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Small Bus Econ (2016) 47:633–656

DOI 10.1007/s11187-016-9756-3

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success: the role

of knowledge intermediaries within an entrepreneurial
university ecosystem
Christopher S. Hayter

Accepted: 7 June 2016 / Published online: 21 June 2016

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Universities play a well-established role in the results show that the contributions of universities
regional economic growth, one contribution to which depend on the existence and interrelationship of
is academic entrepreneurship, the establishment and loosely coordinated, heterogeneous knowledge inter-
support of faculty and graduate student spinoff mediaries guided by a strong collective ethos to
companies based on university research. A vibrant encourage and support academic entrepreneurship.
literature examines the general contributions of uni-
versities within regional innovation ecosystems while Keywords University spinoffs  Social networks 
another strain of literature examines individual inter- Entrepreneurship  Innovation ecosystems 
mediaries, such as technology licensing offices and Innovation policy  Entrepreneurial universities
incubators, in support of the university’s economic
development mission. Little research exists, however,
that conceptualizes the structure and function of an
entrepreneurial university ecosystem. This paper 1 Introduction
seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining
the composition, contributions, and evolution of social The recent financial crisis and an increasingly com-
networks among faculty and graduate student entre- petitive global marketplace have heightened interest
preneurs and the role of knowledge intermediaries among policymakers and scholars alike regarding the
therein. While our investigation supports an emerging potential economic development role of colleges and
literature that finds academic entrepreneurs are typi- universities. While higher education institutions play a
cally limited by their own homophilous social net- well-understood role in the production of new knowl-
works, we also find that spinoff success relies upon edge and human capital (Utterback 1994; Romer
academic and non-academic contacts who connect 1990), Audretsch (2014) argues that the role of
faculty and students to other social networks important universities is to provide leadership necessary to
to spinoff success. We investigate how by creating a advance the entrepreneurial society. Thus, only by
taxonomy of social network evolution among spinoffs; realizing this leadership role, manifested through the
creation of entrepreneurial thinking, actions, institu-
tions, and entrepreneurial capital, can universities
C. S. Hayter (&) fulfill their economic and social potential.
Center for Organization Research and Design, School of
One important contribution of the entrepreneurial
Public Affairs, Arizona State University, Phoenix,
AZ 85004, USA university relates to academic entrepreneurship, the
e-mail: establishment of new spinoff companies based on

634 C. S. Hayter

technologies stemming from university research to encourage the formation of university spinoffs and
(Shane 2004). University spinoffs provide an impor- support their success.
tant vehicle to generate new innovations, accelerate To do this, we take a mixed-method, methodolog-
productivity, and create jobs and prosperity for ical approach (Creswell 2002), administering a social
regional economies (van Praag and Versloot 2007; network analysis (SNA) survey to a theoretically
Shane 2004; Doutriaux 1987). Further, academic relevant population of nascent graduate student and
entrepreneurship can provide an important signal to faculty entrepreneurs1 who have established spinoff
future academic entrepreneurs as well as surround- companies based on technologies stemming from
ing regions of a university’s commitment to federally funded research. These graduate student and
entrepreneurship. For our purposes, spinoffs also faculty entrepreneurs are (or were) from engineering
serve as a window through which the specific schools located at universities within New York State,
entrepreneurial contributions of universities may be an area of critical economic and scientific importance.
examined (Urbano and Guerrero 2013; Svensson Subsequently, two rounds of interviews—approxi-
et al. 2012). mately 2 years apart—are conducted with SNA survey
The entrepreneurial development of a university respondents in order to understand the specific contri-
spinoff—and potential commercial success—offers an butions of their network contacts and how their
outcome-based measure of regional economic devel- networks evolve over time. Network data are concur-
opment, yet research shows that success among rently compared to the developmental status of each
academic entrepreneurs is anything but guaranteed spinoff by employing Vohora et al. (2004) critical
(Druilhe and Garnsey 2004; Franklin et al. 2001; juncture framework.
Hayter 2013a, 2015; Mosey and Wright 2007). Our paper makes four distinct contributions to our
Specifically, the entrepreneurial decision and spinoff understanding of the entrepreneurial university: (1)
establishment—a proxy of entrepreneurial propen- Following the extant literature, we affirm the impor-
sity—are often tied to factors internal to the university, tance of organizational ‘cross logics’ for obtaining
including faculty motivations (Hayter 2011), aca- valuable resources and contacts within the unique
demic norms (Franklin et al. 2001), and internal context of academic entrepreneurship, (2) due to this
culture (Feldman and Desrochers 2004). Universities, context academic entrepreneurs must rely on knowl-
regions, and national governments have also created edge intermediaries—network boundary spanners—to
myriad policies and programs in an effort to encourage improve the developmental chances of their spinoff,
and support academic entrepreneurship (Bradley et al. (3) related, the specific structure and contributions of
2013a). Specific programs range from technology intermediary networks relate to the likelihood and
incubators (Mian 1996, 1997) and entrepreneurship speed of spinoff development, and (4) though more
education programs (Pittaway and Cope 2007) to the research is needed, the collective and strategic actions
more recent emergence of university proof-of-concept
centers (PoCCs) (Hayter and Link 2015; Bradley et al. 1
This definition of university spinoff differs slightly from
2013b). Shane (2004), for example, who defines a spinoffs as a company
What is missing within the literature is a concep- established by faculty based on technologies licensed from their
tualization of what we term entrepreneurial university respective university. First, our inquiry is not limited to
university faculty; emerging research shows that graduate
ecosystems: the strategic and collective actions of
students play a critical role in the establishment and manage-
various organizational components—what we term ment of university spinoffs (e.g., Boh et al. 2012; Hayter 2016).
knowledge intermediaries—in order to maximize both Second, all spinoffs in the sample are based on technologies that
the entrepreneurial and innovative contributions of were disclosed to their respective university’s TTO. However,
four spinoffs in the sample do not have licenses. In two cases, the
universities. In an effort to bridge this auspicious gap
TTO could not find a licensee for patented technology and
within the literature, this paper will compare the spinoffs were established once these technologies were released
composition and contributions of social networks to the inventor. In the other two cases, the university decided not
among academic entrepreneurs and examine how to pursue a patent, releasing the technologies back to the
inventor. We nonetheless posit that spinoffs went through the
these networks coevolve with the developmental
‘formal’ technology transfer process and remain a critical
trajectory of university spinoffs. Further, it examines vehicle for the dissemination and commercialization of new
the specific impact of policies and programs intended knowledge.

