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S O LV I N G :

Total quality management (TQM) has come to embrace virtually improvement. Problem solving is thinking done to effect
all organizational activities. While the TQM movement has his- improvement. Problem solving can be viewed as a cogni-
torically included a problem-solving component, quality problem
tive activity consisting of psychological processes—rea-
solving (QPS) is often viewed rather narrowly as finding and fix-
ing defects. This article proposes an expanded notion of QPS, argu- soning, judgment, memory recall, and imagination. It
ing that such is needed if TQM is to achieve its full potential. Five can also be conceptualized as the performance of func-
major types of quality problems are identified and discussed, along
tions or tasks like problem identification, diagnosis,
with problem-solving methods currently used by QPS practitioners.
While the techniques used by practitioners are valuable, they have alternative generation, and design.
limited power and operationality. Case-based QPS, a new strategy for QPS is currently construed as the identification, diag-
developing strong prescriptions aimed at particular kinds of situations, nosis, and correction of certain performance problems—
is proposed and illustrated. This strategy demonstrates how research
situations in which a system is not producing acceptable
on QPS can contribute to the success of TQM.
outputs. It is often assumed that organizational products
Key words: case-based quality problem solving, problem solving,
total quality management. and activities can be standardized. “Processes, such as
building automobiles, mixing chemicals, writing insur-
ance policies, and so forth, are conceptually set up to
make something in a standard way. Every operation is
Total quality management (TQM) encompasses many planned down to the last detail” (Crosby 1989, 165).
organizational activities, from certifying vendors to mea- Problem solving occurs when standards are violated; it is
suring the cost of poor quality. One such activity, promi- a matter of finding and fixing defects. Because of the
nent in books (Goodmeasure 1988) and training sessions, standards, problem solving is relatively simple. One need
is problem solving. This article is concerned with quality only compare actual performance with standards to iden-
problem solving (QPS); that is, TQM efforts aimed at tify discrepancies; one need only enforce standards to
identifying and solving organizational problems. correct the situation.
Problems are traditionally defined as gaps between Indeed, the literature often adopts a disapproving
the way things are and the way one wants them to be view of QPS. A problem is a failure of the system (Slater
(Reitman 1964, 282–315). A problematic gap must be 1991). The way to handle problems is to prevent them
difficult to bridge or close, and it must be important through process improvement (Ebel 1991; Walton 1990).
enough to motivate solution efforts (Agre 1982). Broadly Slater argued that “piecemeal problem solving by its very
understood, then, a problem is any situation that bears nature is an undirected ‘creeping convergence’ to some-

QMJ 94 Fall 25

thing uncertain” (p. 27). If TQM were totally effective, it has come to be seen as the prototypical quality problem.
is claimed, QPS would be unnecessary. Closer analysis suggests that TQM involves various
Despite arguments on its behalf (Wilson, Dell, and kinds of problem situations, calling for different problem-
Anderson 1993), QPS is an underappreciated part of solving methods. Figure 1 identifies five types of quality
TQM. Even when limited to finding and fixing defects, problems. Three are performance problems—situations
QPS is an important, challenging activity. Case studies in which an existing system is not performing acceptably;
demonstrate how difficult it can be to identify the causes and two are design problems—situations calling for the
of unacceptable outputs. Every product and process is design or redesign of some thing. Figure 2 defines each
infinitely detailed, having many attributes not covered by problem type, indicating how each is usually identified
specifications. In addition, some processes are immune to and the key problem-solving tasks that it poses.
proceduralization, making it impossible to identify fail-
ures as deviations from standards. Juran and his associates Compliance Problems
dissent from the narrow notion of QPS ( Juran 1986; Juran This is the set of traditional quality problems, its label
and Gryna 1988). They view problem solving as a vehicle being suggested by Schonberger (1986). In such situa-
for continuous improvement, over and beyond fire-fight- tions, a structured system having standardized inputs,
ing responses to sporadic problems. This article extends processes, and outputs is performing unacceptably from
Juran’s claim. Problem solving is the thinking that under- the standpoint of product users. When standards are
lies all organizational efforts to improve process and incomplete, the category shades into unstructured per-
product quality. In addition to finding and fixing defects, formance problems. If compliance problems result from
quality problem solving must be concerned with reducing systemic causes, they give rise to process or product
costs, improving processes, and designing products. design problems.
A foundation for scientific research on QPS is
developed in this article. In the next section, five major
Figure 1 Types of quality problems.
types of quality problems are identified. This provides
the basis for an assessment of existing QPS methods. problems
Then, a new strategy for prescriptive QPS research is
proposed. This strategy — case-based QPS — analyzes
past instances of quality problems and problem solving to Performance Design

develop useful problem-solving insights.

