Cesc 9

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Subject: Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: Identify opportunities to contribute to community development

through solidarity

Learning across curriculum:

1) Subject: Science

Topic: Environmental Conservation

Connection: Understanding the importance of environmental conservation in the

community promotes solidarity. By actively participating in environmental initiatives
such as tree planting or waste management projects, students can contribute to the
overall development and sustainability of their community.
2) Subject: Economics

Topic: Social Entrepreneurship

Connection: Social entrepreneurship involves creating businesses that address

social issues and contribute to community development. By learning about social
entrepreneurship, students can identify opportunities to start their own ventures or
support existing ones that promote solidarity and improve the lives of community
3) Subject: History

Topic: Social Movements and Activism

Connection: Studying social movements and activism in history helps students

understand the power of action and solidarity. By examining past movements,
students can learn from the strategies and tactics used to bring about social change
and apply them to present-day community development efforts.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, buzzers or response cards

1) Idea - Conduct a quiz on community development initiatives and the impact they
have had on society. Students can answer the questions using buzzers or response
cards, adding an element of competition and engagement to the activity.
2) Idea - Organize a role-playing activity where students take on the roles of different
community members and discuss the they face. This will help students understand
the importance of solidarity in addressing community issues.

Activity 1: Community Mapping

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Maps, markers, sticky notes

Significance: This activity allows students to identify existing community resources

and potential areas for development. It encourages collaboration and critical thinking.

Instructions: In groups, students will create a map of their community, marking

important resources, such as schools, hospitals, and parks. They will also identify
areas that require improvement or development. Each group will their findings and
propose ways to address the identified issues.

- Accuracy of map and identification of resources - 10 pts
- Creativity in proposing solutions - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the benefits of community mapping in identifying areas for
2) How does this activity promote solidarity among community members?
3) What role can students play in implementing the proposed solutions?

Activity 2: Community Service Project Proposal

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Proposal template, research materials

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to
develop a community project that addresses a specific need.

Instructions: Individually or in groups, students will research a community issue and

develop a project proposal that outlines the objectives, activities, and expected
impact of their project. They will present their proposals to the class and receive

- Clarity and coherence of proposal - 10 pts
- Feasibility and of project - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How does this activity encourage students to take an active role in community
2) What skills and knowledge do students need develop an effective project
3) How does the feedback from peers contribute to the overall quality of the

Activity 3: Community Dialogue

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Materials: Discussion prompts, whiteboard or projector

Significance: This activity promotes open communication and understanding among
students, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy.

Instructions: Students will participate in a guided discussion about issues and

potential solutions. They will share their perspectives, listen to others, and work
towards consensus on the most viable solutions. The teacher will facilitate the
discussion and guide the students towards productive dialogue.

- Active participation and engagement - 10 pts
- Ability to listen and respect diverse opinions - 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How does this activity encourage students to consider different viewpoints and
find common ground?
2) What skills are necessary for effective dialogue and collaboration in community
3) How can the ideas generated in this discussion be translated into concrete actions
for community development?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture

Example 1: The teacher can deliver a lecture on the importance of solidarity in

community development, highlighting real-life examples and stories. The lecture can
include interactive elements such as group discussions or case studies to encourage
student participation and deeper understanding.

Example 2: The teacher can invite a guest speaker who has experience in
community development to share their insights and experiences. The guest speaker
can discuss the challenges and opportunities in contributing to community
development through solidarity, providing practical advice and inspiration for the

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Community Volunteer Experience

Task 2: Social Media Campaign for Community Development

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios, response sheets

Question 1: Analyze a case study of a successful community development project

that was achieved through solidarity. Identify the key factors that contributed to its
Question 2: Describe a situation where solidarity played a crucial role in addressing
a community issue. How did the collective action contribute to the resolution of the

Question 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of a community development initiative that

lacked solidarity. were the consequences of the lack of collaboration and collective

Assignment 1: Reflection Essay

Assignment Overview: Write a reflective essay on your personal experiences with

community engagement and solidarity. Discuss how these experiences have shaped
your understanding of community development and your role in contributing to it.

Actual Assessment Question: Describe a specific instance where you actively

participated in a community development project or initiative. Reflect on the impact of
your contribution and how it fostered solidarity within the community.

Assignment 2: Community Action Plan

Assignment Overview: Develop a comprehensive community action plan that

addresses a specific issue in your local community. Include objectives, strategies,
and expected outcomes. Present your plan a visually appealing format.

Actual Assessment Question: Identify a community issue that requires immediate

attention. Propose a community action plan that utilizes the principles of solidarity
and collective effort. Explain how your plan addresses the issue and promotes
community development.

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