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 635

of multiple academic and non-academic knowledge dynamism and the corresponding economic success (or
intermediaries appear to be the foundation for vibrant failure) of regions through a variety of conceptual
entrepreneurial university ecosystems, compared to lenses, including ‘entrepreneurial support networks’
other, single intermediary structures. We discuss these (Kenney and von Burg 1999), ‘incubator regions’
interrelated elements and create a taxonomy of social (Schoonhoven and Eisenhardt 1989), the ‘social struc-
network evolution to illustrate our findings. ture of innovation’ (Florida and Kenney 1988), or an
Toward this end, we discuss the academic literature innovation or entrepreneurial ‘ecosystem’ (Bahrami and
related to business and university ecosystems, con- Evans 2000). Recent research, however, questions the
ceptualizations of knowledge intermediaries, and primacy of clustering effects, especially within the life
network-related factors of success for university sciences, an area for which universities are particularly
spinoffs in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we introduce our well suited to contribute (Kenney and Patton 2005).
methodology while our empirical results are presented Powell et al. (2009) relate the emergence and
in Sect. 4, including a taxonomy for an entrepreneurial institutionalization (or lack thereof) of innovative
university ecosystem. Section 5 includes an in-depth regions within the life science industry to cross-
discussion of the findings while Sect. 6 provides boundary transposition: The conversion and trans-
conclusions for research and public policy. portation of status and experience gained from one
organizational network to another (domain). The
authors find that while successful life science clusters
2 Previous research (i.e., Boston, Bay Area, and San Diego) once started
with different anchor organizations (and, thus, evolved
2.1 Business and regional innovation ecosystems differently), they have all developed robust inter-
organizational affiliations buttressed by labor mobility
Moore (1993) is credited with coining the term and cultural change (also see Whittington et al. 2009;
business ecosystem, the coevolution of capabilities Casper 2007). Other, less successful life science-
among multiple companies working ‘cooperatively to focused regions (e.g., Los Angeles, New York City,
support new products, satisfy customer needs, and Seattle) also possess(ed) anchor organizations, but
eventually incorporate the next round of innovations have yet to develop robust inter-organizational ties
(p. 76).’ Christensen and Rosenbloom (1995) build on even though individual organizations in these regions
Moore’s work by describing business ecosystems as may be well connected to organizations outside the
nested commercial systems where each player con- region.
tributes a specific component of an overarching Transposition is made possible by the ability of
solution. In turn, ecosystems are comprised of inter- organizations to bridge weakly connected—or uncon-
organizational networks that provide entrepreneurial nected—networks. Core explanatory factors are the
firms with resources and information to navigate a (1) the presence of an anchor organization that
constantly changing competitive environment (Zara provides an initial infrastructure for connections and
and Nambisan 2012). Further, business ecosystems field formation needed for collective growth and (2)
can vary by technology, network intensity, and the existence of heterogeneous organizational forms
organizational variety, while cooperative and collab- from which different practices, strategies, and rules
orative relationships exist simultaneously (Adner and can emerge. Relating to anchor organizations, Powell
Kapoor 2010; Iansiti and Levien 2004; Moore 1993). et al. (2009) find that research universities are critical
Ecosystem dynamics lead to ‘an economic community for successful cluster formation because they con-
supported by a foundation of interacting organiza- tribute to the continuing advance of science and
tions—the organisms of the business world’ (Moore technology, but often make poor commercial partners;
1993, p. 23). the commercialization of technology is unlikely
Concurrent research in the economic geography without a strong private sector presence within a
literature broadly defines regional innovation ecosys- region (Powell et al. 2009; Owen-Smith and Powell
tems primarily as the location-based transmission and 2004).
absorption of knowledge (Saxenian 1994; Piore and In their recent investigation of the Flanders region
Sabel 1984). These views seek to explain industrial of Belgium, Clarysse et al. (2014) differentiate

636 C. S. Hayter

between business ecosystems and knowledge ecosys- the necessary financial assets needed to be a financial
tems. The authors find that knowledge ecosystems are intermediary).
typically disconnected from business ecosystems Following Laur et al. (2012) and Yusef (2008), we
needed to apply and commercialize new knowledge. define knowledge intermediaries as organizations that
Further, technology transfer offices (TTOs) and facilitate knowledge exchange between universities
regional public venture funds often reinforce the and external stakeholders through the creation of
academic nature of university spinoffs rather than bidirectional, value-added network relationships.
bridge the two disparate ecosystems. In short, accord- Knowledge intermediary activities might include the
ing to the extant literature on ecosystems, regional development of a formal entrepreneurship curriculum
economic dynamism and growth are a function of the and research agenda, among other initiatives, that
interconnectivity of disparate, yet collectively sup- relate to a university’s core teaching, research, and
portive organizations (Whittington et al. 2009). service mission (Jong 2008; Pittaway and Cope 2007).
Activities might also include a willingness to create,
2.2 University knowledge intermediaries transform, and sunset related academic entrepreneur-
ship intermediaries writ large: To what extent does the
While business ecosystem literature remains largely mission of a university promote entrepreneurship
silent on the role of universities, the regional ecosys- (Audretsch 2014; Urbano and Guerrero 2013; Youtie
tem perspective views research universities—and its and Shipiro 2008; Feldman and Derochers 2004)?
supporting policy and programmatic infrastructure— Our broad definition of knowledge intermediaries
as a critical component (Bahrami and Evans 2000; allows inclusion of myriad academic entrepreneurship
Saxenian 1994). As mentioned, Clarysse et al. (2014) organizations, including technology transfer offices
takes an expansive view of knowledge ecosystems, (Bradley et al. 2013a, b; Phan and Siegel 2006),
including universities. A separate line of research technology incubators (Mian 1996, 1997, 2011),
explores the role of intermediaries in cluster develop- science parks (Mian et al. 2012; Link and Scott
ment; intermediaries are defined as organizations that 2006, 2007; Siegel et al. 2003), university early-stage
perform various services, including brokering, facil- capital funds (Croce et al. 2014), and PoCCs (Hayter
itating, and promoting, among other value-added and Link 2015; Bradley et al. 2013a, b). Specialized
activities important to regional economic growth research-oriented intermediaries, such as cooperative
(Laur et al. 2012). Yusef similarly describes the role research centers (Gray and Boardman 2010) and
of so-called knowledge intermediaries, organizations industry-consulting vehicles (O’Gorman et al. 2008),
critical to the exchange of new knowledge between can socialize faculty and students to market-oriented
universities and society, especially market-based firms dynamics important for motivating the spinoff
(Yusef 2008). decision.
Yusef (2008) articulates four categories of knowl- The importance of financial intermediaries, such as
edge intermediary: (1) general purpose: organizations angel and venture capitalists, to academic entrepreneur-
that produce and disseminate knowledge with research ship is well established within the literature (Hayter
universities and their core capabilities representing the 2013a; Wright et al. 2007; Shane and Stuart 2002).
most common type; (2) specialized: organizations, Research on institutional intermediaries is less devel-
such as a technology transfer office, that seeks out new oped though recent studies examine the impact of
forms of knowledge and aids in its transmission vis-à- government funding schemes, such as the Small
vis licensing to commercial users; (3) financial: Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program in the
organizations such as venture capitalist or angel USA (e.g., Link and Ruhm 2009) and government
investor that supplies risk capital and provides man- venture capital funds (e.g., Colombo et al. 2016).
agement know-how, technical skills, and links to other Further, regional institutional intermediaries, such as
supportive contacts; and (4) institutional: organiza- the San Diego CONNECT program, are especially
tions, often public agencies, that offer incentives to important for building strong social ties among the
encourage knowledge transfer and facilitate interac- academic, business, and venture capital communities
tion among researchers and firms (but may not have located within specific regions (Walcott 2002).

