The Wall Street Journal - 02-8-2024

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* * * * * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIII NO. 32 HHHH $5.

DJIA 38677.36 À 156.00 0.40% NASDAQ 15756.64 À 0.9% STOXX 600 485.63 g 0.2% 10-YR. TREAS. g 4/32 , yield 4.108% OIL $73.86 À $0.55 GOLD $2,035.20 À $0.70 EURO $1.0774 YEN 148.18

What’s Senate
News Pivots to
Business & Finance Ukraine,
 As part of Disney’s quar-
terly earnings report, CEO
Israel Aid
Bob Iger presented a vision
of a new entertainment giant
that will embed the company
further into the American
pop-culture psyche. A1
After GOP blocks
 CVS reported solid
border-policy bill,
fourth-quarter earnings but Democratic leaders
downgraded its projected re-
sults for 2024 as medical-
press military aid
cost increases hit the Medi-
care insurance business. B1
WAS H I N GT O N — S e n a te
 The S&P 500 rose 0.8%, Democrats tried Wednesday to
moving closer to the mile- pin down more GOP support
stone 5000 level, while the for a bill that would provide
Nasdaq and Dow gained 0.9% military aid to Ukraine, Israel
and 0.4%, respectively. B11 and other allies, after Republi-
cans blocked a broader mea-
 Alibaba posted lackluster
sure that linked the foreign as-
sales growth and a plunge in
sistance to policy changes at
profit in the October-De-
the southern border.
cember quarter after ac-

counting for more than $3

billion in impairments. B4 By Siobhan Hughes,
Katy Stech Ferek
 Carlyle swung to a quarterly and Lindsay Wise
loss but saw its stock price rise
after it unveiled a pay over- The broader legislative
haul and set new financial tar- package was the product of
gets for the coming year. B10 four months of bipartisan ne-
Passersby gathered at the site of a burned vehicle targeted by a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad on Wednesday. gotiations, but Republicans
 TotalEnergies said it
had said this week that it had
would lift its 2023 dividend

U.S. Kills a Leader of Iraq Militia

no path forward. With 49 in fa-
and increase payouts this
vor and 50 opposed, it fell
year, joining other energy
short Wednesday of the 60
companies splashing out on
votes required to advance. GOP
shareholder returns. B3
lawmakers initially had de-
 LG Chem will supply GM
with nearly $19 billion of
cathode materials over time,
enough to make batteries
Blamed in Fatal Attack on Troops manded border changes as a
condition for Ukraine aid, but
they later balked, saying the
negotiated terms regarding mi-
for about five million EVs. B3 BY GORDON LUBOLD Wednesday was part of a these crimes will not go un- the U.S. began retaliatory air- grants weren’t tough enough.
AND NANCY A. YOUSSEF more aggressive tack against punished,” it said in a state- strikes against Iran’s paramili- With the broader measure
 U.K. home builder Barratt
leaders of the Iran-aligned ment, adding: “Let this be our tary forces and militias that dead, Senate Majority Leader
agreed to buy smaller peer Red-
WASHINGTON—A U.S. groups that are responsible path and our foremost cause Tehran supports in Syria and Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) moved
row, creating a company with
drone strike in Baghdad killed for at least 168 attacks against from now on and onwards.” Iraq. to schedule a procedural vote
a market value in excess of the
a commander of the Iran- U.S. forces based in the region. President Biden approved The targeted strike on a mi- to advance a narrower, $95.3
equivalent of $9.01 billion. B6
backed Iraqi militia blamed Despite the U.S. campaign, Ira- the strike against the com- litia commander within Iraq billion version of the package
 China removed its top se- for a deadly attack that killed nian-back militias have con- mander early last week, U.S. signals a willingness to ex- that would fund Ukraine, Israel
curities regulator after a three American service mem- tinued targeting U.S. forces. officials said. The Pentagon pand the U.S. approach, some and Taiwan but exclude border-
yearslong stock-market de- bers at a U.S. base in Jordan Kataib Hezbollah acknowl- proceeded when military plan- analysts said. security provisions. Democrats
cline that has become an in- last week, part of the Penta- edged the U.S. strike and said ners knew they could take a “In general, U.S. strikes worked for several hours to
creasingly sensitive subject gon’s sharpened effort to de- “this calls for steadfastness on shot and the risk of civilian have targeted capabilities to guarantee enough Republican
for Beijing officials. B11 ter attacks on its forces. the path of jihad,” which often casualties would be mitigated. make it harder for these support, with Schumer ulti-
The commander from the refers to armed struggle. Iraqi officials were notified of groups to target American mately saying they would hold
World-Wide Iraqi militia group Kataib Hez- Iraq’s pro-Iran Al-Nujaba the strike shortly after it oc- Please turn to page A7 Please turn to page A4
bollah was responsible for di- movement, part of the Islamic curred, the Pentagon said.
rectly planning and participat- Resistance in Iraq, called for Following the Iraqi militia’s  Netanyahu rejects Hamas  Molly Ball: Border deal
 A U.S. drone strike in ing in attacks on U.S. forces in revenge against America, its deadly drone strike on Jan. 28 terms for truce................. A16 never stood a chance..... A4
Baghdad killed a commander the region, the Pentagon said. partners and interests. “Our on a U.S. outpost in Jordan  Tunnels conceal hostages,  Kyiv rations munitions as
of the Iran-backed Iraqi mili- The U.S. strike in Iraq on response will be decisive, and near the border with Syria, house militants................ A16 aid dwindles......................... A7
tia blamed for an attack
that killed three American
Why Americans Are Down
service members at a U.S. U.S. budget deficit, FY2024
base in Jordan last week. A1 by fiscal year $1.58 trillion*
 Senate Democrats tried to Deficit
On a Strong Economy
$3.0 trillion
pin down more GOP support
for a bill that would provide
military aid to Ukraine, Israel
Set to 2.5
and other allies, after Repub- Shrink
licans blocked a broader mea- 2.0
sure that linked the foreign
The shortfall
assistance to policy changes
Many fear their long-term financial security is vulnerable
at the southern border. A1 1.5
 Israel’s Netanyahu rejected
spending and Clayton Wiles, a truck driver in North Car- employs close to 50 people.
Hamas’s terms for a cease- 1.0
revenue this fiscal olina, earns about 20% more than three years But ask any of them about the state of the
fire in Gaza after the Pales-
year is expected to ago. Kristine Funck, a nurse in Ohio, has won American economy, and the same gloominess
tinian militant group called
narrow to roughly 0.5 surfaces. “Unstable” is how Arguello de-
for the release of thousands
$1.6 trillion, helped By Aaron Zitner, scribes it. Said Funck: “Even though I’m OK
of prisoners along with other
by last year’s Amara Omeokwe, Rachel Wolfe right now, there’s a sense it could all go away
concessions in its first re- 0
bipartisan budget and Rachel Louise Ensign in a second.”
sponse to a U.S.-backed pro-
deal, a surprisingly FY2013 ’15 ’20 ’24 There’s a striking disconnect between the
posal to end the fighting. A16
strong economy steady pay raises, built retirement savings widely shared pessimism among Americans
 The Marine Corps said it and delayed tax Note: Fiscal year ends Sept. 30. and owns her home. Alfredo Arguello, who and measures that show the economy is actu-
was searching for five Ma- revenue. A2 Source: Congressional Budget Office opened a restaurant outside Nashville when ally robust. Consumers are spending briskly—
rines who were in a helicopter the pandemic hit, now owns a second one and Please turn to page A8
that went missing on its way
from Nevada to San Diego a
day earlier. A6
 Bombs ripped through
Two Ph.D.s Launch Nuggets,
Slurpees Into Near Space
Disney Lays Out Vision INSIDE
To Bolster Its Fortunes
two separate political offices
in southwestern Pakistan’s
i i i
Baluchistan province, killing
at least 30 people, officials
said, a day before parliamen- U.K. company corners market of sending up
BY ROBBIE WHELAN nite is one of the world’s most
tary elections. A16
not people, but most anything else popular videogames. The deal
 Officials in New York are The new, rebuilt Disney will expand the licensing of
pushing to restrict the algo- that Bob Iger has been prom- characters and story lines from
rithms that power a social- BY ISABELLE BOUSQUETTE Gummett, who works at ising is coming into focus with Disney franchises including
media platform’s feed, mak- British supermarket Iceland the help of football, Fortnite Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and
ing it the latest state to It was the most important Foods, had been charged with and Taylor Swift. Avatar within Fortnite. JASON GAY
attempt to rein in the big launch of Joseph Gummett’s creating a marketing cam- In a series of sweeping an- Disney also plans to stream A pay-per-view Super
tech companies in the wake career. He waited nervously at paign for its 50th anniversary. nouncements as part of the an exclusive cut of pop star
of federal inaction. A3 his office in Deeside, Wales, He wanted to do something company’s quarterly earnings Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour con-
Bowl? The idea isn’t
which he called “mission novel. “There aren’t many report on Wednesday, Iger pre- cert movie on Disney+ starting going away as sports
 Marianne Williamson
ended her long-shot pri-
control” that day, as the things that haven’t been sented a vision of a new Disney March 15, with footage of five on TV changes. A12
vessel hurtled 110,000 done with a chicken nug- that will embed the entertain- songs not included in either
mary challenge to Biden for
feet—about 21 miles— get,” he says. “This was ment giant further into the the theatrical release or the
the Democratic presidential
straight up. When definitely one of them.” U.S.’s pop-culture psyche. The on-demand versions of the
nomination. A6

he received news Less than 100 miles wide-ranging initiatives marry movie, including the hit single
the endeavor was away in Sheffield, U.K., the company with some of the “Cardigan.” The Disney+
CONTENTS Markets Digest...... B7 successful, he was Chris Rose and Alex biggest brands in contempo- movie will be titled “Taylor
Arts in Review..... A11 Opinion................ A13-15
Business News.. B3,6 Personal Journal A9-10
filled with relief. Baker were ready. While rary entertainment. Swift—The Eras Tour (Tay-
Capital Account..... A2 Sports.......................... A12 Billionaire-backed major corporations fuel “The stage is now set for lor’s Version).”
Crossword................ A12 Technology........... B4-5 companies including Launch space tourism, Rose significant growth and suc- The company also said it
Heard on Street.. B12 U.S. News.......... A2-4,6 BlueOrigin, SpaceX and Baker’s 13-year-old cess,” Iger, Disney’s chief exec- would increase its cash divi-
Markets...................... B11 World News........ A7,16 or lunch
and Virgin Galactic company, Sent Into utive officer, said on a call with dend payment to 45 cents from
have reignited interest in get- Space, has cornered the lucra- analysts. 30 cents in July and repur- BUSINESS & FINANCE
> ting more humans into space. tive market of launching not Disney’s new moves include chase up to $3 billion in stock Uber posts first yearly
But as Gummett waited from people, but almost anything a deal to invest $1.5 billion in before the end of September.
his office, there were no hu- else. return for an equity stake in Adding to the Americana
profit since its IPO, on
mans on the vessel. Instead, Definitions differ on where Epic Games, the maker of Fort- theme, Disney said Nick Saban, strong food-delivery
s 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
there was a single chicken outer space begins—about 62 nite. With more than 100 mil- the legendary college football and ride demand. B1
All Rights Reserved nugget. Please turn to page A8 lion active monthly users, Fort- Please turn to page A2
A2 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Gap Shrinks, but China Imports Flow In

he U.S. trade defi- shrinking trade deficit over- U.S. annual goods trade deficit with select countries president emeritus of the seems destined to drop.
cit with China states how much the U.S. European Union Chamber of “Greenfield foreign direct
shrank last year to has reduced its consumption $400 billion Commerce in China. “In wind investment into developing
its narrowest in of Chinese-made products. turbines, solar panels, every- countries has remained con-
over a decade. This As the trade war heated up, one is losing money. In cars, stant, but the share that’s
looks, at first glance, like a many manufacturers began one company makes money, going to countries that are
decoupling of the two econo- moving production to other 300 the other 100 lose money.” not China and not Russia
mies thanks to President countries to avoid U.S. tar- has gone way, way up,” said

Donald Trump’s steep tariffs iffs. So the U.S. trade deficit $280.8B o, if tariffs of 25% Olivia White, an author of
on Chinese imports in 2018. with Mexico leapt to $151 barely reduced the the McKinsey report.
Trump is spoiling to fin- billion in the 12 months 200 U.S.’s dependence on To make India a base for
ish the job, floating a 60%, through November, more China, would 60% do more? mobile-phone production,
or higher, tariff on all Chi- than double the 2017 figure. Probably. Khandelwal ran the Apple is moving more sup-
nese imports if re-elected. The deficit with Vietnam ran 100
numbers for a 35% tariff. He pliers there. Samsung has
The U.S., though, hasn’t at $104 billion, almost triple Vietnam estimates a much larger ef- done the same in Vietnam.
kicked the Chinese import the level of 2017. $104.6B fect on imports and resulting Chinese companies are
habit as much as the data A lot of the value of those cost, equal to 0.8% of GDP. playing that game, too. To
suggest. Chinese and West- increased imports from Viet- 0 Still, Brad Setser of the get around American tariffs,
ern manufacturers have nam and Mexico consisted of 2010 ’15 ’20 ’23
Council on Foreign Relations their electric-vehicle and
found numerous ways inputs originally sourced in predicts China would double battery companies are build-
around tariffs; they are China. The McKinsey Global Source: Commerce Department via Haver Analytics down on efforts to evade or ing or contemplating new
likely to redouble those ef- Institute recently reported neutralize higher tariffs. factories in countries that
forts if the levies go higher. that even as China’s share of and others found the tariffs less, those counties re- “The incentive to disassem- have trade agreements with
Last year, the overall U.S. U.S. manufactured imports reduced imports of affected warded Trump politically, ble the product, take out a the U.S., such as Mexico,
trade deficit in goods shrank fell from 2017 to 2020, its products by 30%; some of the study found.) few screws, find an alterna- South Korea and Morocco.
to $1.1 trillion from $1.2 tril- share of the value added in that was made up for by pur- The fundamental obstacle tive screw supplier, ship Setser predicts that
lion in 2022, the Commerce goods consumed in the U.S. chases of other Chinese, for- to decoupling is that China’s them to a third party so it’s China, to make up for lost
Department said Wednesday. rose. eign or U.S.-made products. dominant position in world not 100% Chinese content, exports to the U.S., would
As a share of gross domestic The authors estimate the to- manufacturing makes it hard and package it as an export drive down its currency to

product, it fell to 3.9%, the urther, Chinese compa- tal cost to the U.S. economy to find substitutes. Its econ- from the third party is just boost exports to countries
lowest in over a decade. nies have been exploit- at 0.04% of GDP, as losses to omy is hard-wired to manu- overwhelming,” he said. Its that haven’t raised tariffs—
Most of the reduction came ing a U.S. law that al- consumers slightly offset facture more than it can companies would make even expanding Chinese compa-
via the gap with China. This lows packages worth less gains to U.S. producers and consume, dictating that it greater use of the de mini- nies’ presence in those econ-
narrowed by more than $100 than $800 to enter duty- the U.S. Treasury. export the surplus. As col- mis exception, he added. omies.
billion to $281 billion last free. Federal data compiled A separate study by David lapsing property investment This doesn’t mean the Of course, the U.S. could
year, the thinnest since 2010. by the Yale economist Amit Autor of MIT and co-authors undercuts growth, the ruling U.S. and China are destined try to keep those imports out
One reason the deficit Khandelwal and a co-author found that counties whose Communist Party has leaned to stay coupled. Historically, by hitting other trading part-
shrank is that U.S. importers show the number of pack- companies were meant to even more on manufactur- supply chains move gradu- ners with tariffs. Trump has
might have overordered in ages entering the U.S. under benefit from tariffs may ing, though many companies ally. Often, just one step or proposed a 10% levy on all
2022, leading to swollen in- that “de minimis” exception have marginally gained em- are already unprofitable. component goes offshore be- imports, not just from China.
ventories and fewer imports has tripled since 2017 to a ployment. But, on average, “2024 will be the year of fore an ecosystem of suppli- This, though, is a recipe
in 2023 even as consumption billion last year. any such gains were more overcapacity, and pressure ers develops. Over time, the for the decoupling of the U.S.
stayed strong. This doesn’t mean the tar- than offset by losses when on exporters in China will be Chinese component in U.S. not just from China, but the
More fundamentally, the iffs had no effect. Khandelwal China retaliated. (Nonethe- sky-high,” said Joerg Wuttke, imports from third countries whole world.

Federal Budget Deficit Forecast to Narrow This Year

BY ANDREW DUEHREN Last year’s bipartisan bud- growing interest costs, an ag- ing that period are about 50 to hugely popular entitlement $4 trillion over a decade. Bi-
get deal, a surprisingly strong ing population and higher percent larger than their his- programs such as Medicare, den has pledged to offset
WASHINGTON—The federal economy and a bumper crop healthcare spending will con- torical average over the past which make up roughly two- those costs with tax increases
deficit is on track to shrink of delayed tax revenue are all tinue to weigh on the budget. 50 years,” Phillip Swagel, the thirds of the government’s an- on corporations and high-in-
this year. But the U.S. govern- helping improve the budget CBO said the deficit would CBO’s director, said in a nual spending. come households, though even
ment still faces profound fis- outlook for the fiscal year reach $2.6 trillion, or 6.1% of statement. Debates over government Democrats in Congress have
cal challenges in coming ending Sept. 30, CBO said. The the size of the Not that the spending plunged the Capitol previously rejected some of
years. budget deal, which Democrats U.S. gross do- warning is into chaos multiple times last those ideas.

That is the latest forecast and Republicans reached as mestic product, likely to change year, with the U.S. coming Other policy changes, in-
from the Congressional Bud- part of an agreement to raise in 2034. The how Washing- within days of defaulting on cluding aid for Ukraine, could
get Office, the nonpartisan the debt limit, will reduce def- scorekeeper’s ton draws up its debt. House Republicans also add to the deficit. A
scorekeeper that provides law- icits by $2.6 trillion over 10 forecasts also the federal dethroned then-Speaker Kevin House-passed bipartisan bill
makers with economic and years, CBO said. assume that CBO’s fiscal year budget. The McCarthy after he brought up aimed at cutting taxes for
budget data. The annual Immigration will also cre- federal policy fundamental a bill to keep the government families and companies could
shortfall between government ate a larger workforce, sup- will remain on
deficit outlook, down obstacles to im- funded at existing levels. Law- increase deficits in the short
spending and revenue is ex- porting economic growth and its current from roughly proving the fis- makers have since extended term if the Senate approves it.
pected to be roughly $1.6 tril- tax revenue during the next course, but that $1.7 trillion last year. cal outlook re- government spending several Deficits exploded during
lion this fiscal year. That is a decade even as the recent re- is unlikely. Ma- m a i n : times and face another test the depths of the Covid-19
drop from the roughly $1.7 cord surge in migrants has be- jor chunks of Republicans for March 1, when some fund- pandemic as the Trump and
trillion deficit logged last come a partisan flashpoint on the 2017 tax support ad- ing again expires. Biden administrations shov-
year—though the true size of Capitol Hill and in states that cuts expire after next year, dressing the problem only The fiscal stakes of the eled money into the economy.
last year’s deficit was closer are struggling to accommo- and lawmakers in both parties with spending cuts that Dem- likely rematch between Presi- While the annual shortfall has
to $2 trillion, a figure masked date them. agree that they want to ex- ocrats largely oppose. Demo- dent Biden and Donald Trump retreated, the deficit’s size has
by accounting changes for the Overall, the fiscal situation tend most of them indefi- crats, meanwhile, line up be- will be enormous. Key tax cuts still come as a surprise to
cancellation of President Bi- is deteriorating, CBO said. nitely. hind tax increases that of the 2017 tax law, signed by economists who typically ex-
den’s student debt forgiveness Deficits are elevated compared “Measured in relation to Republicans resist. Neither Trump, will expire after 2025. pect to see deficits shrink as
plan. with historical norms, and economic output, deficits dur- party wants to make changes Extending them all could cost the economy remains strong.

Disney Operating losses for Disney’s

direct-to-consumer segment
September, Iger said. He
hasn’t spoken to Peltz “in a
while” and has no plans to
on $4.4 billion in revenue,
compared with a loss of $38
million on $4.4 billion of reve-

Lays Out
$0.25 billion
speak with him, he said. nue a year earlier.
–$138 million Disney has urged sharehold- The new streaming sports
ers to vote for its slate of 12 di- partnership is the clearest

Its Vision –0.25

rectors instead of for slates
proposed by Peltz and another
activist investor that is press-
sign yet of how Iger plans to
expand ESPN’s audience
through streaming.
ing for changes at the com- “This service will bring to-
Continued from Page One –0.75 pany’s April 3 annual meeting. gether our collective portfo-

coach who retired from the “It’s déjà vu all over again. lio,” Iger said in the earnings
University of Alabama last –1.00 We saw this movie last year call, “providing consumers
month, will join ESPN as an an- and we didn’t like the ending,” with more of the sports they
alyst on its “College GameDay” –1.25 a Trian spokesman said want in a single place.”
program and contribute to cov- Wednesday after Disney’s earn- The deal marks a milestone
erage of the NFL Draft. –1.50 ings report. in the growth of the streaming
These announcements come Since his return, Iger has industry and could accelerate
FY2021 ’22 ’23 ’24
a day after Disney revealed a worked to modernize and pre- consumers’ shift away from
partnership with rivals Fox Note: Latest fiscal quarter ended Dec. 31 Disney said it expected to add between 5.5 million and 6 pare ESPN for a streaming fu- cable TV. Sports has long been
Corp. and Warner Bros. Dis- Source: the company million core Disney+ subscribers next quarter. Its ‘Echo’ series. ture, including by seeking a po- the key attraction of cable.
covery to launch a sports-fo- tential strategic partner and Iger said ESPN plans to be-
cused streaming service later helped by price increases to year earlier. Shares rose about ferent agenda and don’t un- striking a new sports-betting gin selling its channel directly
this year, a venture that could Disney+ and Hulu, as well as an 6% in aftermarket trading. derstand our company, its as- deal with Penn Entertainment. to consumers as a subscrip-
potentially reshape how fans increase in ad revenue. The Iger, who returned for a sets, or the essence of the ESPN’s financial results— tion streaming service in the
watch sports and hasten the company is on track to make second stint as CEO in Novem- Disney brand,” he said. which Disney began reporting fall of 2025, an offering that
demise of the traditional cable its streaming business profit- ber 2022, is trying to fend off The company was on track separately last year–improved Iger said will include sports
TV business model. able by the end of September, a proxy campaign from activ- to make its streaming busi- in the quarter. Its operating betting, fantasy, statistics fea-
Disney’s moves reflect the Iger said. ist investor Nelson Peltz, co- ness profitable by the end of income swung to $199 million tures and shopping.
breadth of challenges Iger is The number of domestic founder of Trian Fund Man-
contending with during his Disney+ subscribers fell agement, who is seeking one
second stint as CEO, from a
costly pivot to streaming to a
slightly to 46.1 million, likely
the result of price increases,
seat on Disney’s board for
himself and another for for-
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
box-office slump and lacklus-
ter earnings growth.
but the service lost fewer sub-
scribers than Wall Street ana-
mer Disney Chief Financial Of-
ficer Jay Rasulo, among other
AMPLIFICATIONS (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
N.Y. 10036
Disney reported earnings lysts predicted. Global sub- changes.
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
for the December quarter that scribers to Disney+, including Wednesday’s announce- The name of Palantir Tech- Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
beat Wall Street’s expecta- its Hotstar service in India, ments are likely to make it nologies was misspelled as
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
tions for several key metrics, fell to 149.6 million, from 150.2 more challenging for Peltz to Palentir in some editions 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
including two crucial mea- million a year earlier. make his case to shareholders. Wednesday in a photo caption All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable
sures of success in its stream- Disney said it expected to Disney has said Peltz failed with a Finance & Markets arti- rate card, copies of which are available from the Advertising Services
ing business: a relatively sta- add between 5.5 million and 6 to present any new ideas and cle about Tuesday’s stock- Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y.
ble base of global Disney+ million core Disney+ subscrib- lacks the experience in media market activity. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only
subscribers and shrinking di- ers next quarter, a rare forecast to be useful on the board. publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the
advertiser’s order.
rect-to-consumer operating from the company. In the past, In Wednesday’s CNBC inter- VistaJet’s owned fleet
losses. Disney resisted giving short- view, Iger said his team was more than doubled to 270 jets Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
The direct-to-consumer term guidance on these sorts of highly motivated and acting during the pandemic. A Jan. Need assistance with your subscription?
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earlier. Losses in streaming quarter, flat from the year-ear- the company. owned fleet had tripled to that By phone: 1-800-843-0008
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A3

Casting Statuettes Ahead of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Ceremony


BEHIND THE SCENES: The solid bronze statue, holding a comedy mask in one hand, a tragedy mask in the other, will be given to winners during the 30th annual SAG Awards on Feb. 24.

Supreme Court Case Pits States Propose

Curbs on Social
Trump vs. Old-School GOP Media for Teens
Justices to decide if
ex-president’s Jan. 6 BY JIMMY VIELKIND ment free-speech protections.
role disqualifies him Lawmakers in Arkansas,
ALBANY, N.Y.—It’s not just Ohio and Utah have banned mi-
from Colorado ballot Congress. States are taking on nors from using social-media
social media’s grip on teenag- platforms without parental con-
BY JESS BRAVIN ers, too. sent. NetChoice, a trade group
Officials in New York are whose members include TikTok
WASHINGTON—Norma An- pushing to restrict the algo- and Meta, has sued in all three
derson remembers weeping rithms that power a platform’s states and won injunctions in
the night Barry Goldwater lost feed, making it the latest state Arkansas and Ohio. Utah Gov.
the 1964 presidential election to attempt to rein in the big Spencer Cox pushed back the
to Lyndon Johnson, one of tech companies in the wake of effective date of that state’s law
countless ups and downs federal inaction. to October from March “to in-
through a lifetime spent in Other states have hit legal corporate more feedback.”
Republican politics. roadblocks by attempting to A dozen states last year en-
But at age 91, the former shield children from specific acted laws relating to children’s
GOP majority leader of the types of content or restrict mi- use of social media, including
Colorado Senate is capping nors from signing up for ac- the Utah and Arkansas laws and
her political career by stand- counts. If New York is success- other measures to create task
ing athwart Donald Trump, as ful, it would offer other states a forces or encourage media-liter-
lead plaintiff in the case that legal pathway to pursue. acy education, according to the
barred the former president “Children and teens are National Conference of State
from the Colorado ballot. struggling,” New York Attorney Legislatures.
Trump is appealing that General Letitia James, a Demo- Danny Weiss, a former con-
decision, and on Thursday the crat, said. The proposal, she gressional aide who is now chief
Supreme Court will for the added, “will protect New York advocacy officer for the group
first time hear arguments on children and will be an example Common Sense Media, said
whether a candidate for presi- for others to follow.” states are acting where Con-
dent is disqualified for engag- James and Gov. Kathy Hochul gress hasn’t. “There are no
ing in insurrection against the support a proposal to prohibit guardrails on social-media plat-
U.S., under a 14th Amendment social-media companies from forms when it comes to our
provision ratified after the serving content to minors in the kids,” Weiss said.
Civil War. state using algorithms—unless James said New York’s ver-
Anderson said she watched apps such as Instagram and sion may survive legal scrutiny
TV on Jan. 6, 2021, when a TikTok first ob- thanks to a key
mob raided the U.S. Capitol tain parental difference from
following Trump’s exhortation consent. They other state pro-
to “fight like hell” against cer- are also backing A New York plan posals: It limits
tifying President Biden’s elec- restrictions on would restrict a delivery mech-
toral victory. “No one can tell when apps can anism rather
me differently. The fact is that send notifica- algorithms but than regulating

Donald Trump tried to over- tions to teen us- content itself.

throw an election,” Anderson ers and what
faces potential The algo-
said. “There’s been presidents companies can challenges. rithm provisions
I didn’t like, but they didn’t do with data are linked to a
violate the Constitution.” collected from broader state
minors. spending plan
Republicans Norma Anderson, top, and Krista Kafer are two of the plaintiffs in the case. Industry groups have raised that must be acted on by March
Plaintiffs recruited questions about the constitu- 31.
Anderson is one of six Col- he said. been accused of engaging in his movement. tionality of the proposal and G.S. Hans, a Cornell Law
orado voters—four Republican The Arapahoe County GOP insurrection, much less been said media literacy would have School professor and associate
and two independent—re- went further, censuring the struck from the ballot for do- a more immediate impact. director of the school’s First
cruited by a Washington ad- Republican plaintiffs for ing so. But legal scholars and Technicality cited The Albany showdown Amendment clinic, said the
vocacy group to challenge “splintering the party instead political critics were calling But she found a technical- marks the latest clash between New York proposal could still
Trump’s qualifications under of fostering unity,” among the Jan. 6 attack an insurrec- ity exempted Trump from dis- state officials and tech compa- present constitutional con-
the insurrection clause. Oth- other offenses. tion before the day was out. qualification: The prohibition nies. Attorneys general from 41 cerns. “Even a law that doesn’t
ers include a newspaper col- One of those plaintiffs, Citizens for Responsibility in Section 3 of the 14th states sued Meta Platforms, touch content but talks about
umnist, a former Republican Krista Kafer, a Denver Post and Ethics in Washington, a Amendment applies only to the operator of Instagram and how you arrange, present and
congresswoman, a teacher columnist and a Republican watchdog group that repeat- people who previously took an Facebook, in October, alleging prioritize content is going to
married to a state senator, a who said she voted for Trump edly has tangled with Trump, oath to support the Constitu- the company intentionally built face this question,” he said.
former chief of staff to a Re- in 2020, laughed off the move. began researching the insur- tion when serving as a federal its products with addictive fea- Meta said it uses algorithms
publican governor and a for- “I got censured, but I still rection clause to try to dis- officer, a member of Congress tures that harm young users of to protect all users from inap-
mer city council member. keep getting those daily fund- qualify politicians involved in or a state executive, legisla- its Facebook and Instagram ser- propriate content and to help
Watching Republicans rally raising texts,” she said. the Capitol attack. After tive or judicial officer. The vices. Meta in November told steer them toward supportive
to Trump’s side as the shock Colorado’s highest court in Trump announced his bid to presidency’s occupant wasn’t The Wall Street Journal it communities based on common
of Jan. 6 receded, Anderson December found Trump ineli- retake the White House, a federal officer, Wallace con- didn’t design its products to be interests. The company last
says she felt she couldn’t stay gible for public office. If the CREW lawyers began working cluded. Trump—alone among addictive for teens. month began to automatically
in the party. She switched her U.S. Supreme Court rejects on the case, and they tapped the 45 presidents who have In Washington last week, restrict teen users from harm-
registration to independent, Trump’s appeal, he could be like-minded lawyers in Colo- succeeded George Washing- senators from both parties ful content including videos and
but after about six months re- stripped from the ballot rado—where state law made a ton—never served in Congress grilled tech CEOs on how their posts about self-harm, graphic
registered as a Republican. It across the country, itself an ballot challenge relatively or held state or federal office. algorithms affect minors, and violence and eating disorders.
is the others, she says, who unprecedented event. easy—to recruit plaintiffs. Both sides appealed to the said they must bear more legal “Teens move interchange-
should change their affilia- “I wasn’t looking to bring Colorado Supreme Court, liability when children are ably between many websites
tion. litigation against Trump, but which by a 4-3 vote upheld harmed online. Several senators and apps, and different laws in
The Colorado GOP has no Unprecedented case it’s hard to justify bringing a the insurrection findings and acknowledged federal laws different states will mean teens
plans to comply. A lawyer for Trump didn’t case against some lower-level ruled that the president was a don’t adequately address harms and their parents have inconsis-
Old-school Republicans like respond to a request for com- person and not against the federal officer, therefore dis- to children on the platforms. tent experiences online,” a com-
Anderson are “bitter that the ment. In legal papers, his law- person who incited the insur- qualifying Trump. “We are But lawmakers haven’t united pany spokeswoman said, add-
party no longer thinks the yers argue that he had noth- rection,” said Donald Sher- mindful of the magnitude and around a single approach, leav- ing that Meta supports federal
world of them,” says Dave ing to do with the Capitol man, CREW’s chief counsel. weight of the questions,” the ing several bills waiting for a legislation that would require
Williams, the state party attack. “President Trump After a five-day trial, Judge majority’s unsigned opinion vote. parental approval for people
chairman. “They had for years never participated in or di- Sarah Wallace in Denver ruled said. “We are also cognizant While none of the federal under 16 to download an app.
the ability to influence Repub- rected any of the illegal con- in November that the Jan. 6, that we travel in uncharted bills have been enacted, several A TikTok spokesman said the
lican Party politics, but start- duct that occurred at the Cap- 2021, attack to stop Congress territory,” it said, and there- states have passed laws regu- company automatically sets a
ing with the Tea Party move- itol on Jan. 6, 2021,” they from certifying Biden’s elec- fore left Trump’s name on the lating social media. Tech com- 60-minute screen-time limit for
ment in 2010, with Donald write. tion was an insurrection, and ballot until the U.S. Supreme panies have, so far, been suc- users between ages 13 and 18,
Trump in 2016, the party has Until Trump, no credible that Trump engaged in the of- Court decided the ex-presi- cessful in blocking those state and parents are able to set con-
grown to be more populist,” presidential candidate had fense by inciting extremists in dent’s inevitable appeal. efforts by citing First Amend- tent limits on linked accounts.
A4 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Migrants at the border wall in Texas and, below, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Attempts to pass legislation for fixing a border problem that both parties describe as chaotic have come up empty for years.

Border Compromise Never Stood a Chance

Immigration effort The end result is a nation ing to accept a proposal that
less secure at home and would only crack down on bor-
ran aground on anger abroad: The border situation der and asylum policies, with-
from GOP base and that both parties describe as out any legalization of the un-
chaotic and out of control re- documented. Biden, once wary
election politics mains unaddressed; the allies of alienating pro-immigration
fighting difficult wars in Israel progressives, discovered a new-
BY MOLLY BALL and Ukraine remain unaided, found zeal for “shutting down”
waiting for long-promised the border. Yet as the Lankford-
WASHINGTON—It began as American military assistance. Murphy-Sinema talks dragged
a clever GOP political ploy: “What is happening on the on through the end of 2023, it
The party would withhold its border now is not safe, it’s un- became increasingly clear that
votes for the foreign aid Dem- tenable, it’s a humanitarian cri- immigration hawks were gear-
ocrats sought unless some- sis,” said Elizabeth Neumann, ing up to oppose whatever they
thing was done about the in- who served in the Trump’s ad- came up with. On the campaign
flux of migrants at the ministration in the Department trail and on social media,
southern border. of Homeland Security. She Trump began inveighing
ANALYSIS Yet a gambit Re- blamed campaign politics for against the yet-to-be-unveiled
publicans once the impasse, particularly a bloc legislation, warning his follow-
hoped would divide their op- of nativist Republicans who see ers they were being sold out.
ponents ended up exposing any compromise as anathema.
their own divisions instead, “Republicans are not doing
achieving none of what they what they were hired to do, ‘Destroy you’
sought and opening them to and it’s very disappointing. I’m Lankford said Wednesday
accusations of cynical political deeply disappointed, but I’m that a “popular commentator”
gamesmanship. not surprised.” who he declined to name had
For decades, well-meaning This wasn’t the ending Re- told him weeks before the
members of both parties have publicans envisioned last fall, bill’s release, “If you try to
tried to overhaul an immigra- when they saw the opportu- move a bill that solves the
tion system most agree is nity to put Democrats on their Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) tion was politically perilous. Trump launched his presi- border crisis during this presi-
badly broken, only to run heels and bring their own had bonded on a January 2023 “It almost doesn’t matter dential bid in 2015 with a dia- dential year, I will do what-
aground on an intractably party together. GOP populists bipartisan fact-finding trip to what was in the bill, conserva- tribe against Mexican rapists ever I can to destroy you, be-
toxic issue made even more so had long argued that the U.S. the border. tives were going to be angry and criminals he claimed were cause I do not want you to
by the looming rematch of shouldn’t be sending more aid None of them, however, had and upset about anything they pouring across the border. His solve this during the presiden-
President Biden and Donald to Ukraine while domestic been deeply involved in previ- did,” said Brendan Buck, a for- political advisers Kellyanne tial election.”
Trump. As the latest such ef- needs went unaddressed. ous efforts to overhaul immi- mer aide to former House Conway, Steve Bannon and The House GOP leaders who
fort fell apart on Wednesday, gration. For veterans of the is- Speakers John Boehner and Stephen Miller saw the immi- had once insisted the border
failing to pass a vote in the sue, the surprise isn’t that this Paul Ryan—both of whom per- gration issue as a way to gal- crisis was too urgent to ignore
Senate, the negotiators behind Spiraling crisis attempt failed but that anyone sonally supported immigration vanize working-class whites in began signaling the brewing
it were left to lament that The spiraling border crisis thought it could succeed given reform but saw it as too divi- the Rust Belt—a theory that compromise was unaccept-
their months of earnest effort was emerging as a deepening the past few decades’ history sive to confront. they saw vindicated by his up- able. In mid-January, House
had amounted to nothing. weakness for the Biden admin- of inaction, stalemate and poi- set 2016 victory. Speaker Mike Johnson posted
“We all negotiated in good istration, which had preferred sonous politics. During Trump’s presidency on social media of the nascent
faith. We delivered. We pro- to play down and avoid the is- Lawmakers tried to craft an Populist revolts he walked away from a deal to deal, “Absolutely not.” When
duced a bill many thought im- sue. Polls showed independent immigration compromise dur- While farmers, the business fund a border wall in exchange the negotiators finally re-
possible,” said Sen. Kyrsten voters increasingly concerned ing the Obama administration, community, faith leaders and for legalizing the “dreamers”— leased their proposal on Sun-
Sinema, an Arizona indepen- about border security, while with a bipartisan “gang” of the GOP establishment immigrants in the country ille- day, House leaders promptly
dent. “But less than 24 hours Democratic mayors whose senators crafting a compre- pleaded for a solution, the is- gally who were brought as chil- declared it would get no hear-
after we released the bill, my streets were overwhelmed hensive bill. In 2013 immigra- sue tapped into deep-seated dren. Yet Trump’s harsh ing in their chamber.
Republican colleagues changed with migrants pleaded with tion legislation passed the anxieties around cultural and rhetoric and calls for a wall Democrats fumed that
their minds. It turns out they the president for help. If Biden Senate with 68 votes, includ- demographic change for many weren’t a clear political win- they’d given away the store
want all talk and no action.” wanted money for Ukraine and ing 14 Republicans. But the rank-and-file conservatives. ner; most voters disliked his at- for nothing. “It was just
The lead Republican negoti- Israel, Republican leaders said, Republican-led House resisted Similar dynamics have played tempts to whip up public anger months ago that Republicans
ator, Sen. James Lankford of he would have to come to the as tremors from the base be- out throughout the developed around migrant “caravans” and were asking for this exact bill
Oklahoma, said, “Americans table to address this domestic gan to signal danger. The world in this age of global dis- controversy surrounding family to deal with the border, to
are ticked off that this is not crisis as well. measure died. placement and mass migra- separations, according to polls. provide support for Ukraine
resolved. They expect us to The negotiators who took That episode solidified the tion, powering populist revolts The current situation at the and Israel,” Biden said Tues-
get things done, so why don’t up the issue were serious and sense among Republicans that such as Brexit and right-wing border has gotten so dire that day. “And now it’s here, and
we do that?” earnest. Lankford, Sinema and any dealmaking on immigra- movements across Europe. many Democrats became will- they are saying, ‘Never mind.’”

Senators they got the border-related

amendment votes that some
sought, Senate Minority Whip
Schumer but more critically
that of Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) and
the defeat of an Israel-aid bill.
The package pending in the
Senate includes about $60 bil-
Many Senate Republicans
back Ukraine, and McConnell
has stressed the importance of
from the White House or Dem-
ocrats, this person said. One
idea also gaining currency was

Pivot to Aid John Thune (R., S.D.) said,

“those are all really good ques-
tions, none of which have good
House Speaker Mike Johnson
(R., La). Both of the Republi-
cans have faced grumbling in
lion related to Ukraine, with
$14.1 billion for Israel security
assistance and $2.4 billion for
helping the country fend off
Russian invaders.
But growing blowback from
to allow separate votes on dif-
ferent portions of the national-
security package.

Package answers at the moment.”

Senate Republicans picked
over their options in a spirited
the ranks and hold an unsteady
grip on their conferences’
operations in the Red Sea,
where Houthi rebels in Ye-
men have attacked shipping.
conservative voters has made
it a difficult vote.
With Kyiv now rationing
President Biden on Tuesday
put the blame on Trump and
urged Republicans to “show
midday meeting, with some ea- Several GOP senators held a It also includes more than military supplies and the U.S. some spine and do what they
Continued from Page One ger to move on to foreign aid news conference this week $9 billion in humanitarian as- worried about the Mideast, the know to be right.” McConnell
the vote Thursday. and others insisting on revisit- criticizing McConnell over the sistance for civilians in Gaza, set of votes will reveal whether acknowledged the role of the
“We will recess until tomor- ing tough border provisions. border deal, and Johnson en- the West Bank, Ukraine and a wing of the Republican Party GOP in the border false start.
row and give our Republican Democrats said that Repub- dured dual setbacks when a others in conflict zones. It con- embodied by McConnell is The immigration deal fol-
colleagues the night to figure licans kept moving the goal vote to impeach Homeland Se- tains about $4.8 billion to help ready to join Democrats to de- lowed months of private nego-
themselves out,” he said. posts, first conditioning curity Secretary Alejandro allies in the Indo-Pacific and liver aid and reassert a global tiations between Sens. James
Schumer had revealed the Ukraine aid on border-security Mayorkas failed, followed by deter aggression by China. leadership role for the U.S. Lankford (R., Okla.), Kyrsten
plan Wednesday morning, res- measures, then rejecting a bor- Former President Donald Sinema (I., Ariz.) and Chris
urrecting the foreign-aid pro- der-security deal that they Trump, the front-runner for Murphy (D., Conn.), who took
posal and returning the Sen- sought, only to again demand the 2024 GOP presidential to the Senate floor Wednesday
ate to effectively the same border-security votes. nomination, has railed against to express their deep disap-
question it had faced before “Every time we agree to providing more funds to pointment.
the ill-fated border talks. something that is a difficult, Ukraine, and Rep. Marjorie The deal would have estab-
He said he would offer a really difficult negotiation, Taylor Greene (R., Ga.), a lished a new asylum process at
“fair and open” process for Re- we’re finding that Republicans Trump ally, has threatened an the border to deliver fast case
publicans to make amend- don’t keep their word,” said attempt to oust Johnson as resolutions and swift deporta-
ments, and the idea picked up Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., speaker if he provides more tions for migrants who don’t
GOP support, with the top Re- Mich.). “It’s shocking now, the money to Kyiv. qualify. It also would have set

publican on the Senate Armed extent to which folks don’t Johnson kept his options a higher bar for those claims
Services Committee, Sen. care about their word.” open on Wednesday. “We’ll see and created new limits on the
Roger Wicker of Mississippi, A vote to advance the what the Senate does,” he said. number of immigrants seeking
predicting the bill would ad- slimmed-down package would Behind the scenes, House asylum to prevent the system
vance. set the stage for an unpredict- GOP leaders already have been from getting overwhelmed.
But hurdles sprang up. able battle in Washington in discussing a menu of options, a The bill would have required
Asked in the early evening if the coming weeks to get it person familiar with the mat- the government to “shut down”
Republicans could guarantee through the Senate and then ter said. the border to asylum seekers if
the votes for the slimmed- the House. The effort will test Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer resurrected the Among those is to demand more than 5,000 migrants at-
down foreign-aid package if the leadership not only of foreign-aid proposal Wednesday morning. a concession on border policy tempted to cross in a day.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A5
A6 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 NY * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Five Marines Remain Missing FORNIA

ch Air
Forcce Base

as Vegas

After Their Helicopter Is Found

After a helicopter from Creech
Air Force Base went missing
o AAngeles
ng le during training on Tuesday,
Marines said civil authorities
found it on Wednesday
morning in Pine Valley, about
BY ALYSSA LUKPAT didn’t land at the Miramar air licopter. The department said The 3rd Marine Aircraft Sann Diegoo
40 miles east of San Diego.
AND DOUG CAMERON station in San Diego, said it was searching in difficult Wing in San Diego lost a heli- Pho
Capt. Stephanie Leguizamon of and muddy terrain and facing copter in 2018 after it crashed Tijuanaa
Pacific Ocean
The Marine Corps said the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. rain and snow. The Civil Air during a training exercise. All
Wednesday it was searching California for several days Patrol didn’t return a request four people on board the air- MEXICO
for five Marines who were in a has been dealing with an at- for comment. craft, also a CH-53E Super 100 miles Tuscon
helicopter that went missing mospheric river causing heavy The aircraft is a CH-53E Su- Stallion, were killed. 100 km
on its way to San Diego a day rain and high winds. State fire per Stallion helicopter, Le- The Marines operate more Camille Bressange/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
earlier. officials said they were guizamon said. than 100 of the CH-53Es, built
The Marines said civil au- searching for the helicopter in Military aviation safety is by the Sikorsky unit of Lock- more than two years working its safety following a series of
thorities found the helicopter an area covered in snow that under congressional and pub- heed Martin. The fleet has an to improve the safety of its air- crashes that claimed dozens of
Wednesday morning in Pine was hard to access. lic scrutiny following the fatal average age of 35 years, with craft after a congressional service members’ lives.
Valley, Calif., about 40 miles The Marine Corps said it crash of a V-22 Osprey aircraft its life extended through mul- commission in December 2020 The grounding of the Osprey
east of San Diego. It didn’t de- was coordinating the search off the coast of Japan last No- tiple upgrades ahead of the ar- identified failings with train- fleet has created a logistical
scribe the aircraft’s condition. with the San Diego County vember. rival of a new model, the ing, aging aircraft and spare- challenge for the Marines, who
It had taken off a day earlier sheriff’s department and the The entire fleet of more CH-53K King Stallion. parts shortages. have about 300 of the aircraft,
from Creech Air Force Base Civil Air Patrol, the civilian than 400 Ospreys remains A Sikorsky spokesperson House investigators have as well as for the Navy, which
outside Las Vegas for a rou- auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. grounded while an investiga- said Wednesday that the com- called on Defense Secretary had started using them to sup-
tine training flight. The sheriff’s department tion continues. The CH-53E pany was aware of the incident Lloyd Austin to explain prob- ply aircraft carriers. The Air
The helicopter was reported said it received a call around 1 has been used to fulfill some and safety was its top priority. lems with the Osprey and what Force mainly deploys them for
overdue Tuesday when it a.m. Wednesday about the he- of the Osprey’s duties. The Pentagon has spent the Pentagon is doing to ensure special forces.


