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A Quantitative Research
presented to the Faculty of Senior High School
Valencia City, Bukidnon

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Melgar, Fiel Ven

Montero, Bryevonie
Lamayo, Arcel
Lozada, Khysha
Platis, Marron Benedick
Oro, Elsie Jane


Research Adviser

January 2024
Chapter I

Background of the Study

The coffee shop industry has experienced significant growth and evolution,

with an increasing number of establishments competing to attract and retain

customers. As such, understanding the factors influencing customer satisfaction and

loyalty has become crucial for the success of coffee shops. In Valencia City,

Bukidnon, the local coffee shop scene is vibrant and diverse, with establishments

like Don Macchiatos, M310 Cafe, Pet Perry Bean and Leaf, and Nitibrew Cafe vying

for customers' attention and loyalty. The present study seeks to delve into the

intricacies of customer satisfaction and loyalty within the context of selected coffee

shops in Valencia City, Bukidnon.

The investigation aims to identify and measure the levels of various

attributes and service quality factors that contribute to overall customer satisfaction.

By addressing specific questions related to demographic profiles, attributes, service

quality, and the relationships among these variables, the study aims to provide

valuable insights for both coffee shop owners and the academic community. The

demographic profile of the respondents will be explored, focusing on age, gender,

and the coffee shop they most frequently visit, including popular choices like Don

Macchiatos, M310 Cafe, Pet Perry Bean and Leaf, and Nitibrew Cafe.

Understanding the demographic characteristics of the coffee shop clientele is

essential for tailoring services and marketing strategies to meet the preferences and

expectations of different customer segments. The study will assess the levels of
various attributes associated with coffee shops, including atmosphere, employee

attitudes, IT service, coffee quality, and price fairness. These attributes are critical

components that shape the overall customer experience and contribute to their

satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the chosen coffee shop. Service quality is a pivotal

factor influencing customer satisfaction. The study will examine the levels of service

quality in terms of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy

within the selected coffee shops. This exploration will shed light on the effectiveness

of the services provided and their impact on customer perceptions. The study will

measure the levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty among coffee shop

customers in Valencia City.

Understanding the factors that drive satisfaction and loyalty is essential for

coffee shop owners to enhance customer retention and attract new patrons. The

study will investigate whether there is a significant relationship between attributes,

service quality, and customer satisfaction and loyalty based on demographic factors

such as age, gender, and the preferred coffee shop. This analysis will provide a

comprehensive understanding of how these variables interact and influence

customer satisfaction. By addressing these research questions, the study aims to

contribute to the existing body of knowledge on customer satisfaction and loyalty in

the context of coffee shops in Valencia City, Bukidnon. The findings may offer

practical insights for coffee shop owners, helping them make informed decisions to

improve their services and better cater to the diverse preferences of their customers.

Statement of the Problem

This study would aim to identify the levels of attributes and service quality

towards customer satisfaction and loyalty among the selected coffee shop in
Valencia City, Bukidnon. It would also investigate the relationship between these

variables, specifically, it answered the following questions.

1. ) What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

a. sex

b. academic strand; and

c. coffee shop often visited?

a. Don Macchiatos

b. M310 Cafe

c.Pet Perry bean and leaf

d. Nitibrew Cafe

2.) What is the level of attributes of Coffee shop in Valencia City, Bukidnon in terms


a. atmosphere

b. employee attitudes

c. IT Service

d. coffee quality

e. price Fairness

3.) What is the level of service quality of Coffee shop in Valencia City, Bukidnon in


a. tangibility

b. reliability

c. responsiveness

d. assurance

e. empathy
4.) Is there any significance relationship between attributes, service quality and

customers satisfaction and customer loyalty on Sex, Academic strand, Coffee shop

often visited?

Significance of the Study

This study is anticipated to contribute information to the individuals and

organizations. The finding and solutions of this research work would benefit to the


Business owners and managers: The study can help them identify which

service attributes have the biggest impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty,

allowing them to prioritize improvement efforts and invest in areas that yield the most

significant results.

Customers: The study can inform customers' expectations of service quality

within a specific industry, empowering them to make informed choices and hold

businesses accountable.This study can also highlight businesses that consistently

deliver high-quality service, making it easier for customers to identify companies they

can trust and build loyalty with.