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 637

While research on the efficacy of the aforemen- trust are important determinants for the receipt of
tioned intermediaries is at various levels of maturity,2 resources (Coleman 1988; Krackhardt 1999).
most scholars find ‘mixed’ results; the impact of Recent research follows the broader entrepreneur-
knowledge intermediaries is dependent on a number of ship network research finding that networks can also
contextual, managerial, and resource factors (e.g., have a detrimental impact on entrepreneurial perfor-
Mian 2011). Important for our investigation, scholars mance (Gulati et al. 2000; Johannisson and Monsted
rarely examine the relationship among the knowledge 1997; Ruef et al. 2003). Academic entrepreneurs
intermediaries outlined above. In other words, how do come from the ranks of university faculty, a specific
the knowledge intermediaries reviewed above ‘fit’ professional identity and culture subject to high
together, what are the strategies and techniques used to levels of homophily (Ruef et al. 2003; Bozeman et al.
conceptualize and manage these components as a 2001; Crane 1972), which can create a barrier to
group, and what is their collective impact on spinoff entrepreneurial success (Hayter 2013a, 2015).
success? Specifically, academic entrepreneurs embedded
within non-commercial, academic research environ-
2.3 Networks and spinoff success ments typically lack the skills and experiences
important for spinoff success (Mosey and Wright
As discussed above, social networks serve as a proxy 2007; Wright et al. 2007; Druilhe and Garnsey 2004;
for vibrant interrelationships important for economic Franklin et al. 2001).
dynamism and prosperity (Powell et al. 2009; Whit- Conversely, university scientists who have ties to
tington et al. 2009). However, aside from a few recent industry, receive industry funding, or possess indus-
exceptions (Hayter 2015, 2016; Rasmussen et al. try experience are more likely to patent, license, and
2011, 2015), few studies empirically examine the establish a university spinoff (O’Gorman et al. 2008;
specific structure and related contributions of social Dietz and Bozeman 2005; Gulbrandsen and Smeby
networks to spinoff success, much less the role of 2005). Hayter (2013a), for example, finds that the
knowledge intermediaries in network evolution. commercialization success among a sample of
A robust literature instead shows networks to be university spinoffs in the USA is dependent on the
conceptually important for academic entrepreneurship presence of ‘external knowledge networks,’ includ-
(e.g., Hayter 2013a; Nicolaou and Birley 2003; Shane ing external licenses; joint ventures with other
and Cable 2002). Vohora et al. (2004) posit that companies; experienced, professional managers;
networks are pathways through which opportunity and the presence of faculty entrepreneurs with
recognition—market insights motivating spinoff consulting experience.
establishment—is achieved. According to Wright In addition to the aforementioned opportunities to
et al. (2007), ‘social resources’—to whom network empirically investigate the composition and contribu-
contacts are connected—enable firms to obtain tech- tions of social networks, few studies have empirically
nological, human, and financial resources needed for investigated entrepreneurship networks from an evo-
spinoff development and success (Shane and Cable lutionary perspective in order to explain differences in
2002). Shane and Stuart (2002) similarly find that entrepreneurial development (Jack 2010; Slotte-Kock
venture and angel investors are more likely to invest in and Coviello 2010). From a regional economic
spinoffs they know or to which they have been referred perspective, the ecosystem literature does little to
by reliable sources; mutual network connections and advance our understanding of how and why knowledge
exchange occurs, especially relating to research uni-
versities (Braunerhjelm et al. 2010; Acs et al. 2009),
not to mention the role of knowledge intermediaries
therein (Yusef 2008). A recent comprehensive review
For example, a voluminous literature examines the structure of the empirical entrepreneurship network literature
and impact of technology transfer offices (Bradley et al. (Hayter 2013b) suggests that scholars investigate
2013a, b; Phan and Siegel 2006) while scholars have yet to
entrepreneurship networks employing a knowledge-
empirically examine the structure and impact of individual
PoCCs, a relatively new policy innovation (Hayter and Link based conceptual view, a charge embraced by the
2015). present investigation.

638 C. S. Hayter

3 Research approach juncture as a barrier to growth, potentially preventing

spinoff transition from one development phase to the
This study investigates the role of knowledge inter- next.
mediaries and their impact on the development of
university spinoffs within New York, a state of critical 3.2 Data collection
importance to the US economy.3 It does so by
investigating the contact composition, contribution, According to Vohora et al. (2004), the initial venture
and evolution of business networks among faculty and champion—the academic entrepreneur—plays a key
graduate student entrepreneurs whose spinoffs are in role in initial startup development. Further, the initial
the early stages of spinoff development. We assume founder(s) play a particularly important role in the
that a knowledge intermediary is an organization development of the company, especially university
comprised of one or more individuals dedicated to the faculty and graduate student entrepreneurs who pos-
dissemination and commercialization of new knowl- sess relatively unique backgrounds, motivations, and
edge generated within universities. The sections below growth ambitions compared with other types of
explain the specific elements of our research approach. entrepreneurs (Boh et al. 2012; Hayter 2011; Pittaway
and Cope 2007).
3.1 Conceptualizing entrepreneurial development In order to investigate these entrepreneurship
networks, we obtain contact information for nascent
We conceptualize entrepreneurial development in graduate student and faculty entrepreneurs affiliated
terms of critical junctures (Vohora et al. 2004), with engineering schools located at research univer-
multiple, iterative development milestones. Figure 1 sities within New York State. We focus on engineer-
illustrates the four critical junctures, including oppor- ing-relating spinoffs because engineering disciplines
tunity recognition, entrepreneurial commitment, cred- are typically well linked to practical outcomes and
ibility and sustainability, as well as the associated constitute a significant portion of intellectual property
resource and network elements associated with each. generated in universities (Agrawal and Henderson
Entrepreneurial development and therefore success 2002). Further, we focus on spinoffs established no
are reflected in the forward progression of university a more than 2 years prior in order to understand the
spinoff though each critical juncture, with the eventual evolution of social networks among nascent academic
goal of achieving enterprise sustainability. Forward entrepreneurs—and account for potential recall bias
progression through a critical juncture is adopted as a within our population (Carter et al. 2003; Ruef et al.
proxy for entrepreneurial success within the present 2003).
investigation. Vohora et al. (2004) define each critical Spinoff contact information was obtained from
university technology transfer offices as well as the
New York State Energy Research and Development
While ranked only 27th out of 50 American states in
Authority (NYSERDA) and New York Economic
geographic area, New York ranks fourth in population and has
the third largest economy within the USA, following California Development Commission.4 Illustrated in Table 1,
and Texas, respectively (see, accessed 25 Jan spinoffs are drawn from nine research universities,
2015). It is also home to New York City, the largest city in the public and private, constituting a wide range of
USA and global center for finance, fashion, and media and
engineering areas and locations. As noted, all spinoffs
Despite its economic and cultural importance, the state also were established based on technologies derived from
contains several regions, especially in the north (i.e., Upstate) federally funded research.
that have been in relative decline. These regions include
Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. A legacy of their former
industrial success, many Upstate regions (along with New York
City) enjoy the presence of internationally renown research
universities (see, for example, Table 1) that attract high levels of Two technology transfer offices did not respond to our request
sponsored research dollars; the state ranks second in total federal for information. Contact information for several spinoffs located
R&D funding. However, the state also scores relatively low on at these universities is public information, made available by a
measures of innovation and high-tech employment resulting in state entrepreneurship support organization. See Hayter (2016)
what many state policymakers have termed New York’s for a more in-depth discussion of how data were collected from
‘innovation gap’ (see, for example, ITIF 2012; Milken 2013). TTOs.

