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By: Carrotzmoonman

Are imaginary friends real . . . . . . . . . .

Every kid has one. Maeda Yukito, 15, he has imaginary friends he call as avatars. He
started to create them when he was young. As he grew up he forgot about them. Little
did he know that the friends he created now seek to destroy him, the people close to him
and the world he lives in…

The truth is Maeda Yukito's avatars were so powerful when they were created that they
came to have a life of their own. As he forgets these avatars they grow hatred in their
hearts till it reaches a certain form where they can possess people and apply their
abilities given to them (if there are) in the real world. They are called the X-avatars

In order to stop these avatars, Yukito's mind created the Y-avatars, new avatars that is set
to protect him and stop the X-avatars plans.

Terms :

Himitsu Genki (Hidden Energy) :

-are avatar's body parts that are used as weapons in which they can use in battle

Talent :

Avatar’s passive abilities and enhancements like super senses. Talent refers to the
special ability Yukito gave the avatars.

Characters :

Maeda Yukito :
Is the person who created all of the avatars. When he was young he didn’t
have any friends thats why he created the avatars.
Yukito is intelligent and creative. He lives on his own when his mother
and father disappeared when he was 8 years old. He was left a fortune when his parents
disappeared, including a 1 billion bank account and the mansion his living in. The butler
Samson is his only companion in the mansion. He likes to write stories and poems and
surfing the net.
He is the master of the Y-avatars and when he finds out that his friends
were also targets of the X-avatars he designate each avatar to people close to him.

Y-avatars : The avatars that protect Yukito and people close to him.

Lannete (Cat Motif):

“If its trouble you want, I can do better…”
The rebellious Y-avatar, Lannete is headstrong and has confidence in
herself. She has a habit of not following orders, Especially from Ray, the leader of Y-
avatar. Even though rebellious she is kind hearted and would do everything to defend
Yukito. Lannete is derived from his childhood friend Reika, who is now in England.
Her " himitsu genki" are her nails. These nails are as hard as platinum and
she can freely manipulate it. She carries a dagger in battle. She is also an expert in
martial artist and the fastest Y-avatar. Her Talent the "Eye Contact" enables her to view
50 x normal, she can clearly see an ant on top of the torch of the statue of liberty fifty
miles away, her vision is also clear even in the dark.
When designations was given only Lannete stayed with Yukito .

Renai (Sheep Motif):

“Everything can be settled without a fight…”
She is the beautiful, sweet maiden Y-avatar. She doesn’t want violence and
doesn’t want to fight with other avatars. But like Lannete, she also will do anything for
the protection of Yukito. Renai is a derived from Yukito's mother, that explains her
appearance slightly resembles Yukito's mother, only younger.
Her hair is her "himitsu genki". It can constrict and can become any
weapon she wishes. Renai carries a huge pair of scissors in battle that transforms into a
boomerang. Her Talent is the "Heart Track", in which she can memorize the heartbeat
either a person or avatar and differentiate them from one another. Hearing these
heartbeats she can tell what a person/ avatar is feeling and can track them wherever they
She was given to Shigumi when he was targeted by an X-avatar.

Ray (Dog Motif) :

“Feel me, and see what is unseen…”
The leader of the Y-avatars, strict and militant, Ray is noble and loyal. He
see to it that everything is working properly according to plan and that everyone is doing
what they are suppose to do. He is against Lannete being assigned to Yukito, but thanks
to Renai he finaly entrusted Lannete in protecting Yukito. He is derived from Yukito's
His "himitsu genki" is his arms, blades of all sort pops out of his arm in
battle. His Talent is the "Hand Craft", like alchemy, using his hands he can transmutate
anything to metal. He can also allow other people to see the avatars just by having
contact with them when he is in control of Yukito
He was designated to Uriko after she saw the avatars when touching
Yukito in Ray mode.

Kajin (Gecko Motif) :

“I don’t need anybody…”
His quite personality creates barriers from his teamates. He likes to work
alone and he’s pretty good at it. But deep inside him he wants to be with them but he’s
too shy to admit it. He was derived from Yukito's childhood, the time when Yukito was
The ninja, Kajin is expert in the art of stealth. His " himitsu genki" is his
fingers, with an amazing grip he can hold on into anything. If caught with his grip, its
victims cannot escape. He carries a katana in battle. His Talent the "Hidden Shadow"
allows him to merge with his or others shadows, allowing him to slip through any small
surfaces and can manipulate the person/avatar he merge shadows with.
He was designated to Nanami, the bibliophile girl Yukito always have
lunch with at the roof of the school. They were really not that close. But becoming in
contact with yukito everday made her a target for the X-avatars.

X-avatars : The main antagonists in the story. A group of avatars forgoten by

Yukito and turned to destroy him.

Gakuma (Spider Motif) :

“I have seen the world fades in my hands with that a new dawn awaits me…”
The enigmatic leader of the X-avatars, His identity is completely unknown
including to the members of the X-avatars. Even Hajima doesn’t know his true identity,
for he was already forgotten by Yukito when Hajima was created.
He always wears a mask even in battle. He has a bigger replica of his
mask in which he can use as a Shield in battle. His " himitsu genki" is his palm which can
disintegrate anything he touches. It is also rumored that he accidentally touched his face
that’s why he always has a mask on. His ability is the “Strength Smell”, he can smell the
amount of power, intentions and emotions a human or an avatar has.

