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Scientific name: Diceros bicornis

The black rhinoceros is a species of herbivorous mammal

belonging to the family Rhinocerotidae. It is characterized by its
thick grayish skin, which is formed by dermal plates. Unlike its
name, it is not completely black, and can vary in color depending
on the region it inhabits. They have two horns, hence their name
"bicornis", which are actually extensions of keratin. They can reach
a height of up to 1.4 to 1.8 meters at the shoulders and weigh
between 800 and 1,400 kilograms.

Historically, black rhinos were found throughout much of sub-

Saharan Africa, but due to poaching and habitat loss, their range
has been significantly reduced. Today, they are found mainly in
protected areas and reserves in countries such as South Africa,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania.
The black rhino has faced a drastic decline in its population due
to poaching for its horns. These horns are highly valued in some
international markets due to the mistaken belief that they
possess medicinal and aesthetic properties. In addition, habitat
loss due to agricultural expansion and urbanization has
negatively impacted their survival.
Various organizations, governments and conservation groups are
working to protect and recover the black rhino. Improved security
measures have been implemented in reserves and parks, as well
as efforts to discourage poaching and educate the public about
the importance of conserving these species. The transfer of rhinos
to secure areas and the implementation of technologies such as
drone surveillance and microchip tracking are also being used for
their protection.
The black rhino is listed as "Critically Endangered" on the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
Despite conservation efforts, recovery is a long and difficult
process due to the species' low reproductive rate and continuing
threats from poaching.

The story of the black rhino highlights the importance of

addressing poaching, illegal horn trade and habitat protection to
ensure the survival of endangered species and maintain
biodiversity on our planet.

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