Lab 4 Gls554

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L09-Q3 : The distancebetween known points A, B, C and D to unknown point U were measured and recorded in Table 2.

The table is also

contained known coordinates of A, B, C, and D. The approximate coordinates of U is scaled from topography map.

Table 1 Trilateration
Pt Easting (m) Northing (m)
U -7990.000 4980.000
A -9213.575 3665.365
B -8031.718 2485.374
C -4855.979 4957.737
D -8429.253 6036.523
Distance (m)
UA 1938.589
UB 2508.069
UC 2934.642
UD 1233.036

A linearized observation equation for least squares adjustment of distance between any two points such as F and G can be written as follow;

(−(𝑥_𝐺−𝑥_𝐹))/𝐹𝐺 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐹+(−(𝑦_𝐺−𝑦_𝐹))/𝐹𝐺 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐹+((𝑥_𝐺−𝑥_𝐹))/𝐹𝐺 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐹+

((𝑦_𝐺−𝑦_𝐹))/𝐹𝐺 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐹= 〖 (𝑙 〗 _𝐹𝐺−𝐹𝐺)+𝑣_(𝐿_𝐹𝐺 )
Step 1: Create the linearized observation equation for each line

Linearized observation equation for line AU, BU and CU :

Line AU, ((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐴+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐴+((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝑈+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝑈= 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐴𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐴𝑈 ) )

Line BU, ((𝑥_𝐵−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐴+((𝑦_𝐵−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐴+((𝑥_𝐵−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝑈+((𝑦_𝐵−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝑈= 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐵𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐵𝑈 ) )

Line CU, ((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐶+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐶+((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐶+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐶= 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐶𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐶𝑈 ) )

JX = K - V

Line AU, ((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐴+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐴+((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝑈+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐴𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝑈 = 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐴𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐴𝑈 ) )

Line BU, ((𝑥_𝐵−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐴+((𝑦_𝐵−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐴+((𝑥_𝐵−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝑈+((𝑦_𝐵−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐵𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _(𝑈 )= 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐵𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐵𝑈 ) )

Line CU, ((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐶+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐶+((𝑥_𝐴−𝑥_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0

〖𝑑𝑥〗 _𝐶+((𝑦_𝐴−𝑦_𝑈)/𝐶𝑈)_0 〖𝑑𝑦〗 _𝐶 = 𝑘_(𝑙_𝐶𝑈+𝑣_(𝑙_𝐶𝑈 ) )
Step 2: Compute the distance between points using known and approximate coordinate

Distance of line AU, BU and CU can be computed using the equation,

√((𝑥_𝑗−𝑥_𝑖 )^2+(𝑦_𝑗−𝑦_𝑖 )^2 )

Line AU, √((𝑥_𝑗−𝑥_𝑖 )^2+(𝑦_𝑗−𝑦_𝑖 )^2 )=√((𝑥_𝑗−𝑥_𝑖 )^2+(𝑦_𝑗−𝑦_𝑖 )^2 )

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