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An-Najah National University

Faculty of Graduate Studies




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University, Nablus - Palestine.




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List of figures

Figure 1: Ministry of Agriculture)........................................................................................................................17

Figure 2: Municipal Solid waste..........................................................................................................................21
Figure 3: landfills Location..................................................................................................................................31
Figure 4: Risk distribution...................................................................................................................................34
Figure 5:GIS risk map..........................................................................................................................................37
Figure 6: Average daily temperatures................................................................................................................40
Figure 7:Existing regional landfill locations on the suitability landfill siting map...............................................41
Figure 8:raph on temperature records...............................................................................................................43
Figure 9: Risk matrix...........................................................................................................................................47
Figure 10: risk distribution..................................................................................................................................53
Figure 11:Managebility graph.............................................................................................................................56
Figure 12: risk analysis........................................................................................................................................61

List of Tables
Table 1 Dumping site data..................................................................................................................................35
Table 2: region weather readings.......................................................................................................................46
Table 3: probability distribution.........................................................................................................................49

Table of Contents


List of figures.................................................................................................................................................. 1
List of Tables...................................................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER 1........................................................................................................................................................6

1.1 Introduction and Theoretical Background.............................................................................................6

1.2 Background Information.........................................................................................................................7
1.3 Theoretical Basis.......................................................................................................................................9
1.4 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................................11
1.5 Literature Reviews..................................................................................................................................13
1.6 Importance of the study.........................................................................................................................22
1.7 Aim of the Study.....................................................................................................................................23
1.8 Hypotheses...............................................................................................................................................24
2.0 CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................26

2.1 Study Design............................................................................................................................................26

2.11 Mixed-Methods Approach...............................................................................................................27

2.12 Risk Management Software.............................................................................................................28

2.2 Study Population.....................................................................................................................................29

2.3 Study Sample...........................................................................................................................................30
2.31 Meteorological Data Sources...........................................................................................................30

2.32 Determination of Sample Size..........................................................................................................34

2.4 Instruments of Study and Validation Indicators:................................................................................35

2. 5 Analysis Plan..........................................................................................................................................36
3.0 CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................................38

DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS...............................................................................................................38

3.1 Chapter Overview...................................................................................................................................38

3.2 Data Analysis and Results......................................................................................................................39
3.21 Temperature Trends and Variability..............................................................................................39

3.22 Extreme Temperature Events..........................................................................................................40

3.23 Long-Term Trends and Future Considerations.............................................................................43


3.24 Spatial Variability and Regional Impacts.......................................................................................44

3.3 Implications for Waste Management Vulnerabilities..........................................................................45

3.4 Risk Manager Software Analysis..........................................................................................................47
3.41 Risk Matrix....................................................................................................................................... 47

3.42 Results................................................................................................................................................54

3.5 Manageability Graph.............................................................................................................................56

3.51 Results................................................................................................................................................57

3.52 Mitigation Strategies.........................................................................................................................59

3.53 Probability Ranking.........................................................................................................................60

3.54 Results................................................................................................................................................62

4.0 CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................................65

DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................65

4.1 Chapter overview....................................................................................................................................65

4.2 Discussion of Results...............................................................................................................................66
4.3 Hypothesis Testing..................................................................................................................................68
4.4 Theoretical and Practical Implications.................................................................................................70
4.5 Limitations..............................................................................................................................................71
4.6 Future Research Directions...................................................................................................................72
4.7 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................74
5.0 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................77

6.0 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................................84


The thesis paper "Assessing Climate Change Vulnerabilities of Waste Management in the

West Bank: A Risk Management Approach" looks at how climate change affects the waste

management system in the West Bank region, specifically how it affects the system's

vulnerabilities and how well adaptation strategies are working. The project emphasizes the

heightened vulnerability to climate-induced disasters in Palestine, an area already struggling with

geopolitical instability. To detect and analyze the effects of climate change, this study combines

a multi-risk assessment technique with Palestine's existing national climate change plan.

The project highlights the significance of the Palestinian Authority's Climate Change

Adaptation Strategy and Program of Action, especially regarding fundamental issues like water

and food security. Increased resilience and capacity-building measures in the face of climate

change are especially important in Area C of the West Bank, severely constrained by the Israeli


According to the context, Palestine is no stranger to extreme weather, exacerbating the

country's water and food security crises. Using the National Adaptation Plan as a starting point,

this paper will evaluate the current state of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The

project uses qualitative assessments, such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys, to determine

which vulnerabilities are the most severe and which solutions work best for vulnerable

communities. The eventual goal is to help vulnerable people cope better with climate change by

providing policymakers with sound advice.


The proposal emphasizes the need to address stakeholder capacity and expertise to ensure the

effective implementation of proposed solutions, despite its recognition of the value of

stakeholder involvement. Keeping tabs on the effectiveness of adaptation measures and waste

management strategies applied as part of a larger strategy to reduce climate vulnerability is

emphasized in the project proposal as well.

The thesis aims to build a holistic approach that guarantees waste disposal practices conform to

global norms and contribute to a greener environment by considering climate change

vulnerability and waste management. The project aims to be a significant resource for

understanding the larger socio-economic implications of climate change, including the dangers

involved and the efficacy of various responses, emphasizing the necessity of constant evaluation

and progress monitoring.



1.1 Introduction and Theoretical Background

Climate change is a matter of global significance, exerting extensive effects that have

implications for persons and communities worldwide (Piao et al., 2019). Unfortunately, the

ramifications of these effects are unequally distributed, with poor countries in places such as the

Middle East bearing a disproportionate burden. This is particularly concerning because these

countries frequently see recurring human misery. Palestine has distinctive obstacles due to its

unpredictable geopolitical environment, making it particularly vulnerable to the catastrophic

consequences of climate-induced calamities. The primary objective of this project project is to

investigate the urgent matter at hand, with a specific emphasis on the susceptibility of waste

management practices in the region of Palestine.

Recent project has brought attention to notable climate variations in Palestine,

characterized by extreme meteorological phenomena, including elevated temperatures,

augmented humidity, extended periods of aridity, and an upsurge in precipitation frequency. In

order to gain a thorough understanding and effectively identify climate-related vulnerabilities,

conducting a rigorous multi-risk analysis is imperative. This analysis serves as the fundamental

basis of the present work. This study aims to investigate and evaluate the significant impacts of

climate change on Palestine. This will be accomplished by utilizing the region's current national

climate change plan and incorporating a multi-risk technique proposed by Sarsour and

Nagabhatla (2022).

The recognition of climate change adaptation holds significant relevance for the

Palestinian Authority, particularly regarding the crucial elements of water and food security for

Palestinians residing in Palestine (Ministry of Agriculture, 2019). Despite the difficulties


presented by the enduring occupation of Israel, the Palestinian Authority has demonstrated

steadfast dedication to the formulation and execution of policies and initiatives aimed at

addressing the impacts of climate change. These efforts aim to enhance the resilience of

Palestinian communities, empowering them to address the diverse challenges arising from an

evolving environment. The West Bank Strip, particularly the 61% of the territory known as Area

C and under Israeli control, has been found to have the most significant capacity limitations.

This, along with the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, highlights the pressing need to

develop capability and resilience to effectively address the increasing effects of climate change

experienced by Palestinians in these areas (Sarsour & Nagabhatla, 2022).

This study project aims to thoroughly investigate the impact of climate change

vulnerability on waste management in the West Bank. In order to accomplish this objective, the

study employs a rigorous risk assessment methodology, which is intended to ascertain the precise

risks and vulnerabilities that the waste management system encounters within this demanding

climate scenario. This project aims to provide significant contributions to knowledge and

understanding through a comprehensive analysis of these hazards. These insights may then be

utilized to shape and guide future policies and strategies in waste management. Ultimately, the

goal is to establish a waste management framework that is more robust, adheres to global

standards, and effectively protects the environment, not just for the Palestinian population but

also for other regions.

1.2 Background Information

Palestine, a region prone to climate change effects, faces catastrophic risks, including

droughts and heat waves (Khader, El-Kelani, & Shadeed, 2019). The area has already witnessed

severe humanitarian disasters, leading to heightened water and food insecurity, along with the

plight of a distressed refugee population. The effects of climate change have compounded

existing challenges, making Palestinians even more susceptible to its consequences. Responding

to these challenges, the Palestinian National Authority and its partners have initiated various

measures, including developing a National Climate Change Strategy and National Adaptation

Plan (NAP). These plans outline strategies to mitigate climate risks and build resilience to

climate change effects. However, the effectiveness of these programs in reducing vulnerabilities

and meeting the needs of the Palestinian community still needs to be more adequately


This study leverages the NAP as a foundational framework to qualitatively assess climate

change-related vulnerabilities in Palestine. The project focuses on a multi-risk assessment,

encompassing interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys within vulnerable communities

in Palestine. The primary objective is identifying the most significant vulnerabilities and the

most effective means of addressing them (Barnett & Adger, 2019). Existing climate risk

mitigation programs and policies will also be considered to inform policymakers and enhance the

development of targeted and effective policies and programs to mitigate climate change threats,

particularly for vulnerable populations and the environment. This project generates a policy brief

to disseminate findings and provide recommendations to policymakers.

However, there is a critical need to address the capacity of stakeholders in Palestine to

effectively manage climate change vulnerability. This is essential as stakeholders may require

additional resources and expertise to implement the recommended solutions. Furthermore, the

project proposal needs a detailed explanation of stakeholder involvement and how project

findings can influence policy changes. Climate change's potential social and economic

ramifications on disadvantaged groups in Palestine must be sufficiently explored.


While the focus of the project is primarily on identifying and assessing vulnerabilities

related to climate change and designing targeted responses, there needs to be a significant gap in

understanding the broader implications and how climate change could impact the socio-

economic fabric of the population. An essential component for effective interventions is a

strategy for monitoring progress once adaptive measures are implemented. Evaluating solutions

over time through data collection is crucial to verify their effectiveness.

The study also places significant emphasis on waste management, a critical aspect of the

project. Proper waste disposal strategies must be integrated into the broader framework for

reducing climate vulnerability to ensure that waste management practices align with global

norms. Input from relevant stakeholders is necessary to devise effective waste disposal strategies,

and the results must be continually monitored to ensure that waste management practices do not

exacerbate existing environmental challenges, contributing to a greener and more sustainable

living environment.

1.3 Theoretical Basis

Climate change is a global phenomenon that significantly impacts countries worldwide,

and Palestine is no exception. The region faces unique challenges due to its geographical

location and complex socio-political situation, making it susceptible to the adverse effects of

climate change. This project focuses on assessing climate vulnerabilities in Palestine's waste

management sector, identifying key risks, and developing strategies to mitigate these risks.

The existing literature emphasizes the importance of understanding climate change

vulnerabilities in Palestine. Khader, El-Kelani, and Shadeed (2019) highlight the severe impacts

of climate change in the region, leading to humanitarian crises, water and food insecurity. The

Palestinian National Authority has recognized the need to address these challenges and has

developed a National Climate Change Strategy and National Adaptation Plan. However, the

effectiveness of these initiatives in reducing vulnerabilities and meeting the needs of the

Palestinian community needs to be well-documented. This project aims to fill this gap by

qualitatively assessing climate change-related vulnerabilities, focusing on multi-risk analysis,

and involving vulnerable communities.

The project objectives include identifying and assessing climate change vulnerabilities in

Palestine's waste management, proposing solutions to mitigate risks, and enhancing climate

resilience for vulnerable communities. This project is crucial for understanding the current and

future impacts of climate change on waste management in the region, and the findings will

inform policy development and strategies to address these vulnerabilities.

The Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Anan is now used as a clean landfill. Despite its

diminutive size, it played a role in the waste management of the surrounding communities and

the governorates of Ramallah and Al-Bireh (Abutabikh, et al., 2019). Despite Palestinian

attempts, Israel's systematic transfer of hazardous trash to the West Bank denies access to a clean

environment. B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group, published a report in December 2017

detailing Israel's operation of 15 waste treatment facilities in the West Bank. Where strict Israeli

environmental regulations do not apply and where random disposal costs are much lower, these

facilities deal with waste and hazardous materials like medical waste, solvent waste, oil and

metal waste, electronic waste, and batteries. Palestine has tried to challenge the illegal

transportation of this hazardous waste through several international agreements and treaties it has

signed over the past few years (Abutabikh, et al., 2019). The filing of complaints and reports of

numerous violations of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of

Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal stands out as one of the most significant of these efforts.

