5.task - 2 Health

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Task –2 Health

#1 walking is a good exercise for health. However, people are walking less now. Why is this
happening? How can people be encouraged to walk more? (with examples). Write IELTS band 9

Introduction: Despite the recognized health benefits of walking, there has been a decline in the
frequency of people engaging in this simple yet effective exercise. This essay explores the
reasons behind the reduction in walking and suggests strategies to encourage people to
incorporate more walking into their daily lives, supported by relevant examples.

Body Paragraph 1: One significant factor contributing to the decline in walking is the increased
reliance on automobiles for transportation. Urbanization and the expansion of cities have led
to longer commuting distances, encouraging people to opt for more convenient modes of
transport. In cities like Los Angeles, where car culture is deeply ingrained, individuals may
choose to drive even short distances, contributing to a sedentary lifestyle.

Body Paragraph 2: Modern technology, particularly the prevalence of sedentary jobs and the
rise of digital entertainment, has also played a role in reducing physical activity. Many people
spend extended hours sitting at desks or engaging in screen time, diminishing opportunities for
walking. For instance, the shift towards remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has
increased reliance on digital platforms, potentially exacerbating sedentary behavior.

Body Paragraph 3: To encourage more walking, urban planning should prioritize pedestrian-
friendly infrastructure. Cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam have successfully
implemented measures such as dedicated walking paths, pedestrian zones, and public spaces
that promote walking as a primary mode of transportation. These initiatives make walking a
more accessible and enjoyable option for residents.

Body Paragraph 4: Promotional campaigns and awareness programs can also play a crucial
role in motivating people to walk more. In Bogotá, Colombia, the "Ciclovia" initiative
temporarily closes certain streets to vehicular traffic on Sundays, transforming them into spaces
for walking, cycling, and community activities. Such events create a positive social environment
and highlight the benefits of walking for both physical and mental well-being.

Body Paragraph 5: Workplace wellness programs can be effective in promoting walking

among employees. Employers can implement initiatives such as walking challenges, group
walks during breaks, and incentives for using stairs instead of elevators. By creating a
supportive environment that prioritizes physical activity, companies can contribute to healthier
and more active lifestyles for their workforce.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the decline in walking can be attributed to factors such as increased
reliance on automobiles and sedentary lifestyles influenced by modern technology. However,
through urban planning, awareness campaigns, community events, and workplace initiatives,
individuals can be encouraged to integrate more walking into their daily routines. These
strategies not only contribute to improved physical health but also foster a sense of community
and well-being.
#2 Some people think Healthcare should be free for everyone , others think that people should
pay for their medical costs themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion (with
examples). Write IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: The question of whether healthcare should be universally free or individuals should
bear their medical costs is a contentious issue. This essay will explore arguments from both
perspectives and present the advantages and drawbacks of each, followed by a discussion
of my own opinion on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates for free healthcare argue that it is a fundamental human right,
ensuring equal access to medical services regardless of one's financial status. Countries with
universal healthcare systems, such as the United Kingdom and Canada, exemplify how this
approach can contribute to better overall health outcomes and reduced health disparities. Free
healthcare promotes social justice by guaranteeing that even the economically disadvantaged
can access essential medical services.

Body Paragraph 2: On the other hand, proponents of individual responsibility argue that a
system where people pay for their medical costs fosters personal accountability and efficient
resource allocation. For instance, in countries like Singapore with a predominantly user-pay
healthcare system, citizens have the flexibility to choose their healthcare providers and services
based on personal preferences. This approach encourages a sense of responsibility for one's
health and avoids potential issues of overutilization often associated with free healthcare

Body Paragraph 3: Free healthcare systems can encounter challenges related to resource
allocation and the potential strain on government budgets. Long waiting times and limited
access to specialized services are drawbacks observed in certain countries with universal
healthcare. For example, the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom has faced
challenges in meeting the demand for certain medical procedures promptly, leading to criticisms
of inefficiency and delays in critical care.