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 639

Fig. 1 Critical juncture

framework of
development. Adapted from
Vohora et al. (2004)

Table 1 New York research institutions represented in the sample

Institution City Ownership Enrollment Medical Engineering
(2012) school (=1) school (=1)

Columbia University New York City Private 28,824 1 1

Cornell University Ithaca Public/ 22,400 1 1
New York University New York City Private 43,911 1 1
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy Private 6999 0 1
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Private 18,063 0 1
State University of New York at Albany Albany Public 17,142 0 1
State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo Public 28,952 1 1
State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook Public 24,149 1 1
Syracuse University Syracuse Private 21,029 0 1
University of Rochester Rochester Private 10,510 1 1

We obtained contact information for 27 faculty and well as TTOs, university entrepreneurship personnel,
graduate student entrepreneurs whose spinoffs met our advisors, and funders in order to supplement and
criteria above. A total of 23 spinoffs participated fully validate data reported by academic entrepreneurs.
in our study.5 Founding academic entrepreneurs Data were collected between 2010 and 2013.
interviewed for the study included seven graduate To academic entrepreneurs agreeing to participate
students, three assistant professors, nine associate in the study, we first administered an SNA survey.
professors, and four full professors. Further, we According to Borgatti and Foster (2003), SNA has
interviewed a total of 15 other spinoff employees as emerged as an effective method for analyzing net-
works. SNA enables scholars to view individual or
5 collective agents as social entities embedded within a
While twenty-five academic entrepreneurs initially agreed to
participate in our study, two individuals did not respond fully to web of relationships thereby fitting the goals of our
our data collection efforts. investigation (Scott 2000). Ego-centric network data

640 C. S. Hayter

are collected using a so-called name generator tech- subsequent development, including its current devel-
nique (Renzulli and Aldrich 2005). Accordingly, opmental state, guided by the critical junctures
academic entrepreneurs within our sample were asked framework (Vohora et al. 2004). Referring to their
to list their most important ‘business contacts’ with respective social network survey, academic entrepre-
whom ‘you have collaborated for the purpose of neurs were also asked to describe the specific contri-
establishing your company and/or commercializing butions provided by their respective business contacts
your company’s technology.’6 For each contact, in order of importance. During the second round of
respondents were also asked to include the full name, interviews, respondents were asked to provide an
position, and organization. Respondents are asked to update of how their spinoff had developed and,
differentiate between strong ties (defined as the receipt separately, update their SNA survey, describing how
of valuable resources) and weak ties with network social networks and their corresponding contributions
contacts (Jack 2010). Applying Bozeman and Corley’s had evolved over time.
(2004) concept of cosmopolitanism7 to entrepreneur-
ship networks, contact location is also requested. 3.3 Data analysis
After social network surveys were completed, we
conducted separate interviews among 23 academic From the social network survey, we identified the
entrepreneurs and selected spinoff employees during position (role), affiliated organization, and location of
two separate research phases. As noted, we also each individual reported by academic entrepreneurs as
interviewed TTOs, university and state entrepreneur- a business contact. From the subsequent interviews,
ship support personnel, entrepreneurship advisors, and responses were recorded and transcribed; transcripts
funders. The first phase (phase I) occurred immedi- were read as data were collected. Once each round of
ately after the social network survey was administered, data collection was completed, responses were coded
while the second (phase II) occurred approximately inductively, according to procedures recommended by
2 years after the initial interviews. Data were collected Kuckartz (2014) and Saldana (2012).8 After data were
in person or over the phone during two separate time analyzed, respondents were asked to validate the
periods, utilizing an open-ended interview template specific contributions of their network contacts.
based on the literature review and accompanying From each interview, we were able to reconstruct a
research questions above. Interviews ranged in length narrative of the entrepreneurial process and thus
from one-half hour to two and half hours; most were determine the current relative developmental state of
approximately 1 h in duration. each academic entrepreneur’s spinoff company
Interviews were guided by a narrative approach according to the prescribed critical juncture frame-
(Polkinghorne 1988) whereby respondents were asked work. Further, a comparison of responses among
to describe the establishment of their spinoff and its academic entrepreneurs yielded multiple emergent
themes regarding the specific contributions of network
Several studies in the management literature ask respondents contacts. Finally, social network data were compared
to list their five (5) most important contacts (e.g., Nicolaou and to the relative entrepreneurial developmental state—
Birley 2003). However, given that there have been few, if any, critical juncture—for each spinoff. The results are
studies on network differences between faculty entrepreneurs
reported in Sect. 4.
and other types of entrepreneurs, we opt for a more open-ended
request: We do not limit the number of network contacts
reported. 8
A total of three research team members coded the data,
Bozeman and Corley (2004) find that connections with including the author and two colleagues. According to Krip-
individuals outside of one’s research group, university, or pendorff (2004), agreement among multiple coders increases the
region—so-called cosmopolitan networks—positively impact likelihood that data are reliable. The addition of a third coder
publishing productivity among faculty researchers. Related, allows for a decision to be made when there exist divergent
Kenny and Patton (2005), in their study of spinoffs that have interpretations of binary data between the two other coders.
achieved an initial public offering (IPO), find that extra-regional Further, a critical element of data validity is intercoder
‘‘entrepreneurial support networks,’’ including venture capital- reliability, the extent to which independent coders evaluate
ists, lawyers, and accountants, are critical in the biotech reported data and reach the same conclusion. Using (1) percent
industry, just as Davenport (2005) and Gertler and Levitte agreement and (2) Krippendorff’s alpha, we find that all coded
(2005) find that firms are increasingly sourcing ideas variables exceed accepted thresholds of intercoder reliability,
internationally. 90 % for and 0.800, respectively.

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 641

Fig. 2 Reported contact

frequency by research phase

4 Empirical results different. More notably, academic entrepreneurs

report 31 additional non-academic contacts (45 total;
4.1 Network composition and evolution 42.1 % of all contacts), including advisors (10),
company partners (10), state/regional entrepreneur-
Each spinoff is associated with an academic entrepre- ship services (9), and angel investors (7). New contact
neur who has a social network of business contacts. types are also reported, including a federal govern-
The 23 faculty entrepreneurs in the sample reported a ment representative (Department of Defense), attor-
total of 79 and 107 contacts during the first and second ney, and a corporate venture capitalist. Also of note,
research phases, respectively. The number of reported two contacts reported as advisors in phase I are
business contacts ranges from a minimum of 3 to a subsequently designated as managers, constituting a
maximum of 7. Figure 2 presents reported contacts by total of five managers in the second research phase. In
frequency. For the first phase, a large majority (65 or short, social networks within our sample have evolved
82.3 %) of reported contacts are academic, defined as quickly between the two research phases growing
individuals employed by a university, including other mostly in terms of additional non-academic contacts.
faculty, students, TTOs, and university entrepreneur-
ship support personnel. The remaining 14 contacts are 4.2 Specific network composition
comprised of advisors, state and local entrepreneur- and contributions by research phase
ship services, two professional managers, and an angel
investor. Table 2 illustrates the specific network contacts and
In the second phase, the overall number of reported primary resource contributions during the two data
contacts rises to 107; the social networks of respon- collection phases, with new contacts (and phase I
dents have expanded. Though academic contacts (62) contacts that are not longer included in phase II
still constitute a majority within the sample, the networks) highlighted in bold. Changes in contact
number of reported TTOs (8) and university contributions are designated with an asterisk. Table 2
entrepreneurship support personnel (6) declines (4 also indicates the associated developmental stage of
and 4, respectively) while additional students are each spinoff: In the first phase, 22 spinoffs are in the
reported. The number of faculty (30) remains the commitment critical juncture while one spinoff has
same, though a few individual faculty contacts are achieved credibility; 17 spinoffs remain in the

