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Class : 3 Al-Buruj
Subject : English
Date : 22nd July 2013 (Monday)
Time : 12.05 noon –01.05 pm (60 minutes)
Enrolment : 9 students (8-12 years old)


1. Mohd Ilham M Low
2. Nur Izzati F Slow learner High
3. Adam Iman M Middle
4. Muhammad M Slow learner High 10
Khasufathurahman bin
5. Nuur Safridaah binti F Multiple High 10
6 Mohd Zikri M High
7 Raja Alif M Middle
8 Irfan Fitri M Low
9 Nur Amylea Low

Topic : Clothing
Content Standard : 10.3 To form letters and words with neat legible print
Learning Standard : 10.3.1 Able to copy words pertaining to different types of clothes
I. Socks
II. Cap
III. Shirt
IV. Necktie
V. Shoes

Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Low function.
1. Read simple phrases about clothes by imitating teacher’s pronunciation.
2. Colour the pictures with the correct colour according to the phrases with teacher’s guidance.
3. Copy simple phrases about clothes with teacher’s guidance.
Middle function
1. Read simple phrases about clothes with teacher’s guidance.
2. Colour the pictures with the correct colour according to the phrases with teacher’s guidance.
3. Copy simple phrases about clothes without teacher’s guidance.
High function
1. Read simple phrases about clothes with teacher’s guidance.
2. Understand the simple phrases read by colouring the pictures with correct colour with teacher’s
3. Copy simple phrases about clothes without guidance from teacher.
Previous knowledge : students have seen different kind of clothes in daily life

Cross-Curricular Element (EMK)

Multiple intelligence : linguistic, musical, visual-spatial

Learning Skills : verbal, spatial

Moral Values : listen to instruction, hygiene, cooperation, take part

Therapies : speech, music and game

Teaching aids : worksheet, puzzle picture, picture cards, music song, box, clothes, bean bag, basket
Induction set  Social greeting 1. Teacher asks the Technique: recall
(5 minutes)  Recall previous lesson student’s their condition. Therapy: speech
2. Students recall previous Value: take part
lesson. Teaching aids:
3. Students name the picture cards
clothes that they wear
Stage 1 (15  Differentiate different 1. Students are shown with Technique: game
minutes) type of clothes picture cards of clothes. Therapy: game
- Shirt 2. Students name the Value: cooperation
clothes. Teaching aids: bean
3. Students play Throw and bag, basket, picture
Win. cards
4. Students are divided
- Sock into 2 groups.
5. Each group will have to
throw a bean bag into
the basket which
contains a picture of the
- Shoes clothes.
6. Each basket represents
a mark.
7. Students will have to
pronounce the name of
the clothes correctly
- Cap and get marks.
8. Group with the highest
marks win.

- Necktie
Stage 2 (25  Read and understand Activity 1 Technique: drill
minutes) simple sentences. 1. Students are given Therapy: speech &
worksheet each. art
2. Students read the simple Value: listen to
phrases together. instruction
3. Students understand Teaching aids: pencil
a. An orange cap each phrase. colour, worksheet
4. Students copy the
5. Students colour the
picture according to the
b. A purple necktie 6. Students check the
answer together.

Activity 2
1. Students read again the
c. A pair of grey socks simple phrases.
2. Students look at the
picture together.
3. Students label the
d. A brown hat picture together.
4. Students colour the
pictures according to
the phrases.
e. A pair of white shoes 5. Students check the
answer together.

Stage 3  Me & My clothes 1. Students are given each Technique:

(10 minutes) a blank paper. application
2. Each student draws their Therapy: art
own body with clothes Value: listen to
that they want to wear instruction
and label the clothes. Teaching aids: blank
3. Students represent their paper, pencil colour.

Closure (5  Recall previous lesson. 1. Students have to Technique: recall

minutes) rename all the clothes Therapy: speech
that they have learnt. Value: hygiene
2. Teacher asked students Teaching aids: -
to take good care of
their clothes and wear
only clean clothes.


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