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Mrs. Kimberly C. Magaway

Practical Research Adviser


Background of the study 1
Statement of the problem 3
Objective of the study 3
Significance of the study 4
Scope and Delimitation of the study 5

Review of Related Literature and Studies 6
Conceptual Framework 21
Research Paradigm 22

Research Design 23
Locale of the study 24
Respondents of the study 24
Sampling Procedure 25
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Instrumentation 26
Bibliography 27

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Nowadays different types of businesses have sprung up in the Philippines.

Different types of sales and purchases are made. One of the ways of selling is

personal selling, this was the traditional way before online selling came. Personal

selling is a face-to-face sales method where a salesman uses their people abilities to

convince a consumer to purchase a specific product. The salesperson tries to persuade

the consumer that the product will only add value by emphasizing its different

qualities. . This strategy is frequently used by businesses to inform clients about new

products. The act of purchasing products and services online via vendors who operate

websites is known as online shopping. Merchants have sought to sell their goods to

Internet users since the World Wide Web first appeared. Online stores allow

customers to browse merchandise while sitting in the comfort of their own homes and

using a computer. As technology has advanced, people are more accustomed to using

the internet and online shopping has grown in popularity. Online shopping has

therefore become popular, which makes it vital to conduct research on how it is used

and perceived. Contact-making requires personal selling, which is crucial. An open

channel of communication between the consumer and the seller/manufacturer, as well

as to increase the efficiency of the company. Personal sales become a crucial strategy

for individually speaking with potential customers and convincing them to

purchase the company's goods. By way of personal selling Salespeople will describe

to their consumers or clients how good are goods or services that they market to

satisfy their wants. They offer giving customers the chance to inquire further about

their services. Salespeople will explain to potential clients what products/services and

inform them of the most effective usage a certain product. Personal selling also

contributes to raising by locating new clients, you can increase revenue and market

share. Retaining current clients and convincing them to purchase more items made by

the business (ICONIES, 2018).

Many online stores provide alluring promotions like free shipping, mega sales,

and flexible payment methods like mobile wallets and cash on delivery, which makes

e-commerce platforms incredibly appealing to customers. The option for cash

payment is particularly pertinent to internet consumers who lack access to banking

services or are unable to conduct online transactions, which comprises the bulk of the

population. Nonetheless, the Bangko Sentral ng Philippines hopes to have 70% of

adult Filipinos banked by 2023.In terms of mobile wallets, they have developed into

the nation's most popular payment method, accounting for more than 30% of e-

commerce payments in 2021. The Philippines took a rough-and-tumble approach to e-

commerce (LDMA, 2022).

The whole study will provide information about the opinions and preferences

of business owners, consumer and seller regarding on modes of selling. The

perception of business owners, sellers and consumer about modes of selling would

help the future entrepreneur to see the most effective way to build a business and

apply the mode of selling.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to examine the perceptions of Business Owners, Sellers and

Costumers towards modes of selling (Online-Selling and In-Person)

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the opinions of Owners, Sellers and Costumers about online


2. What are the opinions of an Owners, Sellers and Costumers bout in-person


3. What are the things that Business Owners, Sellers and Costumers consider

when buying online or in-person?

4. What mode of selling is favorable Business Owners, Sellers and Costumers?


Objectives of the Study

The study generally aimed to evaluate the perceptions of Business Owners,

Sellers and Costumers towards modes of selling (Online-Selling and In-Person)

Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Describe the opinion of Owners, Sellers and Costumers about online


2. Describe the opinions of an Owners, Sellers and Costumers bout in-person


3. Determine the perceived factors that Owners, Sellers and Costumer

consider when choosing modes of selling

4. Determine the favorable modes of selling according to the perception of

Owners, Sellers and Costumers

Significance of the Study

The comparative study on the perception of business owner, sellers, and

customers towards modes of selling is significant for several reasons. First,

understanding the perceptions of these stakeholders can help businesses make

informed decisions about their sales strategies and modes of selling. By knowing

which factors are most important to customers and which modes of selling are

preferred, businesses can tailor their approach to meet customer needs and preferences.

Second, the study can help identify potential areas of improvement for

businesses. For example, if customers rate the overall shopping experience lower for

traditional brick and mortar stores compared to e-commerce platforms, businesses can

focus on improving the in-store experience to better compete with online retailers.

