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1. Aquatic Habitat is a body of water in which certain organisms live
naturally. In other word, aquatic habitats are habitats or places that
relate to lives in water. Organisms that live in water are called
aquatic organisms. Examples of aquatic organisms are fish, crabs,
toads and plants.

2. Marine Habitats are aquatic habitats which contain salt water.

Marine habitats include the oceans, lakes, shores and the open
seas. The marine habitats have the following characteristics:

a. Salinity: this is defined as the degree of saltiness or

concentration of salt solution in oceans. The average salinity of
seawater is around 35 parts per thousand (ppt), although this can
vary depending on factors such as location, depth, and
proximity to freshwater sources.

b. Pressure: Pressure increases with depth in the ocean due to the

weight of the water above. Organisms adapted to deep-sea
habitats must withstand high pressures, which can exceed 1,000
times atmospheric pressure at the surface.

c. Light Penetration: Light penetrates the ocean water only to a

maximum depth of 200m. It varies with depth in marine
habitats. In shallow coastal areas, there is generally ample light
for photosynthesis to occur, supporting diverse ecosystems such
as coral reefs and kelp forests. In deeper waters, light levels
decrease, limiting the types of organisms that can thrive.
d. Oxygen Concentration: Oxygen availability in marine habitats
varies depending on factors such as temperature, salinity, and
circulation patterns. Oxygen concentrations are generally higher
near the surface and decrease with depth, with some areas
experiencing oxygen-depleted zones such as oxygen minimum
zones (OMZs).

e. Size: Marine habitats represent the largest of all the habitats.

The ocean alone occupies over 70% or 360 million square
kilometers of the earth’s total area of 510 million square
kilometers. Examples of oceans are Atlantic Ocean, Indian
Ocean, Pacific Ocean (the largest), etc.

f. Density: The density of marine water; hence, many organisms

can float on it. While the density of ocean water is about 1.028,
that of fresh water is 1.00. S, the density of ocean water is
higher than that of fresh water


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