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Review essay

Perestroika and its impact

on the Soviet labor market
Two books assess, respectively, the success
ofperestroika and the Soviet transition
to a market-based economy; much remains
to be done, and certain detrimental effects
of the transition must be alleviated or avoided

Horst Brand he breakup of the Soviet Union, spurred luring and reform are discussed in detail in In
in pan by the failure of its economic Search ofFlexibility, a collection of papers pub­
system, is a world-shaking event, unfore­ lished by the International Labour Office and
seen by most and pregnant with unforeseeable reviewed in the second part of this essay . 1
consequences. It is widely being argued that a
market economy will in time evolve in the Soviet Historical background
Union, but enormous obstacles remain in the Over the past half-century, economists have
path of such an evolution; and it is far from devoted much thought and research to the sources
assured whether and how they will be overcome. of economic growth; economic failure on the
In Restructuring the Soviet Economy, Nicolas scale and at the rate experienced in the Soviet
Spulber analyzes the salient issues posed by the Union has not come within their (or anyone
Soviet leadership's attempts to deal with them.' else's) purview. There is no modern precedent
In doing so, Spulberexamines the factors behind that might serve as a model to help us understand
the inability of Soviet economic institutions to this failure. However, the Soviet economy was
narrow the productivity gap between Soviet and originally itself modeled by what its chief theo­
Western industries and to ensure adequate living reticians-Lenin, Bukharin� and Preobra­
standards for the Soviet people. zhensky--conceived as monopoly capitalism,
These same factors have inhibited the devel­ the bearer of advanced technology and produc­
opment ofa work force trained and skilled in up­ tion methods typified by a large-scale and hier­
to-date production methods in industry and agri­ archically structured work force. While Spulber
Horst Brand is an culture and in the efficient delivery of com,umer does not address this aspect of the Soviet
economist formerly in the services. Occupational and geographic mobility economy's origins, he opens many chapters of
Division of Industry
Productivity Studies, have been retarded, and large-scale unemploy­ his book with brief presentations of the thinking
Bureau of Labor ment threatened, The problems faced by the of Marx and Engels. Such thinking, whatever
Statistics. Soviet labor force under the pressures of restruc- the intentions of Marx or Engels, became part of