Third, the study can provide insights into the future of retail and the changing

preferences of customers. As e-commerce continues to grow in popularity,

understanding the factors that make it attractive to customers can help businesses

adapt and stay relevant.

Overall, the comparative study on the perception of business owner, sellers,

and customers towards modes of selling can provide valuable insights for businesses

looking to improve their sales strategies and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


The scope of the comparative study is limited to the perceptions of business

owners, salespersons, and customers towards two modes of selling, namely traditional

brick and mortar stores and e-commerce platforms. The study will focus on the factors

that affect their perceptions, such as convenience, accessibility, price, product range,

and overall shopping experience.


The study will only cover business owners, salespersons, and customers who

are based in Valencia City areas of Bukidnon.. The study will not delve into the

financial performance of the businesses that use these modes of selling, but will only

focus on their perceptions. The study will also not consider the cultural, social, and

economic factors that may influence the perceptions of the participants.

Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the

conceptual framework, the research paradigm of which this study will be anchored

upon, and the hypothesis of the study.

Literature Review


Digital Consumerism refers to the application of traditional consumer

concepts to consumer vulnerabilities in digital markets. Using examples from the

relevant literature, the author discusses the relationship of digital consumerism to

paradigms of consumer empowerment and consumer vulnerabilities. There is a need

for a rethinking of consumerism to improve consumer protections and create more

functional and healthy digital markets.

(Kucuk, 2016).

Academics are paying more attention to consumer empowerment, which has

resulted in inconsistencies in theoretical frameworks. We begin with a

conceptualization of empowerment, identifying the concept's contours and origins,

based on a multidisciplinary approach and a review of power models. An examination

of the empowerment literature demonstrated how multidisciplinary advancements

influence the marketing discipline. Significant knowledge gaps on the topic were

revealed concerning different theoretical orientations, levels of analysis, and contexts.

Then, an organizing framework was proposed to aid in understanding the underlying

mechanisms induced in psychological empowerment by changes in market structure

and technological shifts, as well as consumer-to-firm, state-to-consumer, and firm-to-

consumer deliberate actions. (Bachouche, 2019).

Physical Store and Online Shops

The Internet has changed consumer behavior, particularly how consumers

search for information before making a purchase. However, we know very little about

the relationship between the amount of money spent on product purchases and

consumer information search strategies prior to visiting a physical retail store. The

fact that consumers appear to spend more in-store after conducting an online search

(compared to those who search offline) is somewhat counter-intuitive to traditional

consumer behavior theory, in that it is traditionally assumed that part of the

consumer's search motivation is a desire to obtain the best price (i.e. spend less). The

whole finding challenges traditional views of value-seeking behavior and suggests

that the Internet is an important channel for retailer engagement, as it has the potential

to engage consumers in a way that leads to increased in-store spending. (Sands, S., et

al., 2010).

Different motivators influence both online and in-store luxury shoppers.

Online luxury shoppers are cost-conscious, prefer online product availability, and

place more trust in online customer reviews. In-store shoppers who are more averse to

online risks believe it is critical to see the product in person before making a purchase

and value the shopping experience and interactions. Furthermore, there are differences

in the online shopping habits of regular and luxury shoppers. (Liu, et al., 2013).

Due to rapid technological advancements and cut-throat competition in the

market, a multitude of conventional direct selling companies have had no choice but

to integrate an online sales channel into their array of offerings. This also entails

assessing potential threats, evaluating the impact, and forecasting future prospects

associated with online selling within the domain of direct selling. This shift towards

online sales has brought about a number of significant changes in the direct selling

environment, including increased competition, expanded customer reach, and

enhanced marketing opportunities, as well as the need for companies to maintain a

dynamic and engaging online presence. It looked into the adoption of technology for

online selling in the direct selling environment. Specifically, the extent to which

technology has been adopted for online sales in this industry and how this adoption

has affected the competitive landscape, customer acquisition, and retention, as well as

marketing strategies employed by direct selling companies. With the growth of

technology, online selling has become a permanent fixture in the world of commerce.