Table 2 Evolution of networks among respondents

Spinoff Phase I network contact Contributions Juncture Phase II network contact Contributions Juncture

A1 Faculty Advice, research Commitment Faculty Advice, research Commitment
Faculty Research Faculty Research
TTO Advice, connections TTO Advice, connections
Faculty (out of region) Research
A2 Student Management, influence to establish Student Management, influence to establish Commitment
TTO Advice, connections TTO Advice, connections
Faculty Research
B1 Faculty Advice, research Commitment Faculty Advice, research Commitment
Faculty (out of region) Advice Faculty (out of region) Research, connections
State/regional entre. Connections Manager Management, connections
Attorney Legal services, connections
Angel investor Connections
B2 Student Co-founder, management Commitment Student Co-founder, management Credibility
Faculty Research Faculty Research
University Entre. Svc. Establishment assistance, Angel investor Funding, advice, management
Company partner Development asst.
Company partner Manufacturing asst.
C1 Faculty Advice, connections Commitment Faculty Advice, connections Commitment
Faculty Advice, research Faculty Advice, research
Company partner Research Company partner Research
State Entre. Svc. Connections, advice State Entre. Svc.a Connections, advice, fundinga
Corporate venture Connections, technical assistance
C2 Student Co-founder, management Commitment Student Co-founder, management Commitment
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Faculty Co-founder, research Faculty Co-founder, research
Local Entre Svc. Advice, connections Local Entre Svc Advice, connections, spacea
C3 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Faculty (out) Research, advice Faculty (out) Research, advice
Student Employee Student Employee
Uni. Entre. Evc. Advice, connections
C. S. Hayter
Table 2 continued
Spinoff Phase I network contact Contributions Juncture Phase II network contact Contributions Juncture

D1 Student Co-founder Commitment Student Co-founder Credibility

Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Advisor Advice, connections Advisor–Managera Management, CEOa
Advisor Advice, connections Company partner Development asst.
Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, connections, funding, Angel investor Funding, advice, connections
D2 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Student Co-founder, influence to establish Student Co-founder
A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success

Student Co-founder, influence to establish Student Co-founder

Faculty (out of region) Research, advice
Advisor Advice, connections
Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, connections, funding,
Angel funder Advice, connections
D3 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Faculty Advice Faculty Advice
Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, educationa Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, connectionsa
E1 Student Co-founder Commitment Student Co-founder Credibility
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Faculty Advice, connections Faculty Advice, connections
Manager Management, advice
Company partner Research, development asst.
State Entre. Svc. Connections, funding
E2 Student Co-founder Commitment Student Co-founder Commitment
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Faculty Advice, connections Student (out of region) Advice
Advisor (parent) Advice
F1 Student Co-founder Commitment Student Co-founder Commitment
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Faculty Advice, connections Advisor Advice, connections
Faculty Advice, connections Local Entre. Svc. Space, advice

Table 2 continued

Spinoff Phase I network contact Contributions Juncture Phase II network contact Contributions Juncture

G1 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
TTO Advice, connections, funding Advisor Advice, connections
Angel Advice, connections
Company partner Technical Assistance
G2 Faculty Co-Founder Commitment Faculty Co-Founder Commitment
Student Co-founder, Influence to establish Student Co-founder, Influence to establish
TTO Advice, connections Advisor Advice, connections
H1 Advisor Advice, connections Credibility Advisor/Manager Managementa, Connections Credibility
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Student Co-founder Student Co-founder
Angel investor Advice, connections, funding Angel investor Funding
Company partner Prototyping asst.
Univ. Entre. Svc Advice, connections, space, Company partner Development asst.
H2 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Faculty Co-founder, research Faculty Co-founder, research
Student Co-founder, influence to establish Student Co-founder, influence to establish
Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, connections, educationa Univ. Entre. Svc. Advice, connections, fundinga
State entre. assistance Advice, connections, funding
Company partner Development asst.
Advisor Legal services
H3 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Credibility
Manager Co-founder, management, advice Manager Co-founder, management, advice
Univ. Entre. Svc. Connections, education Univ. Entre. Intermediary Connections, education
Company partner Development asst. Company partner Development asst.
Regional entre. svc. Connections, funding
I1 Faculty Co-founder, research Commitment Faculty Co-founder, research Commitment
TTO Advice, connections Faculty (out of region) Advice, research
Advisor Advice, connections TTO Advice, connections
State Entre. Assistance Advice, connections Advisor Advice, connections
State Entre Assistance Advice, connections
I2 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Faculty Advice Faculty Advice
C. S. Hayter
Table 2 continued
Spinoff Phase I network contact Contributions Juncture Phase II network contact Contributions Juncture

TTO Advice, connections TTO Advice, connections

Advisor Advice, connections
J1 Faculty Advice, influence to establish Commitment Faculty Advice, influence to establish Commitment
Faculty (out of region) Advice Faculty (out of region) Advice
Advisor Advice, connections Advisor Connections, managementa
Company partner Development asst.
State Entre. Svc. Advice, funding
J2 Faculty Co-founder Commitment Faculty Co-founder Commitment
Student Co-founder, management Student Co-founder, management
A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success

TTO Advice, connections

J3 Manager Co-founder Commitment Manager Co-foundera Credibility
Faculty Research Faculty Co-founder, research
Student Employee Student Co-founder
TTO Advice, connections
Advisor Advice, connections Advisor Management, connectionsa
State Entre. Svc. Advice, connections State entre. svc. Funding, connectionsa
Angel investor Advice, connections
Fed. Government Rep. Development asst., Connections,
Changed contacts in Bold
Changed contribution

646 C. S. Hayter

commitment phase during phase II, while 5 additional Table 3 Primary contact contributions
spinoffs (6 total) have progressed to the credibility Contact Contributions
critical juncture. No spinoff in the sample has
progressed beyond the credibility phase. Table 3 Faculty Researcher Advice
further summarizes the primary contributions of each Research
contact type. Co-founder
In keeping with the entrepreneurship network Influence to establish
literature, nearly all contacts provide advice as well Student Co-founder
as connections to other contacts. Advice and connec- Influence to establish
tions received from faculty connections primarily Management
relate to research assistance and other facets associ- Employee
ated with the early stages of spinoff establishment. TTO Advice