Body Paragraph 4: In contrast, a user-pay system can result in disparities in healthcare access
based on income. The United States, with its predominantly privatized healthcare system, has
faced criticism for leaving a significant portion of the population without adequate healthcare
coverage. This approach may lead to inequalities in health outcomes, as individuals with lower
incomes may forego necessary medical treatments due to financial constraints.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, a balanced approach that combines elements of both free and
user-pay systems is the most pragmatic solution. Universal access to essential medical services
ensures that everyone can receive basic care, promoting overall societal well-being.
Simultaneously, introducing elements of cost-sharing for non-essential or elective medical
services can help alleviate the strain on public budgets and encourage responsible healthcare

Conclusion: In conclusion, the debate on whether healthcare should be free for everyone or
individuals should bear their medical costs reflects fundamental philosophical differences.
While free healthcare promotes equality and social justice, user-pay systems emphasize personal
responsibility and resource efficiency. A hybrid model that incorporates aspects of both
approaches seems to strike a balance between equitable access and responsible healthcare
#3 Some people think the government should pay for Healthcare and education, but other people
claim that it is the individuals responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion (with
examples). Write IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: The allocation of responsibility for funding healthcare and education has been a
subject of ongoing debate. While some argue that the government should bear these costs, others
contend that individuals should take on this responsibility. This essay will examine both
perspectives, highlighting the merits and drawbacks of each, followed by a discussion of my own
stance on the issue.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates for government-funded healthcare and education argue that these
are essential services that contribute to the overall well-being and development of society.
Countries with robust welfare systems, such as Sweden and Norway, exemplify how state-
funded healthcare and education can lead to lower disparities, improved health outcomes, and a
more educated populace. By ensuring universal access, governments contribute to a more
equitable and prosperous society.

Body Paragraph 2: On the other hand, proponents of individual responsibility argue that citizens
should have the freedom to choose and bear the costs of their healthcare and education. A
market-driven approach, as seen in the United States, encourages competition among
healthcare providers and educational institutions, theoretically leading to improved quality and
efficiency. This perspective emphasizes personal choice, with individuals investing in their
health and education based on their unique needs and preferences.

Body Paragraph 3: Government-funded systems can face challenges related to resource

allocation, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and potential strain on public budgets. In the United
Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), for instance, concerns have been raised about waiting
times for certain medical procedures and the need for increased funding to meet growing
demands. These challenges underscore the complexities of managing large-scale, state-funded

Body Paragraph 4: Conversely, a purely individual responsibility model can result in

disparities in access to quality healthcare and education based on income. In the United States,
the high cost of medical care and education has left a significant portion of the population
without adequate coverage, potentially hindering social mobility. This approach may contribute
to societal inequalities, limiting opportunities for those with fewer financial resources.

Body Paragraph 5: In my view, a balanced approach that combines both government support and
individual responsibility is the most pragmatic solution. Governments should play a role in
providing essential healthcare and education services to ensure universal access. Simultaneously,
individuals should be encouraged to take personal responsibility for non-essential or elective
aspects of these services, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the debate over government-funded versus individually funded

healthcare and education revolves around the principles of equity, choice, and efficiency. While
government support ensures universal access and societal well-being, individual responsibility
promotes personal choice and resource efficiency. Striking a balance that incorporates elements
of both perspectives is essential for creating a society that is both inclusive and encourages
#4 Some people say that the public funds should be spent on promoting healthy living than on
the treatment of people who are ill. Do you agree or disagree (with examples). Write IELTS band
9 essay.

The distribution of public funds between promoting healthy living and treating illnesses is a
contentious issue. This essay will explore both perspectives, arguing that prioritizing preventive
healthcare is a more prudent investment for long-term societal well-being. Examples will be
provided to illustrate the benefits of proactive health measures.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates for prioritizing public funds on promoting healthy living argue
that prevention is more cost-effective than treatment. Allocating resources to initiatives such as
health education, vaccination programs, and lifestyle interventions can help prevent a
range of illnesses, reducing the overall burden on the healthcare system. For example,
countries like Japan invest significantly in public health campaigns to promote a balanced diet
and active lifestyle, leading to lower rates of obesity-related diseases.

Body Paragraph 2: Preventive healthcare measures contribute to a healthier and more

productive workforce. By investing in programs that encourage regular exercise, stress
management, and mental well-being, public funds can positively impact workforce
productivity and reduce absenteeism due to illness. Finland, through its workplace health
promotion initiatives, has demonstrated how such investments can lead to improved employee
well-being and increased economic productivity.