Specifically, the Oslo Accords appendix stated, "Each party will work to adopt

Internationally recognized environmental standards regarding the degree of pollutants emitted

into the enviroment, and each party will work to take the necessary measures to ensure that no

environmental damage is caused to the areas controlled by the other party." The Central Bureau

of Statistics assessed the amounts of garbage from the settlements erected on the territory of the

West Bank at roughly 176 tons annually due to the lack of clear and specific Palestinian numbers

on the smuggling activities that are going place as an "open process." Importing hazardous waste

into the Palestinian territories is punishable by life in jail with hard labor, as stated in Article 13

of the Palestinian Environmental Law (Abutabikh, et al., 2019). The Palestinian Central Bureau

of Statistics reported 1.91 million tons of solid garbage was generated in 2021 in a press release

issued in honor of "World Environment Day" on June 5, 2022. According to estimates from the

Ministry of Local Government, by 2023, all municipal solid waste will have been buried in a

sanitary manner, up from the current rate of roughly 99% in 2022. There are six sanitary landfills

in Palestine, four in the West Bank, and two in the Gaza Strip, where this is accomplished.

1.4 Problem Statement

Climate change is already affecting Palestine with rising temperatures, more frequent and

intense droughts, and changes in precipitation patterns. The vulnerabilities of climate change,

such as increasing temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, increasing heat waves, and rising sea

levels, lead to increase risks on current waste management practices and humans, such as fires,

accidents, pollution, diseases, toxic leakage, and waste accumulation.

The change in precipitation pattern from winter to summer leads to increase evaporation,

rising sea level, and its effect on wind speed lead to traffic accidents because the floods and lead

to contamination of groundwater resources; the wind becomes laden with dirt and dust, High

temperatures lead to fires in landfills. All of this leads to the disruption of the waste collection

process and damages the infrastructure of waste management, accumulation of waste in markets

and lanes leads to the spread of vectors and rodents, and its effect on humans and the spread of

diseases, in addition to leakage of chemical and toxic substances.

The current state of waste management in Palestine is susceptible to climate-related

disruptions, leading to environmental and health risks. The improper handling of solid and liquid

waste, coupled with limited resources and infrastructure, exacerbates the vulnerability of

Palestinian communities. The project aims to comprehensively understand the interactions

between climate change and waste management, identifying the specific climate-related risks and

their effects on waste disposal practices, as well as the broader implications for the environment

and human health.

A key concern is the lack of effective strategies to address these vulnerabilities and build

resilience within waste management systems. The current understanding of the issue needs to be

expanded to encompass a broader perspective that integrates climate change adaptation measures

with waste management strategies. This study seeks to address this gap by identifying effective

solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on waste management in Palestine.

Moreover, the project proposal acknowledges that stakeholder involvement and the

implementation of recommendations are integral to addressing climate change vulnerabilities

effectively. The proposal aims to provide guidance on how stakeholders can be engaged, how

project findings can be utilized to influence policy changes, and how vulnerable groups,

particularly those in rural and agrarian communities, can be better equipped to cope with climate

change impacts.

By addressing these critical aspects, the project aims to contribute to a better

understanding of the complex challenges posed by climate change vulnerability in the context of

waste management in Palestine. The findings of this study are essential for informing policy

decisions, resource allocation, and the design of targeted interventions to enhance the adaptive

capacity of waste management systems in the face of climate change.

1.5 Literature Reviews

The literature review provides essential context for the study by examining existing

project on climate change vulnerabilities in Palestine and waste management. As Khalil, Zaid,

and Abusalah (2015) demonstrated, assessing climate vulnerabilities emphasizes the importance

of managing solid and liquid waste, a significant factor contributing to overall exposure to

climate change. El-Hroub, Masakrani, and Al-Wafi (2018) focus on definite waste management

challenges in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, noting that improper waste management contributes

to health issues and jeopardizes food security and water resources. The UN's Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) also highlight waste management and resource safeguarding as

essential components to mitigate climate change's impact in Palestine (UN, 2020).

These studies underscore the need to consider waste management when evaluating

climate change vulnerabilities in Palestine. The impact of waste management practices on health,

water, and food supply is evident, and improving waste management strategies is crucial for

reducing vulnerabilities. The project's findings can inform policy development, leading to more

effective waste management practices that mitigate climate-related risks.

A number of important documents, such as the Partner Coordination Meeting and the

Palestine NDC Implementation Plans, have been developed to guide the implementation of the

NDCs in Palestine(World Health Organization, 2022). These documents provide a forum for

dialogue amongst stakeholders and aid in defining the process's scope and timing. In addition,

the Donor Consolidated Answers, Sectoral NDC Implementation Plans, Quarterly NDC Progress

Reports, and Country Dropbox Folder have been created to provide stakeholders with

comprehensive information regarding the implementation process.In addition, there have been

efforts to increase public awareness of the issue, such as the State of Palestine's national

communication and the NDCs' web pages. This has the potential to improve public awareness

and comprehension of climate change and its effects, as well as the capacity of relevant

stakeholders to address climate-related risks(World Health Organization, 2022).

The Palestine NDC Implementation Plans and Quarterly NDC Progress Reports provide

comprehensive details on the Palestinian National Authority's climate change strategy

implementation. These publications detail the actions done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

and increase climate change adaption, as well as the results obtained(Freij, 2021). In addition,

they identify any knowledge and resource shortages that must be addressed in order to further

enhance resilience and reduce risks.This literature analysis has underlined the significance of

identifying climate vulnerabilities in Palestine and examining national climate change strategies

and programs. In addition, it has emphasized the numerous papers available to inform this

assessment, such as the Palestine National Message, the Country Page – Climate Change in

Palestine 2019 and the Palestinian NDC Implementation Plans and Quarterly NDC Progress

Reports (World Health Organization, 2022).

Vulnerable group: Climate change is an essential issue for many countries worldwide,

particularly in the Middle East (Poortinga et al., 2019). Palestine, which consists of the West

Bank Strip, is no exception. As a result, it is essential to identify climate change vulnerabilities to

develop adaptation strategies to reduce and manage the risks posed by climate change. This

literature review examines the current state of project regarding climate change vulnerabilities in

Palestine, identifies the main exposure areas, and discusses the implications of these findings.

Climate change is threatening the physical and economic prosperity of many of the

groups in Palestine, but the most vulnerable tend to be those in rural and agrarian communities.

Women and children are the most affected due to unequal access to resources and services, even

in extreme climate events (Aguilera et al., 2020). Similarly, society living in poverty and those

without adequate infrastructure, food and water security, education, health care, and other social

services are disproportionately facing the brunt of climate change impacts.The Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global objectives set by the United Nations to combat

poverty, racial inequality, environmental degradation, and other global issues. Together, they

form a universally agreed-upon framework for creating an equitable and prosperous world where

everyone can live with respect and dignity. The UN's SDGs for Palestine emphasize new

approaches, tackling fundamental problems, and fostering broad-based economic development.

Goal 13 of the SDGs addresses climate action by encouraging and promoting preventative

measures to mitigate climate change's adverse effects. To this end, it is critical to take action and

implement initiatives that will make people less susceptible to the negative impacts of climate


Improvements in Palestine's environment, economy, and citizens' well-being can be made

permanent through linking to SDGs. One possible outcome of such reforms is a better economy

that makes better use of its resources. The vulnerable populations in Palestine would benefit

from reduced poverty, inequality, and injustice and from lessening the harmful effects of climate


Climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are interwoven

worldwide, but Palestine's situation is especially dire. Palestine faces a significant risk from

climate change because of its proximity to a scorching and arid region and its inability to invest

in adaptation measures. Less rainfall, more extreme weather events, and many other concerns are

already significantly impacting the Palestinian economy and society, notably in the agricultural

and forestry sectors.

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals are becoming increasingly crucial in

Palestine because they focus on creating a better and more sustainable future for all. In this

context, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressing poverty, education, health,

gender equality, and the environment are of particular importance because they directly impact

Palestinians' daily lives. So, SDGs, in conjunction with steps to reduce the effects of climate

change, may play a significant role in enhancing the standard of living for Palestinians.

Effects on temperatures: Hammad & Salameh (2019) suggests that climate change is

already having a significant impact on the region, primarily in terms of increasing temperatures

and dryness. Palestine is projected to experience a further increase in temperature of up to 2-4°C

over the following decades, as well as reduced precipitation levels. These climate changes

significantly impact water resources, agriculture, tourism, and health, among other sectors

(Hammad & Salameh, 2019). The temperature in Palestine is generally mild, with an average

annual temperature of 16°C in the West Bank and 17°C in the west bank Strip (Aguilera et al.,

2020). Palestine's climate is typically classified as Mediterranean, with dry summers and wet

winters. However, due to the country's varied topography and elevation, there is a wide range of

climates (Aguilera et al., 2020). In the West Bank, altitudes range from 375 meters below sea

level to 1020 meters above sea level (Ministry of Agriculture, 2019). This is reflected in the

annual rainfall, which is highest in the north (up to 700 millimeters) and lowest in the south (80

to 100 millimeters)

Figure 1: Ministry of Agriculture)

Environmental effect: Hammad & Salameh (2019) states that climate change is a novel

and current danger with far-reaching consequences on security, economics, politics, and the

environment. East (2019) explains that the phrase "climate change" is used to describe shifts in

the average state of the climate or its variability that last for extended periods (decades or more).

They further suggest that climate change is likely to worsen existing problems and create new

risk combinations, particularly in areas with high poverty levels and dependence on the natural

environment. According to Thomas et al. (2019), vulnerability to climate change can be

described as the susceptibility of a system to the harmful effects of climate change, like climate

variability and extremes. This susceptibility is determined by the system's exposure, sensitivity,

and adaptability to climate change (Snover et al., 2019). Climate change can bring about new

stressors and exacerbate existing ones, thus making a system more vulnerable to the impacts of

climate change.

Effect on agriculture: According to Mikki & Mactaggart (2022), 31% of Palestinian

land comprises the West Bank Strip, with a total of 1854 km2 of agricultural land. Of this, 14% is

irrigated, while 86% is rain-fed. 2000 km2 of rangelands, 621 of which are suitable for grazing,

and 94 km2 of forests are also found in this area. Unfortunately, due to Israeli settlement activity

and the building of the separation wall, the amount of land for rangelands and forests has

decreased significantly (Ministry of Agriculture, 2019).The Ministry of Agriculture stated that

Israeli occupation had decreased Palestinian land, with 62.9 percent of agricultural land in Area

C under Israeli control, 18.8 percent jointly managed in Area B, and 18.3 percent under

Palestinian control in Area A in 2019. This has created more vulnerability to climate change-

related economic impacts for Palestinians than without the long-term effects of the Israeli


According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2020), climate

change is expected to have a pronounced effect on agricultural conditions such as temperature

and precipitation. Models of climate for different regions indicate that winters will become

warmer and the amount and pattern of rainfall will change (Tester, Litaker, &Berdalet, 2020).

These climate shifts will likely impact agricultural production (Albisher&Alsamamra, 2019). In

the West Bank, the average annual rainfall has declined by 4.1 percent over the past 35 years,

and there have been reductions in mean annual rainfall as well as an increase in the frequency of

high rainfall intensity. During the 2007 rainy season, local weather stations in the West Bank

reported that more than one-fourth of the precipitation fell over two days. Oluyinka (2020) noted

that the 1998/99 winter rainfall was the lowest in the past century. This means that cultivating

the limited land area in the coming years could be a significant challenge due to water scarcity

and climate change.

Waste management: Several studies have begun to examine how Palestine's climate

vulnerabilities are affected by the country's heavy reliance on waste management and

repurposing. In this project paper, I will analyze the existing literature to determine how waste

management implementation influences climate change vulnerability in Palestine. The essay

"Climate Change Vulnerability in Palestine: A Comprehensive Assessment" by Khalil, Zaid, and

Abusalah is the first scholarly piece to be cited (2015). This article examines Palestine's

susceptibility because of climate change, paying particular attention to how climate change

affects Palestine's agricultural, water, energy, and health sectors. They point out that "the

management and repurposing of solid and liquid waste" (Khalil et al., 2015, p. 409) are

significant issues that can have a major impact on the country's overall vulnerability to climate


El-Hroub, Masakrani, and Al-(2018) Wafi's "Solid Waste Management in West Bank and

Gaza Strip, Palestine" is the second scientific work cited here. In this piece, we examine

Palestine's current waste management methods and how they contribute to the country's

sensitivity to climate change. The "huge, undisposed and uncollected amounts" (p. 4) of solid

waste across Palestine lead to hazardous health conditions, especially among children, and can

further jeopardize the country's food security and water resources, as noted by El-Hroub et al.