38 Monthly labor Review December 1991

the Soviet economic dogma that powerfully in­ movements to defend the rights of workers, but
fluenced the course of the Soviet economy. also enforcing the center's dictates.
It is noteworthy that Eduard Bernstein, a With Stalin's death in I 953, police terror was
German social democrat and intellectual, had gradually abandoned, not least because it had
already provided overwhelming evidence in the often threatened or made insecure those holding
1890's of the continued growth and viability of even the highest offices. The ensuing "thaw"
small and medium-sized businesses and of the made it possible to vent divergent views, if
essential role these businesses played in the cautiously, but the result was the slow discredit­
economy, thus disproving a fundamental tenet ing of the party's moral authority. Contributing
of Marx' economics. The Bolsheviks scornfully to this decline in credibility was the corruption
rejected Bernstein's evidence as part of an unac­ of high Soviet officials, particularly under
ceptable "revisionist" tendency, and this only Brezhnev. Whether the Stalinist model of eco­
stiffened their dogmatism. nomic growth could prevail in conditions of
Spulber lists four noteworthy institutional moral and ideological disintegration, let alone
features of the Soviet economic system, all of the absence of terror, was a question; the answer,
which derive either from the Bolsheviks' early at least since 1985, has been negative.
conception of monopoly capitalism or from what However, the monopolistic structure of the
they construed to have been Marx' theory: (1) Soviet economy continued deep into the 1980' s
The economy is--0r was until the mid-1980' s­ (and by and large remains in place). True enough,
directed by the Communist Party of the Soviet economies other than that of the Soviet Union
!.inion; (2} its "commanding heights" are nation­ have known monopolies and bureaucracies; but
alized; (3} it is managed by a centralized appara­ these have not been able permanently to repress
tus; and (4) production ofthe means of production competing forces that came to dilute or even end
has primacy over production of consumer goods. their power. The Soviet bureaucracy exerted its
The policy of perestroika, initiated by Mikhail monopolistic hold on the economy. not only by
Gorbachev in 1985, subjected all four of these destroying privately owned smaller enterprises
features to attempts at drastic reform. The but. more importantly perhaps, by controlling
achievements of perestroika remain highly am­ the distribution of all materials, fuel, and fin­
biguous, and Spulber virtually dismisses them, ished goods, as well as the allocation of invest­
with the exception that the Communist Party's ment funds. It exercised such control by the strict
directive powers were sharply curtailed and (if not always effective) verticality of command
shifted to agencies of the State. (More recent structures and the repression of horizontal ties
events, such as the apparent dissolution of the among individual enterprises, common in all
party, are not covered in the book.) other industrial countries.
The near absence of licit horizontal ties-of
networks of smaller and larger firms, major
Economic growth and decline sources of innovation in all advanced coun­
How were the features that Spulber lists linked tries-retarded both productivity and the updat­
with the erstwhile expansion and subsequent ing of technology in the Soviet Union. 3 However,
stagnation and decline of the Soviet economy? factors internal to the management of the
Spulber addresses the question tangentially, con­ economy were no less decisive in stymieing
cerned as he is primarily with the manifestations economic development in the country.
of the economy's inability to grow, the policies One such factor was that production targets
that lay at the root of this inability. and the were imposed upon enterprises by industrial
changes intended to reinvigorate it. ministries and other tutelary agencies. These
Notwithstanding recurrent reform efforts since targets derived from detailed plans made in
the 1950's, the Stalinist model of growth, incor­ accordance with decisions at the highest levels
porating the four features listed, prevailed in the of the party and the state-targets and plans
Soviet Union. Roughly speaking, Stalinism' s based on quantities of materials and other inputs,
success in industrializing and urbanizing the as well as assigned outputs. These variables,
Soviet Union can be traced to three institutions: representing physical (or material) balances, were
(]) the political dictatorship of the Communist of necessity quantitative; allowances for quality
Party. whose moral authority resided in its ideol­ were made also, but these, too, involved quanti­
ogy of social progress to be shared, in time, by all tative magnitudes. The management of an enter­
working people; (2) rigid centralization of all prise, and often the work force in its employ, had
economic (and, of course, political) decisions, powerful incentives to reach output targets, be­
implemented by an obedient but privileged bu­ cause bonuses and other privileges, and some­
reaucracy; and (3} police terror, aimed at de­ times even jobs, were at stake. But it bad little
stroying in the bud all opposition, especially incentive to improve production processes or