Both forms of selling - traditional and online - continue to coexist without one

overshadowing the other. Managers should take a flexible approach to multichannel

retailing because consumers dictate how sales channels are consumed in a

multichannel sales arena. (Wait, 2019)

Online Store affect Physical Store

The introduction of online retailing has dramatically affected retail business

models (Verhoef et al., 2015). This change is especially noticeable for established

retailers, who have traditionally invested heavily in their physical retail channels. The

purpose of this research is to determine how the addition of an online store affects

overall sales for such retailers. . From the standpoint of a retailer, such evaluation

capability is required in order to most effectively integrate customer management

between online and physical stores. A retailer adding an online channel to an existing

physical store network must determine whether the online channel generates

additional sales for the retailer or if the sales in the online store largely cannibalize

existing sales by moving customers from one channel to another. In theory, either

effect or a combination of the two could occur. A retailer can also increase sales by

acquiring new customers (growing its customer base) and/or selling more to current

customers. (Hernant, and Rosengren, 2017)

Perception on Modes of Consumerism

The perception of online shopping among consumers is a multifaceted concept

that varies greatly from one individual to another. It is influenced by a range of factors,

including the level of connectivity and exposure to online shopping available to them.

In addition, various other aspects such as ease of use, trust in payment systems,

product selection, and pricing also play an essential role in shaping their perception. It

should be noted that the consumer's perspective can be significantly affected by their

personal characteristics. Factors like age, gender identity, income level, educational

background, or geographical location are known influencers on how they perceive this

form of commerce experience. These demographic variables may either reinforce or

alter someone's opinion regarding online shopping practices altogether. Expanding on

the given text, recent research indicates that online shopping has become a popular

trend among younger individuals, with a vast majority of them being addicted to it. As

per the study's findings, young people between 20 and 25 years old are more likely to

engage in online shopping as compared to older age groups. Moreover, an interesting

revelation from this study is that most individuals who purchase goods via e-

commerce platforms tend to buy books online due to their affordability. With various

discounts and offers available for book purchases made through these websites or

applications, buyers can save money while also enjoying convenience by avoiding

physical bookstore visits. It is worth noting that elderly people generally do not use

online shopping services as much as young adults because they may find it

challenging or unfamiliar with technology. However, businesses must adapt

accordingly by providing user-friendly interfaces and accessible options so that all

segments of society can benefit from such modern conveniences equally. The price of

the products is undoubtedly the most critical factor that influences online purchases.

However, several other factors come into play while making a buying decision on an

online platform. The security of the product is ranked second among these influencing

aspects, followed by guarantees and warranties offered by the seller. The delivery

time also plays a crucial role in shaping customers' preferences when it comes to

purchasing from an e-commerce store. Apart from these, consumers often take into

account various other parameters like company reputation, privacy policies related to

their personal information, and detailed descriptions of goods before finalizing any

purchase decision on digital platforms. The study focuses on easy internet navigation

and access, with people preferring easy access to online shopping and being more

convenient. The study also reveals that the majority of respondents buy clothes from, making it one of India's leading online shopping websites. Furthermore,

books are the most frequently purchased online by respondents, followed by tickets. It

can be concluded that online shopping is gaining increasing popularity among

consumers due to the availability of cheaper products, discounts and offers, and

convenience. (Dr.R.Shanthi and Dr. Desti Kannaiah, 2015).

Retail Store Environment

The current retail environment is extremely difficult. Consumers are being

pushed to value hedonic aspects of consumption in retail environments. Retailers are

experimenting with new ways to provide customers with something unique or special

in order to increase foot traffic to physical stores. People enjoy touching, feeling,

smelling, tasting, inspecting, testing, and trying on clothes. It is a comprehensive

approach that incorporates both emotional and rational triggers. (Meyer, 2006). It is

critical to focus on emotionally and behaviorally engaging the customer, which means

that communication on social media and in physical retail stores should both excel in

emotional appeal and encourage various forms of interaction with the brand.

Increasingly, success at retail is less about what the retailer has to sell and more about

how they sell it. This is the new shopping experiential paradigm shift.. (Sachdeva and

Goel, 2015).

Advice on "improving the retail customer experience" is frequently given

these days, owing to the fact that consumers can shop from anywhere. In an age when

players like Amazon allow people to buy products with the click of a button, brick-

and-mortar retailers must up their game and provide experiences that people cannot

get online or on their phone. (Nicasio, 2021).