(2018). The authors also note that sustainable waste management strategies are crucial in

mitigating climate change's impact on Palestine(Salah, Abuhelwa, & Bashir, 2021).


The UN study "SDGs in Palestine" is the third credible academic resource. This paper

analyzes the steps Palestine is taking to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development

Goals and lessen its exposure to climate change. According to the report, "the reduction of solid

and hazardous waste generation and the safeguarding of natural resources" are given "special

attention" under Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (UN, 2020, p.5). Given

Palestine's dependence on natural resources and its continuous challenges with solid and

hazardous waste, this aim is crucial for lowering its climate vulnerability.In sum, this literature

analysis's findings highlight the need to consider waste management when evaluating Palestinian

exposure to climate change. All three academic sources agree that improper waste management

increases the likelihood of health problems and endangers the nation's food and clean water

supply. If the United Nations ' Sustainable Development Goals are implemented, Palestinians are

less likely to be negatively affected by climate change.


Figure 2: Municipal Solid waste

The settlements in the West Bank are expanding at the expense of the Palestinian

communities there, stealing not only land and resources but also the remnants of Palestinian

authority. Since the Palestinian National Authority (PNA or PA) was established in 1994, Israel

has blamed the PNA for not providing essential services like garbage collection and disposal,

even though this is Israel's responsibility under international humanitarian law. Meanwhile,

Israel kept a tight watch on every facet of Palestinian life. The Palestinian population has been

steadily increasing, and over five million people live in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This

has resulted in the PA scrambling to find solutions in the face of numerous obstacles, constraints,

and a generally chaotic geopolitical scenario.


1.6 Importance of the study

The significance of this work is in its capacity to generate a substantial influence across

various domains. By examining climate change vulnerabilities in waste management practices

within Palestine, this project endeavor aims to offer significant contributions by shedding light

on the particular hazards Palestinian communities encounter. Comprehending these

vulnerabilities holds significant importance for policymakers, stakeholders, and the broader

community, as it has the potential to facilitate the formulation of enhanced and focused climate

change adaptation plans.

The project's emphasis on waste management is of notable significance, given its pivotal

role in mitigating the environmental consequences associated with climate change. Implementing

waste disposal systems that adhere to international standards is crucial to mitigate pollution,

conserving natural resources, and upholding environmental well-being. Incorporating waste

management methods within the overarching climate change adaptation framework can serve as

a valuable contribution to fostering a sustainable and resilient future for Palestine.

Furthermore, this study will provide insights into the socio-economic ramifications

associated with the vulnerabilities of waste management in climate change. It is imperative to

comprehend the potential effects of climate change on livelihoods, food security, and overall

well-being to develop solutions that effectively cater to the requirements of marginalized groups,

including women, children, and individuals experiencing poverty.

Moreover, the conducted project can impact policy modifications and the formulation of

decisions. The study's results and recommendations have the potential to provide valuable

insights to policymakers in Palestine regarding the pressing need to address climate change

vulnerabilities in waste management. Through evidence-based insights, this project endeavors to


advocate for allocating resources, adopting effective policies, and creating creative solutions to

strengthen the adaptive capacity of waste management systems.

Finally, the value of this study extends beyond the geographical context of Palestine, as

the insights gained from this project can make a valuable contribution to the wider global

comprehension of the vulnerability of waste management systems to climate change. The

approaches and strategies proposed in this project have the potential to serve as significant

paradigms for other geographical areas grappling with comparable obstacles, making a

substantial contribution towards the establishment of more sustainable waste management

practices on a global scale. In conclusion, the study is significant in tackling Palestine's urgent

climate change vulnerability, specifically waste management. The study has significant potential

to generate wide-ranging repercussions and implications, which could contribute to driving

beneficial transformations in policy, practices, and resilience-building initiatives in response to

the challenges posed by climate change.

1.7 Aim of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to comprehensively assess the climate change vulnerabilities of

waste management in the West Bank, Palestine, with the objective of identifying effective

strategies to mitigate these vulnerabilities and enhance the adaptive capacity of waste

management systems. By achieving this aim, the study seeks to contribute to a better

understanding of the complex interactions between climate change and waste management,

ultimately informing policymakers and stakeholders to make more informed decisions to address

the challenges posed by climate-induced risks.


The specific aims of the study include:

 To identify and assess climate change vulnerabilities in Palestine on waste management

such as temperature, rising sea level, heat waves, patterns.

 To conclude solutions to mitigate climate risks and its effect on waste management such

as fires, accidents, diseases. and ensure climate resilience for the most vulnerable

communities in Palestine.

 To map of the region's vulnerabilities and pinpoint the climate-related threats that are

already present and those that may emerge in the future, mainly for waste management in


 Developing Effective Mitigation Strategies: By understanding the unique vulnerabilities

of waste management in Palestine, the study aims to propose and develop effective

strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. These strategies should

address issues such as improved waste collection and treatment, sustainable disposal

methods, and the reduction of contamination risks.

The study seeks to significantly contribute to addressing the urgent issue of climate

change vulnerability in waste management in Palestine. The project findings possess the capacity

to facilitate favorable transformations in waste management methodologies, mitigate

environmental and health hazards, and bolster the general adaptability of Palestinian

communities in response to the consequences of climate change.

1.8 Hypotheses

Based on the objectives and aims of the study, the following project hypotheses are proposed:

 Hypothesis 1 posits that the vulnerabilities of waste management in the West Bank,

Palestine, with regards to climate change are impacted by the escalating temperatures,

shifting patterns of precipitation, and the occurrence of heatwaves.

 Hypothesis 2 posits that the efficacy and safety of waste management procedures in the

region are significantly influenced by climate change-induced dangers, including but not

limited to fires, accidents, illnesses, toxic leakage, waste accumulation, and pollution.

 Hypothesis 3 posits that the adoption of specific climate change mitigation strategies,

such as enhanced waste collection and treatment techniques, sustainable disposal

practices, and measures to reduce pollution, has the potential to mitigate the adverse

impacts of climate change on waste management systems.

 Hypothesis 4 posits that bolstering the adaptive capacity of waste management systems in

the West Bank, Palestine, has the potential to enhance resilience in the face of climate

change-induced hazards. This, in turn, can result in the adoption of more effective waste

management techniques and a reduction in vulnerabilities.

 Hypothesis 5 posits that the study's findings and recommendations will yield a favorable

influence on policy and decision-making processes. This influence will manifest in the

allocation of resources and the adoption of efficacious measures aimed at mitigating

climate change vulnerabilities in waste management. Consequently, these actions will

bring about environmental benefits and enhance the well-being of Palestinian


These hypotheses will guide the project design, data collection, and analysis, enabling the

study to systematically test and validate the proposed relationships and contribute valuable

insights to the field of climate change vulnerability assessment and waste management in the

West Bank, Palestine.


2.1 Introduction


Waste management is a critical concern in the West Bank, and its vulnerability to climate change
impacts has become increasingly evident. To address this issue comprehensively, our study
focuses on the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps located in Jenin and Hebron, respectively.
These dumps play a vital role in waste disposal for their respective regions. As climate change
escalates, there is a growing need to assess the risks it poses to waste management practices in
the West Bank, particularly in these locations.

Figure 3: map displaying the locations of the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps in relation to nearby cities or towns.

2.2 Study Design

The study uses a mixed-methods methodology to fully evaluate the vulnerabilities of

waste management to climate change in the West Bank. The study will primarily concentrate on

using risk management software to statistically assess the risks associated with climate change

and their implications on waste management. The study's design comprises three distinct phases.

The initial stage of the study will entail identifying climate change risks that influence

waste management in the West Bank. Potential risks may encompass temperature alterations,

precipitation patterns, sea level fluctuations, and occurrences of extreme weather events (Dotan

et al, 2016). The identification of risks will be conducted using a comprehensive literature

analysis, in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders in the waste management sector, and the

organization of focus groups with people in the community.

Evaluating vulnerability: The subsequent stage will entail assessing the waste

management system's susceptibility to climate change's impacts. The task at hand necessitates

considering both the occurrence rate and the magnitude of each risk, alongside the ability of the

waste management system to respond to these risks (Khoury, 2018). The vulnerability

assessment will utilize a blend of qualitative and quantitative methodologies.


The third phase of this study aims to put forth options for enhancing climate resilience in

waste management practices within the West Bank region. The formulation of these solutions

will be derived from the outcomes of the risk assessment and vulnerability assessment. The

proposed solutions would prioritize mitigating risks, enhancing the waste management system's

capacity to respond to these risks, and establishing climate resilience measures within the most

susceptible areas.

Figure 4: illustration of the mixed-methods approach, with arrows connecting qualitative and quantitative components

2.21 Mixed-Methods Approach

Utilizing mixed methods in this project will facilitate a more comprehensive evaluation

of climate change vulnerabilities in waste management within the West Bank region (Tashakkori

et al., 2012). Qualitative project approaches will be employed to collect comprehensive views

from stakeholders involved in waste management and community members regarding the

probable ramifications of climate change. Quantitative project approaches will be used to

measure and assess the risks and implications of climate change on waste management.

The qualitative project methodologies employed in this study will entail interviewing critical

stakeholders in waste management and facilitating focus groups, including community members

(Tashakkori et al., 2012). The interviews and focus groups will serve as data collection methods

to obtain information about the subsequent subjects:

 The present condition of waste management in the West Bank

 The possible impacts of climate change on waste management •

 The ability of the waste management system to adjust to climate change

Risk management software will be used in the quantitative project methodologies to evaluate

the potential hazards and consequences of climate change on waste management. The risk

management software will be utilized to generate probability distributions for individual risks

and assess the potential impact of each risk by conducting simulation runs. This approach will

facilitate the identification of the foremost climate change threats and the formulation of

solutions aimed at enhancing climate resilience.


2.22 Risk Management Software

Figure 5: Risk management software interface

Risk management software facilitates a systematic and rigorous examination of climate

change concerns and their ramifications on waste management. The software will generate

probability distributions for individual risks and evaluate the potential impact of each risk by

conducting simulation runs. This approach will facilitate the identification of the foremost

climate change threats and the formulation of solutions aimed at enhancing climate resilience

(Tashakkori et al., 2012).

The risk management software will be utilized for the evaluation of the subsequent risks:

 Changes in temperature

 Changes in precipitation patterns

 Rise in sea levels.

 Extreme weather events deviate significantly from the average weather patterns in a

particular region.

The software will be utilized to generate probability distributions for individual risks and

evaluate the influence of each risk on waste management. This approach will facilitate the

identification of the most prominent climate change hazards and the formulation of measures

aimed at enhancing climate resilience (McInerney, 2003). In conclusion, it can be inferred that

the points above collectively support the notion that the given present study will utilize a mixed-

methods methodology to thoroughly evaluate the vulnerabilities associated with climate change

in waste management practices within the West Bank region. The primary objective of this study

is to examine the utilization of risk management software in conducting a quantitative analysis of

climate change risks and their ramifications on waste management. The outcomes of this project

will be utilized to formulate approaches to enhance climate resilience in waste management

practices within the West Bank region.

Probability Distributions

Probability distributions will be created for each identified risk, allowing us to quantify the

likelihood of occurrence and potential consequences.

Figure 6: Probability distributions

2.3 Study Population

Waste management officials in the West Bank, from the government and private sector, and

representatives from environmental groups and local communities are the primary target

population. To further our comprehension of the dangers posed by climate change, we will also

consult secondary sources such as climatic statistics, studies, and pertinent literature.

 Consultation with national, regional, and municipal government officials will be essential

to understanding the laws and regulations that govern waste management in the West

Bank. They will also be able to shed light on the government's preparedness to deal with

climate change hazards.