Monthly Labor Review December 1991 39

Perestroika and the Soviet Labor Market

save on materials and equipment. Improvements increase in real costs as machinery and equip­
posed two dilemmas: the risk that they would ment ages and 'decays' .... [T]he equipment
slow production and thus hinder the attainment yields less output, and, moreover, it absorbs
of targets; and the likelihood that the tutelary more inputs of materials, labor, maintenance,
authorities would incorporate the added output and renewal costs." 7
made possible by improvements into the next
year's target, without gain to the originating
enterprise.These possible consequences of in­ Glasnost and perestroika
novation were eschewed by avoiding the deci­ Spulber details the reform efforts initiated by
sion to make them. Gorbachev against the background of the Soviet
Another factor retarding the modernization economy's decline and repeatedly voices skep­
of the Soviet economy was the doctrine of the ticism in regard to their success. Like some other
primacy of production of the means of produc­ scholars, he evidently views these efforts as
tion, a dogma upheld by Communist Party con­ repeating earlier, albeit less far-reaching attempts
gresses and promoted in economics textbooks at reform that came to naught because they failed
into the mid-1980's . This dogma derived from a to come to grips with the problem of pricing and
flawed view of the history of industrialization in allocating capital by a central authority. Nor did
the West and the urge to catch up with and they deal with the more pervasive problems,
overtake the United States economically. The resistant to any short-term solution, of a "well
doctrine led to extensive investment in equip­ entrenched and obdurate bureaucracy, a class of
ment and structures, especially in manufactur­ managers raised . .. in the spirit of submission to
ing, where the emphasis was on old-line industries plan instructions, a disgruntled and alienated
such as fuel and power, metallurgy, building workforce, and a ... distrustful rural population."'
materials, and nonpetrochemicals. Renovation Spulber views glasnost as a salutary develop­
was neglected, and overaged plants abounded. ment but notes that, besides engendering a wide
The constant pressure to invest gave rise to diversity of opinions, it brought profound po­
enormous bottlenecks and to delays so long that larities of interests and ideologies to the fore.
they caused new plants to become obsolete even Hence, in combination with perestroika, it weak­
before they became operative. In addition, "much ened whatever real and moral authority the cen­
of the Soviet equipment [ was] shoddy and obso­ ter was left with. Because of glasnost, not only
lete when new ," 4 as well as being below world was the decline in the economy not reversed; it
standards. Investment in manufacturing was also eventually turned into a crisis. Spulber' s work
highly skewed, such that nine-tenths of it went to ends before that crisis began-before industrial
the production of means of production, and only production sagged, inflation soared, shortages
the small remainder was earmarked for light, of consumer goods became more acute, deliver­
consumer-oriented industries. Manufacturing as ies of industrial and food supplies were dis­
a whole absorbed well over one-third of total rupted, and, insofar as they were available, these
investment funds between 1956 and 1985 (in items could be exchanged only in barter or against
contrast to one-eighth in the United States), hard currency.
while the investment share of residential hous­ Just what did perestroika entail? Spulber out­
ing declined from about one-fourth to one-fifth lines four "constitutive" principles: the disen­
of total investment. (The residential housing gagement of the Communist Party from the
share of gross private domestic investment in the state; the reduction of the scope of socialized
United States has been roughly one-third of total production, by encouraging the commercializa­
investment.)' Despite the high level of invest­ tion of some goods and services; the setting of
ment in production of the means of production, production nonns, based on income flows in
the degree of mechanization of ordinary physi­ terms of value, for enterprises (in place of physi­
cal tasks, a key factor in industry productivity, cal-quantity output targets); and the reappraisal
has been and still is low in the Soviet Union. of the primacy of capital production. Only the
"The centrally determined program of capital first of these, as noted earlier, has succeeded.
construction still constitutes the core of Soviet In its licitfonns, commercialization has made
planning," writes Spulber.6 The indicators of little progress. Capital is scarce, if available at
capital investment and of its effectiveness in all. Cooperatives have grown rapidly but have
terms of capital-output ratios bear dramatic wit­ little access to advanced technologies. They are
ness to the Soviet economy's decline. Those highly taxed, must deal with bureaucratic chica­
ratios have been rising steadily, and, in conjunc­ nery, and often represent merely secondary places
tion with cognate data presented by Spulber, of employment for their members. Ownership of
"one cannot but conclude that the deteriorating farm land is not available outright; it is offered as
Soviet performance necessarily results from an leaseholds to interested parties. The agricultural

