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* The Vuichard Recovery technique is a new method for recovery from settling with power

the requires increasing collective, left pedal, and right cyclic.


FAA-H-8083-21A – Helicopter Flying Handbook pg. 11-9

Principles of Helicopter Flight, 2nd Edition, pg. 157
FM 3-04.203-2007 Fundamentals of Flight pg. 1-61

Other Helicopter Flight Conditions

Aerodynamics, Flight Conditions / Maneuvers, Helicopter Performance

Autorotation, ETL

What is loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE)?

August 16, 2018 by ETL

Loss of tail rotor effectiveness, commonly referred to as LTE, is when the ability to provide
anti-torque thrust from the tail rotor is ineffective or highly unreliable.

Notwithstanding mechanical problems, there are several wind conditions that impact the
tail rotor’s ability to provide anti-torque thrust: main rotor disc interference, tail rotor vortex
ring state, and weathercock stability. Main rotor disc interference may occur when there is
a wind between 285-310-degrees. From this angle, the main rotor vortices can be blown
into the tail rotor, making the tail rotor operate in turbulent air. A tail rotor ring state may
occur when the wind is from 210-330 degree as there is the potential for the wind to blow
tail rotor’s vortices into the tail rotor and the tail rotor can end up in a vortex ring state.
When the wind is from 120-240 degrees, the helicopter will want to weather vane into the
wind, making it operate in extremely turbulent air.
When there is pilot discretion to approach a landing site with left or a right cross wind, a
right crosswind minimizes the likelihood of LTE. Often, a pilot has the discretion on the
approach to a landing site, so the wind should be considered, particularly on final where
tail rotor use increases.


FAA-H-8083-21A – Helicopter Flying Handbook pg. 11-17

Principles of Helicopter Flight, 2nd Edition, pg. 69

Other Helicopter Flight Conditions

Flight Conditions / Maneuvers, Helicopter Performance


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About the Author

Bradley J. Fenster loves aviation and has a passion for teaching. Brad is the owner and the
i h li t i t t f ETL A i ti Pi t l i t fl B d t l
primary helicopter instructor for ETL Aviation. Prior to learning to fly, Brad spent several
years in the military. Brad was a Special Warfare Combat Craft Crewman in the U.S. Navy
and he was also a Ranger-qualified infantry officer in the Army. Brad is a father and lives in
Lexington, Kentucky with his beautiful wife and two cats.

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