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Ronald Zizhou 211539680 2 April 2016

The main objective of the pump and piping design assignment is to select a pump with optimum
performance characteristics and connect it to a designed pipe layout. The procedure for achieving this
objective includes material and diameter selection for the pipe, and evaluating losses in various pipe
layouts. The pump is selected by calculating theoretical variables such as system head equations, and net
positive suction head. The pump to be used in the system will be selected after consulting numerous pump
charts which show important performance characteristics such as efficiency and power. Projecting the
theoretical equations onto the pump charts will allow us to obtain results such as the working head, or
the working volumetric flow rate. It was concluded that the Etanorm 80-65-250 was the most suitable
pump for the chosen route, and the reasons are outlined in the discussion of this paper.

List of Figures
Figure 1: Piping Route Layouts...................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Loss Coefficients for Pipe Components ......................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Cross sectional view of Route 1 layout .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Cross sectional view of Route 2 layout .......................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Cross sectional view for Route 3 layout ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Bend loss coefficients for a pipe (Babcock &Wilcox, 2011) ........................................................... 8
Figure 7: Selection chart for N=1450 rpm................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Selection chart for N=2900 rpm................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9: Characteristics for pump 100-080-400 at 1450 rpm ................................................................... 11
Figure 10: Characteristics of pump 150-125-400 at 1450 rpm ................................................................... 12
Figure 11: Characteristics of pump 80-60-200 at 2900 rpm ....................................................................... 13
Figure 12: Characteristics of pump 80-60-250 at 2900 rpm ....................................................................... 14
Figure 13: Layout of Final Design ................................................................................................................ 16

List of Tables
Table 1: Types of pump chosen .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 2: Losses and system head values for Route 1 .................................................................................. 15
Table 3: Pump Characteristics for Route 1 ................................................................................................. 15
Table 4: Losses and system head values for Route 2 .................................................................................. 15
Table 5: Pump characteristics for Route 2 .................................................................................................. 16
Table 6: Losses and system head values for Route 3 .................................................................................. 16
Table 7: Pump characteristics for Route 3 .................................................................................................. 16

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Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 1
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Aims........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Objectives.................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Procedure .................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1 Material Selection ............................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Pipe Diameter ..................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 System Variables ................................................................................................................................. 4
5.4 Piping Route Layouts........................................................................................................................... 5
5.4.1 Route 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4.2 Route 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4.3 Route 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Net Positive Suction Head ................................................................................................................... 9
5.6 Pump Selection ................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.1 Route 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.6.2 Route 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.6.3 Route 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5.6 Final Design ....................................................................................................................................... 16
6. Discussion................................................................................................................................................ 17
7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 17
8. References .............................................................................................................................................. 18

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1. Nomenclature
d - Pipe diameter
f - Friction factor
e - Surface roughness
Re - Reynolds number
Q - Volumetric flow rate
V - Velocity
Ls -Length of pipe on the suction side
Ld -Length of pipe on the discharge side
K -Head loss due to fittings and bends
Hs -Suction head
Hd -Discharge head
Hf - Head loss due to friction
Hfb - Head loss due to bends in piping
Hatm - Atmospheric pressure head
Hsys - System pressure head
Hent - Head loss entrance
Hstatic - Static head loss
Hvap - Vapor head
NPSHavailable - Net Positive Suction Head available
NPSHrequired - Net Positive Suction Head required

2. Aims
 To design a pump and piping solution to an open-ended water reticulation problem
 To demonstrate competence to perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and
synthesis of components, systems, engineering works, products or process as outlined by Exit
Level Outcome 3 by the Engineering Council of South Africa

3. Objectives
 Select a pump from a reputable catalogue, and justify the selection by generating system head
equations, and predicting if cavitation will occur or not from evaluating the net positive suction
 Select suitable materials for the piping, and justify route used for final design

4. Introduction
In order to transfer various liquids from one point to another, it is crucial to consider the pumps that will
be used, as well as the length and material selection for the pipes. These parameters will affect the
performance of the piping system. This assignment aims to provide a solution to an industrial process that
requires water to be pumped from approximately 945 meters away, with varying elevations shown on a
topographical map. It is required to provide a volumetric flow rate 33 litres/second with an allowable
variation of ±15%.

