Reflection in Current Trends

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Revisiting the Philippine
1 education system in
colonization of Spanish,
American and Japanese

The Philippine Basic

2 Education Curriculum

The Structure of
3 Philippine Education

The New K to 10
4 Matatag Curriculum

Globalization in
Education (SDG,
5 Ambisyon Natin 2040
and Philippine
Development Plan)

Education in the
6 Philippines

Philippine Qualification
7 Framework

Trends and Issues in

8 Education
Revisiting the Philippine Education System in Colonization of Spanish,
American and Japanese

Education in the Philippines was informal, unstructured, and lack of

methods. Children were provided more by their parents through hunting, farming
and household chores. During the colonization period of Spanish, American and
Japanese, one of the aspects that deeply affected by the colonization in the
Philippine was the education system.
The Spanish period, they introduced the formal education primarily it was
serve to the Spanish Royal and Elite Family. During this period, education was
primarily focused on religious instruction and the teachings of the Catholic
Church. The Spanish friars and missionaries they are the one who took the lead
when educating the Filipinos and converting them into Catholicism. Spanish was
the language of instruction in the schools and the Filipinos were required to learn
the Spanish language, and this language became the medium of instruction for
various subjects. In the American period, the language in the Philippines shift from
Spanish to English as the medium of instruction in schools and it became the
primary language of education. Americans established public school in the
Philippines, which aimed to provide education a broader segment of the
population. Unlike in the Spanish period that focuses in the religious education, the
American period promote modern approach to the education. They train Filipinos
in the democratic way of life, citizenship and moral character. Also providing
formal education which are the primary education, intermediate education,
secondary education, and vocational education. While in the Japanese period, they
introduce the language Nippongo to stop the Filipinos using the English language
and it became the medium of instruction in the school. Also, they spread the
elementary and vocational education and develop love for work and dignity for
labor and they regards the four pillars of education which are the learning to know,
learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.
Therefore, the Philippines education system underwent major changes when
the colonization period happened. And having these major changes give a
challenges to us Filipinos, to learn and understand the different types of learning
that they introduce.
The Philippine Basic Education Curriculum

The Basic Education Curriculum is the educational program provided to the

students, it outlines the subjects, content, materials, learning objectives and
instructional methods that students are expected to be learned and exposed during
their early years of education. The BEC is spiral progression and contextualization
and enhancement and it provide students with essential knowledge and skills to
prepare them for more advance education and to equip them for life. The Basic
Education have a two educational system which are the Old Education System and
the New Education System or the K-12.
The Old Education System it contains the mother tongue-based multilingual
education, universal kindergarten, college and livelihood readiness and specialized
upper secondary education and teacher-centered instruction. Students were
expected to absorb the information passively given by the teacher and it only offers
a broad curriculum and it doesn’t include enough practical application. While in
the New Education System it enhance the knowledge, skills and allowing the
students to explore a wider range of subjects and develop a deeper understanding
of their strength, interest and passion that they will able to have for their lifelong
learning and development. And it also gives the students a sufficient time to master
their skills and absorb the basic competencies.
As a learner, I can say that education have a significant importance to our
lives, it may have different system still it teach, enhance and allow us to discover
our talent, skills, learning about what interest us and become a better version of
ourselves. Without education we don’t have a self-awareness, know the difference
between bad and good and conscious about the things around us.
The Structure of the Education System in the Philippines (K-12)

The K-12 system is a curriculum that gives the student a sufficient time to
hone their knowledge and skills. It also offers an opportunities to the students to
undergo immersions, be exposed to a variety of industries and prepare them for
higher education or workforce.
In this K-12 system it extended the traditional 10 years basic education into
12 years, making it more in line with international standard. The additional of two
years of senior high school is an important feature of the K-12 system, this was
designed to improve the student’s preparation by providing them a broader
foundation for higher education. These additional two years allow students to
explore their interests and career aspiration, whether they are academic inclined,
interest in technical-vocational skills, or passionate about the arts and sports. This
approach enables the students more informed when choosing their future and
through the use of these they can be applied in real-life situations.
In conclusion, the K-12 is a major help to improve the Philippines
educational sector. Wherein it ensuring that students are more well-rounded
individuals not only with academic knowledge but also with valuable life skills.
And it represents a hopeful path toward a brighter educational future for the
The New K to 10 Matatag Curriculum

The Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) recently launched a

revised curriculum, which is the “MATATAG Curriculum”, this curriculum will
be implemented in phases, from August 2024 to 2028. It provides an opportunity to
reflect on the current state of basic education and aims to produce job-ready, active
and responsible citizens.
The New K to 10 Matatag Curriculum, which aims to less the existing K to
12 Curriculum by reducing the number of competencies and will more focused on
the five foundation skills, which are (1) Language (2) Reading and literacy (3)
Mathematics (4) Makabansa, (5) Good Manners and Right Conduct, which is in
contrast with the seven learning areas offered in the current curriculum. These are
the; (1) Mother tongue (2) Filipino (3) English (4) Mathematics (5) Araling
Panlipunan (6) Mapeh and lastly the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao. We all know
that the current curriculum is too much for students they struggle learning the
seven subjects and when moving from one educational stage to another that
leading them to have a fail subjects or drop out in school. But with this new
curriculum, may create a seamless educational journey for students and enable
them to grow academically and develop a skill that may help them to succeed in
higher level of education.
Even though we may experience changes in education, keep in mind
that these changes are for our own good to have a better and effective learning. As
a future educator we must adopt these changes because everything in this world are
bound to change thats why we need to adopt and catch up in the changes may
happened in the future.
Globalization in Education (SDG, Ambisyon Natin 2040 and Philippine
Development Plan)

