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Leah Evans
GSC 602 College Teaching
Final Teaching Project
November 16, 2023

For this final project, I decided to develop a course syllabus for a topic that I see is

missing from the first year experience at Miami: digital literacy and technology. Technology in

University Settings is a course that would expose first year students to Miami technology, basic

softwares, artificial intelligence, digital accessibility, library resources, and more. This course

was inspired by a presentation at the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)’s

Annual Conference in October 2023. While our traditional age students are digital natives, this

presentation shed light on the important point that they are not necessarily digitally literate, and

there are rarely formal opportunities for students to learn these important skills.

In this syllabus, I used the Universal Design for Learning and digital accessibility

principles in order to make the material clear for students to understand and set them up for

success in the course. Through the course, I hope that students would feel more confident in their

digital abilities and knowledgeable about digital resources. There are several highlighted goals

throughout the syllabus that tell reasoning for the policy or assignment and what the students

should learn.

My goal in the future as a student affairs practitioner and instructor is to see gaps and

trends in our students, especially first year students and students from marginalized backgrounds,

and ensure they are getting the resources they need to be successful in the college environment.

UNV 102: Technology in University Settings

MW - 9:00am-9:50am - Benton Computer Lab - Eight Week Sprint Course
Course is located in a computer lab in order to give all students equal access to the same
technology during class.

Leah Evans, she/her/hers,
Master’s Student - Student Affairs in Higher Education, College Teaching Certificate
Walk In Office Hours: Monday, 2-4pm (see Course Policies and Expectations)
Also available by appointment
Please call me: Leah (Lee-uh)
Goal: Students will feel comfortable contacting me and not be confused about the Dr., Mrs.,
Professor, etc.

Required Course Materials

There are no materials required for purchase for this course. Our class will take place in a computer lab,
but students should have a laptop or computer access to complete out of class activities and assignments.
The Canvas modules will include resources we use in class, as well as optional supplemental materials.

If you do not have a laptop of your own, King Library can help with long term loans for the course
duration. Please contact the instructor if you have any issues accessing a laptop for class.

Course Description
Through hands-on learning and exploration, this course will engage students in various technology and
digital resources available to them as a student at Miami University and beyond. This course is intended
to be a broad introduction for students who would like to better understand university technology systems
and other areas of digital technology and information literacy.

The key topics or themes of the course include: Miami software, Google Suite, digital communication,
social media, artificial intelligence, digital accessibility, library resources, and audio-visual technologies.

Course Learning Goal & Outcomes

This course provides you with resources and information to build awareness and understanding of digital
technologies as they pertain to the college experience, with a goal of embracing technology and
empowering students to use these tools effectively.

As a result of this course, students will:

● Develop an awareness of and beginner proficiency in accessing technology tools and resources
available to students.
● Reflect on how digital tools and technology are used in the classroom and in their everyday lives.

● Understand the principles of accessible digital design and how to implement in their own
● Discover online library research tools and credible source criteria.

Land & Labor Acknowledgement

Miami University is located within the traditional homelands of the Myaamia and Shawnee
people, who along with other indigenous groups ceded these lands to the United States in the
first Treaty of Greenville in 1795. The Miami people, whose name our university carries, were
forcibly removed from these homelands in 1846.

In 1972, a relationship between Miami University and the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma began and
evolved into a reciprocal partnership, including the creation of the Myaamia Center at Miami
University in 2001. The work of the Myaamia Center serves the Miami Tribe community and is
dedicated to the revitalization of Miami language and culture and to restoring that knowledge to
the Myaamia people.

Miami University and the Miami Tribe are proud of this work and of the more than 140
Myaamia students who have attended Miami since 1991 through the Myaamia Heritage Award

Further, we are indebted to the enslaved people (primarily of Indigenous and African descent)
who likely provided exploited and unpaid labor on the land which this university was built.

Course Policies and Expectations

Attendance & Participation
● Due to the hands-on nature of the course, attendance is required and expected for points.
We acknowledge that active participation shows up in different ways: speaking in class,
active listening, and completing class activities.
● If you have any religious observances that conflict with class sessions, please email me
within the first two weeks of class. These are university excused absences.
● If you face a family emergency, serious illness, or other critical circumstance during this
course, please communicate with me and we can make a plan for returning to class.
Students can also contact the Dean of Students for assistance during critical events or
● If you are sick or are showing symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend class. Email
me and we will figure out a plan for you to still participate and learn the skills.

Academic Integrity
● I take Academic Integrity very seriously as we all should. I will not tolerate any forms of
Academic Dishonesty in this course. Please see the University Policy on Academic
Integrity for more information.
● Students are expected to present and conduct themselves professionally, with a positive
attitude, during any forum discussion and to abide by the Miami University Student

Handbook. Cheating, or any student behavior determined by the instructor to be

unprofessional, potentially dangerous, disruptive, or otherwise unacceptable, is grounds
for removal and may result in administrative withdrawal or a grade of F.
● I do not expect you to know everything about Academic Integrity and the policy,
however, I do expect you to reach out to me should you have any cause for concern.

Artificial Intelligence
● Appropriate uses of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, will be covered more in depth during
Week 4 of the course. If AI is used in a course assignment, it must be cited correctly in
order to avoid a penalty.
Goal: Students will understand appropriate uses of AI in academic work.