40 Monthly Labor Review December 1991

infrastructure, including farm-to-market roads, industrialism generates. Elsewhere, such infor­
storage and refrigeration facilities, and credit, mation is transmitted by numerous overlapping
remains profoundly deficient, further inhibiting networks of smaller and larger firms, public
interest in this feature of perestroika. agencies, news organs, and other institutions;
The shift to values in setting output norms for the "market" then may or may not validate the
enterprises is still predicated on physical bal­ judgment of the originators of the information.
ances calculated, with certain modifications, by The pressure of Soviet tutelary agencies on en­
the central authorities (although these outputs terprises to fulfill the plans set forth by the
are no longer imposed on the enterprise by the agencies also impairs the economy's efficiency:
authorities). But the system of physical balances the enterprises seek to avoid shortages by hoard­
cannot possibly capture the complexity-the ing supplies and by various ways of irrational
stochastic nature-of the innumerable input­ vertical integration, such as building their own
output linkages in a modern economy. The coef­ machinery, which could be done much better
ficients used to allow for these complexities and more efficient! y by firms specializing in the
cannot remotely embrace the information they task. Enormous duplication in capital invest­
supposedly represent. Thus, the system remains ment results, which elsewhere would be eliminat­
a major barrier to efficient allocation and cannot ed by a more rational and refined social division of
prevent shortages, surpluses, or the many other labor and the cost-price relations it embodies.
ills of the Soviet economy. Yet it remains, or What conditions are required, Spulber asks,
until recently, remained, the basis of directive to convert the Soviet economy into one directed
planning: "Gorbachev ... has tried to keep the by the market? In answer, he lists four such
privilege of mapping the economy's evolving conditions. First, ownership rights must be es­
goals, priorities, structural proportions, and tablished. It must be legally permissible for all
technological choices,"• even as he reduced the but the most plentiful resources to be owned,
center's scope of interfering in the routine op­ owners must lawfully be allowed to exclude
erations of enterprises. The center still imposes, anyone from using given resources, such re­
or until recently, imposed, the constraints within sources must be freely exchangeable, and they
which the enterprise must function. The effec­ must be denationalized. Second, business and
tive retention of the physical balance system, industry must be reorganized so as to be free of
then, means that in this respect as well, peres­ all bureaucratic and government supervision and
troika failed at fundamental reform. must freely serve their customers. Third, enter­
Finally, as for the reappraisal of the primacy prises must be free to hire and fire labor, bank­
of capital investment, although larger-than-usual ruptcies must be freely executable regardless of
investment funds were shifted to consumer goods their effects on employment, and subsidies to
industries, Gorbachev announced the ambitious unprofitable firms must cease. Finally, govern­
goal of updating the machine-building indus­ ment ownership ofenterprises must be restricted.
tries to world standards within a few vears-a Toward this end, the planning system would be
goal that Spulb er argues is unlikely to be at­ integrated with a central statistical bureau, bank­
tained. More fundamentally, while Gorbachev ing would be privatized, and a fiscal system
intended to put an end to the "giantism" that had emphasizing direct (rather than turnover) taxes
marked the capital investment of all 5-year plans would be created,
since 1929, his own plans, while desisting from Spulber agrees that perestroika did restruc­
giant projects, looked to a vast buildup of elec­ ture management. reduce the scope of central
tronics, information� and communications sys­ planning, and enlarge the autonomy and self­
tems. Spulber cites detailed evidence concerning financing of enterprises. It did not, however,
the unrealistic nature of these goals; in working significantly expand ownership rights or change
towards them, the problems Soviet planners face established patterns of business organization,
"are wider, more sophisticated, and more de­ labor and industrial relations, or the key eco­
manding than those that confronted the Soviet nomic functions of government. 11 At the time
Union at the turn of the 1920's, when it laid the Spulbercompleted his book-the most authori­
foundations of industrialization on the technol­ tative and best written on the subject so far-the
ogy of iron and steel developed in the West a prospects for a radical break with past concep­
quarter of a century earlier." 10 tions of the administered economy were not
Requisites for a market economy
Spulber traces the failure of the Soviet economy Impact of change to a market economy
essentially to the system of directive planning, a For better or worse. the Soviet economy is un­
system that cannot absorb the information which dergoing a profound transformation that may

