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Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the contribution of CPD to the career advancement of

CPA graduates of BSU for year 2017-2022.

Specifically, this study sought answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of CPA graduates in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. years of practice;

1.4. area of practice?

2. How may contribution of CPD to career advancement of CPA be described in

terms of:

2.1. career development contribution;

2.2. financial income contribution;

2.3 development of professional network contribution;

2.4 personal competencies contribution?

3. Is there a significant difference on the assessment of contribution of CPD to

career advancement of CPA when grouped according to profile?

4. Based on the findings, what output may be proposed?

Theoretical Framework

The core foundation of this research came from the local study of Joel B. Tan,

CPA, MBA (2015) from University of Mindanao entitled “Contribution of Continuing

Professional Development to Career Advancement of Certified Public Accountant.” The

study explored the four main contributions of Continuing Professional Development to

the Career Advancement of CPA’s such as career development contribution, financial

income contribution, development of professional networks contribution and personal

competencies contribution. Hence, the study proposed the substantial influence of CPD

on career development and financial improvement.

Professional development is a measure of career mobility and employment

viability. One of the most helpful contributions to the career advancement of a CPA is

the career development contribution as it ensures proficiency, integrity and global

competitiveness of a professional. Under the theory of the author, CPD warranted

substantial contribution to CPA’s career profession as they get qualified and promoted to

higher work position and responsibilities that beefs up credentials and improves

qualification. Thus, make him or her best fit for greater assignments and authority.

Financial condition of CPA brought in more clients to the practitioners and

allowed them to venture into potential and alternative income sources following that

enriched credibility and competence. It helped increase the earnings, salaries and

benefits, opened opportunities to do consultancy work, increased professional fees,

attracted new potential sources of income, improved cash flow, and increased the
number of clients. According to the author, salary increases and demands are driven by

and based on qualifications and competencies which CPD affords.

Development of professional networks is a carefully established and

interconnected web of professional associates that provide each other with mutual

benefits, including valuable information and insights for performing better in their current

positions and furthering their careers. It is a measure of expanding the accountant's

sphere of influence and discovering latent business partners and professional friends. In

line with the study, the author viewed CPD as having an insignificant impact on the

development of professional networks among CPAs, but it was found that engagements

in various CPD endeavors build client referrals and professional partnerships.

Personal competencies refer to personal qualities, abilities, and attitudes. One of

the main contributions of CPD is the development of personal competencies, wherein it

shows how CPD helps improve self-awareness and identity, develop talents, and

potentials, enriches the quality of life, and contributes to the realization of dreams and

aspirations. In the study conducted by Tan, he assessed the linking effect of CPD to the

career advancement of CPA graduates.

There are other specific determinants that can act as controlling variables in the

study namely age, sex, years in practice as a CPA and area of practice. The author

suggested that the age of CPAs had an influence in taking CPD as those novice

accountants and those who are yet establishing their professional careers are more

aggressive and committed to CPD as they yearn for authority, status and self-worth. Sex

was significant in this study as female CPAs were seen actively engaged in various

CPD activities which suggested that women are more predisposed to professional
development initiatives than men. The number of years in practice may indicate

meaningful experiences and relevant skills. The area of practice indicated the

profession’s marketability and importance across all fields.

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