Sellers in Online Selling

The amount of review information positively influences social welfare, but

quality information and match information play different roles in the process of

welfare enhancement. Quality information reduces the sellers’ profits but significantly

increases consumer welfare, while match information benefits the sellers more than it

hurts the consumers. The inaccuracy of quality information negatively affects the

welfare enhancement function of review information. Considering the sellers’ quality

information manipulation, we derive the conditions of inaccuracy information

controlling and find that a higher manipulation cost coefficient eases the prisoner's

dilemma for the sellers and increases consumer welfare. We discuss the implications

and also note some counterintuitive insights for review system management. Online

sellers always benefit from favourable reviews. Thus, they have a strong incentive to

manipulate and generate favourable ratings/comments for their products. However,

sellers’ manipulation of reviews will in turn mislead consumers in their purchase

decisions. From the perspective of a platform owner, the tradeoff between sellers’ and

consumers’ benefits is essential, which requires appropriate management of the

review system.

Sellers are increasingly competing against innovative Internet-based selling

mechanisms that reveal or conceal market information. Firms use transparency

strategy to influence the availability and accessibility of information about products

and prices. Advanced technologies are increasingly allowing sellers to reveal, conceal,

bias, or distort market information. Prior to the Internet, a company's market presence

was defined by its product offerings and prices. A company can now strategically

design and implement various types of selling mechanisms, as well as participate in

existing electronic markets, to influence market transparency, or the availability and

accessibility of market information. The advancements in e-commerce technology are

changing the rules of market information disclosure. Firms can increasingly

manipulate the information they provide to consumers in the current technological

environment, allowing them to strategize in ways that were not previously possible.

Books, music, travel, real estate, telecommunications, and jewelry were identified as

key industries where electronic commerce rewrote the rules for trading in the May 10,

2004 issue of Business Week magazine. The Internet has caused a structural increase

in market transparency, which is a common thread in these markets. (Granados, Gupta,

and Kauffman,.2008)

Consumers on Online Shopping

There are significant differences in e-commerce at the European level, due to

the varying levels of economic growth and education of each individual. In order to

participate in online shopping, a person must have access to a computer/phone/laptop

and the internet, as well as sufficient knowledge on how to use these devices.

Additionally, customer difficulties can impact their experience with e-commerce.

Interestingly enough though, an increase in dissatisfied customers has resulted in

more frequent online orders. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that

shoppers benefit from fast shopping opportunities available 24/7 through e-commerce

platforms. With quick product/service searches and price comparisons at their

fingertips, customers also enjoy options galore when it comes to choosing high-

quality products/services for purchase via digital channels. The benefits of e-

commerce for consumers are vast and varied, making it a preferred method of

shopping despite any challenges that may arise. While vendors should be mindful of

these issues in order to remain competitive, the advantages provided by online

shopping far outweigh the drawbacks. One major benefit is convenience; customers

can purchase items from anywhere at any time, without ever having to leave their

homes. Additionally, online stores often offer lower prices than traditional brick-and-

mortar retailers due to reduced overhead costs. Despite the possibility of encountering

issues such as delayed delivery or product damage, online shoppers still see the value

in e-commerce due to its convenience and vast array of available options. Even those

who have not yet ventured into the world of digital purchasing are undeterred by these

concerns - if anything, a rise in dissatisfaction among some consumers only reinforces

the appeal for others who frequently make purchases through this platform. On one

end of the spectrum, there are customers who seldom buy online and remain unfazed

by any potential problems that may arise aside from difficulties locating information

pertaining to guarantees/warranties and other legal rights; which acts as a deterrent.

Meanwhile on another end is where they reside: buyers that purchase products via this

channel infrequently but find themselves unaffected by most complications except for

struggles with finding accurate details about their rights under various policies; an

aspect that dissuades many individuals from making purchases over electronic

means.(Sabou, Avram-Pop, and Zima, 2017)

The fast-growing technology brought a lot of impacts on the business industry.

One of the outcomes of technology is online shopping. E-commerce and online

retailers in Nueva Ecija's 4th District are unaware of how their customers' purchasing

habits affect their businesses. It is crucial for e-commerce and online retailers in

Nueva Ecija's 4th District to conduct market research on their customers in order to

develop strategies that are more aligned with their needs and wants, improve customer

satisfaction levels, attract new customers, and retain their current ones and ultimately

increase their sales revenue. The majority of respondents strongly agreed that they are

satisfied with the online shopping delivery process. According to respondents'

experiences, online shopping requires less effort and saves (physical) energy. The

potential benefits of online shopping suggest that e-commerce and online retailers in

Nueva Ecija's 4th District could further capitalize on the convenience and ease of use

of their online platforms to attract a larger customer base. Most of them prefer online

shopping if it has special offers or discounts and they were preferring with a well-

organized website. The study's recommendations form the foundation of the ideas that

will serve as a guide for the improvement of online shopping and the e-commerce

industry. (Fajardo- Ibarra, Casimiro, Enciso, and Santos, 2022)

With the ease of online shopping becoming a common trend in the digital age,

this method has become widely accepted and popular. Customers who choose to shop

through virtual stores are well acquainted with the advantages that come along with it.