Monthly Labor Review December 1991 41

Perestroika and the Soviet Labor Market

well take the direction indicated by Spulber, but Features of the command economy
that will more likely be gradual rather than swift
and piecemeal rather than radical. The impact of The labor market flexibility required by the
this transformation on employment and working Soviets is the very opposite oftheir old system of
people is expected to be severe. In Search of labor regulation. That system aimed, first of all,
Flexibility: The New Soviet Labour Market is a to attach the worker firmly to his or her enter­
collection of papers based on a conference of prise and thus stabilize employment. It sought
specialists held in Moscow in October 1990 "to minimize the unplanned movement of per­
under the auspices of the International Labour sonnel,"" and while changing jobs was not pro­
Organisation. According to this text, even if only hibited, public opinion was directed against
a small part of the Soviet economy is privatized those who did so. The low degree of labor
(the term "privatization" does not actually occur market flexibility was the deliberate outcome of
in the book), its work force will face wrenching the central-planning process. The size and distri­
changes. As elsewhere, privatization in the So­ bution of the labor force were governed in accor­
viet Union would change the form, not the sub­ dance with the planned volume of production,
stance, of managerial authority. Enterprises and enterprises were allocated workers accord­
already possess far-reaching autonomy, strength­ ingly as well. Training, the preparation of spe­
ened hy a near tenfold increase in their means of cialists, compensation, and financial incentives
self-financing since 1985 12 and by the erosion of all were closely regulated, as were wage scales. 16
the center's cohesion. Many enterprises and their Working people viewed their employment at a
supervising ministries appear to have become given job as permanent, imparting a sense of
self-acting conglomerates. As mentioned, this security, but also dulling interest in improving
development has been accompanied by disrup­ production methods and skills.
tions in the delivery of supplies, so that the Full employment undoubtedly existed in the
hitherto slow decline in employment in the pub­ Soviet Union until recent years. Evidently, how­
lic sector, which accounts for about 85 percent of ever, it presupposed low levels of mechaniza­
total employment in the Soviet Union, cannot be tion, of technological change, and ofproductivity.
traced entirely to dismissals deliberately under­ The underlying mode of economic development
taken to improve efficiency. However, confer­ "resulted in low use of technical production
ence participants estimated unemployment in equipment, which tended to lower the growth of
1990 at around 2 million, as of now, a small labour productivity." 17 Full employment was an
percentage of the work force. The number of integral part of the policy of extensive capital
"released" or displaced workers was larger, but investment, "involving more and more produc­
these workers were oftenplaced elsewherewithin tion factors. and manpower foremost among
the same enterprise or retired. them, implying rates of job creation that were
Nonetheless, 16-18 million workers are ex­ higher than the labour supply.""
pected hy Soviet economists to be "released Moreover, the Soviet union's mode of devel­
from material production" (including manufac­ opment, with its bias toward the large-scale use
turing, mining, construction, agriculture, and of resources, has deleterious effects upon the
certain related services. such as freight transpor­ skills, industry, and occupational distribution of
tation); and up to 50 million are projected to the work force, a matter of central concern to the
change occupations. 13 Unemployment is thus conference. The industry structure of Soviet
bound to rise to high levels owing to underlying employment has been nearly static for a long
structural changes alone-that is, leaving aside time. For example, the proportion of workers
the lessened (or denied) job opportunities on employed in the material- or goods-producing
grounds of ethnicity or nationality in given re­ industries (including agriculture) has remained
gions, as well as the problem of availability of at 70 percent for many years.' 9 Similarly, the
employment for job seekers returning to the vocational skill structure bas not changed in a
places of their origin." quarter-century: "About 70 percent of the em­
The conference participants tacitly accepted ployed ... are physical labourers, [and] half of
the necessity of restructuring the Soviet them are manual workers."w According to a
economy-perestroika, in Gorbachev's sense. slightly different estimate, only one-third of the
But few of them would have shared Spulber' s work force consists of employees who are not
conviction that economic reform must go much manual laborers, compared with one-half in such
further than envisioned by Gorbachev. The pa­ countries as the United States and Japan."
pers they presented imply the reason: the Soviet These facts obviously call for intensified train­
work force would be unable, for many years to ing and retraining programs if the restructuring
come, to adapt to so radical an economic trans­ of the Soviet economy is to proceed and if
formation as Spulber proposes. workers made unemployed by it are to be reab-