Airen (Snake Motif) :

“Hide when I open my eyes, or else…”
The complete opposite of Renai, she insist on being the mother figure of
the Y-avatars, since she was created as a mother figure by Yukito. She has the same
appearance as Renai, only she is always eyes closed. She's a lot meaner than Renai.
Aira's " himitsu genki " are her eyes. When she opens them she can turn to
stone anything she looks at. She carries a shovel in battle and rides a flying saucepan
(freaky, huh). Aira's ability is the “Ear Observe", which gives her a powerful sense of
hearing. Because of this even eyes closed she can still battle like an ordinary avatar.

Freelance Avatars : Avatars not belonging to either X or Y avatars. Instead of having

sides, they are neutral. They are special avatars that are solely programmed for some use.
These avatars have no Talents or himitsu genki. But because they are Neutral they are
invulnerable to any attacks by Avatars.

Hajima (Parrot Motif) :

“I’ve known them all, yet there’s something missing…”
Yukito once created a counter program in which if he forgets about the
avatars someone would remind him of it, and that’s Hajima. She is also forgotten by
Yukito till Lannete activated her when she was inside Yukito's subconscious. When she
was awakened she left Yukito and would comeback only to remind them of the X-avatars
they are facing.
Fukaku (Pig Motif):
“You can get anything you want, just pay for it…”
The shop keeper is where the Avatars purchase power-ups and weapons.
His shop is incased in a special barrier that deactivates an avatar's talents or Himitsu
Genki. He is an avatar that never frowns.

Kimarimaru (Mouse Motif):

“This is nice, you can try to kill me but I can’t die….”
The Loli-shouta avatar, He's a Joker avatar, like a joker card in a card
game, and appears whenever he wants. He pops out in battles to be a spectator, a referee
or sometimes as a commentator. Even though he is a Freelance, Kimarimaru has a talent.
The "Eye of Beholder" in which he can summon a beholder from his left eye enables him
to see even in the tightest places. This talent is useful when he is commentating in battles.


Uriko : The first person who saw Yukito's Avatars. She was targeted by an
avatar that hates rejection, when he rejected Yukito during a class activity. Yukito saved
her in Ray mode, while they were fighting the avatars. She made skin contact with Yukito
in Ray mode which made her see the avatars. She was given Ray during the designations.

Shigumi : At first he was bullying Yukito at school, but when he became a

target on a former avatar set to keep bullies away, Yukito had to protect him. On that
incident, Shigumi and Yukito became friends and he has also discovered Yukito's avatars.
He was given Renai during the designations.

Nanami : A bibliophile who Yukito spends lunch with at the rooftop. Both of
them have no friends at school. Yukito talks to her but she never talks back. She was
targeted by a jealous avatar. Yukito saved her from the avatar using Kajin. Nanami may
be a cold person but she can see through peoples thoughts just by looking at them,
whether they are telling the truth or not. She calls it instincts.

Ai : Yukito's mother. She was the person in which Airen and Renai
were derived from. Yukito spends more time with her mother when she was still alive.

Shinji : Yukito's father. He is a busy type of person ad Yukito would see

him once in every two weeks. Yukito never really knew his father that much so he created
an avatar much like his father that later would try to kill the avatar ray.

Fujiko : Yukito's eccentric homeroom teacher. She may look a little clumsy
but Fujiko understands what Yukito feels and would even encourage Yukito to have
friends. That is because Fujiko once had avatars for herself too, when she was a child.
She still has her avatars up until today and would help Yukito’s avatars.
Samson : The butler of Yukito ever since he was a kid. Quite and enigmatic,
Samson was the one who took care of Yukito when he was orphaned.

Haijikiri : The comedic relief in the story. Everyone would neglect him for
being over hyper active and even avatars are not lame enough to make him a target. But
later in the series he developed speacial abilities much like an avatar's talent. He can
absorb information on his surroundings including everyone’s energy levels, strengths and

List of X-avatars:

Susi (Chameleon Motif):

“The next time you blink, I’m gone…”
: An avatar of transformation capable of shape shifting. She was made to perform
disguises. Her himitsu genki are her fists equiped with spikes that pops out at will. Her
talent is the "Shaping Skin" allows her to copy a person or avatar's identity, defeated by

Malcolm (Bat Motif):

“Listen to everything and suffer the consequences…”
: An avatar of sound capable of copying any kind of sounds and voices. His
expertise is of creating destructive sounds that causes people to faint. His himitsu genki is
his voice, it can create massive sounds equivalent to sonic booms. His talent is the "Voice
Recall" allows him to copy and identify ones voice or sound, defeated by Ray.

Hitomi (Silk Worm Motif)

“Please, look in my eyes, pretty please….”
: An avatar of puppetry capable of controlling anyone, even the avatars. Her
himitsu genki are her fingers, which shots out strings that can slice anything into peices.
Her talent is the "Eye Control", anyone that stares in her eyes ends up being controlled by
her, defeated by Lannete.

Kazama (Rat Motif)

“Nothing can lock my way...”
: A thief avatar, his expertise is slipping through small holes and unlocking doors
and vaults. He triggered himself to life through one of Yukito’s dream, unlocking himself
to the real world

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