Biden Advisers Set Locomotive Derails, Williamson Drops
To Visit Michigan Spilling Diesel Presidential Bid
President Biden is dis- The locomotive of a cargo Self-help author and spiri-
patching a group of foreign train derailed in northern Col- tual guru Marianne William-
policy and political advisers orado early Wednesday, spill- son on Wednesday an-
to Michigan on Thursday in ing hundreds of gallons of nounced the end of her long-
an attempt to quell growing diesel, authorities said. shot Democratic challenge to
outrage over deaths in Gaza. The Great Western Rail- President Biden.
The move comes ahead of way locomotive didn’t tip The 71-year-old onetime
Michigan’s Feb. 27 presidential over when it went off the spiritual adviser to Oprah
primary and has taken on a rails at a switch in the tracks Winfrey contemplated sus-
new urgency after Biden’s pre- just before 1 a.m. but a fuel pending her campaign last
vious attempts to assuage tank was punctured, the month after winning just
Muslim and Arab-American Loveland Fire Rescue Author- 5,000 votes in New Hamp-
supporters have proved insuf- ity said in a Facebook post. shire’s primary, writing that
ficient. Polls show Biden trail- The spill was contained and she “had to decide whether
ing former President Donald didn’t get into any water- now is the time for a digni-
Trump in Michigan, one of the ways, it said. fied exit or continue on our
“Blue Wall” states along the No one was injured in the campaign journey.”
Great Lakes that Biden flipped derailment, which happened Williamson ultimately
in his 2020 campaign triumph. near a sugar factory in an opted to continue on for two
While Biden faces only mi- area not far from some more primaries. She won just

nor opposition in the primary, homes, Battalion Chief Kevin 2% of the vote in South Caro-
a group of more than two Hessler said. The other loco- lina and about 3% in Nevada.
dozen local officials have motive and three cars carry- Minnesota Rep. Dean Phil-
launched a “Listen to Michi- ing sugar didn’t derail, he said. lips is the last nationally
gan” effort, vowing to vote A natural berm helped known Democrat still running
“uncommitted” on Feb. 27. contain the spilled fuel, which against Biden, who has
The leaders have been press- was pumped up by a hazard- scored blowout victories in
ing the White House for a ous materials contractor, ac- South Carolina and Nevada
permanent cease-fire in Gaza cording to a spokesperson for and easily won in New
and say they intend to hold Great Western’s parent com- Hampshire, despite not being
BREACHED: A mudslide damaged a home in Hacienda Heights, Calif., in a storm that battered Biden accountable. pany, OmniTrax. on the ballot..
Southern California for days. It was moving out of the region Wednesday after another soaking. —Ken Thomas —Associated Press —Associated Press
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A7

Kyiv Rations Munitions as Aid Dwindles
Ukrainian forces are rest. Zaluzhniy has com- ing U.S. provisions, Ukrainian
plained about poor recruit- troops have been husbanding
low on ammunition, ment, blaming the govern- the munitions they consume
while Russian troops ment. fastest, including ammunition
Since Russia’s large-scale and defensive systems. Russia,
are ‘taking bites’ invasion almost two years ago, sensing opportunity, has been
Ukraine has held off numeri- barraging Ukraine with
BY JAMES MARSON cally superior Russian forces drones, missiles and rockets
AND DANIEL MICHAELS with a combination of extreme that destroy military equip-
bravery and advanced preci- ment, demoralize the popula-
KYIV, Ukraine—After a hard sion Western weaponry. The tion and—potentially most

day of fighting in January, exactitude of systems includ- threatening for the longer
Ukrainian troops lost a couple ing U.S. Javelin shoulder- term—deplete Kyiv’s stock of
of ditches near the northeast- launched antitank missiles air-defense interceptors.
ern city of Kupyansk. By the fol- and truck-based Himars rock-
lowing morning, the Russians ets, and European Storm
had dug a mile-long trench and Shadow and Scalp cruise mis- Drone to the rescue
were firmly established. siles has allowed Kyiv’s lim- Ukraine has given priority
A Ukrainian sniper listening ited forces to humble what to hitting targets that can
in on a Russian radio channel have maximum impact, such
heard how. The Russians de- as Russian air bases from
ployed a special trench-digging where attacks are launched,
team typically made up of and fuel refineries or supplies
drunks and other ne’er-do- Ukrainian troops in Lyman, Ukraine. A scarcity of equipment far behind front lines. The
wells. When one refused to dig, is impeding their efforts to hold back Russian advances. goal is to undermine Mos-
one Russian officer reported, cow’s ability to wage war, and
the laggard was swiftly dealt artillery shells. ago was basking in the unex- not just hit groups of troops.
with: “We eliminated him.” The scarcity of shells, mis- pected success of campaigns Kyiv hopes the approach will
The advance had no imme- siles and rockets is impeding against overextended Russian be more cost-effective than
diate strategic impact, but it Ukrainian efforts to hold back troops that regained hundreds targeting front-line soldiers
shows how Russian troops are waves of Russian armored ve- of square miles in late 2022, and may buy some breathing
slowly pressing forward using hicles, troops and artillery. the spreading adversity is an room for Ukrainian soldiers.
a critical advantage: masses of Ukraine is improvising by us- unwelcome change of fortune. “By hitting targets at
poorly trained conscripts and ing explosive drones to take President Volodymyr Zelensky depth, you are relieving troops
indifference to the loss of life. out armored columns. But and his top general, Valeriy at the front,” said retired Ger-
Ukrainian troops are disad- Russian ground troops still slip Zaluzhniy, are at odds, and man Lt. Gen. Heinrich Brauss,
vantaged amid shortages of all through, despite taking heavy political infighting is growing. of Ukraine’s use of British-
kinds of equipment even be- casualties, allowing Moscow’s Zelensky has noted that the French cruise missiles.
fore the consequences of Re- forces to press forward. prospect of battlefield losses least three occasions, Ukraine had been considered one of Ukraine is also racing to ex-
publicans blocking additional “They are taking bites,” the holds potentially dire conse- used its U.S.-designed Patriot the world’s top militaries. pand its production of small
aid to Kyiv fully affect the bat- Ukrainian security official said. quences. air-defense missiles to sur- Now, with Congress unable one-way drones loaded with
tlefield. The most immediately “People really don’t like los- prise expensive Russian war- to agree on more military help explosives. Early in the war,
painful shortage is in artillery: ers,” Zelensky said in an inter- planes and shoot them down. for Ukraine, its soldiers and pol- Kyiv and private citizens im-
Russian forces are outshooting Morale boost needed view in January with Britain’s iticians fear their defenses are ported large numbers of re-
Ukrainians by about 10 Russian Russians have penetrated Channel 4, referring to the weakening. Europe is scram- motely piloted drones, first for
shells to every one they fire, a the eastern Ukrainian city of war’s earliest days, when few Frontline is fragile bling to step up, but it lacks the reconnaissance and later as
Ukrainian security official said. Avdiivka from the north and foreign leaders thought his Ukraine’s military-intelli- Pentagon’s well-stocked arse- offensive systems.
With manpower and equip- south, and are seeking to cut government would survive. The gence agency last week said it nals and ability to quickly ex- In the past year, Ukraine has
ment severely depleted by last off its main supply line. The lesson remains relevant, he in- had used naval drones to de- pand production of vital sup- shifted to making its own ex-
year’s failed counteroffensive, Russians also are closing in dicated. In politics, he said of stroy a Russian missile cor- plies such as artillery shells. plosive drones in roughly 200
Ukraine finds itself fighting a around Kupyansk, a city how failures are shunned, “it’s vette off occupied Crimea. If Congress doesn’t approve factories scattered around the
defensive effort aimed at delay- Ukraine retook in 2022 in a everywhere…from the war to Ukrainian drone attacks have new funding for Ukraine, U.S. country, most of them small,
ing Russian advances and pre- lightning counteroffensive. financing, from the military, severely curtailed the move- equipment won’t suddenly stop, improvised operations. The goal
venting a major breakthrough. Neither city is a major strate- just to bilateral relations.” ments of Russia’s Black Sea but slowly expire. Past appro- is to produce one million drones
Russia hasn’t solved the gic prize, but taking either To be sure, Ukraine is hav- Fleet and allowed Kyiv to in- priations budgeted for muni- this year. From a production
challenge of how to cut through would be the first major con- ing more success in the air crease exports from its main tions that are only starting to rate of about 5,000 drones a
Ukraine’s defensive lines with quest for Russia since it cap- and sea war. Russia appears to southern port of Odesa. be shipped, such as Ground- month last summer, Ukraine by
armored vehicles, which Ukrai- tured the eastern city of have failed in its efforts this The concern for Ukraine is Launched Small Diameter the end of last year reached
nians can quickly spot and tar- Bakhmut in May and allow Rus- winter to cripple civilian in- the fragility of the front line. Bombs, which are fired from Hi- 50,000 a month, said Gustav
get with aerial drones. But they sian President Vladimir Putin to frastructure, including elec- Soldiers in the trenches com- mars or other vehicles and have Gressel, a senior policy fellow at
are inching forward using their claim a morale-boosting victory. tricity and heating, with mis- plain their units aren’t fully a range of more than 90 miles. the European Council on For-
superiority in manpower and For Kyiv, which one year sile and drone strikes. On at staffed and hardly rotated for Facing the prospect of wan- eign Relations, a think tank.


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Why Are need money to make money,

and I think you either start out
ahead or you’re constantly

Americans playing catch-up now.”

One factor in the downbeat

outlook is that many Ameri-

So Down? cans view the economy through

a political lens. Their opinion is
more optimistic when the party
of their choice holds the White
Continued from Page One House.
behavior that suggests opti- In the weeks before the 2016
mism, not retrenchment. election, only 11% of Republi-
Inflation has tempered. Unem- cans rated the economy as ex-
ployment has been below 4% cellent or good, CNBC polling
for 24 straight months, the lon- found. That jumped to 26%
gest such stretch since the right after the election, even
1960s. before Donald Trump was
The disconnect has puzzled sworn in as president, and rose
economists, investors and busi- to 73% within a year. By con-
ness owners. But press Ameri- trast, Democratic views of the
cans harder, and the immediate economy turned more negative
economy emerges as only one over the same period.
factor in the gloomy outlook. Some analysts find signs
Americans feel sour about the that the partisan skew in views
economy, many say, because of the economy is particularly
their long-term financial powerful now, with Biden in
security feels fragile and the White House, be-
vulnerable to wide-rang- cause Republicans are
ing social and political Haleigh and Clayton Wiles, top, feel like they’re sliding backward more likely than Demo-
threats. financially despite pay raises and frugal habits. Theresa Foster, below, crats to adopt a nega-
Reliable steps up the said she isn’t confident in leaders’ ability to handle complex issues. tive view when their
economic ladder, such as Alfredo Arguello, in red cap at left, said, ‘You could argue party is out of power.
a college degree, no lon- unemployment is 3.7%, but who cares with this level of uncertainty?’ “We find that Re-
ger look like a good in- publicans cheer louder
vestment. War overseas, when their party is in
and an emboldened set of control and boo louder
hostile nations, have when their party is out
made the world feel dan- of control,’’ wrote
gerous. Uninspiring lead- Stanford University
ers at home, running a economics professor
government widely seen Neale Mahoney, who
as dysfunctional, have held White House posi-
left people without hope tions under Biden and
that America is up to the Obama, and Ryan Cum-
challenge of fixing its mings, a Ph.D. student,
problems. in a November Sub-
The broad reasons for stack posting.
America’s dim outlook By statistically “ad-
suggest that even further justing the decibel
improvement in the econ- level’’ so that the two
omy might not be enough parties cheer equally,
to lift the nation’s mood. they found that about
In an election year, that is negative outlook doesn’t reflect mother of three in Jackson, 30% of the gap between con-
shaping up as one of the economic life of most Mich., said she wouldn’t neces- sumer sentiment and what
President Biden’s biggest Americans. “There’s some jus- sarily recommend college for would be predicted by the eco-
impediments to winning tification for some negativity her 18-year-old daughter. Bos nomic data could be explained
a second term. He has re- about the economy, but noth- herself returned to college in by what they called “asymmet-
ceived little credit so far for an to spend money while racking far enough. ing resembling the amount of her 30s to help her upgrade ric amplification” of consumer
economy that has foiled predic- up blunders, such as the The unemployment rate re- negativity seen in some of the from a job as a pharmacy tech- sentiment according to a per-
tions of a recession and instead botched withdrawal of U.S. mains at near-record lows, but survey data,” said Jason Fur- nician to higher-paying work in son’s political party.
grew 3.1% in the past year, far forces from Afghanistan. None layoffs have hit some sectors of man, a top economic adviser to human resources, which
ahead of the pace in 2022. of that instills confidence in the economy with force, includ- President Barack Obama. roughly doubled her pay to $30
By some metrics, that im- leaders’ ability to handle other ing technology and some other Furman said that, histori- an hour. But she said she sacri- ‘Dark clouds’
provement is starting to give complex issues. white-collar fields. cally, inflation and unemploy- ficed immensely to pay off Arguello, the Nashville-area
way to slightly rosier views of “I feel like no matter what James Welch, a married fa- ment levels have been predic- $41,000 in student loans, which restaurant owner, got into the
the economy. Consumer senti- they tell me about the econ- ther of two, moved his family tors of consumer sentiment, she did only recently. food-service industry in May
ment, as measured by the Uni- omy, they don’t really know, from Atlanta to Plano, Texas, to and that the recent spate of “A lot of people go to college 2020, early in the pandemic.
versity of Michigan, recently because they don’t have a co- take a job as a manager at an rising prices had unsettled con- and either don’t work in their After ending a 30-year career
posted the biggest two-month herent plan,” she said. online fitness company after he sumers. “It’s just not a good degree field or get a lot of debt at General Electric, where he
increase since 1991. Yet it re- Funck, the nurse in Milford, was laid off early in the pan- enough reason for them to be for a job that doesn’t have the was most recently a senior ex-
mains about 20% lower than Ohio, said she sees the coun- demic from a hotel company. as down on the economy as ability to make very much ecutive, the 65-year-old de-
during the robust economy of try’s decline in the high num- Last July, he was laid off again. they say they are,” he said. money,” Bos said. cided to buy and operate a
early 2020, just before the ber of uninsured and un- Welch, 49, said he’s depleted Some 78% of Americans said burger franchise with his son, a
Covid-19 pandemic started. housed patients whom she close to $450,000 in retirement they aren’t confident their chil- recent college graduate, as a
“You could argue unemploy- cares for at a large Cincinnati and emergency savings in re- Sliding backward dren’s lives will be better than way to teach him how to run a
ment is 3.7%, but who cares medical center. cent years to fund the move, Many Americans point to their own, a Journal-NORC sur- business while deepening his
with this level of uncertainty?” “The politicians seem to be medical expenses and costs for structural changes in the econ- vey found last year. That’s a re- own roots in his community af-
said Arguello. “Because that’s making out really good and two children in college. His omy that have left them anx- cord in surveys dating to 1990. ter years of travel.
what people are feeling. They’re then everybody else is strug- wife’s salary of roughly ious about the future. The de- In Wilmington, N.C., the The Mooyah burger fran-
not feeling hope. They’re not gling,” said Funck, who is 52 $72,000 annually as an opera- cline of company pensions has Wiles family feels like they’re chise they opened was success-
feeling one country. They’re and an independent voter who tions manager is keeping the shifted more of the risk of sliding backward financially ful enough that they opened a
feeling a divisive, divided backed Biden in 2020. She family afloat. Welch said he funding retirement from em- despite pay raises and frugal second location. Fourth-quarter
United States of America.” earns about $90,000 a year, thinks he was the victim of ployers to workers. And many habits. revenues in 2023 were 15%
had her student loans forgiven cost-cutting moves at the com- who once thought they could Clayton, 44 years old, makes higher than in the prior year,
after two decades, and has no pany. He said shortly after he count on a college degree as a $10,000 more than he did three Arguello said.
No ‘coherent plan’ children to support. Still, she was laid off, he saw his job re- ticket into the middle class years ago in his job as a tow- Despite his personal success,
Theresa Foster estimates constantly fears she’ll be de- posted for lower pay. now question its value. truck driver, bringing the fam- Arguello said he believes that
her family’s net worth is up be- railed by an unexpected ex- To many economists, the Amy Bos, 44, a married ily’s annual income to $58,000. “the light at the end of the tun-
cause the value of their home pense. But the Wiles can’t afford to fix nel is not there yet” for a na-
in suburban Albany, N.Y., has While many groups of Change from year earlier in spending, wages and prices their broken-down truck and tion emerging from the pan-
risen around 20% since the Americans have made gains plan to draw from modest re- demic and its high-inflation
pandemic started. “But every during the pandemic recovery, Spending surged in 2021, compared to tirement savings to pay for trauma. Many other nearby
time I go to the store I am some cracks have emerged. sharp pandemic pullbacks a year earlier. health insurance for their two restaurants have recently
shocked by the prices,” said Americans in lower-paying children when they lose Medic- closed, he said, and more
Foster, who earns more than industries saw some of the aid eligibility this year. broadly, he’s concerned that
$200,000 combined with her strongest pay raises in recent 12 Haleigh, 30, is in school to America is suffering because
husband’s income. “I feel like years, but wage growth is now Prices surged become a teacher, but worries political leaders are putting
we’re on really thin ice, that slowing overall, and more so at the end Inflation has slowed since 2023, that even the addition of an ex- their party’s needs above the
it’s really fragile, that neither for these workers. Research of 2021 and though spending has not slowed tra salary won’t enable them to country’s.
political party has any theoreti- from the Federal Reserve Bank 8 beginning as quickly as prices. start saving for a down pay- “You have this political in-
cal foundation for what they of Dallas found that low-income of 2022. ment on a house. stability, a world that is very
want to do with the economy.” households disproportionately The combination of higher unstable, with this economic
Foster, 57, earned a master’s bear the brunt of inflation, in borrowing costs and higher uncertainty,’’ said Arguello,
degree on GI Bill benefits and part because of the high share 4 Wages home prices has made buying a who is originally from Nicara-
works part time at a nonprofit, of their income that goes to- Prices home much less affordable. gua. He considers himself
while her husband works full ward food, gas and rent. New 30-year fixed-rate mort- right-of-center politically and
time in human resources. To While inflation has cooled Rising wages are now driving gages, though down about a would vote reluctantly for
her, the notion that cooling in- substantially from its peak in more spending growth. percentage point from last fall, Trump this year if he is the
flation should ease her finan- 2022, wage growth only began are close to 7%, compared with GOP nominee.
cial worries is akin to telling a to outpace price increases in June ’22 ’23 ’24 under 3% three years ago. “What people are sensing is
person who is bleeding out that mid-2023, meaning many “I don’t think the American not whether the inflation is be-
the flow of blood has slowed. Americans are still reeling from Note: Spending is change in seasonally adjusted annualized consumer spending. Wages are dream still exists,’’ said Ha- coming moderate,” he said.
seasonally adjusted average hourly earnings for private workers. Prices are unadjusted consumer
What upsets her, she said, is a long stretch in which it felt price index for all items for urban consumers. leigh. “I don’t think it’s attain- “It’s that the dark clouds re-
that the government continues like their earnings couldn’t go Sources: Commerce Department (spending); Labor Department (wages, prices) via St. Louis Fed able anymore. Because you main.”

How to name of science, such as a

meat-and-potato pie launched
by Harry’s Bar, a U.K. pub that
sion for Iron Man triathlons
and Rose has one for pumpkin
carving—he’s a champion—but
signature tumbler, “the
Quencher,” a skyward launch
was the only option, he says.
body to taste it,” he says. Cal-
laghan says the pie is still in a
refrigerator at Harry’s Bar.
where it was launched. All
goods return to Earth and re-
covery is critical to avoid lit-

Launch organizes a world champion

pie-eating competition. Ac-
cording to the bar’s website,
both have a love of space.
Sent Into Space rose from
what Rose called a “crackpot
“We all feel this is a must
have—not a nice to have,” he
wrote to Stanley requesting
A 7-Eleven spokesperson
says the Slurpee, launched in
2021, didn’t spill “and in fact,
tering and help access re-
corded footage.
One vessel, collecting scien-

A Nugget they wanted to “boldly go

where no pie has been be-
fore,” and see if the journey
scheme” to get a camera into
Near Space. (They did.) Now
they have 25 employees and
additional marketing funds.
“Good Lord, where do you
find these things?” Stan-
was still frozen when it came
back. Someone did drink it!”
Baker and Rose said they’re
tific samples for the Univer-
sity of Sheffield, landed on the
Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah,
changed the pie’s molecular one office dog called Doug ley’s team replied. But the well practiced on logistics, in- in a location not accessible by
Continued from Page One structure. who’s come to work every day Quencher ascended last year, cluding securing government car. “We were probably 50
miles up, according to many A launch can cost from a for the last seven years. and following the campaign approvals—and handling post- miles from the nearest cell-
scientists. But at 20 miles, the few thousand dollars to hun- They use polyethylene bal- the product sold out within 24 landing challenges. phone reception to get res-
company, which calls itself dreds of thousands, Rose says, loons with a cargo attachment hours. “Going up is the easy part. cued if there was a problem,”
“Near Space experts,” says and the company does up to containing a camera system School children and resi- The difficult part is finding it Baker says, adding high tem-
its cameras capture “the three a week. “We’re in this and communications technol- dents of a home for elderly again after it’s come down,” peratures further complicated
blackness of space, the thin new space race,” Rose says. ogy to track the vessel. After people came to watch the said London-based filmmaker the on-foot trek. “I wouldn’t
blue line of the atmosphere “The appeal for space is at an the camera captures images of launch of a pie from the Eng- Jack Jewers who hired Sent say I hated it per se because it
and the curvature of the all-time high.” an item sent up, ground-based lish village of Roby Mill, re- Into Space to launch a portrait was extremely memorable.”
Earth.” A baby stroller, Tic After the 2020 nugget technology sends a radio sig- calls Tony Callaghan, owner of of Shakespeare. He used the Regarding the Shakespeare
Tacs, Jameson whiskey, a 7- launch, the supermarket made nal command to the contrap- Wigan Pubs Ltd., which owns footage for films commemo- portrait, launched from Shef-
Eleven Slurpee, a wedding international news and sold 10 tion to fall back to Earth. The Harry’s Bar. “Whether the pie rating the 400th anniversary field, Jewers says, “I was wor-
dress and a portrait of Shake- million nuggets that week, whole journey takes two or would explode, cook, get of Shakespeare’s First Folio. ried it was going to end up in
speare are among objects that Gummett said. three hours, Rose says. burned, we didn’t know,” he Sent Into Space does simu- the sea and be lost forever.”
have journeyed “to the edge of Rose and Baker met as When Tim Slack, founder of says. So he was surprised the lations to understand the Luckily, it only crash-landed
space,” the company says, of- Ph.D. candidates at Sheffield digital-marketing company pie returned to Earth looking flight path and landing zone, into a tree in Wales, he says,
ten for marketing campaigns. University, where both studied Nativve, was tasked with the unchanged. but the vessel can still come and the footage was un-
Some efforts are in the engineering. Baker has a pas- European release of Stanley’s “We should’ve got some- down up to 100 miles from harmed.
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A9

Germs Also Make

21% in 2019, according to HR-soft-
ON THE ware company Gusto. That means
CLOCK most people don’t take sick time.
Laptop-bound workers often

Return to the Office

sign on from home rather than call

in sick, typing and tissue-blowing
in their pajamas. Even Covid isn’t a
ne sign your office life slam-dunk reason to miss work any
is officially back to more if symptoms aren’t severe.
normal: a colleague (Speaking of slam dunks: The
comes to work, hack-
Contagious workers feel pressure to show up and shame for coming in sneakers Michael Jordan wore
ing up a lung, and gets during his famous “flu game”—he
props for pushing scored 38 points with a 103-degree
through illness. fever in Game 5 of the 1997 NBA
If it seems like coughing and Finals—sold for $1.38 million last
sneezing are a louder-than-usual summer. Look no further for evi-
workplace soundtrack this winter, dence that we still fetishize tough-
it’s not your imagination. Respira- ing it out.)
tory illnesses have lingered above In certain cities, sick-shaming
the national baseline since Novem- bosses risk blow back. In New
ber, according to the Centers for York City and Washington, D.C.,
Disease Control and Prevention, as for example, it is illegal to ask em-
influenza, Covid, RSV and the ployees for doctors’ notes after
common cold circulate. brief absences.
Far from staying home to halt Even less-direct hassling could
the spread of germs, American be grounds for a complaint, says
workers are reporting to their Vanessa Matsis-McCready, vice
desks at the highest rates in al- president of human resources at
most four years. Last week office Engage PEO, which handles HR
occupancy hit its highest level functions for small and midsize
since March 2020, according to businesses. A general sense that a
Kastle Systems, which tracks department’s culture is to push
building-access card swipes. through sickness is enough to re-
“You really have to be unable to port to HR, she said. It may not be
speak and unable to function to re- enough to win a grievance case,
ally make an excuse for yourself but businesses can pay a price in
and say, ‘I’m going to take a sick reputation and morale.
day,’” says Alberta Johnson,
founder and chief executive of Peo-
ple Experts, an HR consulting firm. Learning the benefits
Johnson, who works a hybrid of rest and recovery
schedule, recently kept chugging When I spoke with Megan Woller-
through a sinus infection. She can- ton on Monday, one of her em-
celed some in-person meetings and ployees had just called in sick.
events to protect others but didn’t Given that Wollerton’s company,
take time off until she reached the Life Force Wellness, provides
point of exhaustion. She scolds health coaching as a benefit to
herself in hindsight for compro- other businesses, there was only
mising her health and modeling a one thing to do: She told the em-
suck-it-up attitude to her team. ployee to take the day off and re-
Subtly or explicitly, bosses assigned client calls.
sometimes urge employees to ig- Wollerton, 37, was an office
nore minor symptoms. Their own manager at an energy company be-
reluctance to take sick days can fore becoming a personal trainer
signal that subordinates are ex- and changing careers. “I worked in
pected to gut it out. Asking one of those environments where
whether an employee feels well you push through no mat-
enough to work from home, in- ter what,” she says.
stead of immediately granting a one-fifth said they encourage un- many ways we work now are try- She’s unlearning the
day off, can also apply pressure. der-the-weather employees to ing to gain a sense of control over habit of sucking it up,
So can harping on how inconve- come to the office. Almost a quar- their people, says Stacie Haller, which she considers short-

nient it is and that co-workers will ter said they suspect workers lie Resume Builder’s chief career ad- sighted. Being under-
have to pick up the slack. about being sick or exaggerate the viser. The survey results are con- staffed for a day or two is
In a January survey of 1,000 severity of their illnesses. sistent with others that show better than spreading an
U.S. managers by Resume Builder, Managers frustrated by the managers often doubt whether illness to the rest of the
their charges are giving full effort team and risking a bigger
while working from home. productivity loss later. Be-
Workers can’t win, Haller says. ing dismissive of employ-
They feel shamed by bosses if they ees who feel sick can harm
call out sick or shamed by col- retention, she adds.
leagues if they show up contagious. Jaymes Black, chief ex-
ecutive of the LGBT advo-
It’s going around cacy nonprofit Family
The good news is the latest Covid Equality, is fighting old
variant appears less dangerous, or urges to brush off sick-
at least no worse, than previous  Megan Wollerton says sick days ness. Black, who uses gender-neu-
versions. The bad news is the vi- stop a wider spread of illnesses. tral pronouns, was slightly hoarse
rus’s mutations keep adding to the from a sore throat when I called
list of ways people can get sick. on a recent afternoon and about to
“We unfortunately expect that Bhadelia, director of the Boston take a nap—but not about to can-
every season we’ll have a new dis- University Center for Emerging In- cel our appointment.
ease to battle,” says Dr. Nahid fectious Diseases. All other work tasks would be
Some employees take sick days postponed until the next day,
whenever they sniffle or need a Black assured me, adding that
 Michael Jordan played with a mental break. About 30% of white- they encourage employees to use
103-degree fever in an NBA playoff collar workers with access to paid sick days, too: “The work will be
game rather than calling in sick. sick leave used it last year, up from here when you get back.”

Swift as Psyop? Another Errors Tour Stop

this theory have spread on Reddit
and X, including the claim that their
relationship is manufactured. Some
proponents of this theory have seen
Kelce’s support for Pfizer and Bud
BY ASHLEY WONG giving a presentation about fighting Light as evidence that he is being

misinformation. One slide features a paid to promote Democratic policies.
s the Kansas City Chiefs pre- picture of Swift, whom Bargar uses Bud Light became the center of a
pare to play the San Francisco as an example of a person whose culture war and a boycott last year
49ers in Las Vegas this Sun- social influence could be helpful for after the company used a transgen-
day, conspiracy theories are swirling countering misinformation. der influencer in advertising.
around Taylor Swift and her foot- Benz used this video to suggest Most of these theories don’t fac-
ball-player boyfriend Travis Kelce. that Bargar was a Pentagon repre- tor in an explanation for how foot-
They have taken on a distinctly po- sentative pitching the North Atlantic ball games over months could be
litical shape: Will the couple en- Treaty Organization on using Swift rigged. The NFL didn’t respond to
dorse President Biden for re-elec- as a psychological-operations as- requests for comment.
tion? Is Swift part of a government set—in other words, to spread pro-
influence campaign? paganda and sway American beliefs. False Theory No. 3:
The theories aren’t based in fact. His theory hinges on several George Soros “owns” Taylor Swift
Instead, they rest on conjecture, false false inferences. At the time of the In 2019, Swift publicly criticized the
assumptions and tenuous links to conference, Bargar was about to be- sale of her music catalog during an
public gestures the two have made come an employee at Graphika, a acceptance speech at the Billboard
over the years. Since 2018, Swift has social-analytics company—and one Music Awards, claiming that she
endorsed Democratic politicians—in- that Benz has accused on social had been told “the Soros family”
cluding Biden in 2020—and encour- media of working with the Penta- had partially funded the deal to pur-
aged people to register to vote. Her gon to try to censor online informa- chase her music.
boyfriend has appeared in ads for tion about events like the 2020 Some have pointed to these pro-
Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. But neither election and Covid-19. A spokes- nouncements as proof that the So-
has appeared at campaign rallies, as woman for Graphika said that while ros family controls Swift. These
other stars have. Representatives for it had contracts with the Depart-  Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are at the center of conspiracy theories theorists have claimed that Soros, a
Swift and Kelce didn’t respond to re- ment of Defense, its focus was on related to the U.S. government, Biden, George Soros and the NFL. major Democratic political donor, is
quests for comment. combating misinformation. behind Swift’s push for Democratic
The two are now at the center of In a statement, Benz maintained person to explain a social network tions is a leap too far,” said Major politicians and liberal causes follow-
conspiracy theories on the American that he believed the presentation analysis concept to the audience.” Charlie Dietz, a spokesman. ing the sale of her catalog.
government, Biden, George Soros had proposed using Swift as a polit- After Benz shared the theory, But this timeline doesn’t hold up.
and the National Football League. ical agent, and cited other leaders Jesse Watters elevated it on his False Theory No. 2: Swift waded into politics in a signifi-
who had requested Swift’s influence Fox News program with a segment Playoffs were fixed so Biden cant way for the first time in 2018,
False Theory No. 1: in their campaigns. Last month, a titled “Is Taylor Swift a Pentagon could be endorsed at Super Bowl before the sale, when she endorsed
Taylor Swift is part of a ‘psyop’ European Union official publicly Asset?” Bargar said she hadn’t been Ahead of the Chiefs’ victory at the two Democrats in Tennessee.
Mike Benz, a conservative broad- asked Swift to try to encourage contacted ahead of the segment. AFC playoffs last month, broadcaster A Soros spokesman didn’t respond
caster and former State Department voter registration in Europe when A representative for Watters de- and Trump supporter Mike Crispi to requests for comment.
official under Trump, shared a video her Eras Tour begins there in May. clined to comment. said the NFL was “rigged” so that A spokesman for Soros’s nonprofit

in January from a 2019 educational Bargar, the researcher, said in a The Defense Department stuck the Chiefs would go to the Super Open Society Foundations said the
conference organized by the NATO statement: “I have no connection to down the rumors. “While we love Bowl, paving the way for Swift to theories were “preposterous.”
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of the Pentagon or NATO. This was an Taylor Swift songs as much as the emerge during the halftime show “People need to be suspect about
Excellence. The clip, which he aired academic presentation at an open next person (and yes, I watched the and endorse Biden for re-election. where they get their news from and
during a livestream and in other conference for discussing cyber se- whole Era Tours 3+ hour long Though he suggestively teased ask themselves who is benefiting
posts on X, shows Alicia Bargar, curity challenges. Taylor Swift was movie), weaving her into conspiracy that he might have been joking in from the spread of these untruths,”
then a Johns Hopkins researcher, an incidental example of a famous theories about psychological opera- the days that followed, versions of the spokesman said.
A10 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

were,” says Emerson, who has a
summer cottage on Lake Ontario
and a fishing boat.

Active lifestyles
A greater share of 65-year-olds re-
ported meeting federal physical
activity guidelines of 150 minutes
of moderate-intensity aerobic ac-
tivity a week and strength training
in 2018 than in 1998, according to
researchers from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
Staying active and muscle
strengthening can help reduce the
risks of falls, cardiovascular dis-
ease, depression and Alzheimer’s
Gina McRae, an administrative
coordinator for a consulting busi-
ness, turned 65 in early February.
Every weekday at about 7 a.m.,
McRae turns on her TV and works
out for about 30 to 45 minutes with
SeniorShape or other YouTube in-
structors, alternating between
strength, aerobics and yoga in her
Beltsville, Md., basement.
Her routine began in 2019 in
part to lose weight and because she
wanted to be more active than her
mom, whose exercise consisted of
yard work.
“I’m in better shape than she
was at 65,” she says.

Living single

A Milestone Loses Its Meaning

The divorce rate among people 65
and older has more than tripled
since 1990, says sociologist Susan
Brown, co-director of the National
Center for Family and Marriage
Research at Bowling Green State
As a record number of Americans turn 65 this year, many are redefining a retirement marker University in Ohio. It isn’t clear
why a larger share
of 65-year-olds are
helped found the company in getting divorced,
TURNING 2016, which offers “create your but it could be
POINTS own fragrance” events at meet- partly the result of
CLARE ings and celebrations. longevity.
ANSBERRY “I’m not winding down. I’m Today’s 65-year-

just starting,” she says. olds can reasonably
expect to live an-
ore Americans are Working longer other 20 years and
turning 65 this Nearly 20% of Americans 65 and might not want to
year than any prior older were employed in 2023, spend it in an un-
time in history. which is nearly double the share of happy marriage,
Today’s 65-year- those who were working 35 years says Brown.
olds are redefining ago, according to a recent report They often end
a milestone long associated with from the Pew Research Center. up living alone, al-
retirement parties and the end of “More are working and tending though not everyone
productive years. They are wealth- to work more hours,” says Richard can afford doing so.
ier and by many measures, health- Fry, a senior researcher at Pew,
ier, and expected to live another 20 who conducted the study. Close to ‘I love my job and business,’ says the Bipartisan Policy Center. A higher purpose

years. A growing share are di- two-thirds of 65 and older employ- Robin Darrow, above. Craig Mark Emerson, 65 of Water- Having a purpose matters more
vorced. Many turn their focus to ees are working full time, compared Pampeyan, whose son, James, town, N.Y., retired last year after a than having youthfulness among
what they want in this next stage. with nearly half in 1987, he says. earned Eagle Scout rank, is now 40-year-career as a diesel- truck people 50 and older, according to a
“Being 65 is not just thinking They’re earning more, too, with av- doing an Encore Fellowship with mechanic, first as a small-business Harris Poll survey conducted for
about who you were, but what you erage hourly pay reaching $22 an the Boy Scouts after retiring. owner and then with a large logis- Age Wave. It’s good for our health:
might become in a new chapter,” hour in 2023, up from $13 an hour tics company. He has retirement It can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s
says Ken Dychtwald, CEO of Age in inflation adjusted dollars in 1987, savings, but would have had more if disease, heart disease and stroke
Wave, a California-based consult- according to the Pew report. Harris, director of the Retirement he spent his entire career with the and can make people happier.
ing firm specializing in aging-re- Many in this age group are Security Project at Brookings Insti- logistics firm, which had a company “A lot of people are thinking
lated issues. Our own parents and working because they need the tution and former chief economist retirement savings program. forward. What am I going to do?
grandparents, he says, weren’t money now, or want to build a at the U.S. Treasury Department. Still he says has done relatively Where am I going to live? How
typically thinking of new ventures bigger retirement reserve so they Some of that 45% increase in well. His parents lived comfortably can I have a legacy?” says Age
and possibilities at 65. “They were don’t outlive their savings, says net worth reflects rising values of into their 80s on a small pension Wave’s Dychtwald.
winding down,” he says. AARP’s Carly Roszkowski. They homes and retirement accounts. and Social Security, but “we’re Craig Pampeyan, who turns 65
About 4.1 million Americans also enjoy their work, and the op- Not all baby boomers have fared better off financially than they in May, retired last year after a 40-
will reach 65 years old this year, portunity for ongoing learning and as well: Those 75 and older had a year tech career. He’s not done yet.
reaching a surge that will continue social connections, she says. 13% gain in median net worth over He received an Encore Fellowship,
through 2027, according to an anal- the same period. which matches seasoned profes-
ysis by Jason Fichtner, executive More wealth Today’s 65-year-olds have sionals with social impact organiza-
director of the Retirement Income Today’s 65-year-olds are wealthier more to spend now, but fewer tions. Pampeyan, who had been a
Institute and chief economist at than their predecessors. While sig- have pensions that offer pro- Cub Scout and Eagle Scout, was
the Bipartisan Policy Center. That nificant disparities exist, the me- tected monthly income. They have paired with Boy Scouts of America
is about 11,200 a day, compared dian net worth of those 65 to 74 to depend on savings, invest- to help with strategy and planning.
with the 10,000 daily average from was $410,000 in 2022, up from ments and Social Security to last, “I had to figure out how to get
the previous decade, he says. $282,270 in 2010 in inflation-ad- and cover expected rising care- engaged for the next chapter of my
Robin Darrow, vice president of justed 2022 dollars, according to giving costs, says Fichtner, with life,” says Pampeyan, who lives in
sales and marketing at Scentrifu- the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Los Altos, Calif. After his fellow-
gal Events, turns 65 in a few Consumer Finances. ship ends in November, he expects
months but has no plans to retire “This is one of the untold suc- Gina McRae, who just turned 65, to continue working with youth, ei-
because she loves her work and cess stories of the modern econ- exercises each morning before ther on his own or through an or-
also can’t afford to retire. Darrow, omy: There is a lot more wealth as work alternating between aerobics, ganization. “I’m interested in pre-
who lives in the Philadelphia area, people enter retirement,” says Ben strength training and yoga. paring kids for life,” he says.

A No-Frills parts of the travel experi-

ence, travelers who might
have ignored budget air-
cause of the infrequency of its
routes and the fact that it fre-
quents smaller airports. The airline
Airline Tries lines before are giving
them a look, with Alle-
would rather delay flights than can-
cel them, he says.