42 Monthly Labor Review December 1991

sorbed. Such intensified training, however, is labor costs) will drop and that wages will be
hindered by the reportedly low educational level under pressure as markets replace the adminis­
of large parts of the Soviet work force. Accord­ tered economy. To be sure, nonwage labor costs
ing to the United Nations Education, Scientific, have been largely or wholly defrayed by "social
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Soviet consumption funds" subsidized by the State or
Union ranks 40th in share of population with tutelary agencies, and this has partially accounted
higher education and 50th in relative share of for the low costs of direct labor. However, low
university students.Indeed, 20--30 percent of the labor costs are also due to poor working condi­
executives in many industries lack higher educa­ tions: "Today, every third job violates sanitary
tion, and the financing of schools and universi­ and hygienic norms .... Strain and tiredness
ties runs far below that of other industrial hamper the spread of intensive forms of labour
countries on a per-capita basis. 22 The reasons for organisation .... [V]ery little is done to amelio­
such evidently poor performance of the educa­ rate working conditions; 30 percent of the funds
tional system have, to an extent, been internal to allotted for this purpose are spent on compensa­
it. In addition, the incentive to gain higher edu­ tion for harmful and difficult working condi­
cation has been diminished by "a mass produc­ tions. "27 It is hard to see how market forces will
tion, large-scale approach"" to education and Jead to an improvement in these conditions.
the leveling of earnings rates. A crude indicator Workers, it is true, do benefit from low-cost
of this leveling is the ratio between the earnings housing, transportation, and medical care, but
of salaried workers and those of wage workers, "market forces may reduce nonwage benefits as
which dropped from 146 in l 955 to 106 in 1985. well as money wages; local-level collective bar­
Under Gorbachev, the ratio was deliberately gaining can put pressure on health and safety ."28
raised again in favor of managerial and other
salaried personnel.
In brief, by the standards of advanced indus­ Instituting labor market changes
trial countries and the requirements of pere­ The chief vehicle of Soviet labor market mobil­
stroika. education and training in the Soviet ity would be an employment service. Such a
Union are inadequate, and mechanization of service exists, but it has been, in effect, a recruit­
manual tasks and the skills associated with such ing agency of Soviet enterprises, which paid for
mechanization are of low degree. Both reflect its services. It lacks the tradition of public em­
past industrial policies that relied on extensive ployment services in Western countries, which
reserves of underemployed labor, especially in adhere to certain labor market policies. In Swe­
rural areas. Migration from these areas was the den and Germany, for example, employment
main source of urban population growth be­ services are responsible for matching job seek­
tween the 1930' s and 1950' s, accounting for 80 ers with vacancies, for retraining and counsel�
percent of it. Since then, it has accounted for 60 ing, and for the administration of relocation
percent of urban growth. The difficulty of adapt­ allowances.29 In general, the alleviation or elimi­
ing a labor force with a large rural component to nation of local unemployment in a free labor
an industrial policy emphasizing intensive capi­ market has been the basic mission of Western
tal investment-investment that relies on com­ employment services.
plex advanced technologies and the know-how But that aim could not soon be the mission of
required to manufacture and operate them-was a Soviet employment service, largely because
implied in many of the comments of the confer­ until recently, unemployment was not recog­
ence participants. "In our country ... the cost of nized as a human and social problem; rather, it
manpower was always too cheap. Investment in was viewed as a violation of the citizen's duty to
human beings was considered unprofitable,"runs perform useful work. Significantly, 1991 em­
one of these comments.24 According to another, ployment legislation states that "voluntary un­
the evolution of an efficient labor market was employment . . . shall not be considered an
thwarted by such factors as "low earnings differ­ administrative, criminal or any other form of
entials [and] low cost of labour .... [T]he price offense" and adopts International Labour
of labour must be raised substantially" if the Organisation definitions of unemployment. 30
effectiveness of labor resources is to be en­ This legislation proclaims the right to work,
hanced.25 "Enterprise labour costs seem low," training, and unemployment compensation. It
states one analyst. "This can hamper technologi­ creates a comprehensive employment service
cal development because replacing labour by and mandates the reporting by enterprises of
machines may increase costs, with adverse con­ planned structural changes, vacancies, redun­
sequences for the enterprise. "26 dancies, and other matters affecting the work
That analyst's judgment may well prove to be force. (The extent to which the legislation has
true. But it is more likely that labor costs (or unit been implemented cannot be ascertained from