Researchers and academics: The study can contribute to the ongoing body of

research on customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing valuable data and insights

that can inform future studies and theoretical frameworks.The findings can also be

used to develop new models and frameworks for measuring and evaluating service

quality, leading to more effective methodologies for businesses to track and improve

their performance.

Overall, the study on attributes and service quality towards customer

satisfaction and loyalty has broad implications for various stakeholders, offering
valuable insights for improving customer experience, building stronger customer

relationships, and promoting a healthy business environment.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted during the first semester of the school year,

allowing for data collection and analysis within this specific period.The primary focus

will be on students from Valencia National High School, whose input will be valuable

for assessing the attributes and service quality of the selected coffee shops,

understanding the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty, and

gathering insights specific to this demographic.the research will concentrate on four

specific coffee shops in Valencia City: Don Macchiatos, Pet Perry Bean and Leaf,

M310 Cafe, and Nitribrew Cafe.

These establishments will be the subject of the study’s

assessment.Questionnaires will be the main method used for gathering data,

providing a structured approach to collect responses from the target respondents

and this study aims to assess the attributes and service quality of the selected coffee

shops, explore the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction

and loyalty, and gain insights from Valencia National High School students'

experiences and perspectives regarding these coffee shops.

The study is limited to the first semester of the school year, restricting data

collection and analysis to this specific period.The primary focus is on students from

Valencia National High School. The study does not include input from other schools

or educational institutions and this research is specifically centered around four

coffee shops in Valencia City: Don Macchiatos, Pet Perry Bean and Leaf, Starbucks,
and Nitribrew Cafe. Other coffee shops in the area are not

considered.Questionnaires are the main method of data gathering.

Other qualitative methods, such as interviews or focus group discussions, are

not employed in this study.The study is geographically limited to Valencia City,

excluding coffee shops in neighboring cities or regions. Furthermore, perspectives

from coffee shop owners, employees, and customers beyond the targeted high

school students are not included in the study.

Chapter 2

Attributes of coffee shop

In the coffee shop industry, this study looked at five characteristics as antecedents of

customer satisfaction. The five characteristics were: coffee quality, price fairness, employee

attitude, store atmosphere, and information technology (IT) service. The first factor that is

thought to positively correlate with customer satisfaction is the atmosphere of the store.

According to earlier research, customers who feel at ease in the store environment are more

likely to be satisfied (Tripathi & Dave, 2014; Han & Hwang, 2015; Han & Hyun, 2017).

Furthermore, Han and Jeong's (2013) study discovered a positive correlation between

customer satisfaction and store atmosphere. Additionally, Heung and Gu (2012) discovered a

positive correlation between customer satisfaction and the store atmosphere of a restaurant or

cafe. By fostering a good atmosphere and surroundings, it will have an emotional impact on

customers in an effort to raise the likelihood of purchasing. In addition, atmospheric conditions

are crucial for influencing and creating first impressions views that customers have of a store,

and it also has an effect on a store's reputation. Consequently, atmospheric and environment

and the store have a good relationship image.

Employee Attitude

The second component in this study is employee attitude. In the coffee shop

sector, employee attitude is a critical factor, and clients will notice it first when

assessing the overall service performance of Starbucks (Lee et al., 2018). A warm

welcome or considerate demeanor from staff members are crucial components of

restaurant service and hospitality (Tsaur et al.,2015). Hwang and Ok (2013) also

discovered that interactions between patrons and staff in the restaurant business

resulted in patron satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Employees of any

organization play an important role in ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of the

consumer. Employee’s behavior and attitude towards service delivery has an

influence on customer perceived value. The results of Ha & Jang (2010) show a

positive relationship between employee attitude that customers with a low

perception of the atmosphere are better to apply good employee service to increase

satisfaction and loyalty than the customer with high perception.

IT service

The functionality and accessibility of the wireless Internet service offered to

patrons of the coffee shop is referred to as the information technology (IT) service.