 Companies like Ommar El Ard Recycling Co., specializing in trash management, gather,

transport, and dispose of garbage in the West Bank. They will be able to share

information about the difficulties they experience in waste management and the effects of

climate change on their business (Kenton & Singha, 2020).

 Environmental organizations are actively promoting Sustainable waste management

strategies in the West Bank. They will have knowledge to share on the environmental

effects of climate change and how these effects might be lessened.

 Community members can shed light on the difficulties of trash management in the West

Bank and residents' day-to-day lives there. They will also have knowledge to share on

how climate change may affect their neighborhoods.

To further our comprehension of the dangers posed by climate change, we will also consult

secondary sources, such as climatic statistics, studies, and pertinent literature (Biesbroek et al.,

2018). Information on weather extremes, such as temperature and rainfall, will also be included.

Literature on risk management and climate resilience will also be included, as will papers on the

effects of climate change on waste management. The study will provide a comprehensive

assessment of climate change vulnerabilities in waste management in the West Bank by talking

with various stakeholders and evaluating various sources. This will help guide the area's climate-

resilient waste management plans.

2.4 Study Sample

Key informants and participants in interviews, focus groups, and workshops will be

selected using a rigorous purposive sampling technique to provide a diverse and representative

sample. Experts, stakeholders, and community members will all be included in the model to

accurately estimate waste management's susceptibility to the effects of climate change. To make

sure the weather data obtained is relevant to the study area, projecters will pay close attention to

how close weather stations are to significant dumps like the Cup Flower and Menya landfills.

2.31 Meteorological Data Sources

To enhance the study's accuracy and relevance, meteorological data will be collected from

stations situated near the Cup Flower and Menya landfills zahrat al-finjan dump located in jenin,

(Thöni & Matar, 2019). The Zahrat Al Finjan area is situated in the northeastern region of the

West Bank, between the towns of Arraba and Ajja in the Jenin Governorate. It is approximately

18 km south of Jenin city, 26 km from Tubas, 23 km north of Nablus, 24 km east of Tulkarem,

and 50 km northeast of Qalqilyia (Saa'di, 2009).This approach ensures that the climate data used

for risk assessment directly corresponds to the specific locations of interest within the West


Ministry of Agriculture)

Figure 7: landfills Location

Existing and suggested landfills in the West Bank, prepared by researcher, data source:


The selected meteorological stations will provide data on key climate variables, including:

 To better understand how trends, variations in rainfall intensity, and prospective

adjustments in seasonal patterns may influence waste management operations, landfill

stability, and runoff management, we will examine detailed records of precipitation


 Moisture loss due to evaporation from landfills must be factored into assessments of soil

instability, erosion, and leachate management, thus we'll be looking at evaporation rates.

 In order to gauge the extent to which rising temperatures can affect waste management

processes such waste decomposition rates, odor production, and energy demands, we will

analyze historical temperature records.

 While not specifically related to the West Bank, sea level data can shed light on broader

regional trends that may have an impact on waste management in the West Bank through

the interaction of associated hydrological systems.

 Analysis of wind patterns will be used to determine the likelihood of adverse events, such

as the spread of landfill odors, the movement of trash, and the susceptibility of waste

infrastructure to extreme wind events.


Figure 8: Risk distribution

The map illustrates the hierarchical arrangement of territories based on their

susceptibility to harm and water pollution. If the land exhibits a high degree of vulnerability, it

should be subject to restrictions, resulting in a value of zero. Land with a pronounced

susceptibility to harm is assigned a numerical rating of 6. In the event that the land exhibits a

moderate level of vulnerability, it is assigned a score of 8, whereas lands characterized by low

vulnerability are assigned a value of 10.

2.32 Determination of Sample Size

Saturation point sampling, standard in qualitative project, will be used to establish the

required number of participants. Interviews, focus groups, and workshops will be conducted until

no new, important information can be gleaned from them; this will ensure that enough people are

included in the sample to accurately reflect a variety of viewpoints and address the most pressing

concerns regarding waste management and climate change in the West Bank (Walker, 2012).

This method will guarantee thorough and well-informed study results, providing important

insights into the difficulties and potentials of climate-resilient waste management in the area

under investigation.

Some facts about dumping sites in the West Bank

Table 1 Dumping site data

Number of solid Percentage of the total

waste sites number

Unused dumping sites 37 23.7

Dumping sites for more than one
35 22.4
Dumping sites in the West Bank used by 3 2

Gated dumping sites 10 6.4
Employees working on the sites 13 8.3
Covered by soil 32 20.5
Dumping sites within less than 500 m
126 81
from main roads

2.4 Instruments of Study and Validation Indicators:

Semi-structured interviews will be used as the primary tool to gather in-depth

qualitative data from a wide range of West Bank trash management stakeholders. To guarantee

full comprehension, these interviews will be performed in Arabic (McIntosh et al, 2015). The

goal is to learn about the interviewees' experiences and thoughts on climate change risks,

vulnerabilities unique to their positions, and existing waste management techniques. The

interview guide will be carefully crafted to cover a wide range of topics, such as the immediate

effects of climate change, the views of key stakeholders on the associated risks, and adaptation


Focus groups: Having a wide range of people from the waste management industry,

local communities, and climate specialists to get a full picture of the vulnerabilities caused by

climate change. These conversations in Arabic for cultural relevance provide a lively forum for

exchanging insights, pinpointing shared challenges, and generating new ideas. The focus groups

are important because they will help to establish community perceptions, encourage cooperation,

and generate ideas about the relationship between climate change and trash management.

Workshops will be rigorously planned to guarantee participation and useful input from

all relevant parties. To help identify and prioritize climate change risks and vulnerabilities within

the West Bank's waste management system, these workshops will be held in Arabic. They will

centre around participatory risk assessment exercises. These workshops aim to bring together

people from different backgrounds to share information and work together to address climate-

related issues.

Meteorological stations close to major West Bank landfills will provide the study's

primary source of climatic data because of their comprehensiveness and reliability. In particular,

we will zero in on long-standing landfills, marking their precise positions on a comprehensive

area map (Simsek et al, 2014). By pinpointing landfills, we can see how close they are to weather

stations and, hence, how much weather data collected applies to the areas of interest.

2.5 Data Sources and Mapping

To enhance our study's accuracy and contextual appropriateness, we will systematically

gather meteorological data from strategically located weather stations close to the Zahrat Al

Finjan and Menya landfills. These weather stations have been selected based on their capacity to

provide essential data regarding significant climate parameters.

The acquisition of temperature data will play a crucial role in comprehending the

fluctuations observed in regional climate patterns. The analysis of precipitation records will

enable us to evaluate rainfall patterns, a critical factor in assessing the effects of changing

precipitation on waste management techniques. The acquisition of sea level data will be

undertaken to understand the projected rise in sea levels and its associated consequences for

waste management in regions situated at lower elevations. In contrast, an analysis of wind

patterns will enable us to ascertain the probability of encountering severe wind events, which

possess the capacity to disrupt waste infrastructure and disperse landfill odors.

By integrating data from weather stations intentionally chosen based on their closeness to

our research locations, we can provide a more comprehensive and localized evaluation of the

hazards associated with climate change on waste management in the West Bank. By adopting

this strategy, we will enhance the pertinence and precision of our findings, guaranteeing that our

research possesses both methodological rigor and practical significance for waste management

stakeholders in the region.

Figure 9: historical temperature and precipitation trends in Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps.

2.6 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS will be a crucial tool for mapping climate risks and waste management-related data. We will
use GIS to:
 Mapping Climate Risks

GIS will help create visual representations of identified climate change risks in the study area.
These maps will provide a spatial understanding of risk distribution.

Figure 10: GIS map showing the distribution of climate risks around the dumps, with color-coding indicating risk severity (GIS)

Location of Dumps
We will map the precise locations of the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps, emphasizing their
proximity to weather stations and other relevant factors.

Figure 11: a map highlighting the exact locations of the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps and nearby weather stations.

Coordinate Data and Maps

Detailed geographic coordinates of the dumps and relevant weather stations will be provided,
ensuring accuracy in data analysis.

2. 7 Analysis Plan
To ensure a comprehensive investigation of climate change vulnerabilities and their

consequences on waste management in the West Bank, the analysis of the study will be

undertaken in a series of comprehensive stages.

 Climate Change Risk Identification: The first stage is to identify climate change

threats that affect current waste management procedures in the West Bank.

Temperature shifts, sea level rise, changes in precipitation patterns, and the potential

for catastrophic weather events are some potential dangers that will be thoroughly


Figure 12:GIS risk map

Risk GIS map

 Quantitative Risk Assessment: We will use specialized risk management software

to assess the identified hazards quantitatively. To assess the likelihood of each risk's

occurrence and the potential effects they may pose to waste management operations,

this software will simplify the construction of probability distributions for each

specific risk.

 Impact Assessment: Using the same risk management software, we will conduct in-

depth simulations to fully grasp the impact of each identified risk on the waste

management system. By running these models, we can better understand the severity

of the consequences, damages, and disruptions that may result from these climate

change threats.

 Analysis: The investigation will conclude with a thorough vulnerability assessment

of the West Bank's waste management system. The likelihood and potential impact of

each identified risk will be factored into this thorough study. The objective is to

identify critical steps in the waste management process where climate change risks

could have a significant impact, providing a comprehensive picture of exposure and


This holistic method will allow us to provide a comprehensive analysis of climate

change's impact on waste management in the West Bank, pinpointing key areas of concern,

generating useful insights, and facilitating the development of effective strategies for climate

resilience. The in-depth results of this investigation will provide a useful basis for the long-term

growth and protection of waste management systems, guaranteeing the welfare of the people

they serve even as the climate changes.




3.1 Chapter Overview

The Data Analysis and Results chapter of the dissertation "Assessing Climate Change

Vulnerabilities of Waste Management in the West Bank: A Risk Management Approach" plays a

pivotal role in understanding the impact of climate change on waste management infrastructure.

This chapter delves into the empirical assessment of climate change vulnerabilities, focusing on

specific aspects such as rainfall, evaporation, temperature, sea level, and wind. We can make

more educated decisions on the robustness of waste management systems, particularly in the

areas surrounding the Cup Flower and Menya landfills, thanks to the incorporation of risk

management tools in drafting probability distributions. The interview, focus group, and

workshop data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis (McIntosh et al, 2015). Data was

coded into themes and subthemes, then correlations between pieces were discovered. Potential

threats to waste management from climate change were identified by analyzing meteorological

data using risk management software.

3. Analysis of Climate Change Data

According to the United Nations Framework for Climate Change (1992), Climate Change

is characterized as a modification in climate patterns that can be attributed to human activities,

resulting in alterations to the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. This change differs from

natural climate variations observed over similar timeframes (UNFCC, 1992). Natural climate

variability occurs over time, but there has been a notable increase in the rate of climate change in

recent decades, which can be attributed to heightened anthropogenic activities such as the

combustion of fossil fuels, urban development, industrialization, and the clearing of forests.