To Fly Up giant’s improved efficiency

and nonstop routes helping
it stand out.
Customer service questions
Allegiant flew 17.3 million passen-
The Charts Nonstop strategy
gers in 2023. Nearly one-third of
those are returning customers, exec-
Allegiant only flies non- utives said in the most recent earn-
BY ALLISON POHLE stop, meaning fliers can ings call, a 16% increase from 2022.

avoid annoying layovers Sean Geurin, a 38-year-old from
he budget airline with its name that increase the changes Tampa, says he doesn’t shop around
on the Las Vegas stadium of a trip gone wrong. This to other airlines because he rarely
hosting Super Bowl LVIII is qui- spring, travelers can fly has issues with Allegiant. He travels
etly gaining fans of its own. from Bismarck, N.D., to with a backpack, doesn’t mind ac-
Allegiant Air took third in The Florida’s St. Pete-Clearwa- cepting whatever seat he is as-
Wall Street Journal’s annual airline ter International Airport. signed, and, more than anything,
scorecard, which ranks nine major Other routes include Phoe- loves avoiding layovers.
carriers on their operational perfor- nix to Asheville, N.C., and Ashley Kuchle says she won’t fly
mance. It’s the highest finish for the Omaha to Austin, Texas. giant Travel, the airline’s parent  Budget airline Allegiant scored Allegiant again after an August trip
Las Vegas-based no-frills airline. Executives say this small-market company. It capped its number of well in several of The Wall Street with her parents from Cincinnati to
The smallest carrier in the rankings strategy differentiates them from routes at 500 a day during peak pe- Journal’s reliability rankings. Destin, Fla. Both needed wheelchair
scored well in the categories of rivals like Frontier and Spirit, which riods and changed its approach to assistance at the airport.
fewest mishandled bags, fewest are now chasing larger markets. maintenance to ensure it had parts an analyst with investment bank Kuchle, 32, says the wheelchair
cancellations and fewest passen- Frontier Chief Executive Barry spread through its network for TD Cowen. The carrier has fewer attendants promised to her at the
gers involuntarily denied boarding. Biffle said in an interview that fly- faster repairs. flights to southeast Florida, which ticket counter never showed up.
As with budget competitors ing to larger destinations will give In 2023, the airline canceled less tends to be more congested than She and her husband grabbed two
Spirit and Frontier, flying Allegiant travelers the chance to save money than 1% of its scheduled flights and the Gulf Coast, she says. wheelchairs and ran their parents
means accepting limitations. Some in more places. Spirit didn’t respond improved its on-time arrival per- Allegiant also flies less than to the gate, but the door had
Allegiant routes are only available to requests for comment. centage to 72.8%—10 percentage Frontier and Spirit. Allegiant had closed. They couldn’t get out until
twice a week. If there is a cancella- Allegiant has grown more reli- points up from the year before. (Al- about 115,500 flights scheduled in the next day. Kuchle says getting
tion, travelers could be stuck for able. In 2022, it canceled 4.25% of legiant still finished sixth of nine 2023—60% of Frontier’s total and compensation took weeks.
days. It charges a host of fees for its flights, the most of any airline in carriers for on-time arrivals.) 38% of Spirit’s, according to avia- An Allegiant spokeswoman says
add-ons—picking a seat assignment, the WSJ rankings, and fewer than tion-analytics company Cirium. the airline takes responsibility for
bringing a carry-on bag or even or- two-thirds of its flights arrived on Operational advantages Unlike Spirit and Frontier, Alle- its third-party vendor, which didn’t
dering a premium beverage. time, according to data from Pulse, Allegiant flies its planes for about giant doesn’t oversell its flights, so it provide the scheduled wheelchair
But Allegiant’s most loyal cus- a data platform from Anuvu, an avi- 7.5 hours during peak days in 2023, didn’t bump a single passenger last assistance. The airline refunded the
tomers say they have learned to ation company. It finished fifth hours less than Spirit and Frontier. year. It also placed first in baggage. fares for the missed flight, resched-
play the fee game and don’t mind overall in that year’s rankings. That relative infrequency gives Alle- Allegiant had a higher rate of de- uled them at no additional cost and

the upcharges. As rising costs and The airline needed a reset, says giant more time to recover if things layed flights than the largest U.S. hopes that they give Allegiant an-
overall hassles eat into so many Greg Anderson, president of Alle- do go wrong, says Helane Becker, airlines. Anderson says that’s be- other chance in the future.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A11


An Artist Takes Flight

Photographer Debbie Fleming Caffery gets a career-spanning survey

New Orleans
Light of Everything,” a retrospec-
tive of over 50 years of Ms. Caf-
fery’s work at the New Orleans
Museum of Art through May 5, be-
gins at the end. The main en-
trance to NOMA opens on a spa-
cious atrium, and on its
surrounding walls are 12 of the 91
medium-format, black-and-white
prints in the exhibition, the first
of Ms. Caffery’s pictures one sees.
They are all of birds and all dated
between 2018 and 2022—recent
work in her long career. She was
born in 1948 in southern Louisi-
ana, and spent time with her
grandfather who raised guinea
hens, homing and tumbler pi-
geons, doves and bantam chickens.
The wall text quotes her: “After
school I would often go with my
grandfather to feed his birds at a
beautiful magical place on the
Bayou Teche. I felt like I was in a ico” (2018) is a Mexican spotted that she endows them with an
bird paradise!” In 2018, she dis- owl, blind in one eye; it looks wise aura of significance beyond their
covered organizations in New in spite of its impairment. “‘PAPA,’ simple appearance: This is as
Mexico that rescued injured birds, King Vulture, France” (2019) is much an achievement of close at- Debbie Fleming Caffery’s ‘Jemez, Ms. Caffery spent considerable
healed them and released them possessed of a more than avian fe- tention and patience as it is of Rio Rancho, New Mexico’ (2018), time in two Mexican cantinas and
back into the wild; many were in- rocity. “Nigel, Livingston, Louisi- technical virtuosity. above, and ‘Nigel, Livingston, photographed the people she be-
jured beyond releasing. Those ana” (2019), a pelican, seems Most of the exhibition is in the Louisiana’ (2019), above left. friended there. “Ocotlan” (2004),
birds reminded her of her attach- aware of his responsibility as the museum’s dedicated photography grizzled and wrinkled, a propri-
ment to her grandfather’s, and she Louisiana state bird. It is charac- galleries, modest-sized rooms in etor, is seen in profile against a
has been photographing birds teristic of Ms. Caffery’s practice which Brian Piper, NOMA’s curator certain. Maybe both. dark background. “Marie” (1996),
there and elsewhere since. that she has lengthy attachments of photography, arranged Ms. Caf- In 1984, Ms. Caffery met Polly a woman past her first beauty,
“Jemez, Rio Rancho, New Mex- to the subjects of her work, and fery’s work chronologically, this Joseph, an elderly black woman wears a satiny blouse that shines
time beginning at the beginning. living in a cabin without gas, elec- in the dim light and looks at the
She started in the 1970s by concen- tricity or water; they became camera head-on; a man’s hand
trating on the sugar industry, fa- friends, and Ms. Caffery photo- rests on her left shoulder, either
miliar from where she grew up, graphed Joseph until her death a affectionately protective or omi-
working with a 35mm camera in decade later. The meager light in nously possessive.
the documentary style of the time. the cabin illuminated her dark When she went to New Orleans
Her portraits of African-American face enough in “Polly Joseph” in 2005 to shoot the aftermath of
workers set against the cane— (1984) to limn her palpable affec- Hurricane Katrina, Ms. Caffery
“Mary” (1974), “Reverend John tion for the photographer. When was reluctant to go into aban-
Harris, Overseer” (1972), “Sunrise” Polly moved into a nursing home, doned homes since she hadn’t
(1974)—show her acute sensitivity her worn Bible was left behind, been invited. Instead, she went to
to the human face. In the 1980s she turned to Ezekiel 19:1; the picture wrecked churches, still public
acquired a Hasselblad; half-a-dozen of the holy book, “Lamentations spaces, and took pictures of dam-
square prints are dark, except for for Princes” (1989), is about the aged sacred objects. Paint had
the flame and smoke of burning religious proclivities of both washed off the faces of “St. Au-
sugarcane. In “PaPa” (1987) and women. gustine” and “St. Teresa,” the
“Homer and Roland” (1985), sil- Darkness is Ms. Caffery’s signa- “Saint Praying” was beset with
houetted figures are set against ture element. “Marie and Angel displaced twigs, and the “Angel at
the conflagrations. In “Sun Peeking Trumpet” (2004) is one of her pic- the Pulpit” was missing a hand
Through Smoke” and “Sunset tures taken since the 1990s in and her nose. One senses the pho-
Burning Cane” (both 2001), it Mexico; the young girl’s face and tographer’s purpose here is not
seems nature itself is being incin- hand emerge from shadow, but the just to document, but to sanctify.
erated. In Ms. Caffery’s pictures white angel trumpet flower (a to-
fire is more than just combustion; ken of vivacity) that she holds is Debbie Fleming Caffery: In Light
it has metaphysical implications, brilliant, appearing almost as a of Everything

but whether as punishing hellfire flame. Young “Bernardo Domingo” New Orleans Museum of Art,
or a purifying refiner’s fire is un- (1999), with his somber face and through May 5
bare shoulders, is seen in spare
light, so the white lace ribbon Mr. Meyers writes on photography
Ms. Caffery’s ‘PaPa’ (1987), (part of a costume) crossing his for the Journal. See his
included in the current survey at naked chest stands out and seems photographs at
the New Orleans Museum of Art. a significant mark.

CULTURAL COMMENTARY Inventive musicians have rede- rhythm and individual and collective 100 years of immigration, transfor-
fined its scope and possibilities by improvisation to make the piece mation, and the roots of American

‘Rhapsody in Blue’ individualizing, improvising, expand-

ing, localizing, or fusing it with
other musical traditions. In 1962,
Billy Strayhorn reshaped “Rhap-
new and, at 28 minutes, longer
than usual. (With Mr. Roberts at
the piano, the Symphonic Jazz Or-
chestra will perform his arrange-
music.” The recording was released
earlier this month. Their version is
site-specific, so a performance in
San Francisco might include an

Is Still Lively at 100 sody” for Ellington’s band of 15 dis-

tinctive instrumental voices, in a
consummate five-minute arrange-
ment, on May 11, at the Carpenter
Center for the Performing Arts in
Long Beach, Calif.) And in a 2018
Asian ensemble, while one in Miami
would include Cuban instruments.
Also this month, master banjoist
ment. The Brazilian brothers Sergio recording with a symphony orches- Béla Fleck issues a CD of “Rhap-
BY JOHN EDWARD HASSE one taking the lead and passing it to and Odair Assad adapted it for two tra, Chick Corea playfully personal- sody” with the Virginia Symphony

the other as the piano plays written guitars in a transcription that hews ized “Rhapsody”: He injected sur- and a refreshing adaptation he calls
eb. 12 marks the 100th anni- parts that sound spontaneous. closely to the familiar version but prising Latin rhythms, incorporated “Rhapsody in Blue(grass),” with a
versary of the most famous Gershwin would later say that his nonetheless sounds fresh. piano variations and stretched it to six-member band. (On May 4, a Car-
and familiar work of American aim had been to show that an ex- Recording with symphony or- 26 minutes. negie Hall concert will celebrate Mr.
classical music, the splashy “Rhap- tended jazz piece could change tem- chestras, two eminent pianists have In 2022, pianist Lara Downes Fleck’s music, including the New
sody in Blue.” It came to symbolize pos, unlike most dance music, yet made it their own. Marcus Roberts teamed with Puerto Rican com- York premiere of his “Rhapsody in
the Jazz Age and made an interna- maintain its essence. He did more wanted his version “to reflect a jazz poser and saxophonist Edmar Colón Blue” for banjo and orchestra per-
tional sensation of its composer, 25- than that. With this piece, Gershwin sensibility within a classical envi- to create the 28-minute “Rhapsody formed with the Aeolian Orchestra.)
year-old George Gershwin, previ- injected modernism and new energy ronment,” so he injected a groove in Blue Reimagined” to “reflect on It’s fitting, during Black History
ously known only as a writer of into the American classical repertory Month, to remember that the banjo
popular songs and musical theater. and opened up the country’s concert is the quintessential African-derived
“Rhapsody” was commissioned halls to native composers, a singular American instrument.
by bandleader Paul Whiteman for a achievement. By contrast, Duke El- A bold transformation was issued
concert at New York’s Aeolian Hall lington and other American compos- in 2005 by California composer and
titled “An Experiment in Modern ers of color long struggled to gain bandleader Anthony Brown, who re-
Music.” Gershwin wrote it hurriedly comparable acceptance for their conceived the work as “American
for two pianos and Ferde Grofé work and, a century on, they still do. Rhapsodies” for his Asian-American
scored it for piano Critics have been orchestra. He cast it as a “21st cen-
and jazz orchestra, arguing since its pre- tury mural of our world’s demo-
marking it as a col- miere, with some graphic mosaic, particularly as re-
laboration. Gershwin It reshaped calling “Rhapsody” flected in the San Francisco Bay
himself played the pi- the American structurally deficient Area, ‘Golden Gateway to the East.’”
ano at its premiere. or, more recently, a His six movements replace piano
He called “Rhap- classical scene tired chestnut. But with electric guitar and incorporate
sody” “a musical ka- audiences have never Cuban, Chinese and Japanese instru-
leidoscope of Amer-
and still inspires tired of the tuneful ments, Afro-Cuban rhythms and in-
ica,” and it is one. It musicians. piece. genious tone colors. The result is
fuses European prac- “From the very be- stunning. More than an arrangement,
tices (classical instru- ginning,” declares it’s an inspired recomposition.
ments, rhapsody, pi- musicologist Ryan Now that its copyright has ex-
ano concerto) with African- Paul Bañagale in his book “Arrang- pired, we can hope to hear many
American ones (banjo, blue notes, ing Gershwin,” “‘Rhapsody in Blue’ more reworkings, even transforma-
dance rhythms). has existed as a variable idea and tions, of this shape-shifting Ameri-
Its opening electric clarinet wail not a fixed text.” It quickly showed can icon. Whether you regard it as
announced that here is something its malleability. In an orchestration a symphonic warhorse, a razzle-daz-
different. A rhapsody has no preor- for piano and symphony orchestra, zle classic, or a splendid springboard
dained form, so a first-time listener it began entering the classical rep- for reinvention, “Rhapsody in Blue,”
might wonder, “Where is this go- ertory. Various versions were pub- 100 years on, shows no signs of dis-
ing?” and encounter a series of sur- lished: solo piano, duo piano, violin appearing into the past.

prises: tempo, key and mood and piano and other combinations.
changes. And five main themes, On recordings, whole sections were Mr. Hasse is curator emeritus of
which Leonard Bernstein called “ter- omitted. Thus “Rhapsody” is a rara American music at the
rific, inspired, God-given.” Through avis, a work of art that’s canonical Smithsonian’s National Museum of
clever repetition, they’re memorable, enough to have an enduring place in American History. His books include
too. The final, most familiar theme the classical repertoire, yet supple “Beyond Category: The Life and
feels grand and romantic. The or- enough, like jazz, to lend itself to Genius of Duke Ellington” (Da Capo)
chestra and piano dance together, variation and renewal. George Gershwin in 1924 with the score for his famed work. and “Discover Jazz” (Pearson).
A12 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

JASON GAY a televised sporting event.
“Then it was succeeded by a

Would You Pay to Watch Super Bowl?

Super Bowl,” Arum said.
I asked him what sort of price
could be charged for a Super
The NFL wants the widest reach but a pay-per-view model is a possible idea for the future “You could touch around $100,”
Arum said. “Very few people watch
the Super Bowl by themselves. You
A little thought experi- to rationalize the ac- watch with numerous people, so
ment, just to stir up quisition,” he contin- when you spread the price around,
trouble: ued. “They’re going to it’s not that great.”
It’s a decade from have to do that by fig- I know, I know. This is the part
now. Actually, no—it’s uring out smart ways of the column where you’re about
three years from now. Against your to help their overall to throw your phone, tablet or
better judgment, you’ve decided to business, including print copy of the Journal across
host a Super Bowl party. You’ve the transition to the room and say you’re never go-
gone out and bought a fancy televi- streaming.” ing to watch football again. I don’t
sion, so sharp you can see deep To be clear: If like it, either. I don’t want to be in
into Jim Nantz’s pores (inside are you’ve paid for cable, the position of having to charge
tiny greens at Pebble Beach). or for streamers with my children to watch the Super
You’ve ordered the wings, per- NFL rights like Ama- Bowl on TV with me.
fected the chili, and the neighbors zon Prime, or for Sun- But I’d definitely charge them.
are about to call the fire depart- day Ticket on You- I’d charge the cat 10 bucks. I don’t
ment, because you’ve been smok- Tube, you’re already care.
ing a whole bison in the front yard paying for the NFL. As The good news is that the NFL
for 11 hours. for pay-per-view, the sounds like it’s in no hurry to
Your guests are here, the keg is NFL’s existing TV change. Goodell firmly pushed back
tapped, it’s two minutes to game deals run through on the concept of a streaming-only
time, you turn on the fancy TV 2033, so any bold ven- Super Bowl when asked about it
and—oh no. You forgot. ture before then this week.
You owe $99.99. would presumably “Certainly not in my time,” said
Or maybe it’s $129.99, or $49.99, need league coopera- Goodell, whose current deal runs
or $19.99. The point is that this fic- tion. through early 2027. “One of the se-
tional Super Bowl is now “pay-per- In theory, it could crets of our success is we are re-
view,” like a boxing match, Wres- be a stand-alone NFL ally committed to broadcast tele-
tleMania, or one of those comedies pay-per-view, like vision.”
on the hotel TV that Mario Lopez what you see with a Hans Schroeder, the NFL’s exec-
is always telling you to watch. prize fight, or, more utive vice president of media dis-
You’ll need to pay up—or you’re nascent business—and the land- NFL, despite its fussy reputation, likely, an additional fee tacked onto tribution, underlined the same po-
going to miss Taylor Swift singing scape is going to change, perhaps has shown itself open to experi- an existing partner’s streaming sition to me this week. Schroeder
the national anthem with her ador- radically. On Tuesday, the Journal’s ments—witness the uproar over service. There would be incentives is gangbusters on ideas like CBS
able daughter, Kelsey. Joe Flint and Isabella Simonetti last month’s “Peacock Game,” in to subscribe. Commercials would partner Nickelodeon’s Super Bowl
Relax: We’re not there. Not yet. broke the news that Fox, Warner which a playoff contest was moved almost surely remain. Ads are a alternative broadcast—in which
Sunday’s Super Bowl between Bros. Discovery and Disney are to a subscribers-only streaming prized Super Bowl revenue stream, kiddies unmoved by Tony Romo
the Kansas City Chiefs and the San partnering on a three-headed channel. Many fans went berserk, and if you’ve ever been angrily can see the game transformed to
Francisco 49ers will be on CBS sports streaming outlet which will social media roiled, politicians re- shushed during a break, you know the SpongeBob SquarePants under-

broadcast television, available to be made available to ESPN+, Hulu acted as if Roger Goodell had bit- the commercials are an event unto water universe—but he’s adamant
you whether or not you have cable, and Max subscribers. ten the top off the Washington themselves. that the game’s strength is its
steal cable, cut the cord, stream on It’s the re-bundling of the bun- Monument—but around 23 million In the meantime, the ground is reach.
your phone, or solder a fork to a dle! (Now on streaming.) watched, according to the net- shifting very fast. Bob Arum, the “We really like our model,”
coat hanger to get a fuzzy signal. Jokes aside, this strange alli- work’s estimate. boxing maestro and pay-per-view Schroeder told me. “Our partners
This is the way it’s been, and ance points to an urgent tension: A pay-per-view Super Bowl? pioneer, said he was dubious on a have done a great job with our
it’s worked. The Super Bowl is the Networks carrying pricey sports John Skipper, the former ESPN PPV Super Bowl a year ago. He’s model, and we’ll continue to inno-
most gargantuan television prod- need to figure out how to pay for boss, now the co-founder/CEO of changed his mind. vate and build and evolve around
uct in modern American life—a the rights in an expanding but fi- Meadowlark Media, raised the pos- “The deal they made with Pea- it, but the foundation will be
moon landing, once a year, with nancially-nebulous streaming era. sibility in an interview a while cock—that was effectively pay-per- around broadcast going forward.”
overwrought commercials—and its The cable bundle, of course, was back, almost as a casual thought view,” Arum said. “The next step is Translation: My cat is off the
power comes from its durable abil- a lucrative racket in which sub- bubble. He’s since grown more more playoff games [on other hook for that $10, at least for the
ity to reach 100 million plus peo- scribers paid for sports whether bullish. streamers]. I think it’s all moving time being.
ple, from the fantasy football loons they watched sports or not. With “The more I think it through, toward pay-per-view.” Television is in a turbulent
to the casuals to the first-timers streaming, customers pay directly the more I think it actually will Arum knows the reach of place, however, and there will be
asking why the late Wilford Brim- for the TV they want. Advertising happen sooner than I expected,” broadcast TV—he promoted the additional pressure to monetize
ley is coaching the Chiefs. fees can help, but it needs to add Skipper told me. “Because it makes 1978 rematch between Muhammad programming. Though pay-per-
Still, the TV business is chang- up, when one considers the billions great financial sense.” Ali and Leon Spinks which ran on view sounds preposterous, the idea
ing—overall broadcast audiences of dollars networks have commit- “As sports rights go up, you’re ABC and attracted an audience of isn’t going away. Until then, the
are shrinking, cable subscribers are ted to programming like the NFL. going to see the people who buy 90 million people on ABC. At the Super Bowl remains available to
fleeing, streaming is a rising but New ideas will be explored. The sports rights look for other ways time, it was an all-time record for all. Meow.

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 22 Draw in
23 Obsequious
Sneed Is the Chiefs’ Eraser.
14 15 16

17 18 24
Phishing, e.g.
He Makes Stars Disappear.
26 Ayatollah’s
19 20 21 predecessor BY ANDREW BEATON ever he may be. He’s the NFL’s best receivers. Miami
28 Lt.’s AND JOSHUA ROBINSON main reason why the Chiefs Dolphins dynamo Tyreek Hill
22 23 24 25 26 gave up the second-fewest led the NFL by averaging 112
Las Vegas points in the NFL—and have receiving yards per game—
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 29 Aves. and THE MOST MADDENING a chance at stifling the Nin- and averaged just 62 per
blvds. part of playing against the ers’ top-three offense en yards in two tilts against
34 35 36 37 Kansas City Chiefs isn’t try- route to a Lombardi Trophy. Sneed, including in Kansas
31 Rub the
wrong way ing to contain Travis Kelce Sneed wasn’t supposed to City’s postseason win. Other
38 39 40 41 42 or read the mind of Patrick be the NFL’s next great shut- superstars such as the Ea-
32 Chin Mahomes. It isn’t even de- down corner. A wide receiver gles’ A.J. Brown (8 receiving
43 44 45 46 adornment coding coach Andy Reid’s of- in high school, he was lightly yards), the Vikings’ Justin
33 Sisters’ fensive schemes. The real recruited and wound up at Jefferson (28 yards) and the
47 48 49 50 51 overseer source of frustration for op- Louisiana Tech, where the Bills’ Stefon Diggs (45 yards
posing teams is trying—and school’s coaches shifted him combined in two games)
52 53 54 55 36 Research task
suddenly failing—to get the to cornerback and then to were all completely smoth-
39 Betrayed ball to their No. 1 downfield safety. ered, too.
56 57 58 59 60 sorrow playmaker. The Chiefs picked him in “It makes the defense so
40 Inclusive There are NFL stars who the fourth round of the 2020 much easier,” says fellow
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 make their teammates bet- draft and happened to dis- Chiefs corner Jaylen Watson.
ter, but what the Chiefs’ op- agree with Louisiana Tech’s “You can just exile every-
68 69 42 It may be ponents run into is L’Jarius assessment. They saw Sneed one’s No. 1 target.”
used to Sneed, a star who does as a natural born cornerback. When Sneed was the pri-
70 71 72 remove red something even harder to By the end of his rookie sea- mary defender this season,
wine stains find: he makes his oppo- son, when Kansas City fell to passers completed just 51%
45 Feels regret nents unimaginably worse. Tom Brady and the Tampa of their passes and averaged
HIGH APPROVAL | By Mike Shenk Over the past four Bay Buccaneers in the Super just 4.8 yards per attempt.
Across 27 Escape 59 Positions at 6 Parody months, Sneed has emerged Bowl, Sneed had cracked the That’s worse than the Caro-
character bridge tables 48 Look down on as arguably the best corner- team’s starting lineup. He has lina Panthers’ Bryce Young,
1 Judges wear 7 She voices
them in many Spider- 50 Infuser back in the entire league. been a starter ever since. who had the fewest yards
61 Topographical
programming Woman in contents And more than Mahomes or In the years since then, he per attempt among qualify-
7 Villain with map depiction
languages even Kelce, he explains why has emerged into one of the ing quarterbacks this season
more lines 64 Swindled “Spider-Man: 51 Foot part
Kansas City is back in the rare defensive backs who’s a with 5.5. Sneed, in effect,
than the title 30 It’s a long Across the 53 Inundated
68 Gutter Super Bowl to take on the silent killer. He doesn’t rack makes opponents less effi-
character story Spider-Verse” San Francisco 49ers. The up interceptions or highlight- cient than the least efficient
attachment 56 Being, to
11 Political 34 Be 8 King Kong, Sartre Chiefs used to win in spite reel plays. Instead, he has an quarterback in the NFL.
parsimonious 69 Pulitzer for one of their defense. Now they’re uncanny ability to vaporize How Sneed puts receivers
Victory Fund 57 Pipe problem
winner 9 “How about one win away from back-to- opposing receivers’ statistics: off their games so consis-
org. 35 Coup target
Welty that!” 58 Carrier cooler back titles because of it. He didn’t allow a single tently begins with a risk-tak-
14 Bishop, e.g. 37 Move up and “We wouldn’t be nearly touchdown over the course of ing, physical approach that
down 70 Heart chart, 10 “My Guy” or 60 See the
15 Abandon for short sights as effective a defense if we the entire regular season. pushes him to the very edge
one’s 38 Largest of “My Girl,” e.g. weren’t able to say, ‘L’Jarius, This year, Sneed of the football rulebook. The
principles the Ryukyu 71 Sheet edges 11 Coward of the 62 “The Mystery go over and cover that guy has gone up 6-foot-1, 192-pound defen-
Islands 72 Express theater of Marie this week,’ says Steve Spag- against a who’s sive back is known for fear-
17 Fairy king Roget” author
approval of, 12 Trick nuolo, the team’s who of the lessly pressing receivers at
18 Like the 41 Crustacean defensive coordi- the line of scrimmage, ruin-
used in a and, if 63 Element
cheetah, 13 Case worker, nator. “And it’s ing the delicate timing of of-
creamy soup reparsed, suffix
among land for short always been the fensive plays.
a hint to 65 Pond fauna
animals 43 “Stand” band making sense 16 Puts on the top guy.” A risk from playing such
19 “Though 44 Become firm of five pairs of market 66 Org. with Even when Kan- a hands-on style is when it
death be poor, 46 Roofing schedules sas City’s offense spills beyond what is strictly
answers 20 Mineo in
it ___mortal went through an un- legal. Sneed was called for 11
material Down movies 67 Scot’s refusal
characteristic rough accepted penalties this regu-
woe”: “Richard
47 Playoff passes 1 Debate side Previous Puzzle’s Solution patch this season, the lar season.
L I S P MAM B A E D S team’s defense remained “He loves to press and
21 Surname of 49 They’re 2 Confederate O N N O I N A L L V I C one of the best units put his hands on receiv-
the “It’s Your parallel to the soldier, WH A T D I D Y O U S A V E in football. Every ers, which receivers don’t
Thing” equator familiarly E L A P S E H OM E S I N week, Spagnuolo like,” said Spagnuolo, who

brothers 52 Lt.’s superior 3 Bullring G E T O U T O F M YWA V E made it Sneed’s job views the penalties as the
22 Bitter brews 54 What boys cheer O R E S E A T AM E S to completely suffo- cost of doing business. “Not
P L E D L I F E cate the other everybody can do it at the
25 Egypt and will be 4 Sight at a T H E A S A G E R E F team’s best wide level he does it.”
Syria, once: 55 Workers in nudist colony H O WW A S Y O U R D A V E
L E T T M E N S A E Y E D receiver, who-
Abbr. gardens 5 School near O P T E D I N N A B O R S
26 Go down 56 Pasta shape Windsor Y O U R E G O N N A P A V E L’Jarius Sneed,
A P B S O R R Y E T A S center, covers the
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at L E S I S A A C S E C T
Dolphins’ Tyreek Hill.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A13

America’s Unfearful Enemies BOOKSHELF | By Paul Kennedy

The world is
on fire, and
the U.S.
7 trip to the Mideast.
His goal, as before, is
to negotiate an end
he called Ukraine a
“watershed moment
for our country” and
should be hav-
ing an elec-
tion-year de-
to the war in Gaza
that ensures Israel’s
security and estab-
said the West’s op-
position is an attack
on the Russian Or-


bate about lishes a path toward thodox Church.
foreign policy. the creation of a Pal- These are ene-
Instead, one estinian state. And in mies who can’t be
A World Safe for Commerce
By Daniel
of the pre- the next half-minute, deterred with the By Dale C. Copeland
sumed candi- I will solve Rubik’s standard mix of car- Princeton, 504 pages, $38

dates, Donald Cube. rots and sticks. They
Trump, is unwilling to talk Running alongside are looking not just ong before the U.S. completed its own continental
about anything other than his this mess are the for regional domi- expansion, its traders were pushing out across the
years-ago first term, and the two dysfunctional nance but active Pacific in search of new markets and sources of
other, Joe Biden, is barely able U.S. political parties obeisance to their supply. In the ports of mid-19th-century Hong Kong, many
to talk about the subject at all. that compose Con- rule. In the case of trading vessels could be found flying the flag of the fast-
It falls to everyone else to fill gress, now in the Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Iran and Russia, that expanding American republic. It didn’t matter to these
in the blanks of a hostile process of failing to means literally eras- American merchants that they were sheltering in, and
world. pass funding support for Is- erate inside the West’s ing opponents such as Israel trading from, a recently established British colony, for it
History will record two rael, Ukraine and Taiwan. traditional understanding of and Ukraine. was a commonplace for them to engage in commerce
dates as defining the final There is a limit to the power relationships governed Today, elements in both the throughout the British Empire. It was the age of total free
stretch of President Biden’s amount of global risk the U.S. by a balance of interests. In- Democratic and Republican trade.
first term: Oct. 7, 2023, the day can incur without suffering stead, all three under their parties want to believe that As Dale Copeland details in “A World Safe for
Hamas entered Israel and consequences. Put plainly—a current leadership have be- the water’s edge somehow pro- Commerce: American Foreign Policy From the Revolution
butchered 1,200 people, in- big war. come messianic political tects the U.S. Refusing to ig- to the Rise of China,” American traders were quite happy
cluding Americans, and Jan. We need to admit that movements. nore external realities was the to take advantage of the way British colonial acquisitions
29, when an Iran-allied militia avoiding a war is understand- Political messianism has point of Ronald Reagan’s deci- in Asia and Africa were opening up trade for all. Under
killed three U.S. service mem- ably what Team Biden is trying three characteristics: It is re- sion to raise U.S. defense ca- such circumstances, these merchants had no need of
bers at Tower 22 in Jordan. to do, notwithstanding its lentless in its pursuit of its pacity against the Soviet Union support from Washington. Nor in those early post-
compulsion to euphemize it as goals, outward-moving and to the level of an unmistakable Revolution decades would the U.S. government have had
an “expansion of hostilities.” virtually unappeasable. We deterrent. the interest or capacity to push commercial expansion
Iran, Russia and In this, the Biden administra- read daily about Iran’s “prox- Reagan summarized the abroad.
tion surely has the support of ies” in the Middle East, but strategy five months before How different the world would be by the end of the 19th
China know that the American people. As well, that bland word undervalues the 1980 election in his “Peace century, when a much more powerful U.S. and a much
Biden and Trump Mr. Biden can’t go anywhere in the fanatic energy driving Through Strength” speech at more confident McKinley administration asserted
the U.S. without being taunted Iran’s goals. At this late date it the GOP convention: “We know American trading interests around the world, against all
aren’t up to the task. by anti-Israel agitators. The would require extraordinary only too well that war comes comers. Mr. Copeland, a
antisemitic vote is on the brink myopia not to recognize that not when the forces of free- professor of international
of making itself part of the the Islamic Republic of Iran dom are strong, but when they relations at the University of
The first event was an Is- Democratic coalition. was, and always will be, a mes- are weak. It is then that ty- Virginia, reminds us that in
raeli intelligence failure. The We have heard a lot re- sianic movement. rants are tempted.” 1899 Secretary of State John
second was also a failure of in- cently, including in this space, Like Iran’s Supreme Leader Iran isn’t backing down to Hay demanded an “open
telligence, though not in the about the importance of deter- Ali Khamenei, Vladimir Putin the U.S.’s retaliatory bombing door” to the vast Chinese
military sense. The Jan. 29 rence. Less examined is and Xi Jinping are seeking the of its proxies, because it knows market, and American
deaths followed more than 150 whether these commitments to restoration of centuries-old the Biden Democrats’ long- newspapers bayed their
attacks on U.S. forces in the re- deterrence on paper will match cross-border empires. These term commitments lie with do- approval. Hawaii was annexed
gion. The deaths of those U.S. the ideological forces driving goals aren’t propagated merely mestic spending, not rebuild- and the Philippines taken over,
service members weren’t pre- the U.S.’s three primary adver- for internal consumption. Each ing military infrastructure. Mr. a piece of Samoa was picked
dictable. They were inevitable. saries—Iran, Russia and China. of these men believes it. Trump, an off-and-on public up for a naval base, Spain was
After several U.S. counter- Not one of these countries At the 2021 centennial of admirer of Messrs. Putin and tossed out of Cuba, the
strikes against the militias, the is a conventional opponent, the Chinese Communist Party, Xi, seems to think the answer Caribbean became a sort of
Biden national-security team subject—as the Biden national- Mr. Xi described China’s “na- to their messianism is him American lake, and the Alaskan
this week is pursuing the one security team believes—to in- tional rejuvenation” as a “his- talking to them, guy to guy. border was rounded off—to
strategy it believes in—diplo- centives offered through diplo- torical inevitability.” Mr. Putin On the available evidence, Canada’s protests. To ensure the protection of these
macy, which means having matic overtures to reduce their has likened his invasion of neither candidate looks up to national interests abroad, a powerful U.S. Navy was swiftly
conversations. aggressive behavior. Iran, Rus- Ukraine to Peter the Great’s the task of stopping these constructed.
Secretary of State Antony sia and China aren’t just mili- 18th-century expansions into three determined threats. The economic justification for an assertive America took
Blinken is on his fifth post-Oct. tary threats. None of them op- northern Europe. A year ago Write on a much bigger dimension in the 20th century, as the
U.S. abandoned its policy of isolation and very forcibly
intervened in World War I, then later entered both the

Bob Beckwith, the Fireman at Ground Zero Pacific and European theaters of World War II. The main
drivers behind these dramatic policy shifts were Woodrow
Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, and the arguments both
By Karl Rove crowd. As one of the three its founding. They’ve given by ordinary men and women presidents gave for the new approach were focused on

men jumped off the truck, I comfort to those in need, over- like Bob who quietly love their national security.
first saw him on Friday, realized Bob’s vantage point come challenges from man and country and serve. They teach The blatant aggressions of the kaiser’s Germany during
Sept. 14, 2001, at Ground might do. I asked him and the nature, and defended our na- our children, heal the sick, World War I, and Tojo’s Japan and Hitler’s Third Reich
Zero in New York. He was remaining man to jump up tion and our liberties, with protect the weak, build roads during World War II, Americans were told, posed
medium height, thin, wearing and down to show their perch their lives if need be. and homes and skyscrapers, existential threats to the U.S. and needed to be defeated.
jeans and a blue shirt with a was safe. Both reluctantly did; Born in Queens in 1932, run factory lines, operate ma- But behind that logic, Mr. Copeland argues, was a further
breathing mask hung around the truck looked steady part of the generation that ex- chinery, raise our crops, do re- objective: a world safe for commerce. Indeed, at one stage
his neck and a fireman’s hel- enough. I told them to stay perienced the Great Depres- search and tinkering and in- the author insists that “Wilson’s obsession with protecting
met bearing New York City there, that someone might sion and World War II, Bob venting, keep our communities America’s economic power sphere must be placed side by
Fire Department Company need help getting up. As I served as a Navy boatswain safe and, yes, put out fires. side with his idealism” about democracy and collective
164’s emblem on his head. turned around, the second mate before joining the fire Bob died a day before Toby security. A benign and open global trading system, in
Bob Beckwith stood with man disappeared off the Keith, the legendary song- which American traders, above all, would prosper, simply
two others atop a wrecked truck. Only Bob remained. writer and singer. The 62- would not exist if Britain fell or if Japan took control of
firetruck, flattened by debris The rest is history. The The man who stood year-old Oklahoma oil-field East Asia.
from the World Trade Center, president clambered onto the roughneck and rodeo cowboy It was also for this basic commercial reason that, as
its battered frame covered in truck. Bob realized who he’d with President Bush was another salt-of-the-earth World War II came to an end, an assertive U.S. government
rubble and dirt. helped pull up and tried to on Sept. 14, 2001, has patriot and an amazingly insisted upon new international structures, such as the
Bob was 69, a firefighter for leave, thinking he should get gifted musician. He led Ameri- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
three decades who had been out of the way. Mr. Bush asked died of cancer at 91. cans to dance, tap our feet and (subsequently the World Bank) and the International
retired for seven years when him where he was going and sing along to—count ’em—20 Monetary Fund. These new world bodies, created at the
the planes smashed into the told him to stay. The president No. 1 singles and 40 million al- important Allied conference at Bretton Woods in 1944, had
Twin Towers. He watched the fumbled with a bullhorn; department. Married to Bar- bums sold. the noble aim of ensuring that the global economy would
attacks on a hospital waiting someone yelled “We can’t hear bara for 67 years, he was fa- Keith’s “Courtesy of the avoid ever again slipping into a Great Depression; but that,
room TV as his grandson—hit you.” The president, his arm ther of six, grandfather of 10 Red, White and Blue” caught in its turn, would help American businesses and American
by a car while riding his bike draped around Bob’s shoulder, and great-grandfather of two. the national mood after 9/11. jobs. For the same reason, when Cold War enemies
to school—was being treated. replied: “I can hear you. The He died Monday at 91. “We’ll always stand up and threatened this American-made order, they, too, had to be
For three days Bob saw the rest of the world hears you. Since 9/11, this quiet, gener- salute / We’ll always recognize firmly resisted. All of the Free World would gain from this
recovery efforts unfold on And the people who knocked ous, self-effacing man traveled / When we see Old Glory fly- robust protection, it was argued, even if it was privately
television until he couldn’t these buildings down will hear America raising funds for fam- ing / There’s a lot of men assumed that American companies would gain most of all.
take it anymore. He grabbed all of us soon.” ilies of firefighters and police dead / So we can sleep in
his helmet, drove to Manhat- When Bob returned to his officers who had suffered an peace at night when we lay
tan, talked his way onto home in Baldwin, N.Y., that injury or died, especially for down our head.” For the first time in more than a century,
Ground Zero, and went to night, he assumed no one families of burn victims. It was Bob Beckwith was one of there is a global trade war that America
work, pulling rubble from the would believe he’d met the never about him but the hero- the Americans Toby Keith said
wreckage as rescue teams president. Not quite. Neigh- ism and sacrifice of others. helped us sleep in peace. Re- may not win.
searched for survivors. bors waited in the twilight to Former Rep. Pete King, his quiescat in pace to both these
The afternoon I first saw greet Bob with lit candles and friend these past two decades, good men.
him, Bob had climbed onto the patriotic songs. said that as recently as Decem- And so they did, for a good half-century after World
ruined firetruck to catch a No one ordered retired fire- ber as Bob battled cancer, he Mr. Rove helped organize War II. Many readers of this paper will recall the
glimpse of President George fighters to report to Ground told stories about comrades, the political-action committee astonishing success of Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber’s
W. Bush’s visit to Ground Zero that week. But Bob their bravery and sacrifice, not American Crossroads and is “The American Challenge” (1967), as France and other
Zero. As a White House aide, I showed up, just as ordinary his. That was Bob’s gracious author of “The Triumph of foreign nations appeared to be wilting under the outward,
was looking for where the Americans have done in urgent humility. William McKinley” (Simon & unbeatable surge of U.S. commercial competitiveness.
president could speak to the moments for our country since America has been blessed Schuster, 2015). There is therefore a historical irony that comes in Mr.
Copeland’s important final chapter, for the story here, as
he puts it, is of “the great geopolitical struggle” of the 21st

In Defense of the Child Tax Credit century “between a seemingly declining United States
wanting to maintain a semblance of preeminence and a
rising China seeking to establish itself as a dominant, if
By Timothy P. Carney households was identical. tax bill of the neighbors who courage marriage, so that not the dominant, state in its region and perhaps the

When they do their taxes have the same number of peo- more children are raised with- world.” Here, for the first time in more than a century,
he tax code should be this spring, each bachelor ple and combined income. A out the example of a working there exists another nation with a GDP almost as large as
neutral and shouldn’t claims the $13,850 standard $2,000-a-child credit closes parent. It’s a good thing, then, America’s, a nation that sells far more to the U.S. than it
pick winners or losers. deduction, leaving his taxable most of that gap. Like the de- that Congress isn’t seriously purchases, a nation that seems impervious to American
Its role is to generate revenue, income at $11,150—in the 12% pendent exemption before the considering a massive expan- pressure. All this suggests to Mr. Copeland that there is a
not to modify behavior. Con- tax bracket. His final tax bill 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it sion to the child tax credit, trade war in which America seems to be losing, not
servatives and libertarians of- will be $1,121, so the entire acknowledges that the three only from $2,000 to $2,100, winning. “A World Safe for Commerce” thus ends with the
ten cite those principles in op- house will pay $5,605 in fed- children are people. with more generous “refund- author’s recommendations for robust policies to preserve
position to the child tax eral income taxes. Those who argue that the ability” for parents who don’t America’s world order, which may be another reason for
credit. But that credit is no tax code shouldn’t favor par- earn enough to owe income paying attention to this work.
special-interest giveaway. enthood treat children as a taxes. While the great bulk of the book is a fine historical
Consider two hypothetical A break for working lifestyle choice or a consump- There’s plenty to debate analysis of America’s foreign-trade policies, from the pre-
houses, each with five resi- families is a matter tion good, like a Tesla. The tax about work requirements and Independence years until the Cold War, Mr. Copeland’s
dents. A married couple and code shouldn’t be pro-Tesla, refundability. But a larger study is, essentially, a work for fellow political scientists
their three young children live of basic fairness. but it should be pro-human, child tax credit in itself is a who specialize in international-relations theory. Parts of
in one house. Next door are especially amid our baby bust. matter of basic fairness. the book will prove tough reading for a general audience;
five young men who recently America’s fertility is below 1.7 many readers may not be able to appreciate, for instance,
finished college. The couple The married couple files per woman, and the number of Mr. Carney is a fellow at Mr. Copeland’s propositions about dynamic realist theory.
earned a combined $125,000 jointly and gets a standard de- births has fallen nearly every the American Enterprise Insti- For those of us not in that intellectual milieu, the nicely
last year, slightly above the duction of $27,700. The fam- year since 2007. An aging so- tute, a columnist at the Wash- written middle chapters will have to suffice. Overall, “A
average income for a family of ily’s taxable income is thus ciety will be a poorer society. ington Examiner and author of World Safe for Commerce” is an important work.
five. The bachelors each $97,300, putting it in the 22% This doesn’t mean we “Family Unfriendly: How Our
earned $25,000 tending bar bracket, with a tax bill of should have massive cash Culture Made Rising Kids Mr. Kennedy is a professor of history at Yale and the
and driving Ubers. The 2023 $12,027 before the child tax giveaways to parents. Exces- Much Harder Than it Needs to author of, among other works, “The Rise and Fall of the Great
pretax income of the two credit—more than double the sive child subsidies can dis- Be,” forthcoming next week. Powers.”
A14 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Supreme Court’s First Trump Test U.S. Consuls General Stand With Jimmy Lai

onald Trump and his opponents have Colorado’s Supreme Court cannot by itself dis- We applaud your editorial on the highly experienced former consul
embroiled the Supreme Court in this qualify Mr. Trump or anyone else it deems an Jimmy Lai trial and the crackdown in general, Amb. James Cunningham,
Hong Kong (“Jimmy Lai’s Offense: has been slandered as a “co-conspira-
year’s election politics, and the Court’s insurrectionist.
Tweets and Op-eds,” Jan. 12). It’s im- tor.” To see one of Hong Kong’s lead-
first test comes Thursday Section 3 notably doesn’t portant to focus continuing attention ing journalists put on trial for engag-
when the Justices consider A 9-0 ruling against authorize state courts or offi- on this terrible situation. ing in normal journalistic practice
the Colorado Supreme Court’s Colorado would be cials to enforce its provisions We represented the U.S. as consuls sullies the reputation and brilliance
decree barring the former or specify a process for deter- general in Hong Kong, always keeping that Hong Kong once enjoyed. Jimmy
President from the state’s bal- best for the country. mining whether individuals in mind that more education, infor- Lai should be set free.
lot. The Justices can help de- have “engaged in insurrec- mation, personal contacts, business RICHARD A. BOUCHER
mocracy with a unanimous tion” and how to disqualify and cultural exchanges were good for U.S. Consul General, 1996-99
ruling against Colorado. them from serving in government. Instead, the the U.S. and good for the people of Arlington, Va.
The Colorado court voted 4-3 in December 14th Amendment empowers Congress to “en- Hong Kong. We valued Deng Xiao-
to disqualify Mr. Trump under Section 3 of the force” Section 3 by enacting “appropriate legis- ping’s and China’s promises of “one STEPHEN M. YOUNG
country, two systems.” We openly U.S. Consul General, 2010-13
post-Civil War 14th Amendment, also known as lation.” Congress did so in 1870 by requiring
supported the Joint Declaration and Londonderry, N.H.
the Insurrection Clause. The four Justices held federal prosecutors to bring writs of quo war- the Basic Law. We publicly welcomed
that Mr. Trump engaged in an “insurrection or ranto to disqualify office holders. the initial respect for the new system RICHARD W. MUELLER
rebellion” on Jan. 6, 2021, based largely on evi- Congress later repealed most of this law. as well as the recognition of Hong U.S. Consul General, 1993-96
dence from the House Jan. 6 special committee. What remains is a federal criminal statute pun- Kong’s traditional open and vibrant Golden, Colo.
Maine’s secretary of state has made a similar ishing insurrection, which says anyone “who culture.
ruling, though several other states have ruled engages or assists in an insurrection . . . shall It is thus with great dismay and JAMES KEITH
in Mr. Trump’s favor on the question. be incapable of holding any office under the concern that we read about the trial U.S. Consul General, 2002-05
The easiest way to dispatch Colorado’s ruling United States.” But Mr. Trump hasn’t been of Mr. Lai and how one respected and Reston, Va.
is with a textualist analysis that the President charged with insurrection, and neither has any-
isn’t covered by Section 3. This is the argument one else who has been charged with other
that David Rivkin and Lee Casey make nearby, crimes in connection to Jan. 6.
and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey A risk for the future is that other partisans Cuba, Terrorism and the American Apologists
has made the same case in these pages. will define insurrection down to disqualify their In their letter “Cuba Is No Sponsor doing, Messrs. McGovern and Welsh
The argument is that the President isn’t an political opponents. As former Attorneys Gen- of International Terrorism” (Feb. 1), join the Clintons and former Attorney
“Officer of the United States” as defined by the eral Ed Meese, Bill Barr and Mr. Mukasey argue Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern General Eric Holder, President Barack
Constitution. Earlier versions of Section 3 in- in a friend-of-the-court brief, “without a clear and Vermont Sen. Peter Welch twist Obama and then-Vice President Joe
cluded the President and Vice President, but statutory definition, the types of presidential the language to fit their narrative. In Biden, who pushed clemency, in 1999
these offices were scrapped from the final text. actions that might be deemed an ‘insurrection’ urging the removal of Cuba from the and then in 2017, on Morales’s Marx-
That’s in part because the 14th Amendment’s are virtually limitless.” state sponsor of terrorism list, they ist FALN comrades.
authors were mainly worried that Confederate Messrs. Rivkin and Casey make another cru- conveniently add the word “interna- JOE CONNOR
tional” before “terrorism” to change Glen Rock, N.J.
rebels would be elected to Congress, and that cial point, which concerns the uniformity
the nature of the list, thus dismissing
President Andrew Johnson would appoint them among states in qualifications for the Presi- Cuba’s sponsorship of Black Liberation Cuba has been training antidemoc-
to executive-branch offices. dency. If Colorado is upheld, and a handful of Army and FALN terrorists, Joanne racy terrorists since 1960. It has been
The Constitution’s Appointments, Commis- other states follow, the 2024 election will be a Chesimard and William Morales. well-documented that terrorist
sion and Impeachment Clauses separately refer patchwork electoral quilt. Mr. Trump will be on Contrary to their letter, Morales groups trained in Cuba have carried
to the President and “officers of the United some state ballots and not others. This would wasn’t merely accused but also con- out and are still carrying out insur-
States.” If the President were an officer, these be tremendously polarizing politically. But as victed of terrorism-related charges in rections in Colombia, Nicaragua, Ven-
clauses would be superfluous or illogical. Arti- a matter of law, the Supreme Court has ruled the U.S, including bomb making and ezuela, El Salvador, Bolivia, Peru and
cle II gives the President the power to appoint that while states can determine election proce- possession and transportation of ex- many other countries. Thousands of
“Officers of the United States” with the advice dures, they can’t change the qualifications for plosives. To casually refer to these un- lives have been lost in these internal
and consent of the Senate. The President federal office in the Constitution. repentant terrorists as “aging Ameri- wars. It is time that our politicians
can fugitives” and assert that “none understand the hatred that commu-
doesn’t nominate himself. i i i
of them have been accused of interna- nist Cuba has for the U.S. The Cuban
As Chief Justice John Roberts emphasized The best course for the country would be for tional terrorism” is disingenuous. regime would rather let its people go
in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Ac- the Justices to settle this case on the narrow It also dismisses the life of my fa- hungry than stop undermining the
counting Oversight Board (2010), “The people legal issues, and not to enter the political fight ther, Frank Connor, who was mur- U.S. and other countries in the region.
do not vote for the ‘Officers of the United over whether Jan. 6 was an insurrection. The dered by Morales’s FALN at New JORGE L. BLANCO
States.’” Justices don’t need to go there if they find that York’s Fraunces Tavern in 1975. In so Key Biscayne, Fla.
Mr. Trump and several friend-of-the-court Section 3 doesn’t cover the President. A 9-0 de-
briefs also make a compelling argument that cision would send a unified message to the
Section 3 isn’t self-executing—meaning that country that Colorado is wrong on the law. Why the Prosperous Also Want to Leave India
Sadanand Dhume’s column “In the ing between 5% and 10% a year lately,
A Spanking for the FBI ‘Asian Century,’ Indians and Chinese
Flee” (East Is East, Feb. 1), though
Indian industry and government don’t
create enough jobs that pay decent

well-written as always, stops short of wages to absorb an ever-expanding
n 2021 the FBI raided a private safe-de- drug dealers and other criminals. But that’s solving the puzzle: why some of the pool of labor. According to the Center
posit company and seized more than $86 still no excuse for the FBI to overstep its au- brightest and the wealthiest among For Monitoring Indian Economy, the
million in cash and valuables from people thority and then invoke civil forfeiture to keep the Indians and Chinese are so eager unemployment rate of youth ages
accused of no wrongdoing. At the time we everything it found worth more than $5,000, to migrate to the West. Allow me to 20-24 exceeded 40% in late 2023. Re-
called this a dangerous violation of their con- all without charging anyone with a crime. A provide some hints regarding the In- cent Indian government surveys
stitutional rights. It took three years, but a group of seven safe-deposit renters sued in dian situation. found that nearly 15% of those with
three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of what became a class action, represented by the First, even though India’s gross do- advanced education face joblessness
Appeals has agreed. Institute for Justice. mestic product GDP has been expand- after graduation.
Where would you go if you hap-
U.S. Private Vaults was a private business The district court found for the govern-
pened to be among the desperate job
in Beverly Hills the government was investi- ment, but the Ninth Circuit has now reversed. European-Style Regulation seekers?
gating for money laundering and other things. Judge Milan Smith Jr., said the government Second, what about the wealthy,
The FBI had a warrant, but this didn’t autho- had opened the door to the “limitless searches For American Dynamism who actually live very well in upscale
rize a search of individual safe deposit boxes. of an individual’s personal belongings” that the Your editorial “Elizabeth Warren’s neighborhoods in India? Why do they
Agents were supposed to open the boxes only British used in colonial America. This, the Robot Gift to China” (Jan. 30) frames want to leave? Appropriately, Mr.
to identify owners and safeguard their prop- judge noted, “led to the adoption of the Fourth Amazon’s abandoned iRobot acquisi- Dhume lists some factors—polluted
erty until it could be returned. Amendment” and its protection against “un- tion as a win for China, but the true cities, tax harassment, poor public
But the FBI overstepped, seizing the prop- reasonable searches and seizures.” takeaway is the Europeanization of health and urban infrastructure—but
erty of innocents along with criminals. As the If the FBI has evidence of something illegal, U.S. competition policy and how it he misses others that are important.
Ninth Circuit noted, one of U.S. Private Vaults’s it can get a warrant. But the Ninth Circuit rul- will harm U.S. startups. The European Among them is easy access to the
Commission’s planned block killed the West’s world-leading medical facili-
selling points was not asking customers too ing is a welcome reminder that the govern-
deal, and U.S. antitrust enforcers ties and higher education, which offer
many questions—e.g., demanding a Social Se- ment can’t go on a fishing expedition that want those powers too. a better and brighter future, for the
curity number—which made it attractive to snares the innocent with the guilty. The Federal Trade Commission and immigrants and for their children.
Justice Department have updated the If children of Indian descent in