Body Paragraph 3: Furthermore, prioritizing healthy living can address the root causes of many
chronic diseases, reducing the need for expensive and long-term medical treatments. For
instance, smoking cessation programs have been proven to decrease the prevalence of lung
diseases, cardiovascular conditions, and certain cancers. Countries like Australia have
successfully implemented anti-smoking campaigns, resulting in significant reductions in
smoking rates and related health issues.

Body Paragraph 4: However, opponents argue that immediate healthcare needs should take
precedence, and resources should be directed towards treating existing illnesses. While treating
diseases is crucial, focusing solely on treatment neglects the potential long-term benefits of
preventive measures. Investing in the health of the population can lead to a reduction in the
prevalence of chronic conditions, ultimately decreasing the strain on the healthcare system.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, prioritizing public funds on promoting healthy living is a

more sustainable and forward-thinking approach. By addressing the root causes of diseases
and fostering a culture of preventive healthcare, societies can create a foundation for long-term
well-being. The potential cost savings from reduced healthcare expenses and increased
productivity further underscore the wisdom of investing in preventative measures.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the allocation of public funds to promote healthy living rather than
focusing solely on the treatment of illnesses is a strategic investment in the overall well-being
of a society. Preventive healthcare measures not only contribute to cost-effectiveness but also
lead to a healthier, more productive population. By prioritizing public health initiatives, societies
can build a foundation for sustained well-being and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.
#5 Nowadays people are consuming more and more sugar-based drinks why do they do so?
suggest measures to solve the problem (with examples). Write IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: The escalating consumption of sugar-based drinks in contemporary society poses a

significant health challenge. This essay explores the reasons behind this trend and proposes
measures to address the problem, emphasizing the importance of public awareness and policy

Body Paragraph 1: One primary reason for the increased consumption of sugar-based drinks is
aggressive marketing and advertising by beverage companies. These companies often
employ persuasive tactics to target specific demographics, especially children and adolescents.
For instance, large-scale marketing campaigns featuring celebrities endorsing sugary beverages
contribute to the normalization and desirability of such drinks among the youth.

Body Paragraph 2: Convenience and accessibility also play a role in the rising consumption of
sugary drinks. With the proliferation of fast-food outlets and convenience stores, sugary
beverages are readily available and often marketed as part of combo meals. The ease of
obtaining these drinks, coupled with busy lifestyles, leads people to opt for quick and convenient
refreshments, contributing to excessive sugar intake.

Body Paragraph 3: Furthermore, the addictive nature of sugar poses a challenge, as regular
consumption can lead to cravings and dependency. Sugary drinks stimulate the reward centers in
the brain, creating a cycle of consumption driven by the desire for the pleasurable sensations
associated with sugar intake. This addictive quality can contribute to the persistent and escalating
demand for sugary beverages.

Body Paragraph 4: To mitigate the problem of increased sugar-based drink consumption,

comprehensive public awareness campaigns are essential. Governments and health
organizations can leverage various media channels to educate the public about the health risks
associated with excessive sugar intake. Mexico's successful implementation of a nationwide anti-
sugar campaign, including warning labels on sugary beverages, serves as a model for effective
public awareness initiatives.

Body Paragraph 5: Taxation policies targeting sugary drinks have proven to be effective in
reducing consumption. Countries like the United Kingdom and Mexico have implemented sugar
taxes, leading to decreased sales of sugary beverages. Tax revenues generated from these
policies can be redirected towards funding public health campaigns and initiatives promoting
healthier beverage choices.
Body Paragraph 6: Additionally, promoting the availability and affordability of healthier
beverage alternatives is crucial. Governments and businesses can collaborate to incentivize the
production and consumption of low-sugar or sugar-free drinks. For example, subsidies for
producers of healthier beverages and pricing strategies that make these alternatives more
affordable can contribute to a shift in consumer preferences.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the surge in sugar-based drink consumption is driven by factors such
as aggressive marketing, convenience, and the addictive nature of sugar. Addressing this issue
requires a multi-faceted approach, including public awareness campaigns, taxation policies, and
incentives for healthier alternatives. By implementing these measures, societies can work
towards reducing the prevalence of sugary beverage consumption and promoting better overall
public health.
#6 Some people think that the government should make laws regarding nutrition and healthy life
style, while others think that it is a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility. Discuss
both views and give your opinion (with examples). Write IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: The debate over whether the government should legislate nutrition and healthy
lifestyles or leave it to personal choice and responsibility is a complex issue. This essay will
explore both perspectives, analyzing the merits and drawbacks of each, followed by an
expression of my own opinion on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates for government intervention argue that regulations are essential to
address public health challenges and reduce the burden on healthcare systems. By implementing
laws related to nutrition, such as labeling requirements and restrictions on advertising unhealthy
foods, governments can promote informed consumer choices. For example, countries like Chile
have implemented strict regulations on food marketing to children, aiming to combat rising rates
of childhood obesity.

