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Technological idioms


1- Match the idioms with the correct meaning:

1. Spread like wildfire

2. Be a dotcom phenomenon
3. Be a silver surfer
4. Boot the computer up
5. Be a cog in the machine


a) Turn on the Pc
b) Feel useless, not important in a group of work
c) Old person with a lot of knowledge in technology
d) Become viral / to expand
e) Have a successful website

2- Complete the sentences with the correct idiom


1. Jeff Bezos created Amazon in his bedroom. Since the, it has become
a __________________.
2. Paul recorded his free-style dance at the party and the video has
________________ on social media. Some companies want to talk with
him about it.
3. My teacher is 60 years old, but he is a ___________. He knows more of
social media than us.
4. Karen tried to _______ her ____________ but it didn’t want to turn ON.
5. Sometimes I feel like a ________in _________ in the family business.
They are doing great without me.

3- Complete the questions with the correct idiom.

a) Are your parents ____________? Or they know nothing about

b) Have you ever felt that you are a ___________________ and you don’t
feel important enough? If so, when?
c) Have you ever done something that has ________ like __________ and
everyone was talking about it?
d) In your opinion, how does a website can become a ________________?

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