Further, network connections made through other Connections

faculty are often limited to intra-university contacts, Uni. Entre. Services Advice
such as the TTO or university entrepreneurship
support personnel.
Establishment assistance
For faculty-established spinoffs, contributions from
graduate students relate primarily to their role as co-
founder, their commitment to entrepreneurial action
Advisor Advice
(‘influence to establish’), and role as spinoff manager.
For student-established spinoffs, fellow students typ-
(Later) management
ically serve as co-founders. Discussed below, both
State/regional entre. Connections
TTOs and university entrepreneurship support per- services
sonnel were deemed important for advice and con- Advice
nections, though the latter offered more services, Funding
including education programs, physical space, and Space
funding programs to support spinoff success. Simi- Manager Advice
larly, local, federal, and state/regional entrepreneur- Management
ship support programs offer advice, connections, Connections
funding, technical assistance, and physical space. Local entre. service Advice
Among the contributions of non-academic contacts, Company partner Advice (related to
respondents deem management (from managers and commercialization)
advisors) and funding (from angel investors) as critical Research
resources for spinoff development. Further, company Development assistance
partners were important for (joint) applied research Prototyping and manufacturing
projects, technology development assistance, proto- Angel investor Advice
type development, and manufacturing. Connections
4.3 Explaining network evolution: the role Management
of knowledge intermediaries Federal gov’t rep. Technical assistance
From the sections above, we find that the contributions Funding
of faculty and students focus on motivating and Attorney Legal services (specialized advice)
undertaking spinoff establishment as well as more Connections
basic research functions. Beyond faculty and students, Corporate venture investor Advice
network contacts provide an array of financial, tech- Connections

nical, and human resources as well as social Technical assistance

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 647

Fig. 3 Single academic

intermediary model

Fig. 4 Single non-

academic intermediary

resources—ties—to other contacts who can provide explain how social networks among academic entre-
resources important for spinoff development. Further, preneurs (co)evolve with the development of univer-
we find that the contributions of knowledge interme- sity spinoffs and the role of knowledge intermediaries
diaries reported in our sample vary substantially. therein.
Based on these data and the sections above, we Each figure represents the ego-centric social net-
construct three conceptual models (Figs. 3, 4, 5) to works of spinoffs within the entrepreneurial

648 C. S. Hayter

Fig. 5 Ecosystem
intermediary model

commitment phase (left side) compared to the network useful to spinoff success. Regardless, the social
of spinoffs that have progressed to the credibility networks of academic entrepreneurs in the commit-
phase (right side). The large circle in the bottom left- ment phase do not extend beyond first-order academic
hand corner side of each diagram (within each figure) intermediaries represented by Tie 1C.
represents an academic entrepreneur. Further, ties to In the single academic intermediary model, spinoff
faculty researchers and graduate students are ubiqui- progression is dependent on both the resources (such
tous among academic entrepreneurs in the sample as access to early-stage funding) and the quality of that
represented in the bottom right-hand side. As men- individual’s ties to non-academic contacts (repre-
tioned, contacts in the social network can possess three sented by Tie 1D). While no spinoff in the model had
possible types of ties with other contacts: strong ties yet to progress to the credibility phase, an academic
(dark, thick lines), weak ties (thinner, dashed lines), or contact in at least one university within our sample has
nonexistent ties. connected academic entrepreneurs to non-academic
contacts that can potentially be helpful to spinoff
4.3.1 Single academic intermediary model development (Tie 1E). For at least one spinoff, the
non-academic contact possessed an existing relation-
The majority of spinoffs in our sample had yet to ship with a local angel funder (Tie 1F) and connected
progress to the credibility phase during our 3-year this individual to the academic entrepreneur (Tie 1G),
study represented in the left diagram within Fig. 3. though no funding has been received thus far. We
Academic entrepreneurs are also connected to aca- deem this secondary network connection second
demic contacts, such as TTOs and university order.
entrepreneurship support personnel represented by
Tie 1A. From an organizational perspective, we 4.3.2 Single non-academic intermediary model
designate these academic contacts constituents of
first-order academic intermediaries to reflect their Figure 4 represents the single non-academic interme-
potential connective role within the network: TTOs diary model whereby, in addition to academic contacts
and other academic contacts may or may not possess (Tie 2A), entrepreneurship networks include at least
relationships with non-academic contacts (Tie 1B) one non-academic contact (Tie 2B). Existing

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 649

connections to non-academic contacts were first ‘management matchmaker’ within that university’s
established by academic entrepreneurs while working business school.
in cooperative research centers, consulting with We also found that academic entrepreneurs drew
industry, prior industry experience, friends, and from the ties of their co-founders to connect with
chance meetings. In at least three cases, student contacts important to the success of their spinoff. For
academic entrepreneurs connected other spinoff example, a faculty entrepreneur established a spinoff
founder(s) (faculty and/or other students) with non- with a graduate student who, during establishment,
academic contacts with whom they had worked on introduced their co-founder to a retired company
student research projects (Tie 2C). executive. The graduate student previously met and
For spinoffs in Fig. 4 that progress to the closely worked with this ‘advisor’ during a year-long,
credibility phase, relationships with non-academic applied capstone project required for graduation.
contacts (Ties 2E and 2F) strengthen as ties to Contacts in the ecosystem model have ties of
academic intermediaries become relatively weaker varying strength to non-academic contacts, given their
(Tie 2D). Further, the single non-academic contact different functions (represented by Ties 3E and 3F).
not only provides an important resource (e.g., For example, a student business plan competition
management), it also possesses connections to coordinator will likely have different contacts com-
other non-academic contacts (Tie 2G), which are pared the manager of a technology-focused incubator,
deemed first order. A non-academic contact can just as contacts may also differ by technology and
thus connect the academic entrepreneur(s) to other application. The availability of useful non-academic
individuals who can provide resources (e.g., angel contacts will depend on the characteristics of the
funding) important for entrepreneurial development region surrounding the university as well as the
(Tie 2H). institutional mechanisms that exist for engaging these
individuals. Non-academic contacts may or not know
4.3.3 University ecosystem model each other (Tie 3G).
Networks among spinoffs in the ecosystem model
Figure 5 represents networks of academic entrepre- that progress to the credibility phase are distinct from
neurs in what we deem the university ecosystem the other two models. First, academic entrepreneurs
model. Among spinoffs that have yet to achieve the are exposed to a variety of entrepreneurship support
credibility phase, academic entrepreneurs (faculty and mechanisms prior to the establishment of their spinoff.
students) are connected to multiple academic contacts For students, some of these mechanisms include
(Ties 3A and 3C), including representatives from ‘formal’ classes (i.e., part of a university’s degree
entrepreneurship ‘boot camps,’ entrepreneurship coor- program) on product development, entrepreneurship,
dinators, and entrepreneurs in residence. Contacts can and business plan development as well as the afore-
also be non-academic and include state entrepreneur- mentioned team-oriented, multi-disciplinary, prob-
ship support personnel, advisors, managers, company lem-focused capstone projects. Other support
partners, and angel investors. In cases where academic mechanisms include business plan competitions, net-
entrepreneurs do not possess strong ties to contacts, working events, ‘TED talks’ by successful academic
they often know these individuals and are familiar entrepreneurs, hack-a-thons, and entrepreneurship
with their services (Tie 3B). Further, academic clubs that not only provide greater familiarity with
entrepreneurs observed that network contacts seem entrepreneurship, but also provide venues used to
to know and work with each other, represented by Tie engage non-academic contacts, typically within sur-
3D. For example, academic entrepreneurs working rounding communities.
with one university’s entrepreneurship coordinator— Another key difference is the relationships among
what we term an entrepreneurship ombudsman (rep- academic and non-academic contacts (Ties 3H and
resented in this case by Tie 3A)—are typically 3K); as mentioned, academic entrepreneurs observed
introduced to a representative from a state that university program managers, funders, profes-
entrepreneurship support program. Similarly, engi- sional managers, and state entrepreneurship support
neering students attending a proof-of-concept/product personnel know and often ‘hang out’ with each other.
development workshop are introduced to a Each of these relationships becomes a potential point

