Observation 2 Lesson Plan

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General Information

Lesson Title: Reading and Estimating Temperature

Subject(s): Math

Grade/Level/Setting: Second Grade, Third Grade level math, Small group of 10 students

Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge:

Students have been introduced to temperature in previous lessons.

Students have practiced their addition math facts in previous lessons.

Standards and Objectives

State/National Academic Standard(s):

Utah Core Mathematics Standard 2.MP.5 Use appropriate tools strategically. Consider the
tools that are available when solving a mathematical problem, whether in a real-world or
mathematical context. Choose tools that are relevant and useful to the problem at hand, such
as drawings, diagrams, technologies, and physical objects and tools, as well as mathematical
tools such as estimation or a particular strategy or algorithm.

Learning Objective(s):
Given a lesson about temperature, students will demonstrate how to use appropriate tools by reading a thermometer
to the nearest degree and complete a worksheet that measures their ability to read temperature with 80% accuracy.

Materials Technology
Temperature poster Computer

Homework worksheets Projector

Classroom thermometer The teacher will play the first 2:30 minutes of this
video at the beginning of the lesson:


Title: How to Read a Thermometer by Miacademy


Language Demands
Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate
in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Function(s):
Students will explain how to read temperature to the nearest degree on a thermometer.


Thermometer, Temperature, Degrees, Fahrenheit, Boiling point, Freezing point

Discourse and/or Syntax:

Students use simple algebraic symbols like +,-,=, and x to form number sentences.

Planned Language Supports:

The teacher will explain vocabulary terms to the class during the lesson and use scaffolding to build on
students' prior knowledge of these terms.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

- The teacher will collect the - The students will answer the teachers
students’ homework from the questions to share their prior
night before. knowledge about temperature and the
terminology in the learning objective.
- On the board the teacher will
write: “Today you will learn: -How - The students will watch the video and
to read a thermometer to the write down on their scratch paper
nearest degree Fahrenheit scale - something they learned about
The Freezing and boiling point of temperature from the video.
water and normal body
- When the video is over, students will
temperature on the Fahrenheit
share what they learned with a
scale - How to estimate a
reasonable temperature”
- Students will then be able to share
- The teacher will explain the
their thoughts with the class when
learning objectives on the board
they are done talking with their
and define the new vocabulary in
the learning objectives by using
scaffolding to build on students’
prior understanding of the
concepts in the lesson.
- The teacher will then play a video
for the students to review the
concept of temperature. Before
playing the video, the teacher will
pass out scratch paper and ask
students to write down one new
thing they learn from the video to
share with a partner after.
- When the video has finished, the
teacher will have students turn
and talk with a partner to share
what they learned about
temperature from the video.
Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

- Once students have finished - The students will answer the teacher’s
talking with a partner, the teacher question about what temperature is
will invite students to share what shown on the board and explain how
they have learned with the class. they know it’s the right answer.
- The teacher will then fill in a - A student will go check the classroom
thermometer poster on the board thermometer to see what the
to 35 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature is today.
teacher will ask the students what
- Students will raise their hands to share
temperature they see and ask
what they notice between the three
them how they know. The teacher
will repeat with temperatures 63
degrees and 89 degrees. - Students will raise their hands to share
when they get their temperature
- The teacher will then explain that
there are two very special
temperatures that we must - Students will raise their hands to share
remember. They will write 212 what the normal body temperature is.
degrees and 32 degrees on the
- The teacher will then have a
student check the classroom
thermometer and compare the
temperature on the thermometer
to the two temperatures written
on the board. The teacher will ask
the students what they notice
between the temperatures.
- The teacher will then share that 32
degrees is the freezing point of
water and 212 degrees is the
boiling point of water. They will
explain what that means and what
happens to water when it reaches
those two temperatures.
- The teacher will also explain that
sometimes we get our body
temperature checked. The teacher
will ask the students when they
get their temperature checked.
The teacher will then ask students
if they know what the normal body
temperature typically is. If they do
not know the teacher will explain it
to them.
Guided Practice:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

- The teacher will then engage the - Students will play the temperature
students in a 4 corners game using four corners game following the
the 4 temperatures talked about teachers directions.
today. Each corner will have a
- Once they are out, students will return
temperature taped to it: 212
to their seats.
degrees, 32 degrees, 98.5 degrees,
and today’s temperature. One - Students will follow along with the
child will stand at the front of the teacher as they read and answer the
room, close their eyes, and count questions on the guided practice
to ten. All other students must worksheet.
stand in a corner before the time
runs out and the student at the
front of the room will say the
name of the temperatures posted
around the room, like boiling
point, freezing point, body
temperature, or today’s
temperature. If anyone is in the
corner corresponding to that
temperature, they are out.
- After the game, the teacher will
work through the guided practice
section of their math worksheet
with the class. They will write
down all the work they do
together on the board. The guided
practice will review the
temperature information learned
today and review previous
concepts covered in previous

Independent Student Practice:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

- The teacher will invite students to - Students will work on the back side of
work on the back side of their their guided practice worksheet. If
worksheet independently. The they have any questions they will raise
teacher will walk around the room their hand.
to answer questions if needed.

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

- The teacher will collect any work - Students will turn in any work that has
that needs to be turned in, and been completed and line up at the
instruct students to line up at the door. They will answer the teacher’s
door. On the way out, the teacher quiz questions on temperature on
will quiz them on body their way out of the room.
temperature, freezing point, and
boiling point.

Differentiated Instruction
Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content specific
accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs.

Gifted and Talented:

Gifted and Talented students will be able to work more quickly through their work on the back side of
their worksheet during independent work time. They will also be able to write down more things they
learn while watching the video at the beginning of the lesson.


No English language learners in this class.

Students with Other Special Needs:

Students who struggle with focusing will be given frequent reminders and other scaffolding to keep
them involved in the lesson. We will also use an active 4 corners game in the middle of the lesson to
help students learn and practice math skills with movement.

The teacher will ask guiding questions and scaffolding to check students’ understanding of the concepts taught in the lesson as
they complete the guided practice with the class. They will give corrective feedback when necessary.

The worksheet at the end of the lesson will assess the students’ ability to read a thermometer and perform math skills learned in
previous lessons. If students are able to complete the worksheet with 80% accuracy, they will have successfully met the learning

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