Effectiveness Efficiency
Processes Products
Quality problems are a subset of managerial problems,
which include, for instance, co-workers who cannot get Standardized Nonstandardized
task task
along and investment decisions. TQM evidences little
analysis of quality problems or distinctions among prob- Compliance Unstructured Efficiency Process Product
problems performance problems design design
lem types. Almost by default, finding and fixing defects problems problems problems

26 QMJ 94 Fall

Figure 2 Problem identification and problem-solving tasks. problems, however, the system is
not well specified by standards.
Problem type/description Problem identification Key problem-solving tasks
Compliance problems: The absence of standards can
A highly structured system is Statistical process control; Diagnosing the causes of
performing unacceptably from user feedback unacceptable performance
reflect system immaturity or the
the standpoint of product users. need for flexibility in system per-
Unstructured performance problems:
A nonstandardized process is User feedback Determining user needs and formance. The system may face
producing unacceptable outputs diagnosing the causes of poor
from the standpoint of product performance
varying demands, so that its opera-
users. tions cannot be prespecified. The
Efficiency problems:
A system is performing Use of standards; Goal setting; eliminating activities of an expert woodworker,
unacceptably from the standpoint benchmarking; employee unnecessary activities
of its owners and operators. suggestions; accidents
for instance, are adjusted to the
Process design problems: grain and moisture content of the
A new process must be developed Self-assessment; occurrences Identifying process goals and
or an existing process redesigned. of performance problems; constraints; devising process wood. Service workers adapt their
initiation of new activities components and synthesizing
them into the whole behaviors to the preferences of
Product design problems: individual customers. Most knowl-
A new product must be developed Customer feedback; market Translating user needs and
or an existing product redesigned. research constraints into product edge work cannot be standardized;
there is no one right way, for exam-
Identification of compliance problems is aided by ple, of writing advertising copy.
the existence of standards. System inputs, processes, and The lack of standards strongly affects problem iden-
outputs can be compared with standards, with problems tification. Whereas compliance problems are usually dis-
being identified when variations are excessive. Problems covered before defective products are sold to customers,
can also be identified as a result of user feedback, although unstructured performance problems are likely to be iden-
this suggests a failing in quality control efforts. The tified through negative user feedback. The major challenges
major challenge or functional demand posed by compli- in solving this type of problem are determining customer
ance problems is diagnosis; that is, determining the cause needs and diagnosing the causes of poor performance.
of the nonconformity. Once this has been done, remedial Unlike compliance problems, customer needs are not
action can be simple: Return the system to its specified captured in product specifications. Needs are partially
performance routine. Diagnosis can be difficult owing to variable and, in service situations, must often be deter-
the complexity of actual products and processes. Standards mined as the service is being performed. Because of cus-
cannot address all characteristics of the system, and non- tomer variability, it may be difficult to determine why a
conformities can result from interactions between factors product was unacceptable: for example, what did the
that are individually acceptable. salesperson do wrong, or why weren’t a consultant’s rec-
ommendations adopted. TQM has stressed the need for
Unstructured Performance Problems organizations to maintain close contact with customers.
Situations of this type resemble compliance problems This helps identify unstructured performance problems
since they occur when a system’s outputs are not ade- and determine the unsatisfied customer needs that give
quate to user needs. With unstructured performance rise to such problems.

QMJ 94 Fall 27

Efficiency Problems Process Design Problems

The third kind of performance problem adopts the per- A process is an organized set of activities, a way of doing
spective of system owners and operators. While outputs something. Process design problems involve the develop-
may be unacceptable to users, system performance may ment of new processes and the revision of existing
not achieve the goals set by these other parties. System processes. Process design has emerged as a major focus of
operations can be more costly than its owners desire, or attention within TQM, and for good reason. Process
can pose unsafe or undesirable conditions for workers. design underlies all organizational activities, determining
Such situations are termed efficiency problems, and cost the efficiency and effectiveness with which things get
efficiencies are the most prevalent concern of this kind. done. Many organizational processes have not been well
This category of problems reflects a stakeholder view of designed or have become obsolete with advances in
quality (Smith 1993). Although product quality is usually information technology.
defined in terms of user needs, the concept can reflect Process design problems often entail the redesign of
the interests of other parties. From a producer’s stand- existing processes, blending into performance problems.
point, a quality product is profitable because customers Problem identification is prompted by recognition of
buy it at a price exceeding the product’s cost. Thus, low performance inadequacies. It can also result from self-
cost is a quality attribute of a product from the producer’s assessment: Can we do better? Process design is prompted
perspective. Similarly, workers prefer to make products that by the initiation of new activities. When a product is
can be produced safely and under favorable working condi- introduced or a customer relations program is initiated,
tions. The stakeholder view of quality accommodates the related processes must be developed. As with any design
fact that many TQM activities have been oriented toward activity, process design requires that user needs and relevant
reducing costs and improving working conditions. constraints be identified ( Jones 1981; Smith and Browne
Efficiency problems shade into product and process 1993). Devising process components and integrating
design problems when needed changes require major these into an effective whole are other key tasks.
overhauling of the product or production process. Problem
identification is not customer driven. Due to competitive Product Design Problems
factors, customers are insulated from, hence unconcerned The final type of quality problem involves the design of
with, a product’s cost or the conditions under which it is products that satisfy the needs of internal or external
produced. Identification of efficiency problems can be users. Product design is a major focus of attention in
based on operator suggestions. These problems are also TQM, reflecting the urge to push quality management
identified by comparing system performance with cost upstream to prevent problems before they occur. With
standards, its own history, or the performance of compa- the exception of quality function deployment (QFD) and
rable operations (benchmarking). Safety problems can be Taguchi techniques, however, TQM has produced little
identified from the occurrence of accidents or near-miss by way of product design methods. On the other hand, it
safety incidents. Problem solving centers on identifying has developed ways of identifying customer needs. These
and eliminating unnecessary activities and finding less activities complement the traditional engineering orien-
costly ways of performing needed functions. tation of the product design function in organizations.