The Self-Sabotaging GOP merger guidelines, jettisoning the con- America have risen to the top eche-
sumer-welfare standard. They’ve also lons of Microsoft, Alphabet, IBM, Citi-

begun a rule-making to flip the pre- bank, Mastercard, the World Bank, nu-
he Senate’s border deal collapsed on Trump makes it back to the White House. merger notification process on its merous Silicon Valley companies and
Wednesday, and the failed 49-50 vote The death of the border deal is at bottom a head, drastically expanding the infor- biotech firms, as well as the U.S. gov-
was a formality: The measure was hem- bloody-minded operation by Mr. Trump and his mation merging parties need to pro- ernment, why not their children? The
orrhaging Republican support vide up front in their filings. Those lure of America is irresistable.
allies to flog border chaos
After killing the border through November—and, if changes will bog down deals and MAHMOOD ISLAM
even before it emerged over make us more like Europe. Greenwood, Ind.
the weekend. The silver lining bill, will Trump also possible, bring down Sen. The new rulebook would reduce
is that the Senate was also pre- McConnell as GOP Senate the number of acquisitions that hap-
paring to vote on an aid bill for kill aid to Ukraine? leader. Are they following the pen, which will harm the startup eco- MAGA Remains Aspirational
Ukraine and Israel without the House GOP? The war of all system by chilling investment. Acqui-
I would like to express my heart-
border provisions. We’ll soon against all that has followed its sitions constitute the overwhelming
felt thanks to John Cochrane for his
find out if Republicans in Congress will fold to coup against Kevin McCarthy means new Speaker majority of successful startup exits
op-ed “Incompetent Elites Make
Donald Trump on that too. Mike Johnson couldn’t even pass an Israeli aid bill and create dynamic flows of capital
Trump Look Appealing” (Feb. 3). He
The history of the border deal is being rewrit- this week. That revolution is eating its own. and talent throughout the ecosystem
describes eloquently and cogently
ten by opponents as the failure of chief negotia- Meanwhile, the U.S. asylum system is still that support innovation.
how I and many other conservatives
Europe is envious of our startup
tor James Lankford and GOP leader Mitch broken, and the border dysfunction will con- feel about the direction of our be-
ecosystem, and it can only hope we
McConnell. The truth is that Mr. McConnell pre- tinue, despite the manifest risks to U.S. security. hamstring ourselves by adopting
loved country. We aren’t incorrigible
ferred a vote on the supplemental aid bill for Few will remember details of the Lankford bill. or deplorable when we believe that
their playbook of limiting the acquisi-
Ukraine from the start. But the right of his cau- But voters in November may recall that the GOP Make America Great Again (MAGA) is
tions that create dynamism, spur in-
cus wanted cover for the Ukraine vote and de- campaigned for years on a crisis on the southern aspirational rather than a four-letter
vestment and promote innovation.
manded border reforms. border but did nothing about it. NATHAN LINDFORS
Mr. McConnell went along and appointed Mr. By our deadline Wednesday, the Senate was Policy director, Engine
Port Orange, Fla.
Lankford, who has an impeccable conservative gearing up to vote to begin debating President Washington
voting record, to dive into the details. Mr. Lank- Biden’s proposal on military aid to Ukraine, Is-
ford has visited the border a dozen times while rael and the Pacific. Sixty votes are needed to
in Congress, and he spent months looking under break a filibuster. If it clears that hurdle and the Cut Out the Middleman Pepper ...
the hood of the U.S. immigration system and try- Senate passes the bill after its recess, the burden Letter writer Marshal Greenblatt And Salt
ing to discern what improvements might be pos- will then be on the House GOP. has hit on a half-truth in arguing that
sible in divided government. As the politics of Ukraine’s military needs grow more urgent by the Federal Reserve should change in-
the border got worse for Democrats, he was able the day, as its supply of munitions dwindles. In a terest rates by very small increments
to negotiate the most conservative border bill conflict dominated by artillery, Russia is firing as frequently (“Are We Doing Monetary
Policy All Wrong?” Feb. 5). This is ex-
in decades, as we described Tuesday. many as 10 shells for every one by Ukraine. With-
actly what a free market unfettered
The mistake by Sens. Lankford and McConnell out more U.S. weapons, Ukraine’s supply of 155 by the Federal Reserve would do on
was assuming that Republicans who demanded mm shells could be gone before the summer. its own.
border provisions were sincere. But those Sena- Ukraine has been doing a brilliant job of makeshift NICHOLAS E. BEDNARSKI
tors ran for cover as soon as Mr. Trump handed arms production, but Russia is receiving a surge Camarillo, Calif.
down orders not to give Mr. Biden anything he of munitions from Iran and North Korea. Without
could take credit for. U.S. artillery and air defenses, U.S. officials believe
Letters intended for publication should
The bill’s details became irrelevant, as the Ukraine will lose the war this year. be emailed to Please
GOP cowered before Mr. Trump, who is now That would be a tragedy for brave Ukraine include your city, state and telephone
trashing Mr. Lankford. “This is a very bad bill for and a strategic catastrophe for free Europe and number. All letters are subject to
his career,” Mr. Trump said in an interview this the U.S. It would also make Republicans morally editing, and unpublished letters cannot
be acknowledged.
week. This retribution will be routine if Mr. complicit in an historic betrayal. “Remind me to tell you the rest later.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | A15


Colorado Can’t Disqualify Trump

By David B. Rivkin Jr. presidential electors, instead of being state’s authority to bar from the bal-
And Lee A. Casey appointed by state legislatures, were lot a naturalized citizen who wanted

chosen by popular vote after commit- to run for president. Abdul Karim
he case of Trump v. Ander- ting to a particular candidate. If no Hassan asserted an eccentric theory
son, in which Donald former Confederates (or more mod- that the 14th Amendment vitiated the
Trump asks the Supreme ern insurrectionists) could stand for requirement that the president be a
Court to reverse a ruling election as presidential electors, natural-born citizen. Judge Gorsuch
that bars him from Colo- there would be little chance of an in- ruled that “a state’s legitimate inter-
rado’s presidential ballot, raises surrectionist president. (As Mr. Mu- est in protecting the integrity and
many complicated legal and factual kasey also observed, if the president practical functioning of the political
questions. The justices should ignore were covered, there would be no rea- process permits it to exclude from
them and decide a simple one: Does son to cover presidential electors, the ballot candidates who are consti-
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, who wouldn’t be able to elect an in- tutionally prohibited from assuming

which disqualifies certain former of- surrectionist if they wanted to.) office”—not that state officials or
ficeholders who have “engaged in in- Second, there was no way to judges could decide what the qualifi-
surrection,” apply to the presidency? cover the presidency without violat- cations for federal office are.
As Michael Mukasey has argued in ing the Constitution’s established The meaning of “natural-born citi-
these pages, the answer is no. Those federalism principles, which require zen” is open to dispute in certain un-
who are covered by the Insurrection states to act uniformly when dealing usual cases involving would-be candi-
Clause are specifically disqualified with federal laws and institutions. dates born overseas to American
from serving as members of Con- These principles are at the root of parents or in unincorporated U.S. ter-
gress or the Electoral College—not as several constitutional provisions, in- federal power, clashed with moderate the choice of persons for the tempo- ritories (where the Constitution
president or vice president. They are cluding the equal representation of Republicans determined to preserve rary and sole purpose of making the doesn’t fully apply). If such a dispute
states in the Senate, the Supremacy states’ rights under the Constitution’s appointment”—members of the Elec- arose and states responded to it dif-
Clause and the Full Faith and Credit original Madisonian federalism archi- toral College. ferently, the federal courts would
Applying the Insurrection Clause. These provisions are indis- tecture. It is implausible that they The Constitution authorizes state have to intervene quickly to impose
pensable in making the federal re- would have fought hard to protect legislatures to determine how presi- uniformity. To avoid precisely that
Clause to the presidency public functional. federalism while permitting each dential electors are selected—and sort of situation, the drafters of the
would have given rogue Applying Section 3’s disqualification state to determine presidential dis- even to appoint them directly, as Col- 14th Amendment left the presidency
to the presidency would create exactly qualification for itself. orado did in 1876—and the qualifica- out of Section 3.
states too much power. the uniformity problem the Supreme In U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton tions for serving as president are A Supreme Court decision to that
Court now faces—different states (1995), the Supreme Court held that stated in the constitutional text. effect would be consistent with the
reaching different conclusions about states couldn’t impose their own There is no indication that the states doctrine that judges should avoid de-
also barred from state office and what is and isn’t an insurrection in the qualifications on members of Con- may interpret these for themselves. ciding constitutional issues unneces-
from “any office, civil or military, un- context of a national election. gress. Justice John Paul Stevens’s Stevens wrote that while states can sarily. Was the riot of Jan. 6, 2021, an
der the United States.” But “any of- There is ample evidence that the majority opinion discussed at length adopt “election procedures” (his em- “insurrection”? If so, what does it
fice” refers to appointive posts such 14th Amendment’s drafters paid great how elections to the national legisla- phasis) that govern access to the bal- mean to have “engaged” in it? Does
as judges, generals and cabinet secre- attention to federalism concerns. ture involved the people of the U.S. lot—such as signature requirements disqualifying someone from office re-
taries, and “officers of the United This is particularly true regarding the rather than citizens of each state, re- for independent candidates or “sore quire an act of Congress or a criminal
States” are appointed, not elected. amendment’s first two sections, quiring that qualifications be nation- loser” provisions that bar a third- conviction? These questions may be
This raises an obvious question: which dramatically reshaped the rela- ally uniform. This logic is even more party run by a former candidate for pertinent in future cases, but not in
Why would the authors of the 14th tionship between U.S. citizens and compelling when it comes to the a major-party nomination—they Trump v. Anderson.
Amendment exclude the presidency? the federal and state governments by president, who is elected by the en- can’t set or revise qualifications for
For two compelling and practical rea- requiring states to respect federal tire nation. As Alexander Hamilton federal office. Messrs. Rivkin and Casey practice
sons, which reinforce Section 3’s constitutional rights. As legal scholar wrote in Federalist No. 68, the Fram- Some of Mr. Trump’s opponents appellate and constitutional law in
plain meaning. Kurt T. Lash recounted in “Federal- ers made the “appointment of the have pointed hopefully to Hassan v. Washington. They served at the Jus-
First, by the time the amendment ism and the Original Fourteenth president” depend “in the first in- Colorado, a 2012 decision of the 10th tice Department and the White House
was ratified in 1868, the states had Amendment,” a 2019 article, radical stance to an immediate act of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in which Counsel’s Office in the Reagan and
largely adopted a system whereby Republicans, who favored stronger people of America, to be exerted in then-Judge Neil Gorsuch upheld the George H.W. Bush administrations.

A Russian Victory in Ukraine Would Imperil Us All

By Olaf Scholz slaught. This is due to the heroic able than it was during the Cold War. European colleagues to make the the freedom and prosperity of each

fighting of the Ukrainian people, but Despite our support, Ukraine could necessary budgetary decisions. Like of us in peril.
ake no mistake: A Russian it’s also a result of the West’s fiscal soon face serious shortages in arms the U.S. and others, Germany stands Third, we don’t see ourselves at
victory in Ukraine would not and humanitarian support and the and ammunition. Some financial ready to provide Kyiv with long-term war with Russia and don’t seek con-
only be the end of Ukraine as delivery of weapons and ammunition commitments have already run out, security commitments and arrange- frontation with Russia. We will resist
a free, democratic and independent to Ukraine. and others need to be extended. The ments so that Ukraine can deter and any attempt to drag the North Atlan-
state, it would also dramatically The European Union and its mem- long-term consequences and costs of defend itself against future Russian tic Treaty Organization into Russia’s
change the face of Europe. It would ber states have been Ukraine’s larg- failing to stop Mr. Putin’s aggression attacks. As a highly industrialized war of aggression against Ukraine.
deal a severe blow to the liberal est financial supporter, having con- would dwarf any of the investments country and prospective EU member, Fourth, the collective deterrence
world order. Russia’s brutal attempt tributed more than $91 billion since that we are making now. Ukraine will be able to support a and defense of NATO must be credi-
to steal territory by force could serve the beginning of the war, followed by well-equipped modern army if it can ble. Since I took office, Germany has
as a blueprint for other authoritarian the U.S. and Germany. Germany’s mil- repel Russia’s aggression. That pros- massively ramped up its defense
leaders around the globe. More coun- itary support is second only to Amer- The West must sustain pect increases the security of us all. spending to 2% of its gross domestic
tries would run the risk of falling ica’s. Since the war began, my gov- Second, we must continue to product. We launched the European
prey to a nearby predator. ernment has earmarked, procured support for Kyiv, keep move in a strategic lockstep on both Sky Shield Initiative to boost Euro-
This possibility is why the U.S. and delivered military equipment, in- NATO solid, and spurn sides of the Atlantic. Mr. Putin is try- pean air-defense capabilities and will
and Europe support Ukraine’s fight cluding tanks, artillery and high- ing to undermine our unity and turn base a full German combat brigade in
for freedom. President Biden’s lead- value air-defense systems, worth Putin’s effort to divide us. our citizens against supporting Lithuania, on NATO’s eastern flank.
ership has been critical to ensure more than $30 billion. This has come Ukraine. Others around the world are The sooner Mr. Putin understands
that Vladimir Putin’s aggression is on top of Germany’s nonmilitary sup- watching closely to see whether that we are in this for the long haul,
met with a united and successful re- port, including welcoming over one So, what needs to be done? these divisions can be exploited and the sooner the war in Ukraine will
sponse. So far, Mr. Putin hasn’t million Ukrainian refugees, and our First, we must sustain our sup- whether disinformation campaigns end. The only way that we can con-
achieved any of his war goals. He share of the EU’s support. port. On Feb. 1, the European Council can take hold. We must prove them tribute to a lasting peace is by keep-
thought that he could take the Ukrai- Our message is clear: We have to decided to commit an additional $54 wrong by convincing citizens on ing up our support, unity and re-
nian capital, Kyiv, within two weeks. do our utmost to prevent Russia billion in fiscal aid to Ukraine over both sides of the Atlantic that a Rus- solve. We must stand with Ukraine
After two years, he still is far from from winning. If we don’t, we might the coming four years. This must be sian victory would make the world a for as long as it takes.
accomplishing this, and Ukraine is soon wake up in a world even more complemented by additional military far more dangerous place. It would
bravely withstanding the Russian on- unstable, threatening and unpredict- assistance, and I have called on my also strain our budgets while putting Mr. Scholz is Germany’s chancellor.

Why I Voted Against Impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas

By Mike Gallagher nents of impeachment concede the impeachable, almost every cabinet to sue the federal government for should exhaust all these options to

framers rejected the idea that policy secretary would be subject to im- nonenforcement of immigration laws. secure the border, including defund-
resident Biden has created a di- disputes or “maladministration” con- peachment. The Treasury and State That isn’t true. The courts have sig- ing ridiculous Biden administration
saster at our southern border. stitute grounds for impeachment. They departments’ nonenforcement of naled that through the legislative priorities and regulations until he
In his first 100 days in office, argue instead that Mr. Mayorkas’s un- sanctions against Iran has embold- process, Congress can authorize changes his border policies.
Mr. Biden halted border-wall con- derenforcement goes beyond malad- ened a regime that is killing Ameri- states to sue. The second article of impeach-
struction, ended President Trump’s ministration, even though it doesn’t cans in the Middle East. The defense ment accuses Mr. Mayorkas of failing
successful Remain in Mexico policy, reach the level of a criminal offense. secretary is clearly violating the Hyde to comply with multiple subpoenas
and implemented a catch-and-release Their primary evidence is a 2021 Amendment by allowing defense Ousting a secretary for and obstructing certain oversight ef-
regime. Homeland Security Secretary memo signed by Mr. Mayorkas order- travel funds to be used to facilitate forts, actions that are shameful but
Alejandro Mayorkas is faithfully im- ing immigration officials to consider abortions. These decisions—however ‘maladministration’ would not outside the norm for cabinet sec-
plementing the president’s ruinous more than illegal aliens’ criminal his- reprehensible—aren’t high crimes or have opened Pandora’s retaries. House Democrats impeached
policies, which are contributing to tory when determining which ones misdemeanors but would be im- Mr. Trump for the same actions. Un-
immense human suffering, placing a should be detained and removed. peachable under the new standard. box. The problem is Biden. like Democrats’ rushed process
massive financial burden on states They cite district and circuit court Perhaps this is why we have never against Mr. Trump, we should take
and cities, and threatening our na- decisions that the order contained in impeached a cabinet secretary except Mr. Mayorkas to court to produce any
tional security. His performance has this memo was against the law, even for criminal behavior. The person The articles of impeachment even information he is withholding and
been a disgrace. though the Supreme Court reversed chiefly responsible for the chaos and tacitly admit there are other options hold him in criminal contempt of
But I disagree with my Republican those rulings in U.S. v. Texas (2023). devastation that has unfolded at the available to Congress. The first arti- Congress if he further stonewalls le-
colleagues who voted on Tuesday to They cite Justice Samuel Alito’s dis- border is Mr. Biden, not Mr. Mayor- cle quotes Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s gitimate oversight. If he continues to
impeach Mr. Mayorkas. Impeachment sent in that case to claim Mr. Mayor- kas. If Mr. Mayorkas were removed, majority opinion, which says there obstruct, we should reconsider im-
not only would fail to resolve Mr. Bi- kas broke the law. his replacement would also imple- are political checks on the executive. peachment under a more tailored
den’s border crisis but would also set But overturned and dissenting de- ment Mr. Biden’s disastrous border Justice Kavanaugh conspicuously version of the second article.
a dangerous new precedent that cisions have no legal force. Further, policies. If anything, impeaching Mr. doesn’t list impeachment. Instead, he In 2019 and 2021, then-Speaker
would be used against future Repub- the majority in Texas affirms the Mayorkas would absolve Mr. Biden of outlines other tools Congress has—a Nancy Pelosi and congressional Demo-
lican administrations. longstanding precedent that the pres- blame for his own policies. list the impeachment articles elide crats used impeachment as a weapon
The first article of impeachment ident and homeland security secre- Proponents argue that impeach- when quoting the opinion. Justice against Mr. Trump, though they
lays out in grueling detail Mr. Mayor- tary have great discretion in enforc- ment is the only option Congress has Kavanaugh’s list includes oversight, couldn’t produce evidence he had
kas’s manifest incompetence. But in- ing border laws. And if we are to left to hold the Biden administration appropriations, lawmaking, Senate committed a crime. It was a rushed,
competence doesn’t rise to the level of make underenforcement of the law, accountable after U.S. v. Texas estab- confirmations and the biggest politi- hyperpartisan process that lowered
high crimes or misdemeanors. Propo- even egregious underenforcement, lished that states don’t have standing cal check of all: elections. Congress the bar for what constitutes an im-
peachable offense. Republicans rightly
railed against this effort and the dan-

Notable & Quotable: Vandalism

gers of a single-party impeachment,
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY impeachment for unpopular decisions,
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Emma Tucker Almar Latour change” by Shannon Gibson in the effect.” It was effective for both the Republicans should reject the
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mal institutional challenges, studies tary also met with the group, and House Select Committee on Strategic
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 show the combination can help in- days later Parliament declared a cli- Competition between the U.S. and the
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES crease awareness of the problem and mate emergency. Chinese Communist Party.
A16 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Netanyahu Rejects Hamas Truce Proposal

Prime minister calls Speaking Wednesday night, The Israeli prime minister’s of- rael on Wednesday, Blinken met lationship with Israel. Blinken war and would allow for talks
Netanyahu didn’t specify fice didn’t respond to a request with Netanyahu, Israeli military said any Israeli military oper- toward a lasting truce to play
militant group’s which demands were unac- for comment on the talks. chief Herzi Halevi, Defense Min- ation “needs to put civilians out during a cease-fire. It also
demands ‘bizarre’ in ceptable, but he vowed to con- The militant group’s coun- ister Yoav Gallant and President first and foremost in mind.” hasn’t demanded an immediate
tinue Israel’s military cam- terproposal, conveyed in a let- Isaac Herzog. He also met with Negotiations for a cease-fire Israeli military withdrawal.
setback to U.S. push paign against Hamas in Gaza. ter, includes some demands Palestinian Authority President are expected to continue on For a first stage lasting 45
“Giving in to Hamas’s bi- Israel could accede to but Mahmoud Abbas, his spokes- Thursday in Cairo with a meet- days, Hamas is calling for the
BY JARED MALSIN zarre demands…not only won’t some it has opposed, such as man Matthew Miller said. ing between leaders of Hamas release of all Palestinian
AND SUMMER SAID bring the release of hostages. It the mass re- Blinken’s visit and Egyptian officials, say offi- women and children under the
will just invite another massa- lease of Pales- comes at a piv- cials familiar with the talks. age of 19 held in Israeli jails,
Israeli Prime Minister Benja- cre,” he said at a news confer- tinian prison- otal moment in One scenario for the negoti- along with all prisoners 50 and
min Netanyahu rejected ence. Israel, he said, can topple ers, including The plan ‘has the war. Israel ations is that both Israel and older, in return for a first group
Hamas’s terms for a cease-fire Hamas and end security threats some accused some room to has vowed to Hamas could agree to an ini- of civilian Israeli hostages. Dur-
in Gaza, after the Palestinian from Gaza within months. of violent at- press on with its tial cease-fire of up to six ing this stage, Israeli forces
militant group called for the re- Netanyahu’s comments tacks, said ana- maneuver in, military offen- weeks while they negotiate on would redeploy outside Gaza’s
lease of thousands of prisoners showed that despite weeks of lysts and offi- sive in Gaza if a further stages of the truce, say populated areas, according to
along with other concessions in indirect negotiations Israel cials familiar
although it will cease-fire deal diplomats and analysts. Both the Hamas proposal. Hamas
its first response to a U.S.- and Hamas remain far apart with the talks. be very difficult.’ isn’t reached. sides would have reason to wants some reconstruction to
backed plan to end the fighting. in agreeing to a cease-fire “This actu- Gallant has said back out of a deal before they begin during the first phase,
The dismissal was a setback framework negotiated by the ally has some the military is can agree to the release of the according to the document.
for a U.S. diplomatic push led U.S., Qatar, Israel and Egypt. room to maneu- planning a final group of hostages and For the second 45-day stage,
by Secretary of State Antony The plan calls for a phased re- ver in, although it will be very ground offensive in densely senior Palestinian prisoners. Hamas is demanding the re-
Blinken, who met with Israeli lease of hostages held in Gaza difficult,” said Gershon Baskin, populated Rafah, noting an op- The Hamas counterproposal lease of 1,500 prisoners, includ-
leaders on Wednesday during in exchange for Palestinian an Israeli hostage negotiator eration in the border city is es- is more detailed than the ini- ing 500 serving long-term sen-
a fifth visit to the region prisoners and a truce that ne- who brokered a 2011 prisoner sential to cut off the group’s tial U.S.-backed draft, which tences, in exchange for Israeli
aimed in part at defusing ten- gotiators hope could lead to exchange with Hamas. smuggling routes to Egypt. called for hostages to be re- soldiers held in Gaza. Hamas is
sions before a possible Israeli an end to the war. The U.S. is increasing pres- Egypt has expressed con- leased during a series of three demanding the launch of a
military offensive on Rafah, a Israeli officials asked Egypt sure on its allies in the region to cerns that a military operation six-week stages, during which comprehensive reconstruction
city in southern Gaza near to pressure Hamas to come up stop the fighting in Gaza, which in the area could cause an ex- negotiators would push for a in Gaza during this stage. For
Egypt’s border where more with a different response to has left much of the enclave in odus of Palestinians into lasting truce. the third 45-day stage, Hamas
than a million displaced Pales- the proposal, said Egyptian of- ruins and pushed the Middle Egyptian territory, a crisis Hamas is no longer demand- is proposing that both sides ex-
tinians have sought refuge. ficials familiar with the talks. East to the brink of war. In Is- that would damage Egypt’s re- ing an immediate end to the change the bodies of the dead.

Tunnels Conceal
Hostages, House
Militant Leaders
BY DOV LIEBER out carcasses of buildings.
In the middle of a devas-
KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza tated residential neighbor-
Strip—Beneath the rubble of a hood, inside the hefty cement
bombed-out residential neigh- foundations of a destroyed
borhood in Khan Younis lies a house, was a narrow-arch
sprawling, subterranean com- structure—the gateway to an
plex built to shelter senior underground compound. The
Hamas leaders and, for a time, entire block had to be laid to
used to hold Israeli hostages rubble to get to it, said Brig.
grabbed by the militant group, Gen. Dan Goldfus, who com-
Israeli officers said. mands Israel’s 98th Paratroop-
An access shaft hidden in an ers Division and is leading Is-

unassuming family home leads rael’s fight in Khan Younis.

to a sophisticated underground There are tunnel shafts all
warren with several kitchens, around Khan Younis, Goldfus
fitted out with gas stoves and said. “In the schools, in the
refrigerators, as well as sleep- mosques, in the supermarkets.
ing quarters and bathrooms. Wherever you go there is a
A metal-barred gate blocks shaft going down into the un-
the entrance to a chamber con- derground world,” he said.
Gaza’s new mothers and their babies are especially vulnerable to the fallout from the conflict between Israel and Hamas. verted into a cell. Israeli inves- The subterranean web un-
tigators say forensic evidence der the neighborhood, in

Women in Gaza Are Forced to Give

indicates that at least 12 people places 15 to 25 yards below the
kidnapped by the militants dur- surface, appeared to have been
ing their Oct. 7 assault on Is- abandoned with relative haste.
rael were held in the complex. Dishes remained in the sinks,

Birth in Tents and Public Bathrooms

Hamas has constructed a blankets and mattresses lit-
vast underground network of tered the floors. Passageways
tunnels, barracks, armories were dark, dank, narrow—just
and other facilities beneath high enough to pass through
Gaza’s densely populated cit- in a crouching position.
BY MARGHERITA STANCATI no medical help, sometimes in deliveries of medical supplies. babies are suffering from and ies to hide its fighters, weap- The tunnel opened into a liv-
AND ABEER AYYOUB dirty, overcrowded shelters, Hospitals in the south are too dying of preventable conditions, ons and hostages from the Is- ing complex with tiled floors.
public bathrooms or cold, make- stretched to provide expectant the healthcare workers say. raeli forces hunting them. The vaulted chambers had ceil-
Noura Baalousha’s contrac- shift tents, the U.N., healthcare mothers with proper care. Life-threatening conditions Israel’s military says there ings roughly the height of an
tions began on a cold December workers and residents say. Al Emirati Maternity Hospi- such as hypertension in preg- are hundreds of miles of tunnels average apartment.
evening, as the thud of shelling Gaza’s new mothers and tal in the city of Rafah, on the nancy, or preeclampsia, are in Gaza. Some, like the one Military officials say their
reverberated around the build- their babies are especially vul- Egyptian border, is the only going undiagnosed. Anemia is where hostages were kept, ap- underground operations are fo-
ing where she was sheltering in nerable to the fallout from the dedicated maternal health fa- widespread, but women aren’t pear meant to house militants cused on applying pressure on
northern Gaza. There was no conflict between Israel and cility still functioning in the getting the iron supplements for long periods. Others are Hamas to force it to accept
phone signal to call an ambu- Hamas taking place around strip, according to the U.N. they need to treat it, health- used to transport goods and terms more favorable to Israel
lance and it was too dangerous them, where the battlefield is With over half of Gaza’s popu- care workers and the U.N. say. people, and some are designed in a deal to return the hostages.
to venture outside. sewn into civilian areas, from lation, or around 1.3 million The problems for mothers to facilitate hit-and-run attacks.
“I felt so afraid. I knew I disease and displacement to people, now in Rafah, the hos- and babies continue after The Wall Street Journal ex-
wouldn’t be able to reach the shortages of food and water. pital is handling around 80 birth. Malnutrition among plored a tunnel complex below Watch a Video
hospital. My water broke and Expectant mothers who births a day, up from around 15 nursing mothers and their ba- Khan Younis this week in a Scan this code
I knew I would deliver at any make it to hospitals in Gaza before the war, according to bies is common, aid workers trip arranged by the Israeli for a video of a
moment,” recalls Baalousha, rarely get the level of care they UNFPA, the U.N.’s reproductive- say. Families, many of them military. The route to the tunnel where
whose four other children need, according to the U.N. and health agency. Those who are huddled in porous tents, are scene was lined by piles of hostages were
were born in a hospital. Dur- healthcare workers. With only admitted are frequently dis- struggling to get formula milk, concrete and steel and blown- allegedly held.
ing a previous war in Gaza, 13 of the enclave’s 36 hospitals charged hours after childbirth, diapers and winter clothes.
she witnessed a doctor deliver functioning, and those only even after caesarean births. Newborns aren’t spared
a baby in a home. partially, the facilities are Medical goods and clean from the fighting. On Oct. 30,
“I had no other options, I short-staffed and overwhelmed water are in short supply ev- a woman gave birth to a baby
forced myself to remember ev- by the number of war- erywhere in Gaza. The U.N. while sheltering with her ex-
erything I had seen,” she said. wounded. Maternity services has reported several cases of tended family in a building in
Baalousha’s sister-in-law helped are low on the list of priorities women receiving C-sections Gaza City. Around 10 hours
deliver the baby boy, Adam, us- for hospitals, and women in la- without adequate anesthesia. later, the building was
ing wooden laundry tongs to bor are often turned away, the The fighting and near-col- bombed. Mother and child
clamp the umbilical cord and workers and the U.N. say. lapse of the healthcare system died, said Deborah Harrington,

kitchen scissors to cut it. Israeli forces have carried means there is no comprehen- a British obstetrician who re-
There were more than out operations in and around sive data on the impact the cently spent two weeks at Al
50,000 pregnant women in hospitals as part of their war monthslong war has had on Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza,
Gaza when the war began on against Hamas. Israel blames stillbirths and maternal and who knows a senior nurse re-
Oct. 7, according to United Na- Hamas for embedding itself in neonatal mortality rates. The lated to the victims. “The baby
tions estimates. Gaza has one of the facilities, and says it does expectation is that they have hadn’t even been registered as
the region’s highest birthrates. what it can to limit civilian gone up significantly, health- born,” she said. “There is
Some 180 women in the en- suffering in Gaza. care workers and the U.N. say. something deeply wrong about
clave give birth each day on av- The northern part of the Lack of pre- and postnatal having a death certificate be-
erage, many now with little or enclave is largely cut off from care means women and their fore a birth certificate.” Underground living quarters were used by Hamas militants.

PAKISTAN ment official. CONGO of civilian population will be CHINA Street Journal poll of econo-
Shortly after, another dealt with at their source.” mists had tipped a 0.6% decline
Blasts Kill at Least bombing killed at least 12 peo-
Fears Rise of Rebel The group rose to promi-
Prices Decline for the first month of the year.
30 Before Election ple at the Jamiat Ulema Islam Takeover of City nence a decade ago by seiz- On Weak Demand The reading was the low-
Bombs ripped through two party office in Qilla Saifullah, One of eastern Congo’s ing Goma, a base for Congo- China’s consumer-price in- est since September 2009,
separate political offices in about 80 miles away, said a most active rebel groups is at- lese forces and aid workers. dex posted its biggest annual when CPI fell 0.8% from a
southwestern Pakistan’s Bal- spokesman for the provincial tacking a community consid- The M23 detonated blasts decline in over a decade, un- year earlier.
ochistan province Wednes- government. ered the last line of defense in North Kivu’s Sake city 16 derlining continued weakness On a monthly basis, China’s
day, killing at least 30 people, The Islamic State group’s before the region’s largest city miles from Goma, residents in domestic demand as the CPI increased 0.3% in January,
officials said, a day before branch in Pakistan claimed of Goma, fleeing residents said as they hurried from fight- economy struggles to regain accelerating from the 0.1% in-
parliamentary elections. the second attack. He said the said Wednesday, even as the ing between the rebels and se- momentum. crease seen in December.
At least 18 people were elections wouldn’t be delayed. rebels claimed they had no in- curity forces. “Bombs are being The consumer-price index Meanwhile, the country’s
killed in the first attack at in- The attacks, which left tention to seize it again. dropped in the city,” said resi- fell 0.8% in January from a year producer-price index dropped
dependent candidate Asfan- more than two dozen people The M23 rebels, however, dent, Alain Bauma. “We are earlier, accelerating from the 2.5% in January from a year
dyar Khan’s election office in wounded, drew condemnation warned in a statement that fleeing but we don’t know 0.3% drop seen in December, earlier, compared with Decem-
the Pashin district, said Ju- from nearly all political parties. “attacks targeting our forces where we are going to live.” the National Bureau of Statis- ber’s 2.7% fall.
madad Mandokhel, a govern- —Associated Press and/or indiscriminate shelling —Associated Press tics said Thursday. A Wall —Grace Zhu
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Uber Posts First Yearly Profit Since IPO

Food, ride demand which the ride-sharing and in 2018 on the back of its in- long-term financial targets slightly higher than Wall startups burning through
food-delivery company gave vestments, but it wasn’t during its investor day next Street’s expectations. tens of billions of dollars in
stays strong, results priority to growth over prof- earning money from its oper- week. Uber expects the total an attempt to gain market
mark end to growth- its. ations until now. Uber went The company’s perfor- value of transactions on its share. From 2016 through the
The company had a profit public in 2019. mance in the last three app to come in between $37 first quarter of 2023, Uber
at-all-costs era of $1.43 billion in the final “Looking back, 2023 was months of 2023 suggests that billion and $38.5 billion in collectively racked up close
three months of 2023, which an inflection point for Uber— demand for its ride-sharing the first three months of to $30 billion in operating
BY PREETIKA RANA included a $1 billion benefit proving that we can continue and food-delivery services re- 2024, in line with the $37.43 losses, according to S&P
from its equity investments to generate strong, profitable mains strong. The total value billion that analysts surveyed Global Market Intelligence.
Uber Technologies posted as well as income from its growth at scale,” Chief Exec- of transactions on its app by FactSet are expecting. The company posted its first
its first full-year profit as a operations. That propelled it utive Dara Khosrowshahi said grew 22% to $37.58 billion. Uber shares closed up quarterly operating profit in
public company last year and to a full-year net income fol- on a conference call with an- Uber’s revenue, or its cut 0.3%. the second quarter of 2023.
projected continued growth lowing years of heavy losses. alysts after results were an- from those transactions, in- The easy availability of The company was founded in
in the first quarter of 2024, The company has turned nounced Wednesday. creased 15% to $9.93 billion. capital for much of the past 2009.
marking the end of an era in an annual profit once before, Uber is expected to outline The quarterly figures were decade had Uber and other Please turn to page B2

Some Investors Worry That Meta’s CVS Cuts Guidance

Dividend Signals End of Salad Days As Expenses Rise in

The scale of Meta’s stock

Share-price and index performance, year to date
Annual dividend as a
percentage of free cash flow*
Medicare Business
rally after the social-media gi- Meta Platforms
ant said it would pay its first 32.7% BY ANNA WILDE MATHEWS Medicare Advantage utiliza-
dividend stunned analysts and 20 Apple tion,” said Chief Executive
investors. Now some are tak- S&P 500 14% CVS Health posted solid Karen Lynch.
ing it as a sign the ride for 4.7% Meta Platforms fourth-quarter earnings, but it The company revised its
shareholders could be on bor- 10 12% downgraded its projected re- earnings-per-share guidance
rowed time. sults for 2024 as medical-cost for 2024 to at least $7.06 from
Shares of the parent com- increases hit the Medicare in- $7.26. On an adjusted basis,
pany of Facebook, Instagram 2% surance business. the new projection is at least
and WhatsApp surged 20% to The healthcare company, $8.30 a share, down from
close at a record Friday, a day Free cash flow† which includes a large insurer $8.50. Analysts were project-
after the announcement. The and a pharmacy-benefit man- ing full-year adjusted earnings
–10 Apple
stock pulled back this week ager in addition to its epony- of $8.47 a share for 2024, ac-
but remains up about 19% Jan. 2024 Feb. $106.9B mous pharmacies, said cording to FactSet.
since late Thursday. Wednesday it had seen rising The guidance revision is
For Meta Platforms, the de- Price/earnings ratio, next 12 months use of healthcare services by the latest sign for investors al-
cision signaled the company’s 24 times members in its Medicare plans ready concerned about the
confidence in its ability to Meta Platforms in the last quarter of 2023. Its Medicare business after Medi-
keep churning out cash as it Microsoft earnings for the quarter still care-focused insurer Humana
22 S&P 500
invests in areas with huge po- $67.4B came in ahead of analysts’ ex- posted a steep loss for the
tential—such as artificial in- pectations. fourth quarter and said its fi-
telligence—that aren’t yet Shares of CVS closed up nancial woes would extend
paying off. But dividends tend 20 3.1% on Wednesday, which into next year and beyond.
to be paid by more mature might reflect that investors Other insurers have also
Meta Platforms
companies, such as utility had already expected a guid- pointed to elevated costs in
providers and big banks, and 18 $43.8B ance revision for this year’s their Medicare plans at the
some analysts and investors results. end of last year, but their
say the move shows Meta’s Nvidia CVS said it reduced its esti- takes on the 2024 implications
days of explosive growth are $3.8B mate for 2024 earnings after have varied.
likely in the past. March 2023 Jan. ’24 analyzing rising costs in its Medicare Advantage, the
“There needs to be a point Medicare business. The com- version of the federal program
*Meta, Microsoft and Apple data look at 2023 free cash flow, while Nvidia data look at the 12 months through the end of October.
where you cannot keep grow- †Meta, Microsoft and Apple data looks at calendar year 2023 free cash flow, while Nvidia data looks through the last twelve months ending in Oct. 2023. pany said it is now assuming offered by private insurers,
ing at 50% a year when you’ve Sources: FactSet (performance, P/E ratio); Dow Jones Market Data, based on FactSet data (annual dividend, free cash flow) the elevated healthcare ex- has long been a major source
become such a huge company pense might continue into this of growth and profits for the
and your revenue base is so But with Meta’s acquisitions market’s gains last year, pro- The run-up means Magnifi- year, adding about $400 mil- industry. More than half of
high,” said Jon Snare, manag- facing intensifying scrutiny pelled by bets that invest- cent Seven stocks are trading lion in additional spending. Medicare beneficiaries are
ing partner at Bordeaux from regulators, analysts say ments in AI technology will at more expensive levels than During a call with analysts, now enrolled in such plans.
Wealth Advisors. “The math it makes sense for the com- eventually generate windfall the broader market. Meta CVS executives said the com- But the business is facing
just doesn’t work anymore.” pany to start returning some profits. The group’s gains trades at nearly 23 times pro- pany had seen higher rates of challenges from rising costs
Meta Platforms won’t be of its huge cash hoard to in- have extended into this year jected earnings over the next outpatient care, including hip and regulatory changes.
the first member of the Mag- vestors. to push the stock market to 12 months, while Apple is and knee surgeries, and use of CVS repeated it was expect-
nificent Seven group of tech Already, big tech stocks records. trading at roughly 28 times supplemental benefits such as ing its Medicare enrollment to
titans to pay a dividend; Ap- have a high bar to clear. The Meta has jumped 33% this and Microsoft is at about 33 dental care. grow by about 800,000 this
ple, Microsoft and Nvidia Magnificent Seven went on a year, while the S&P 500 has times. By comparison, the S&P “We are taking a cautious year. The company also said
have offered them for years. monster run to drive the stock added 4.7%. Please turn to page B4 stance on our outlook for Please turn to page B2

Diversity Groups Urge

Ackman, Musk Pushback
BY TALI ARBEL panies without threats of friv-
olous lawsuits and political
Minority, veteran and pressure, and we will be here
women-focused business ad- with support, every step of
vocacy groups are urging com- the way,” the coalition said in
panies to invest in diversity a letter published Wednesday.
initiatives that are under legal Conservative activists’ suc-
attack and face fierce opposi- cess in challenging affirmative
tion from Bill Ackman and action in college admissions
Elon Musk. gave momentum to efforts to
The group, which includes stop diversity, equity and in-
the U.S. Black Chambers, Na- clusion efforts, known as DEI,
tional Urban League, National in companies, arguing they
LGBT Chamber of Commerce are tantamount to race and
and National Veteran-Owned sex discrimination. U.S. corpo-
Business Association, said in- rations have since been reas-
vestments in diversity initia- sessing diversity initiatives.
tives were essential to busi- In one high-profile legal

ness success and the U.S. case against such programs,

economy. the American Alliance for
“We believe it is imperative Equal Rights, a group run by
that CEOs and other company affirmative-action opponent
leaders are able to make stra- Edward Blum, alleged venture-
tegic decisions for their com- Please turn to page B10

INSIDE The NFC Championship Game between the 49ers and Lions was shown on Fox, part of the new streaming venture.