The following assumptions have been implemented to simplify the problem:

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1. The land between contour lines is considered to be flat
2. All changes in elevation are vertical
3. The pump is operating in steady state
4. The vertical distance from the reservoir surface to the pump inlet may assumed to be zero (Hs=0)
5. The length of the pipe from the reservoir to the pump station is relatively small (Ls=1m)
6. The water is at 20°C (for obtaining density and dynamic viscosity)
7. The pump is assumed to be primed, therefore internal losses across the impeller were not

5. Procedure
The design of a pump and piping system requires a variety of considerations, including the material used
for the pipes, the section of the pump and the layout scheme that the piping will follow.

5.1 Material Selection

The materials used for water pipework systems are grouped into two broad groups, metallic and non-
metallic. The most commonly used metallic materials include galvanized steel, iron and copper. Whilst the
most common materials from the non-metallic branch are usually plastics such as polyvinylchloride,
chlorinated polyvinylchloride and polyethylene. Galvanized steel is readily available, and relatively cheap.
However, through the progression of time the protective coating wears away and oxidation of exposed
steel leads to contamination of the water being supplied to the plant. Iron has the same advantages but
unfortunately suffers from corrosion as well, resulting in a short life span. Copper does not react readily
with water to form rust and would have been an excellent choice, except it is exceedingly expensive.

The best material for the pipe system is high density polyethylene (HDPE) which is commonly used in main
water supplies. It is corrosion resistant, preventing contamination of the water and wear of the pipes. The
material is light and flexible allowing ease of installation whilst it is also durable. These plastic pipes are
inexpensive and are readily available for purchase.

5.2 Pipe Diameter

The cross sectional area of a pipe will affect the velocity of the fluid within it for a given volumetric flow
rate. Considering that the flow rate should be between 28 litres/second and 38 litres/second, and the
maximum permissible velocity is 2 meters/second (City Services, 2009). For a diameter of 150 millimeters,
the values of velocity will range from 1.58 meters/second to 2.15 meters/second. The maximum value of
velocity achieved by this diameter will exceed the limit set by the local municipality slightly, however the
value is a common inner diameter which will improve availability.

5.3 System Variables

The performance characteristics of each route may be analyzed if the following variables are determined.
The velocity may easily be obtained from the specified flow rate and a chosen diameter.

𝑄 = 𝐴. 𝑣
4𝑄 4 × 0.033
∴𝑣= 2
= = 1.87 𝑚/𝑠
𝜋𝑑 𝜋 × 0.152
The velocity obtained may be used to determine the corresponding Reynolds number. Water at 20°C has
a density of 998.2 kg/m3, and a dynamic viscosity of 1.002×10-3 Ns/m2 (Pritchard, 2010).

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𝜌𝑉𝑑 998.2 × 1.87 × 0.15
𝑅𝑒 = = = 279 436
𝜇 1.002 × 10−3
This Reynolds number indicates turbulent flow since it is above 4000.The friction factor may be obtained
by using the Colebrook equation.

1 𝑒 ⁄𝑑 2.51 0.0015⁄0.15 2.51

= −2 log ( + ) = −2 log ( + )
√𝑓 3.7 𝑅𝑒√𝑓 3.7 279 436√𝑓

An iterative calculation process produces a friction factor f=0.038121. The dynamic head loss is given by

𝑉2 1.872
= = 0.178 𝑚
2𝑔 2 × 9.81

5.4 Piping Route Layouts

Figure 1: Piping Route Layouts

The image above shows the routes that will be considered for the final design of the pipe network.

5.4.1 Route 1
The simple route indicated in Figure 3 below traces a straight line between the pump station and the
plant. The pump will be located at the origin, whilst the plant is situated at the end of the trace. This route
consists of twenty 90⁰ bends. The loss coefficient for long radius 90° bends is 0.2 according to the figure

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Figure 2: Loss Coefficients for Pipe Components

Route 1


Elevation (m)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Horizontal Length of pipe (m)

Figure 3: Cross sectional view of Route 1 layout

The entire length of the pipe system is approximately 1144 meters, which results in a head loss due to
friction given by:

𝑓𝑙𝑉 2 0.038121 × 1144 × 1.872

𝐻𝑓 = = = 51.8 𝑚
2𝑑𝑔 2 × 0.15 × 9.81
The system head equation for route 1 is given by:

