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Man: What’s your full name?

Woman: Laura Johnson
Man: How do you spell your last name?
Woman: J. O. H. N. S. O. N.
Man: Where are you from?
Woman: I’m from Canada.
Man: Where do you live?
Woman: I live in Los Angeles
Man: What’s your email address?
Man: What’s your telephone number?
Woman: it’s 555-8094723
Man: Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. We’ll call you as soon as we find your suitcase.


Man: What do you usually do on Saturday?

Woman: I wake up at 8 a.m. Then I take a shower and go to work. I have lunch with my friends
at about 1 p.m.
Man: Hold on! You don’t have breakfast?
Woman: No, I don’t have time. I am always in a hurry.
Man: I need to have breakfast every day. It gives me energy for the rest of the day.
Woman: Oh, but I have a cup coffee and a muffin at the office.
Man: and what do you do after work?
Woman: I sometimes go to a bar and have some beers with my friends. Would you like to
come with us next Saturday?
Man: Sure. It sounds great.


1. What’s the name of the airline company?

2. What time does the plane take off?

3. How long is the flight?

4. What countries does the plane fly over?

5. Which of the following is NOT on the lunch menu?

6. What is the name of the featured movie?


Today, my family and I went to the beach. The sun was …………………….and the sand
felt ………………. beneath my feet. We set up our beach ……………….. and laid out our towels. I
put on my ………………………….. and started building sandcastles with my ………………… We
collected seashells and found some colorful …………………. too. The waves were big, and some
people were ………………….. I dipped my toes in the water, and it …………………. cool and
refreshing. We played beach ……………………… and had a lot of fun. My mom and
dad …………………. on beach chairs, reading books. We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed
sandwiches, chips, and …………………… I also had an ice cream cone to ………………….. down. In
the afternoon, we took a long walk …………………… the shore, feeling the water splash against
our …………………………. As the sun started to set, we packed up our things and
headed ……………………… It was a fantastic day at the beach, and I can't wait to go
back ………………….


Having a daily routine me stay organized and productive. In the morning, I

wake up and my teeth. Then, I take a shower and dressed for the

day. After that, I have breakfast and make to pack my bag with all the

necessary . I walk or take the bus to school, where I classes and

learn new things. During , I eat with my friends and about our day.

In the afternoon, I participate in extracurricular such as sports or clubs. When

I come home, I do my and review what I learned in . Later, I have

dinner with my , and we talk about our day. After dinner, I relax

reading a book or watching a TV show. Finally, it's time to go to . I brush my

teeth again, put on my , and snuggle under the covers. Having a consistent

daily routine helps me organized and make the most out of each day.

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