Media Deal to Transform Sports Watching

BY ISABELLA SIMONETTI The as-yet-unnamed service ture of the media business are Is this the one-stop shop for
AND AMOL SHARMA will bring together in one huge. This could be a tipping sports I’ve been waiting for?
streaming package all the con- point that dooms cable TV. It Not exactly, but it is a start.
It’s one small step for tent those companies offer— will reshape deals between net- Subscribers will have access to
sports-kind. from the NFL, NBA, NHL and works and leagues for years to all the networks from the
Disney’s ESPN, Fox and MLB to college basketball and come and will go a long way to- three companies that show
Warner Bros. Discovery on football. Plenty of consumers ward determining the legacies sports. That includes Disney’s
TECHNOLOGY HEARD ON Tuesday announced a new will find that appealing. But of some big-name CEOs. ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ESPN-
Alibaba earnings drop THE STREET sports-streaming venture that before you get too excited, Here are some key take- News and ABC; Fox’s broad-
promises to make life easier for there is some fine print to be aways on what the new ser- cast network and Fox sports
as the company books Department stores consumers who are frustrated aware of, from pricing to vice, which is slated to launch Please turn to page B2
over $3 billion in face risks in the credit- with all the platforms they have availability of the content you later this year, means for con-
impairments. B4 card business. B12 to sign up for to watch their fa- love. sumers and the sports-media  Pro sports leagues are
vorite teams play. The implications for the fu- industrial complex: caught off guard ............... B2
B2 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in
today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A G Nordstrom..................................B12
Sports What is in the new

Alibaba............................................B4 General Motors........................B3 Nvidia.......................................B1,B11 ESPNU
Alphabet.......................................B11 H P
ESPNNews Palantir Technologies.........A2 Disney
Barratt Developments.......B6
Intermountain Health........B6
Redrow............................................B6 To Change ABC

BP........................................................B3 K S SEC Network

BYD.....................................................B3 Kohl’s...............................................B12 Shell...................................................B3 Continued from page B1 ACC Network
ByteDance....................................B4 Kuaishou Technology.........B4 Snap.......................................B11,B12 cable networks; and Warner’s
C L Synchrony Financial..........B12 TNT, TBS and truTV. FOX
Caesars Entertainment.....B5 T These networks have con-
LG Chem........................................B3 FOX Sports 1
Carlyle............................................B10 Tesla..................................................B3
tracts for some of the highest-


Li Auto.............................................B3 Fox
Check Point Software TotalEnergies.............................B3
profile sporting content, in- FOX Sports 2
Technologies...........................B5 cluding games from
M U professional football, basket- Big Ten Network
Chipotle Mexican Grill......B11
CVS Health...................................B1 Macy’s............................................B12 Uber Technologies.................B1 ball and hockey, as well as
D Meketa Investment...........B10 V from college sports. Citi ana- TNT
Meta Platforms......A3,B1,B12
VistaJet..........................................A2 lysts expect the new service to Warner Bros.
MGM Resorts International
W encompass about 55% of U.S. Discovery
E ............................................................... B5 sports rights. The National Basketball truTV
Equinor............................................B3 Microsoft...............................B1,B11 Walt Disney..................A1,B1,B2
Association will be featured. Source: the companies
F N Warner Bros. Discovery
So what’s missing?
........................................................ B1,B2
Ford Motor................................B12 New York Community The service doesn’t include There are so many variables: a lot of people who have paid Fox and Warner are essentially
Fox......................................B1,B2,B11 Bancorp.....................................B11 X content from Paramount’s how many people sign up, how for cable for a long time. doing is creating something
FuboTV...........................................B11 News Corp............................B2,B3 Xpeng................................................B3 CBS, Comcast’s NBC and much sports-rights costs grow. akin to a slimmed-down cable
streaming services like Ama- So it is hard to predict. This service will be jointly package. One insider won-
zon’s Prime and Apple TV+. owned by three companies. dered: Why do media compa-
INDEX TO PEOPLE If you are, say, a really big
NFL fan, this new service
What impact will this have
on cable TV and the media
What could go wrong?
It turns out that we have
nies need to be operating such
a thing, and take on all the
would give you only a portion business? seen a very similar movie al- risks and headaches involved?
A Graham-Watson, Rory.......B3 R of the games you may want to This is very bad for the fu- ready. Why not just allow YouTube
Ackman, Bill.................................B1 H Rasulo, Jay..................................A2 see. You would also need Ama- ture of cable TV. Sports has Hulu was founded by News TV to offer a sports-only tier?
Ananth, Venky..........................B6 Richardville, Craig..................B6 zon for football on Thursdays, been one of the main attrac- Corp (parent of The Wall Or even old-school cable pro-
Hutchinson, Lorraine.........B12
Paramount+ for access to tions of the cable bundle. Con- Street Journal) and NBC, and viders like Charter? One exec-
Anderson, Greg.....................A10
CBS’s Sunday afternoon games solidating so many valuable then later added Disney/ABC utive close to the new venture
Arnold, Scott..............................B6
Iger, Bob..........................................A1
Schwartz, Harvey................B10 and NBCUniversal’s Peacock sports assets in one streaming as a shareholder. For years said ownership of the platform
B Scott, Mike..................................B6 for Sunday Night Football. platform will give people an- critics said media companies will let them collect more ad
Ives, Dan........................................B4
Bahnsen, David........................B4 Silver, Caroline..........................B6 You would also miss out on other reason to cut the cord. weren’t up to the task of run- revenue. Also, the media com-
K certain college football and The biggest draw for the ning a tech-oriented platform panies will have a more direct
Becker, Helane.......................A10 Snare, Jon......................................B1
Khandelwal, Amit..................A2 T basketball programming, big cable bundle now for many and that Hulu’s convoluted relationship with their cus-
Bell, Michael............................B10
Khosrowshahi, Dara..............B1 prominent golf events like the households will be news chan- structure wasn’t helping. Me- tomers.
Biffle, Barry..............................A10 Thomas, David..........................B6 Masters and British Open and nels like Fox News, MSNBC dia and ad analyst Brian Wi-
Boland, Micki.............................B5 L Thomson, Robert....................B3 content from the Olympics, and CNN. Entertainment chan- eser notes that “it was diffi- What impact will this have
C Ladner, Scott............................B11 Trainor, Russ..............................B5 Major League Soccer and the nels—think AMC, A&E, Bravo, cult for Hulu to maximize the on the sports leagues?
Cahall, Steven............................B2
Lejuez, Paul...............................B12 W English Premier League. Also, Comedy Central—are at most opportunity in front of it,” While the new platform
Lynch, Karen................................B1 this service doesn’t include lo- risk of being left behind by which is why some people could be a major draw for
D Wieser, Brian..............................B2
cal telecasts of pro teams. this shift. called it “Clown Co.” sports lovers across the coun-
M Wojcicki, Anne..........................B5
Dusaniwsky, Ihor....................B4 Sports streaming already That said, over time Hulu try, it also raises questions
McCourt, Stephen...............B10 Wu, Eddie.....................................B4 was growing. Nearly 50 mil- did get its act together and
Dychtwald, Ken.....................A10 What will it cost? about how it will affect bid-
Mogharabi, Ali..........................B4 X No price has been an- lion Americans had subscrip- manage to become a standout ding for valuable sports-media
Murdoch, Lachlan...................B2 Xu, Toby.........................................B4 nounced. It will definitely be tions to a streaming service in streaming. And now, Disney rights. Will this trio be al-
Eagan, Nicole.............................B5
Musk, Elon....................................B1 cheaper than the typical $100 offering weekly games as of is likely to become the sole lowed to bid collectively for
F monthly cable bill, but don’t August, compared with fewer owner, once it buys out NBC digital rights? Executives close
P Zhang, Nan..................................B4 expect it to land in the Netflix than 25 million two years ear- parent Comcast. to the matter say that isn’t the
Farley, Jim..................................B12
Peltz, Nelson..............................A2 Zhang, Yiming..........................B4 zone either, partly because lier, according to Antenna. Ex- This new venture is coming plan and each company will
G Ping, Jenny..................................B3 Zuckerberg, Mark...................B4 sports rights are so expen- pect this new venture to su- at a different moment—the continue to negotiate their
sive. percharge that trend and lead companies are all much more rights deals separately.
Wells Fargo analyst Steven to more “skinny” sports bun- committed to streaming than TNT and ESPN are the

Launch Plan for Service Cahall projected, based on var-

ious assumptions, that the ser-
vice could break even if
Fox CEO Lachlan Murdoch
said Wednesday that the new
they were 10 years ago—so the
story could very well play out
NBA’s main media partners
and are currently negotiating
a renewal of their deals. It is

Blindsided the Leagues around six million subscribers

paid $40 a month. Other me-
dia insiders and analysts said
platform is aimed at “cord-
nevers”—younger people who
have never signed up for a tra-
Was there an alternative
path for the companies to
still unclear how those negoti-
ations will be affected by the
creation of this new venture.
the cost would likely have to ditional cable bundle. But it take? —Robert O’Connell
BY JOE FLINT people involved in the part- be in the $50 range or higher. could very well also appeal to Yes, maybe. What ESPN, contributed to this article.
“We’re aware of yesterday’s
Sports leagues including
the National Football League
and National Basketball Asso-
announcement and are still
gathering details to under-
stand this proposed new
CVS Cuts CVS Health annual
$350 billion
Share and index performance
over the past year
ings for the fourth quarter of
2023 were $2.12 a share,
above the $1.98 consensus of
ciation were kept in the dark
about the new sports stream-
ing service being launched by
streaming service,” said NFL
spokesman Alex Reithmiller.
The NBA is in negotiations
Guidance 300 20 S&P 500
analysts on FactSet. CVS said
earnings were helped by its
pharmacy business, driven by
Walt Disney, Fox and Warner
Bros. Discovery, people famil-
iar with the matter said.
on new rights deals with War-
ner Bros. Discovery and Dis-
ney’s ESPN.
Over Costs 250
vaccinations, higher prescrip-
tion volume and lower ex-
penses, among other things.
The companies involved in “While we look forward to 200 CVS said it has begun dis-
the effort are media partners learning more about this new Continued from page B1 0 cussions with pharmacy-bene-
of both leagues. Pro basketball venture, we’re encouraged by the new members were ex- 150 fit managers about its planned
and football programming will the opportunity to make pre- pected to have a neutral effect new pharmacy payment
be among the significant driv- mier sports content more ac- on earnings. At the end of -10 model, and has received posi-
100 CVS Health
ers of the new service. cessible,” an NBA spokes- 2023, CVS had 3.46 million tive feedback so far.
An effort to notify the woman said. Medicare Advantage members. 50 -20 The insurance unit’s medi-
leagues wasn’t made until Given the high financial CVS said that it believes cal loss ratio, or the share of
Tuesday before a planned an- stakes—networks pay billions that Medicare Advantage rates premiums spent on medical
nouncement. Many learned of of dollars a year for the most proposed for 2025 by the fed- 0 -30 expenses, was 88.5% in the
it when The Wall Street Jour- valuable sports rights—the re- eral Medicare agency aren’t 2015 ’20 ’23 March 2023 '24 fourth quarter. Analysts had
nal broke the news. lationships between the two adequate, and that it will push Sources: S&P Capital IQ, the company (revenue); FactSet (performance) expected 88.2%, according to
Silence was maintained to sides are delicate. Some for a higher final result. The FactSet.
keep the plans from leaking leagues often want to be asked company said it would aim for that year. lion, down from $2.3 billion a Revenue for the fourth
during the months the compa- to give their blessing on any higher margins on its Medi- For the fourth quarter, CVS year ago. quarter of 2023 was $93.8 bil-
nies were settling the details, shift in business strategy. care business in its bids for reported net income of $2 bil- On an adjusted basis, earn- lion, up from $83.8 billion.

Uber Posts Uber’s quarterly operating profit Share performance, past year ADVERTISEMENT

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Continued from page B1

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says it has continued to be- In the last three months of service Drizly. costs.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, February 8, 2024 | B3


TotalEnergies to Increase Dividends LG Chem,

GM Sign
TotalEnergies quarterly
net profit
$7 billion
4Q 2023
French oil-and-gas
major posts a
$3.24 a share, a 7.1% increase
from a year earlier. The com-
pany proposed a final interim
$1.75 billion and $3.5 billion of
shares in the first quarter of
the year.
from $68.58 billion.
Hydrocarbon production
rose 12% on year to 2.5 million
$19 Billion
quarterly profit of
more than $5 billion
dividend for 2023 of €0.79 a
It said it intends to return
Meanwhile, Norway’s Equi-
nor said on Wednesday that it
would buy back between $10
barrels of oil equivalent a day.
The company said it ex-
pects its hydrocarbon produc-
more than 40% of cash flow billion and $12 billion of tion to rise by 2% this year,
BY PIERRE BERTRAND from operations excluding shares over two years, with up and exceed 2.4 million barrels BY KWANWOO JUN
working capital to sharehold- to $6 billion this year. For of oil equivalent a day in the
4 TotalEnergies said it ers in 2024, combining a 6.8% 2023, the company bought first quarter, boosted by the South Korea’s LG Chem will
would lift its 2023 dividend increase in interim dividends back $6 billion of shares. start of operations at Mero 2 supply General Motors with
3 and increase payouts this to €0.79 a share and $2 billion TotalEnergies’ dividend in- in Brazil. Production will fur- nearly $19 billion of cathode
year, joining other energy of share buybacks in the first crease comes after it made ther benefit from project materials in the coming years,
2 companies such as Shell, BP quarter of 2024. $5.06 billion in fourth-quarter startups in the U.S. and Den- part of the U.S. car maker’s
and Equinor in splashing out In doing so, TotalEnergies net profit, compared with mark, the company said. long-term ambitions to become
1 on shareholder returns. becomes the latest energy $3.26 billion a year prior and TotalEnergies said it ex- a leader in electric vehicles.
The French oil-and-gas company to dish out generous analysts’ expectations of $5.65 pects to invest $17 billion to The Seoul-based chemical
0 company said it would distrib- shareholder returns. Peers BP billion, according to consensus $18 billion in 2024, while its company said Wednesday that
2021 ’22 ’23 ute a cumulative 2023 divi- and Shell this month said they compiled by Visible Alpha. refining utilization rate is ex- it signed a 10-year deal to pro-
Source: S&P Capital IQ dend of €3.01, equivalent to would respectively buy back Sales fell to $59.24 billion pected to rise to above 85%. vide GM with more than
500,000 tons of cathode mate-
rials—enough to make batteries

Wind-Energy Giant Orsted Looks to Cut Costs

for about five million EVs—be-
ginning in 2026. It said the
cathode supply is worth at least
24.75 trillion won ($18.65 bil-
BY DOMINIC CHOPPING Around 600-800 positions LG Chem will produce the
will be cut globally, with 250 material in Tennessee, where it
Orsted, the struggling Euro- roles to be made redundant in broke ground on a plant in De-
pean wind-energy giant, said it the coming months, it said. cember as part of plans to
will cut costs, pause dividend “Orsted’s strategic update is boost its role in the North
payments over several years, everything [the] market ex- American EV chain. The facility,
sell assets and refocus business pected,” Citi analysts Jenny which it expects will become
priorities as it tries to right it- Ping and Rory Graham-Watson the largest cathode material
self from a costly move into the said in a note. The “question is, plant in the U.S., will produce
U.S. offshore wind market. is this enough for the shares to up to 60,000 metric tons of
Orsted, which transformed go further.” cathode materials a year start-
itself in recent years from what “For Orsted, it’s all about de- ing 2026.
was Denmark’s small state oil livery of targets and building LG Chem said the deal with
company into a global giant in investor confidence, which will GM builds on a plan the compa-

wind energy development, has take time,” they said. nies made in 2022 for the long-
recently hit major headwinds as The measures were outlined term supply of cathode materi-
it pushed aggressively to ex- alongside the company’s earn- als.
pand into new markets, partic- ings. It reported fourth-quarter GM didn’t immediately re-
ularly in a push in the U.S. earnings before interest, taxes, spond to a request for com-
After betting big on offshore depreciation and amortization ment.
wind development on the U.S. excluding new partnerships— The Detroit automaker has
East Coast, it has pared back the company’s preferred met- been working to ramp up its
dramatically, and seen its stock- Orsted has said it would ditch two big wind projects off the coast of New Jersey due to costs. ric—of DKK8.62 billion com- budding EV business in recent
market valuation—at one point pared with DKK6.62 billion a years. In 2021, it said it planned
eclipsing that of some of its energy company at the time of another project to become home, including Norway, Spain, year earlier, beating a FactSet to phase out nearly all gasoline-
more traditional oil and natural booked a 26.8 billion Danish sole owner, subject to securing and Portugal, deprioritizing de- consensus of DKK6.08 billion. and diesel-powered vehicles by
gas peers—crater. kroner, equivalent to $3.86 bil- higher tariffs for its output. velopment activities in Japan, The company sees 2024 2035, making it among the first
It has struggled with supply- lion, impairment charge and Orsted said Wednesday that and planning for leaner devel- Ebitda excluding new partner- automakers to vow a full switch
chain bottlenecks in the U.S., has also taken a DKK9.6 billion it will now implement further opment costs for projects, in- ship agreements and provisions to electric.
higher interest rates and trou- provision in 2023. measures to bolster its balance cluding its floating offshore of between DKK23 billion and Its EV business remains un-
ble getting tax credits there. As it continues to shuffle its sheet and support long-term wind projects. DKK26 billion, before rising to profitable, although last week it
Late last year, it said it would portfolio, Orsted last month growth. It said it will also pause divi- between DKK39 billion and said that it would trim losses
pull out of two high-profile canceled a deal to supply power To reduce development costs dends for the financial years DKK43 billion in 2030. on EVs this year after manufac-
wind projects off the coast of from another U.S. offshore proj- and create further strategic 2023-25 and aims to reinstate Gross investments in 2024 turing issues tripped up launch
New Jersey due to spiraling ect due to unfavorable terms market focus, it is exiting sev- dividends from the financial are seen at DKK48 billion to plans for several models last
costs. The Danish renewable- and said it would purchase 50% eral offshore markets closer to year 2026. DKK52 billion. year.

News Corp Revenue, Profit

Rise With Subscriptions
BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG from $67 million, or 12 cents a earnings of $163 million. News
share, in the year-earlier quar- Corp calculates segment earn-
News Corp posted higher ter. News Corp attributed the ings as revenue less operating
revenue and profit in its re- increase in part to revenue and administrative expenses.
cently completed quarter, as growth and savings related to The Journal averaged 3.528
the media company’s in- a previously announced 5% re- million digital subscriptions in
creased focus on digital sub- duction in staff levels. the quarter, an increase of
scriptions helped it offset a News Corp’s Class A shares 71,000 from the previous
decline in advertising revenue. were flat in after-hours trading. quarter, when it averaged
The New York-based com- Chief Executive Robert 3.457 million. Including the
pany, which owns The Wall Thomson said the company print edition, total subscrip-
Street Journal and HarperCol- continued to benefit from its tions to the Journal averaged
lins Publishers, said revenue “strategic shift to digital and 4.052 million subscriptions.
rose 2.6% to $2.59 billion, with subscription revenues, and Thomson also mentioned
the only decline coming from away from sometimes volatile the continued detention by
its unit that owns news organ- advertising revenues.” Russia of Wall Street Journal
izations in the U.K. and Aus- The company’s biggest rev- reporter Evan Gershkovich,
tralia as well as the New York enue and profit contributor stating that Gershkovich “con-
Post. was Dow Jones, the publisher tinues to be unjustly detained
News Corp earned $156 of the Journal, Barron’s and in a Moscow prison, solely for
million, or 27 cents a share, in MarketWatch, with revenue of being a highly professional
the quarter ended Dec. 31, up $584 million and segment journalist.”

China Offers Boost to EV Makers


China is encouraging its

electric vehicle makers to ex-
pand their overseas presence,
including forging tie-ups with
foreign research institutions
and countries to build indus-
trial clusters.
Companies are encouraged
to establish research-and-de-
velopment centers overseas
and collaborate with shipping
companies to integrate ware-
housing and logistics re-
sources in foreign markets,
the Ministry of Commerce
said in a statement on

The ministry said it would
optimize credit support by
encouraging banks to support
EV supply-chain companies
domestically and overseas.
Banks will also be encouraged BYD recently overtook Tesla in electric-vehicle sales.
to expand the scale of cross-
border settlements in yuan. is expanding showrooms trade potential, consumption
The moves are part of Bei- across Europe as it targets structure, and country risks,
jing’s efforts to strengthen its more sales there this year. the ministry said.
EV and automobile industry Industry organizations are Chinese electric-vehicle
market share by increasing also encouraged to shares were mixed in trading
exports of its EV and hybrid strengthen research on over- on Wednesday, after an over-
vehicles. China’s BYD, the seas markets and guide new night rebound in the U.S.
Warren Buffett-backed com- energy vehicles and their American depositary receipts
pany, had recently surpassed supply chain companies to of Li Auto retreated 2% while
Tesla to become the world’s optimize international coop- Xpeng closed down 1% in
largest EV maker by sales. It eration based on market size, Hong Kong.
B4 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Alibaba Logs Sharp Earnings Drop Chief of


The chief executive of

Douyin, the Chinese version of
TikTok, has stepped down to
take on other responsibilities,
a company spokeswoman said
Zhang Nan will remain at
Douyin’s parent company
ByteDance, owner of short-
video app TikTok, but will be
responsible for video-editing
product Jianying, a person
with knowledge of the situa-
tion said.
She has been at ByteDance
for 10 years. In 2020, she took
the newly created position of
CEO of China operations as
TikTok faced scrutiny from
U.S. authorities over fears that
it could be pressured by Bei-

jing to share user data or use

the app to spread propaganda.
TikTok has repeatedly denied
those claims.
Douyin is the most popular
short-video app in China, fol-
The e-commerce giant took hits from its Sun Art retailer business and its Youku video platform. Cosplayers at a Youku booth during a Shanghai expo. lowed by Kuaishou Technol-
ogy’s platform. As of June
Chinese company meaning Alibaba has $35.3 ordinary shareholders slumped 1.5% in Hong Kong. Alibaba’s quarterly net profit* 2023, there were more than 1
billion available under its 69% to $2.03 billion. Alibaba “Our top priority is to reig- $7 billion billion users on short-video
books over $3 billion buyback program through the booked roughly $3.25 billion in nite the growth of our core apps in China, according to
in impairments, will next three fiscal years. Chief impairments in the quarter. businesses, e-commerce and 6 data from China Internet Net-
Financial Officer Toby Xu Excluding the impairments, cloud computing,” said Chief work Information Center.
boost stock buybacks said the decision underscored share-based compensation ex- Executive Eddie Wu. “We will The person familiar with
the group’s confidence in the penses and other items, profit step up investment to improve $2.03B the matter said Douyin isn’t
BY MAURO ORRU outlook of its business and fell 4% to $6.75 billion. users’ core experiences to drive looking to replace the CEO in
cash flow. Sales at Alibaba’s interna- growth in Taobao and Tmall the near future.
Alibaba Group Holding The company said Wednes- tional digital-commerce busi- Group and strengthen market Zhang joined ByteDance
posted lackluster sales growth day that revenue edged up 5% ness climbed 44% on year to leadership in the coming year.” 3 when it was still a startup and
and a plunge in profit in the in its fiscal third quarter to the $4.02 billion. The company China’s economy grew 5.2% worked closely with founder
October-December quarter af- equivalent of $36.67 billion. cited strong global demand for last year after expanding just 2 Zhang Yiming, who stepped
ter the Chinese e-commerce Sales at Alibaba’s core digital- products at relatively cheap 3% in 2022, compared with away from the day-to-day
giant booked more than $3 retail and online-commerce prices. However, the group’s prepandemic rates of 6% or 1 management of the company
billion in impairments linked businesses, Taobao and Tmall, cloud-intelligence business more. The country’s economy in 2021. The two aren’t related.
to its Sun Art retailer business grew 2% on year to $18.18 bil- posted a 3% increase in sales has been suffering from a pro- 0 Last month, TikTok said it
and its Youku video platform. lion. The group said that while to $3.95 billion. Alibaba is longed downturn in the prop- 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q had spent $1.5 billion building
Meanwhile, the company the volume of orders had in- seeking to reduce its exposure erty sector as well as weak ex- FY2023 ’24 an operation intended to con-
approved a $25 billion in- creased strongly, their average to low-margin project-based ports and consumer demand *Attributable to ordinary shareholders vince U.S. lawmakers that its
crease to its share-repurchase value was in decline. contracts. since it emerged from the pan- Note: Fiscal year ends March 31 popular video-sharing app is
program through March 2027, Net income attributable to Alibaba stock closed down demic in early 2023. Source: the company safe.

Meta Payout
Everyone Investors
should be Continued from page B1
500 is at around 20.

This year, analysts estimate

Meta’s gains will be much

welcome at more subdued. The average

12-month price target is
$502.90, or 7.1% higher than
Wednesday’s closing price of

the table. $469.59, according to fore-

casts compiled by FactSet.
Last year, Meta shares
nearly tripled, while the S&P Some see the dividend as another part of ‘Year of Efficiency.’
We’re on a mission to provide a billion meals by 500 climbed 24%.
2030. Because over 30 million Americans don’t “One of the reasons they according to a Dow Jones “The historical view of tech
know where their next meal is coming from. It could have declared a dividend is Market Data analysis of the stocks was once you pay a
that they may be foreseeing a current shares outstanding. dividend, it becomes a bad
be anyone, even your neighbors. Let’s break the significant deceleration in Apple, which paid its first thing. It signals less growth,”
cycle of hunger, together. top-line growth,” said Ali dividend in 1987, offers one said Dan Ives, analyst at Wed-
Mogharabi, senior equity ana- with the yearly payout of 96 bush Securities. “But as we’ve
lyst at Morningstar. cents a share. Microsoft began seen from Microsoft, Apple
Short interest in Meta dividends in 2003,and gives and others, it’s about striking
since right before the com- shareholders about $3 a share a balance.”
pany’s earnings results last a year. Nvidia paid its first While Meta’s dividend is
week has risen $1.67 billion, dividend in 2013, with the modest for now, Ives said
or 16%, according to Ihor Du- current annual rate equal to there is potential for it to
saniwsky, managing director 16 cents a share. Over the past grow. As of the fourth quarter,
of predictive analytics at S3 decade, Apple and Microsoft the company had $41.86 bil-
Partners. Short sellers borrow have paid about $135 billion lion in cash on its balance
shares and sell them with the and $144 billion in dividends, sheet.
hope of profiting by buying respectively. Nvidia has paid —Charley Grant contributed
the stock back at a lower out about $3.3 billion. to this article.
price later. Roughly 1.19% of
Meta’s publicly available
shares are currently sold Listen to a Podcast: The Day
short. The Music Died on TikTok
Meta has proved its doubt-
ers wrong before. In 2022, the
company’s shares sank after it
spent exorbitant sums on the
metaverse and gave a dim
outlook for its advertising
business. To shore up investor
confidence, Chief Executive
Mark Zuckerberg subse-
quently embarked on steep
cost cutting that he dubbed
the “Year of Efficiency.” Some

say that last week’s dividend

and buyback announcement is
another leg of that strategy. David Bahnsen, chief in-
vestment officer at Bahnsen
Group, said the dividend could
Nourishing Neighbors is a program of Albertsons Companies Foundation, drive up demand for Meta
a 501 (c)(3) designated nonprofit. shares, since fund managers
with a mandate to invest in
stocks that pay dividends can
now snap them up.
Meta’s dividend amounts to Music from major artists including Taylor
an annual payment of about Swift and The Weeknd has been muted on
$5 billion, or about 12% of the TikTok after a licensing deal fell apart. Scan
company’s annual free cash this code for The Journal podcast on why
flow and 12% of the cash cur- the two companies are at loggerheads.
rently on its balance sheet,
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 8, 2024 | B5


Las Vegas Braces for Cyberattacks 23andMe

Almost every aspect
of game day relies Splitting
on internet, creating
hacker opportunities Self in Two

The clash between the San DNA-testing company

Francisco 49ers and the Kan- 23andMe said Wednesday that
sas City Chiefs in Super Bowl it is considering splitting itself
LVIII won’t be the only battle in two, one possible effort to
taking place in Las Vegas this resurrect its sub-$1 share price.
Sunday. Away from Allegiant Investors seemed unmoved,
Stadium, cybersecurity experts however, driving shares down
will be countering threats from as much as 9% after the com-
hackers they expect to be par- pany reported disappointing
ticularly challenging. December-quarter results.
Preparations for defending Chief Executive Officer Anne
computer networks in Las Ve- Wojcicki discussed separating
gas have been under way for its DNA-testing business from
some time. Concerns about the its drug-development business
potential for politicized at- during 23andMe’s earnings
tacks—stemming from the conference call, saying the two
presidential election and geo- units might find new investors

political tensions owing to the if they operate solo.

conflict in Gaza and the war in Any excitement over such a
Ukraine—have added to exist- plan was outweighed by disap-
ing cybersecurity threats from pointment in the company’s
criminals and nation-states. revenue report, which missed
“It doesn’t just start with analyst consensus estimates by
the day of the event. It’s nearly 20%.
months ahead prior, doing lots Preparations for defending computer networks in Las Vegas are under way. Elvis impersonators welcome visitors to Las Vegas. The stock fell 3.4% to 70
of different types of scenario cents in aftermarket trading.
testing, and training and role- Cybersecurity and Infrastruc- leading smart cities in the launch relatively sophisticated regular-season NFL games this The Wall Street Journal re-
playing exercises, and it won’t ture Security Agency held joint world,” said Nicole Eagan, attacks. Generative AI tools, season averaged 17.9 million ported last week how
end when the Super Bowl cybersecurity exercises in Sep- chief strategy and artificial in- for instance, can create con- viewers on television and 23andMe’s struggle to make
ends,” said Mike Sherwood, tember. They discussed scenar- telligence officer for Dark- vincing phishing emails to tar- streaming, up 7% from the pre- money has driven its valuation
the city’s chief information se- ios including phishing, ran- trace, a cybersecurity com- get individuals and companies, vious season. from $6 billion to nearly $0 the
curity officer. somware, data breaches and pany working with the city. while simulated audio and This means cybersecurity, past three years.
Cybersecurity has been a insider threats. Casino opera- Two additional factors are video deepfakes have become physical security and informa- 23andMe hopes that data
difficult issue for Las Vegas re- tors and the broader hospital- contributing to the threat en- extremely lifelike. Micki Bo- tion technology teams must from a clinical trial for one of
cently. In September, cyberat- ity industry have been in- vironment, Eagan said. The ro- land, a cybersecurity specialist work in lockstep during the its drug candidates will come
tacks against casino and hotel volved. The Federal Aviation mance between Taylor Swift in the office of the chief tech- Super Bowl to ensure systems back positive later this year
operators, including Caesars Administration has banned and Chiefs’ tight end Travis nology officer at Check Point remain available. and boost its shares.
Entertainment and MGM Re- drones from airspace around Kelce has boosted game view- Software Technologies, said “Cyber’s important, but in Left unmentioned in the
sorts International, crippled the stadium and other loca- ership from her fans hoping to stopping content isn’t easy. my world, you’ve got to make company’s earnings release
gambling operations and guest tions in Las Vegas. catch a glimpse of the singer. “There are some things we sure the regular business apps and on its conference call was
services for days. Securing any major sporting It has also spawned conspiracy can’t protect, and that’s people and all that stuff are working any impact on DNA-test sales
Allegiant Stadium, home to event can be a nightmare. Al- theories about the Super Bowl consuming this media, which as well,” said Russ Trainor, se- from an October security
the Las Vegas Raiders, was most every aspect of game day, being rigged and Swift acting is not real, and then dissemi- nior vice president of informa- breach that compromised data
chosen in 2021 to host this including ticketing, on-site as an operative for the Demo- nating this information as tion technology for the Denver for 6.9 million customers. Sales
year’s Super Bowl, and events sales, operating scoreboards, cratic Party. though it is legitimate,” she Broncos. “It takes a village of those tests continued to de-
are taking place this week in interactive fan experiences and Additional concerns stem said. sometimes, especially for the cline last quarter, which
the buildup to the game. Plan- gaming, involves some form of from the rapid growth of AI The stakes are also high be- Super Bowl, to pull that off.” 23andMe blamed on macroeco-
ning for the events has in- internet access, meaning it can tools, which are being used in yond Las Vegas. Last year’s Su- Sherwood said Las Vegas is nomic headwinds and higher
cluded an array of government all potentially be attacked. Las Vegas to help sift through per Bowl was the most- no stranger to securing major prices.
agencies, local authorities and “It’s all connected through vast amounts of information watched television program of events. In November, the city The company now expects
companies, Sherwood said. operational technology and In- generated by cybersecurity all time, averaging 115.1 million hosted its first Formula One revenue of around $220 million
The National Football ternet-of-Things devices, and systems, and direct resources viewers, according to media Grand Prix, and it hosted the for this fiscal year, roughly half
League, Allegiant Stadium, then you also have the city of to where they are needed. ratings giant Nielsen. This world’s largest technology con- of what the company projected
commercial partners and the Las Vegas, which is one of the But AI can also be used to year’s event could be bigger, as ference, CES, in January. when it went public in 2021.


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B6 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.K. Home Builder Barratt to Buy Smaller Rival

BY IAN WALKER each share held. The offer group with Barratt sharehold- which will be called Barratt said. that the combination will cre-
value is a 27% premium to ers owning the rest. Redrow—generated aggregate They added that any excess ate an exceptional U.K. home
Home builder Barratt De- Redrow’s closing price of 600 Barratt nonexecutive chair revenue of £7.45 billion in fis- cash would be returned to builder in terms of quality,
velopments has agreed to buy pence on Tuesday and values Caroline Silver, Chief Execu- cal 2023 and sold 22,642 shareholders via a share buy- service and sustainability, de-
smaller peer Redrow in an all- the company at £2.52 billion. tive David Thomas and Chief homes between them. back or special dividends. livering excellence and driv-
share deal, creating a com- Barratt had a market value Financial Officer Mike Scott They had cash at Dec. 31 of Redrow shareholders will ing innovation for customers,
pany with a market value of of £5.165 billion while Redrow will remain in their roles at £874 million. get to keep the dividend of 5 employees, subcontractors
more than £7.15 billion, equiv- was worth £1.985 billion based the combined group, with the The board expects to main- pence a share as declared sep- and the supply chain,” the
alent to $9.01 billion. on their closing share prices rest of the board containing a tain Barratt’s existing divi- arately by the company and companies said in a joint
Under the agreement, ac- on Tuesday. mixture of executives and dend policy for the combined Barratt shareholders will get statement.
cepting shareholders of FTSE Upon completion of the nonexecutives from both com- group, leading to a significant 4.4 pence. The merger is expected to
250-listed Redrow will get deal, Redrow shareholders will panies. raise in payouts for Redrow “The Barratt directors and become effective in the second
1.44 new Barratt shares for own 32.8% of the combined The merged company— shareholders, the companies the Redrow directors believe half of this year.

Hospitals Weigh 5G as Wi-Fi Networks Pushed to Limits

BY ISABELLE BOUSQUETTE barrier, said Venky Ananth, se- or long hallways, for instance.
nior vice president and global For hospital staff, it’s a
A profusion of connected head of healthcare at informa- source of frustration.
devices and data-intensive pro- tion technology consulting “Wi-Fi won’t go away,” Nel-
cesses in healthcare is forcing firm Infosys. Providers like T- son said, “but I’m trying to
hospital CIOs to evaluate alter- Mobile aver that private 5G is create a more ubiquitous and
natives to their existing Wi-Fi more secure than Wi-Fi, but reliable platform.” Testing of
networks, which are pushing some CIOs remain wary. the 5G system so far has gone
ever closer to their limits. At Boston Children’s Hospi- well, she added.
For years, hospitals have re- tal, CIO Heather Nelson said But in some quarters, Wi-Fi
lied on Wi-Fi, where connec- she has been working with T- is still handling the digital load
tivity depends on the amount Mobile to build a hybrid 5G en- with no need for an upgrade.
and strategic placement of vironment, which would sup- Craig Richardville, chief digital
networking hardware. It’s a port both secure hospital and information officer at In-
setup chief information offi- traffic as well as general public termountain Health, com-
cers say can be difficult to connections, but with the idea mented that 5G solutions are
scale at the pace of galloping that Wi-Fi would remain as a “a little on the bleeding edge”
bandwidth demands. TAMPA GENERAL HOSPITAL backup. for healthcare. Wi-Fi is work-
Taking a page from newly “We knew our current leg- ing well for the Salt Lake City,
automated warehouses and acy systems couldn’t scale,” Utah-based health system, he
factories, some hospital CIOs she said. With new technology said.
are testing and evaluating pri- coming, she added, “We knew To the extent Richardville is
vate networks that run on that we needed to shift our evaluating 5G for the future,
high-speed 5G wireless cellular clinical mobility strategies, he’s thinking about cost, de-
technology and other hybrid More bandwidth is needed as medical records and devices increasingly become electronic. why not do it and why not vice-readiness and cybersecu-
private-public 5G systems, make sure that it’s scalable rity, he said. Currently, Inter-
which they say could be ex- networks, which rely on sig- While Wi-Fi has thus far hospitals. and that we can grow with it, mountain operates a number
panded more quickly across nals from cellular sites, could held up, evolving medical tech- Tampa General is currently and that it can grow with of segmented Wi-Fi networks
hospital campuses than tradi- be likened to those of cloud nology could change that. building a new pavilion, slated us.” She added that she’s had independent of each other,
tional Wi-Fi. computing, Arnold said. Rather Medical records are increas- to open in 2027. Arnold is con- conversations with many med- which provides a higher level
“Speed and scalability of a than maintaining its own phys- ingly becoming electronic and sidering whether a private 5G ical device manufacturers that of security and less competi-
network is going to become ical Wi-Fi infrastructure, the accessed by professionals via network, rather than Wi-Fi, are embedding 5G capabilities tion for critical services: for
more demanding with new hospital would outsource con- laptops and iPads as they should be its primary point of in their products. instance, patients and their
technologies that are emerg- nectivity to a major carrier, move around the hospital. A connection, he said. Tradi- 5G promises to cover the families don’t log into the
ing,” said Scott Arnold, chief and be able to scale up and growing number of medical tional Wi-Fi will still be in- hospital’s 3 million square-foot same network that’s crunching
digital and innovation officer down quickly based on de- devices, such as intravenous stalled as a backup in any case, campus more dependably than medical data.
at Tampa General Hospital. mand, he said. pumps, are internet-connected. he added. Wi-Fi, she said. Wi-Fi can also “We don’t want to put in a
Specifically, he called out the “Our Wi-Fi network is lim- And bandwidth-intensive Even so, it could be a while cover wide areas if there are technology just because it’s
amount of extended real- ited by the amount of circuits emerging technology, such as before 5G is widely adopted by enough access points, she said, cool and because it’s new,”
ity and virtual reality increas- that we purchase,” Arnold virtual and augmented reality hospitals—many medical de- but users moving between said Richardville. It has to de-
ingly being used in teaching, said, adding that getting that as well as new applications of vices don’t run off it. For hos- those points can find them- liver, he added, whether it’s “a
including surgical training. physical hardware in place can artificial intelligence, are pitals in particular, cybersecu- selves with pokey service—sig- better quality, better price, a
The benefits of private 5G have long lead times. slowly making their way into rity concerns could be a nals that go dim in stairwells better experience.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 8, 2024 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
38677.36 s 156.00, or 0.40% Trailing P/E ratio 25.72 22.61 4995.06 s 40.83, or 0.82% Trailing P/E ratio * 22.85 18.65 15756.64 s 147.65, or 0.95% Trailing P/E ratio *† 30.87 24.34
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.53 17.92 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 22.15 18.52 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 29.65 24.92
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.90 2.03 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.49 1.65 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.88 0.88
All-time high 38677.36, 02/07/24 All-time high 4995.06, 02/07/24 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21