Monthly Labor Review December 1991 43

Perestroika and the Soviet labor Market

the volume discussed.) Its effect would be to magnitude as well as coverage, a trend that is
shift the burden of redundancy and unemploy­ practically inevitable among the Soviets and that
ment from the enterprise to society at large, if not is unlikely to be compensated for by improve­
upon the worker and his family. For hitherto, "a ments in their existing social security system.
lack of mechanisms for releasing workers made Furthermore, states Standing, there bas been a
redundant through growth of labour productiv­ tendency toward deunionization, a weakening
ity or structural change in the economy, and an of bargaining rights, and lessened worker pro­
absence of social protection, meant that un­ tection in the industrial countries. Many regula­
wanted workers did not leave the enterprise, but tions, while on the books, are not properly imple­
were given jobs in other sections:•:.! The func­ mented, the resources to do so having been cut
tion of the Soviet enterprise in ··solving" the back."
unemployment problem is thus clearly slated to Standing's critique of labor market changes
disappear. in lhe West is far from exhausted by this brief
The transformation of Soviet labor is occur­ summary. Yet he does not doubt that these
ring in an era of labor market deregulation in changes, in combination with changes in the
virtually all industrial countries. Deregulation nature of firms (such as spinoffs of hitherto
followed upon a long period of near full employ­ internal operations and new networks formed in
ment in these countries. Income and employ­ industrial districts), "have increased productive
ment security, the acceptance of bargaining flexibility and, probably, dynamic efficiency.""'
rights, and the promotion of trade unionism by But they pose difficult challenges for labor regu­
government characterized that period. During lation, mobility, social security entitlements,
the 1970' s, these gains were eroded by inflation and income distribution policy. How does he
(fueled by soaring energy costs), by stagnating propose to meet these challenges? "Economic
productivity, and by sharpened global competi­ democracy isa way forward,"he writes. 37 Stand­
tion. "The l 980' s I were], almost everywhere, a ing urges that, even as ownership of enterprises
decade of profound disappointment" for labor is privatized, profits be shared with workers as
and its allies, writes Guy Standing." And "it is an inducement to lower production costs and
salutary in the context of structural adjustment increase productivity. He proposes that the risks
in the Soviet Union ... to reflect on the labour of open labor markets, to which large parts of the
market consequences of ... the restoration of Soviet population will be exposed, be alleviated
private markets and the 'rolling back of the by ensuring income and other kinds of security
State' in economic and social po1icy."33 and that the pertinent benefits, as well as educa­
These consequences, Standing holds, arise tion and training, be administered at the commu­
from the degradation of redistributive policies. nity level by representatives of management,
They incJude increases in the number and pro­ employees, and other groups at the margins of the
portion of people living in poverty in all coun­ workforce.
tries that have adopted the unregulated market "The prospect in the Soviet Union," says
model, as well as greater income inequality and Standing, "is that moving to a market-based
very high unemployment levels. Says Standing, economy will create unemployment and wors­
"Unemployment has dominated European Jabour ening poverty for a substantial minority of the
markets for the past decade and will be one of the population, as has been the case in the former
most controversial issues in the emerging labour German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland
market in the U.S.S.R."" The growth of more and elsewhere in Eastern Europe." 38 That pros­
"flexible" labor relations has spelled a decline in pect lends great urgency to debates over policies
the number of well-paid, steady full-time jobs, concerning labor market changes and the steps
while part-time and casual work has spread. required to forestall the immiserization that com­
Entitlements to enterprise-level health and pen­ munism had promised to eliminate, but that now
sion benefits have tended to shrink in terms of threatens large numbers of Soviet people. 0

: !'-l"icolas Spulber, Restructuring Jhe Soviet Ecorwmy; 1 See especially Small Business Administration, The
In Search of the (Ann Arbor. Michigan. University State ofSmall Business: A Report to the President (Wash­
of Michigan Press, 1991}, 315 pp., bibliography, $39.50. ington, Government Priming Office, l 983 ).
Guy Standing, ed., In Search of Flexibility: The New A Spulber, Restructuring the Soviet Economy, p. 84.

