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Criteria Poor (3) Satisfactory (6) Excellent (10)

The proposal has interesting and The proposal has specific, The proposal has specific,
appropriate content but lack of appropriate, attainable, but appropriate, attainable, interesting
specifics and measurability that somehow not interesting and only and reliable contents necessary
Content may lead to confusion. few parts are reliable contents for for the actual implementation.
the implementation.
The organizers indicated their The organizers satisfactorily The organizers excellently stated
ideas but most of all are indicated some of necessary all the necessary things for the
questionable and confusing only things but some ideas are implementation resulting to
Organization of Ideas few are specific. questionable and confusing. excellent reliability of the plan.
The mechanics are stated but The mechanics are stated The mechanics are stated clearly
totally confusing, almost all the somehow clear but not concise, and concise, reliable for the
items are unreliable for the reliable for the implementation implementation and no possible
Mechanics implementation and there are loop but there are items that are loop holes.
holes. questionable.
The student submitted their output The student submitted their output The proposal submitted their
Promptness after 3 days of the deadline. on the day of the deadline(+2) output 2 days before the deadline.

Criteria (Exemplary) (Very Satisfactory) (Satisfactory) (Needs Improvement)
All of the organizers are Most of the organizers are Most of the organizers are Only few of the organizers
performing their tasks performing their tasks performing their tasks are visibly working, most are
according to their respective according to their respective according to their respective passive and not performing
Team Work committees; helping each committees; few of them are committees only, there no what is expected from them.
other in to maintain not actually helping others in initiatives to help other
orderliness of the maintaining orderliness committees in times of
implementation. conflict.
The organizers presented The organizers presented The organizers presented The organizers presented
their event using unusual using some few common using some unusual and using few activities but most
activities that maintains the and most unusual activities common activities for the of all are common for the
Creativity participants’ interests from appropriate for the theme but appropriate for theme but theme and leads the
start to end. only few are seems to be some participants are participants bored.
bored. obviously bored.
The presentation clearly There are strategies used and There are strategies used There are strategies used but
showcase strategies that there are only few errors on with consistency but some lack of consistency and
maintains the overall control implementation but are not efficient for the some are not efficient for the
Strategies of the event. considerably efficient to overall control of their event. overall control of their event.
control the event.
The organizers didn’t There are few queries The organizers’ were able to The organizers’ were
experience a decision encountered; the organizers answer queries though some questioned on some details
making instances because all were able to answer them are not on the guidelines but which are not supported with
queries are answerable by with few decisions came up they were able to make an guidelines; came up with
Decision Making their guidelines and all the that are not supported with intellectual and fair decision firm decision but somehow
mechanics are well the established guidelines. which the participants unfair and considered as
explained. accepted. unintellectual decision.
All the members of the Almost all the members of Some of the members only Only few members of the
organizing committees has the organizing committees of the organizing committees organizers has the mastery
the mastery of the event has the mastery of the event has the mastery of the event of the details, most of them
Mastery procedure and all the details procedure and all the details procedure and all the details are confused on some details
of their event. of their event. of their event. about their event.

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