Prior research has indicated that the availability of free wireless internet connectivity

was essential to elevating the standard of service in the restaurant sector (Honack &

Waikar, 2017; Brochado, Rita, & Margarido, 2016; Bulut, Demirbas, & Ferhatosman

oglu, 2015). Another study conducted by Lee et. al (2018) found that IT service leads

customer satisfaction to a higher level. As stated by Rita, Brochado, and Margarido

Bulut, Demirbas, and Ferhatosmanoglu (2016) According to (2015), Efimov &

Whalley (2004), Honack & Waikar (2017), free Internet access is now a crucial

component that can raise the caliber of services. Specifically, as stated by Darini &

Spacey, Muir, Cooke, Creaser, & Khozaei (2016) According to Spezi (2015),

wireless Internet access gives businesses in the restaurant or food services industry

a competitive edge. For instance, in a research of clients in the United States, per

Cobanoglu et al. et. al. (2012), the function of Internet access that is wireless

contributed and produced favorable client responses in a dining establishment.

Coffee quality

The most crucial element in the food service industry, according to several

earlier studies by Dorn et al (2016), and Han & Hyun (2017), is food quality.

According to a survey by Al-Tit (2015), customer satisfaction is positively impacted

by the quality of food and beverages. Similar research in restaurants, conducted in

full-service restaurants by Tsaur et al. (2015) and in hotel restaurants by Han & Hyun

(2017), revealed the same conclusion: food quality has an impact on patron

satisfaction. Finally, Lee et al. (2018) discovered in their research that the quality of

coffee has a major impact on how satisfied customers are with coffee shops. A

product's quality is crucial, particularly For instance, in the food and beverage sector,

eateries and coffee shops. Items that are intended By quality of product, ingredients,

calorie count, Taste (Mohamud et al., 2016), sugariness (Wang & Yu, 2016),

Packaging (Me´ndez et al., 2011) and 2017). An investigation that addresses

product quality yields varying outcomes Lee et al (2018). Therefore increasing the

quality of a product will greatly impact the getting of loyal customers.

Price Fairness

Price fairness is defined as a product's price that, in the opinion of the

consumer, is reasonable and appropriate (Abdullah, et al. 2018). Dhisasmito and

Kumar (2020) further state that price fairness is a subjective assessment made by

customers independent of the appropriateness of the price a seller sets for a given

good. Therefore, price fairness refers to the customer's impression or perception of

the product price (goods or service) and whether it is reasonable and appropriate

given the amount paid. One of the key factors in determining customer satisfaction is

price fairness. Superior techniques for pricing and customer satisfaction can rise with

efficient pricing strategies (Hanaysha, 2018). Schiffman provides more explanation

for an example and Wisenblit (2015), consumers frequently observe the prices other

consumers pay and occasionally think that price disparities are unjust. Nobody

enjoys finding out that they are paying more for a movie or airline ticket than the

person occupying the seat across from them. Fairness in pricing, then, will be one of

the main factors influencing a customer's visit; this applies to comparisons with other

customers as well as with the benefit that they receive in return. According to an

article from Katadata (2020), the manager or owner of a coffee shop will compete to

get the customer by offering good quality of product and affordable price.

Service quality of Coffee shop

Service quality is crucial for businesses to maintain prestige value and gain

market share. By providing high-quality service, businesses can attract new

customers and survive in the competitive coffee shop market. The rising demand for

coffee has led to fierce competition among coffee shops, making it essential for
businesses to offer high-quality service. Five indicators to assess service quality

success include reliability, tangibility, assurance, empathy, and responsiveness.

Research by Kartikasari and Albari (2019) and Suryadharma and Nursehya (2015)

have shown that raising the standard of excellent service directly increases customer

satisfaction. Laetitia, Alexandrdrina, and Ardianto's (2021) research also highlights

the significant impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, highlighting the

importance of providing excellent service in enhancing customer satisfaction.

Therefore, ensuring high-quality service is essential for businesses to maintain their

competitive edge.


According to Melia (2016), tangibles are an attraction for physical facilities,

equipment, and customer satisfaction is influenced by communication tools,

materials used by businesses, employee appearance during the service process,

and more. The findings of this investigation are consistent with studies conducted by

Tamwatin et al. (2015) and Iskandar et al. (2015), which indicate a relationship

between tangible and customer satisfaction. Therefore, the more tangible

experiences customers have with the company's offerings organizations, the higher

the level of customer satisfaction.