650 C. S. Hayter

of network entry for academic entrepreneurs. Aca- from their home institution. Faculty colleagues and
demic entrepreneurs are often referred to different graduate students provide influence, advice, and
services and offerings, depending on their specific management support important to motivate and sup-
interests and needs (Tie 3I). For spinoffs progressing port the initial establishment of a university spinoff.
to the credibility phase, these (multiple) interactions This finding comports with a robust literature that
helped collectively socialize faculty and students to shows that social capital is critical to the exchange of
the technical, funding, and managerial realities of information and resources within an in intra-organi-
entrepreneurship, a world to which few academic zational network context (Coleman 1988; Krackhardt
entrepreneurs have been exposed. 1999). However, within an academic context, homo-
Contacts do this through specific services—and philous networks may also constrain future entrepre-
concurrent engagement with relevant, non-academic neurial development if academic entrepreneurs cannot
contacts. In turn, non-academic contacts have an access contacts embedded within other social net-
opportunity to observe and work with academic works important to the development of their spinoff.
entrepreneurs, allowing them to build trust among Asking how ‘network bridging’ occurs, we created
these individuals before providing valuable resources a taxonomy of social network evolution to illustrate
(Tie 3J). Once non-academic individuals feel com- our findings. Supporting previous literature on absorp-
fortable with the relative developmental state of a tive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal 1990) and more
spinoff, they may introduce academic entrepreneurs to recent work on network competence (Ritter and
other non-academic contacts (such as technologists Gemünden 2003) or capability (Walter et al. 2006),
and venture capitalists) who can help aid entrepre- we found that first-order academic and non-academic
neurial development (Tie 3K). Interestingly, positive contacts are important for entrepreneurial develop-
interactions between non-academic contacts and uni- ment. When successful, contacts and their associated
versity contacts helped build trust and positive work- knowledge intermediaries help socialize faculty entre-
ing relationships important for future academic preneurs to market-oriented motivations, values, and
entrepreneurs (Tie 3L). practices that they may not otherwise receive in an
academic environment. Further, bridging contacts
connect academic entrepreneurs with (other) non-
5 Discussion academic contacts who can provide resources and
other contacts important for the development of their
In keeping with the extant entrepreneurship network spinoff.
literature, our research shows that social networks are For most academic entrepreneurs in our sample,
critical pathways through which academic entrepre- TTOs or university entrepreneurship support services
neurs access resources and other contacts important to were the first point of contact related to the establish-
the development of their spinoff. However, unique ment and development of their spinoff; these knowl-
network-related challenges exist for university spin- edge intermediaries were viewed as a primary source
offs relative to other, non-academic entrepreneurial of (nominal) resources and connections, in many cases
ventures. Specifically, academic entrepreneurs must years after spinoff establishment (i.e., during our
bridge a yawning social gap between traditional, second research phase). Deemed the single academic
academic social networks and more market-oriented intermediary model, spinoff development is largely
entrepreneurial networks needed to progress to the dependent on the capability of one individual (e.g., a
credibility phase—our proxy for nascent entrepre- technology transfer officer) and the size and compo-
neurial success. sition of his or her respective social networks. At its
We find that academic entrepreneurs in the early best (i.e., University G), this model is functional when
stages of spinoff establishment define ‘business con- universities are embedded within entrepreneurial
tacts’ in a way that reflects their primary professional regions and the academic contact is well connected
environment as faculty and graduate students. Nearly and has prior business experience.
two-thirds of their network contacts in the first However, in most cases, spinoffs located at univer-
research phase are comprised of other academic sities embodying the single academic intermediary
contacts, especially faculty researchers and students model were limited in their development. Although

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 651

single academic intermediaries, especially TTOs, are network ties coevolve, beginning long before spinoffs
conceptualized in the literature as the critical path for are established—with different co-founders often
entrepreneurial development (Bradley et al. 2013a, b), developing ties with different academic and non-
our research finds that affiliated individuals often lack academic contacts. Several universities within our
social networks required to enable spinoff success. At sample have established multiple knowledge interme-
its worst, the single academic intermediary model can diaries that offer students and faculty formal courses,
slow or even inhibit the growth of entrepreneurship workshops, product/technology development semi-
networks by focusing on licensing and equity issues in nars, mentoring, funding, and networking services
lieu of ways to best enable spinoff development. designed to promote and support academic
While most respondents viewed single academic entrepreneurship.9 These services are largely open
intermediaries positively (or at least agnostically), access creating a high level of intra-university
several respondents indicated that they had avoided dynamism: Most individuals interested in
working with their respective TTO for a number of entrepreneurship are welcome. Further, engagement
reasons, including their predominant focus on life of myriad non-academic contacts among disparate
science technologies, preference for large company knowledge intermediaries creates multiple opportuni-
licensing over startup support, greed, slow response ties for ‘mixing’; a diverse constellation of first-order
times, and lack of entrepreneurship support capability. academic and non-academic contacts allows academic
Reported examples of ‘TTO avoidance’ include the entrepreneurs to connect with other important (second
development of core spinoff IP that does not relate to order) non-academic contacts, including professional
their university license, encouraging student co- managers, company researchers, and angel investors.
founders to claim IP within the university (within a Thus, the combination of connections to important
university that allows graduate students to retain their non-academic contacts and parallel improvement in
IP) and refusing to consult with potential external IP the entrepreneurial skills of academic entrepreneurs
licensees. (and related development of their technologies and
Entrepreneurship network relationships ascribed products) together creates an endorsement effect
to the single non-academic intermediary model are reducing resource investment risk for other network
more ad hoc and develop despite the presence of a contacts, especially angel and venture capitalists
single academic intermediary. The majority of ties (Shane and Stuart 2002). In other words, the more
among spinoffs located at universities ascribing to opportunities that academic entrepreneurs have to
this model came from prior working relationships interact and—importantly—build substantive rela-
with industry through joint research projects and tionships with non-academic contacts, the more likely
consulting. Further, reliance on non-academic con- they are to have access to resources and other contacts
tacts was seen as a way to avoid single academic important to spinoff success.
contacts. Other non-academic relationships formed In addition to the dynamic and multifaceted nature
after TTOs released intellectual property back to the of contacts within the ecosystem model, another key
inventor once they were unable to license the difference is the presence of what we term an
technology. Finally, visible in two cases within our ‘entrepreneurship ombudsman.’ The purpose of this
sample, spinoffs can be established without a formal individual is to act as a neutral coordinator to promote
intellectual property relationship with their home the interests of academic entrepreneurs, remove
university. The connective role of single non- barriers to their success, and connect these individual
academic contacts seems to highlight an research to entrepreneurship support mechanisms both inside
opportunity within Yusef’s (2008) framework: What
is the role of advisors, company personnel, and other
non-financial intermediaries important to academic 9
Interestingly, while several single academic intermediary
entrepreneurs within this study, but not defined as model universities also offered entrepreneurship support mech-
such in the literature? anisms, access to these resources was largely at the discretion of
one ‘gatekeeper’, the TTO, and often only in exchange for an
The ecosystem model seems to offer a superior
equity stake in the spinoff. To be sure, ecosystem model
approach for bridging disparate social networks universities have TTOs, but they are but one of a constellation of
important for spinoff success. Within the model, resource providers.

