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2023 Newsletter: Bringing Hope & Joy

Throughout a Challenging Year In Haiti

Life in Haiti has been particularly hard this year due to continued political
unrest. Most missionaries have left the country for safety reasons, leaving
many of the Haitian people abandoned. However, we know that we are still
called to help where we can and continue our mission of improving life,
opportunity, vision, and education in Haiti. We are grateful that we were able
to open school normally in September as scheduled. After several nighttime
break-ins in 2022, we increased the safety of our school this year by building
higher walls, enforcing our front gate, and hiring 24-hour security this year.
While this was an increased cost in our monthly budget, we knew this was
necessary to keep our students, staff, materials, and food safe. Because of the Despite the unrest in Haiti, our school
is thriving, and our students are learning
unrest, food cost and transportation cost of materials has also increased. every day, thanks to your donations!
Thankfully, with the partnership of our Canadian sister organization,
Haiti in My Heart, we are still able to provide fair wage monthly salaries for
staff, uniforms, books, and daily lunch for our students, and special
celebrations for our kids to enjoy.

2023 Highlights
• Our 9th grade students took the government exam in July with a 90% pass
rate!! This is a major accomplishment for our students and staff!

• School updates and new purchases this year included new cabinets for the
classrooms, a new speaker, and new printer. We also built our exterior
walls higher and improved our gate for security. The new walls include a
beautiful new mural dedicated to the school’s founder, Maxime.

• Special celebrations we funded this year included kindergarten graduation,

an end of school year beach party, Haitian history day, several training
days for staff, and our annual Christmas party.

• In May, we purchased 14 giant bags of rice and 6 gallons of oil for the
impoverished mountain community of Rosseau. We also sent $3,000 this
year for purchasing hygiene and food items for the prisoners in St. Marc.

Students enjoyed a wonderful Christmas party with dancing, singing, and huge meal!

THANK YOU for your continued support!

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