𝑓𝐷 (𝐿𝑠 + 𝐿𝑑 )𝑄 2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 𝐻𝑠 + 𝐻𝑑 + + ∑ 𝐾
12𝑑5 𝜋 2𝑑4 𝑔
0.038121(1 + 1144)𝑄 2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 0 + 60 + + (20 × 0.2 + 0.5 + 1)
12 × 0.152 𝜋 2 (0.15)4 (9.81)
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 60 + 1059.336𝑄 2

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5.4.2 Route 2
The image below illustrates the shortest distance which is achieved by avoiding the second 60m peak.
This route consists of sixteen 90⁰ bends, meaning it achieves a shorter distance than the first route
whilst decreasing the number of bends.

Route 2


Elevation (m)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Horizontal Length of pipe (m)

Figure 4: Cross sectional view of Route 2 layout

The length of the entire pipe network reduces to 1127 meters, which can be used to calculate head loss
due to friction.

𝑓𝑙𝑉 2 0.038121 × 1127 × 1.872

𝐻𝑓 = = = 51.0 𝑚
2𝑑𝑔 2 × 0.15 × 9.81
𝑓𝐷 (𝐿𝑠 + 𝐿𝑑 )𝑄 2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 𝐻𝑠 + 𝐻𝑑 + + ∑ 𝐾
12𝑑5 𝜋 2𝑑4 𝑔
0.038121(1 + 1127)𝑄 2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 0 + 60 + + (16 × 0.2 + 0.5 + 1)
12 × 0.152 𝜋 2 (0.15)4 (9.81)
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 60 + 926.365𝑄 2

5.4.3 Route 3
The following layout minimizes elevation whilst maintaining a considerably short pipe length of 1147
meters. The path consists of only eight 90⁰ bends, however it also consists of one irregular 127⁰ bend.

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Route 3
Elevation (m)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Horizontal Length of pipe (m)

Figure 5: Cross sectional view for Route 3 layout

The head loss due to friction for Route 3 is given by:

𝑓𝑙𝑉 2 0.038121 × 1147 × 1.872

𝐻𝑓 = = = 52.0 𝑚
2𝑑𝑔 2 × 0.15 × 9.81
In order to obtain the loss coefficient of such a bend the figure below shows the chart used assuming a
centerline radius of bend that is equal to 450 millimeters.

Figure 6: Bend loss coefficients for a pipe (Babcock &Wilcox, 2011)

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The system head equation for route 3 can then be calculated as follows

𝑓𝐷 (𝐿𝑠 + 𝐿𝑑 )𝑄 2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 𝐻𝑠 + 𝐻𝑑 + + ∑ 𝐾
12𝑑5 𝜋 2𝑑4 𝑔
0.038121(1 + 1147)𝑄2 8𝑄 2
𝐻𝑠𝑦𝑠 = 0 + 40 + + (8 × 0.2 + 0.5 + 1 + 0.21)
12 × 0.152 𝜋 2 (0.15)4 (9.81)
𝐻5𝑦𝑠 = 40 + 702.322𝑄 2

5.5 Net Positive Suction Head

The available net positive suction head (NPSHavailable) is a measure of how close a fluid at a given point is
to cavitation, by comparing it to the required NPSH. The NPSHrequired is provided by the pump manufacturer
after conducting relevant experiments, whilst the NPSHavailable should be determined by the engineer
designing the piping network using the following equation:

𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 − 𝐻𝑠 − 𝐻𝑓 − 𝐻𝑣𝑎𝑝

It is important to note that if the NPSHavailable is greater than The NPSHrequired then cavitation will not occur
thus the design is acceptable. However, if the NPSHavailable is less than The NPSHrequired then cavitation will
occur leading to unnecessary damage to the pump, such a design will be discarded to avoid this.

5.6 Pump Selection

The pump required for this system can be selected using selection charts in the catalog provided by pump
manufacturers. The KSB catalog offers seven different types of centrifugal pumps with selection charts for
each pump at three different speeds. A brief study of the charts shows that most of the pumps operating
at N=960 revolutions per second do not generate enough head to be considered. As a result of this only
speeds of 1450 revolutions per second and 2900 revolutions per second are considered.