Current divisor 0.15172752595384

38700 5100 15500
Session high

Session open Close 37700 4900

Close Open

36700 4700 14700

Session low

35700 4500 14300

65-day moving average

34700 4300 13900

65-day moving average 13500

33700 4100 65-day moving average

Bars measure the point change from session's open

32700 3900 13100
Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 975,649,341 11,277,871
Industrial Average 38748.11 38571.01 38677.36 156.00 0.40 38677.36 31819.14 13.9 2.6 7.5 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 481,701,906 5,405,228
Transportation Avg 16198.95 16060.23 16076.12 66.83 0.42 16695.32 13444.01 4.4 1.1 7.9 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 481,638,499 5,018,470
Utility Average 842.45 832.84 837.47 -0.43 -0.05 975.39 783.08 -11.1 -5.0 -1.3 Volume After Hours Issues traded 2,913 300
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 49713.85 49374.50 49647.87 374.64 0.76 49647.87 38697.55 19.4 3.9 6.5 Advances 1,439 125
Arm Holdings ADR ARM 9,771.3 99.11 22.10 28.70 109.48 76.01
Barron's 400 1071.96 1059.72 1068.70 5.37 0.50 1087.83 881.58 6.4 -0.3 5.3 Declines 1,393 161
PayPal Holdings PYPL 7,218.1 58.83 -4.41 -6.97 69.63 58.55
Unchanged 81 14
Nasdaq Stock Market Disney DIS 6,934.2 104.86 5.72 5.77 107.77 97.98 New highs 167 9
Nasdaq Composite 15770.68 15645.81 15756.64 147.65 0.95 15756.64 11138.89 32.3 5.0 4.4 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 6,691.7 498.01 -0.09 -0.02 498.11 497.76 New lows 36 16
Nasdaq-100 17784.17 17637.73 17755.07 182.34 1.04 17755.07 11830.28 42.1 5.5 9.3 Intel INTC 3,942.5 42.70 -0.08 -0.19 42.88 42.66 Closing Arms† 1.08 0.47
ProShares Short S&P 500 SH 3,768.3 12.48 -0.01 -0.08 12.50 12.48 Block trades* 4,598 119
Apple AAPL 3,527.7 189.38 -0.03 -0.02 189.81 180.47
500 Index 4999.89 4969.05 4995.06 40.83 0.82 4995.06 3855.76 21.3 4.7 8.7 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Carnival CCL 3,442.7 15.69 -0.03 -0.19 15.72 15.67
MidCap 400 2773.70 2740.84 2762.35 12.93 0.47 2809.23 2326.82 3.6 -0.7 3.7 Total volume*4,567,580,853 290,959,614
SmallCap 600 1262.51 1251.36 1257.53 -2.49 -0.20 1339.63 1068.80 -1.7 -4.6 0.1 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,308,100,436 136,099,591
Arm Holdings ADR ARM 9,771.3 99.11 22.10 28.70 109.48 76.01 Decl. volume*2,211,533,659 151,616,636
Other Indexes
Oscar Health OSCR 291.1 16.50 3.09 23.04 16.84 13.41 Issues traded 4,438 1,929
Russell 2000 1958.07 1939.97 1950.36 -3.27 -0.17 2066.21 1636.94 0.4 -3.8 -4.4
Advances 1,839 1,159
NYSE Composite 17236.03 17135.48 17212.32 76.84 0.45 17212.32 14599.05 8.0 2.1 4.5 Confluent CFLT 1,531.2 29.15 4.86 20.01 30.39 24.00
Declines 2,430 727
Value Line 581.61 577.58 579.84 0.36 0.06 598.74 498.09 -1.9 -2.4 -1.9 Monolithic Power Systems MPWR 66.8 695.00 49.59 7.68 704.00 645.41
Unchanged 169 43
NYSE Arca Biotech 5193.65 5089.96 5089.96 -103.68 -2.00 5538.12 4544.40 -7.9 -6.1 -6.6
Disney DIS 6,934.2 104.86 5.72 5.77 107.77 97.98
New highs 237 398
NYSE Arca Pharma 1000.13 986.73 993.90 7.17 0.73 993.90 791.91 19.7 9.2 12.4 ...And losers New lows 147 26
KBW Bank 93.87 91.88 93.47 0.03 0.03 114.27 71.71 -18.2 -2.7 -4.2 GoPro GPRO 112.3 2.64 -0.26 -8.97 2.99 2.45 Closing Arms† 0.73 1.87
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 112.87 111.46 111.70 -1.20 -1.06 144.37 103.31 -11.8 -11.1 -7.6 Qualys QLYS 60.4 162.44 -14.73 -8.31 177.17 161.13 Block trades* 27,152 1,666
PHLX§ Oil Service 79.63 78.19 78.67 -0.04 -0.05 98.76 69.29 -15.3 -6.2 15.5 Axcelis Technologies ACLS 211.5 121.50 -9.99 -7.60 131.93 113.00 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 4412.61 4329.95 4408.73 70.46 1.62 4483.33 2892.39 44.3 5.6 13.9 Paycom Software PAYC 71.3 184.60 -14.43 -7.25 203.41 179.24 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 13.13 12.81 12.83 -0.23 -1.76 26.52 12.07 -34.6 3.1 -15.0 PayPal Holdings PYPL 7,218.1 58.83 -4.41 -6.97 69.63 58.55 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 745.10 4.42 0.60 2.5 Oxus Acquisition Cl A OXUS 12.50 3.50 38.90 12.50 7.20 20.5 Phoenix Biotech Acqn PBAX 7.03 -3.97 -36.09 12.80 5.97 -33.4
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 313.35 0.61 0.19 –1.0 XBP Europe Holdings XBP 2.75 0.63 29.72 47.40 1.98 -74.0 Snap SNAP 11.41 -6.04 -34.61 17.90 7.86 -1.3
MSCI World 3265.07 20.56 0.63 3.0 Fitell FTEL 3.46 0.71 25.82 5.26 0.88 ... CytoMed Therapeutics GDTC 2.11 -0.97 -31.43 9.25 1.92 ...
MSCI Emerging Markets 1002.55 2.69 0.27 –2.1 China Liberal Educ Hldgs CLEU 2.85 0.58 25.55 40.80 1.72 -76.3 EW Scripps Co SSP 5.64 -1.79 -24.09 15.32 4.85 -62.6
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1889.85 14.96 0.80 4.2 Tenax Therapeutics TENX 14.26 2.81 24.54 118.40 8.33 -86.6 Chenghe Acquisition Cl A CHEA 5.50 -1.63 -22.86 12.15 4.95 -47.1
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 20969.18 11.44 0.05 0.1 Oragenics OGEN 3.04 0.59 24.08 7.74 2.10 -55.6 fuboTV FUBO 1.94 -0.57 -22.71 3.87 0.96 -22.1
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2579.60 –9.29 –0.36 –3.1 SEALSQ LAES 3.55 0.62 21.16 28.50 0.91 ... Humacyte HUMA 2.91 -0.74 -20.27 5.60 1.96 -9.1
Brazil Bovespa 129949.90 –466.41 –0.36 –3.2 Healthcare Triangle HCTI 2.87 0.50 21.10 10.89 1.99 16.0 Perion Network PERI 23.54 -5.93 -20.12 42.75 23.35 -23.3
Chile S&P IPSA 3354.32 2.84 0.08 –3.3 GRIID Infrastructure GRDI 2.53 0.41 19.34 9.66 1.50 ... CCSC Tech Intl CCTG 2.59 -0.65 -20.06 30.00 2.51 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 58711.87 32.29 0.06 2.3 Aviat Networks AVNW 35.86 5.78 19.22 37.84 21.15 -0.3 Volcon VLCN 2.76 -0.67 -19.53 393.75 2.60 -99.2
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 485.63 –1.13 –0.23 1.4 XPO XPO 116.54 18.49 18.86 117.72 29.02 165.0 Soho House SHCO 5.00 -1.18 -19.09 8.48 4.35 -18.3
Eurozone Euro STOXX 482.64 –1.46 –0.30 1.8 Jasper Therapeutics JSPR 17.50 2.67 18.00 21.90 4.00 -5.4 Pixie Dust Techs ADR PXDT 5.27 -1.21 -18.67 10.51 4.86 ...
Belgium Bel-20 3625.95 5.44 0.15 –2.2 Criteo ADR CRTO 30.83 4.66 17.78 36.76 22.10 -11.2 ViaSat VSAT 18.64 -4.14 -18.17 47.35 15.02 -37.5
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 2539.69 26.13 1.04 11.2 PepGen PEPG 12.51 1.88 17.63 20.00 3.72 -27.1 SIMPPLE SPPL 4.50 -0.95 -17.43 9.68 4.20 ...
0.9 J-Long Group JL 15.98 2.39 17.59 16.00 6.14 ... Triumph Group TGI 13.64 -2.80 -17.03 17.27 7.00 9.4
France CAC 40 7611.26 –27.71 –0.36
Germany DAX 16921.96 –111.28 –0.65 1.0
Israel Tel Aviv 1841.57 4.16 0.23 –1.3
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 30976.02 –140.73 –0.45 2.1 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 830.13 –0.96 –0.12 5.5
Norway Oslo Bors All-Share 1451.77 –36.89 –2.48 –4.4 Palantir Technologies PLTR 253,551 295.1 23.60 7.91 23.87 7.19 EVe Mobility Acqn Cl A EVE 913 6657 10.85 -0.82 11.40 10.34
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 74313.44 –245.08 –0.33 –3.4 MicroCloud Hologram HOLO 189,210 128999.9 18.00 1092.05 113.00 1.50 HH&L Acquisition HHLA 1,074 3324 10.76 -0.19 11.30 10.17
Snap SNAP 184,635 648.3 11.41 -34.61 17.90 7.86 SPDR S&P Capital Markets KCE 1,119 3161 100.92 1.07 103.06 76.19
Spain IBEX 35 9888.20 –114.80 –1.15 –2.1
0.17 NY Community Bancorp NYCB 172,249 966.3 4.48 6.67 14.22 3.60 Innov EM Pwr Buffer Jul EJUL 681 3006 23.33 -0.06 24.12 21.90
Sweden OMX Stockholm 890.46 1.49 –1.4
Phunware PHUN 149,615 48.6 0.34 -14.50 1.12 0.07 Athena Tech Acqn II Cl A ATEK 254 2590 11.11 0.27 11.46 10.15
Switzerland Swiss Market 11210.25 –34.78 –0.31 0.7
Turkey BIST 100 8843.01 –26.13 –0.29 18.4 Ford Motor F 136,923 157.7 12.80 6.05 15.42 9.63 Overlay Shares Hedged LC OVLH 510 2030 29.91 0.61 29.95 24.12
U.K. FTSE 100 7628.75 –52.26 –0.68 –1.4 ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 122,864 0.8 11.51 -2.95 42.57 11.43 iShares Global 100 ETF IOO 2,516 1873 85.04 0.67 85.12 64.74
U.K. FTSE 250 19104.53 –66.81 –0.35 –3.0 SMX (Security Matters) SMX 118,783 17667.7 0.40 72.34 104.72 0.21 Crown PropTech Acqns A CPTK 427 1772 10.70 0.28 10.80 9.87
Direxion Dly Semi 3 Bear SOXS 111,783 26.9 4.82 -4.37 24.09 4.37 ARYA Sciences Acqn IV ARYD 137 1674 11.11 0.05 11.15 10.17
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 168.11 0.78 0.47 –0.8
Tesla TSLA 111,194 -5.3 187.58 1.34 299.29 152.37 Innov Intl Dev Pwr Jul IJUL 642 1575 27.04 0.02 27.40 24.03
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7615.80 34.22 0.45 0.3
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 2829.70 40.21 1.44 –4.9 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 16081.89 –54.98 –0.34 –5.7
Scan this code
India S&P BSE Sensex 72152.00 –34.09 –0.05
Japan NIKKEI 225 36119.92 –40.74 –0.11 7.9 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3156.15 30.46 0.97 –2.6 and track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2609.58 33.38 1.30 –1.7 new highs/lows, mutual funds Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 18096.07 … Closed 0.9 and ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1400.02 3.06 0.22 –1.1
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Wed YTDchg Wed YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Thailand baht .02808 35.610 3.6
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0012830.0730 2.7
Vietnam dong .00004094 24425 0.6
Brazil real .2012 4.9692 2.4 Europe
.7427 1.3465 1.6 Czech Rep. koruna .04316 23.168 3.5
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Canada dollar
Chile peso .001049 953.60 9.0 Denmark krone .1445 6.9223 2.2
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000253 3953.94 2.0 Euro area euro 1.0774 .9282 2.5
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Hungary forint .002775 360.39 3.8
A consumer rate against its New car loan Iceland krona .007264 137.67 1.2
Mexico peso .0587 17.0493 0.5
benchmark over the past year 6.00% Norway krone .0945 10.5813 4.0 avg†: 7.87% Uruguay peso .02553 39.1664 0.3
Tradeweb ICE 18% Poland zloty .2480 4.0315 2.4
Asia-Pacific .0954 10.4820 3.8
First Command Bank 5.74% Wednesday Close 5.00 Sweden krona
Prime rate 8.50% Fort Worth, TX 888-763-7600 t t 9 WSJ Dollar Index Australiadollar .6519 1.5340 4.5 Switzerland franc 1.1431 .8748 3.9
t 4.00
China yuan .1393 7.1800 0.9 Turkey lira .0327 30.5753 3.7
Firstrust Bank 5.99% One year ago Hong Kong dollar .1279 7.8192 0.1 Ukraine hryvnia .0266 37.6500 –1.3
8.00 0
Philadelphia, PA 800-220-2265 3.00 India rupee .01205 82.972 –0.3 UK pound 1.2627 .7920 0.8
7.50 PNC Bank 6.94% s Indonesia rupiah .0000639 15644 1.7 Middle East/Africa
2.00 –9 Euro
New car loan Washington, DC 888-PNC-BANK Yen Japan yen .006748 148.18 5.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6539 .3768 –0.04
7.00 1.00 Kazakhstan tenge .002205 453.53 –0.4 Egypt pound .0324 30.8988 –0.1
Eastern Bank 6.99% –18 Macau pataca .1241 8.0590 0.1 Israel shekel .2737 3.6541 1.4
Boston, MA 781-599-2100 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2023 2024 Malaysia ringgit .2100 4.7615
6.50 3.6 Kuwait dinar 3.2477 .3079 0.2
WilmingtonSavingsFundSociety,FSB 6.99% month(s) years New Zealand dollar .6113 1.6359 3.4
MAM J J A S O N D J F Oman sul rial 2.5972 .3850 0.01
Wilmington, DE 888-973-7226 maturity Pakistan rupee .00358 279.375 –0.6 Qatar rial .2747 3.640 –0.1
2023 2024
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0179 55.960 1.0 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7504 0.01
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7444 1.3434 1.8 South Africa rand .0529 18.9046 3.3
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0007526 1328.69 2.6
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 4.50 l 5.50 5.25 Sri Lanka rupee .0031917 313.31 –3.3
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03182 31.425 2.4 WSJ Dollar Index 98.35 –0.04–0.04 2.63
Prime rate* 8.50 8.50 7.75 l 8.50 5.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
SOFR 5.31 5.31 4.55 l 5.40 5.29 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2151.650 4.280 4.120 5.120 3.610 1.353 –3.670
Money market, annual yield 0.50 0.50 0.39 l 0.64 0.40
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.82 2.83 2.74 l 2.87 2.34 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3126.230 4.410 4.300 5.280 3.630 –5.291–10.739 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.21 7.14 6.60 l 8.28 4.35 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2037.640 4.750 4.590 5.740 4.200 2.113 –3.320 Wednesday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.55 6.51 5.83 l 7.42 4.19 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2006.280 4.970 4.800 6.050 4.290 1.066 –3.353
Jumbo mortgages, $766,550-plus† 7.30 7.19 6.65 l 8.33 4.41 DJ Commodity 944.37 0.99 0.10 1035.63 930.59 -7.49 -1.40
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3546.934 7.199 n.a. 9.101 7.030 9.262 1.909 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 270.35 1.30 0.48 290.29 253.85 -0.22 2.47
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.37 6.37 5.39 l 7.16 3.19
Muni Master, ICE BofA 585.044 3.228 3.163 4.311 2.801 2.734 –0.783 Crude oil, $ per barrel 73.86 0.55 0.75 93.68 66.74 -5.87 3.08
New-car loan, 48-month 7.87 7.66 6.65 l 7.87 3.85 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 838.237 7.505 7.441 8.842 7.206 6.212 –3.303 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.967 -0.042 -2.09 3.575 1.967 -17.90 -21.76
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 2035.20 0.70 0.03 2081.90 1808.80 8.41 -1.32
B8 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
Cash Prices Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Metal & Petroleum Futures Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Contract Open
March 5,219 5,429 s 5,194 5,410 190 72,707 separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest May 5,107 5,275 s 5,083 5,241 134 96,865 months.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
March 189.40 191.80 188.70 190.70 2.50 65,642
Feb 3.7845 3.7845 3.7350 3.7375 –0.0450 1,807 Copper,Comex spot 3.7375 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.1200
March 3.7840 3.7950 3.7315 3.7355 –0.0455 126,177
May 186.30 188.65 185.65 187.85 2.75 90,598 Energy Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s *125.5 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.5825
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s *1000.0
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 71.000 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.5250
March 23.70 24.41 23.64 23.88 .32 251,151
Feb 2032.80 2039.50 2032.70 2035.20 0.70 697 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 14.000 Battery/EV metals
March 2042.20 2051.00 2037.00 2041.80 0.30 2,063
May 22.95 23.62 22.94 23.20 .34 226,229 Food
Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 13425
April 2052.60 2061.30 2046.40 2051.70 0.30 343,300 Metals BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 11475 Beef,carcass equiv. index
March 40.10 41.25 40.00 40.10 –1.38 104
June 2072.00 2080.90 2066.20 2071.50 0.30 33,280 Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 4448 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 276.82
2089.30 2098.10 2085.60 2089.00 0.20 18,552
Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 265.22
Aug Engelhard industrial 2037.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 3628 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u
March 87.59 88.68 s 87.21 88.47 .93 71,376
Oct 2105.40 2114.10 2101.70 2105.60 0.10 5,222 Handy & Harman base 2041.60 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 538 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2662
May 88.33 89.54 s 88.08 89.30 .90 86,666
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Handy & Harman fabricated 2266.18 Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.7700
Feb 896.90 –51.10 2
Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 157.50
March 380.85 390.95 s 379.65 390.95 10.00 4,776 LBMA Gold Price AM *2025.05
March 955.00 957.00 t 895.50 900.30 –51.10 19,350 LBMA Gold Price PM *2030.80 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7700 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 161.50
May 368.00 378.35 s 368.00 378.35 10.00 2,407
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2115.57 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.8647 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 122.00
Feb 879.40 –23.80 55 Maple Leaf-e 2135.91 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *95.60 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.8441
April 912.10 914.80 884.70 886.90 –24.10 67,801 Interest Rate Futures Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.0872
American Eagle-e 2135.91
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 2.9250
Mexican peso-e 2460.63
Feb 22.340 22.450 22.220 22.278 –0.115 479 March 127-130 127-260 126-200 127-070 –8.0 1,650,534 Flour,hard winter KC-p 18.75
Austria crown-e 1996.92 Grains and Feeds
March 22.505 22.535 22.275 22.360 –0.118 98,261 June 129-100 129-240 128-200 129-060 –8.0 657 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a.
Austria phil-e 2135.91
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 115 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 73.73
March 120-280 121-100 120-120 120-270 –5.0 1,424,410 Silver, troy oz. Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
March 73.50 74.22 73.23 73.86 0.55 312,531 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 4.1200
June 121-040 121-100 120-150 120-280 –5.0 9,013 Engelhard industrial 22.4000 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.0598
April 73.53 74.25 73.29 73.91 0.54 259,207 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 155.7
Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Handy & Harman base 22.3460 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 448.9 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
May 73.41 74.21 73.27 73.89 0.54 157,518
March 111-080 111-165 111-010 111-060 –3.0 4,677,098 Handy & Harman fabricated 27.9330 Cottonseed meal-u,w n.a. Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 287.13
June 73.28 74.07 73.15 73.77 0.54 165,701
June 111-280 112-040 111-205 111-255 –3.0 30,650 LBMA spot price *£17.7700 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 172
July 73.10 73.82 72.92 73.54 0.53 95,307 Fats and Oils
Dec 71.17 71.83 71.04 71.59 0.44 176,387
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% (U.S.$ equivalent) *22.3050 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 220
March 107-205 107-265 107-165 107-180 –2.5 5,818,638 Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 18859
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.5550 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a.
June 108-030 108-082 107-305 107-317 –2.7 14,615 Other metals
March 2.7586 2.8270 2.7479 2.8152 .0725 110,716 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 36.25 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.3500
2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% LBMA Platinum Price PM *907.0 n.a.
April 2.6931 2.7513 2.6834 2.7425 .0631 59,818 March 102-150 102-173 102-131 102-138 –.9 3,935,061
Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Lard,Chicago-u
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Platinum,Engelhard industrial 895.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 375.80 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.4648
June 103-006 103-030 102-310 102-313 –.9 9,491
March 2.2160 2.2729 2.2106 2.2630 .0457 94,833 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Palladium,Engelhard industrial 945.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.6500 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3975
April 2.4438 2.4910 2.4386 2.4826 .0373 64,327 Feb 94.6775 94.6800 94.6750 94.6775 587,451 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2184.5 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 8.9125 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. April 94.7300 94.7400 94.7200 94.7250 417,551
March 2.003 2.040 t 1.956 1.967 –.042 392,613 Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg. KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
April 2.000 2.035 t 1.967 1.980 –.027 171,397 Nov 94.6400 3,272 K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark
Dec 94.6450 94.6500 s 94.6450 94.6450 –.0025 1,209,265 Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 2/6
May 2.085 2.114 t 2.053 2.069 –.021 149,443
Source: Dow Jones Market Data
July 2.419 2.443 t 2.385 2.400 –.028 90,159
Sept 2.467 2.484 t 2.429 2.449 –.025 67,414 Currency Futures
Oct 2.542 2.562 t 2.509 2.527 –.024 102,111 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Feb .6782 .6787 .6758 .6763 –.0009 904 Bonds |
Agriculture Futures March .6807 .6817 .6788 .6794 –.0009 255,676
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Feb .7416 .7433 .7414 .7427 .0009 535
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
March 438.50 439.25 t 432.75 434.25 –4.50 594,080 .7417 .7436 .7416 .7430 .0009 153,701
May 450.25 451.25 t 445.25 446.50 –4.00 318,445
March Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Feb 1.2600 1.2642 1.2596 1.2630 .0035 1,922
highs and lows for different types of bonds
March 377.25 383.50 375.50 382.50 4.50 2,476 March 1.2599 1.2645 1.2599 1.2632 .0035 185,214 Total Total
May 371.00 374.00 368.00 373.25 2.50 805 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 1.1546 t 1.1473
1.1558 1.1483 –.0056 49,157 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
March 1199.00 1202.00 t 1179.25 1189.00 –10.50 288,473 June 1.1657 t 1.1585
1.1668 1.1594 –.0055 481
Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
May 1207.50 1211.00 t 1188.75 1197.50 –10.75 206,206
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Feb .6530 .6542 .6519 .6521 … 240 2006.28 -1.5 Mortgage-Backed 4.970 4.290 6.050
March .6532 .6548 .6524 .6527 … 179,093 2037.64 -1.1 U.S. Aggregate 4.750 4.200 5.740
March 358.80 359.80 350.00 351.20 –7.60 173,940
May 354.40 355.30 t 346.20 347.80 –6.60 144,216
Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 1980.92 -1.5 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 4.990 4.350 6.020
Feb .05862 .05862 .05852 .05850 –.00005 123
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March .05830 .05841 .05816 .05820 –.00005 260,654 3089.97 -1.0 U.S. Corporate 5.240 4.990 6.430 1180.12 -1.5 Fannie mae (FNMA) 4.970 4.280 6.050
March 46.00 46.89 45.33 46.76 .82 179,766 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
May 46.50 47.33 45.82 47.19 .79 157,222 Feb 1.0762 1.0789 1.0757 1.0777 .0022 3,261 2983.27 -0.3 Intermediate 5.150 4.890 6.350 1822.60 -1.1 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 4.890 4.240 6.190
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. March 1.0772 1.0802 1.0772 1.0789 .0022 718,772 585.04 -0.5 Muni Master 3.228 2.801 4.311
March 18.53 18.58 s 18.36 18.49 –.09 9,229
4121.59 -2.2 Long term 5.440 5.160 6.600
Sept 15.40 15.40 t 15.21 15.23 –.16 1,448 Index Futures 590.54 -1.5 Double-A-rated 4.800 4.320 5.760 416.26 -0.5 7-12 year 2.894 2.404 4.097
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 594.75 606.75 590.75 602.00 7.00 179,487
Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index 832.49 -0.8 Triple-B-rated 5.460 5.250 6.700 473.25 -0.6 12-22 year 3.549 3.294 4.742
March 38591 38843 38546 38774 161 103,874
May 602.25 612.50 598.50 608.00 5.25 93,522 June 38965 39224 38947 39166 159 538 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 446.21 -0.6 22-plus year 4.195 4.020 5.274
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
March 617.00 626.00 613.00 618.25 –.25 99,738 526.19 0.1 High Yield Constrained 7.845 7.620 9.560 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
March 4971.50 5020.00 s 4970.00 5015.25 40.50 2,253,123
May 615.75 622.50 611.25 615.75 … 61,280 June 5030.00 5077.25 s 5027.00 5072.75 41.00 37,768 537.22 -1.2 Global Government 3.240 2.740 3.810
505.87 -0.2 Triple-C-rated 13.580 12.776 15.457
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
March 246.975 248.250 s 245.050 245.550 –1.125 17,967 March 2760.50 2783.40 2749.80 2772.60 13.20 37,737 3546.93 0.1 High Yield 100 7.199 7.030 9.101 787.37 -1.9 Canada 3.530 2.880 4.260
Aug 270.950 271.925 s 269.625 270.400 –.550 8,277 June 2793.60 13.20 1
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index 458.31 0.4 Global High Yield Constrained 7.759 7.648 9.440 351.10 -1.5 EMU§ 3.058 2.669 3.790
182.975 183.350 s March 17645.75 17875.50 s 17629.75 17841.75 181.75 283,020
Feb 181.825 182.225 –.775 14,513 348.21 0.6 Europe High Yield Constrained 6.384 6.262 8.022 648.41 -1.8 France 2.950 2.540 3.630
April 186.050 186.200 184.350 184.800 –1.275 120,620 June 17882.00 18102.75 s 17858.25 18071.25 184.50 1,863
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 459.92 -1.7 Germany 2.400 2.020 3.030
March 1961.10 1971.60 1944.90 1957.50 –3.50 478,641
Feb 73.900 74.500 73.275 73.375 –.100 18,042 -0.2
June 1989.00 1991.60 1966.50 1978.40 –3.80 1,148 1777.18 U.S Agency 4.600 4.130 5.390 277.66 -0.5 Japan 1.100 0.710 1.300
April 81.700 83.075 81.050 81.100 –.150 94,701 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. March 2742.30 2750.10 s 2724.60 2746.90 22.30 6,402 1572.95 -0.05 10-20 years 4.590 4.120 5.370 498.90 -2.0 Netherlands 2.650 2.260 3.320
March 557.00 558.00 550.50 554.00 –.50 5,262 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
May 578.00 579.50 575.50 579.00 1.00 2,567
3378.84 -2.1 20-plus years 4.810 4.300 5.740 785.18 -3.3 U.K. 4.300 3.510 4.880
March 104.00 104.03 103.81 103.92 –.15 28,548
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. June 103.65 103.68 103.49 103.58 –.15 636 2703.92 -0.8 Yankee 5.070 4.720 6.110 838.24 -1.2 Emerging Markets ** 7.505 7.206 8.842
Feb 16.24 16.26 16.13 16.23 –.03 4,508
March 17.48 17.69 17.25 17.33 –.12 6,064 *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Source: FactSet
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan

Macro & Market Economics Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields

Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Watching the Gauges: U.S. Supply and Demand selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Inventories, imports and demand for the week ended February 2. Current figures are in thousands of barrels or
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
thousands of gallons per day, except natural-gas figures, which are in billions of cubic feet. Natural-gas import Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
and demand data are available monthly only. 4.250 U.S. 2 4.420 s l 4.406 4.389 4.469
4.500 10 4.108 s l 4.091 4.041 3.673
Inventories, 000s barrels Imports, 000s barrels per day 0.250 Australia 2 3.768 t l 3.814 3.881 3.287 -59.8 -118.4
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year 3.000 10 4.102 t l 4.144 4.138 3.608 4.1 -7.0
Current change week ago avg avg Current change week ago avg avg
2.500 France 2 2.675 s l 2.642 3.116 2.764 -174.6 -177.0 -170.7
Crude oil and
petroleum prod 1,227,063 ... 1,232 1,239 1,241 1,252 8,986 ... 7,276 10,040 8,214 8,437 3.500 10 2.824 s l 2.812 2.675 2.761 -128.4 -129.1 -91.7
Crude oil 2.500 Germany 2 2.629 s l 2.596 2.575 2.697 -179.1 -181.6 -177.4
excluding SPR 427,432 1,300 422 455 425 448 6,907 ... 5,605 7,058 6,378 6,398 2.200 10 2.318 s l 2.297 2.159 2.343 -178.9 -180.6 -133.5
Gasoline 250,988 ... 254 240 252 252 536 ... 400 989 528 531
3.600 Italy 2 3.261 s l 3.240 3.130 3.051 -115.9 -117.2 -142.0
Finished gasoline 15,473 300 19 16 18 23 56 ... 13 147 55 83
Reformulated 17 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 4.200 10 3.883 s l 3.857 3.823 4.186 -22.4 -24.6 50.9
Conventional 15,456 ... 19 16 18 23 56 ... 13 147 55 83 0.100 Japan 2 0.105 t l 0.115 0.033 -0.030 -431.6 -429.7 -450.1
Blend. components 235,515 ... 235 223 234 230 480 ... 387 842 474 448 0.600 10 0.710 t l 0.723 0.606 0.495 -338.0 -318.2
Natural gas (bcf) 2,659 ... 3 3 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... … 2.800 Spain 2 2.851 t l 2.852 3.112 2.861 -156.0 -161.0
Kerosene-type 3.550 10 3.216 s l 3.211 3.124 3.246 -89.1 -89.2 -43.1
jet fuel 40,894 ... 41 36 41 40 126 ... 92 103 96 114
3.500 U.K. 2 4.481 s l 4.452 4.231 3.483 6.1 4.0 -98.8
Distillates 127,574 -2,000 131 121 132 135 126 ... 138 692 145 316
Heating oil 6,181 ... 6 7 6 9 0 ... 3 0 1 1 4.250 10 3.991 s l 3.954 3.793 3.317 -11.7 -14.9 -36.1
Diesel 121,393 ... 124 113 125 63 125 ... 136 692 144 315 Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
Residual fuel oil 27,489 ... 27 33 27 30 100 ... 126 208 126 192
Other oils 267,330 ... 270 262 273 266 1,045 ... 774 802 806 731
Net crude, petroleum
Corporate Debt
products, incl. SPR 1,585,080 ... 1,589 1,611 1,598 1,828 -982 ... -2,543 878 -2,277 43
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Weekly Demand, 000s barrels per day Natural gas storage Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Spread*, in basis points
Billions of cubic feet; weekly totals Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Current change week ago avg avg
Merck MRK 5.850 5.25 June 30, ’39 115 –274 109
Total petroleum
4250 ENEL Finance International ENELIM 3.625 5.07 May 25, ’27 89 –163 n.a.
product 20,227 ... 20,119 20,536 19,943 20,616
Natural gas, New York Life Global Funding NYLIFE 1.850 5.03 Aug. 1, ’31 92 –120 n.a.
Finished lower 48 states 3250
Credit Agricole ACAFP 5.589 4.91 July 5, ’26 49 –36 52
motor gasoline 8,807 ... 8,144 8,428 8,275 8,594 t
2250 Tapestry TPR 7.000 5.93 Nov. 27, ’26 150 –29 150
Kerosene-type Five-year average
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial SUMIBK 3.446 4.93 Jan. 11, ’27 71 –18 73
jet fuel 1,604 ... 1,590 1,541 1,502 1,383 for each week
1250 –13
Distillates 3,817 ... 3,757 3,762 3,751 4,123 John Deere Capital … 4.500 4.44 Jan. 16, ’29 40 62
Residual fuel oil 211 ... 279 130 300 383 Nomura Holdings NOMURA 2.999 5.42 Jan. 22, ’32 133 –13 151
Propane/propylene 1,240 ... 1,931 1,853 1,524 ... F M A M J J A S O N D J
Other oils 4,549 ... 4,418 4,822 4,593 ...
…And spreads that widened the most
Note: Expected changes are provided by Dow Jones Newswires' survey of analysts. Previous and average inventory data are in millions. Citigroup C 4.450 5.21 Sept. 29, ’27 101 12 111
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; U.S. Energy Information Administration; Dow Jones Newswires 12
Toyota Motor Credit TOYOTA 5.250 4.67 Sept. 11, ’28 62 63
Bank of Montreal BMO 5.266 4.99 Dec. 11, ’26 56 10 52
Exchange-Traded Portfolios | UnitedHealth UNH 5.800 4.96 March 15, ’36 86 8 82
Closing Chg YTD CF Industries CF 5.150 5.42 March 15, ’34 132 7 n.a.
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
SPDR S&P Div SDY 123.42 0.31 –1.2 American Honda Finance HNDA 1.300 4.73 Sept. 9, ’26 35 7 34
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 Closing Chg YTD
Closing Chg YTD ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) TechSelectSector XLK 204.44 1.32 6.2
Intesa Sanpaolo ISPIM 6.625 6.40 June 20, ’33 230 7 224
VangdInfoTech VGT 511.06 1.29 5.6
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.86 –0.04 –0.2 7
VangdSC Val VBR 175.65 0.14 –2.4 Pfizer PFE 5.600 5.25 Sept. 15, ’40 85 n.a.
CommSvsSPDR XLC 78.78 0.51 8.4 iShRussMC IWR 78.00 0.62 0.3 VangdExtMkt VXF 162.47 0.33 –1.2
CnsmrDiscSel XLY 177.85 1.12 –0.5 iShRuss1000 IWB 273.87 0.88 4.4 175.28 0.71 2.9
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 29.90 0.54 2.3 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 325.59 1.28 7.4
VEU 55.75 ... –0.7
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 83.75 0.20 –0.1 iShRuss1000Val IWD 166.64 0.26 0.8 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 47.55 0.06 –0.7 Bond Price as % of face value
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 39.12 0.75 4.0 iShRuss2000 IWM 193.22 –0.23 –3.7 40.68 –1.0 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
VangdFTSE EM VWO –0.07
GrayscaleBitcoin GBTC 39.43 2.50 13.9 iShS&P500Grw IVW 81.17 1.34 8.1
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 63.63 –0.33 –1.3
HealthCrSelSect XLV 144.37 0.27 5.9 iShS&P500Value IVE 175.64 0.26 1.0
VangdGrowth VUG 333.41 1.30 7.2 Prime Security Services Borrower PRSESE 5.750 5.38 April 15, ’26 100.761 1.01 100.125
InvscNasd100 QQQM 177.82 1.01 5.5 iShSelectDiv DVY 113.91 0.11 –2.8
VangdHlthCr VHT 263.51 0.14 5.1
InvscQQQI QQQ 431.99 1.03 5.5 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 94.97 –0.18 –1.5
VangdHiDiv VYM 112.93 0.19 1.2 Intesa Sanpaolo ISPIM 5.710 5.63 Jan. 15, ’26 100.136 0.80 99.874
InvscS&P500EW RSP 158.39 0.39 0.4 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.20 0.02 0.1
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 55.11 0.36 2.4 iShTIPSBond TIP 106.56 –0.19 –0.9
VangdIntermBd BIV 75.50 –0.16 –1.2
Sensata Technologies ST 5.000 5.15 Oct. 1, ’25 99.761 0.76 99.119
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 80.34 –0.15 –1.2
69.96 –0.06 –0.6 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 94.59 –0.48 –4.3
22.75 –1.3
VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.76 –0.14 –0.9 Navient NAVI 5.625 8.82 Aug. 1, ’33 79.750 0.75 79.750
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 49.94 0.10 –1.3 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT –0.15
VangdLC VV 228.91 0.81 4.9
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 64.42 0.05 –0.8 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV 100.37 0.02 0.1
JPM EqPrem JEPI 56.15 0.21 2.1
VangdMegaGrwth MGK 279.61 1.36 7.7 Bath & Body Works BBWI 6.875 6.82 Nov. 1, ’35 100.406 0.66 99.750
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 500.42 0.81 4.8
VangdMC VO 232.86 0.46 0.1
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 275.59 0.50 –0.6 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.30 ... 0.1
VangdMBS VMBS 45.55 –0.26 –1.7 United States Cellular USM 6.700 6.46 Dec. 15, ’33 101.750 0.63 103.000
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 103.32 –0.29 –4.6 PacerUSCashCows COWZ 52.04 0.46 0.1
VangdRealEst VNQ 83.57 –0.14 –5.4 0.56
iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 109.37 0.79 3.9 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 58.31 2.98 15.0
VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 83.83 1.29 7.4
Dish DBS … 7.750 32.79 July 1, ’26 60.500 59.000
iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 45.53 –0.20 –1.2 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.47 0.01 0.1
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 97.96 –0.20 –1.3 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 386.67 0.41 2.6 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 457.76 0.82 4.8 Royal Caribbean RCL 7.500 5.89 Oct. 15, ’27 105.247 0.45 105.254
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 80.38 0.44 3.0 SPDR Gold GLD 188.50 –0.03 –1.4 VangdST Bond BSV 76.77 –0.05 –0.3
VangdSTCpBd VCSH 77.23 –0.03 –0.2
1.0 VangdShortTrea VGSH 58.16 –0.03 –0.3
…And with the biggest price decreases
VangdSC VB 209.64 0.28 –1.7
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 77.24 0.17 –0.2 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 58.59 0.81 4.8
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 4.100 6.87 Oct. 1, ’46 68.375 –0.25 68.313
iShiBoxx$IGCpBd LQD 108.86 –0.29 –1.6 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 70.32 1.34 8.1 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.57 –0.04 –0.9
iShMBS MBB 92.42 –0.31 –1.8 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 498.10 0.83 4.8 VangdTotalBd BND 72.62 –0.19 –1.3 Dish DBS … 5.875 17.43 Nov. 15, ’24 92.000 –0.13 93.000
iShMSCIACWI ACWI 104.47 0.51 2.7 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 36.78 0.05 –0.5 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.71 –0.16 –1.3
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 75.17 –0.05 –0.2 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 57.90 0.78 4.0 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 57.46 0.02 –0.9 CSC Holdings CSCHLD 5.250 5.49 June 1, ’24 99.910 –0.02 99.900
iSh MSCI EM EEM 39.63 0.13 –1.4 SchwabUS Div SCHD 76.87 0.16 1.0 VangdTotalStk VTI 246.78 0.79 4.0
iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 51.11 –0.35 –1.9 SchwabUS LC SCHX 59.00 0.79 4.6 VangdTotWrldStk VT 105.08 0.51 2.1 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
iShNatlMuniBd MUB 107.71 –0.11 –0.6 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 89.40 1.29 7.8 VangdValue VTV 152.40 0.29 1.9 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.19 –0.04 –0.2 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 504.53 0.58 –0.6 WT FRTrea USFR 50.34 ... 0.2 Source: MarketAxess
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Thursday, February 8, 2024 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. Globant GLOB 236.22 1.34 Lear LEA 132.35 -2.84 s NVIDIA NVDA 700.99 18.76 SS&C Tech SSNC 60.71 -0.02 s TaiwanSemi TSM 124.98 5.60 VICI Prop VICI 29.70 -0.13
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. GlobeLife GL 122.47 1.28 LegendBiotech LEGN 58.62 -0.79 s Saia SAIA 536.02 5.26 s TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 169.57 2.90 VailResorts MTN 221.25 -0.20
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations
that include primary market trades as well as
dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four
quarters. GlobusMedical GMED 52.84 0.13 Leidos LDOS 113.08 0.92 O P Q s Salesforce CRM 288.84 3.01 TakedaPharm TAK 14.18 0.02 Vale VALE 13.49 0.08
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. s GoDaddy GDDY 112.38 2.88 Lennar B LEN.B 142.02 0.99 Samsara IOT 32.41 0.69 Tapestry TPR 40.35 -0.65 ValeroEnergy VLO 141.18 3.35
ONEOK OKE 68.54 0.60
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing GoldFields GFI 14.09 -0.16 Lennar A LEN 152.69 1.75 Sanofi SNY 46.92 -0.14 TargaResources TRGP 87.05 0.83 Vaxcyte PCVX 73.46 -1.37
ON Semi ON 76.96 0.64
Nasdaq ISE. standards GoldmanSachs GS 386.66 1.67 LennoxIntl LII 437.76 12.48
s SareptaTherap SRPT 126.05 -0.36 Target TGT 146.73 2.30 VeevaSystems VEEV 214.56 5.23
OReillyAuto ORLY 1067.02 15.16
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing Grab GRAB 3.30 0.05 LiAuto LI 30.26 -0.69 Schlumberger SLB 47.45 -0.56 TechnipFMC FTI 19.08 0.13 Ventas VTR 45.09 -0.01
OccidentalPetrol OXY 57.62 0.05
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq Graco GGG 87.30 0.45 t LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 60.33 -2.23 SchwabC SCHW 62.43 0.54 TeckResourcesB TECK 38.43 -0.27 Veralto VLTO 81.16 3.54
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. Okta OKTA 83.56 1.70
Grainger GWW 945.00 4.66 t LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 60.35 -2.01 Sea SE 43.61 1.22 TeledyneTech TDY 432.09 -1.95 VeriSign VRSN 200.28 1.57
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy s OldDomFreight ODFL 432.45 6.90
GraphicPkg GPK 24.96 0.17 LibertyGlobalA LBTYA 19.28 0.06 Seagate STX 86.76 0.56 Teleflex TFX 250.89 -1.36 s VeriskAnalytics VRSK 250.66 2.19
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. OldRepublic ORI 27.48 -0.14
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being GpoAeroportuar PAC 166.20 -2.17 LibertyGlobalC LBTYK 20.49 0.08 Sempra SRE 70.05 0.29 Ericsson ERIC 5.35 -0.03 Verizon VZ 40.42 -0.68
Omnicom OMC 86.32 -2.68
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code, s GpoAeroportSur ASR 316.34 3.46 LibertyGlobalB LBTYB 20.00 ... s SentinelOne S 28.24 0.78 TelefonicaBras VIV 10.79 -0.02 VertexPharm VRTX 419.08 2.95
OnHolding ONON 27.87 ...
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies. Guidewire GWRE 115.40 1.47 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 59.24 -0.18 ServiceIntl SCI 65.31 -0.36 Telefonica TEF 3.89 -0.07 Vertiv VRT 60.74 1.62
OntoInnovation ONTO 158.52 2.75
HCA Healthcare HCA 307.28 0.46 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 66.00 -0.10 s ServiceNow NOW 790.39 12.94 TelekmIndonesia TLK 25.51 0.12 Viatris VTRS 11.74 -0.15
OpenText OTEX 40.91 -0.42
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and HDFC Bank HDB 55.63 -0.42 LibertySirius C LSXMK 30.64 0.01 Shell SHEL 63.56 -0.09 TempurSealy TPX 51.25 0.55 VinFastAuto VFS 5.35 -0.04
Oracle ORCL 117.27 1.97
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. HF Sinclair DINO 57.15 0.65 LibertySirius A LSXMA 30.76 0.07 SherwinWilliams SHW 309.86 1.98 Tenaris TS 31.63 -0.24 Vipshop VIPS 16.89 -0.22
Orange ORAN 11.57 -0.08
HP HPQ 27.95 -0.34 LibertySirius B LSXMB 30.76 -0.54 ShinhanFin SHG 32.35 0.50 TencentMusic TME 9.66 -0.14 Visa V 279.39 2.63
Orix IX 97.47 1.10
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 HSBC HSBC 39.95 -0.04 Light&Wonder LNW 84.03 1.73 ShockwaveMed SWAV 236.59 -0.08 TenetHealthcare THC 88.11 -0.33 Vistra VST 43.76 0.50
Net Net Oshkosh OSK 111.90 -0.02
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg H World HTHT 31.93 -0.75 EliLilly LLY 725.38 20.35 s Shopify SHOP 85.17 3.61 Teradyne TER 97.51 -0.24 Vodafone VOD 8.16 -0.24
Net s OtisWorldwide OTIS 91.77 -0.17
Haleon HLN 8.37 -0.01 s LincolnElectric LECO 226.84 3.07 SimonProperty SPG 143.44 0.05 Tesla TSLA 187.58 2.48 VoyaFinancial VOYA 68.78 -2.99
Stock Sym Close Chg Ovintiv OVV 41.75 0.12
Birkenstock BIRK 45.91 -0.50 Deere DE 385.95 -2.95 Halliburton HAL 34.74 -0.08 Linde LIN 416.83 1.27 SimpsonMfg SSD 182.69 2.00 s TetraTech TTEK 174.38 4.16 s VulcanMatls VMC 236.52 4.94
s OwensCorning OC 158.57 5.31
BlackRock DellTechC HartfordFinl HIG 89.85 0.15 LithiaMotors LAD 290.33 -1.92 SiriusXM SIRI 5.07 -0.04
A B C Blackstone
BLK 794.70 6.72
BX 126.09 2.53 DeltaAir
DELL 83.74
DAL 40.21
0.03 HealthpeakProp PEAK 17.87 -0.21 LiveNationEnt LYV 87.66 -1.18
PDD PDD 128.78 3.00
SkechersUSA SKX 57.05 -0.68
TevaPharm TEVA 12.14 -0.11
PG&E PCG 16.41 0.17 TexasInstruments TXN 158.77 0.40
AECOM ACM 87.33 -1.26 Block SQ 68.31 1.31 DentsplySirona XRAY 33.71 -0.45 Heico HEI 189.57 2.40 LloydsBanking LYG 2.07 -0.01 Skyworks SWKS 103.71 0.66 TexasPacLand TPL 1490.85 46.42
PNC Finl PNC 148.17 -1.12 WEC Energy WEC 78.16 -0.18
AES AES 16.32 -0.18 s BlueOwlCapital OWL 16.14 0.36 DescartesSystems DSGX 87.86 -0.13 s Heico A HEI.A 149.52 2.13 LockheedMartin LMT 430.10 3.15 SmithAO AOS 79.84 1.62 s TexasRoadhouse TXRH 132.61 3.43
POSCO PKX 84.40 2.50 WEX WEX 202.38 2.91
Aflac AFL 78.83 1.91 Boeing BA 211.92 3.34 DeutscheBank DB 12.58 -0.61 HenrySchein HSIC 75.26 -0.83 Loews L 72.66 -0.15 Smith&Nephew SNN 28.19 -0.17 s Textron TXT 87.71 1.62
PPG Ind PPG 139.37 -0.52 W.P.Carey WPC 60.90 0.22
AGCO AGCO 117.91 -4.28 s Booking BKNG 3708.92 63.98 DevonEnergy DVN 41.31 0.23 Hershey HSY 194.26 -0.52 LogitechIntl LOGI 83.34 -1.63 Smucker SJM 131.62 -0.59 ThermoFisher TMO 552.31 -7.97
PPL PPL 25.68 -0.01 WPP WPP 49.37 -0.51
Ansys ANSS 336.93 0.27 BoozAllen BAH 143.66 -0.39 DexCom DXCM 126.61 1.69 Hess HES 145.20 -0.85 Lowe's LOW 221.69 3.57 Snap SNAP 11.41 -6.04 ThomsonReuters TRI 149.09 -0.18
PTC PTC 180.21 3.10 s Wabtec WAB 136.50 1.76
APA APA 30.55 0.03 BorgWarner BWA 33.83 -0.24 Diageo DEO 148.61 -1.28 HessMidstream HESM 32.62 -0.03 Lucid LCID 3.38 -0.12 Snap-On SNA 294.50 1.08 3M MMM 93.84 0.08
PVH PVH 119.79 -0.93 WalgreensBoots WBA 22.81 -0.30
ASE Tech ASX 9.27 0.19 BostonProps BXP 63.77 0.46 DiamondbkEner FANG 151.45 -0.54 HewlettPackard HPE 15.26 -0.02 lululemon LULU 457.75 1.21 Snowflake SNOW 218.23 4.55 Toast TOST 19.28 0.87
s Paccar PCAR 105.06 0.83 s Walmart WMT 169.38 -0.43
s ASML ASML 922.23 17.34 s BostonSci BSX 65.23 0.44 s Dick's DKS 158.59 1.65 s Hilton HLT 196.03 1.41 LyondellBasell LYB 94.47 ... SOQUIMICH SQM 40.47 -0.05 Toll Bros TOL 99.75 1.13
PackagingCpAm PKG 165.31 2.28 WarnerBrosA WBD 9.75 -0.32
AT&T T 17.33 -0.28 BristolMyers BMY 48.64 -0.62 DigitalRealty DLR 145.47 1.21 Hologic HOLX 73.85 -0.32 SoFiTech SOFI 7.66 -0.14 TopBuild BLD 379.25 6.73
M N s PalantirTech PLTR 23.60 1.73 WarnerMusic WMG 36.19 -0.21
AbbottLabs ABT 113.31 -0.69 BritishAmTob BTI 29.41 -0.35 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 106.28 0.62 s HomeDepot HD 362.69 6.44 Sony SONY 97.26 0.30 Toro TTC 94.20 2.14
s PaloAltoNtwks PANW 364.50 23.01 WasteConnections WCN 156.96 0.02
s AbbVie ABBV 175.01 1.72 Broadcom AVGO 1257.06 34.41 Disney DIS 99.14 -0.15 HondaMotor HMC 34.93 0.51 Southern SO 66.95 -0.45 TorontoDomBk TD 59.25 -0.57
M&T Bank MTB 130.47 -1.80 ParamountB PARA 12.85 -1.14 s WasteMgt WM 189.98 0.77
AcadiaHealthcare ACHC 79.61 -0.22 BroadridgeFinl BR 198.25 -0.60 DocuSign DOCU 51.31 -0.86 Honeywell HON 194.10 0.46 SoCopper SCCO 82.03 -0.18 TotalEnergies TTE 63.05 -2.00
MGM Resorts MGM 44.72 0.03 ParamountA PARAA 20.31 -1.45 Waters WAT 323.54 -6.84
Accenture ACN 366.65 1.95 BrookfieldAsset BAM 39.79 0.09 DolbyLab DLB 79.22 -0.18 t HormelFoods HRL 29.73 -0.36 SouthwestAir LUV 30.74 -0.29 s ToyotaMotor TM 223.05 4.19
MKS Instrum MKSI 108.04 0.16 s ParkerHannifin PH 514.22 2.67 Watsco WSO 402.72 8.35
AcuityBrands AYI 236.31 1.73 Brookfield BN 39.75 0.10 DollarGeneral DG 135.29 0.98 DR Horton DHI 144.64 1.61 SouthwesternEner SWN 6.40 0.01 TractorSupply TSCO 233.45 -0.34
MPLX MPLX 37.70 0.21 Paychex PAYX 122.10 -0.09 WebsterFin WBS 45.43 -0.71
Adobe ADBE 615.85 8.71 BrookfieldInfr BIP 30.99 -0.46 DollarTree DLTR 139.83 2.07 HostHotels HST 19.23 -0.24 Splunk SPLK 153.42 -0.08 TradeDesk TTD 69.60 1.00
MSCI MSCI 590.63 8.63 PaycomSoftware PAYC 199.03 1.37 WellsFargo WFC 48.48 0.19
AdvDrainageSys WMS 138.08 3.85 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 26.42 -0.26 DominionEner D 44.49 -0.60 HoulihanLokey HLI 124.57 0.39 Spotify SPOT 240.83 8.91 s Tradeweb TW 99.45 2.34
MagnaIntl MGA 58.53 0.10 Paylocity PCTY 168.30 2.12 Welltower WELL 86.76 0.23
AdvMicroDevices AMD 170.94 3.06 Brown&Brown BRO 78.93 0.52 Domino's DPZ 421.95 0.37 s HowmetAerospace HWM 59.09 0.66 StanleyBlackDck SWK 89.69 0.35
ManhattanAssoc MANH 245.73 -1.79 PayPal PYPL 63.24 -0.47 TraneTech TT 273.43 3.20 s WescoIntl WCC 188.21 3.61
Brown-Forman A BF.A 58.64 0.37 Donaldson DCI 66.82 0.54 s Hubbell HUBB 355.13 4.88 Stantec STN 81.57 0.89 s TransDigm
Aegon AEG 5.80 0.01 s ManulifeFinl MFC 22.58 0.32 Pearson PSO 11.76 -0.05 TDG 1147.01 6.41 WestPharmSvcs WST 413.00 14.73
AerCap AER 77.95 0.75 Brown-Forman B BF.B 57.13 0.22 s DoorDash DASH 114.33 1.99 HubSpot HUBS 609.85 3.92
MarathonOil MRO 22.69 0.16 Starbucks SBUX 95.31 -0.36 TransUnion TRU 68.63 0.68
PembinaPipeline PBA 33.72 0.13 WesternDigital WDC 57.94 -0.51
AffirmHldgs AFRM 44.61 1.18 Bruker BRKR 70.70 -3.18 DoubleVerify DV 41.47 -0.08 Humana HUM 368.57 2.22 StateStreet STT 73.03 0.58 Travelers
MarathonPetrol MPC 169.59 2.95 PenskeAuto PAG 148.25 -1.49 TRV 214.22 1.21 WesternMidstrm WES 28.00 0.08
s BuildersFirst BLDR 180.91 2.96 s Dover DOV 160.47 -0.35 s JBHunt JBHT 214.18 2.78 SteelDynamics STLD 124.56 4.39
AgilentTechs A 132.79 -3.07 Markel MKL 1445.42 37.66 Pentair PNR 74.10 0.52 s Trex TREX 89.91 6.72 Westlake WLK 140.95 1.59
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 47.50 -0.29 t BungeGlobal BG 87.95 -2.08 Dow DOW 54.09 0.05 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.35 -0.02
MarketAxess MKTX 226.41 5.15 Stellantis STLA 23.51 0.48 Trimble TRMB 51.91 0.22
s Penumbra PEN 265.06 6.46 WestRock WRK 39.92 1.55
AirProducts APD 215.38 -2.67 BurlingtonStrs BURL 194.14 0.02 s DrReddy'sLab RDY 73.40 0.20 HuntingIngalls HII 274.74 8.52 s Marriott MAR 247.94 3.18 Steris STE 225.87 -0.05 TCOM 39.45 -0.03
PepsiCo PEP 171.47 0.05 Weyerhaeuser WY 32.86 0.05
Airbnb ABNB 147.55 3.02 CACI Intl CACI 351.15 1.77 s DraftKings DKNG 42.60 0.86 HyattHotels H 129.49 ...
Marsh&McLen MMC 195.73 1.23 Stevanato STVN 34.00 -0.16 TruistFinl TFC 36.01 -0.24
PerformanceFood PFGC 72.50 -0.78 WheatonPrecMet WPM 46.66 -0.29
s AkamaiTech AKAM 125.57 1.09 CBRE Group CBRE 83.94 -0.25 s Dropbox DBX 32.89 0.19 ICICI Bank IBN 24.57 -0.09 s MartinMarietta MLM 524.48 9.97 StifelFinancial SF 74.71 0.36 Twilio TWLO 69.71 0.59
PermianRscs PR 13.25 0.12 Williams WMB 34.29 -0.01
Albemarle ALB 115.05 2.03 s CDW CDW 237.60 7.10 DukeEnergy DUK 95.50 0.44 IdexxLab IDXX 572.31 5.31
MarvellTech MRVL 69.37 2.29 STMicroelec STM 44.03 -0.19 TylerTech TYL 435.88 5.36
PetroleoBrasil PBR 17.39 0.16 Williams-Sonoma WSM 205.52 0.83
Albertsons ACI 21.20 -0.04 CF Industries CF 76.36 0.22 Duolingo DUOL 182.47 3.48 ING Groep ING 12.90 -0.14 s Stryker SYK 342.72 2.95
Masco MAS 70.44 1.66 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 16.95 0.24 TysonFoods TSN 53.94 -1.45 s WillisTowers WTW 271.79 3.34
Alcon ALC 76.86 -0.07 CGI A GIB 111.75 0.24 DuPont DD 66.48 0.74 Invesco IVZ 15.92 0.04 SumitomoMits SMFG 10.41 0.13
Masimo MASI 135.14 0.37 Pfizer PFE 27.56 0.06 UBS Group UBS 27.76 -0.39 WillScotMobile WSC 50.69 0.59
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 117.22 -0.41 CH Robinson CHRW 73.66 -0.86 Dynatrace DT 60.65 1.07 IQVIA IQV 214.34 -1.07 SunComms SUI 124.50 -0.48
Mastercard MA 461.91 1.41 PhilipMorris PM 91.44 -0.22 UDR UDR 35.32 -0.24 s Wingstop WING 292.79 6.31
CME Group CME 205.46 2.68 elfBeauty ELF 164.82 -8.50 s ITT ITT 125.75 0.76 SunLifeFinancial SLF 52.58 0.28
Alibaba BABA 73.64 -4.59 MatchGroup MTCH 34.82 -1.22 Phillips66 PSX 146.53 0.62 UFP Inds UFPI 116.12 0.63 Wipro WIT 5.90 -0.04
AlignTech ALGN 284.73 -3.71 CMS Energy CMS 56.41 -0.06 s EMCOR EME 238.99 2.05 IcahnEnterprises IEP 18.64 -0.15 SuncorEnergy SU 32.12 0.14
McCormickVtg MKC.V 65.97 -0.67 t PinnacleWest PNW 67.24 -0.84 U-Haul N UHAL/B 64.76 0.91 s WIX 133.16 3.95
Allegion ALLE 126.94 0.91 s CNA Fin CNA 46.45 0.36 ENI E 30.94 -0.40 Icon ICLR 269.06 3.58 s SuperMicroComp SMCI 683.60 2.01
McCormick MKC 65.62 -1.43 Pinterest PINS 40.83 -0.22 U-Haul UHAL 66.91 0.55 WoodsideEnergy WDS 21.19 -0.04
AlliantEnergy LNT 47.78 0.02 CNH Indl CNHI 12.37 -0.05 EOG Rscs EOG 112.52 0.64 IDEX IEX 222.42 3.53 Suzano SUZ 10.81 0.02
McDonald's MCD 287.33 2.68 PioneerNatRscs PXD 227.76 -0.29 US Foods USFD 46.44 -0.31 Woodward WWD 137.82 1.05
Allstate ALL 158.60 1.25 s CRH CRH 74.71 1.32 EPAM Systems EPAM 285.69 -3.46 IllinoisToolWks ITW 254.09 -1.60 s McKesson MCK 516.98 10.11 Symbotic SYM 39.28 1.37
PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 15.35 0.18 UWM UWMC 6.89 -0.01 WooriFinl WF 32.74 1.35
AllyFinancial ALLY 35.68 -0.19 s CSX CSX 36.99 -0.03 EQT EQT 34.23 ... Illumina ILMN 142.94 -1.95
Medpace MEDP 308.76 6.17 SynchronyFinl SYF 38.53 -0.26 s Uber
PlainsGP PAGP 16.06 0.11 UBER 70.65 0.18 Workday WDAY 294.42 5.79
AlnylamPharm ALNY 168.60 -3.58 CVS Health CVS 76.05 2.29 s EagleMaterials EXP 240.28 4.46 Immunogen IMGN 29.55 0.04
Medtronic MDT 87.16 -0.58 Synopsys SNPS 554.28 11.85
Pool POOL 380.85 7.28 Ubiquiti UI 126.94 -0.86 WynnResorts WYNN 99.83 -0.23
Alphabet C GOOG 146.68 1.27 s CadenceDesign CDNS 300.73 7.93 EastWestBncp EWBC 69.20 -0.06 ImperialOil IMO 57.17 -0.37
MercadoLibre MELI 1713.87 3.48 Sysco SYY 79.67 -0.74
Primerica PRI 232.99 2.07 UiPath PATH 23.48 0.33 XP XP 24.81 -0.34
CaesarsEnt CZR 43.07 -0.31 EastGroup EGP 179.35 -1.75 Incyte INCY 57.34 -2.29 s
Alphabet A GOOGL 145.54 1.44 Merck MRK 127.47 0.59 UltaBeauty ULTA 514.04 12.04 s XPO XPO 116.54 18.49
s AltairEngg ALTR 89.48 0.79 CamdenProperty CPT 94.69 -0.63 EastmanChem EMN 82.97 0.36 Informatica INFA 30.20 0.17
MetaPlatforms META 469.59 14.87
PrincipalFinl PFG 78.11 -0.29 T U V Unilever UL 48.90 -0.97 XcelEnergy XEL 58.37 -0.07
Cameco CCJ 48.05 0.43 s Eaton ETN 272.85 1.73 Infosys INFY 20.43 -0.18 ProcoreTech PCOR 72.57 0.72
Altria MO 40.26 -0.34 MetLife MET 67.00 1.04 s Procter&Gamble PG 159.12 0.16 TAL Education TAL 12.04 -0.14 s UnionPacific UNP 249.16 -0.71 XPeng XPEV 8.43 -0.36
CampbellSoup CPB 43.63 -0.73 eBay EBAY 42.34 -0.32 s IngersollRand IR 84.57 1.33 AMZN 170.53 1.38 Mettler-Toledo MTD 1213.23 1.13 s Progressive PGR 182.17 1.90 TC Energy TRP 37.73 -0.30 UnitedAirlines UAL 41.28 0.05 s Xylem XYL 123.35 3.79
CIBC CM 44.77 -0.09 s Ecolab ECL 203.00 3.05 Ingredion INGR 110.68 0.97
Ambev ABEV 2.59 -0.06 MicrochipTech MCHP 83.31 0.06
Prologis PLD 129.09 -1.41 TD Synnex SNX 99.25 -0.55 UnitedMicro UMC 7.90 0.23 YPF YPF 16.04 -0.49
s CanNtlRlwy CNI 129.13 0.86 Ecopetrol EC 11.98 0.08 Insulet PODD 198.75 -0.88
Amcor AMCR 9.38 0.20 MicronTech MU 85.17 0.57 s PrudentialFinl PRU 109.13 5.74 TE Connectivity TEL 141.99 0.44 UPS B UPS 147.24 1.32 Yum!Brands YUM 129.64 2.37
CanadianNatRscs CNQ 60.32 -0.65 EdisonIntl EIX 65.44 0.31 Intel INTC 42.78 0.04
Amdocs DOX 90.96 -1.75 Microsoft MSFT 414.05 8.56
Prudential PUK 21.35 -0.20 Telus TU 17.46 0.06 s UnitedRentals URI 652.73 -1.81 YumChina YUMC 40.39 2.95
s CdnPacKC CP 85.35 1.07 EdwardsLife EW 86.61 -1.64 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 94.44 1.42
AmerSports AS 15.05 -0.08 MicroStrategy MSTR 508.01 10.01 US Bancorp USB 39.91
CapitalOne COF 133.97 -0.38 s ElancoAnimal ELAN 15.78 -0.24 ICE ICE 128.08 1.75 PublicServiceEnt PEG 59.01 0.03 Ternium TX 38.36 0.10 -0.19 ZTO Express ZTO 17.64 -0.18
Ameren AEE 68.69 0.31 MidAmApt MAA 125.18 -0.40 s TFI Intl TFII 140.34 4.99 US Steel X 46.07 0.48 ZebraTech ZBRA 247.11 4.62
CardinalHealth CAH 105.67 1.60 Elastic ESTC 125.50 3.27 InterContinentl IHG 96.30 -0.48 PublicStorage PSA 281.21 2.56
AmericaMovil AMX 17.77 -0.21 Middleby MIDD 142.94 1.64 UnitedTherap UTHR 210.76 -4.19
s Carlisle CSL 341.91 24.30 ElbitSystems ESLT 205.39 -4.01 IBM IBM 183.74 0.33 PulteGroup PHM 103.01 0.44 TIM TIMB 18.37 0.04 Zillow C Z 57.25 0.19
AmerAirlines AAL 14.91 0.01 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 9.45 0.10
s ElectronicArts EA 136.75 IntlFlavors IFF 82.34 1.57 PureStorage PSTG 42.54 0.86 s TJX TJX 97.83 0.73 UnitedHealth UNH 519.39 8.72 Zillow A ZG 55.55 0.21
AEP AEP 77.33 0.10 Carlyle CG 44.24 3.52 1.49 MizuhoFin MFG 3.71 ...
IntlPaper Qiagen QGEN 43.52 -1.28 TKO TKO 87.30 0.13 UnitySoftware U 32.52 0.47 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 127.55 -0.05
s AmerExpress AXP 209.08 3.43 CarMax KMX 72.30 0.47 s ElevanceHealth ELV 497.79 3.96 IP 33.86 0.72
Mobileye MBLY 26.65 -0.56
Interpublic IPG 32.24 Qorvo QRVO 110.85 2.24 T-MobileUS TMUS 161.78 0.78 UnivDisplay OLED 175.93 4.15 Zoetis ZTS 197.09 0.95
AmericanFin AFG 122.24 2.53 Carnival CCL 15.72 -0.25 s EmersonElec EMR 104.09 9.83 -0.75
Moderna MRNA 99.30 -0.73
Intuit INTU 643.17 7.87 Qualcomm QCOM 145.89 1.79 TPG TPG 43.10 0.68 UniversalHealthB UHS 162.45 0.30 ZoomVideo ZM 63.88 0.28
AmHomes4Rent AMH 34.77 -0.09 Carnival CUK 14.34 -0.28 Enbridge ENB 34.42 -0.24 MolinaHealthcare MOH 362.10 4.98
s IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 391.38 QuantaServices PWR 208.90 2.79 T.RowePrice TROW 109.73 0.75 UnumGroup UNM 47.27 -0.26 Zscaler ZS 244.66 9.93
AIG AIG 69.81 1.04 CarrierGlobal CARR 53.83 -0.48 s EncompassHealth EHC 72.76 0.57 1.69
MolsonCoorsA TAP.A 61.03 -3.96
Endeavor EDR 24.34 0.02 InvitatHomes INVH 32.56 -0.16 QuestDiag DGX 127.42 1.16
AmerTowerREIT AMT 193.62 1.95 Carvana CVNA 48.09 -0.10 MolsonCoorsB TAP 59.73 -1.56
CaseysGenStores CASY 275.20 -0.91 EnergyTransfer ET 13.90 -0.07 IonisPharm IONS 49.54 0.42 s
AmerWaterWorks AWK 121.95 0.14
Catalent CTLT 56.50 -1.96 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 117.51 17.00 IronMountain IRM 67.82 -1.14 MNDY 217.96 2.60 R S IPO Scorecard
AmericoldRealty COLD 27.49 -0.66 Mondelez MDLZ 74.62 -0.63
ItauUnibanco ITUB 6.95 -0.10
Ameriprise AMP 391.36 3.31 Caterpillar CAT 323.59 0.87 Entegris ENTG 119.88 1.31 s MongoDB MDB 457.39 14.08 RBC Bearings RBC 272.93 -1.68 Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
s Celanese CE 149.01 1.14 Entergy ETR 98.76 -0.69 s MonolithicPower MPWR 645.41 12.43 RB Global RBA 67.46 0.99
AME 166.73 0.65
AMGN 295.87 -20.20 CelsiusHldg CELH 57.77 1.97 EnterpriseProd EPD 26.25 0.02 J K L MonsterBev MNST 56.46 0.12 RELX RELX 41.35 -0.11
% Chg From % Chg From
Company SYMBOL Wed's Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Wed3s Offer 1st-day
AmkorTech AMKR 29.58 -1.11 s Cemex CX 8.74 0.06 Equifax EFX 241.86 -1.42 JD 23.05 -1.06 s Moody's MCO 404.85 6.80 RPM RPM 105.98 1.11
s Cencora COR 237.67 2.66 s Equinix EQIX 846.73 8.72 RTX RTX 91.93 -0.35 IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
s Amphenol APH 104.26 1.49 JPMorganChase JPM 175.43 0.33 MorganStanley MS 86.00 -0.10
AnalogDevices ADI 191.97 2.26 CenovusEnergy CVE 15.90 0.06 Equinor EQNR 27.09 -2.10 Jabil JBL 131.55 1.79 Morningstar MORN 278.20 3.89 RalphLauren RL 147.14 -0.20 American Heathcare REIT 13.22 10.2 ... FibroBiologics 8.68 8.5 –70.2
AngloGoldAsh AU 17.84 -0.14 Centene CNC 74.92 ... Equitable EQH 33.70 0.96 JackHenry JKHY 169.18 5.27 Mosaic MOS 30.37 0.02 RaymondJames RJF 111.04 -0.31 AHR Feb. 7/$12.00 FBLG Jan. 31/$8.00
AB InBev BUD 65.53 1.80 CenterPointEner CNP 27.57 -0.04 EquityLife ELS 66.52 -0.53 JacobsSolns J 143.58 3.67 MotorolaSol MSI 327.93 2.55 RealtyIncome O 53.36 -0.39
CentraisElBras EBR 8.72 0.01 EquityResdntl EQR 58.82 -0.36 RegalRexnord RRX 140.76 3.27
Legato Merger III 10.06 0.5 ... ArriVent Biopharma 22.16 23.1 10.8
AnnalyCap NLY 18.58 -0.33 JamesHardie JHX 38.55 -0.46 MurphyUSA MUSA 367.63 7.74
CerevelTherap CERE 41.53 -0.13 s ErieIndemnity ERIE 350.00 2.51 RegencyCtrs REG 61.94 -0.27
LEGT.UT Feb. 6/$10.00 AVBP Jan. 26/$18.00
Aon AON 301.88 1.05 JazzPharm JAZZ 122.94 -1.77 NICE NICE 217.14 2.15
ApellisPharm APLS 66.70 -0.61 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 218.58 -1.92 EssentialUtil WTRG 35.60 0.05 JefferiesFinl JEF 40.08 0.13 NIO NIO 5.86 -0.17 RegenPharm REGN 938.49 0.68 Alto Neuroscience 18.98 18.6 –8.3 BrightSpring Health Services 11.49 –11.6 4.5
APi Group APG 34.15 0.57 t CharterComms CHTR 283.67 -6.61 EssexProp ESS 229.02 -3.95 J&J JNJ 157.98 -0.08 NNN REIT NNN 39.98 -0.24 RegionsFinl RF 17.84 -0.02 ANRO Feb. 2/$16.00 BTSG Jan. 26/$13.00
s CheckPoint CHKP 164.33 1.88 EsteeLauder EL 141.93 -4.28 JohnsonControls JCI 54.40 1.14 NRG Energy NRG 52.99 -0.53 ReinsGrp RGA 169.01 2.01
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 105.90 1.43
Etsy s
Fractyl Health 10.48 –30.1 –18.4 Haoxi Health Technology 7.14 78.5 35.2
s AppFolio APPF 233.32 5.60 Chemed CHE 592.80 0.65 ETSY 73.26 -1.59 JonesLang JLL 171.88 0.61 s NVR NVR 7420.71 87.89 RelianceSteel RS 298.26 6.87
CheniereEnergy LNG 160.08 -0.18 Everest EG 383.94 3.31 s RenaissanceRe RNR 234.55 6.88
GUTS Feb. 2/$15.00 HAO Jan. 26/$4.00
Apple AAPL 189.41 0.11 JuniperNetworks JNPR 37.03 0.04 NXP Semicon NXPI 221.37 -1.63
ApplMaterials AMAT 170.90 2.20 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 49.62 0.08 Evergy EVRG 49.38 -0.28 KB Financial KB 49.33 2.05 Nasdaq NDAQ 56.91 0.59 RentokilInit RTO 25.64 -0.36 Amer Sports 15.05 15.8 12.3 CG Oncology 40.52 113.3 9.0
s Applovin APP 47.69 1.65 ChesapeakeEner CHK 76.04 0.01 EversourceEner ES 53.79 0.05 KBR KBR 53.35 0.46 s Natera NTRA 69.92 -0.30 Repligen RGEN 201.75 1.23 AS Feb. 1/$13.00 CGON Jan. 25/$19.00
Aptargroup ATR 131.80 0.67 Chevron CVX 152.13 -0.22 ExactSciences EXAS 61.14 -3.46 KE Holdings BEKE 13.51 -0.19 NationalGrid NGG 66.46 -0.11 s RepublicSvcs RSG 174.56 0.88
Aptiv APTV 82.02 -2.17 Chewy CHWY 16.93 -0.20 Exelon EXC 34.10 0.19 s KKR KKR 94.73 1.15 NatWest NWG 5.58 -0.04 ResMed RMD 186.59 -3.65 Sources: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet
Aramark ARMK 28.88 -0.43 s Chipotle CMG 2666.99179.25 s Expedia EXPE 154.38 0.68 KLA KLAC 608.90 7.28 NetApp NTAP 87.23 -0.37 RestaurantBrands QSR 76.84 0.50
ArcelorMittal MT 27.42 0.04 Chubb CB 246.89 -0.78 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 127.61 1.60 KarunaTherap KRTX 314.06 -1.75 NetEase NTES 106.34 -1.02 Revvity RVTY 102.90 -1.32
ChunghwaTel CHT 38.83 0.23 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 142.41 -0.32 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 51.50 -1.38
ArchCapital ACGL 84.42 1.12
ADM ADM 52.88 0.01 Church&Dwight CHD 100.75 0.59 ExxonMobil XOM 102.22 -0.03
KSPI 90.00
K 53.69
NFLX 559.30
NBIX 136.29
-6.67 RioTinto RIO 68.52 0.20 Borrowing Benchmarks
s ChurchillDowns CHDN 121.98 1.15 F5 FFIV 183.29 0.82 Kenvue KVUE 20.52 -0.08 NewOrientalEduc EDU 81.37 0.60 Rivian RIVN 15.17 -0.33
AresMgmt ARES 128.85 1.86
Ciena CIEN 55.79 0.88 FactSet FDS 483.06 5.65 RobertHalf RHI 79.48 -0.62
argenx ARGX 391.95 -1.17 KeurigDrPepper KDP 31.26 0.15 NYTimes A NYT 44.96 -3.56
AristaNetworks ANET 267.05 2.16 s Cigna CI 330.55 2.97 FairIsaac FICO 1280.45 20.64 KeyCorp KEY 13.90 ... Newmont NEM 33.65 -0.01 Robinhood HOOD 11.00 0.22
Arm ARM 77.01 4.03
AscendisPharma ASND 139.29 -1.55 s
CincinnatiFinl CINF 107.03 -5.07
Cintas CTAS 621.62 3.73
Fastenal FAST 69.46
FederalRealty FRT 100.84
KeysightTech KEYS 158.14
KimberlyClark KMB 121.07
NewsCorp B NWS 25.30
NewsCorp A NWSA 24.27
Roblox RBLX 44.74
RocketCos. RKT 11.50
Money Rates February 7, 2024
AspenTech AZPN 192.41 -0.91 CiscoSystems CSCO 49.77 -0.21 FedEx FDX 242.13 0.81 KimcoRealty KIM 20.17 -0.08 NextEraEnergy NEE 56.38 0.15 Rockwell ROK 269.02 9.04
s Assurant AIZ 175.35 6.46 Citigroup C 54.54 0.19 s Ferguson FERG 193.82 1.02 KinderMorgan KMI 16.65 -0.04 Nextracker NXT 55.42 -0.34 RogersComm B RCI 46.39 -0.23 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
AstraZeneca AZN 66.55 -0.49 CitizensFin CFG 31.31 -0.23 Ferrari RACE 381.04 2.51 KinsaleCapital KNSL 407.19 5.80 Nike NKE 103.79 1.18 RoivantSciences ROIV 10.39 0.09 international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
Atlassian TEAM 209.46 -1.80 s CleanHarbors CLH 176.90 0.32 FidNatlFinl FNF 50.34 0.27 Klaviyo KVYO 27.78 0.01 NiSource NI 25.09 0.01 Roku ROKU 94.49 1.01
AtmosEnergy ATO 111.93 0.12 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 19.78 0.03 FidNatlInfo FIS 61.67 0.05 Knight-Swift KNX 60.31 0.18 Nokia NOK 3.55 -0.01 Rollins ROL 44.20 0.19 don’t always represent actual transactions.
s Autodesk ADSK 258.43 4.45 Clorox CLX 155.54 0.77 FifthThirdBncp FITB 33.36 -0.11 Philips PHG 20.40 -0.80 Nomura NMR 5.48 -0.04 RoperTech ROP 548.69 3.39
Week —52-WEEK—
Autoliv ALV 108.45 -1.97 Cloudflare NET 83.35 1.76 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 1484.03 0.98 KoreaElecPwr KEP 7.92 0.13 Nordson NDSN 255.81 2.16 RossStores ROST 143.25 1.09 Inflation Latest ago High Low
ADP ADP 250.27 -0.54 Coca-Cola KO 59.99 0.05 FirstHorizon FHN 13.66 -0.15 KraftHeinz KHC 36.40 -0.81 NorfolkSouthern NSC 250.55 -1.31 RoyalBkCanada RY 97.03 0.09
Dec. index Chg From (%)
s CocaColaCon COKE 883.38 6.37 FirstSolar FSLR 145.46 4.35 Kroger KR 44.62 -0.37 NorthernTrust NTRS 79.12 0.92 RoyalCaribbean RCL 119.43 -1.14
AutoZone AZO 2842.54 30.68
Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 67.00 -0.79 FirstEnergy FE 35.83 0.02 LKQ LKQ 47.57 0.45 NorthropGrum NOC 453.90 5.73 RoyalGold RGLD 112.48 -0.42
level Nov. '23 Dec. '22 Secondary market
Avalonbay AVB 173.42 0.67
CognizantTech CTSH 78.00 -0.73 FirstService FSV 164.15 -0.03 LPL Financial LPLA 243.80 2.30 NorwegCruise NCLH 17.39 -0.05 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 29.33 -0.86
Avangrid AGR 30.42 0.12
s Fiserv U.S. consumer price index Fannie Mae
Avantor AVTR 23.68 0.03 Coherent COHR 61.89 3.89 FI 142.71 1.62 L3HarrisTech LHX 209.56 1.85 Novartis NVS 103.46 -0.28 RyanSpecialty RYAN 43.05 0.15
CoinbaseGlbl COIN 122.07 2.28 FiveBelow FIVE 182.71 1.31 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 223.71 1.43 s NovoNordisk NVO 118.66 1.05 s Ryanair RYAAY 140.10 2.09 All items 306.746 –0.10 3.4 30-year mortgage yields
AveryDennison AVY 203.07 4.63
AxaltaCoating AXTA 32.55 0.13 ColgatePalm CL 83.86 0.12 FleetCorTech FLT 291.99 5.00 LamResearch LRCX 848.54 13.92 s NuHoldings NU 9.56 0.18 s SAP SAP 181.18 2.39 Core 311.907 0.10 3.9 30 days 6.146 5.949 7.495 5.496
s AxonEnterprise AXON 265.47 6.01 Comcast A CMCSA 42.86 -1.56 Flex FLEX 24.51 0.34 LamarAdv LAMR 104.53 0.25 Nucor NUE 186.21 4.86 s S&P Global SPGI 459.72 6.43 60 days 6.158 5.955 7.554 5.500
BCE BCE 39.39 -0.24 s ComfortSystems FIX 231.95 5.39 Floor&Decor FND 104.95 1.33 LambWeston LW 100.19 -0.87 Nutanix NTNX 57.52 0.98 SBA Comm SBAC 217.00 -1.60 International rates
BHP Group BHP 60.52 0.19 s SABESP SBS 16.13 -0.02 FlutterEnt FLUT 207.27 -2.00 LasVegasSands LVS 52.75 0.58 Nutrien NTR 49.68 -0.73 SEI Investments SEIC 65.97 0.26 Other short-term rates
ConagraBrands CAG 28.36 -0.26 s FomentoEconMex FMX 139.39 0.08 LatticeSemi LSCC 63.92 2.37 nVentElectric NVT 63.97 2.15 SK Telecom SKM 21.57 0.35 Week 52-Week
BILL BILL 74.93 -1.77
Confluent CFLT 24.29 0.81 FordMotor F 12.80 0.73 Latest ago High Low
BJ'sWholesale BJ 66.01 0.17 Week 52-Week
BP BP 36.17 -0.22 ConocoPhillips COP 112.32 0.80 Fortinet FTNT 70.03 2.55 Latest high low
s BWX Tech BWXT 83.95 0.94 ConEd ED 89.47 -0.30 Fortis FTS 39.33 -0.33 Prime rates
Baidu BIDU 105.30 -2.26
BakerHughes BKR 29.12 -0.27 s
ConstBrands A STZ 244.42 -3.34
ConstellationEner CEG 132.50 1.49
Fortive FTV 82.33
FortuneBrands FBIN 78.49
Dividend Changes U.S. 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.75 Call money
Cooper COO 374.64 -0.06 FoxA FOXA 29.47 -2.15 Canada 7.20 7.20 7.20 6.70 7.25 7.25 7.25 6.50
Ball BALL 58.49 1.24
BBVA BBVA 9.70 -0.01 Copart CPRT 50.85 0.37 FoxB FOX 27.44 -1.90 Amount Payable / Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
s Core&Main CNM 42.21 0.74 Franco-Nevada FNV 107.88 0.94 Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Commercial paper (AA financial)
BancoBradesco BBDO 2.56 -0.39
CorebridgeFin CRBG 23.42 0.08 FranklinRscs BEN 26.72 0.09 Policy Rates 90 days n.a. n.a. 5.54 4.70
BancodeChile BCH 22.71 -0.11 Increased
BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.83 -0.18
Corning GLW 31.79 -0.25 FreeportMcM FCX 39.20 -0.97 Euro zone 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00
BcoSantChile BSAC 18.38 -0.16
Corteva CTVA 54.07 1.98 FreseniusMedCare FMS 19.69 -0.17 3M MMM 6.4 1.51 /1.50 Q Mar12 /Feb16 Switzerland 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.50 Secured Overnight Financing Rate
BancoSantander SAN 3.97 -0.03
CoStar CSGP 85.13 1.25 ChampionX CHX 1.3 .095 /.085 Q Apr26 /Apr05 Britain 5.25 5.25 5.25 4.00 5.31 5.31 5.40 4.55
s Costco COST 719.78 8.99 G H I DuPont de Nemours DD 2.3 .38 /.36 Q Mar15 /Feb29
BanColombia CIB 31.77 -0.01
CoterraEnergy CTRA 24.36 0.04
Australia 4.35 4.35 4.35 3.35
BankofAmerica BAC 33.18 0.14 GE HealthCare GEHC 81.83 -0.13 Kforce KFRC 2.3 .38 /.36 Q Mar29 /Mar15 Value 52-Week
Coty COTY 12.18 -0.09 Otter Tail 2.0 .4675 /.4375 Mar08 /Feb15 Latest Traded High Low
BankMontreal BMO 91.75 -0.30
Coupang CPNG 14.37 0.33
GFLEnvironmental GFL 35.65 0.35 OTTR Q Overnight repurchase
BankNY Mellon BK 55.27 0.21 s GSK GSK 42.02 0.27 Tractor Supply TSCO 1.9 1.10 /1.03 Q Mar12 /Feb26
Crane CR 125.95 1.12 U.S. 5.35 5.39 5.48 4.55 DTCC GCF Repo Index
BankNovaScotia BNS 46.46 -0.23 Gallagher AJG 236.20 2.15 Tradeweb Markets TW 0.4 .10 /.09 Q Mar15 /Mar01
Credicorp BAP 154.28 0.83 Treasury 5.348 30.210 5.504 4.546
Barclays BCS 7.43 -0.07 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 45.30 0.09
s CrowdStrike CRWD 317.78 15.67 UFP Industries UFPI 1.1 .33 /.30 Q Mar15 /Mar01 U.S. government rates
BarrickGold GOLD 14.93 -0.10 Gap GPS 19.87 0.09 Xylem XYL 1.2 .36 /.33 Q Mar20 /Feb21 MBS 5.367 43.470 5.689 4.564
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 44.09 0.95 CrownCastle CCI 106.87 -0.79 Garmin GRMN 121.73 -0.08
Crown Holdings CCK 74.96 -1.71 Discount Notes on data:
BaxterIntl BAX 39.38 -0.33
CubeSmart CUBE 43.81 0.15
Gartner IT 449.95 -11.75 Foreign 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.75
BectonDicknsn BDX 239.48 0.80 GenDigital GEN 20.91 0.32 AudioCodes AUDC 2.6 .18 SA Mar06 /Feb20 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
BeiGene Cummins CMI 248.11 -3.43 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
BGNE 147.76 -5.82 Generac GNRC 125.80 8.45 Banco Bradesco Ord ADR 6.0 .00347 Apr08 /Mar05
s BellRing BRBR 58.65 1.81
s Curtiss-Wright CW 226.88 -0.02 s GeneralDynamics GD 269.09 1.40
BBDO Federal funds U.S. banks, and is effective July 27, 2023. Other
s CyberArkSoftware CYBR 243.17 3.31 Banco Bradesco Pref ADR BBD 5.9 .00381 Apr08 /Mar05 Effective rate 5.3400 5.3300 5.3500 4.5800 prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending
BentleySystems BSY 51.93 0.99 s GeneralElec GE 138.50 0.92
Berkley WRB 80.34 -0.15 Cytokinetics CYTK 77.12 -3.04
GeneralMills GIS 63.71 -1.12
Banco de Chile ADR BCH 4.8 1.69244 A Apr05 /Mar22 High 5.5500 5.6500 5.6500 4.9000 practices vary widely by location; Discount rate
BP ADR BP 4.1 .4362 Q Mar28 /Feb16 is effective July 27, 2023. Secured Overnight
s BerkHathwy B BRK.B 397.66 3.92 GeneralMotors GM Low 5.3200 5.3100 5.3300 4.5400
s BerkHathwy A BRK.A 5993006930.00
D E F 38.72 0.69
Diageo ADR DEO 2.7 1.62 SA Apr17 /Mar01 Financing Rate is as of February 6, 2024. DTCC
Genmab GMAB 27.97 -0.18 Bid 5.3300 5.3100 5.3300 4.5700 GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing
BerryGlobal BERY 56.71 -7.57 DTE Energy DTE 105.22 1.01 s Gentex GNTX 34.55 0.05 Offer 5.3600 5.3300 5.3700 4.5800 Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in
BestBuy BBY 75.48 0.64 s Danaher DHR 246.64 -1.56 GenuineParts GPC 142.78 1.46
applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of
Bio-Techne TECH 66.36 -1.01 Darden DRI 166.04 0.12 Gerdau GGB 4.38 -0.01 Golub Capital BDC GBDC 10.1 .07 Mar15 /Feb15 U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett
Treasury bill auction
Bio-RadLab A BIO 325.16 0.15 Datadog DDOG 130.62 1.44 GileadSciences GILD 74.42 -3.30 Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
Biogen BIIB 240.54 -5.01 DaVita DVA 111.61 -0.47 GitLab GTLB 72.75 1.80 4 weeks 5.280 5.280 5.840 3.190
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor
BioMarinPharm BMRN 89.66 -0.14 Dayforce DAY 69.31 -1.94 GlobalPayments GPN 137.01 1.15 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: 13 weeks 5.235 5.210 5.345 4.590 Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
BioNTech BNTX 95.05 -0.95 DeckersOutdoor DECK 833.33 7.98 GlobalFoundries GFS 52.54 0.89 spin-off. 26 weeks 5.045 4.985 5.350 4.620 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret
LgCpGwId InstPre 31.70 +0.40 7.5 SrsEmrgMkt 17.20 +0.04 -0.8 LgCpGwth 66.50 +1.05 10.6 MidCap 102.08 +0.80 2.0 MuShtAdml 15.74 ... 0.1 Welltn 42.22 +0.19 2.1
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. MidCpInxInstPrem 30.05 +0.17 0.3 SrsGlobal 13.75 +0.02 -0.7 JPMorgan R Class NHoriz 57.08 +0.31 1.5 PrmcpAdml r 160.75 +0.53 2.8 WndsrII 44.04 +0.24 2.7
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e and s SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 20.68 +0.17 4.8 SrsGroCoRetail 21.15 +0.24 8.6 CoreBond 10.21 -0.01 -0.7 R2025 15.85 +0.04 0.9 RealEstatAdml 118.47 -0.21 -5.3 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r- SeriesBondFd 8.95 -0.01 -1.0 SrsIntlGrw 17.64 +0.08 3.0 CorePlusBd 7.19 -0.01 -0.6 R2030 24.21 +0.07 1.1 SmCapAdml 100.45 +0.26 -1.7 ExtndIstPl 304.34 +1.07 -1.1
Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes SeriesOverseas 13.17 +0.04 1.5 SrsIntlVal 11.58 -0.01 -0.8 Lord Abbett I R2040 28.12 +0.12 1.8 SmGthAdml 84.28 +0.33 -0.8 IdxIntl 18.45 +0.03 -0.9
x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to incomplete SerLTTreBdIdx 5.64 -0.02 -3.4 TotalBond 9.48 -0.01 -0.7 ShtDurInc p 3.85 ... 0.5 Schwab Funds STBondAdml 10.06 -0.01 -0.1 MdCpGrAdml 95.69 +0.74 1.2
price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; data under review. NN-Fund not SmCpIdxInstPrem 24.12 -0.04 -3.7 Fidelity SAI Metropolitan West 1000 Inv r 106.93 +0.87 NA STIGradeAdml 10.20 -0.01 0.1 MdCpVlAdml 74.48 +0.22 -0.8
tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. TMktIdxInstPrem 137.02 +1.04 4.0 TotalBd 8.97 -0.01 -0.7 TotRetBdI 9.04 -0.02 NA S&P Sel 76.63 +0.63 NA STIPSIxAdm 23.82 -0.01 ... SmValAdml 75.49 +0.10 -2.4
TotalMarketIndex 17.29 +0.13 4.0 U.S.TreBdIdx 8.71 -0.02 -1.0 TRBdPlan 8.48 -0.02 NA TSM Sel r 84.21 +0.64 NA TotBdAdml 9.57 -0.02 -1.1 TotBd2 9.45 -0.02 -1.1
TtlIntIdxInstPr 13.02 +0.01 -1.0 Fidelity Selects MFS Funds TIAA/CREF Funds TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.49 -0.04 -1.0 TotIntlInstIdx r 123.40 +0.19 -0.9
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 USBdIdxInstPrem 10.29Semiconductors r 27.16 +0.52 12.0
-0.02 -1.0 IIE 32.81 -0.02 -0.4 EqIdxInst 35.02 +0.27 4.0 TotIntlAdmIdx r 30.86 +0.05 -0.9 TotItlInstPlId r 123.43 +0.19 -0.9
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD Fidelity Advisor I Softwr 29.12 +0.43 5.2 MFS Funds Class I IntlEqIdxInst 21.82 +0.01 -0.2 TotStAdml 120.12 +0.91 4.0 TotSt 120.09 +0.91 4.0
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Total Bd 9.47 -0.01 -0.7 Tech 30.83 +0.33 8.1 GrowthI 189.71 +2.67 10.3 LrgCpGrIdxInst 55.71 +0.71 7.5 TxMCapAdml 258.07 +2.09 4.4 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
Fidelity Freedom First Eagle Funds ValueI 48.45 +0.15 1.8 VANGUARD ADMIRAL TxMIn r 15.27 +0.02 -0.8 BalInst 45.50 +0.19 2.0
AB Funds Artisan Funds US CoreEq1 37.27
+0.25 3.4 FF2030 16.71 +0.03 0.8 GlbA 63.75 +0.06 1.0 500Adml 461.22 +3.77 4.8 DevMktsIndInst 15.29 +0.02 -0.9
MuniIncmShares 11.07 +0.01 -0.1 IntlVal Inst 45.97 -0.11 NA US CoreEq2 33.33
+0.20 2.6 FF2040 Natixis Funds USGroAdml 158.09 +2.18 7.8
AB Funds - ADV Baird Funds US Small 42.98
10.68 +0.04
+0.05 -3.1 Freedom2030 K 16.69 +0.03
1.8 Franklin A1 LSGrowthY 24.97 +0.31 7.5 BalAdml 45.49 +0.18 2.0
ValAdml 59.47 +0.19 2.0 DevMktsInxInst 23.91 +0.04 -0.8
0.8 IncomeA1 2.29 ... -0.8 Northern Funds CAITAdml 11.41 +0.01 -0.3 ExtndInst 123.32 +0.43 -1.1
LgCpGrAdv 100.95 +1.42 8.8 AggBdInst 9.74 -0.02 -1.0 US SmCpVal 43.30
-0.02 -3.6 Freedom2035 K 14.70 +0.04 WdsrllAdml 78.13 +0.44 2.7
1.3 FrankTemp/Frank Adv StkIdx 51.34 +0.42 4.8 CapOpAdml r 183.51 +0.47 2.4 GrwthInst 171.64 +2.17 7.3
American Century Inv CorBdInst 10.06 -0.02 -0.8 US TgdVal 30.58
-0.05 -4.1 Freedom2040 K 10.68 +0.04 WellsIAdml 59.84 -0.03 -1.0
1.8 IncomeAdv 2.27 ... -0.8 Old Westbury Fds DivAppIdxAdm 47.57 +0.33 2.9 InPrSeIn 9.30 -0.02 -0.9
Ultra 79.42 +0.98 6.6 BlackRock Funds USLgVa 45.18
+0.11 1.4 Idx2030InsPre 19.04 +0.05 WelltnAdml 72.91 +0.33 2.1
0.7 FrankTemp/Franklin A
LrgCpStr 18.11 +0.16 4.3
EMAdmr 33.81 +0.06 -1.1 InstIdx 412.47 +3.37 4.8
American Funds Cl A HiYldBd Inst 7.02 +0.01 0.4 Dodge & Cox Growth A 129.75 +1.24 5.8 EqIncAdml WndsrAdml 71.27 +0.14 -1.6
Idx2035InsPre 21.73 +0.08 1.1 Parnassus Fds
83.96 +0.16 -0.4 InstPlus 412.47 +3.38 4.8
AmcpA 40.19 +0.46 5.4 BlackRock Funds III Balanced 100.86 -0.08 -0.4 Idx2040InsPre 22.53 +0.10 VANGUARD FDS
1.5 RisDv A 90.76 +0.70 2.6 ExplrAdml 103.08 +0.47 -0.1 InstTStPlus 85.65 +0.65 4.0
AMutlA 51.86 +0.11 1.7 iShS&P500IdxK 585.80 +4.80 4.8 GblStock 14.67 -0.01 -1.7 Idx2045InsPre 23.55 +0.11 ParnEqFd 57.06 +0.39 3.5 DivdGro 38.31 +0.20 3.0
1.7 Guggenheim Funds Tru ExtndAdml 123.33 +0.43 -1.1 MidCpInst 63.73 +0.33 0.1
BalA 32.63 +0.16 2.0 BlackRock Funds Inst Income 12.51 -0.02 -0.9 Idx2050InsPre 23.59 +0.11 PGIM Funds Cl Z IntlVal 39.96 -0.05 -1.0
1.7 TotRtnBdFdClInst 23.58 -0.03 -0.6 GNMAAdml 9.18 -0.02 -1.5 MidCpIstPl 314.29 +1.63 0.1
BondA 11.33 -0.02 -1.0 EqtyDivd 19.37 +0.02 1.0 Intl Stk 47.48 -0.23 -3.4 Fidelity Invest TotalReturnBond 11.92 -0.01 NA LifeCon 20.40 +0.01 0.1
Harbor Funds GroIncAdml 95.81 +0.98 6.2 SmCapInst 100.44 +0.25 -1.7
CapIBA 65.89 -0.02 -0.5 StratIncOpptyIns 9.38 -0.01 -0.1 Stock 245.04 +0.42 0.6 Balanc PIMCO Fds Instl LifeGro 42.03 +0.16 1.4
27.78 +0.12 3.2 CapApInst 106.06 +1.69 9.9 GrwthAdml 171.63 +2.17 7.3 SmCapIstPl 289.92 +0.73 -1.7
CapWGrA 61.34 +0.27 2.0 TotRet 9.91 -0.02 NA DoubleLine Funds AllAsset 10.94 -0.01 NA
HlthCareAdml r 90.69 +0.17 LifeMod 30.69 +0.07 0.8
BluCh 187.62 +0.83 8.3 Harding Loevner 2.9 STIGradeInst 10.20 -0.01 0.1
EupacA 55.16 +0.13 0.9 Calamos Funds TotRetBdI NA ... NA BluChpGr K6 28.93 +0.16 IntlEq 25.31 +0.05 -2.5 TotRt 8.56 -0.01 NA HYCorAdml r 5.38 +0.01 -0.1 PrmcpCor 32.66 +0.12 2.9 STIPSIxins 23.83 -0.01 ...
FdInvA 74.32 +0.62 4.0 MktNeutI 14.29 ... 0.8 Edgewood Growth Instituti Invesco Funds A PIMCO Funds A InfProAd STAR 27.07 +0.08 0.8
Contra 17.91 +0.26 11.3 22.84 -0.04 -0.8 TotBdInst 9.57 -0.02 -1.1
GwthA 66.80 +0.72 5.8 Columbia Class I EdgewoodGrInst 47.93 +0.68 9.6 ContraK 17.98 +0.26 11.3 EqIncA 10.18 +0.03 1.0 IncomeFd 10.57 -0.01 0.1 IntlGrAdml 101.86 +0.78 ... TgtRe2020 26.95 +0.03 0.3 TotBdInst2 9.45 -0.02 -1.1
HI TrA 9.48 +0.01 0.4 DivIncom I 31.14 +0.12 2.4 Federated Hermes Int Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds I2 ITBondAdml 10.23 -0.01 -0.9 TgtRe2025 18.49 +0.03 0.6 TotBdInstPl
CpInc 9.73 +0.04 1.4 9.57 -0.02 -1.1
ICAA 52.46 +0.38 4.1 Dimensional Fds TtlRtnBdI 9.45 -0.02 -1.0 GroCo 34.60 +0.38 8.4 DevMktY 37.70 +0.08 -2.4 Income 10.57 -0.01 0.1 ITIGradeAdml 8.58 -0.01 -0.7 TgtRe2030 35.79 +0.09 0.9 TotIntBdIdxInst 29.24 -0.06 -1.0
IncoA 23.31 +0.01 -0.6 5GlbFxdInc 10.02 ... 0.6 Fidelity InvGrBd 9.97 -0.02 -0.9 JHF III DispVal PIMCO Funds Instl LarCapAd 115.62 +0.97 4.9 TgtRe2035 22.38 +0.07 1.2 TotStInst 120.14 +0.91 4.0
N PerA 57.61 +0.32 3.1 EmgMktVa 29.37 +0.11 -0.2 500IdxInstPrem 173.48 +1.42 4.8 LowP 43.66 +0.03 -0.9 DispValMCI 27.28 +0.13 -0.3 IncomeFd 10.57 -0.01 0.2 LTGradeAdml 7.91 -0.03 -2.2 TgtRe2040 39.84 +0.15 1.4 ValueInst 59.46 +0.18 2.0
NEcoA 56.79 +0.59 5.2 EmMktCorEq 22.26 +0.10 -0.7 Contrafund K6 25.55 +0.36 10.8 Magin 13.44 +0.17 9.2 John Hancock Price Funds MidCpAdml 288.48 +1.50 0.1 TgtRe2045 27.09 +0.11 1.6 WCM Focus Funds
NwWrldA 75.77 +0.28 1.0 IntlCoreEq 15.09 ... -1.5 ExtMktIdxInstPre 77.21 +0.27 -1.1 NASDAQ 199.67 +1.88 5.0 BondR6 13.46 -0.02 -0.7 BlChip 163.55 +2.34 9.5 MuHYAdml 10.65 +0.01 -0.2 TgtRe2050 45.22 +0.21 1.8 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 23.64 +0.07 3.9
SmCpA 65.16 +0.32 -1.6 IntSmCo 18.88 ... -2.2 FidSerToMarket 16.32 +0.13 4.0 OTC 19.72 +0.20 7.8 JPMorgan I Class DivGro 72.59 +0.39 2.5 MuIntAdml 13.66 ... -0.4 TgtRe2060 46.48 +0.21 1.7 Western Asset
TxExA 12.39 +0.01 -0.4 IntSmVa 20.84 +0.04 -1.8 GrowthCompanyK6 24.45 +0.28 8.9 Puritn 24.31 +0.16 4.3 CoreBond 10.19 -0.02 -0.8 Growth 93.86 +1.21 8.4 MuLTAdml 10.91 +0.01 -0.5 TgtRet2055 50.45 +0.23 1.7 CoreBondI NA ... NA
WshA 58.98 +0.44 3.1 LgCo 33.14 +0.27 4.8 IntlIdxInstPrem 47.22 ... -0.3 SAIUSQtyIdx 20.89 +0.21 7.9 EqInc 23.10 +0.04 0.6 LgCapGow I 71.74 +0.89 9.1 MuLtdAdml 10.82 ... -0.1 TgtRetInc 13.02 +0.01 ... CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
B10 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Carlyle Revamps Pay System, Meketa Sets Up