Climate change poses significant and enduring challenges impacting all regions, including the

opt. There has been a substantial rise in extreme weather phenomena, including droughts,

throughout the past few decades across the opt region, with a particular emphasis on the southern

and eastern slopes (ARIJ, 2011). According to the United Nations Convention to Combat

Desertification (UNCCD), drought is defined as a condition when precipitation levels have

significantly deviated from the recorded average values, resulting in substantial hydrological

imbalances that have a negative impact on the production systems of land resources (UNCCD,


3.1.1 Temperature Trends

The analysis of historical temperature data spanning from decades to the present reveals

significant insights into temperature trends in the West Bank. This data was meticulously

collected from reliable sources, primarily meteorological stations strategically located near our

research sites. The statistics shown above depict the compiled, analyzed, and illustrated data

from 1964 for Jerusalem and 2000 for the governorates of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The figure 13 below shows the average yearly temperature in Jerusalem throughout the period

spanning from 1964 to 2011. The data demonstrates interannual fluctuations during the 47-year

timeframe. The maximum annual temperature documented within this time frame was 19.3°C in

2010, while the yearly minimum temperature was 16.1°C in 1967. The analyses conducted on

the data ranges do not provide conclusive evidence regarding the direction of the mean

temperature trend. However, the generated trend line suggests a general tendency. This is due to

peak temperatures increasing within observed temperature cycle patterns. Temperature peaks are

observed every 8-10 years. Following a peak, the temperature cycle follows a pattern by

gradually dropping, stabilizing and then peaking again

Figure 13: Mean annual temperatures 1964 to 2010

The examination of data ranges pertaining to summer and winter temperatures does not

indicate any substantial alterations (see figure 14). The data, however, indicates that annual

summer temperatures exhibit a more gradual trend with minimal variability, whereas winter

temperatures display greater unpredictability, characterized by significant fluctuations on a

yearly basis. The patterns of temperature cycles are readily discernible during the summer

months of June, July, and August, whereas their clarity diminishes during the winter months of

December, January, and February due to the unpredictable fluctuations in temperature. A further

examination of the maximum temperatures observed over the summer period starting from 1964

indicates a progressive upward trend. The maximum temperature remains over 40ºC until the

year 2000, after which it is recorded four times, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 14: mean annual temperatures in the summer and winter months (1964-2011)

Figure 15: maximum annual temperature in the summer months (1964-2011)

A comprehensive examination centers on the fluctuations in temperature seen within the

West Bank region during the period spanning from 2001 to 2011. The analysis of the latest

temperature data provides confirmation of the presence of a recurring pattern in temperature


fluctuations. Since 2001, the temperature in the West Bank has exhibited a moderate trend,

hovering about 19ºC. However, in 2007, there was a notable decline to 15ºC, followed by a

substantial increase to 21.5ºC in 2010. Subsequently, there was a subsequent decrease in

temperature in 2011. According to the prevailing time frame, the mean yearly temperature is

established at 18.1ºC, as depicted in figure 16. The examination of the winter and summer

seasons over a span of 10 years is presented in figures 17 and 18. Additionally, the sixth

observation aligns with the patterns depicted in Figure 14, which exhibit a steady fluctuation in

summer temperatures and an irregular fluctuation in winter temperatures.

Figure 16: annual mean temperature (2001-2011)


Figure 17: annual mean summer temperatures (2001-2011)

Figure 18: annual mean winter temperatures (2001-2011)

Temperature data was collected and subjected to analysis at the regional level. The

temperature variations in the West Bank were found to exhibit distinct patterns, as evidenced by

data collected from the 11 governorates. During the span of a decade (2000-2010), consistent

temperature cycle patterns are seen, as depicted in figure 19. This graphical representation

illustrates a progressive rise in temperatures, succeeded by a cooling phase, and ultimately

culminating in a pronounced upsurge. The Eastern and Northern governorates of the West Bank

exhibit the most notable changes. The governorates located in the southern and central regions,

namely Hebron, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Ramallah, exhibit less variety in their climatic

conditions, with consistently mild mean annual temperatures. The observed phenomenon can be

attributed to the impact of elevated terrain, characterized by an altitude ranging between 750 and

900 meters above sea level. When comparing geographical elevations, it is observed that Jericho

is situated at a depth of 258 meters below sea level. Additionally, as depicted in figure 8, the

Jericho governorate typically exhibits a noticeable heat island phenomenon. This region receives

average summer temperatures ranging from 30-32ºC, with maximum temperatures throughout

the summer reaching up to 47ºC. Figure 9 displays the temperature data at the governorate level

in the year 2010, during which the highest point in the observed temperature cycle pattern

occurred. The mean annual temperature in 2010 was recorded to be 21.5ºC, mostly influenced by

a very mild winter and a particularly warm summer.

The data presented in Figure 20 provides a clear depiction of the significant influence of

Jericho's heat island on temperature records throughout the West Bank, while indicating that

Ramallah exhibits the most moderate temperature patterns. Figure 20 provides additional visual

evidence that demonstrates a consistent pattern of temperature fluctuations across all

governorates. Specifically, it reveals a progressive upward trend in temperatures from the month

of January until reaching their peak in July-August. Subsequently, temperatures gradually

decline as the year progresses, ultimately reaching their lowest point in December. Nevertheless,

there exist certain exceptions to this general pattern, as observed in the case of Salfit

governorate, where the average temperature tends to decrease in May as opposed to April.

Figure 19: visualization of mean temperature variability at the West Bank governorate level

Figure 20: mean temperature variability at the governorate level in 2010


The availability of climatic data for the Gaza Strip is limited due to the destruction inflicted upon

meteorological stations by the Israeli force in 2007. The available temperature data has been

depicted in Figure 21, presenting the mean annual temperature for the period spanning from

1997 to 2007. The data demonstrates a noticeable upward trend in the average temperature over

ten years. The Gaza Strip has higher mean annual temperatures than the West Bank, with an

average temperature of 20.6ºC reported during ten years. The data exhibits a recurring pattern of

temperature cycles.

Figure 21: mean annual temperatures in the Gaza Strip (1997-2007)


The collection of rainfall data in Palestine may be traced back to 1845 when observations

were initially recorded at the Scottish hospital located in Jerusalem (NOAA, 2012). The

compilation of past data by ARIJ has been organized into a database for analysis. Figure 22

depicts the comprehensive yearly precipitation in Jerusalem during the wet periods spanning

from 1845 to 2012. The data presented provides insights into the magnitude of annual

fluctuations observed across the 167-year timeframe. The trend-line calculation suggests a

decline in rainfall. The data analysis on rainy seasons reveals a consistent trend of decreasing

rainfall, with an average annual decline of 1.4mm. This relates to a decrease of 233.8mm in the

cumulative yearly precipitation observed since 1845. The maximum recorded rainfall measured

1,091mm over the rainy season spanning from 1877 to 1878, while the minimum recorded rain

amounted to 206.3mm during the rainy season occurring between 1959 and 1960. Figure 22

illustrates a notable inflexion point in precipitation trends. In the pre-1920s, precipitation

exhibited heightened unpredictability, frequently reaching annual peaks over 900mm. From the

1920s onwards, there has been a notable decrease in annual precipitation, with rainfall seldom

exceeding 900mm and frequently hitting record lows ranging from 200-300mm per year.

Figure 22: total annual rainfall in Jerusalem (1845-2012)


Assessing the presence of rainfall patterns within figure 20 becomes challenging;

therefore, a more limited range of data has been examined, as depicted in figure 23. The data

presented in Figure 12 depicts the cumulative amount of precipitation received in Jerusalem

throughout the rainy season spanning from 1964 to 2012. The trend line demonstrates a decline

in precipitation, a finding that is further supported by the examination of data ranges throughout

rainy seasons, which reveals a declining rainfall pattern with an average annual loss of 3.3mm.

There has been a reduction of 155.1mm seen from 1964 to the present. This chart demonstrates

that there has been a notable increase in the rate of decline of rainfall over the past few decades

in comparison to the data recorded in 1845. Figure 23 also presents the observed patterns of

rainfall cycles, which exhibit a similar phenomenon as indicated by assessments of the average

annual temperature. The observed patterns exhibit increased variability, although display a

comparable trajectory to temperature changes. Rainfall demonstrates a cyclic pattern

characterized by alternating periods of slow decrease, followed by a decline, and then a peak.

Figure 24 depicts the identical temporal span employed in the years 2001 to 2011,

serving to highlight a recurring cycle of rainfall patterns. Figure 24 illustrates that the observed

pattern is somewhat less conspicuous in comparison to temperature cycles, however it typically

manifests itself at intervals of approximately 8 to 10 years. During the span of 10 years, the mean

cumulative precipitation was calculated to be 490.1mm, as depicted in Figure 24. Upon

analyzing the data pertaining to the variations in precipitation during different rainy seasons, as

seen in Figure 24, it becomes evident that there is an average decline of -23.2mm each year. This

reduction is considerably significant when compared to the levels observed in preceding decades.

Figure 23: total annual rainfall in Jerusalem (1964-2012)

Figure 24: West Bank total annual rainfall (2001-2011)


3.3 Implications for Waste Management Vulnerabilities

The observed continuous increase in temperature during November 2021, along with the

growing occurrence of warm November in recent years, brings attention to the potential

consequences of waste management strategies on the West Bank. Increased temperatures can

expedite organic waste decomposition, enhance the release of unpleasant odors, and present

difficulties in managing garbage collection and disposal activities. The presence of high-

temperature occurrences has the potential to worsen these vulnerabilities even further.

The irregularities in precipitation patterns witnessed throughout November in the year

2021, characterized by reduced quantities of rainfall occurring predominantly inside a singular

event, can influence the rates of waste leachate formation and thus affect the stability of landfills.

Insufficient precipitation levels might hinder the effective management of leachate and result in

heightened susceptibility to environmental pollution.

The awareness of climate change vulnerabilities is essential to develop appropriate risk

management strategies, as waste management practices are closely interconnected with climatic

circumstances. To effectively tackle waste management difficulties in the face of evolving

climate conditions, it is imperative to implement adaptive strategies. These strategies encompass

various aspects, including optimizing garbage collection schedules, advancements in landfill

engineering techniques, and establishing climate-resilient waste treatment methodologies. The

observed temperature trends in November 2021, characterized by increased warmth and

variability, immediately impact waste management. The enhanced degradation of organic waste

due to elevated temperatures might lead to heightened methane emissions, presenting

environmental and health-related implications. In addition, it should be noted that extreme heat

events can adversely affect the efficiency of garbage collection and the overall performance of

waste treatment facilities.

The juxtaposition of increased temperatures and decreased precipitation during

November highlights the significance of implementing comprehensive waste management

systems that consider the evolving climatic circumstances. A decrease in rainfall can result in

arid landfill conditions, which may have implications for the rates of leachate formation and the

stability of the landfill. The effective management of leachate in the face of dynamic climatic

circumstances is of utmost importance to mitigate the potential contamination of soil and water

resources. In summary, examining temperature patterns seen in November 2021 offers

significant insights into the vulnerabilities of waste management in the West Bank regarding

climate change. The increasing trend of global warming, together with the occurrence of extreme

temperatures, highlights the necessity of implementing proactive risk management strategies.

These strategies are crucial to maintaining waste management systems' long-term viability and

adaptability in response to the changing climate conditions.


Figure 25: visulisation of total annual rainfall at the West Bank governorate level

This analysis suggests that climate change substantially influences the risks associated

with waste management in the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya landfills. One of the foremost

hazards entails the heightened susceptibility to drought. A decrease in precipitation results in a

diminished quantity of rainwater accessible for infiltration into waste materials, reducing the

potential for leaching contaminants. This phenomenon can result in an elevation of pollutant

levels within the leachate, presenting a potential hazard to groundwater and surface water

reservoirs. Another potential hazard is the heightened susceptibility to flooding. Elevated

temperatures have the potential to contribute to heightened precipitation occurrences, hence

augmenting the vulnerability of waste disposal facilities to flooding hazards. As mentioned

above, the activity has the potential to result in the emission of pollutants into the surrounding

environment, posing a threat to waste disposal infrastructure.


The productivity of agriculture and agro-ecosystems is also affected by climate change.

This phenomenon has the potential to result in a reduction in the accessibility of food crops,

hence exacerbating the burden on waste disposal facilities due to the increased need for food

waste disposal. The effects of climate change on waste management in the occupied Palestinian

territories (oPt) are a matter of significant concern, mainly due to the Israeli occupation's denial

of Palestinians' sovereign sovereignty over resources and its prioritization of water needs from

Israel. The statement above implies that Palestinians face constraints in terms of available

resources to effectively respond and adjust to the consequences of climate change in the context

of waste management.

The Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumps are in regions inherently susceptible to drought,

flooding, and food waste, exacerbating the associated problems. The Zahrat Al Finjan landfill is

in a geographically depressed area sensitive to inundation events. The Menya landfill is located

in a region characterized by aridity, rendering it easy to drought conditions.

It is anticipated that the future will witness a further worsening of the effects of climate change

on waste management in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). Hence, it is imperative to

undertake measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change and mitigate the

susceptibility of waste disposal sites to such threats.

The following instances provide concrete illustrations of the impact of climate change on the

vulnerabilities associated with waste management in the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya landfill


 The Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya landfills are in regions predisposed to drought

conditions. Climate change could increase the frequency and severity of droughts in the

areas above. This has the potential to give rise to various issues, encompassing:

 Elevated levels of contaminants in leachate: Reduced precipitation results in diminished

infiltration of rainwater into waste, decreasing the leaching of pollutants. This

phenomenon can result in an elevation of pollutant levels within the leachate, presenting

a potential hazard to groundwater and surface water reservoirs.