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Figure 7: Selection chart for N=1450 rpm

Figure 8: Selection chart for N=2900 rpm

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Table 1: Types of pump chosen

Rotational speed of 1450 rpm Rotational speed of 2900 rpm

Route 1 Etanorm 150-125-400 Etanorm 80-65-250
Route 2 Etanorm 150-125-400 Etanorm 80-65-250
Route 3 Etanorm 100-80-400 Etanorm 80-65-200

The pump charts found in the catalog were used to obtain the performance characteristics of each pump

Figure 9: Characteristics for pump 100-080-400 at 1450 rpm

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Figure 10: Characteristics of pump 150-125-400 at 1450 rpm

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Figure 11: Characteristics of pump 80-60-200 at 2900 rpm

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Figure 12: Characteristics of pump 80-60-250 at 2900 rpm

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5.6.1 Route 1
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 − 𝐻𝑠 − 𝐻𝑓𝑠 − 𝐻𝑣𝑎𝑝

The values used to calculate the losses shown in the table below assume an atmospheric pressure of 101.3
kPa, a vapor pressure of 2.34 kPa and a length of suction pipe Ls=1m.
Table 2: Losses and system head values for Route 1

Q (m3/s) Hatm(m) Hs (m) Hfs (m) Hvap (m) Hent (m) V2/2g Hsys (m) NPSHavaila
(m) ble (m)
0.028 10.345 0 0.0325 0.239 0.0640 0.128 60.8 9.88
0.030 10.345 0 0.0373 0.239 0.0735 0.147 61.0 9.85
0.032 10.345 0 0.0425 0.239 0.0835 0.167 61.1 9.81
0.033 10.345 0 0.0452 0.239 0.0890 0.178 61.2 9.78
0.034 10.345 0 0.0479 0.239 0.0945 0.189 61.2 9.77
0.036 10.345 0 0.0537 0.239 0.1055 0.211 61.4 9.74
0.038 10.345 0 0.0599 0.239 0.1180 0.236 61.5 9.69

Table 3: Pump Characteristics for Route 1

Pump Diameter of Power (kW) Working Q Working H Efficiency (%) NPSHrequired

impeller (m3/s) (m) (m)
80-65-250 219 23.5 0.0311 61.1 80 3.1
150-125-400 419 44 202 61.1 76 1.7

5.6.2 Route 2
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 − 𝐻𝑠 − 𝐻𝑓𝑠 − 𝐻𝑣𝑎𝑝
Table 4: Losses and system head values for Route 2

Q (m3/s) Hatm(m) Hs (m) Hfs (m) Hvap (m) Hent (m) V2/2g Hsys (m) NPSHavaila
(m) ble (m)
0.028 10.345 0 0.0325 0.239 0.0640 0.128 60.7 9.88
0.030 10.345 0 0.0373 0.239 0.0735 0.147 60.8 9.85
0.032 10.345 0 0.0425 0.239 0.0835 0.167 60.9 9.81
0.033 10.345 0 0.0452 0.239 0.0890 0.178 61.0 9.79
0.034 10.345 0 0.0479 0.239 0.0945 0.189 61.1 9.77
0.036 10.345 0 0.0537 0.239 0.1055 0.211 61.2 9.74
0.038 10.345 0 0.0599 0.239 0.1180 0.236 61.3 9.69

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Table 5: Pump characteristics for Route 2

Pump Diameter of Power (kW) Working Q Working H Efficiency (%) NPSHrequired

impeller (m3/s) (m) (m)
80-65-250 219 23.5 0.0311 60.9 80 3.1
150-125-400 419 44 202 60.9 76 1.7

5.6.3 Route 3
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 − 𝐻𝑠 − 𝐻𝑓𝑠 − 𝐻𝑣𝑎𝑝
Table 6: Losses and system head values for Route 3

Q (m3/s) Hatm(m) Hs (m) Hfs (m) Hvap (m) Hent (m) V2/2g Hsys (m) NPSHavaila
(m) ble (m)
0.028 10.345 0 0.0325 0.239 0.0640 0.128 40.6 9.88
0.030 10.345 0 0.0373 0.239 0.0735 0.147 40.6 9.85
0.032 10.345 0 0.0425 0.239 0.0835 0.167 40.7 9.81
0.033 10.345 0 0.0452 0.239 0.0890 0.178 40.8 9.79
0.034 10.345 0 0.0479 0.239 0.0945 0.189 40.8 9.77
0.036 10.345 0 0.0537 0.239 0.1055 0.211 40.9 9.74
0.038 10.345 0 0.0599 0.239 0.1180 0.236 41.0 9.69