28 QMJ 94 Fall

Although design work can be initiated as a result of thinking, some adopt a mathematical approach, and others
product performance failings, problem solving usually use diagrams. Methods vary in degree of comprehensive-
occurs as a natural part of competitive life in a market envi- ness, from those addressing a particular functional
ronment. Research and development units routinely initiate demand (for example, diagnosis) to those prescribing for
new product design projects. A major challenge in product the entire problem-solving process. Methods can be
design, addressed by QFD, is translating user needs and applicable to certain types of problems. Techniques
constraints into product attributes and specifications. appropriate for negotiation tasks would not be used in
solving efficiency problems. Figure 3 organizes the major
QPS METHODS QPS methods in a classification scheme based primarily
This section reviews the most important problem-solving on problem-solving functions. Although often used in
methods used to address quality problems. An underlying QPS, generic research methods (for example, surveys and
issue is whether these methods are adequate to the challenges experimentation) are not included in the figure. This
posed by an expanded notion of QPS. A method or tech- scheme guides the discussion that follows.
nique is a way of doing something, a prescribed process. It General problem-solving methods. This category
can be specified in varying degrees of detail; methods range includes methods addressing the entire problem-solving
from informal heuristics to precisely defined algorithms. The process. Such methods are common in the QPS litera-
key issue is effectiveness. Effective heuristics can be more ture, appearing as n-step techniques (Gaudard, Coates,
worthy of use than sophisticated algorithms. In assessing a and Freeman 1991; Meyer 1990; M. Robson 1988). The
method’s effectiveness, three criteria are pertinent; the first
Figure 3 QPS methods.
two having been proposed by Newell (1969, 361–414).
General problem solving Alternative generation
1. Generality, the range of situations to which the PDCA cycle Brainstorming
Storyboarding Nominal group technique
method can be usefully applied Problem identification Force field analysis

2. Power, the quality of results produced by the method Statistical process control Process design
Benchmarking Flowchart
when it is applied to situations within its range Data collection Process analysis
Systems thinking
Check sheet
3. Operationality, the extent to which prescribed activities Histogram Reengineering
can be performed in a way that consistently yields Run chart
Product design
Problem representation
acceptable results Affinity diagram Quality function deployment
Design of experiments
Interrelationship digraph
Taguchi methods
Newell (1969, 361–414) noted the existence of a power- Data analysis Value engineering
Stratification Reliability engineering
generality trade-off: Powerful methods tend to have lim- Pareto analysis Failure mode effects analysis
Scatter diagram Simultaneous engineering
ited ranges, and general methods tend to be weak. There
Concentration diagram
Evaluation and choice
is an operationality-generality trade-off as well: General Matrix diagram
Prioritization matrix
Diagnosis Glyph
methods often include activities (for instance, generate Design of experiments Multivoting
Shainin techniques
options) that one may not know how to perform. Implementation
Cause-and-effect diagram
Tree diagram
There are many ways of characterizing problem- Kepner–Tregoe method
Process decision program chart
Five whys
Activity network diagram
solving methods. Some methods rely on qualitative Root cause analysis

