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Disusun oleh:

Nama :Yudha prawira

Nim : 2260162



Lubuk Pakam, 20 September 2023

Mengetahui Disetujui Oleh

Ketua Prodi Clinical Educator
Program Profesi Fisioterapi

Ftr. Siti Sarah Bintang, S.Tr.Ft, M.Biomed

Judul mini seminar : ankle sprain
Pembicara : M. Luthfi Alamsyah, S.Kes.FT, SKM,MMRS
Tanggal : 19 September 2023
Tempat : Ruang zoom
NAMA MAHASISWA : Yudha prawira
NIM : 2260162
LAHAN PRAKTIK : Praktik Fisioterapi Gang Sehat
N Tanggal Judul seminar Resume Paraf Paraf
o Pembicara pembimbin
1 Ankle sprain or sprained ankle is a musculoskeletal injury that most often occurs in
the lower extremities. This condition is caused by an imbalance in inversion and
flexion movements in the ankle when planting the foot. Lateral ankle sprain is the
19/9/2023 most common type. Situated injuries on the lateral aspect of the ankleand includes
SPRAIN ANKLE anterior talofibular, talofibular posterior, and calcaneofibular
Risk factors for ankle sprains can be intrinsic factors, for example lack of physical
exercise or proprioception. Risk factors can also be extrinsic, such as obesity and
participating in sports that carry a risk of injury, such as basketball, running,
volleyball and soccer.
An MRI study showed that 75% of patients with inversion injuries of the ankle have
an isolated anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) injury, 41% have injured both the
ATFL and calcaneofibular (CFL) ligament and only 5% had damaged the posterior
talofibular ligament (PTFL).
a. Global
• Ankle sprain is a type of lower extremity injury that is most often found in
physically active individuals. Globally, the prevalence of chronic ankle
instability is 25%, and as many as 46% of cases have a previous history of
ankle sprain.
• Based on data from the United States and England, the incidence of ankle
sprains is estimated at 2 million cases per year. However, this figure may be
lower than the actual number, because many ankle sprain patients do not
seek medical help.
• About 40% of ankle sprains occur during exercise. The types of sports that
most often cause ankle sprains include basketball, American football and
soccer. The prevalence of ankle sprains is higher in women, children and
athletes who compete on indoor and outdoor fields. Based on age, the age
group under 24 years is found to be more frequently affected by ankle
b. Indonesia
• The epidemiology of ankle sprains in Indonesia is not yet available.
However, based on Indonesian basic health research (riskesdas) data in
2018, the proportion of sprains nationally was 32.8%, and 68% of injury
cases occurred in the lower extremities.
c. Mortalis
• Ankle sprains are generally not fatal. However, ankle sprains often recur.
Approximately 40% of patients affected by lateral ankle sprains will
experience persistent symptoms, repeated injuries, and chronic lateral ankle
instability. Repeated injuries can result in patients experiencing early onset
osteoarthritis and traumatic osteoporosis
• In general, ankle sprains that occur as a single injury and receive adequate
treatment have a good prognosis. Around 36–85% of ankle sprain patients
experience complete recovery within 2 weeks to 36 months. The average
healing is achieved in 6 weeks. Comorbidities in patients, for example
diabetes mellitus or arthritis, can worsen the prognosis.
• Patient compliance with rehabilitation also influences the prognosis.
Patients who do not complete rehabilitation are at risk of experiencing
chronic ankle instability. This is because the injured ligament can weaken
again, putting the patient at risk of experiencing another injury.
• Ankle sprain recurrence can occur in approximately 25–40% of patients.
After 1 year, the risk of recurrence will decrease to the same as when the
initial injury had not occurred. Recurrent ankle sprains can put patients at
risk for early-onset osteoarthritis and traumatic osteoporosis
The pathophysiology of ankle sprain is the occurrence of injury to the ankle due to
adduction of the front foot, inversion of the back foot, or external rotation of the tibia
when the ankle is in a plantar flexed position.
Ankle Joint Anatomy
The ankle is a joint that combines the tibia, fibula and talus. To maintain joint
stability, there are 3 ligament systems, namely the lateral ligament complex, medial
deltoid ligament, and syndesmotic ligament. Injury to the lateral ligament complex
is the most common type of ankle sprain.

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