Body Paragraph 2: Additionally, government intervention can address systemic issues

contributing to unhealthy lifestyles. Policies that create environments conducive to physical
activity, such as developing public parks and walkable neighborhoods, can be effective. The
"soda tax" implemented in various places, including Mexico and Berkeley, USA, demonstrates
how regulatory measures can influence consumer behavior and reduce the consumption of
sugary beverages.

Body Paragraph 3: Opponents argue that legislating personal choices infringes on individual
freedoms and may lead to a "nanny state" mentality. They contend that people should have the
autonomy to make their own decisions about diet and lifestyle without government interference.
For instance, individuals may argue that they should be free to choose what they eat, and that
personal responsibility should be the guiding principle.

Body Paragraph 4: Moreover, some critics of government intervention argue that regulations
may be ineffective or counterproductive. In cases where regulations are perceived as overly
restrictive or paternalistic, individuals may resist compliance or seek alternative, potentially
more harmful, options. For example, a ban on large-sized sugary drinks in New York City faced
backlash and legal challenges, illustrating the potential limitations and controversies associated
with such measures.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, finding a balance between government regulation and

personal responsibility is crucial. While individuals should have the freedom to make choices
about their own health, governments have a role in creating environments that facilitate healthier
living. For instance, implementing policies that improve access to nutritious foods, promote
physical activity, and regulate marketing practices can empower individuals to make healthier
choices within a supportive framework.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the debate over government intervention in nutrition and healthy
lifestyles involves weighing the benefits of public health regulations against concerns about
individual freedoms. A balanced approach that combines informed regulation with personal
responsibility is likely to yield the most effective outcomes. Governments can play a role in
creating conditions that encourage healthier choices without overly restricting personal
freedoms, fostering a society that values both individual autonomy and collective well-being.
#7 Some people prefer to go to health clubs and gyms for Healthcare but some say that walking
and climbing stairs are more effective discuss both and give your opinion (with examples). Write
IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: The debate between utilizing health clubs and gyms versus engaging in walking
and stair climbing for physical fitness is an ongoing discussion. This essay will explore both
perspectives, evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, and conclude with my
opinion supported by relevant examples.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates for health clubs and gyms argue that these facilities provide a
structured environment with specialized equipment and professional guidance. Health clubs offer
a variety of fitness equipment, such as treadmills, weight machines, and stationary bikes,
allowing individuals to target specific muscle groups. Personal trainers can create customized
workout plans and provide expertise to optimize fitness routines. For example, individuals
seeking muscle building or advanced cardiovascular training may find the specialized equipment
and professional assistance in gyms more effective.

Body Paragraph 2: On the other hand, proponents of walking and stair climbing emphasize the
simplicity and accessibility of these activities. Walking is a low-impact exercise that requires no
special equipment and can be easily incorporated into daily routines. Climbing stairs is a natural
and effective way to engage multiple muscle groups, enhance cardiovascular health, and burn
calories. For instance, studies have shown that regular walking is associated with various health
benefits, including improved mental well-being and reduced risk of chronic conditions.

Body Paragraph 3: The social aspect of health clubs is another factor in their favor. Gyms
provide a community setting where individuals can participate in group classes, share fitness
goals, and find motivation from others. The camaraderie and group dynamics in health clubs
contribute to a supportive environment that encourages regular exercise. For example, fitness
classes like spinning or yoga often foster a sense of community and accountability, motivating
individuals to maintain their fitness routines.