QMJ 94 Fall 29

most influential is the Shewhart, Deming, or PDCA can be acquired by direct observations, interviews, or sur-
cycle (Deming 1982), which consists of four steps—plan, veys. The methods cited in Figure 3 are typically used to
do, check, and act. While the cycle reflects a fundamental record data collected by direct observation. Histograms
heuristic action strategy, it illustrates the inadequacies of indicate the frequency with which different values of a
general problem-solving methods. Despite the plaudits it variable are observed. Check sheets provide frequency
has received from practitioners, the cycle has little opera- information and can handle multivariate data. Run charts
tionality. The plan step is the core activity, but the method allow the identification of time-dependent patterns in
does not explain how planning is to be done. Storyboarding the data. Qualitative verbal data are acquired by means of
(G. Robson 1991) and other general problem-solving interviews or surveys. These methods are widely used,
methods also include steps (for example, generate alterna- and they seem adequate to the needs of QPS.
tives) that an individual or group is expected to perform Problem representation. Problem definition or repre-
with scant aid from the technique and no guarantee of sentation tries to clarify or depict the situation (Smith
effectiveness. Such methods are quite weak. 1989). It is not a time-delimited phase of problem solving,
Problem identification. Statistical process control since an understanding of the situation evolves during
(SPC), a problem identification method, exploits the fact the problem-solving process. Verbal definitions, common
that extreme observations, or low probability patterns, of in practice, can be bolstered by diagrams. The key repre-
a variable signal the possible existence of problems, sentational issue is determining which elements and rela-
understood as out-of-control conditions. SPC presumes tionships to depict. Affinity diagrams encompass any
that variables can be measured often and accurately and content, grouping it on the basis of general relatedness
that extreme observations are problematic. These (Brassard 1989). Interrelationship digraphs focus on cause-
requirements limit its generality. Benchmarking, a com- and-effect relationships. Other elements (such as goals,
plementary method, relies on comparisons with high- subproblems, constraints, and unknowns) and relationships
performing organizations. After these, TQM only has (such as time-sequence, part-whole, and means-ends) can
heuristic advice regarding problem identification. Some be important for understanding problems. Representa-
heuristics are useful—looking for problems in the cracks tions are partially problem dependent; certain kinds of
between departments and in comfortable business indices situations (for example, decision problems) lend them-
(Bajaria and Copp 1988, 170–179). Because problem selves to certain kinds of diagrams (for example, decision
identification is affected by the nature of the problem, trees). Good methods do not merely record elements and
the prospects for developing strong general methods for relationships comprising the situation; they evoke them as
identifying quality problems are slim. well, aiding recognition of key problem features. Existing
Data collection. These are methods for collecting QPS methods are weak in this regard.
information concerning possible problem situations. Data analysis. This function effects a transition from
Data collection is often done as part of problem identifi- formulation (problem identification, definition) to problem
cation or shortly thereafter. Because the situation is solving (diagnosis, design). It provides direction for subse-
poorly understood, collection methods should not make quent thinking. Stratification is useful when a problem
strong assumptions about what is important. Information consists of different failings that can be grouped in various

30 QMJ 94 Fall

ways. Pareto analysis directs attention to the most promi- in many different ways. Lacking a principled way of
nent groups. Scatter diagrams are used to detect correlation identifying causal candidates, practitioners must resort to
between variables, this being a cue for causality. When heuristics. Existing diagnostic methods are impressive,
defects are physically localized on a product, concentration but there are assuredly yet-to-be-discovered ways of gen-
diagrams help identify trouble spots. Matrix diagrams, the erating and testing causes.
most general of these methods, indicate relationships among Alternative generation. Creativity can be involved in
two or more elements of a situation (Brassard 1989). This is many aspects of problem solving; it is most pertinent to
a key juncture in problem solving; a false step will result in the generation of solution alternatives. Being difficult to
lost time and effort. Although existing techniques are use- define, creativity gives rise to airy discussions and ques-
ful, there is a need for problem analysis methods (Smith tionable prescriptions. Techniques proposed in the TQM
1990); that is, ways of analyzing a situation to determine literature, such as imagineering (Slater 1991), lack opera-
its structure and appropriate problem-solving strategies. tionality. For the most part, QPS employs traditional
Diagnosis. A major functional demand for compliance creativity methods, notably brainstorming and the nomi-
problems—diagnosis—has been a primary target of QPS nal group technique. These rely on group interaction to
activity. It involves the determination of causes. Diagnosis stimulate the flow of ideas and try to prevent social pres-
includes the subtasks of generating causal candidates and sures from inhibiting that flow. Force field analysis, based
testing their validity, the former being more difficult and on the social psychological theories of Kurt Lewin (1951),
important. Design of experiments is a mathematical suggests what is possible: By evoking factors that help or
technique for efficiently testing hypotheses. Although hinder achievement of a goal, the method elicits alternatives
controversial among statisticians, Shainin’s heuristic that exploit aiding factors or avoid hindrances. Effective
methods can be used to generate and test causal candi- alternative generation methods must use an analysis of
dates (Bhote 1991). Qualitative methods provide cues the problem to evoke possibilities from memory.
suggesting possible causes. Cause-and-effect diagrams Process design. These methods respond to process
depict a hierarchy of candidate causes suggested by the design problems. The most fundamental technique is
“five Ms”—men, machines, materials, measurements, and flowcharting (Burr 1990). It depicts a process as a
methods—that inform diagram construction (Ishikawa sequence of activities. Most process analysis methods
1989). The Kepner-Tregoe method (1981) asks problem- augment flowcharts with heuristics for identifying
solvers to look for changes explaining differences between unnecessary activities, weak interfaces between activities,
acceptable and problematic conditions. Imai (1986) cites and other inefficiencies (Harrington 1991; Melan 1985;
an example of a machine breakdown in which the five- G. Robson 1991; Rummler and Brache 1990). Process
why technique—asking “why” five times in deepening analysis can exploit systems thinking by examining inputs,
succession—led to the identification of the root cause. As transformation processes, outputs, feedback, and control
proposed by Wilson, Dell, and Anderson (1993), root cause points. Reengineering uses information technology and
analysis includes barrier analysis and other techniques. heuristics, such as developing multiple versions of a
The variety of methods for generating causal candidates process and employing hybrid centralized/decentralized
reflects the nature of causality. Effects result from causes operations (Hammer and Champy 1993). Benchmarking

