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1. Question: What is sustainable development?

Answer: Sustainable
development is a holistic approach to growth that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. It encompasses economic, social, and environmental dimensions.
2. Question: How does technology contribute to economic development?
Answer: Technology plays a crucial role in economic development by
increasing efficiency, fostering innovation, and opening up new avenues for
growth. It enhances productivity, facilitates communication, and creates new
opportunities for businesses.
3. Question: What is the importance of education in human development?
Answer: Education is a fundamental factor in human development as it equips
individuals with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities. It empowers
people to make informed choices, participate in societal development, and
improve their overall quality of life.
4. Question: How can inclusive development benefit a society? Answer: Inclusive
development ensures that all members of society, regardless of their
background or circumstances, have equal access to opportunities and benefits.
This fosters social cohesion, reduces inequality, and promotes sustainable and
balanced progress.
5. Question: What role does infrastructure play in the development of a region?
Answer: Infrastructure, including transportation, energy, and communication
networks, is essential for regional development. It creates a foundation for
economic activities, attracts investments, and improves the overall quality of
life by enhancing connectivity and accessibility.

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