get a gallon
of milk.
 "Runs" is a finite verb because it agrees
with the subject (man) and because it
marks the tense (present tense).
 Apple is of red color
finite verb
 apples are of red color
Non-Finite Verb

Non-finite verbs do not have any agreement to the

 It does not change as per tense, person or number of
subject in a sentence.
 They do not perform any action in sentence.
The man runs to the store.
Advertisement Nonfinite verbs take three different
forms—the infinitive, the participle, or the gerund.
 I found his office at a walking distance
( in this sentence subject is singular farm and sentence is past
form )
 Ali will find his office at a walking distance
(in this sentence subject is in singular form and sentence is in
future farm )
 And does not function as main verb in sentence
Finite vs. Nonfinite Verbs

 The main difference between finite verbs and

nonfinite verbs is that the former can act as the
root of an independent clause, or a full
sentence, while the latter cannot
Transitive Verb

A transitive verb is a verb that can take a direct object.

In other words, the action of a transitive verb is done to
someone or something. Most verbs are transitive
 1. I teach English.
 (In this sentence teach is verb and English is object.)
 2. I am eating apple.
 (In this sentence eating is verb and apple is object)
More about Transitive Verbs

 A transitive verb gets its name from the idea that the
action must transition through it to an object in order
to complete the meaning.
 Only transitive verbs can have a passive form.
 The tart was smashed.
 (This is fine. A transitive verb can have a passive
Double Transitive Verb

Transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect

 1. Ali gave me a car.
 (In this sentence gave is verb and me is indirect object and car
is direct object.)
 2. I taught English to 9th class.
Intransitive Verb

An intransitive verb is one that does not take a direct

 It is not done to someone or something.
 It only involves the subject.
 The opposite of an intransitive verb is a transitive
 A transitive verb can have a direct object.
He laughed.
(Laughed is an intransitive verb. It has no direct object.
You cannot laugh something.)
 He told a joke.
(Told is a transitive verb. The direct object is a joke.
You can tell something)
 example, you can tell a story, a lie, a joke, etc.
Linking Verb

The main verbs are called linking verbs. Linking verb

links subject to a subject complement that identifies or
describes the subject.
 1. The bowl is on the table.
 2. The lion is in the cage.
What Are Linking Verbs?

Linking verbs are described asthey provide the connection

between the subject of a sentence
This type of verb:
 Shows a relationship between the subject and the sentence
complement, the part of the sentence following the verb
 Connects or links the subject with more information —
words that further identify or describe the subject

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