QMJ 94 Fall 31

improves processes by borrowing ideas from others. comparing options on various dimensions of value, and
Poka-yoke (Shingo 1989) refers to mistake-proofing tech- multivoting, a group voting process that converges on a
niques developed by the Japanese. Processes are designed favored alternative. The latter is often misused, as when
to prevent operators from making errors, a frequent cause group preference displaces reasoned argument in deter-
of poor quality. TQM is a leader in business process mining a course of action. TQM’s neglect of decision
design methodology. QPS methods evidence sound methods is, in fact, justified. Quality problems are not
strategies and useful heuristics. Further advances will situations of preference-driven choice. The evaluation of
build on lessons learned from experience. options does not hinge on which is most preferred, but
Product design. Addressing another type of quality rather on which responds most effectively to the situation.
problem, product design methods promote identification Structured arguments are likely to be of more use than
of user needs and translation of these into product specifi- traditional decision methods.
cations. The first task is aided by heuristics, notably those Implementation. Owing largely to Mizuno (1988),
discussed by Juran (1992). The latter calls on traditional TQM has been introduced to a set of diagrammatic
design methods as well as QFD, a Japanese technique methods for planning and implementing problem solu-
tailored to the design of consumer products (King 1989). tions. Tree diagrams depict a hierarchical decomposition
Design of experiments and Taguchi methods (Lochner of general goals into specific activities. Process decision
and Matar 1990) help determine optimal settings of program charts help identify and plan for contingencies
product parameters. Value and reliability engineering are that can affect a course of action. Activity network dia-
collections of heuristics for reducing a product’s cost and grams are a repackaging of PERT/CPM project planning
increasing its durability. Reliability engineering encom- methods developed in operations research. While QPS
passes failure mode effects analysis, which systematically can entail the implementation of complex projects, there
considers how a product might fail as part of improving is nothing unique about project implementation in a
its design. Simultaneous engineering reduces product quality context. The methods can be helpful, but the
development time by having design work performed in greater need is to identify difficulties commonly encoun-
parallel. Product design draws on the engineering design tered in TQM implementations, and to develop heuristics
literature, but can benefit from methods used in architec- and techniques responding specifically to those challenges.
ture, urban planning, and other design fields ( Jones These methods have limitations, as has been noted
1981). Again, most progress is likely to result by exploiting in the TQM literature (Caroselli 1991; Scherkenbach
lessons from experience. 1986). Certain methods are overused, as practitioners
Evaluation and choice. These functions are tradition- apply familiar techniques, especially cause-and-effect
ally addressed by decision-making techniques such as diagrams, to problems outside their range (Nemoto
decision and cost-benefit analysis. TQM, however, has 1987). These failings will only grow worse as QPS
shown little interest in decision making. Brassard (1989) addresses more varied and difficult problems. If practi-
proposed the use of prioritization matrices that rank tioners must recognize the limitations of existing methods,
solution alternatives according to weighted criteria. researchers must develop powerful new techniques
Gitlow (1990) discussed glyphs, a graphical means of addressing the full range of quality problems.

32 QMJ 94 Fall


Case-based QPS, a strategy for solving quality problems,
This section outlines an innovative approach for improv- resembles the approach adopted in CBR systems. Prior
ing QPS. The proposed strategy responds to the central experience is used to identify problem-solving insights
dilemma of problem-solving methodology: General and solution alternatives. As depicted in Figure 4, expe-
methods tend to be weak and nonoperational. Problem- riential learning occurs at various levels of generality
solving methods achieve power by exploiting characteristics (Cohen and Feigenbaum 1982), with three levels repre-
of situations to which they apply. For instance, linear sented in the figure. A situation can suggest high-level
programming is a powerful optimization method that general rules—such as, identify all possible causes—as
exploits the topology of a feasible region defined by linear well as specific lessons applicable only to the case at
constraints. Stratification takes advantage of the fact that hand. The most useful insights occupy an intermediate
the instances constituting certain problems can be unevenly level of generality. When experiential knowledge is applied
distributed when characterized in certain ways. Unfortu- in a new situation (the right side of Figure 4), the value
nately, no strong general principles define the set of quality of intermediate generalizations becomes apparent. In
problems, hence no such principles can be exploited by contrast to particularized, case-specific lessons, the gener-
QPS methods. Like all real-world problems, quality alizations are applicable to situations other than those in
problems are incredibly varied (Smith 1992). There are which they are learned. Unlike high-level generalities, the
many different causes of failure, ways of reducing costs, case-specific lessons offer real problem-solving power.
and products and processes to be designed. Many quality Some useful lessons of experience will be more or less general
problems, however, have features that can be exploited by than others, but most will occupy this intermediate range.
problem-solving techniques. What is needed is a general Case-based QPS involves three activities. First, a
problem-solving strategy that encompasses prescriptions large and varied set of experiences of quality problems and
responsive to characteristics of particular problems. problem solving must be accumulated. Second, lessons at
Artificial intelligence researchers must often devise a useful level of generality must be abstracted from these
prescriptions for use in domains that are not defined by experiences. Finally, the lessons must be organized to
strong general principles. The methodology known as make them accessible and usable by practitioners.
case-based reasoning (CBR) has emerged in response to
Figure 4 Learning from experience.
this need. CBR is “a general paradigm for reasoning from
Levels of
experience” (Slade 1991, 42). The solution to a problem generality Learning Application
High-level Generalities
is derived from experiences with similar situations, rather general lessons aren’t powerful

