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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The first chart below shows the percentages of women and men in a country involved in some kinds of home tasks
(cooking, cleaning, pet caring and repairing the house. The second chart shows the amount of time each gender
spent on each task per day.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

The first given diagram illustrates the data about females and males who implicated in different
household chores, including food preparation, cleansing house, and taking care of pets. The second graph
displays the information about moderate time spending on every activity per a day.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that the vast majority of people despite gender prefer to prepare food and
minority favours to do renovation, while both genders spend more time to it than for repairing the house.

Moving to a more detailed analysis, the portion of females who choose cooking is about 80%, and it is
higher than males who involved in this about 60%. However, the number of men who are interested in
house repairing is greater than women 20% and 10%. In addition, the percentage of masculine and
feminine is the same in option of pet caring 20%.

Furthermore, people from both sex are occupied by preparing meal, the women 85 minutes and the men
60 minutes. The proportion of time wasting to cleaning by feminine is superior 70 minutes, than
masculine gender 45 minutes. Finally, only few minutes are spent to renovation by women than men who
spend 20 minutes every day for it.

200 words

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people
should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
You should write at least 250 words.

There is no denying that sport is beneficial for human's health. Whether extreme
sports must be allowed or not is a controversial issue among people. The following
paragraphs will discuss these beliefs and explain why I suppose that human beings
can rightfully choose everything they prefer.
To begin with, many people opine that dangerous sports have to be restricted,
which leads to reduce the number of death or injuries. Moreover, they believe that
the authorities should prohibit or at least merely enhance laws. As an evidence,
research has found that annually thousands of humans, especially teenagers are
passed away doing skating, free diving, mountain biking and others. Eventually,
some high-risk sports might be in the control of the state.
However, others claim that people are independent in their choice whether do any
sports or not. It goes without saying that liberty is significant right of the human
being, which makes humans assort different types of activities for a hobby or to
earn money. Some individuals choose high-risk sports as a career, as it is extremely
profitable one. For instance, if the risky sports were totally limited, professional
trainers or sportsmen could lose their job or money for living expenses. To put it
simply, the right of choice has to always remain with a person when it comes to his
My own view on the matter is that everything must be done wisely. Before going
to risky sport, people need to be trained or taught by special professional
educational centers or coaches. Subsequently, less severe injuries and accidents
would take place.
Taking everything into consideration about the prohibition of action sports or
giving responsibilities for choice to people, I believe that as we live in free time
everyone has liberty for themselves.
292 words

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