The most influential factors driving this behavior include time and convenience,

individual nowadays are very prone to gadgets and online shopping will be very

convenient. However, customers do consider other crucial aspects such as risks

associated while making their decision. Moreover, product quality, cost-effectiveness

and level of awareness also hold immense significance in shaping customer

engagement towards online shopping platforms. All these factors have a direct

bearing on customer satisfaction which is instrumental in retaining loyal customers

for future business prospects from them through e-commerce outlets or websites.

(Olasanmi, O. 2019)

Hesitations towards Online Shopping

The majority of people in India do not have home internet access, which is a

major barrier to online shopping. Those who do not shop online are mostly middle-

aged and senior citizens, as well as housewives. One of the reasons these people do

not shop online is that they are not computer savvy. Income, occupation, and family

size all have a significant impact on the preference for online shopping. The six major

factors causing customer hesitation towards online shopping were identified as

technical aspects, lack of authenticity, lack of tangible aspects, procedural aspects,

lack of infrastructure, and lack of securityAs a result, in order to increase the rate of

online shopping, businesses must improve in these areas and make the shopping

procedures more convenient and comfortable. Companies must implement more

transparent policies to ensure secure online payments and easy and guaranteed return

policies. Companies must address issues such as a lack of infrastructure and complex

procedural aspects in order to reduce customer skepticism about online shopping.

(Prof. Hariramani and Dr. Paandya, 2016).

Consumer’s quantity, credibility and quality review on online product

With the growth of the internet as a tool for exchanging information,

businesses are including a virtual space for users to share information on their

websites. It investigates the characteristics of consumer reviews (quantity, credibility,

and quality of electronic word-of-mouth) as predictors of customers' online

repurchase intentions. The influence of electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM)

characteristics on repurchase intentions is moderated by trust in an online seller and

the perceived usefulness of a website. Only EWOM quality has a positive direct

impact on consumers' repurchase intentions, while quantity has a negative impact.

The influence of all EWOM characteristics on online repurchase intention is

moderated by perceived usefulness. Through trust in the online vendor, EWOM's

credibility and quality indirectly influence repurchase intentions. (Matute,, Polo-

Redondo, and Utrillas,, 2016)

The impact of online customer service experiences on consumer brand or

company choice when purchasing products and services, including the level of usage

of these sites and consumer opinions about whether or not their comments would

influence and make a difference in the company's actions. Consumer opinions about

customer service on socially-based websites influence consumer opinions and

engagement, and thus consumer brand or company choice when making purchases.

This highlights the growing importance of effective online customer service

experiences in influencing consumer behavior and driving revenue growth for

businesses. As businesses aim to differentiate themselves from competitors, the

implementation of effective online customer service experiences has become

increasingly crucial. Websites such as government or consumer advocacy information

sites, company websites, and information found through search engines are not

thought to be influential in influencing consumers. Companies must pay attention to

customer voices on social media sites and respond appropriately to keep customers'

brand loyal. (Karakaya, and Ganim Barnes, 2010)

There is mounting evidence that online product reviews influence consumers'

purchasing decisions across the board. Firms are thus tempted to monitor and

manipulate online product reviews on the company's website or forum in order to

influence consumer perceptions by anonymously posting positive reviews, concealing

or deleting unfavorable reviews, or rewarding consumers who post favorable reviews.

However, such unethical practices can ultimately damage consumer trust and

potentially result in legal repercussions for the company. This imperative for

companies to maintain the integrity and adhere to ethical principles when it comes to

online product reviews. It fills a gap in the online marketing and information

manipulation literature by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 experienced online

shoppers in China to investigate consumers' suspicion, awareness, and evaluation of

specific manipulation tactics. Consumer perceptions of online manipulations could

help industry associations and policymakers decide whether and how to regulate

online manipulation activities to ensure the healthy development of e-commerce. This

provides the insights into the importance of ethical practices in the management of

online product reviews and highlights the potential risks associated with unethical

tactics employed by firms to influence consumer perceptions through the

manipulation of online product reviews. (Peng, Cui, Zhuang, and Li, 2014).