than from general principles. CBR systems consist of Intermediate

level of Useful lessons
a database of cases and a procedure for retrieving cases generality of experience

pertinent to the task at hand. Such systems have been Situation- Specifics
specific lessons do not apply
developed for negotiation, planning, and design tasks,
Original Current
among others (Kolodner 1991). experience situation

QMJ 94 Fall 33

Performance of the first task is facilitated by the large lit- 13 percent of the C-sections performed at West Paces
erature of QPS cases; that is, published reports of were repeat C-sections. As a problem-solving team dis-
attempts to solve quality problems. Such reports can be covered, patients often requested the procedure due to
found in practitioner journals (for example, Quality the mistaken “repeat C-section” assumption.
Progress) and in books (for example, Asian Productivity
A number of lessons can be derived from this case.
Organization 1984). Reports can also be found in orga-
It illustrates how technical advances are not always incor-
nizational records of activities by internal problem-solving
porated into existing practices. Neither the hospital nor
teams. Although some published QPS cases are not
its staff had made a concerted effort to educate patients
detailed enough to permit the necessary analysis, many
as to the non-necessity of repeat C-sections. The case
satisfy the requirements for the second step. Here the
also demonstrates that the customer is not always right.
task is analytical, to think through each case in order to
Customers can be uninformed about how product/service
identify lessons that could be applied in other situations.
alternatives relate to their needs; and, when someone else
Many cases offer no such insights, since their lessons are
(for example, an insurer) is paying the bill, they may not
either too situation specific or so general and obvious as
be motivated to make wise purchasing decisions. Finally,
to go without saying. But some cases will yield notewor-
the case demonstrates the need to ensure that inexpen-
thy problem-solving insights to careful analysis. As these
sive processing alternatives are used whenever possible,
findings accumulate, it becomes necessary to organize
with expensive, special-purpose methods being restricted
them in a coherent manner, to make them communicable
to circumstances in which they are truly required. This
to and understandable by QPS practitioners. The lessons
lesson applies wherever costly express delivery services
might be organized around problem-solving functions
are routinely used to send materials that could have been
(for example, problem identification or diagnosis) or the
posted by first-class mail.
five types of quality problems. They could also be
None of these lessons were cited by either of the
grouped in terms of topics, such as unnecessary materials,
authors reporting the case. This is typical. The lessons
excessive search time, and lack of standardized methods.
explicitly expressed in published QPS cases are usually
To demonstrate, case-based QPS will be applied to a
well-known generalities—for example, satisfy customer
case reported by Walton (1990) and Larson (1990).
needs. Authors leave it to readers to derive more substan-
Case 1. Management at West Paces Ferry Hospital tive conclusions. It is unlikely that readers are reliably able
in Atlanta believed that the percentage of births by to do so. Even if they could, the lessons are encountered so
caesarean section could be lowered. C-section, a more sporadically as to be quickly forgotten and never integrated
dangerous and expensive alternative to vaginal delivery, is into a durable understanding. Case-based QPS overcomes
intended for use under special circumstances. At one these limitations.
time, the procedure involved surgical incisions that made While learning from experience is commonplace,
it necessary for subsequent patient deliveries to also be by case-based QPS is an innovative means of developing
C-section. However, improved surgical methods elimi- useful problem-solving prescriptions. The approach has
nated the “repeat C-section” requirement. Nonetheless, some precedents in the quality literature. Shingo (1987)