Globalization is the tern used to describe the interconnectedness and

interdependence of the world economies, culture, as well as the trade of products
and services.
We all know that through globalization, we can adapt to new technological
development and enhanced learning opportunities. Students now can access online
courses and educational platforms from different parts of the world. Furthermore,
let’s talk about some of the Global issues. First is the Sustainable Development
Goals, it is a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure
that by 2030 all people in the planet can enjoy peace and prosperity. Sustainable
Development Goal is a guide for us to solve the current problems that we have,
particularly in the relation to the nature. Now let’s talk about the Ambisyon Natin
2040, in which it represents the collective long-term vision and aspirations of the
Filipino people for themselves and for the country up to 2040 and it describes the
ideal life that people want to live, and how the country will be. And lastly let’s talk
about the Philippine Development Plan for 2023-2028. a plan for major social and
economic transformation that would set the economy back on a high-growth path,
increase job creation, and speed up the fight against poverty. This development
needs to be inclusive, creating a setting where every Filipino has equal access to
opportunities and giving them the tools, they need to fully engage in a creative and
competitive global economy.
As a Filipino citizen, I hope that these goals will be achieve and I know that
every Filipino also want to achieve these goals. So, I hope that government
planned will happened so that we can live in a peaceful and comfortable life.
Education in the Philippines

Education is vital in every country across the world. Even though each
country has its own educational system, most countries have a similar concept or
equivalent certification. The Philippines' education system is different due to the
fact it incorporates aspects from its colonial past.
The education system in the Philippines are divided into three main level;
(1) primary education, (2) higher education, (3) technical and vocational education.
These three educational system is managed by three government agencies by level
of education; Primary education managed by Department of Education (DepEd)
wherein it is a government agency that responsible for overseeing the country’s
basic education system and ensuring access to quality education for all Filipino
learners. Higher education managed by the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) in which in charged in promoting relevant and quality higher education
and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom for continuing intellectual
growth. Technical and vocational education plays a significant role in preparing
learners for work. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA) providing tech-vocational training to Filipinos for them to gain technical
skills and knowledge as well as providing access to a better career opportunity.
In conclusion, addressing persistent challenges, promoting inclusion and
utilizing innovation are critical to the Philippines’ educational future. It will be
crucial to embrace technology development and provide professional development
opportunities for educators and guarantee that all students have fair access to high
quality education. And to create a strong and capable educational system that will
meet the needs of the 21st century.
Philippine Qualification Framework

The Philippine Qualification (PQF) serves as a crucial guidepost in

navigating the individual’s learning accomplishments. Its establishment reflects a
commitment to aligning the Philippine education system with global standards,
fostering international recognition and mobility for Filipino learners.
The PQF is structured into eight levels, each corresponding to a specific
qualification type, from basic education to the highest level of academic and
professional qualifications. One of the most notable aspects of the PQF is its
emphasis on outcomes-based education. The framework promotes a change from a
content-centric approach to one that focuses on the skills, competences, and
qualities students should gain by outlining learning outcomes at each level. This
change is consistent with modern educational paradigms that place an emphasis on
students’ abilities to apply their knowledge as well as what they already know.
Essentially, the PQF encourages a more comprehensive and pragmatic approach to
education, equipping students not only for success in the classroom but also for
applying their knowledge and abilities in real-world situations.
However, efficient communication, coordination among educational
institutions, and persistent efforts in professional development for educators are
required for successful implementation and effectiveness. As the Philippine
education system evolves, the PQF remains an important tool for directing the
pursuit of educational excellence and relevance. It demonstrates the country's
dedication to providing outstanding education that prepares Filipino students to
flourish in a globalized and dynamic world.
Trends and Issues in Education

Current educational trends and concerns comprise a complex interconnected

that represents the changing nature of learning in the twenty-first century. The
growing incorporation of technology into educational processes is one such
development. Classroom digitization and the rise of online learning platforms have
created unparalleled access to knowledge and resources. This development,
however, highlights the critical need to overcome the digital divide by ensuring
that all students have fair access to technology and the skills required for a digitally
mediated education.
As technology advances, the demand for inclusivity and diversity emerges as
a critical problem in education. Recognizing and celebrating student diversity in
terms of learning methods, talents, and cultural origins is a transformative trend.
While there is an increasing understanding of the need of providing inclusive
learning environments, translating this awareness into actual practices and policies
remains a significant challenge. To achieve true inclusion, educational institutions
must embrace varied ideas and create environments in which every student feels
respected and encouraged. The global epidemic has highlighted another key issue:
the durability and adaptation of educational systems. The abrupt change to remote
and hybrid learning methods highlighted both their potential and limitations.
In conclusion, maintaining student interest, addressing socio-emotional well-
being, and guaranteeing an equal learning experience all grew increasingly
difficult. The current period of disruption prompts a collective assessment on how
education systems can evolve to meet the demands of an ever-changing world,
highlighting the importance of flexibility, creativity, and a student-centered
approach to education.

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