Crane Management in Manufacturing

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Crane Management in Manufacturing: A Multi-Agent Systems Perspective

This research introduces a smart system for controlling cranes in factories. The main goal is to make
sure materials move smoothly in manufacturing. The system handles parts from two sources: Source 1
and Source 2. Parts from Source 1 go to Process 1 and then to their final stop. Parts from Source 2
take a more complex route, going through Process 2 and Process 1 before reaching their final stop.
To avoid delays, we use a system that gives priority to the task the crane is already doing when new
parts show up. Our project shows that this smart system keeps manufacturing running efficiently and
smoothly, making operations in the industry work better.

The Material Handling Process Project is an automated system created to streamline the management
and processing of materials within an industrial or manufacturing setting. This project incorporates
sources, crane systems, and processes to optimize production workflows, with the core aim of
increasing operational efficiency and reducing the need for manual intervention in material handling

Project description

The provided description outlines a standard workflow for a process plan that involves two sources
(Source 1 and Source 2), two different processes (Process 1 and Process 2), and a crane for material
handling. Here's the same description in a more standard format:

Sources and Part Generation:

Two sources, Source 1 and Source 2, are provided as skills.
Source 1 is responsible for producing "Part 1."
Part generation can be initiated by setting a boolean variable, e.g., source1, to true.
When the boolean variable for Source 1 is set to true, it signals the generation of a part.
Crane Interface
A crane interface is used for communication with the crane.
There are two different crane skills: crane and crane2, corresponding to Process Plans in Source 1 and
Source 2, respectively.
Crane Movements:
The crane is responsible for picking up and placing parts. It performs vertical and horizontal
movements to pick parts from sources and deliver them to process stations. The crane's actions, such
as picking and placing parts, are controlled by setting the boolean variable, e.g., vacuum, to true (for
picking) and false (for placing).
Process 1 and Process 2:
There are two distinct processes: Process 1 and Process 2.
Parts from Source 2 go through Process 2 before being sent to Process 1.
Process 1 involves certain operations that need to be completed.

Agreeandbook Function:
To prevent conflicts when parts are generated simultaneously, an "agreeandbook()" function is used.
This function ensures that ongoing processes are completed before a new part is processed.
It helps in coordinating the movement of parts and prevents interference between simultaneous
Sleep Function:\A sleep function is used to introduce a pause of around 5 seconds.
This pause allows time for the completion of certain process steps, such as Process 1.
Sink for Finished Products:
Finished products are moved to a "sink" using the crane.
The crane is responsible for placing the finished products in the sink location.
Cycle and Crane Availability:
The process plan is designed to work in cycles, meaning it can be repeated continuously.
After the completion of each cycle, the crane is "unbooked" to make it available for the next part or
This standard version clarifies the workflow involving sources, crane movements, processes, conflict
resolution, and the overall cyclical nature of the process plan. The use of boolean variables and
functions like "agreeandbook()" and "move_crane()" helps in coordinating and controlling the process

Comparison with relevant research in ‘Industry 4.0’

Comparison with research paper titled ‘Toward Competent City Management using Multi-
agentSystem (MAS)’
Energy Management in a City:
Counting Agents: These are like detectives that use sensors to count how many buildings and people
are in the city. This information helps city planners.
Sorting Agents: Think of them as organizers who sort buildings into categories like schools,
hospitals, factories, and homes. This helps with city planning.
Data Collection Agents: These are like data detectives. They figure out how much energy buildings
use and make sure the city doesn't use too much.
City Energy Consumption Agents: They are like energy police. They keep an eye on how much
energy the city uses and make sure it doesn't use too much.
Monitoring Agents: These agents watch for electrical problems in buildings using special sensors. If
there's danger, they sound an alarm.
Emergency Agents: These agents are like first responders. If there's danger, they jump into action and
work with others to keep people safe.
Crane Simulation Project:
Source 1 and Source 2 Agents: These agents make parts that need to be used in the factory.
Perform specific manufacturing processes on the parts received from Source 1 and Source 2. It
transforms raw materials (parts) into finished products.
Crane Agents: These agents control the big machines in the factory that move parts around.
Part Agents: These are like the parts or pieces that are moved around by the cranes in the factory.
In the city energy management, there are agents that count, organize, collect data, and keep the city
safe. In the crane simulation project, there are agents that make, process, and move parts in a factory.

Difference between multi-agent system and centralized systems.

A centralized system has a single overarching goal and central feedback, while a multi-agent system,
also known as a decentralized system, has multiple agents, each with its own objectives. In a multi-
agent system, agents work autonomously and interact with each other to solve complex real-world
problems, displaying intelligence. Multi-agent systems are a subset of Distributed Artificial
Intelligence. In distributed systems, agents perform specific tasks, with a central agent coordinating
the achieved goals. Distributed systems, in turn, fall under the category of Distributed Computing
Monolithic (centralized) Multi-agent (decentralized, social learning)
Global objective. Diverse objectives.
Centralized feedback Decentralized and local feedbacks.
.Local objectives (don’t need to be aligned).

Multi-agent systems (MAS) can approach ethical aspects as follows:

Job Displacement: MAS can be used to collaborate with human workers instead of replacing them,
fostering teamwork and minimizing potential job displacement.
Data Privacy and Security: To address privacy and security concerns, MAS can employ robust
measures like data encryption, access controls, and strict usage policies. They should adhere to
privacy regulations to protect sensitive data.

Human Safety: In industrial settings, safety is paramount. MAS can be designed with safety features,
redundancy, and real-time monitoring to ensure reliable and safe operation. Establishing clear safety
standards and accountability protocols is crucial.
Transparency and Accountability: To enhance transparency, MAS can provide explanations for their
decisions, making their actions more understandable to humans. Accountability mechanisms must
also be in place to determine responsibility in case of system errors or unintended consequences.
Furthermore, interdisciplinary teams that encompass ethics, law, and social science experts should be
involved in the MAS development process. These experts can identify and address ethical concerns at
every stage of the MAS lifecycle, from conception and development to ongoing operation and
In summary, MAS should be founded on strong ethical principles, committed to complying with
societal norms and legal regulations, to ensure responsible and ethical automation

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