Body Paragraph 4: However, walking and stair climbing have advantages in terms of
accessibility and cost-effectiveness. These activities can be performed anywhere, requiring no
membership fees or specialized equipment. Individuals with busy schedules or financial
constraints may find walking or climbing stairs a more practical and sustainable option. For
example, incorporating daily walks into one's routine, such as walking to work or taking the
stairs instead of the elevator, requires minimal time and financial investment.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, the effectiveness of fitness choices depends on individual

preferences, goals, and lifestyle. Health clubs and gyms offer a structured and diverse approach
to fitness, catering to those seeking specialized training and a sense of community. Conversely,
walking and stair climbing provide accessible and cost-effective alternatives, promoting a more
natural and sustainable form of exercise. A balanced approach, combining aspects of both, is
ideal for a comprehensive and enjoyable fitness regimen.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the choice between health clubs and gyms versus walking and stair
climbing involves weighing the benefits of structured environments and professional guidance
against the accessibility and simplicity of natural activities. Individuals should consider their
preferences, fitness goals, and lifestyle when making fitness choices. Combining elements of
both approaches can provide a well-rounded and personalized fitness routine that promotes
overall health and well-being.
#8 science tells there are activities that are good for health, however, some people still continue
doing unhealthy habits. Why is this so and what changes can be done? (with examples). Write
IELTS band 9 essay.

Introduction: Despite scientific knowledge about health-promoting activities, some individuals

persist in engaging in unhealthy habits. This essay explores the reasons behind this phenomenon
and proposes changes that can be implemented to encourage healthier behaviors, supported by
relevant examples.

Body Paragraph 1: One significant reason for people continuing unhealthy habits is the influence
of societal norms and peer pressure. Cultural practices and social expectations can shape
individuals' behaviors, even if these behaviors are detrimental to health. For example, in some
societies, smoking may be deeply ingrained as a social activity, making it challenging for
individuals to break away from this unhealthy habit due to fear of social exclusion.

Body Paragraph 2: Additionally, the prevalence of addictive substances, such as nicotine and
sugar, contributes to the persistence of unhealthy habits. These substances can create physical
dependencies that make it difficult for individuals to quit, despite being aware of the associated
health risks. For instance, individuals addicted to sugary foods may find it challenging to adopt
healthier eating habits due to the addictive nature of sugar.

Body Paragraph 3: Moreover, the fast-paced nature of modern lifestyles and work-related stress
can lead individuals to seek comfort in unhealthy habits. Stress and time constraints may drive
people toward convenience foods, sedentary behaviors, and other harmful coping mechanisms. A
study conducted in the United States found a correlation between high-stress occupations and
increased rates of unhealthy lifestyle choices, indicating the impact of stress on behaviors.

Body Paragraph 4: To bring about positive changes, public awareness campaigns can play a
crucial role. Educational initiatives that highlight the long-term consequences of unhealthy habits
can empower individuals to make informed choices. For example, anti-smoking campaigns in
countries like Australia have successfully reduced smoking rates by emphasizing the health risks
associated with tobacco use.

Body Paragraph 5: Creating supportive environments is essential to facilitate behavioral change.

Governments and communities can implement policies that make healthy choices more
accessible and affordable. For instance, initiatives such as subsidized gym memberships,
workplace wellness programs, and healthier food options in schools can encourage individuals to
adopt and maintain healthier lifestyles.

Body Paragraph 6: In addition, addressing societal norms and perceptions is key to transforming
unhealthy habits. Community-based interventions, such as local health initiatives and support
groups, can challenge ingrained behaviors and provide alternatives. By fostering a sense of
community and shared responsibility, these initiatives can contribute to a shift in cultural norms
surrounding health.

Conclusion: In conclusion, despite scientific knowledge about healthy activities, various factors
contribute to the persistence of unhealthy habits. To bring about positive changes, addressing
societal norms, providing support structures, and implementing policies that make healthy
choices more accessible are crucial. Through a combination of public awareness, environmental
changes, and community engagement, societies can work towards encouraging individuals to
adopt and maintain healthier lifestyles.
#9 people should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than
personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (with examples). Write IELTS
band 9 essay.

