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:Has patient received

?Continuous salbutamol nebulised •

?Ipratropium bromide nebulised •

?Hydrocortisone IV •

Is patient still not improving/worsening and

?meets severe/life-threatening criteria


Aged 1 month–2 yr: 5 microgram/kg •

Aged 2–18 yr: 15 microgram/kg (max 250 •


Using 500 microgram/mL injection preparation, dilute

to aconcentration of 50 microgram/mL with sodium

chloride 0.9%(e.g. withdraw 250 microgram = 0.5 mL

and make up to a totalvolume of 5 mL using sodium

chloride 0.9% = 250 microgram in5 mL). Calculate

dose per kg as above and administer as a slowbolus

over 5 min


Record heart rate and respiratory rate every 10 •


Continuous SpO2 and CO2 monitoring •

ECG monitoring •

Baseline U&E (capillary blood gas for potassium) •

Infuse at 60–300 microgram/kg/hr

0.3–1.5 =)use 50 kg as max weight(

/mL/kg/hr when using 200 microgram

(mL solution



mum 75 m

microgra 2

min in PICU

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