Wattpad Project Sadly Unfinished

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Epilogue :

Humain beings,animals,plantes..all of them are alive, pacefully on earth, they all got an aim in life,
something that keeps pushing them to do bettter.Life is short , so are the fun moments we have with our
beloved ones, a humain is born ,years passes he grows up in a healthy household , he gets an happy life,
he finds his soulmate and ashive his duty in society and afford a healthy and happy life for his next
generation.Time pases again , this humain gets old, his body feels different ,his senses gets weaker , this is
it? Is death after me? Slowly he grips the bed sheets he was layin on, he couldn't hear a thing around him ,
his vision blurs , he feels mouvments around him , all he could do was stare at those blury persons around
him that seemed to scream something , he closed is eyes one time at started to think

-was it worth it..? did i do good? I hope so..no, i don't want to go now, its too early! I could't see my kids
grow up , being great persons..i didn't ashive a thing! Why right now? Why today?! What comes after that..?
i won't take it i just can't!

The sounds that he used to hear gets weaker his senses even more, he loses his grip and let his arm down
on the bed, he manage to open his eyes a last time , he feels one last thing , a warm tear falling down his
cheak when he realised it was over , his family was around , falling in tears screaming his name, his eyes
went to the corner of the room, a strange person that he never saw before was there, sitting on the flore
staring at him, who is she? He though , no one seemed to notice her presence in the room, the young lady
slowly gets up and walk toward the open window , she gives him a last glance and whispers you've done
well, stop fighting it she disepears. A sweat feilling grows bigger in the mans heart , he closes again his
eyes and let the warm feilling heat up his body, it feels nice, it feels so warm yet so cold..?what was that
just now..?maybe she is right.. they will do good even if i'm not there,my journey on earth has ended, and i
enjoyed it..memories of him playing with his siblings, his years at highschool, how he met his first love , the
days he passed with his kids all one by one start to comfort him. Dad isn't breathing.. he left us, the room
went silent for more than few seconds, a fresh breze entering the room from the window , making the tears
on the person's cheaks cold.

What is after death..?

Well, people usualy question themselves, what happens next? Some of them are consious that this life got
an end , and some others just prefer to live in the moment and forget about

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