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REYNO Sep 30, 2023

Question: As an NCO, what leadership attributes and competencies do you believe

are necessary to become an effective Army NCO leader and why?

The Philippine Army Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) leadership is a critical

aspect of the country's military organization. The NCOs are the backbone of the

Army's operations, responsible for directing the lower ranks, managing the soldiers'

morale and discipline, and ensuring that the Army's goals are met.

The Philippine Army's NCOs are selected based on their leadership skills, tactical

knowledge, and physical fitness. They undergo extensive training, including both

classroom and practical exercises, to prepare them for their critical role in the

Army's hierarchy.

NCOs in the Philippine Army play a significant role in instilling discipline and a sense

of responsibility in the lower ranks. They lead by example, setting high standards

and expectations for their subordinates. They ensure that their soldiers follow unit

protocols, procedures, and military rules and regulations.

Effective communication is also a hallmark of Philippine Army NCO leadership.

They convey orders, instructions, and information clearly and concisely, ensuring

that their soldiers understand their roles and responsibilities during training and
combat operations. They keep their soldiers informed, motivated and inspired in the

face of adversity.

In the field, NCOs are responsible for maintaining the morale and motivation of

soldiers in the face of danger, excessive heat, and other stressors typical of military

operations. They make sure their soldiers have the right gear, equipment and that

they are properly fed and sheltered.

In conclusion, the Philippine Army's NCO Leadership is essential to the success of

military operations. They are responsible for managing soldiers and ensuring that

they operate at their best. Philippine Army NCOs' leadership style is characterized

by discipline, effective communication, and leading by example to ensure that the

Army's objectives are achieved.

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