Accoring to Uyoga (2018) claims that reliability has a favorable impact on

customer contentment. This implies that the capacity to offer assured timely,

accurate, and satisfactory services can impact client satisfaction. According to

Yousuf (2017), the reliability component of service quality affects customer

satisfaction. According to Famiyeh et al. (2018), reliability is the business's ability to

provide services in accordance with what is promised accurately and reliably. The

connection between reliability with a positive correlation to customer satisfaction

favorable impact on client satisfaction. The superior customer opinions regarding a

company's reliability, the highest client satisfaction will be.


Employee responsiveness refers to their ability to act promptly and

communicate information in a way that meets the needs of customers. Customers

will positively evaluate employees' capacity to adapt to what they have, enabling

them to develop new skills when assisting customers (Balinadoet).

in 2021). Customer satisfaction is positively impacted by employees' motivation to

address issues that clients encounter when using services. Parasuraman defines

responsiveness in (Kotler, 2016) as the capacity to offer responsive services and the

readiness of service providers, particularly given their nature to assist customers and

offer suitable services based on their requirements. According to (Heru Suprihhadi,

Bambang Hadi Santoso Dwidjosumarno, 2020), responsiveness is a policy to assist

and provide prompt and appropriate services to customers; if customers are not

given clear information in a timely manner, they will develop a negative perception of

the quality of the services. Studies carried out by (Islamet al., 2021). The results of

the study demonstrate that employee commitment, visibility, and responsiveness

significantly and favorably impact customer satisfaction.


One of the fundamental aspects of service quality that influences client

satisfaction is assurance. Customers may find the barista's demonstrated process

expertise to be highly persuasive when they receive services (Balinado et al., 2021).

Customers are more assured by this that the service delivery representative

will perform their tasks with professionalism, particularly the coffee-making and

serving tasks in the shop. As per Parasuraman's definition in (Kotler, 2016),

assurance is the capacity of service providers to engender consumer trust and self-

assurance regarding their ability to meet the needs of customers, particularly through

employees. includes the skills, abilities, civility, and dependability that employees

possess. In contrast, assurance is defined by (Heru Suprihhadi, Bambang Hadi

Santoso Dwidjosumarno, 2020) as the knowledge, decency, and capacity of staff

members to cultivate client trust in the business. This encompasses a number of

elements, including competence, security, communication, credibility, and manners.

Research conducted by (Kadek et al, 2019) has finding assurance has a positive

influence on consumer satisfaction


The individualized care that clients receive is characterized by empathy,

wherein the service providers go above and beyond in the interaction to provide the

client with a sense of value and special treatment (Bahadur et al., 2018). Murray et al.

(2019) assert that empathy requires putting oneself in the shoes of the customer in

order to comprehend their needs. They further state that the following characteristics

of staff members that foster empathy: friendliness and politeness; understanding of

the client's specific needs; willingness to give special attention; and willingness to

take the time to explain the protocols and practices that must be followed in the

service delivery process.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

According to studies, preferences and positive behavioral intentions (such

as recommendations, willingness to pay, and plans to repurchase a particular good,

service, or brand) are associated with loyalty (Kim et al., 2015; So et al., 2016).

Academics have contended that enhancing customer satisfaction is crucial for

augmenting "customer loyalty" due to the fact that favorable psychological conditions

are more likely to elicit favorable outcomes (e.g., willingness to pay, repurchase

intention, and word of mouth). Numerous prior studies have demonstrated a positive

relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty behavior in the context of

family restaurants (Jung & Yoon, 2013) and hotel restaurants (Han & Hyun, 2017).

As stated by Lee et al. Al (2018) discovered that customer loyalty is a direct result of

customer satisfaction in their earlier study. .