Introduction: The question of whether individuals should prioritize their health as a duty to
society, rather than solely for personal benefits, is a thought-provoking issue. This essay will
explore both perspectives, discussing the implications of personal health choices on societal
well-being, and will present arguments to support my stance on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates of the view that individuals should prioritize their health as a duty
to society argue that a healthy population contributes to the overall well-being of a
community. Healthy individuals are more likely to be productive, contributing members of
society, positively impacting the economy and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. For
example, a physically fit and mentally well population is more likely to be engaged in the
workforce, leading to increased productivity and economic growth.

Body Paragraph 2: Furthermore, the social and economic consequences of an unhealthy

population can be far-reaching. Chronic illnesses resulting from poor health choices, such as
sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets, lead to increased healthcare costs and diminished
productivity. In societies where preventable health issues are prevalent, resources that could
be allocated to education, infrastructure, and other essential services are diverted to address
healthcare needs. For instance, the rise in obesity-related health problems in the United States
has placed a significant financial strain on the healthcare system.

Body Paragraph 3: However, opponents argue that personal health choices are an individual's
right and responsibility, and focusing on societal benefits might infringe on personal
freedoms. They contend that individuals should have the autonomy to make choices about their
health based on personal preferences and values. For example, some people may prioritize their
personal freedoms and argue against interventions that dictate specific health behaviors.

Body Paragraph 4: In my opinion, while individuals have the right to make choices about their
health, there is merit in considering the broader impact of personal health decisions on society. A
healthy population contributes to social stability and economic prosperity. By adopting healthy
lifestyles, individuals can positively influence the collective well-being of the community,
leading to benefits that extend beyond personal health. Encouraging a sense of responsibility for
one's health as a societal duty can foster a culture of wellness and mutual support.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the question of whether individuals should prioritize their health as a
duty to society rather than personal benefits involves balancing individual rights with the broader
impact of health choices. While personal freedoms are important, recognizing the societal
implications of health decisions is essential. Striking a balance that promotes individual
autonomy and societal well-being can contribute to healthier communities and more sustainable
#10 Some people say that the government should keep priority to health care Whereas others say
that they should spend on other important priorities. Discuss both views and give your opinion
(with examples). Write IELTS band 9 essays.

Introduction: The allocation of government funds is a complex decision, and opinions vary on
whether healthcare should be a top priority or if resources should be directed towards other
crucial areas. This essay will examine both perspectives, considering the importance of
healthcare versus other priorities, and provide examples to support my opinion on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Proponents of prioritizing healthcare argue that a healthy population is

fundamental to a thriving society. Adequate healthcare contributes to a productive workforce,
lower mortality rates, and improved overall well-being. Countries with robust healthcare
systems, such as Sweden and Canada, demonstrate the positive impact of prioritizing health on
social stability and economic productivity.

Body Paragraph 2: Furthermore, investing in healthcare can yield long-term economic benefits.
Preventive healthcare measures, such as vaccination programs and health education, can reduce
the incidence of diseases, ultimately lowering healthcare costs in the future. For example,
countries with comprehensive vaccination programs, like Singapore, have witnessed significant
reductions in the burden of preventable diseases, leading to cost savings in healthcare

Body Paragraph 3: On the other hand, opponents argue that governments should focus on other
pressing priorities, such as education, infrastructure, and national security. A well-educated and
skilled workforce is crucial for economic development, and investments in education can lead to
long-term prosperity. For instance, countries like South Korea have prioritized education as a
key driver of economic growth, resulting in a highly skilled workforce and technological

Body Paragraph 4: National security is another area that some argue deserves greater attention.
Ensuring the safety and security of citizens is a fundamental duty of governments, and allocating
resources to defense and law enforcement may take precedence in certain geopolitical contexts.
For example, countries facing security threats may prioritize military expenditures to safeguard
their citizens and maintain stability.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, while education and national security are undeniably
important, the health of the population is a foundational factor that underpins all aspects of
societal progress. A healthy population is better equipped to contribute to economic
development, education, and national security. Therefore, prioritizing healthcare is not just a
matter of public health but is integral to fostering a robust and sustainable society.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the debate over whether the government should prioritize healthcare
or allocate resources to other vital areas involves balancing immediate needs and long-term
societal well-being. While education and national security are crucial, a healthy population is the
cornerstone of a prosperous society. Striking a balance in resource allocation that considers both
healthcare and other priorities is essential for comprehensive and sustainable societal
#11 Everyone should become vegetarian because they don't need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree (with examples). Write IELTS band 9

Introduction: The proposition that everyone should become vegetarian for a healthy diet is a
subject of ongoing debate. This essay will examine both perspectives on vegetarianism,
discussing the health implications and presenting arguments for and against adopting a meat-free
diet, with examples to support my viewpoint.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocates of vegetarianism argue that a plant-based diet can offer numerous
health benefits. Research suggests that vegetarian diets can be rich in essential nutrients, fiber,
and antioxidants, contributing to lower risks of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and
Type 2 diabetes. For example, studies have shown that populations with higher consumption of
plant-based diets, like the Mediterranean region, exhibit lower rates of cardiovascular ailments.