 The heightened susceptibility to wildfires can be attributed to drought conditions, which

have the potential to inflict harm upon waste disposal infrastructure and result in the

emission of toxins into the surrounding environment.

 Flooding is anticipated to be influenced by climate change, specifically by amplifying

rainfall intensity. Consequently, there is a heightened probability of increased flood

hazards occurring at the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya dumpsites. The occurrence of

flooding has the potential to result in the discharge of contaminants into the surrounding

environment, as well as inflict harm onto waste disposal infrastructure.

The productivity of agriculture and agro-ecosystems in the occupied Palestinian territories

(oPt) is affected by climate change, leading to increased food waste. The potential consequence

of this situation is a possible decline in the accessibility of food crops, exacerbating the strain on

the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya landfills due to an increased volume of food waste disposal. It is

imperative to acknowledge that the effects of climate change on waste management are intricate

and diverse. The potential effects experienced in the Zahrat Al Finjan and Menya landfills are

contingent upon various circumstances, such as the regional climate, the composition of garbage

deposited at the sites, and the implemented waste management strategies.


Nevertheless, climate change is a substantial menace to waste management in the occupied

Palestinian territories (oPt). Hence, it is imperative to undertake measures to adapt to the

consequences of climate change and mitigate the susceptibility of waste disposal sites to such


3.4 Risk Assessment Using Risk Management Software (RMS)

The quantification of climate change risks relied on specialized Risk Management Software

(RMS) to generate probability distributions for individual risks. These distributions provide a

quantifiable understanding of the likelihood of each risk's occurrence and its potential impact on

waste management.

Figure 26: Risk matrix


3.41 Risk Matrix

The data for this study was collected from the Israel Meteorological Service station in

Jerusalem and Beit, which are the two nearest stations to the landfills. The data was analyzed

using risk manager software to assess the risks of climate change to waste management in the

West Bank.

Table 2: probability distribution


Risk Factor y Impact

Flooding of waste management facilities, leading

Increased rainfall High to the release of pollutants into the environment

Dehydration of waste, making it more difficult to

Decreased rainfall Medium manage and dispose of

Increased decomposition of waste, leading to the

Increased temperatures High production of methane, a greenhouse gas

Damage to waste management infrastructure,

Increased frequency of leading to the release of pollutants into the

extreme weather events High environment

Flooding of coastal waste management facilities,

Sea level rise Medium leading to the release of pollutants into the ocean

The chart above shows the five most significant climate change risks to waste management in the

West Bank. The risks are ranked according to their probability and impact.

The risk of increased rainfall is ranked as high because the West Bank is already prone to

flooding. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of rainfall events,

which could lead to more frequent flooding of waste management facilities. This could have a

significant impact on the environment, as pollutants from the waste could be released into the

water supply and the atmosphere.

The risk of decreased rainfall is ranked as medium because it is less likely to occur than

the risk of increased rainfall. However, decreased rainfall could still have a significant impact on

waste management, as it could make it more difficult to manage and dispose of waste.

Dehydrated waste can become more difficult to compact and transport, and it can also produce

odors and attract pests.

The results of the analysis showed that the following are the five most significant climate

change risks to waste management in the West Bank:

 Increased rainfall: This is ranked as a high-probability, high-impact risk. Climate

change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of rainfall events in the West

Bank, which could lead to more frequent flooding of waste management facilities. This

could have a significant impact on the environment, as pollutants from the waste could be

released into the water supply and the atmosphere.

 Decreased rainfall: This is ranked as a medium-probability, medium-impact risk.

Decreased rainfall could make it more difficult to manage and dispose of waste, as the

waste could become more dehydrated and difficult to compact and transport. This could

also lead to odors and pest problems.

 Increased temperatures: This is ranked as a high-probability, high-impact risk.

Increased temperatures will lead to increased decomposition of waste, which will produce

more methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Methane is also a

pollutant that can have negative health effects.

 Increased frequency of extreme weather events: This is ranked as a high-probability,

high-impact risk. Extreme weather events such as storms, floods, and droughts can

damage waste management infrastructure, leading to the release of pollutants into the


 Sea level rise: This is ranked as a medium-probability, low-impact risk. Sea level rise is a

threat to coastal waste management facilities, as it could lead to flooding and the release

of pollutants into the ocean.

Temperature: The average annual temperature in Jenin is 18.4 degrees Celsius. The warmest

month is July, with an average temperature of 27.4 degrees Celsius, and the coldest month is

January, with an average temperature of 8.8 degrees Celsius.

Rainfall: The average annual rainfall in Jenin is 540 millimeters. The wettest month is

January, with an average rainfall of 90 millimeters, and the driest month is July, with an

average rainfall of 10 millimeters.

Sea level: The altitude of Zahrat Al-Finjan dump is 470 meters above sea level.

Potential Risks Associated with The Zahrat Al-Finjan Dump:

1. Leachate Contamination:

 Groundwater Pollution: Leachate contains a mixture of toxic chemicals and

organic compounds that can seep into the groundwater. This poses a significant

risk to the local community if they rely on groundwater for drinking or irrigation.

Contaminated groundwater can lead to health problems, including gastrointestinal

issues, skin diseases, and long-term exposure risks like cancer.

2. Fire:

 Methane Emission: Landfills, including the Zahrat Al-Finjan dump, produce

methane gas as organic waste decomposes anaerobically (in the absence of

oxygen). Methane is highly flammable and, if not managed properly, can lead to


 Air Quality Concerns: A landfill fire can release hazardous air pollutants,

including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and other toxic

gases. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants can result in respiratory problems

and other health issues for nearby residents.

3. Landslide:

 Slope Stability: Given its location on a slope, the Zahrat Al-Finjan dump is at

risk of slope instability. Heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or poor landfill management

practices can trigger landslides or slope failures. These events can lead to the

sudden release of waste and debris, causing environmental damage and

potentially endangering nearby communities.

4. Nuisance:

 Pest Infestation: The dump can attract pests like flies, mosquitoes, and rodents.

These pests can transmit diseases to the local population and create hygiene


 Odor Pollution: The decomposition of organic waste in the landfill produces foul

odors, which can negatively impact the quality of life for nearby residents. Odor

pollution can lead to complaints, reduced property values, and discomfort for the


Figure 27: risk distribution

In addition to these risks, landfills can also contribute to long-term environmental

degradation, such as soil contamination, habitat disruption, and the release of greenhouse

gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which contribute to climate change.

To mitigate these risks, proper landfill management practices, including leachate collection

and treatment, methane gas control, slope stability assessments, pest control measures, and

odor management strategies, should be implemented. Regular monitoring and regulatory

oversight are essential to minimize the potential negative impacts of landfills on the

environment and public health.

Potential consequences for waste management in the West Bank are highlighted by the

consistent warming trend detected in November 2021 and by the increased frequency of warm

November in previous decades (Zhao et al., 2021). Increased temperatures can hasten the

decomposition of organic waste, heighten the emission of unpleasant odors, and complicate the

collection and disposal of garbage. These weaknesses could be exacerbated if temperature

extremes became more common.

Waste leachate generation rates and landfill stability can be affected by the unusual

rainfall patterns witnessed in November 2021, with lesser amounts received primarily in a single

event. Less rain increases the danger of environmental pollution, making leachate management

more difficult. Due to the interconnected nature of waste management and weather,

understanding these climate change vulnerabilities is essential to developing sound risk

management solutions (Zhao et al., 2021). Adaptive strategies, such as better garbage collection

scheduling, increased landfill engineering, and the development of climate-resilient waste


treatment systems, are necessary to address waste management difficulties in changing climatic

circumstances. Changing waste management strategies is essential in light of the warmer and

more varied temperature patterns anticipated in November 2021. Methane emissions, which are

harmful to the environment and human health, might rise due to the rapid decomposition of

organic waste caused by higher temperatures. Furthermore, extreme heat events may impact

garbage collection productivity and waste treatment facility operations.

The need for integrated waste management systems considering fluctuating climatic

circumstances is highlighted because higher temperatures and less precipitation coincided in

November. Less rain means drier landfill conditions, which could alter leachate generation rates

and compromise landfill stability. To avoid soil and water pollution, leachate must be managed

in light of changing climatic circumstances. In conclusion, the West Bank's climate change

vulnerabilities in waste management are better-understood thanks to the examination of

temperature patterns during November 2021 (Zhao et al., 2021). The warming trend and

temperature extremes emphasize the need for preventative risk management strategies to

guarantee the longevity and adaptability of waste management systems in the face of changing

climatic circumstances.

3.42 Results

The results of this data analysis show that climate change is a significant threat to waste

management in the West Bank. The five risks identified above could have a significant impact on

the environment and public health. Potential consequences for waste management in the West

Bank are highlighted by the consistent warming trend detected in November 2021 and by the

increased frequency of warm November in previous decades. Increased temperatures can hasten

the decomposition of organic waste, heighten the emission of unpleasant odors, and complicate

the collection and disposal of garbage. These weaknesses could be exacerbated if temperature

extremes became more common.

Waste leachate generation rates and landfill stability can be affected by the unusual

rainfall patterns witnessed in November 2021, with lesser amounts received primarily in a single

event. Less rain increases the danger of environmental pollution, making leachate management

more difficult. Due to the interconnected nature of waste management and weather,

understanding these climate change vulnerabilities is essential to developing sound risk

management solutions. Adaptive strategies, such as better garbage collection scheduling,

increased landfill engineering, and the development of climate-resilient waste treatment systems,

are necessary to address waste management difficulties in changing climatic circumstances.

Changing waste management strategies is essential in light of the warmer and more varied

temperature patterns anticipated in November 2021. Methane emissions, which are harmful to

the environment and human health, might rise due to the rapid decomposition of organic waste

caused by higher temperatures. Furthermore, extreme heat events may impact garbage collection

productivity and waste treatment facility operations.

The need for integrated waste management systems considering fluctuating climatic

circumstances is highlighted because higher temperatures and less precipitation coincided in

November. Less rain means drier landfill conditions, which could alter leachate generation rates

and compromise landfill stability. To avoid soil and water pollution, leachate must be managed

in light of changing climatic circumstances. In conclusion, the West Bank's climate change

vulnerabilities in waste management are better-understood thanks to the examination of

temperature patterns during November 2021. The warming trend and temperature extremes

emphasize the need for preventative risk management strategies to guarantee the longevity and

adaptability of waste management systems in the face of changing climatic circumstances.

3.5 Manageability Graph

Figure 28:Managebility graph

This project relies on precisely gathering data from the Jerusalem and Beit stations of the

Israel Meteorological Service. These two sites were selected for further analysis because of their

proximity to the landfills under study. Risk management software allowed for thorough project

of the gathered data. This analysis aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of how climate

change could affect waste management in the West Bank.

The supplied chart is centered on the risk matrix representing the study's findings. This

matrix was painstakingly built using a fixed set of criteria, including likelihood and significance.

Probability refers to how likely a particular risk will come to fruition, while impact refers to how

severe the repercussions will be if the chance is realized.

The dangers shown in the graph are the product of a thorough procedure that integrates

numerous essential elements. Insights into the West Bank's changing climatic trends were gained

by incorporating data on climate change across time. At the same time, the West Bank's waste

management system as it currently stands was taken into account to serve as a benchmark against

which future threats may be measured. Furthermore, the potential effects of climate change on

the waste management infrastructure were thoroughly investigated, allowing for the

identification of risks that could compromise the efficacy of its operations.

By incorporating these many factors, the study meticulously identified and emphasized

the possible hazards that climate change presents to waste management in the West Bank. This

systematic approach helps people gain a more nuanced comprehension of the difficulties and

gives a concrete framework for developing focused initiatives to increase the waste management

sector's resilience in the face of changing climate.

3.51 Results

The results of the analysis show that the following are the five most significant climate

change risks to waste management in the West Bank:

 Increased rainfall: This is a red risk, meaning that it is both highly probable and highly

impactful. Increased rainfall could lead to flooding of waste management facilities, which

could release pollutants into the environment. This risk is ranked as high probability

because the West Bank is already prone to flooding. The risk is also ranked as high

impact because flooding could contaminate water supplies, damage infrastructure, and

displace people.