Pandemic on Consumers

COVID-19 has affected everyone's daily lives. At least 316 million people in

42 states have been asked to stay at home in order to slow the spread of the pandemic.

In this regard, businesses have been prone to significant transformations. Meanwhile,

little attention has been paid to the impact of COVID-19 on consumers and

consumption culture. The pandemic has an impact on consumers, and some changes

may last even after the situation improves. Consumers' adaptations to online shopping,

hastened by the pandemic, are unlikely to stop or slow once the COVID-19 is gone.

Prior to COVID-19, consumers were increasingly shopping online, and the pandemic

has accelerated the structural change.

Pandemic on Selling

The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on society, business, and

consumers. Governments have implemented measures such as social isolation and

lockdowns to slow the spread of the pandemic. This has led to the temporary closure

of physical stores for "non-essential" retailing. New consumer behaviors affect all

aspects of our lives, from how we work to how we shop to how we relax. These

changes have significant implications for retailers. According to the findings of this

study, Covid-19 influences both consumer needs and behavior, as well as how

retailers respond to these changes. Furthermore, it suggests that this will affect not

only market outcomes (i.e. retail sales and market share online) but also firm

outcomes, as well as the competition between online and offline retailers (i.e.

customer experience, firm sales). (Verhoef, Noordhoff, and Sloot, 2023)

Given the increased risk of contracting a virus during the COVID-19

pandemic, consumers prefer to meet their daily needs online rather than in physical

stores. Online shopping provides a unique setting, atmosphere, and experience. Online

transactions have a higher risk of ethical violations than face-to-face transactions.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the influence of perceived health risk and customer

perception of online retail ethics on consumer online shopping behavior was studied

using seven variables: perceived health risk, security, privacy, non-deception,

reliability fulfillment, service recovery, and online shopping behavior. Meanwhile,

non-deception was discovered to have a negligible effect. The coefficient value

revealed that perceived health risk was more prominent in influencing online

shopping behavior than online retail ethics variables. As an outcome, consumers are

more concerned about their health when shopping online. Positive consumer

perceptions of online retail websites' behavior in providing services, on the other hand,

may encourage consumers to shop online during this pandemic. (Fihartini, Yuniarti

and Helmi, R. Arief and Hassan, Meydia and Oesman, Yevis Marty, 2021)

Conceptual Framework

The literature and the study will involve a comprehensive review of existing

literature on the different perception of Business Owners, Sellers and Costumers on

online selling/shopping and in-person selling/shopping, and the effective strategies for

handling online customer reactions, as well as an analysis of real-life examples and

case studies of businesses that have successfully managed their online customer

reactions. Additionally, we plan to conduct surveys and interviews with both

businesses and customers to gain insights into their experiences and expectations

when it comes to online customer reactions. Furthermore, we plan to conduct surveys

and interviews with customers, social media managers of various businesses, and

experts in the field to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and insights.

The findings of this study will be used to develop a step-by-step procedure that

businesses can follow when handling online customer reactions. This procedure will

aim to provide clear guidelines for acknowledging, addressing, and resolving

customer complaints or negative feedback online while maintaining professionalism

and protecting the reputation of the business. Overall, the results of this study will

serve as a valuable resource for businesses looking to improve their online reputation

management and customer service practices in today's digital age.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables


 Age
 Sex
 Seller Status
 Market Size


 Perceived simplicity SELLING IMPACT

 risk perception
 perceived utility  Create an Experience
 impact of website design - Entertaining people
 economic aspect - Selling
 Occupation - Promoting a product
 product accessibility  Value Impact
 customer happiness  Be Present in the Moment
 Differentiate


 Prospecting and Evaluating

 Approaching the Customer


 Entertaining Customers
 Market selling
 increases your reach
 boost social credibility
 ultimately reach their sales

Figure 2. A schematic diagram showing the factors affecting the outlook impact of the
Valencia city among how they differentiate the techniques of selling in
person/online selling.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and procedures employed in the study

which include the research design, locale of the study, participants of the study,

variables, measures and scoring of instruments, data gathering procedure, the

corresponding statistical techniques were used to attain the objectives of the study.

