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Travelling idioms


1- Match the idioms with the correct meaning:

1. Get itchy feet

2. Sail through
3. Be in the same boat
4. Talk a mile a minute
5. Hit the road


a) Be anxious for travelling

b) Be in the same situation
c) Start a trip / Leave from a place
d) Talk very fast

e) Handle a situation very well

2- Complete the sentences with the correct idiom

1. Like Maria I don’t have any money in the bank, so I guess we are in
the ______________.
2. Renzo talks ____________. nobody can understand him.
3. After one year my parents are _____________ feet again, and now they
are thinking of going to Bogota.
4. The final exams were extremely difficult but my friends and I
managed to __________ them.
5. The party is getting boring, we should _____________, I’m tired.

3- Complete the questions with the correct idiom.

a) Do you know someone that _____________ and you always have to ask
them to repeat twice what they say?
b) At parties, are you the kind of person that is thinking about
______________ after 1 am, or you stay in there until it finishes?
c) When was the last time you managed to ______________ a very difficult
problem in your life?
d) Do you like travelling? Do you often get ___________?

4- Discuss the questions with your teacher.




1-a ; 2-e ; 3-b ; 4-d ; 5-c


1- in the same boat

2- a mile a minute

3- getting itchy

4- sail through

5- hit the road


a) talks a mile a minute

b) hitting the road

c) sail through

d) itchy feet

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