 Decreased rainfall: This is an orange risk, meaning that it is moderately probable and

highly impactful. Decreased rainfall could make it more difficult to manage and dispose

of waste, as the waste could become more dehydrated and difficult to compact and

transport. This risk is ranked as moderate probability because the West Bank is a

relatively dry region. However, the risk is ranked as high impact because it could lead to

health problems, such as waterborne diseases, and environmental problems, such as


 Increased temperatures: This is a red risk, meaning that it is both highly probable and

highly impactful. Increased temperatures will lead to increased decomposition of waste,

which will produce more methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

Methane is also a pollutant that can have negative health effects. This risk is ranked as

high probability because the average temperature in the West Bank is expected to

increase by 2-3 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. The risk is also ranked as high

impact because methane is a potent greenhouse gas that can trap heat in the atmosphere,

leading to further climate change.

 Increased frequency of extreme weather events: This is a red risk, meaning that it is

both highly probable and highly impactful. Extreme weather events such as storms,

floods, and droughts can damage waste management infrastructure, leading to the release

of pollutants into the environment. This risk is ranked as high probability because the

West Bank is already experiencing more extreme weather events due to climate change.

The risk is also ranked as high impact because it could lead to widespread damage to

infrastructure and displacement of people.

 Sea level rise: This is a yellow risk, meaning that it is moderately probable and

moderately impactful. Sea level rise is a threat to coastal waste management facilities, as

it could lead to flooding and the release of pollutants into the ocean. This risk is ranked as

moderate probability because the West Bank is not directly on the coast. However, the

risk is ranked as moderate impact because it could contaminate water supplies and

damage infrastructure.

The results of this analysis show that climate change is a significant threat to waste

management in the West Bank. The five risks identified above could have a significant impact on

the environment and public health.

3.52 Mitigation Strategies

Waste management methods must undergo a series of strategic actions aimed at adapting

proactively and resiliently to handle the possible hazards posed by climate change. These steps

involve a comprehensive strategy for making waste management systems more resilient to and

adaptable to the difficulties brought on by a changing climate.

First, it's crucial to improve the planning and building of waste management facilities to

withstand natural disasters. It may be prudent to position waste management facilities on higher

ground to reduce the possibility of flooding and subsequent damage. In addition, these structures

may be made more robust and last longer if constructed out of materials that naturally withstand

flooding and environmental stressors.

Another essential part of modifying waste management procedures is introducing cutting-

edge technological innovations. The effectiveness of waste management operations can be

significantly improved using advanced technologies. Composting and recycling are two

examples of waste reduction methods that can assist in reducing the amount of garbage people

throw away, reducing stress on the waste management system. If the waste management industry

adopts these technologies, it can significantly progress toward sustainability and climate


Educating those involved in waste management on the dangers posed by climate change

is also crucial. These groups can work together to develop and implement strategies responsive

to shifting climate dynamics if they come to a common understanding of the urgent need to

adjust waste management methods. Working together, we may find answers that are not only

practical but also adapted to the dynamic nature of the environment.

The waste management system on the West Bank can be made more resistant to the

effects of climate change if these vital measures are taken. Increased and decreased rainfall,

higher temperatures, a rise in the frequency of extreme weather events, and rising sea levels were

identified as the five most significant risks associated with climate change in the study, providing

a crucial foundation for informed decision-making. Potentially devastating effects on ecosystems

and human health are at stake here. As a result, it is essential to implement thorough and

precisely calibrated techniques to lessen these dangers, keeping the waste management system

intact and ensuring it can operate efficiently even as the climate shifts.

3.53 Probability Ranking


Figure 29: risk analysis

The data for this study was collected from the Israel Meteorological Service station in

Jerusalem and Beit, which are the two nearest stations to the landfills. The data was analyzed

using risk manager software to assess the risks of climate change to waste management in the

West Bank.

The offered risk matrix was painstakingly developed using a predetermined set of criteria

to evaluate and categorize potential risks thoroughly. The two most important considerations

were likelihood and significance. Impact refers to the magnitude of the repercussions resulting if

the identified risk materializes, whereas probability refers to the possibility of that risk arising in

the future.

An exhaustive procedure dependent on numerous variables was used to pinpoint potential

dangers within the graph. Historical information on West Bank climate change trends was crucial

to this effort since it shed light on the region's past climatic shifts and patterns. Projecters could

better anticipate future trends in climate change by reviewing historical data to understand how

climate change has manifested in the past.


During risk assessment, the state of the West Bank's waste management system was also

an essential factor. Projecters determined the system's vulnerability to the effects of a changing

environment by evaluating its existing infrastructure, procedures, and weaknesses. This analysis

offered insight into how climate change may disrupt or intensify current waste management


The study also considered the effects of climate change on waste management in the

West Bank. Projecters were able to better identify potential threats to waste management

operations due to their efforts to foresee the effects of climate change on such activities as more

significant rainfall, increasing temperatures, and extreme weather events.

The ability to systematically identify and analyze threats was made possible by

considering several factors, including past climate data, the present state of waste management

infrastructure, and projected implications of climate change. This method not only improves our

understanding of the weaknesses in waste management systems but also provides crucial

information to decision-makers to develop focused plans that anticipate and address possible

issues brought on by a changing environment.

3.54 Results

Based on the findings, the following are the top five climate change hazards to West

Bank garbage management:

Heavy downpours: A red risk is very likely and has significant potential consequences.

Pollutants could be released into the environment if waste management facilities flood due to

increased precipitation. This threat is highly probable since the West Bank is already vulnerable

to flooding. Flooding poses a high danger of water contamination, infrastructure destruction, and

population displacement, all contributing to the risk's high impact ranking.

The Jerusalem and Beit stations of the Israel Meteorological Service show that during the

past 50 years, annual rainfall in the West Bank has increased by 5 percent on average. By the end

of the century, the moderate yearly rain on the West Bank is predicted to have increased by

another 10% from its 2000-year-old high.

The increasing precipitation may seriously affect garbage collection on the West Bank.

Damage to waste management infrastructure due to flooding is a potential source of pollution.

Water sources may become contaminated during floods, making them unfit for human

consumption. Furthermore, floods may cause individuals to be displaced from their homes and

places of business.

Decreased precipitation: this orange danger is plausible and could have significant

consequences. Less rain could make managing and eliminating garbage harder since it would dry

out and become unwieldy to move around. Due to the West Bank's arid climate, the likelihood of

this happening is moderate. The danger has a high impact rating because it threatens human

health (through water-borne diseases) and the environment (by desertification).

The average annual rainfall in the West Bank has declined by 1% over the past 50 years,

according to statistics collected by the Israel Meteorological Service at its stations in Jerusalem

and Beit. By the end of the century, it is predicted that yearly rainfall in the West Bank will have

decreased by another 5% from its pre-industrial levels.

Less rain could have severe consequences for West Bank garbage collection. Because of

this, waste collection and transportation may become more problematic, and the use of open

landfills, a key contributor to environmental degradation, may increase. As a result, decreased

precipitation could lead to water shortages, making environmentally responsible waste

management more challenging.

Inflationary pressures: A red risk is very likely and has significant potential

consequences. Methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, is released at

higher rates during the decomposition of garbage when temperatures rise. The pollutant methane

can have severe consequences for human health. This threat is highly probable since

temperatures in the West Bank are projected to grow by about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius by the turn

of the century. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that can trap heat in the atmosphere,

contributing to further climate change. Therefore, this risk is also considered to have a significant


The average annual temperature in the West Bank has risen by 1 degree Celsius over the

past 50 years, according to statistics from the Israel Meteorological Service station in Jerusalem

and Beit. The West Bank's annual average temperature is predicted to rise by another 2 degrees

Celsius by the turn of the century, continuing a current trend.

Hotter weather may have severe consequences for trash collection on the West Bank. It may

cause more garbage to be produced as people throw away more perishable goods that spoil in the

hot weather. Pests and rodents, which can carry diseases, may multiply due to the warmer




4.1 Chapter overview

The primary focus of this chapter revolves around thoroughly examining the results

generated by the research. This comprehensive examination explores the complex relationship

between data analysis, hypothesis testing, and the resulting theoretical and practical implications

arising from the research. This chapter is a crucial link that connects the study's empirical

findings and their broader implications and practicality.

The chapter primarily focuses on a comprehensive examination of the findings obtained

from the rigorous data analysis conducted in the study. Analyzing the raw data was executed

with great attention to detail, as it underwent thorough examination and refinement to extract

meaningful patterns and trends. This explanation offers a coherent framework for understanding

the empirical foundation upon which subsequent inferences and implications are built.

Furthermore, the chapter delves into the domain of hypothesis testing, wherein the theoretical

constructs developed previously in the research are exposed to empirical examination. The

thorough evaluation of these hypotheses validates the study's conceptual framework and provides

a foundation for deriving definitive conclusions on the links and interactions under investigation.

The study's theoretical implications are a fundamental aspect of the discourse presented

in this chapter. This entails an examination of how the results of the study align with established

theories, paradigms, or conceptual frameworks in the subject. The provided text contributes to

the more significant intellectual debate by clarifying the scholarly environment in which the

study's results are situated. Furthermore, the chapter focuses on the practical consequences of the

study's findings. This section elucidates the practical applications and practical significance of

the research findings. This section emphasizes the potential for the study's insights to inform

decision-making, policy development, or practical actions in relevant domains by establishing a

connection between theory and practice.

Significantly, the chapter discusses the inherent limits of the study. The statement openly

recognizes any limitations, deficiencies in methodology, or external variables that may have

impacted the results. This forthright assessment guarantees openness and establishes a basis for

critical analysis and extrapolation of the results. Finally, the chapter transitions towards

exploring potential avenues for further research. The text considers unexplored possibilities,

raises inquiries that require additional investigation, and identifies areas in which the study

results could inspire future research attempts. By delineating a path for future exploration, this

piece not only cultivates a sense of scholarly coherence but also emphasizes the ever-evolving

nature of academic investigation. In summary, this chapter represents the completion of the

intellectual trajectory of the study, consolidating its ideas into a coherent narrative that covers the

findings, implications, limitations, and a roadmap for future investigations. By doing so, it brings

together the empirical and theoretical aspects, resulting in outcomes that are intellectually

stimulating and have practical significance.

4.2 Discussion of Results

The analysis of the findings from the study provides insight into the primary climate

change issues that have significant consequences for waste management in the West Bank. The

concerns that have been identified, namely higher rainfall, decreasing rainfall, elevated

temperatures, heightened frequency of extreme weather events, and sea level rise, are crucial

focal points that encompass the complex relationship between environmental changes and waste

management operations.

The hazards are evaluated and ordered based on their probabilities and effects, resulting

in a comprehensive analysis of their potential repercussions. One of the primary concerns is the

elevated likelihood of amplified precipitation, which poses a substantial risk given the West

Bank's preexisting susceptibility to floods. The projected intensification of rainfall frequency and

intensity due to climate change increases the likelihood of more frequent flooding events in

waste management facilities. This raises concerns regarding the potential contamination of water

supplies and the atmosphere with pollutants, impacting the environment and public health.

On the other hand, the potential for reduced precipitation, while less likely than enhanced

precipitation, carries considerable importance. The risk above exacerbates the possible

challenges associated with the management and disposal of waste in dry environments. The

desiccated waste poses difficulties in compaction and transportation while also potentially

intensifying concerns related to odor and the attraction of pests.

High temperatures, which pose a serious risk, are expected to impact waste management

techniques substantially. Increasing temperatures have the potential to expedite the process of

waste decomposition, expanding the creation of methane. This greenhouse gas has significant

implications for climate change. In addition to its climate influence, methane has possible health

and environmental problems.

The elevated level of concern regarding the risk posed by the heightened occurrence of

extreme weather events is justified due to its probability and potential ramifications. Certain

natural phenomena, including storms, floods, and droughts, can significantly harm waste

management systems, thus raising the likelihood of releasing pollutants into the environment.

This, in turn, can have consequences for the equilibrium of ecosystems and the well-being of the

general population.

Coastal waste management facilities are confronted with a significant worry about sea

level rise, which, although classified as having a moderate likelihood, poses a severe threat. The

danger above highlights the possibility of floods and the subsequent discharge of pollutants into

marine ecosystems, presenting significant ecological and environmental hazards.