Body Paragraph 2: Moreover, a vegetarian diet is often associated with lower levels of saturated
fat and cholesterol, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues. Countries with
traditionally plant-based diets, such as Japan, demonstrate lower rates of obesity and obesity-
related diseases compared to regions with higher meat consumption. The Okinawan diet, for
instance, emphasizes plant-based foods and is linked to increased longevity and better health

Body Paragraph 3: On the other hand, opponents of universal vegetarianism argue that meat can
provide essential nutrients that are challenging to obtain from a solely plant-based diet. Meat is
an excellent source of complete proteins, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are vital for various
bodily functions. For example, deficiencies in vitamin B12, commonly found in animal products,
can lead to anemia and neurological issues, posing challenges for those following a strict
vegetarian diet.

Body Paragraph 4: Additionally, cultural and geographical factors influence dietary choices, and
what constitutes a healthy diet can vary widely. In certain regions where agriculture and animal
husbandry are integral to the local economy, a vegetarian diet might not be practical or culturally
accepted. For instance, pastoral communities like the Maasai in East Africa rely on animal
products as a significant part of their diet due to the scarcity of plant-based foods in their

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, the decision to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle is a personal choice
influenced by individual health considerations, cultural practices, and ethical beliefs. While a
well-planned vegetarian diet can provide numerous health benefits, it is crucial to acknowledge
the diversity of dietary needs and cultural contexts. Encouraging a balanced diet that includes
plant-based foods and responsibly sourced animal products allows for flexibility while
promoting overall health and sustainability.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the idea that everyone should become vegetarian for a healthy diet is
a nuanced issue. While vegetarianism can offer health benefits, the inclusion of responsibly
sourced animal products can also contribute to a balanced and culturally sensitive diet. A
personalized approach to dietary choices that considers health, cultural factors, and ethical
considerations is key to fostering sustainable and individualized lifestyles.
#12 Some people think that government should subsidize fruits and vegetables to make healthy
food cheaper. Others argue that tax should be set on unhealthy food. Discuss both views and give
you opinion (with examples). Write IELTS band 9 essay

Introduction: The question of whether the government should subsidize fruits and vegetables or
impose taxes on unhealthy food to promote healthier dietary choices is a topic of considerable
debate. This essay will examine both perspectives, considering the potential impact of each
approach on public health, and provide examples to support my own viewpoint on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1: Proponents of subsidizing fruits and vegetables argue that this approach
would make healthy foods more affordable and accessible, encouraging greater consumption.
Lowering the cost of nutritious options can particularly benefit low-income populations,
addressing issues of food inequality and improving overall public health. For instance, countries
like Brazil have implemented successful programs that provide financial incentives for farmers
and retailers to make fruits and vegetables more affordable for the general population.

Body Paragraph 2: Moreover, subsidizing healthy foods can contribute to a reduction in the
prevalence of diet-related diseases, such as obesity and cardiovascular issues. Research suggests
that making fruits and vegetables more affordable can lead to increased consumption, thereby
improving nutritional intake and reducing the risk of chronic health conditions. Scandinavian
countries like Norway and Sweden have implemented policies aimed at subsidizing locally
grown produce, contributing to healthier diets and improved public health outcomes.

Body Paragraph 3: On the other hand, proponents of taxing unhealthy foods argue that this
approach can deter consumers from making detrimental dietary choices. Imposing taxes on
sugary drinks, processed foods, and high-fat products can lead to decreased consumption and,
subsequently, reduced rates of obesity and related health issues. For example, Mexico
implemented a tax on sugary beverages, resulting in a significant decrease in sales and
demonstrating the potential effectiveness of such measures in curbing unhealthy habits.