● If you are a student with a physical, learning, medical, and/or psychiatric disability and
feel that you may need a reasonable accommodation to fulfill the essential functions of
the course that are listed in this syllabus, you are encouraged to contact the Miller Center
for Student Disability Services at 529-1541 (V/TTY), located in the Shriver Center,
Room 304.

Mental Health Services

● If you are a student who may be experiencing mental or emotional distress, you are
encouraged to call Student Counseling Service (513-529-4634). For emergencies outside
of business hours, the Community and Counseling and Crisis Center (844-427-4747) has
a 24-hour hotline.

Late Assignments
● Assignments turned in after the due date will receive a 20% grade deduction.
Assignments are open on Canvas until the last day of the semester, so you are encouraged
to turn in all assignments in order to complete the course.
● If you need an extension on an assignment for any reason, please email the instructor
prior to the due date to avoid point deductions.

● This is a technology course! We look forward to sharpening your skills around this topic.
Please refrain from texting, calling, or scrolling social media unrelated to class. If you are
expecting an important phone call or message, please step out of the classroom and return
when you are finished.
● If technology or WiFi access outside of class time is a concern, please reach out to the

Communication & Office Hours

● Please allow 48 hours for email responses, M-F, 8am-5pm. Outside of those hours, my
response time may be longer, but I will respond to all students.
● Walk-in hours are available on Mondays, 2-4pm, in my office (McGuffey 128D). Please
use this time to visit, ask questions, or give feedback.
○ I am also available by appointment. If you wish to meet, please email me 1-2 days
and times that would work best.
Goal: Students have a clear understanding of what office hours are and what to expect when
communicating with me.

Duty to Report
● As an instructor and Miami University staff member, I have a duty to report. This means
that I am required to promptly report to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator
( or 513-529-1870) any information a student shares with me
regarding harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, interpersonal violence, or
retaliation. A report does not initiate an investigation. It engages a discussion of your
resources, supportive measures, and options available. If students want to speak with
someone confidentially, they can speak with Student Counseling Services, Student Health
Services, and an advocate with Women Helping Women.
● Speaking with a confidential resource person does not preclude students from making a
formal report to the University IF and WHEN they are ready.
● For more information, please visit and

Academic Support
● Rinella Learning Center
● Howe Writing Center

Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction & Miami Technology Systems
● Course Introduction
● Pre-Quiz
● Overview of Miami Technology Systems & Services
● How to take a Screenshot

Week 2: Google Suite

● Google Drive
● Gmail & Inbox Organization
● Google Calendar

● Other Helpful Google Tools: Reminders, Tasks, YouTube, Sites, etc.

Week 3: Canvas & Time Management Tools

● Canvas Overview
● Time Management Apps
● Flex Time: This flexible lesson will give some time to add additional topics that students
may note on their PreQuiz.

Week 4: Digital Communication & Social Media

● Email Etiquette
● Social Media Presence
● Artificial Intelligence

Week 5: Audio/Visual and Engaging Technology

● Guest Speaker and Overview of Engaging Technology Lab in McGuffey Hall
● Video Making 101
● Flex Time: This flexible lesson will give some time to add additional topics that students
may note on their PreQuiz.

Week 6: Digital Accessibility

● Speakers from the Miller Center for Student Disability Services & AccessMU
● Digital Accessibility Scavenger Hunt

Week 7: Information Literacy & “Just Google It”

● Speaker from King Library
● Finding Credible Sources
● Library Resources
● Citation Styles

Week 8: Final Presentations & Post Quiz

Grading Scale
A+ (97–100), A (93–96), A- (90–92),
B+ (87–89), B (83–86), B- (80–82),
C+ (77–79), C (73–76), C- (70–72),
D+ (67–69), D (65–66), D- (below 65).

Assignment List
All assignments are due by midnight on Friday on the week due unless otherwise noted.

Assignment Name Points Due Date

Attendance 5 points per week Ongoing

(40 total)

Technology Journals 5 points each (20 Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7


Pre-Quiz 5 Week 1 (in class)

Google Calendar Layout of your Week 5 Week 2

Link Canvas Calendar to Google Calendar 5 Week 3

Professional Email 5 Week 4

My Story Video 10 Week 5

Digital Accessibility Scavenger Hunt 10 Week 6

Credible Source Evaluation 10 Week 7

Final Presentation 35 Week 8 (in class)

Post Quiz 5 Week 8 (in class)


Assignment Descriptions
Pre/Post Quiz
Goal: Assess student knowledge of technology and digital literacy before and after the course.
Technology Journals
Goal: Students reflect on what they are learning and how they are using technology in and out of
the classroom.
Google Calendar: Layout Your Week
Goal: Students demonstrate knowledge of screenshot and Google Calendar.
Canvas Calendar: Link to Google Calendar
Goal: Students demonstrate knowledge of screenshot, Canvas, and Google Calendar.
Professional Email
Goal: Students construct an email to a university faculty or staff member.
My Story Video
Goal: Students use resources from the Engaging Technology Lab to create a video.
Digital Accessibility Scavenger Hunt
Goal: Students distinguish accessible and non accessible digital media and technology.

Credible Source Evaluation

Goal: Students compare and contrast elements of credible and non credible resources.
Final Presentation
Goal: Students design a creative project, integrating principles of the course and how they will
use them in the future.

Additional Resources
Miami University IT Services

IT Services Support

Miami University Libraries

Library Tech Equipment Checkout

AccessMU Center - Miami University

Purdue OWL

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