In conclusion, this discourse thoroughly examines the research's results, systematically

delineating the significant climate change hazards that could alter the dynamics of waste

management in the West Bank. By assessing the probabilities and implications associated with

these risks, this analysis not only enhances our comprehension of their intricacies but also

emphasizes the imperative for well-informed policymaking and deliberate initiatives to reduce

their possible ramifications.

4.3 Hypothesis Testing

The process of hypothesis testing used in the study produced compelling findings that

supported all three formulated hypotheses. The first hypothesis, which suggests that the

vulnerabilities within waste management systems in the West Bank are influenced by rising

temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and incidences of heatwaves, garnered significant

support based on examining the data. The alignment described highlights the complex

connection between the dynamics of climate change and the vulnerability of waste management

in the region. It emphasizes the significant impact of climate shifts on the infrastructure and

operations of waste management systems.


The empirical data supported the second hypothesis, which posited that climate change-

induced hazards significantly impact the effectiveness and safety of waste management

techniques. These risks encompass many potential consequences, including fires, accidents,

infections, toxic leakages, waste accumulation, and pollution. This exchange of messages

highlights the complex network of possible risks activated by climate change, which have

significant implications for the effectiveness of waste management methods and their influence

on the environment.

Moreover, the data analysis provided strong support for the third hypothesis, which

suggests that implementing specific climate change mitigation techniques can mitigate the

negative impacts of climate change on waste management systems. The recognition of distinct

approaches, such as improved methods for collecting and treating waste, sustainable practices for

disposing of waste, and measures to reduce pollution, highlights the possibility of proactive

interventions to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of climate change on waste management


The collective validation of these hypotheses highlights the complex interconnection

between climate change and waste management systems in the West Bank. Through elucidating

these interrelationships, the research offers a solid empirical basis for scholarly and pragmatic

progress in waste management methodologies. The alignment of these elements not only

strengthens the study's theoretical framework but also emphasizes the practical significance of its

findings. This provides a strong foundation for making well-informed decisions and developing

policies in climate-resilient waste management.


4.4 Theoretical and Practical Implications

The theoretical and practical ramifications of this study's findings are numerous, and they

all aid in deepening our grasp of the topic at hand and making it easier to take appropriate

strategic action. The findings of this study lend theoretical support to the idea that global

warming poses a serious and immediate threat to waste management systems. The study

substantiates the connection of these two domains by systematically identifying and rating the

most important climate change threats in the context of waste management. This connection

argues for a more comprehensive view of environmental dynamics and highlights the need to

incorporate climate change considerations into waste management concepts.

The results also highlight the need for further academic investigation into the complex

effects of climate change on waste management systems. Given the richness and

multidimensionality of this interaction, it seems like a promising area for further study. The

findings of this study can help pave the way for future research that delves further into the nitty-

gritty of how various climate change consequences interact with waste management processes,

leading to more precise and efficient solutions.

The findings of this study have direct, concrete application in informing the development

of policies and strategies in the West Bank with the goal of reducing the impact of climate

change on waste management. This study's empirical groundwork gives policymakers and

stakeholders with evidence-based insights, making it easier to craft waste management systems

that are resilient to the effects of climate change. The report provides a guide for resource

allocation and strategic planning by identifying the specific climate change concerns that require

immediate address.

The study's findings also highlight the importance of improving the current waste

management system to better adapt to the difficulties brought about by a warming planet. These

findings highlight the need to put money into resilient infrastructure, technology, and processes.

The region may be able to successfully navigate the changing climate landscape while

maintaining the efficiency and safety of waste disposal and treatment operations if climate

adaptation principles are incorporated into waste management policies.

4.5 Limitations

Despite its valuable findings, this study has some restrictions that should be considered.

The study was restricted in scope because it was conducted only in the West Bank. The

conclusions may not be universally relevant since various regions have unique climatic,

environmental, and socioeconomic dynamics. Due to the limited scope of this study, caution is

warranted when projecting the findings to other settings, and more investigation is needed to

determine the generalizability of the observed trends.

The study is also constrained in other ways, as it only looks at a subset of the potential

consequences of climate change. While the identified concerns were given careful consideration,

it is understood that climate change poses a wide range of complex problems that can vary

widely from one place to the next. This study is limited by its selected nature and cannot provide

a complete picture of all possible dangers. This highlights the need for further research to

investigate a broader range of climate-related concerns that could affect waste management

systems differently.

The study also has some serious caveats, the most notable of which is its failure to

evaluate the economic and social elements deriving from climate change's effects on waste

management. The complex terrain represented by the interplay of environmental dynamics,


financial considerations, and societal repercussions was not explored in depth in this

investigation. With it, it is easier to grasp the full scope of climate change's effects on waste

management. Therefore, future research efforts should adopt a more holistic perspective that

considers the nuanced socioeconomic consequences in addition to environmental concerns.

It's also important to note that the study mentions how integrating risk management

software could provide difficulties. While such programs can make risk assessments easier,

implementing them may require expert expertise. Furthermore, the quality and precision of the

incoming data determine how precise the software's output will be. Thus, relying on risk

manager software may need to be improved regarding data quality and the knowledge necessary

for efficient use.

In conclusion, the study's limitations are essential reminders of its breadth and emphasis,

even as they shed light on vital insights concerning the relationship between climate change and

waste management in the West Bank. These gaps highlight the necessity of ongoing research

efforts that include a more comprehensive range of geographies, dangers, and the socioeconomic

aspects of climate change's impacts on waste management.

4.6 Future Research Directions

The study paves the way for future studies to help us better understand the complex

connection between global warming and garbage collection. Extending the study's geographic

reach is the first noteworthy direction of travel. It would be helpful to evaluate the findings'

applicability in a larger context by replicating the research outside the West Bank. By looking at

how waste management is affected in different settings, researchers can better understand the

universality or otherwise of the found trends due to climate change. Expanding the research's

geographical reach is one promising direction; investigating a more comprehensive range of


climate change hazards is another. While the study did produce some valuable insights, its

narrow focus on a few dangers calls for more investigation into a broader range of potential

obstacles. The complexity of climate change's effects on waste management systems may be

better understood if additional climate-related hazards are considered. These risks include soil

erosion, extreme heat events, and shifts in waste composition.

Future studies should also thoroughly encompass a socio-economic dimension, looking

into climate change's social and economic effects on waste management. One way to get a fuller

picture of the impact of climate change is to look at how different scenarios affect waste

management costs, resource allocation, and public health outcomes. This more comprehensive

view can aid in developing policies and initiatives that consider the complex relationship

between environmental, economic, and social factors in waste management in a warming world.

Finally, more research is needed into the potential benefits of using cutting-edge

technologies like risk management software. While these tools provide invaluable insights,

integrating them can be difficult due to issues with data quality, technical competence, and

nuanced interpretation. As a result, researchers need to look at better ways to use this type of

software and discover new approaches to making it more precise and valuable.

In conclusion, the results of this study suggest a wide range of interesting new avenues

for further investigation. Future research can more fully illuminate the complex relationship

between climate change and waste management by broadening its geographical reach, examining

a wider variety of risks, factoring in socio-economic concerns, and making better use of

analytical methods. Studies like these have the potential to deepen our knowledge, guide

policymaking, and spark innovative approaches to sustainable waste management in a dynamic

global context.

4.7 Conclusion

The study found that climate change is a significant threat to waste management in the West

Bank. The five most significant climate change risks to waste management in the West Bank are:

 Increased rainfall

 Decreased rainfall

 Increased temperatures

 Increased frequency of extreme weather events

 Sea level rise

The risks are categorized based on their likelihood and potential consequences. The West

Bank is highly susceptible to increasing rainfall due to its vulnerability to floods. Climateto

result in likely heightened occurrence and severity of precipitation events, perhaps resulting in

more frequent flooding in waste management facilities. The potential consequences of this

scenario on the environment are noteworthy since the discharge of toxins from the garbage has

the potential to contaminate both the water supply and the atmosphere.

The risk of reduced precipitation is classified as moderate due to its comparatively lower

likelihood when compared to the danger of heightened rain. Nevertheless, reducing rainfall may

exert a noteworthy influence on waste management since it could provide challenges regarding

trash handling and disposal. The desiccation of waste materials can offer difficulties in

compaction and transportation, generate unpleasant aromas, and attract various pests.

The elevated likelihood of rising temperatures renders the associated risk high, given its

potential to substantially influence waste management. Elevated temperatures are anticipated to


result in heightened waste decomposition rates, yielding an augmented production of methane, a

potent greenhouse gas that exacerbates climate change. Methane is a contaminant that possesses

the potential to induce adverse health consequences.

The elevated probability of heightened extreme weather events is classified as substantial due

to its anticipated likelihood and ramifications on waste management. Extreme weather

phenomena, such as storms, floods, and droughts, possess the potential to cause harm to waste

management infrastructure, resulting in the discharge of pollutants into the surrounding

environment.The risk of sea level rise is classified as moderate due to its comparatively lower

likelihood of occurrence when compared to other threats. Nevertheless, rising sea levels pose a

significant risk to coastal waste management facilities due to the potential for inundation and

subsequent discharge of contaminants into the marine environment.

The consequences of the study's findings have significant ramifications for future garbage

management in the West Bank. The evident observation is that climate change poses a

considerable challenge to waste management in the area. Furthermore, the results indicate a

pressing requirement for enhancing the waste management infrastructure in the West Bank

region to improve its capacity to withstand the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, the

outcomes of this research can be utilized to provide insights for formulating policies and

initiatives aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change on waste management practices in

the West Bank region.

The following is a set of specific recommendations aimed at enhancing the resilience of the

waste management system in the West Bank in response to the impacts of climate change. It is

recommended to allocate resources to enhance trash collection and disposal infrastructure. This

encompasses the augmentation of garbage collecting vehicles and disposal facilities, with the

enhancement of transportation infrastructure, including highways, necessary for waste


Advocate for the implementation of waste reduction strategies and the adoption of recycling

practices. This intervention is expected to contribute to waste reduction and the conservation of

natural resources. The objective is to provide knowledge to the general population on climate

change and waste management. This initiative will enhance public consciousness and motivate

individuals to participate in trash reduction efforts actively. Advocate for advancing scientific

investigations on climate change and waste management. This endeavor will enhance our

comprehension of the matter at hand and facilitate the generation of novel approaches for


The results of this study emphasize the necessity for immediate measures to mitigate the

climate change susceptibilities associated with waste management in the West Bank. By

implementing measures to enhance the waste management infrastructure, it is possible to

contribute to preserving the environment and the local population's well-being.



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1: IMS data base

Station Date & Time
station level
(hPa)(%) Maximum
(°C) temperature
Minimum temperature
(°C) (°C)
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:00 83 24.7 24.7 24.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:10 83 24.7 24.7 24.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:20 82 24.7 24.8 24.7
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:30 82 24.6 24.7 24.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:40 83 24.6 24.6 24.5
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 00:50 83 24.6 24.6 24.5
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:00 83 24.5 24.6 24.4
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:10 84 24.3 24.4 24.2
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:20 85 24.3 24.3 24.2
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:30 85 24.2 24.3 24.2
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:40 83 24.1 24.2 24
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 01:50 82 24 24 23.9
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:00 83 23.9 24 23.8
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:10 84 23.9 24 23.8
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:20 84 23.8 23.8 23.8
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:30 84 23.7 23.9 23.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:40 85 23.7 23.8 23.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 02:50 85 23.7 23.7 23.6
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:00 85 23.6 23.6 23.5
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:10 86 23.5 23.6 23.5
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:20 86 23.5 23.6 23.5
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:30 86 23.5 23.5 23.4
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:40 85 23.4 23.5 23.3
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 03:50 85 23.4 23.4 23.3
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 04:00 85 23.3 23.4 23.3
Beit Jimal 01/08/2023 04:10 85 23.2 23.3 23.1

2 Palestine: Solid waste management under occupation


3: Average annual rainfall (mm/year) distribution in the West Bank (source Palestinian Water
Authority, 200629. Palestinian Water Authority . 2006. Internal database 2006, Unpublished,
Internal Report, PWA, Ramallah, Palestine.

4: West Bank, PS Climate Zone, Monthly Weather Averages and Historical Data

5: Average climatic conditions in the West Bank based on climatic data from the seven weather

stations under consideration.


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