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I stand in the opening of the room, within a blink, I’m surrounded.

Im smirking as
they shout orders to eachother. It’s alright, I’ve blocked them out. It’s the owner
of the museum dam-nit. I calmly hold the doorframe at the top while they ask me,
“Do you know who I am?” When I give no answer, he continues, “I am the richest man
alive. And I don’t take theft lightly”

“Oh but sir” I’m laughing now. He’s clueless. I can see it on his face. “I have
everything I need. All the encrypted files and folders.” He pauses and frowns
“You killed them and now I have proof.”
On that note. I pull myself up the doorframe and swing backwards, kicking and
knocking out both guards behind me. I slide forwards and punch the third guard in
the nose. He starts bleeding and I punch him again. In the moment of shock I’ve
gotten, I swipe under the legs of the other guard. He falls and I stomp on his
chest, the one bleeding is looking at me. Staring in fact. “No need to stare
darling” I say as smile and start laughing as I kick him to the ground. While I’m
walking out slowly, I tell the one man left, the owner, “you don’t need to say a
word cause, your body talks” I wave goodbye as I make my escape past the exhibits
of value and various models, I am running. I am sprinting. Let’s go meet everyone
else, “was it this window?” I tell myself before promptly jumping out.

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