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Unlocking the Power of Interprofessional Collaboration: Enhancing Healthcare for

Complex Patient Needs

Zainab Mohamed

School of Nursing, James Madison University

NSG 463: Professional Role Transition

Dr. Nena Powell

November, 5, 2023

In today's dynamic healthcare environment, where patients present increasingly complex

and multifaceted health needs, interprofessional collaboration (IPC) has become an indispensable

approach to delivering comprehensive and effective care. The imperative for healthcare

professionals to work together across disciplinary boundaries to improve patient outcomes,

enhance the quality of care, and optimize resource utilization is clear. I work as a registered

nurse on a progressive care unit, where I typically assist in the treatment of patients with drug

overdoses and those with a history of drug use. This paper provides a concise exploration of

interprofessional collaboration, shedding light on its significance and includes an interview with

a colleague who is an addiction medicine expert.

The significant and underlying principle of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) lies in

the recognition that effective healthcare delivery requires the collective and coordinated efforts

of diverse healthcare professionals. In the modern healthcare field, no single discipline possesses

the breadth and depth of knowledge to comprehensively address the multifaceted needs of

patients. IPC emphasizes the importance of professionals from various backgrounds, such as

physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and more, working together to leverage their

unique expertise, skills, and perspectives. This collaborative approach not only enhances the

quality of patient care but also fosters improved patient outcomes, increases efficiency in

healthcare delivery, and promotes a patient-centered approach. At its core, IPC underscores the

principle that healthcare is a complex team sport, where each player contributes their specialized

knowledge to provide holistic and well-coordinated care, ultimately benefiting the well-being of

patients and the healthcare system as a whole. Professionals actively contribute to IPC through

three distinct mechanisms: bridging professional, social, physical, and task-related gaps,

negotiating overlaps in roles and tasks, and creating conducive spaces for collaboration (Schot et

al., 2020). These contributions underscore the dynamic role of professionals in bridging gaps and

enhancing the collaborative process, emphasizing the crucial interplay of individual efforts

within the broader context of IPC.

Given my role in caring for patients with drug overdoses and addiction issues, I

conducted an interview with an addiction medicine expert. Addiction medicine plays a critical

role in addressing the complex needs of patients with substance use disorders, such as opioid use

disorder. Since 2013, estimated rates of opioid use disorder among older adults have increased

by over threefold in the U.S. (Shoff et al., 2019). Hospitals often serve as the first point of

contact for individuals experiencing acute health issues related to substance use, making the

integration of addiction medicine into their care essential. As the hospital setting is an emergent

and crucial component of the opioid use disorder (OUD) care continuum, underlining the

significance of addiction medicine consult (AMC) services as innovative care delivery

mechanisms for persons with OUD (Priest & McCarty, 2019), addiction medicine specialists are

trained to assess, diagnose, and provide evidence-based interventions, including medication-

assisted treatment, counseling, and harm reduction strategies. By offering specialized care within

the hospital setting, addiction medicine not only improves patient outcomes but also contributes

to reducing the burden of substance use-related hospitalizations on healthcare systems and

society as a whole. This approach aligns with the principles of patient-centered care, promoting

better access to treatment, reducing stigma, and ultimately saving lives.

During the interview, my colleague emphasized the significant value of interprofessional

collaboration, particularly in addressing complex patient needs, such as those suffering from

addiction. He stressed that when healthcare providers from different backgrounds with diverse

skills come together, it significantly enhances patient outcomes, reducing morbidity and

mortality. As a physician specializing in addiction medicine, his role in the interprofessional

team involves consulting with specialists from various fields, including nutritionists, physical

therapists, and mental health professionals. He emphasized that addiction treatment is incomplete

without the involvement of interprofessional teams. This perspective reflects the colleague's

recognition that their specialization alone may not address all aspects of patient care,

underscoring the importance of collaboration.

The interview also highlighted some challenges in interprofessional communication. My

colleague mentioned that communication primarily occurs through an in-system platform called

Tiger Chat. He expressed a desire for more accessible patient records and a confidential HIPAA-

compliant portal for communication among healthcare professionals from different systems. In

regards to hierarchies, he emphasized the importance of hierarchies in the healthcare team,

particularly in ensuring that the person with the most knowledge and training is at the top,

preventing decisions that could harm patients. He shared his belief in assertive hierarchy

communication and timely consults as strategies to enhance teamwork and improve patient


In conclusion, the paper underscores the vital role of interprofessional collaboration in

delivering comprehensive healthcare in the face of complex patient needs. IPC serves as a

fundamental approach, acknowledging that no single discipline can address multifaceted patient

requirements, necessitating diverse professionals to collaborate, thereby improving patient

outcomes and care quality. The interview with the addiction medicine expert highlights the

essential role of addiction medicine, particularly in the context of rising opioid use disorder rates.

By integrating addiction medicine into the healthcare team, patient outcomes improve, reducing

the burden of substance use-related hospitalizations on healthcare systems. The interview


emphasizes the importance of IPC, the significance of hierarchy, assertive communication, and

timely consults in enhancing patient care quality. Overall, the paper and interview affirm the

pivotal role of IPC and addiction medicine in contemporary healthcare.



Evert Schot, Lars Tummers & Mirko Noordegraaf (2020). Working on working together. A

systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional

collaboration, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34:3, 332-

342, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1636007

Priest, K. C., & McCarty, D. (2019). Role of the Hospital in the 21st Century Opioid Overdose

Epidemic: The Addiction Medicine Consult Service. Journal of addiction

medicine, 13(2), 104–112.

Shoff, C., Yang, T. C., & Shaw, B. A. (2021). Trends in opioid use disorder among older adults:

analyzing medicare data, 2013–2018. American journal of preventive medicine, 60(6),

850-855, DOI:

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