Cesc 7

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Subject: Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: Recognize the value of undertaking community action modalities

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Language Arts - Analyze the impact of community engagement in
literature and how it promotes solidarity and citizenship. Students can explore texts
such as "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee or "The Grapes of Wrath" by John
Steinbeck and discuss the themes of social justice, empathy, and community
2) Social Sciences - Examine historical events where community action played a
significant role in promoting solidarity and citizenship. Students can study the Civil
Rights Movement in the United States or the People Power Revolution in the
Philippines and analyze the strategies used, the impact on society, and the value of
collective action.
3) Science - Investigate environmental issues and the importance of community
engagement in addressing them. Students can research topics like climate change,
pollution, or deforestation and explore how community involvement in conservation
efforts, sustainable practices, and advocacy can make a difference.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Scenario cards, props

1) Idea - Divide students into groups and assign them different scenarios related to
community engagement. Each group will act out the scenario, showcasing the value
of community action and its impact on solidarity and citizenship.
2) Idea - Conduct a debate on the importance of community engagement in
promoting solidarity and citizenship. Divide the class into two teams and assign them
different perspectives. Encourage students to use evidence and persuasive
arguments to support their stance.

Activity 1: Community Action Project

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Research materials, presentation tools

Significance: Students will plan and execute a community action project that
addresses a specific issue in their local community. This activity will allow them to
apply their learning and recognize the value of taking action to create positive

Instructions: In groups, students will identify a community issue they are passionate
about and develop a project proposal. They will conduct research, create an action
plan, and present their proposal to the class. Rubric - Criteria
Assessment Questions:
1) What community issue did your group choose to address and why?
2) How did your group plan to engage the community in your project?
3) Reflecting on the process, what did you learn about the value of community

Activity 2: Case Study Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Materials: Case studies related to community engagement

Significance: Students will analyze real-life case studies of community engagement

initiatives and reflect on their effectiveness in promoting solidarity and citizenship.

Instructions: Provide students with different case studies of community

engagement initiatives. In pairs or small groups, they will read and analyze the case
studies, discussing the strategies used, the impact on the community, and the
lessons learned. Rubric - Criteria

Assessment Questions:
1) What were the key strategies used in the community engagement initiative
discussed in case study?
2) How did the initiative promote solidarity and citizenship within the community?
3) What lessons can be learned from this case study about the value of undertaking
community action modalities?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
1) The teacher will deliver a lecture on the importance of community engagement in
promoting solidarity and citizenship, providing examples and real-life stories.
2) The teacher will facilitate a class discussion, encouraging students to share their
thoughts, ask questions, and make connections to their own experiences.

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Volunteer Experience

Students will volunteer for a community organization or participate in a community
service project. They will reflect on their experience, identifying how their actions
contributed to solidarity and citizenship and recognize the value of their involvement.

Task 2: Community Action Plan

Students will work individually or in small groups to create a community action plan.
They will identify an issue in their community, research strategies to address it, and
develop a comprehensive plan that promotes solidarity and citizenship.

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment rubrics

Question 1: How does community engagement contribute to the development of

solidarity and citizenship?

Question 2: Reflecting on your community action project, what were the challenges
you faced and how did you overcome them?

Question 3: How can individuals and communities sustain their engagement in

community action modalities?

1) Write a reflective essay on your volunteer experience, discussing how it
contributed to your understanding of community engagement, solidarity, and
2) Create a multimedia presentation showcasing your community action plan,
highlighting the strategies you proposed and how they promote solidarity and

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