652 C. S. Hayter

and outside the university.10 Further, entrepreneurship inductively examining the composition, contributions,
ombudsman is tasked with the creation of an and evolution of social networks among academic
entrepreneurship strategy whereby curricular and entrepreneurs to explain the development of university
entrepreneurship support mechanisms are aligned in spinoffs and the role of knowledge intermediaries
support of academic entrepreneurship thus building an therein.
entrepreneurial culture. In practice, an entrepreneur- Most universities within our sample view academic
ship ombudsman does not replace the compliance and entrepreneurship as a primary responsibility of
intellectual property management function of TTOs, TTOs—a single, specialized knowledge intermedi-
but—conceptually—represents a first-order special- ary—possibly supported by a few ‘add on’ support
ized intermediary solely focused on improving the services, such as an early-stage venture fund or
entrepreneurial success of university spinoffs (Yusef incubator. This finding aligns with Clarysse et al.
2008). (2014) recent finding that knowledge ecosystems are
In summary, our university ecosystems model most often disconnected from the business ecosystems
closely approximates Christensen and Rosenbloom’s needed to apply and commercialize new university
(1995) ecosystem definition: nested, loosely organized knowledge; single academic contacts can reinforce the
academic and non-academic intermediaries that work academic nature of university spinoffs. In other words,
collectively and strategically to promote and support traditional university knowledge intermediaries and
academic entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial mis- their constituent representatives may not be capable of
sion drives action, not one ‘lead’ intermediary nor a fully bridging the social gaps between academic and
priority, for example, to earn licensing revenue. non-academic (industry) networks.
Entrepreneurial university ecosystems therefore con- Further, our research provides support for how
stitute a specific subsystem within the larger context of Powell and colleagues’ (2009) cross-realm transposi-
business and regional innovation ecosystems that is tion occurs. A vibrant entrepreneurial university
critical to economic and social development. ecosystem conceives of spinoff performance and its
associated economic impact in terms of social net-
works—or in terms of an overall network architec-
6 Conclusion ture—needed to provide the resources and connections
important for entrepreneurial success. While univer-
As mentioned, spinoffs are one vehicle through which sities can act as anchor organizations within a region,
entrepreneurial universities can contribute to regional their entrepreneurial contributions depend on the
economies (Audretsch 2014; Shane 2004; Slaughter existence and interrelationship of loosely coordinated,
and Rhoades 2004). What differentiates universities in heterogeneous knowledge intermediaries guided by a
our sample—and perhaps their contributions to eco- strong ethos to encourage and support academic
nomic development—is how they view and manage entrepreneurship. Thus, the critical contribution of
academic entrepreneurship vis-à-vis knowledge inter- entrepreneurial university ecosystems, as conceptual-
mediaries. In other words, how do research universi- ized here, lies in their ability to facilitate network
ties view, manage, and create (or sunset) knowledge bridging in order to disseminate and commercialize
intermediaries in furtherance of academic new knowledge vis-à-vis university spinoffs. Taking
entrepreneurship? We investigate this question by Clarysse et al. (2014) by example, the structure and
underlying social networks of knowledge intermedi-
aries may explain macro-level disconnections
Two universities in our sample have created these positions. between knowledge and business ecosystems in
Administrators interviewed during the project posited that
Flanders. Reconciling macro-level economic obser-
coordinator positions were created to differentiate the encour-
agement and support of academic entrepreneurship from how vations with micro-level investigations of knowledge
those support mechanisms (and the university writ large) are intermediaries and the associated social networks of
funded. At one university, an administrator spoke about prior affiliated individuals no doubt presents a promising
conflict of interest situations between TTOs and the interests of
research opportunity for scholars.
academic entrepreneurs, a specific scenario that the university
had hoped to avoid in the future with the creation of the Building off recent work (Lubynsky 2013; Boh
coordinator position. et al. 2012; Pittaway and Cope 2007), another

A trajectory of early-stage spinoff success 653

contribution of this paper is to highlight the role of bias nonetheless remain, including the propensity to
graduate students in academic entrepreneurship. Not view the past with ‘rose-colored lenses’ (Carter et al.
only are graduate students important for motivating 2003).
and undertaking spinoff establishment, but also we Future empirical work might also seek to validate
find that they often connect other academic entrepre- and strengthen our conceptual models of entrepre-
neurs to academic and non-academic contacts that neurial university ecosystems. Further, scholars could
they met during previous entrepreneurship programs undertake additional examinations of the composition,
and experiences. Scholars would do well to understand contributions, and evolution of entrepreneurship net-
better the role of students in university spinoffs, works within the context of other universities within
including the establishment and success and contri- other regions of the USA. One obvious area of neglect
butions of student-run spinoffs, their strengths and was examining the extent to which the regional
weaknesses. presence of useful non-academic contacts determines
Based on these findings, universities and the the structure of university ecosystems. Rhetorically, to
regions in which they are embedded could work what extent does a university’s geographic location
together to view social networks as a strategic asset necessitate a specific entrepreneurship support strat-
important for technology commercialization and eco- egy—and what does this strategy look like?
nomic development. Individual universities could Finally, future investigations might examine the
investigate the extent to which existing entrepreneur- extent to which entrepreneurial university ecosystems
ship support systems favor a single intermediary or and the regions in which they are embedded collec-
ecosystem model, examining the nature and contribu- tively foster social and geographic proximity between
tions of networks among current and aspiring aca- academic entrepreneurs and contacts valuable to the
demic entrepreneurs. Further, universities could future of their spinoff (Tartari et al. 2014). Put
implement alternative intellectual property policies differently, to what degree can academic entrepreneur-
that deemphasize a single academic intermediary ship networks be engineered, especially given the
model approach (vis-à-vis the TTO) while creating technical and geographic heterogeneity among uni-
and strengthening other opportunities to engage non- versity spinoffs? Armed with this research, university
academic contacts in other education, research, out- leaders and policymakers will be better equipped to
reach, and entrepreneurship support efforts. For their help the entrepreneurial university reach its full
part, states and regions could assist universities to economic and social development potential.
understand existing business and external ecosystems
while creating knowledge intermediaries to connect Acknowledgments I am grateful to the Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation for their financial support of this
them with entrepreneurial university ecosystems. For
research and also special thanks to Marla Parker and two
example, though limited to ‘cleantech’ within New anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and
York State, NYSERDA’s grant, technology develop- suggestions.
ment, and entrepreneur-in-residence programs pro-
vided both tangible resources and connections
valuable to the success of spinoffs within our sample.
Future investigations will hopefully overcome
some of the data limitations of the paper. First, while Acs, Z. J., Braunerhjelm, P., Audretsch, D. B., & Carlsson, B.
networks are conceptualized dynamically, the paper (2009). The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneur-
relies upon a relatively small sample of academic ship. Small Business Economics, 32(1), 15–30.
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entrepreneurs limited to one region of the USA.
ecosystems: How the structure of technological interdepen-
Further, our investigation focuses on spinoffs from dence affects firm performance in new technology genera-
engineering schools. Scholars would do well to tions. Strategic Management Journal, 31(3), 306–333.
investigate spinoffs within other disciplines such as Agrawal, A., & Henderson, R. (2002). Putting patents in con-
text: exploring knowledge transfer from MIT. Manage-
energy and the life sciences, comparing how network
ment Science, 48(1), 44–60.
composition, contributions, and evolution might dif- Audretsch, D. (2014). From the entrepreneurial university to the
fer. And while we chose to sample nascent academic university for the entrepreneurial society. Journal of
entrepreneurs, methodological concerns about recall Technology Transfer, 39, 313–321.

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