Soviet Labour Markel (Gt:neva. International Labour 5 While comparisons wltb the United States may seem
Organisation, i991 ), 440 pp. Available in the United States unfair, Soviet economists themselves are not reluctant to
from JLO Publications Center, Albany, New York. make them.

44 Monthly Labor Review December 1991

6 24
Spulber, Restructuring the Soviet Economy, p. 71. Vladimir Shcherbakov, "The Labour Market in the
Ibid., p. 87. USSR: Problems and Perspectives," in In Search of Flexibil­
8 ity, p. 26,
Ibid.. p. 28.
Ibid., p. 61. s Shcherbakov, "The Labor Market," p. 39.
10 26
Ibid., p. 83. Alexander Kotlyar, "Regulating Employment in the
II Ibid.,
p. 268. Context of Mobility," in In Search of Flexibility, p. 114.
27 Kotlyar, "Regulating Employment," p. 115.
H. Conert, "Lage und Perspektiven der sowjetischen
28 Michael
Wirtschaft" (The Situation and Prospects of the Soviet Taylor, "Non-Wage Labour Costs in the
Economy), WSJ Mitteilungen (Information from the Ger­ USSR and the Role of Trade Unions," in Jn Search of
man Trade Union Federation), August J99l, p. 513. Flexibility, p. 246.
13 Y. Antosenkov, "A New Employment Concept in 29 Rudolph Meidner, "The Role and Potential of Active
Soviet Labour Legislation," in In Search of Flexibility, p. Labour Policy: The Swedish Experience," in In Search of
74. Flexibility, p. 347. See also Iraida Manykina, "An Assess­
Inga Maslova, "State Employment Programmes in ment of Soviet Labour Statistics," in In Search of Flexibil­
the Light of the New Law on Employment," in In Search of ity, p. 414, for a brief summary of the projected functions
Flexibility, p. 134. of the Soviet employment service.
15 30
Antosenkov, "A New Employment Concept," p. 64. "Annex II: Text of the Fundamentals of Employment
16 Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, 1991,"
Maslova, "State Employment Programmes," p. 122.
Antosenkov, "A New Employment Concept," p. 64. in In Search of Flexibility, p. 427; and Valeri F. Kolosov,
"The New Employment Policy in the USSR," in In Search
Alexander Samorodov, "Labour Market Problems of Flexibility, p. 57. See also Manykina, "An Assessment of
and Development in the Republic," in In Search ofFlexibil­ Soviet Labor Statistics," p. 414.
ity, p. 145.
Maslova, "StateEmploymentProgrammes."pp. 121- Vladimir G. Kostakov, "Labour Surplus and Labour
122. Shortage in the USSR," in In Search of Flexibility, p. 85.
32 Guy Standing, "Towards Economic Democracy and
Antosenkov, "A New Employment Concept," p. 79,
n. 8. Labour Flexibility? An Era of Experimentation," in In
21 Search of Flexibility, p. 363.
Mikhail Bermant and Maria Feonova, "Training and
33 Standing, "Towards Economic Democracy?" p. 367.
Retraining: The Link with Employment," in In Search of
Flexibility, p. 319. 34
Ibid., p. 376.
22 Bermant and Feonova, "Training and Retraining," 35 Ibid., p. 373.
pp. 319,328.
36 Ibid., p. 369.
Janet G. Chapman, "Recent and Prospective Trends 37
in Soviet Wage Determination," in In Search ofFlexibility, Ibid., p. 391.
p. 181. 38 Ibid., p. 394.

Monthly Labor Review December 1991 45

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