34 QMJ 94 Fall

illustrated a general problem-solving method with analyses limitations, only a few of the findings can be reported.
of specific situations. Benchmarking uses the experiences The discussion will illustrate how case-based QPS can
of others to improve organizational performance. The case both broaden and deepen QPS practice. The following
method of teaching is often employed in management, case evidences a common process design inadequacy.
law, and other applied fields. But in such applications,
Case 2. A Toyota worker was responsible for time-
cases are used to illustrate rules and lessons that were
stamping employee suggestions to indicate when they
identified by other means. With case-based QPS, the
were received. This practice dealt with the possibility of
cases themselves are the origins of insights to be learned.
multiple workers submitting suggestions on the same
Cases are the recorded experience from which problem-
topic during the same day. Over the years, however,
solving knowledge can be derived.
simultaneous submissions of this kind had never
The research areas closest to case-based QPS are
occurred. (Nemoto 1987)
offspring of artificial intelligence, these being expertise/
expert systems research and, as noted earlier, work on
In this case, an activity is performed to protect against a
CBR. Studies of expertise try to identify the methods
rare event. But unless the event is catastrophic, preventive
that domain experts use to achieve outstanding levels of
activities are not worth doing. The case’s lesson can be
performance. These can then be taught to domain novices.
described at different levels of generality: Don’t perform
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that there are true QPS
unnecessary activities; don’t perform activities that guard
experts; that is, people proficient at solving the full range
against rare but noncatastrophic events; and don’t time-
of quality problems. Consequently, the expert strategy for
stamp employee suggestions. As suggested by Figure 4, the
developing useful knowledge is inapplicable in the QPS
first is too general to be useful and the last too specific to be
domain. Case-based QPS is similar to CBR in that it
broadly applicable, while the second is an intermediate-
relies on cases, not experts, as a source of knowledge. But
level prescription that has value in many situations.
whereas CBR is implemented as a computer program,
Multiple lessons can be drawn from a single case,
case-based QPS is operationalized in natural language, as
and the same lesson can be evidenced by multiple cases.
a set of verbal prescriptions. And unlike CBR systems
Consider the following:
that generate descriptions of situations similar to the task
at hand, case-based QPS provides explicit prescriptions, Case 3. A manufacturer planned to purchase addi-
not cases, that apply to the current problem. Thus, while tional polishing machines because its six existing machines
this methodology is not unprecedented, it exhibits a sig- could not keep up with the workload, despite extensive
nificant degree of originality. overtime. Each polishing operation required 11 passes.
Investigation revealed that the preceding milling operation
Illustrations was leaving excessive stock to avoid overcuts. By control-
To demonstrate what case-based QPS can achieve, results ling the milling operation more precisely, the amount of
from a research project will be reported. This ongoing excessive stock was reduced so that only three polishing
project had, at the time of this writing, analyzed 629 passes per item were required. The number of polishing
cases drawn from 203 sources. Obviously, due to space machines was reduced from six to two. (Shingo 1987)

QMJ 94 Fall 35

Case 4. An auto screw machine for turning bolts was shoddy materials, yield loss, impurities, materials han-
experiencing 69 percent rejects. The bolt diameter speci- dling, and inefficient waste processing.
fication was 0.250  0.000 inches/ 0.003 inches. Or consider the concept of slack, made famous by
Believing the machine inadequate for the job, management the rocks-in-the-river analogy often cited in arguments
considered buying a new one. A frequency distribution of for lean inventory production methods. Inventory is but
bolt diameters indicated clustering around the upper one form of slack, one way in which people and processes
specification limit. Operators aimed at that limit to avoid are insulated from the consequences of mistakes. The
scrap: Oversized bolts could be machined down; under- Tennant Company learned that space is a form of slack.
sized bolts were lost. After operators were told to aim for When it eliminated plant floor space for machines await-
the midpoint of the tolerance range, rework vanished. ing rework, the volume of defective machines declined
(Prasad 1982) significantly (Hale, Hoelscher, and Kowal 1989).
Milliken Contract Carpets created slack through a liberal
Case 3 illustrates the need for precise control of opera- customer allowance policy for off-quality product.
tions, a tendency for upstream processors to allow them- Manufacturing performance only improved when the
selves slack at the expense of downstream efficiency, and mill was forced to deal with substandard carpeting it had
the need to use the most efficient operation for a function produced (Williams 1992). Slack allowances can be
(milling removes stock more efficiently than polishing). designed into a product, as with the bumper shims that
The last lesson was also drawn from case 1, concerning Ford used to aid bumper alignment on new cars. Since
C-sections at a hospital. Moreover, cases 3 and 4 are Japanese cars didn’t include such allowances, parts had to
both situations in which operators created extra work by be manufactured with less variation (Peterson and
trying to avoid losses. The cases illustrate a trade-off Hillkirk 1991). Slack is also evidenced by case 3, in
between over- and undercosts, between doing too much which milling operators created inefficiencies by allowing
of something and not doing enough. The same trade-off themselves excessive room for error. By demonstrating
commonly leads people to make too many copies of the many ways in which a concept like slack can be
handouts for a meeting. instantiated, case-based QPS can help practitioners use
Case-based QPS can be used to elaborate concepts the concept effectively.
that play important problem-solving roles and to identify Cases illustrate alternative solutions to common
ways in which such concepts show up in real situations. concerns. Consider the problem of managing a resource
For instance, the notion of cause, central to diagnosis (for example, tools or blueprints) needed at different
tasks, has been expanded by cause-and-effect diagrams, times by different parties. One approach is to establish a
which identify men, machines, materials, measurements, central location for the resource and a checkout system
and methods (the five Ms) as generic causes. Case-based allowing users to take items to their work areas. This has
QPS allows further development of this kind. Cases been augmented in some companies by end-of-the-day
indicate that the men category includes failings due to policing that ensures items are returned to the central
perceptual difficulties, inattention, lack of training, and store. Taking a daily inventory can be aided by tool
inadequate motivation. Material causes include the use of boards and visual displays that indicate if something is

