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Civil Registry
Series BO No. Ag77ls


Section I
Civil Regisky Office of [iltegibleJ

Volume 550
Province of

Name and sumames of rhe child: ROBERTO sAN

Page 95 JosE urARTrNEz
Son of Baudelio and of Aurora
Was born in Madrid

On the 13th of Sepfemb er t96Z

his certiflcate in extract Comments ard other instructions(2)
,rm is only evidence of the
ct the date, the place of
rth and the sex of the
Lild (Civil Registry
:gulation of the l4th of
rvember 1958,at.29).

cERTrFrcATroN: According to the regisry page shown in the

vil Registry Stamp margin,
the [illegibleJ

Madrid, 10th of December 19g0

(signed by the Justice of the peuce and the

secretarg in the afiice of the
Justice af the Peace)

Certificate Duty:

Tax, No.32 (in policies)... ..-..5.00 pesetas

Fees (Decree oi rsj-ig
"rr-i ...27.0A
and article 37, taritr l)...,.......
Search (art.4l, raritr 1X3)... . .. .
Urgent (art.41, raritr t) (4)... ...
Printing {5).. ........... .33.00


(l) The.lile but not the paee *ilr be recorded ifcertified liom
books according to the paftem previous to current Civil
Latv, otherwise. only the page. Registry
(2) Unused spaces must be made void by
an ink line.
(3) FI\G PESETAS for eacrr thre,e-year search period,
ercept for the first three-year period.
t.l) FIVE PESETAS il'issued rvithin 24 hours
(5) official pattem- according to the order
of the 2ld of December 19ig.
# Ct3",1- ?'F-.Lr\E i,.1,T.X i) 1l
?#.{-f,E} *Y
,j'?4 a: r --
I Liliana B. Muaoz, NAATI Accredited Professional
Iaterpreter and Translator
lbsolute Translations, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct translation
Certificate extract Spmish language of a Birth

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