When a person compares the perceived performance of a good or service to

their expectations, they experience satisfaction, which is defined as feelings of

contentment or discontent (Limna & Kraiwanit, 2022). In addition to being a

customer experience assessment criterion used to compare desired and actual

product properties, customer satisfaction is a subjective emotional response to retail,

purchasing, or the action of purchasing and acquisition (Pei et al., 2020). Sustaining

business success is contingent upon maintaining customer satisfaction. To sustain

or grow their market share, businesses must work to outperform their rivals by

providing better goods and services that satisfy consumers (Limna & Kraiwanit,


Customer loyalty is defined as a brand's positive attitude (behavioral loyalty)

and repeat business (attitudinal loyalty) toward service providers. It comprises the

propensity to return or buy goods or services again, as well as to tell friends and
family about the service provider (Kanyama, Nurittamont, & Siripipatthanakul, 2022;

Limna & Kraiwanit, 2022). According to research, a company's ability to retain and

grow its customer base is directly correlated with its level of customer loyalty (Adobe,

2020). Furthermore, devoted clients are less price-sensitive, more likely to make

repeat purchases, and a source of good word-of-mouth advertising, all of which

contribute to higher sales and profitability for the business (Sánchez-Fernández &

Iniesta-Bonillo, 2020).

Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty

According to Saulina and Syah's (2018) study, a key objective in the fiercely

competitive coffee shop industry of today is to increase customer loyalty. To do this,

strong customer loyalty must be built through constant improvement in customer

satisfaction and service quality. According to Supriyanto, Wiyono, and Burhanuddin's

most recent study from 2021, providing excellent customer service is one of the

precursors to fostering brand loyalty among consumers. Gaining client loyalty may

be a difficult endeavor for many businesses in order to continue operations and

preserve profits. As is common knowledge, a company's ability to retain customers is

crucial to its long-term success. The goal of creating and sustaining customer loyalty

can be achieved by utilizing aspects of service quality to attain customer-perceived

service quality. Through an indirect way, it can ensure the profitability of the business

in the future. Customer loyalty is the psychological inclination of consumers to

believe in a company's product or service, brand, and their propensity to make

additional purchases from them after contentment (Charles & Kumar, 2014). Loyalty

is demonstrated by the goal of the buyer to keep using and making future purchases

of a good or service through it, Nadeem et al.(2020).

Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
High service quality leads to satisfied customers, who in turn influence the

company's overall performance (Dam & Dam, 2021). Additionally supporting the link

between customer satisfaction and service quality is Kotler and Armstrong's (2020)

claim that a customer will not believe or be dissatisfied if the quality of the service is

below expectations. Therefore, the secret to providing services of the highest caliber

is to meet and surpass the expectations of the client. An organization's ability to

retain customers through service is what ultimately determines its success

(Almsalam, 2014). When exceptional service quality is rendered, customer

satisfaction will increase significantly, leading to an increase in

in the loyalty and retention of customers.

Conceptual Framework

Having examined the related literature above, the study perused the

conceptual framework in order to establish a model to be proposed for the study (see

figure 1 below).



academic strand

coffee shop often visited

Attributes of coffee shop
Service quality of coffee
Figure 1: The Schematic diagram showing independent and dependent variables

investigated in the study.

The figure 1 shows the independent and dependent variables. The independent

variables is the sex, academic strand (ABM, STEM, HUMSS, and GAS), coffee shop

often visited, and the level of attributes and service quality, while the dependent

variable in the study is the customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Research Hypothesis(es)

HO1: There is no relationship between the Attributes of coffee shop, service quality,

customers satisfaction and customer loyalty sex, academic strand and coffee

shop often visited.

HA1: There is a relationship between the Attributes of coffee shop, service quality,

customers satisfaction and customer loyalty sex, academic strand and

coffee shop often visited.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for the purpose of the study.

Attribute is a quality or characteristic given to a person, group, or some other


Store atmosphere refers to the physical attributes of a retail

establishment that are utilized to establish a brand and draw in consumers.
Employee attitudes are the manifestation of an employee's motivation,

whether it be positive or negative.

IT services are the application of technical and business knowledge to help

organizations create, manage, and optimize information and business processes.

Coffee quality is a metric that is impacted by numerous variables. The size,

shape, and color of raw beans are among the parameters used to assess quality.

Price Fairness refers to the evaluation and feelings a customer has

regarding the reasonableness, acceptability, or justification of the price difference (or

lack thereof) between a seller and a comparable third party..

Service quality is determined by how well it satisfies or surpasses the

needs and expectations of its clients.

Tangibility Physical assets like buildings, machinery, staff, and

communication materials

Reliability is the company's capacity to deliver the service precisely and

successfully. It assesses whether the company fulfilled its commitments

Responsiveness The ability and willingness to assist clients and deliver

on promised services .

Assurance The high level of confidence that something is true,

comprehensive, and useful.