36 QMJ 94 Fall

missing. Deleting unneeded items from the pool increases Prospects

the efficiency of resource management; adding high-use
items increases operating efficiency. Employees at Case-based QPS is not a problem-solving technique in the
Firestone Tire and Rubber did a study to determine the traditional sense. It is not an n-step method specifying a
optimal number of machine cranks to provide and where prescribed problem-solving process. As argued earlier, it
to position them among the plant’s 84 machines (Filley is unlikely that traditional methods can be both general
1982). When the resource is information, a silver bullet and powerful. Rather, case-based QPS offers a compre-
technological solution may be available: The IRS hensive set of prescriptions having varying degrees of
replaced printed job announcements with an electronic generality. Organized into a coherent framework, these
version that allowed many applicants simultaneous access lessons will be accessible to QPS practitioners and
through computer terminals (Curry and France 1990). researchers alike. Practitioners can add their experiences
The same solution would work in a medical center that to the emerging body of cases. Researchers can identify
was having trouble scheduling patients in a single areas that lend themselves to improvement through
appointment book (Lange 1991, 125–131). scientific investigation.
Often there are two or more standard solutions to a Case-based QPS promises a significant advance over
problem that apply under different circumstances. Case- the existing state of practice. Currently, the lessons of
based QPS can help identify the situations in which each experience go largely unrecognized. Whatever conclusions
solution is most effective. A classic issue in job design is are drawn are not validated against each other or inte-
the degree of task specialization: Should an operator per- grated into a common framework. An invaluable body of
form one task many times or a series of related tasks a experiential knowledge remains undeveloped, at the level
number of times? The issue is important in service oper- of anecdote. Owing to resource limitations, traditional
ations, where handoffs between specialized service scientific research programs cannot develop a complete
providers often result in reduced customer satisfaction. set of problem-solving prescriptions. Case-based QPS
Hammer’s (1990) account of how the processing of provides an alternative methodology. It is a scientifically
insurance applications was reengineered at Mutual legitimate means of developing useful knowledge from
Benefit Life supports a process in which each operator the readily available raw material of experience.
handles all requirements for a customer or case. On the Case-based QPS can be used to develop relatively
other hand, Wright (1992) describes a situation at specific accounts of problem solving, say, at a company or
Schlumberger in which such an approach led to increased process level. Some organizations have taken steps in this
errors: Some operations required skills that most workers direction. After Hewlett-Packard decentralized customer
could not easily acquire. Thus, the benefits of repetition- support activities in the early 1980s, a study revealed that
based expertise should not be ignored. On the other hand, support employees were repeatedly solving the same cus-
when tasks are relatively simple but there are serious infor- tomer problems. Thus, Hewlett-Packard established two
mation losses and coordination costs if multiple specialists nationwide response centers, backed by sophisticated
are used, it is best to have operators handle more of a communications and tracking systems. As a result, a solu-
product or customer transaction. tion to one customer’s problem is instantly available to

QMJ 94 Fall 37

any other customer, anywhere, who has the same problem. means of formalizing and integrating the lessons that
Hewlett-Packard estimated that this system generated QPS practice has to offer.
savings of $12.5 million over three years (Young 1990).
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that allows the system to identify cases relevant to the
gress transactions. Milwaukee: American Society for
situation at hand (Kolodner 1993). This challenge is
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characterizing past cases and current problems is indeed Brassard, M. 1989. The memory jogger plus+. Methuen,
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This article has identified quality problem solving as a Optimizing mission, method, and management. Amherst,
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problem solving, it has often viewed it too narrowly as a Cohen, P. R., and E. A. Feigenbaum. 1982. The hand-
matter of finding and fixing defects. An expanded notion book of artificial intelligence. Vol. 3. Los Altos, Calif.:
of QPS was developed around five types of quality prob- Walter Kaufmann.
lems. Each type poses characteristic demands regarding
Crosby, P. B. 1989. Let’s talk quality. New York: Penguin.
problem identification and solving. Existing QPS methods
Curry, M., and J. France. 1990. Meeting the quality
connect to different problem types and functions. A
improvement challenge with teamwork. Journal of
review of these methods indicated that they often sacri-
Quality and Participation ( July-August): 42–45.
fice power and operationality for generality. To remedy
this deficiency, case-based QPS was proposed and illus- Deming, W. E. 1982. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, Mass.:

trated. It is a general methodology that achieves power MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study.

by extracting useful insights and prescriptions from Ebel, K. E. 1991. Achieving excellence in business: A practi-
analyses of past cases. The methodology exploits the siz- cal guide to the total quality transformation process.
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Gerald F. Smith is an instructor in the Information and Decision Sciences
Slade, S. 1991. Case-based reasoning: A research para- Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of
Minnesota. He earned a doctorate in decision sciences at the Wharton
digm. AI Magazine 12, no. 1:42–55.
School, University of Pennsylvania. Smith may be contacted at the
Information and Decision Sciences Department, Carlson School of
Slater, R. 1991. Integrated process management. New York:
Management, University of Minnesota, 271 19th Avenue South,
McGraw-Hill. Minneapolis, MN 55455; 612-624-9806.

40 QMJ 94 Fall

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