Research Design

The research employed the approach of Narrative Inquiry, where interviews

were conducted and systematically arranged in chronological order. Narrative Inquiry

is an academic approach that entails documenting the experiences of individuals or

small groups to unveil their unique perspectives and lived experiences. It involves a

thorough examination of personal narratives, with a focus on gaining insights into the

complexities of individual stories and how they relate to larger social issues. This

method allows researchers to gain in-depth knowledge about specific populations and

develop a deeper understanding of their diverse needs, concerns, and challenges.

Our study enabled us to delve deeper into the perspectives of business owners,

sellers, and customers with regard to their preferred mode of selling. Through

conducting interviews with respondents, we were able to investigate in detail what

factors influenced their choice between online or in-person selling methods.We

explored various aspects such as convenience, ease of use, accessibility, customer

interaction, and overall experience which may impact an individual's decision on

whether they choose to buy/sell through digital channels or traditional stores. We also

analyzed how different demographics (age groups/ geographical locations) influence

these preferences.

Overall our research provided valuable insights into consumer behavior trends

and shed light on potential areas where businesses can improve their approach

towards marketing/selling strategies based on evolving market dynamics.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted on Valencia City Bukidnon on plaza Rizal,

barangay Vintar and Poblacion P-16 Flores. Valencia City means the City of Golden

harvest and the 2nd class component City in the province of Bukidnon, Philippines.

Valencia City is known for its vibrant culture and rich heritage, as well as for its

agricultural productivity.

It is the most populous among all cities and municipalities, and the 6th largest

in terms of area, in the whole province of Bukidnon. As such, Valencia City serves as

a significant economic and cultural hub for the region. Valencia City, Bukidnon is

improving in terms of business that some already expand to online selling, reflecting

the increasing significance of e-commerce as a means for businesses to reach a wider

customer base and remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study is composed of citizens within the city of

Valencia City, Bukidnon. One of the processes to keep this study successful. All of

the participant are composed of Business Owners, sellers and customers who

sell/purchase online or in-person, were selected to availability sampling.

The chosen participants are containing 30 (thirty) respondents, who consists of

10 Business Owners, 10 Sellers and 10 Customers who sell/purchase both from online

and in-person from Valencia City, Bukidnon.

Sampling Procedure

The researchers employed an availability sampling technique to ensure a

comprehensive representation of the target population, which consisted of Business

Owners, Sellers and Customers within the city of Valencia City, Bukidnon.

To execute the sampling process, the researchers selected participants who is

available and willing to participate at the moment, ensuring that the sample size was

at least 30 respondents of the total population of the schedule.

Data Gathering Procedure

The subsequent steps outline the procedure followed to collect the

necessary data for the study:

1.) Prior to the commencement of data gathering process, the researchers first

obtained all the necessary permissions and informed consent from the relevant parties,

including the Business Owners, Sellers and the Customers. And researchers made

sure that confidentiality was guaranteed throughout the process.

2.) Using Availability sampling, a representative sample size of respondents

was chosen for the survey. It was administered during their free time with permission

from them. To avoid any confusion or delay in answering

questions, participants had clear instructions on how to respond independently;

however, researchers remained available in case help is needed

3.) To minimize the risk of losing questionnaires and ensure a high return

percentage, the researchers collected completed surveys on the same day they were

distributed. This is especially critical for obtaining a representative sample that can

increase data reliability and validity. This approach was crucial in obtaining a

representative sample for our study while reducing potential biases due to non-

response or delayed response bias that may affect generalization of findings.

4.) After completing the survey process, all collected data was entered into

statistical software to facilitate analysis. Before conducting further research

procedures, rigorous checks were done for completeness, consistency and accuracy

measures to avoid errors that can impact overall results interpretation negatively.


The questionnaire survey was used as the main data-gathering

instrument. The instrument to be prepared focused on answering the

statement of the problem; The perception of Business Owners, Sellers and

Customers towards the modes of selling in Valencia City, Bukidnon. Thirty (30)

copies of the questionnaire distributed will be successfully completed and

returned. Thus their corresponding answer to the question are kept in

accordance with the agreement of the respondents and the researchers. The

questionnaire consists of but not limited to 10 items. It will be given to the

chosen respondents of within the said city..


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