Body Paragraph 4: Furthermore, opponents of subsidies argue that they may not effectively
address the root causes of unhealthy eating habits. Lowering the cost of healthy foods does not
inherently address the advertising and marketing strategies that often promote unhealthy options.
Taxes, however, directly target the products contributing to public health issues, creating a
disincentive for both consumers and producers of unhealthy foods.

Body Paragraph 5: In my opinion, a combination of both subsidies and taxes can be an effective
strategy for promoting healthier dietary choices. Subsidizing fruits and vegetables addresses
issues of affordability and accessibility, particularly for vulnerable populations. Simultaneously,
taxes on unhealthy foods create financial disincentives for the consumption of products that
contribute to diet-related health problems. A comprehensive approach that targets both the
supply and demand sides of the food industry can contribute to a shift in dietary patterns and
improve overall public health.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the debate over whether the government should subsidize fruits and
vegetables or tax unhealthy foods involves finding a balance between promoting health and
addressing the root causes of unhealthy dietary habits. A combined approach that utilizes
subsidies to make healthy foods more accessible and taxes to discourage the consumption of
unhealthy products can create a more comprehensive and impactful strategy for fostering
healthier dietary choices in the population.
#13 New research has shown that overeating has become a bigger problem in the world than
hunger. What are the reasons of this problem? how can you solve it? (with examples). Write
IELTS band 9 essay

Introduction: In a stark reversal of historical patterns, recent research has highlighted that
overeating has surpassed hunger as a predominant issue worldwide. This essay will explore the
underlying reasons behind the global problem of overeating and propose effective solutions to
mitigate its impact, supported by relevant examples.

Body Paragraph 1: One primary reason for the rise of overeating is the prevalence of highly
processed and calorie-dense foods in modern diets. The food industry, driven by profit margins,
often produces and markets products high in sugars, fats, and additives, contributing to
overconsumption. For example, the increased availability and marketing of fast food and sugary
beverages have been linked to rising rates of obesity and overeating, particularly in Western

Body Paragraph 2: Moreover, changes in lifestyle and work patterns have led to an increase in
sedentary behavior, exacerbating the issue of overeating. Modern jobs, often desk-bound,
coupled with increased screen time and reduced physical activity, contribute to a mismatch
between calorie intake and expenditure. In countries like the United States and the United
Kingdom, where sedentary lifestyles are more prevalent, rates of obesity and overeating-related
health issues have risen significantly.

Body Paragraph 3: Cultural factors also play a role in promoting overeating. Celebratory events,
social gatherings, and cultural traditions often revolve around large meals and indulgent foods.
For example, festivals and holidays in many cultures are associated with feasting, contributing to
a culture of excess consumption. Over time, these practices can contribute to habitual overeating,
making it a social norm.

Body Paragraph 4: To address the global problem of overeating, comprehensive strategies are
required. First and foremost, public awareness campaigns can educate individuals about the
consequences of overeating and the importance of a balanced diet. Governments and health
organizations can take inspiration from successful initiatives, such as Japan's "Metabo"
campaign, which raised awareness about the health risks of excess abdominal fat and encouraged
lifestyle changes.

Body Paragraph 5: Regulatory measures can also play a crucial role in curbing overeating.
Implementing policies that mandate clear labeling of nutritional information, limit advertising of
unhealthy foods, and tax sugary beverages can influence consumer choices. For example,
Mexico's successful implementation of a tax on sugary drinks led to a notable reduction in
consumption, illustrating the potential impact of regulatory interventions.

Body Paragraph 6: Additionally, fostering an environment that promotes physical activity is vital
in addressing overeating. Urban planning that encourages walking and cycling, workplace
wellness programs, and initiatives promoting recreational activities can contribute to a more
active lifestyle. Countries like Denmark, with their emphasis on cycling infrastructure and active
commuting, provide a model for creating environments that support healthier habits.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the shift towards overeating as a global problem is influenced by

various factors, including dietary changes, sedentary lifestyles, and cultural practices. To tackle
this issue effectively, a multi-faceted approach is necessary, encompassing public awareness,
regulatory measures, and environmental changes. By implementing comprehensive strategies,
societies can work towards mitigating the impact of overeating and promoting healthier lifestyles

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