Talking About Jobs and Positions

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The most common question people ask when they want to know about your profession is:

What do you do?

Many people would also ask :

What do you do for a living?

(About your job title namely what exactely you do)

The response would be :

I am a teacher, I work as a teacher

I am a doctor

I am an entrepreneur (entreprenor)

I am self employed…

You may also hear :

What line of work are you in ?

Note that people are asking about the INDUSTRY

For example : I am into (education, IT, Construction, media

We can also say :

I am doing an internship with IT company

I am training to be a nurse

I am on a break / sabbatical

I do a voluntary job / social service

I work as a part timer / freelancer


Job = position or title (I am a teacher)

Work = activities or actions ( the nature of your job, more details. I teach english in high school)


To work for :

you can work for :

a company. I work for Sonatel, Free, Sénécartours…

a person. I work for Moussa he is my (boss, manager)

I work under Moussa he is my (boss, manager)
To work at :

a company where you are an employee. I work at sonatel

To work in :

- is used to talk about the place. Where the company is situated. Geographical location

To work in some place, in the city, in the country. I work in Senegal (in a bank, in hospital…)

- professional field (type of work). I work in the IT department (HR…

To work with :

Most of the time related with people

- I work with customers

- Cooperation : we work with Microsoft on their advertising program

To work as :

Can be used with a Job

I work as an accountant (teacher, doctor…)

To work on :

We work on something.

Example : to work on a project. I am currently working on report about studying chinese as a foreign

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