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Dear Melissa,

How are you? What have you been doing? I remember the last time we speak you were on way
to your post-doctorate in Norway. Sorry for my delay in writing, my life has been full with
finishing my master's and starting my doctorate.

I remembered our dinner after the last congress, I hope we can meet again. You told me you
were engaged, have you got married yet? I hope you're very happy with your new life. I also
got married and moved to another city.

With my master's degree finished, I've been thinking a lot about the possibility of doing my
doctorate abroad. I don't know if you remember my research into Positive Psychology, do you
think there is such a field at your university? If you think it's possible, I'd like to set up a video
call so we can talk about the steps to get into your university. Also, I'd like to ask you for the e-
mail address of the advisor we talked about at our last dinner at the congress.

I would be extremely happy to meet her again.

I hope you're well.

Best regards,


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