Empathy The capacity to view things from the viewpoint of the client.

Being empathetic toward customers entails being able to place yourself in their

position and identify their problems.

Customer satisfaction is a metric used to assess how satisfied

customers are with the goods, services, and abilities provided by a business.
Customer loyalty is the result of a customer and a business having a

continuous, positive relationship. It is the result of a customer being so happy with

your service and after-sales support that they decide to stick with you forever.

Chapter 3

Research Design

A descriptive-correlational research design was used for this research as this

study allows the researchers to describe the demographic profile of the respondents

in Valencia City and the level of the attributes and service quality towards customers

satisfaction in selected coffee shop in Valencia City. A descriptive research design

precisely and methodically characterizes a population, circumstance, or

phenomenon (Mccombes, 2019), whereas a correlational research design is useful

in measuring the degree of association between two or more variables (Bhandari,

2023). It also allows the exploration of potential relationships or associations

between variables, such as examining correlations between demographic factors

and customer satisfaction levels. As a result, employing a descriptive-correlational

study design enables a thorough comprehension of both the descriptive features and

possible relationships between variables.

The Sample

Quota random sampling was the sampling strategy used, in which the

researchers selected any person intentionally identified as having similar

characteristics to be questioned concerning the subject of the study and added to the

sample at the appropriate judgment of the researcher (Etikan and Bala, 2017).
Additionally, one hundred sixty (160) Senior High School students are required as

respondents in order to gather information. Students from Valencia National High

School in Valencia City's Lapu-Lapu Street Poblacion. According to Bullen (2022), a

sample size of at least one hundred (100) is sufficient to obtain any kind of

meaningful result; for this reason, the researchers collected one hundred sixty (160)

respondents in order to more accurately generalize the population. For each strand

of the academic track, four (4) sections and ten (10) students were chosen, making

the total of forty (40) students in each academic strand.

The Instrument(s)

The researchers used a structured survey questionnaire that consisted four (4)

sections. The questions provided directly corresponded to the research questions.

The first (1) section sought to determine the demographic profile of the students

specifically the respondents' sex, academic strand, and the Coffee shop often visited,

The second (2) section aims to identify the level of attributes of Coffee shop in

Valencia City, Bukidnon. While the third (3) part contains the level of service quality

of Coffee shop in Valencia City, Bukidnon . Questions from Edrozo (2019) The

effect of brand image and service quality to customer satisfaction in selected coffee

shop Bonifacio, Taguig city. The questionnaire was divided into four (4) parts and

each consists five (5) indicator statements that determines the customer satisfaction

in terms of level of attributes and service quality. In addition, in accordance with the

Data Privacy Act of 2012, the student's name was regarded as optional. Participation

in the study was voluntary, and consent was sought before the study began. Only

the researchers had access to the respondents' responses.


Scale Qualitative Interpretation Qualitative Description

5 Strongly Agree Excellent

4 Agree Good

3 Neutral Neutral

2 Disagree Poor

1 Strongly Disagree Very Poor

Data Collection Procedure

1. A request letter was sent to the administration office of Valencia National

High School and to the Senior High School Department to allow the researchers to

conduct the survey in the study site.

2. The researchers gathered forty (40) respondents from each of the four (4)

academic strands and were given a descriptive-correlational survey design. The

allotment of survey questionnaires lasted for one (1) day only.

3. The questionnaires were collected personally by the researchers and was


4. Data cleaning was done by the researchers before the data was coded,

analyzed, and interpreted.

Plan for Data Analysis

1. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used by the
researchers in analyzing the data gathered from the descriptive-correlational survey


2. Descriptive statistics was then used to determine the level of attributes and

service quality of coffee shop,

4. In determining the relationship of the attributes, service quality customers

satisfaction and customer loyalty , Bivariate Correlational was used as the statistical


5. The level of attributes and service quality of coffee shop and academic

strands were determined with the used of ANOVA.

6. The researchers used Independent T-Test to examine the relationship

between sex and customer satisfaction and loyalty.

To analyze the relationship between sex and the level of attributes and service

quality, Independent T-Test was also employed.

7. Then, the researchers used descriptive and frequencies to identify the sex,

academic strand and coffee shop often visited of the respondents in order to

determine the demographic profile.


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