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Streaming generation


Imagine 10 years ago someone told you that you could watch any
movie you want at the time of the day you wanted. Crazy isn’t it?
How would you watch the serie or movie you wanted at the time
you wanted? You had to wait for the TV schedule to play that
movie on Sunday evening or that serie you always watch at 9pm
every night. Well, today’s generation doesn’t know about TV
schedules, all we know is “streaming”.

The question today is “Does anybody really wait to watch a

movie/serie on TV”? Possibilities of that to happen, these last 5
years, have been decreasing as a big percentage of people have,
at least, one Netflix account in their houses, allowing them total
control of the entertainment they have at their disposal (of course
time management watching these streaming series are ​up to​ each
of you, meaning that you should control the time spent watching
them). Marcos, an 18 year-old from Miami says that his

classmates can watch an entire season of a new trending serie in

just one day! That would be, more or less, 10 hours of watching
TV in a row!

But let’s go back a few years ago (1997), when two

entrepreneurs had the idea of giving entertainment to people in
their houses, just paying a monthly-fee. They went to Blockbuster
with their idea, but the giant company of that time rejected them,
assuming streaming would never be a reality. 7 years later
Blockbuster was in bankrupt while Netflix introduced the video on
demand to the internet and 5 years later more than 25 million of
people had subscribed to their streaming platform.

But as history showed us, conquerors and enemies will always

exist. Seeing the great acceptance by the audience by the
streaming ideas, other companies started to copy this business
model: HBO, Hulu, Amazon, Youtube and more recently, Disney
has entered this market. There are a lot of fishes to eat in the
wide sea of streaming, but at the end the audience has the
ultimate choice. Competition between these companies obligues
them to produce new and creative materials for us, so our least
concern is not how much is there, is that which one do we choose
to keep us entertained.

Finally, video games companies want to get into this streaming

trend. PlayStation and Xbox are thinking about offering a
monthly-paid subscription to their players in order for the to play
any game whenever they want. Will they do it? We’ll just have to
wait and see.


1- What is happening with the time spent by people watching

streaming content?

2- Why did Blockbuster rejected the idea of streaming?

3- Which is our main worry right now?

4- What are the big video game companies thinking for their

5- Do you enjoy watching streaming content? What would be the

future of it?


1- People are more free to choose their programmes, so they spend more
time with streaming content, and more if a new series or new season has

2- They assumed streaming was never going to be a reality and that it was
only a dream.

3- Our concern is choosing which source of entertainment do we want,

because it exists a lot of possibilities.

4- They are thinking of offering monthly subscriptions to play video games

in streaming, any game you want, whenever you want.

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