Table 7: Pump characteristics for Route 3

Pump Diameter of Power (kW) Working Q Working H Efficiency (%) NPSHrequired

impeller (m3/s) (m) (m)
80-65-200 193 16 0.0319 40.7 73 3.2
100-80-400 355 27 0.0306 40.7 71 1.5

5.6 Final Design

The piping of the final design will use the HDPE material, which is readily available in Durban from
suppliers such as Incledon Pty Ltd or Pipeflo. All the bends and fittings are assumed to be made of the
same material. From the layouts analyzed within the body of the procedure, Route 2 was selected due to
providing a short piping distance of 1127 meters, consisting of only 90° bends. The pump that provides
optimum performance is Etanorm 80-65-250 which has an impeller diameter of 219mm. The pump
operates at a rotational speed of 2900 revolutions per minute.

Figure 13: Layout of Final Design

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6. Discussion
The problem statement provided some assumptions that were used to simplify the design of the pipe
network, these were stated and used throughout the design procedure. During the design process, the
material used for the pipes was as HDPE after comparing properties of various materials commonly used
for water supply pipe systems. HDPE provides satisfactory durability properties for indoor, outdoor and
underground use. It is also readily available, easier to install and possesses good flow characteristics. After
the material of the pipe was finalized, the diameter of the pipe was estimated using velocities suggested
by the local municipality. A diameter of 150mm was chosen for all the piping used in the design and a wall
thickness of 12mm is recommended for fabricating the pipes.

The route analysis shows that route 2 has the shortest pipe length. Although this route has more 90°
bends than route 3, it provides a shorter and more simplified layout by avoiding the obtuse bend that is
found in route 3. Route 1 was discarded due to being longer than the other two layouts and also having
more 90° bends than the rest. This route also has the most elevation changes than the rest. Generally, an
increase of the overall length of pipe increase the friction head loss, which is an unwanted effect. Similarly,
increasing the number of bends will increase the minor losses in the system and should be avoided in
order to circumvent the effect. As a result, route 2 was selected for its simpler, shorter route. Losses
encountered in each route contributed to the evaluation of system head equations. These system head
equations were used alongside pump charts provided by a manufacturer to select a suitable pump. The
pumps provided in the KSB catalog are run at three different speeds. However, only two speeds were
considered because they produced enough head. The speeds used for the selection criteria are 2900rpm
and 1450rpm.

The characteristics of each curve were analyzed to select pump Etanorm 80-65-250 at 2900 rpm as the
best pump for route 2. This was selected over pump Etanorm 150-125-400 due to having a higher
efficiency. The power requirement for the selected pump is almost half of the power required by the
second option, which will reduce operational costs significantly with progression of time. The pump
Etanorm 80-65-250 also has a much smaller impeller diameter of 219mm, compared to the 419mm of
pump Etanorm 150-125-400. Most importantly, the required net positive suction head is less than the
available net positive suction head in the design. This ensures that cavitation will not gradually damage
the impeller blades significantly.

7. Conclusion
The aim of this assignment was to design a pump and piping solution to an open-ended water reticulation
problem. This was achieved by using theoretical calculations to select a pump from a reputable
manufacturer. Numerous factors such as the number of bends and length of piping required were used
to choose a favorable layout. Theoretical expectations were used in tandem with pump charts to select
the dimensions of a suitable pump. A catalog provided by the pump manufacturer was then used to
predict the performance characteristics of the chosen pump. The process of comparing the available net
positive suction head to the required amount provided in the catalog determined that the chosen pump
was suitable for the design, and will not experience cavitation.

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8. References
Babcock &Wilcox, 2011. Guide to Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer and Fluid Engineering.
Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2016].

City Services, 2009. eThekwini Municipality Water Supply Bylaws. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2016].

Pritchard, P. J., 2010. Fox and McDonalds Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Eigth ed. New York: Wiley.

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