Sets New Financial Targets At Individuals
New Fund Aimed
BY CHRIS CUMMING investors will receive a larger in large part due to the asset 40% to 50% for 2024. The
share of the management fees, manager’s reliance on revenue firm’s profit margin on fees in
Carlyle Group swung to a revenue stream prized for its from performance fees, which the past has lagged behind sev- BY CHRIS CUMMING
quarterly loss but saw its stock stable, predictable nature. The can be choppy, and its relative eral other alternative-fund
price rise after it unveiled a change shouldn’t affect the dearth of so-called permanent managers. Carlyle’s 2023 mar- Meketa Investment Group
pay overhaul that will give in- overall level of compensation, capital, or money that gener- gin was 37%, while Black- has launched a new fund de-
vestors a bigger piece of man- the firm said. ates fees in perpetuity. stone’s was 58%, for instance. signed for individuals, joining
agement fees and set new per- The new pay system was Schwartz took the CEO role Carlyle’s 2023 fee-related a growing number of private-
formance targets for the designed to create better align- a year ago with a mandate to earnings of $859 billion was an markets firms targeting the
coming year. ment between help the firm annual record for the firm. vast pool of money held by the
The private-equity firm re- the firm, its catch up with Carlyle also announced a wealthy.

ported a higher profit margin s to c k h o l d e r s its peers, in fundraising target for 2024 of The Boston-based firm,
on fees, and its profit that can and the inves- part by mod- $40 billion. Carlyle raised $16.9 which advises institutional in-


be returned to shareholders tors in its ernizing and di- billion in the fourth quarter vestors such as pension funds,
beat analyst expectations. funds, Schwartz versifying the and $37.1 billion during all of has begun marketing a new
Carlyle posted a fourth- said. Loss reported by firm’s sources 2023, 24% up from the prior infrastructure fund to individ-
quarter loss of $692 million, or “Carlyle has of revenue. year. ual investors, or ordinary peo-
$1.92 a share, compared with a a performance-
the private-equity Schwartz has The firm is also emphasiz- ple rather than the institu-
profit of $127.2 million, or 35 driven culture firm for the fourth emphasized ex- ing fundraising centers beyond tions that private-markets
cents a share, the same period and our senior quarter of 2023 panding the traditional private equity, a firms typically target, accord-
a year earlier. professionals firm’s credit sector that Schwartz said faces ing to a statement released
The loss was driven by a want their com- and insurance headwinds. Wednesday.
one-time noncash charge of pensation more businesses and Credit funds accounted for The Meketa Infrastructure
$1.1 billion, which was tied to tightly tied to performance,” raising more money from $9.5 billion of the $16.9 billion Fund is the first offering from Meketa Capital’s Michael Bell
the rollout of a new system for he said. “Shareholders also get wealthy individual investors, as raised in the fourth quarter. the firm’s newly formed Me-
compensating employees, the more of what they value most,” well as cutting costs. Credit is now the firm’s largest keta Capital division, which frastructure funds are still
firm said. the stable management fees. Carlyle’s distributable earn- segment, with about $190 bil- will aim to provide alterna- less widely available than ve-
The new pay system is in- “And our investing clients ings, or profit that can be re- lion under management, up al- tive-investment funds through hicles focusing on real estate
tended to link compensation benefit from our having more turned to shareholders, fell to most 300% over the past four registered investment advisers or private credit. Michael Bell,
more closely to investment skin in the game,” Schwartz $402.7 million in the fourth years, Schwartz said. The firm and other intermediaries, said the CEO of Meketa Capital,
performance, Chief Executive said. quarter, about 7% below the also added $29 billion in insur- Stephen McCourt, Meketa’s said the firm aimed to make
Harvey Schwartz said on a call Carlyle shares rose 8.6% to same period last year, but still ance assets in 2023. co-chief executive. the new fund easy to access,
with financial analysts close at $44.24 on Wednesday. ahead of analyst expectations. Overall, Carlyle’s total assets “The idea for Meketa Capi- with a ticker symbol, a rela-
Wednesday. Since going public in 2012, The firm said its quarterly under management were $426 tal came about over the last tively low minimum invest-
While Carlyle’s employees Carlyle’s share price and valua- profit margin on fee revenue of billion at the end of the year. couple of years in response to ment and no capital calls.
will receive a larger share of tion have lagged behind those 43% was its highest ever, and it —Sabela Ojea increased demand for and in- “We have developed a way
deal profits going forward, its of other private-markets firms, set a target for a margin of contributed to this article. terest in the types of services to access a very difficult-to-
that we could provide RIAs access asset class,” said Bell.
and financial advisers,” Mc- Meketa is perhaps best
Court said. known as a consultant to large
In the past several years, institutional investors such as
private-equity firms have be- public pension systems, and
gun to raise large amounts of advises on some $1.8 trillion
money from individual inves- in client assets.
tors, a group that most alter- Bell and Meketa had a years-
native-asset managers had typ- long relationship before the
ically neglected. firm recently tapped him to run
Private funds are generally the new division. Bell previously
open to people with at least $1 founded Denver-based Primark
million to in- Capital, which
vest or an an- manages a pri-
nual salary of vate-equity ve-
$200,000 or The fund will hicle for ordi-
more. For many focus on co- nary investors
years, manag- that has Meketa
ers raised so investing in as a subadviser.
much money Called the Pri-
from institu-
infrastructure mark Meketa
tional inves- projects. Private Equity
tors—which Investments
typically write Fund, it held
much larger about $119 mil-
checks than all but the very lion in private-equity assets as
wealthiest individuals—that of its most recent regulatory fil-
they didn’t need to bother ing last September.
with the retail market. The new Meketa fund,
But private-markets fund- which went live several weeks
raising has been under pres- ago, will focus on co-investing
sure for about two years be- in infrastructure projects and
cause of high interest rates assets alongside managers
and recession fears. Last year, with whom Meketa has a rela-

firms raised about $804 bil- tionship, with a portion of the

lion globally, the lowest sum fund set aside in liquid invest-
in six years, according to data ments to provide capital for
provider Preqin. redemptions. It is structured
Under these circumstances, as a so-called interval fund
Activists picket outside the offices of Bill Ackman’s company this week over his position on diversity initiatives. the retail market has become that lets investors redeem a
a larger piece of the fundrais- certain portion of its total

Groups Black applicants. Legal experts

have said the outcome of the
case, which is in a federal ap-
find itself in violation of fed-
eral law—and in federal
Ackman has frequently fo-
cused on DEI in the context of
ing pie for many firms. Pri-
vate-equity firm KKR, for in-
stance, said Tuesday that it
value at given periods—in this
case, up to 5% every quarter.
Meketa Capital has been

Push Back peals court, could affect diver-

sity initiatives in the business
Ackman and Musk, two bil-
lionaires with wide followings
on X, which Musk owns, have
college campuses, where he
says such initiatives foment
antisemitism. He pushed to
managed a total of $75 billion
from wealthy individuals and
family offices. Blackstone,
meeting with investment ad-
visers to wealthy people to
discuss the fund and provide

On Diversity Blum’s group last week also

took aim at proposed busi-
ness-diversity guidelines from
also taken up the fight against
DEI, giving it a bigger plat-
oust the presidents of Har-
vard, the Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology and Uni-
which has tried more than
perhaps any private-markets
firm to court individual inves-
information about the asset
Down the line, the firm in-
the Commerce Department, “Discrimination on the ba- versity of Pennsylvania over tors, said last month it held tends to set up other interval
Continued from page B1 saying they would encourage sis of race, which DEI does, is their responses to campus an- about $64 billion in its open- funds for individuals as well
capital firm Fearless Fund’s discrimination by race. He literally the definition of rac- tisemitism, as well as allega- ended private-credit fund and as model portfolios, and plans
startup-grant program for said Wednesday that any busi- ism,” Musk posted in January. tions of plagiarism at Harvard. $61 billion in its private real- to offer related consulting and
Black women was discrimina- ness that implemented the A spokesman for X didn’t only MIT’s president remains estate income trust. outsourced chief investment
tory against potential non- government’s proposal “will return a request for com- in her post. However, retail-focused in- officer services, McCourt said.

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
IngersollRand IR 84.97 1.6 Paccar PCAR 105.61 0.8 UltraparPart UGP 5.84 2.1 CarismaTherap CARM 1.96 -4.3 LL Flooring LL 2.03 9.3 PsyenceBiomed PBM 1.11 -22.0
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE American IntegratedRailA IRRX 12.12 0.1 PalantirTech PLTR 23.87 7.9 UnionPacific UNP 251.65 -0.3 CasaSystems CASA 0.29 8.3 LTC Properties LTC 30.30 -0.7 QualigenTherap QLGN 0.45 4.1
and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low in the latest PaloAltoNtwks PANW 366.14 6.7 UnitedRentals
Intellinetics INLX 7.79 3.4 URI 658.86 -0.3 CharterComms CHTR 282.54 -2.3 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 60.33 -3.2 RMGAcqnIII RMGCU 9.29 -10.4
session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session.
IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 392.00 0.4 ParPacific PARR 38.06 3.5 UrbanOutfitters URBN 41.39 1.6 Cheche CCG 3.50 -5.9 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 60.28 -3.6 ReadyCapital RC 8.74 -2.8
InvestcorpEur I A IVCB 11.12 0.2 ParkerHannifin PH 517.51 0.5 VEON VEON 22.41 3.9 ChickenSoupNts CSSEN 2.06 -8.9 Lightbridge LTBR 2.77 -1.4 RegencellBio RGC 7.79 -1.4
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
IronHorseAcqns IROHU 10.15 0.1 PerspectiveTherap CATX 1.00 4.1 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 251.98 0.9 ChinaNaturalRscs CHNR 0.86 1.1 LixteBiotechWt LIXTW 0.03 56.3 RevelationBio REVB 2.40 -0.8
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % IronwoodPharm IRWD 14.99 ... PlumAcqnIWt PLMIW 0.44 -6.5 Vontier VNT 36.57 -0.4 Cingulate CING 1.05 -15.5 LytusTech LYT 0.08 -5.0 SAB BiotherapWt SABSW 0.02 -23.3
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg JVSPACAcqn JVSAU 10.17 0.1 PowellIndustries POWL 137.85 4.8 VulcanMatls VMC 237.53 2.1 CleanEnergyTechs CETY 0.51 -21.3 MGO Global MGOL 0.36 -1.1 Srivaru SVMH 0.17 -1.1
CDW CDW 247.63 3.1 Ecolab ECL 203.41 1.5 JawsMustang JWSM.U 11.43 -1.7 PrimorisSvcs PRIM 36.29 1.3 Wabtec WAB 137.33 1.3 ComstockRscs CRK 7.31 -0.8 MSP Recovery LIFW 0.72 0.6 SU Group SUGP 2.20 -5.0
Highs CG Oncology CGON 41.85 9.4 EdgewiseTherap EWTX 20.01 1.7 KKR KKR 95.47 1.2 Procter&Gamble PG 159.83 0.1 Walmart WMT 170.66 -0.3 ComtechTel CMTL 5.77 -0.7 MainStreetBcshs MNSB 17.50 -0.5 Safe&Green SGBX 0.26 3.4
CNA Fin CNA 46.96 0.8 ElancoAnimal ELAN 16.08 -1.5 Kadant KAI 297.57 -0.1 Progressive PGR 182.85 1.1 WasteMgt WM 190.36 0.4 ContainerStore TCS 0.95 -39.4 MatthewsIntl MATW 27.95 -3.5 SanJuanBasin SJT 4.39 -0.9
AAON AAON 75.56 4.5
CRH CRH 74.74 1.8 ElevanceHealth ELV 502.14 0.8 Kingstone KINS 3.56 0.9 PrudentialFinl PRU 109.47 5.6 WerewolfTherap HOWL 6.77 -2.9 Cool CLCO 10.45 0.2 MercurySystems MRCY 25.31 -11.4 SaveFoods SVFD 1.50 -2.1
ASML ASML 927.79 1.9 RelianceSteel RS 298.60 2.4 WescoIntl
CSW Industrials CSWI 226.95 1.9 EmersonElec EMR 105.71 10.4 Lensar LNSR 4.84 12.9 WCC 188.55 2.0 CosmosHealth COSM 0.80 -14.6 MiddlesexWater MSEX 54.17 -2.1 Scienjoy SJ 0.66 -14.8
ASP Isotopes ASPI 3.22 -0.3 RenaissanceRe RNR 235.14 3.0 WillisTowers
CSX CSX 37.37 -0.1 EncompassHealth EHC 73.65 0.8 LGL Group LGL 6.66 0.3 WTW 272.09 1.2 CureVac CVAC 3.35 -1.7 MobileGlbEsports MGAM 0.24 -3.2 SeelosTherap SEEL 0.71 0.2
AZEK AZEK 45.83 14.5 RepublicSvcs RSG 175.35 0.5 Wingstop Shapeways SHPW 1.77 -1.6
CadenceDesign CDNS 302.42 2.7 Equillium EQ 1.68 20.3 LegatoMergerIII LEGT.U 10.08 ... WING 296.08 2.2 CytoMedTherap GDTC 1.92 -31.4 NetPower NPWR 8.18 -6.8
AZZ AZZ 66.15 2.3 Ryanair RYAAY 140.22 1.5 SharpsTech STSS 0.27 -7.0
Cadre CDRE 35.47 0.6 Equinix EQIX 848.72 1.0 LincolnElectric LECO 228.38 1.4 WIX 134.21 3.1 DDC Enterprise DDC 1.83 4.5 NanoStringTech NSTG 0.05 -42.0
AbacusLife ABL 13.25 ... RymanHospitality RHP 115.56 0.3 XPO ShiftPixy PIXY 4.16 -7.1
CanNtlRlwy CNI 129.66 0.7 ErieIndemnity ERIE 350.63 0.7 Liquidia LQDA 14.67 7.7 XPO 117.72 18.9 DistokenAcqnRt DISTR 0.08 -18.8 Netcapital NCPL 0.14 -6.5
AbbVie ABBV 175.56 1.0 SAP SAP 181.57 1.3 Xylem Shimmick SHIM 5.75 1.7
CdnPacKC CP 85.47 1.3 EssaPharma EPIX 11.67 1.0 Macerich MAC 17.36 2.1 XYL 124.56 3.2 ElicioTherap ELTX 2.96 -11.3 NewPacificMetals NEWP 1.16 -4.8
Adeia ADEA 12.87 1.3 S&P Global SPGI 461.16 1.4 Zenvia 2.37 18.0 SigmaLithium SGML 12.48 -8.5
Carlisle CSL 350.00 7.7 Expedia EXPE 156.77 0.4 Macrogenics MGNX 18.10 1.0 ZENV Emeren SOL 1.54 1.9 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 3.60 6.7
AdverumBiotech ADVM 2.82 12.4 SCETrustVIIPfd SCEpM 26.45 0.2 ZurnElkayWater ZWS 33.95 4.2 SiNtxTech SINT 0.13 -4.1
Carlyle CG 44.83 8.6 EyePointPharm EYPT 29.65 1.7 ManulifeFinl MFC 22.62 1.4 EvolutionPetrol EPM 5.00 3.7 NYComBncpPfdA NYCBpA 13.28 -4.3
AkamaiTech AKAM 125.90 0.9 SPX Tech SPXC 106.73 1.5 SnailA SNAL 0.79 -3.6
Cemex CX 8.81 0.7 FAT Brands FAT 9.48 3.4 Marriott MAR 250.00 1.3 Express EXPR 3.74 -2.3 NY CmtyCap V NYCBpU 18.10 -1.7
AlarumTech ALAR
Cencora COR 239.38 1.1 Ferguson FERG 195.00 0.5 MartinMarietta MLM 527.66 1.9
556.94 1.0
289.80 1.1
Lows ExtremeNetworks EXTR 12.11 0.3 Next.e.GO EGOX 0.24 -7.8
SohoHouse SHCO 4.35 -19.1
AltairEngg Salesforce SolidionTech STI 1.70 -16.7
Chipotle CMG 2725.83 7.2 Flexsteel FLXS 32.99 5.6 Masco MAS 70.82 2.4 ASTS 2.59 -9.5 EzFill EZFL 1.30 -9.7 99AcqnRt NNAGR 0.12 -19.9
AmerExpress AXP 209.15 1.7 SentinelOne S 28.80 2.8 AST Space SonderWt SONDW 0.00 46.5
Cigna CI 333.86 0.9 FomentoEconMex FMX 142.44 0.1 McKesson MCK 519.75 2.0 ACON 1.80 -5.4 FNCB Bancorp FNCB 5.41 -2.7 NKGenBiotechWt NKGNW 0.03 -70.3
AmerHlthcrREIT AHR 13.26 10.2 ServiceNow NOW 793.47 1.7 Aclarion Southland SLND 4.70 -2.1
Cintas CTAS 626.18 0.6 Freshpet FRPT 89.87 ... Merck MRK 128.06 0.5 AgileTherap AGRX 1.25 -15.2 FaradayFuture FFIE 0.09 -13.0 noco-nocoWt NCNCW 0.01 -41.6
Ametek AME 168.64 0.4 Shopify SHOP 85.46 4.4 SplashBeverage SBEV 0.33 -4.6
CleanHarbors CLH 180.22 0.2 FutureTechII FTIIU 11.14 1.1 MercurityFintech MFH 3.19 1.3 Agriforce AGRI 0.21 -0.4 FibroBiologics FBLG 8.07 -16.0 Northann NCL 0.70 -4.2
Amphenol APH 104.36 1.4 SkyWest SKYW 60.51 -0.4 Staffing360 STAF 0.28 -5.9
CognyteSoftware CGNT 7.57 2.2 GMS GMS 87.42 2.4 Merus MRUS 38.07 5.3 1.61 4.0 FirstBancorp FNLC 22.13 -2.7 NorthwestNat NWN 35.54 -0.4
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 106.53 1.4 Slam SLAMU 11.63 0.3 AltamiraTherap CYTO StoneBridgeA APAC 9.00 -7.4
Coherent COHR 63.37 6.7 GSK GSK 42.21 0.6 Metlife pfA METpA 24.26 -1.3 ANRO 17.50 -2.1 FlexLNG FLNG 26.22 -5.7 NovaBayPharm NBY 0.12 0.2
AppFolio APPF 234.79 2.5 Smith-Midland SMID 46.37 0.7 AltoNeurosci SturmRuger RGR 42.86 0.2
ComfortSystems FIX 233.92 2.4 GasLogPtrsPfdC GLOPpC 24.90 0.1 MinervaNeurosci NERV 13.49 -13.7 WNNR.U 9.00 0.5 FocusUniversal FCUV 0.76 -14.9 NovaGoldRscs NG 2.24 -5.4
Applovin APP 47.83 3.6 SparkIAcqnA SPKL 10.23 0.2 AndrettiAcqn SummitStateBk SSBI 9.55 -5.1
SABESP SBS 16.41 -0.1 GencorInds GENC 16.85 2.4 MNDY 220.74 1.2 1.40 0.8 FractylHealth GUTS 10.20 0.8 NutexHealth NUTX 0.11 -1.8
ArcBest ARCB 146.24 1.2 SpreeAcqn1 A SHAP 11.55 ... AntelopeEnterprise AEHL Sunworks SUNW 0.05 -35.6
ConstellationEner CEG 133.80 1.1 GeneralDynamics GD 270.15 0.5 MongoDB MDB 463.20 3.2 ARW 108.77 -0.7 Fresh2 FRES 0.32 -3.2 NuvveHolding NVVE 0.96 -14.1
ArcturusTherap ARCT 38.27 -1.2 SpringValleyII A SVII 10.92 0.2 ArrowElec SuperCom SPCB 0.17 -4.4
ConstructionPtrs ROAD 50.16 3.7 GeneralElec GE 138.83 0.7 MonolithicPower MPWR 655.88 2.0 9.30 0.9 GT Biopharma GTBP 4.73 -2.0 ONE GroupHosp STKS 3.72 -1.7
SpruceBio SPRB 4.10 9.7 ArrowrootAcqnA ARRW TGVentureAcqn TGVC 9.85 -8.7
AresMgmt ARES 130.15 1.5 Core&Main CNM 42.43 1.8 Gentex GNTX 35.08 0.1 Moody's MCO 406.30 1.7 GenentaScience GNTA 3.16 -4.1 OceanBiomedical OCEA 0.52 -3.1
SuperMicroComp SMCI 699.77 0.3 ArrowrootAcqn ARRWU 10.00 -2.4 TargetHospWt THWWW 0.06 -38.7
AriszAcqnA ARIZ 11.95 0.3 CostamarePfdE CMREpE 26.73 0.2 GibraltarInds ROCK 84.59 0.6 Napco Security NSSC 44.17 1.0 GlobalBlueWt GB.WS 0.04 -3.1 OcuphirePharma OCUP 2.40 -3.9
SurgePays SURG 8.34 1.2 Ashford AINC 2.22 -8.2 TidewaterWt TDW.WS 2.52 -5.6
ArmadaAcqnI AACI 11.05 1.0 Costco COST 723.32 1.3 Glaukos GKOS 95.42 1.1 NGL EnergyPfdB NGLpB 30.98 0.6 GoldenstoneWt GDSTW 0.01 -60.0 OfficePropNts2050 OPINL 9.90 -0.2
TFI Intl TFII 141.13 3.7 AvenueTherap ATXI 0.11 13.3 TrioPetroleum TPET 0.13 -13.8
ArmstrongWorld AWI 103.46 2.2 CrowdStrike CRWD 321.07 5.2 GlobeLifeDeb2061 GLpD 20.16 0.6 NGL Energy NGL 5.99 3.5 GreenGiant GGE 0.03 -15.0 OncolyticsBio ONCY 0.88 -14.9
TJX TJX 98.29 0.8 BelpointePrep OZ 61.83 0.1 TritiumDCFC DCFC 0.09 -8.9
Arvinas ARVN 49.50 -3.1 CullinanOncology CGEM 18.78 -1.3 GoDaddy GDDY 112.49 2.6 NVR NVR 7439.98 1.2 Greenlane GNLN 0.41 -10.7 OneConnectFin OCFT 2.17 -1.3
TaiwanSemi TSM 125.00 4.7 Biofrontera BFRI 0.70 -19.9 TuanChe TC 1.70 8.2
Assurant AIZ 179.41 3.8 Curtiss-Wright CW 228.64 ... GoldmanSachsPfA GSpA 22.68 -0.4 Natera NTRA 71.29 -0.4 BIOL 0.35 -28.4 HH&L Acqn Wt HHLA.WS 0.00 -57.9 Organovo ONVO 0.95 -6.3
TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 169.68 1.7 Biolase 22ndCentury XXII 0.14 -9.7
Autodesk ADSK 261.00 1.8 CyberArkSoftware CYBR 245.84 1.4 Griffon GFF 68.98 12.8 NeuroPace NPCE 17.22 5.8 BioRestorative BRTX 1.26 -9.6 HainCelestial HAIN 9.26 -15.9 OxusAcqnA OXUS 7.20 38.9
TarsusPharm TARS 30.00 0.4 U Power UCAR 0.06 -6.5
AutoZone AZO 2855.21 1.1 Danaher DHR 249.89 -0.6 GpoAeroportSur ASR 317.94 1.1 NovoNordisk NVO 119.67 0.9 BSGM 0.72 -9.0 HeclaMining HL 3.54 -3.0 PhaxiamTherap PHXM 3.63 -0.7
TaylorDevices TAYD 34.25 3.0 BiosigTech VCIGlobal VCIG 0.81 -7.2
AviatNetworks AVNW 37.84 19.2 DianthusTherap DNTH 24.44 6.0 HaymakerAcqnCorp.4 HYAC 10.37 ... NuHoldings NU 9.60 1.9 BLDEW 0.09 -10.0 HormelFoods HRL 29.57 -1.2 PalisadeBio PALI 0.43 -1.9
Tenable TENB 53.50 5.3 BladeAirWt Velo3D VLD 0.19 -11.2
AxonEnterprise AXON 270.95 2.3 Dick's DKS 158.60 1.1 Heico A HEI.A 150.45 1.4 NVIDIA NVDA 702.20 2.7 BoneBiologics BBLG 2.86 -2.3 HoustonAmEner HUSA 1.38 -2.1 PennsWoodsBncp PWOD 19.73 1.0
Tennant TNC 97.41 0.2 Veradigm MDRX 8.35 -6.4
BWX Tech BWXT 84.38 1.1 DoorDash DASH 117.06 1.8 Hilton HLT 198.15 0.7 OReillyAuto ORLY 1074.04 1.4 TetraTech TTEK 174.83 2.4 BrightGreen BGXX 0.18 -10.0 HubCyberSecurity HUBC 1.39 -11.9 PerionNetwork PERI 23.35 -20.1 VintageWineEstates VWE 0.44 -1.5
BellRing BRBR 58.83 3.2 Dover DOV 162.48 -0.2 HomeDepot HD 363.73 1.8 OculisWt OCSAW 2.98 16.6 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 133.15 2.7 BrightSpringUn BTSGU 43.01 ... InfraredCameras MSAI 1.89 -4.0 PermianBasin PBT 13.29 -0.9 VirtuFinancial VIRT 16.02 0.2
BerkHathwy A BRK.A 600531 1.2 DrReddy'sLab RDY 73.92 0.3 HowmetAerospace HWM 59.42 1.1 OldDomFreight ODFL 448.45 1.6 Textron TXT 87.97 1.9 BruushOralCare BRSH 0.10 -6.5 IntelligentLiving ILAG 0.33 -11.3 PhoenixBiotech PBAX 5.97 -36.1 WstAstHiIncmFdIIRt HIXr 0.00 6.9
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 399.15 1.0 DraftKings DKNG 42.64 2.1 Hubbell HUBB 358.12 1.4 OricPharm ORIC 12.74 2.4 ToyotaMotor TM 224.02 1.9 BungeGlobal BG 86.10 -2.3 JE Cleantech JCSE 0.61 -7.1 PineappleEner PEGY 0.09 -31.0 WesternCopper WRN 1.03 1.9
BlueBird BLBD 32.13 0.3 Dropbox DBX 33.30 0.6 JBHunt JBHT 214.77 1.3 OtisWorldwide OTIS 92.45 -0.2 Tradeweb TW 101.37 2.4 CCSC Tech Intl CCTG 2.51 -20.1 Jet.AI JTAI 0.78 -10.9 PinnacleWest PNW 67.08 -1.2 WeTrade WETG 2.11 -10.2
BlueOwlCapital OWL 16.22 2.3 EMCOR EME 240.94 0.9 HuntingIngalls HII 275.85 3.2 OtterTail OTTR 95.99 0.7 TransDigm TDG 1150.15 0.6 CSG Systems CSGS 45.27 -0.2 KKR RealEstFin KREF 9.42 -13.8 PixieDustTech PXDT 4.86 -18.7 WindtreeTherap WINT 0.34 -0.1
Booking BKNG 3745.46 1.8 ESAB ESAB 90.74 -0.8 IMAC Wt IMACW 0.17 800.0 OwensCorning OC 159.83 3.5 Trex TREX 92.25 8.1 CableOne CABO 488.90 -2.9 KulrTech KULR 0.13 -20.9 Playstudios MYPS 2.12 -1.8 WiSA Tech WISA 0.08 -9.8
BostonSci BSX 65.43 0.7 EagleMaterials EXP 242.01 1.9 ITT ITT 127.13 0.6 OxfordLanePfd2027 OXLCP 23.59 1.0 TsakosEnergyPfdE TNPpE 26.50 0.6 CalAmp CAMP 2.55 -11.4 KearnyFinancial KRNY 6.08 -8.8 PrestigeWealth PWM 1.15 -15.2 Workhorse WKHS 0.24 -7.7
BowenAcqn BOWN 10.44 0.8 EaglePointPfdF ECCF 25.54 0.7 Immunome IMNM 26.10 7.8 OxusAcqnA OXUS 12.50 38.9 Uber UBER 71.90 0.3 CalidiBiotherap CLDI 0.60 -18.7 Kennedy-Wilson KW 9.47 -2.0 PrestoAutomation PRST 0.15 -14.8 XBPEurope XBP 1.98 29.7
BuildersFirst BLDR 184.12 1.7 Eaton ETN 274.01 0.6 InFinTAcqnA IFIN 11.39 -0.3 ProceptBio PRCT 50.00 0.8 UltraClean UCTT 41.16 1.2 CareMax CMAX 6.02 -16.2 LCattertonAsia LCAAU 9.22 -16.2 PropertyGuru PGRU 3.16 -2.2 ZaiLab ZLAB 19.33 -9.0
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 8, 2024 | B11


Stocks Rise, S&P 500 Nears Milestone

Major indexes climb it probably does.” Index performance on Wednesday system, though yields rose to nue expectations. Chipotle
For the first time in 4.108% as prices fell during Mexican Grill rose 7.2% to a
despite tempered months, individual investors 1.0%
trading. The government’s re- record after reporting strong
market hopes for are starting to scoop up cord sale of $42 billion of 10- sales.
shares, Ladner said. The econ- year Treasurys—the largest Overseas, the Stoxx Europe
Fed rate cuts omy has held up better than 0.8 for the bond that serves as a 600 edged 0.2% lower. At mid-
many thought it could under benchmark for borrowing day Thursday, Japan’s Nikkei
BY ERIC WALLERSTEIN the weight of higher interest costs across the U.S. econ- 225 was up 1.7%, but Homg
rates, and consumer senti- omy—saw strong demand Kong’s Hang Seng Index was
Stocks marched higher with ment looks like it is finally be- 0.6 from investors Wednesday. down 0.6%.
the S&P 500 moving closer to ginning to reflect that, he Fox Class A shares fell
the milestone level of 5000. said. 6.8%, the worst one-day per-
The S&P 500 rose 0.8%, fin- One source of concern for formance since October 2022, AUCTION RESULTS
0.4 Here are the results of Wednesday's Treasury
ishing at 4995.06,-its eighth investors has been the concen- after the company reported auctions. All bids are awarded at a single price at the
market-clearing yield. Rates are determined by the
record close of the year. Nine tration of the market’s gains lower advertising revenue. On difference between that price and the face value.
of the S&P 500’s 11 sectors fin- among big tech stocks. The Nasdaq Composite Tuesday, Fox said it is teaming 17-WEEK BILLS
ished the day five largest stocks in the S&P 0.2 up with rivals ESPN and War- Applications $178,413,782,700
S&P 500
WEDNESDAY’S in the green. 500 made up 17% of the index
Dow Jones Industrial Average
ner Bros. Discovery to build a Accepted bids
" noncompetitively
MARKETS The Dow when it crossed the 3000 level supersize sports-streaming " foreign noncompetitively $0
Auction price (rate) 98.287722
industrials in July 2019, according to Dow Five-minute intervals service that will offer content
0 (5.180%)
added 0.4%, or 156 points, also Jones Market Data. Now, from all major leagues. Fox Coupon equivalent 5.358%
reaching a record. The tech- shares of Microsoft, Apple, 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4 Corp. and The Wall Street Bids at clearing yield accepted 50.07%
Cusip number 912797KE6
heavy Nasdaq Composite Alphabet, and Source: FactSet Journal parent company News The bills, dated Feb. 13, 2024, mature on June 11, 2024.
gained 0.9%. Nvidia account for 27% of the Corp share common owner- 10-YEAR NOTES
“The market has largely benchmark index. The bank’s stock plunged contained to issues stemming ship. Applications $110,505,124,500
Accepted bids $45,106,262,000
gone sideways over the past New York Community Ban- last week after it reported a from the purchase of Signa- Shares of streaming service " noncompetitively $181,194,400
2.5 years,” said Scott Ladner, corp shares rose 6.7% after surprise quarterly loss and ture Bank’s assets, though the FuboTV declined 23%. " foreign noncompetitively $0
Auction price (rate) 99.243059
chief investment officer at Ho- the bank named a new chair- slashed its dividend. Its stock KBW Nasdaq Regional Banking Earnings season continues (4.093%)
rizon Investments. “Seeing the man and Moody’s cut the price is down 56% in the year Index has slid 12% this year. to fuel big moves. Snap shares Interest rate 4.000%
S&P 500 cross 5000 would be lender’s credit rating two to date., Investors were quick to buy dropped 35% after the Snap- Bids at clearing yield accepted 19.64%
Cusip number 91282CJZ5
psychologically important for notches to junk status the pre- Many analysts contend that ultrasafe Treasurys at signs of chat parent reported slower The notes, dated Feb. 15, 2024, mature on Feb. 15,
folks. It shouldn’t matter, but vious night. NYCB’s situation is relatively stress in the regional banking user growth and missed reve- 2034.

China Replaces Its Top Securities Regulator Amid Rout

BY REBECCA FENG selloff in the summer of 2015 Stocks rallied on Tuesday fell more than 11% in 2023, a
and introduced a circuit- after a unit of China’s sover- contrast to rallies elsewhere:
China removed its top secu- breaker mechanism, which eign-wealth fund said it ex- U.S. stocks are booming, and
rities regulator, after a years- brings an early halt to trading panded its holdings of ex- Japanese shares are trading
long stock-market decline that on days when stock prices change-traded funds, which around their highest levels in
has become an increasingly have fallen sharply. The move buy shares. The market got more than three decades.
sensitive subject for Beijing exacerbated the loss of confi- support from further promises Yi became head of the
officials in recent days. dence, and in January 2016 from the CSRC to boost confi- CSRC during another period of
Yi Huiman, chairman of the Xiao was replaced. dence, and some changes to market weakness in 2019, re-
China Securities Regulatory The State Council, the trading rules this week. placing Liu Shiyu. Before that,

Commission, is being replaced country’s top government Chinese stocks rose on Yi was chairman of the Indus-
by Wu Qing, deputy party sec- body, last month called for Wednesday before Yi’s re- trial & Commercial Bank of
retary of Shanghai—one of the more to be done to stabilize moval was announced. The China, the biggest bank in the
city’s highest-ranking offi- the stock market and boost CSI 300 closed up 1%, while world. After he had left the
cials—according to a state confidence, and the CSRC has the Shanghai Composite Index CSRC, Liu was charged with
news agency. since issued several state- ended the day 1.4% higher. corruption.
The move came after in- ments attempting to calm in- But the recent jumps ha- Wu, the next CSRC head,
creasing attempts by regulators Yi Huiman became head of the CSRC in 2019. vestors’ nerves. ven’t made up for last month’s has years of experience work-
and government officials to end Yi chaired a meeting of the slide in Chinese stocks. The ing at the regulator, as well as
China’s prolonged stock-market angry individual investors The decision to replace Yi CSRC on Sunday, during which country’s benchmark CSI 300 at the Shanghai Stock Ex-
decline, which has badly flooded social-media posts has echoes of the ouster of an- the regulator vowed to protect index is down 2.5% this year, change.
knocked confidence among in- from the embassies of the U.S., other former CSRC head eight the stability of the capital despite rising for three days
dividual investors in the coun- India, and Japan in China and years ago. Xiao Gang oversaw market, according to official in a row. It is now in its fourth  Heard on the Street: Bailout
try. Last weekend, thousands of aired their frustrations. the regulator during a sharp statements. year of decline. The CSI 300 won’t help China stocks....B12


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B12 | Thursday, February 8, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Department Stores Face Card Risks A Stock

Crackdown on late fees, more delinquent accounts pose a threat to Macy’s, Kohl’s, Nordstrom
Won’t Help
Department stores haven’t had Change in Macy’s net revenue (excluding credit card) Credit-card income as a percentage
an easy life lately, but store credit and credit-card income since fiscal year 2016 of operating income
cards lightened the load. Now, that
60% 200%
part of their business faces a new
threat. Nordstrom Kohl’s Macy’s
Credit-card income 150
There are two developments 40
worth watching: First is a proposed 100 State intervention isn’t
rule by the Consumer Financial 20 50
much to celebrate about
Protection Bureau to cut the late
fees that credit cards can charge 0
consumers from as much as $41 per 0 Beijing’s largess might help put a
missed payment ($30 on the first –50 floor beneath China’s ailing stock
missed payment) to $8. The agency –20 Net revenue market. A better foundation for a
is expected to issue a final ruling in –100 rally would be rebuilding the na-
excluding credit card
the coming months, though legal –40 –150 tion’s crumbling housing market.
challenges could end up affecting Chinese stocks had their best day
FY2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 FY2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20 ’22
the timing and severity of the cuts. in years on Tuesday, after Beijing
Second, delinquencies, which have Note: Fiscal 2022 ended January 2023. Sources: Visible Alpha (Macy’s net revenue and credit-card income); BofA Global Research (credit-card income) hinted it will step up efforts to prop
hit Macy’s, could soon affect other up the market. China’s CSI 300 in-
department stores. about a quarter of such card issu- ple. Increasing interest rates they In 2023, Macy’s was the only dex, which tracks the biggest stocks
Credit income accounted for ers’ total interest and consumer charge customers could help, but department store to flag big de- in Shanghai and Shenzhen, gained
about 49% and 44% of Macy’s and fees, according to a March 2022 re- there will be a period when banks clines in its card business. Its 4.5% in the past two trading days.
Nordstrom’s operating income in port from CFPB. While retailers can’t boost rates on existing bal- credit-card income fell 41% in its The CSI 1000 index, which tracks
2022, according to estimates from don’t disclose the breakdown of ances and must notify consumers fiscal second quarter of 2023 com- smaller stocks, surged 12%.
BofA Global Research equity ana- these revenue streams, BofA Global that their rates will be rising on pared with a year earlier and then Central Huijin, part of China’s
lyst Lorraine Hutchinson. At Research and Citi Research estimate future purchases, according to a 31% in the third quarter as delin- sovereign-wealth fund, said Tues-
Kohl’s, credit income well ex- late fees represent between roughly report from Citi Research equity quency rates and bad-debt levels day that it will expand the scale of
ceeded operating income, implying 14% and 30% of their overall credit- analyst Paul Lejuez. Another op- rose. This might portend problems its exchange-traded fund hold-
the retailer would have swung to card-portfolio revenue. tion is to reduce charge-offs by be- for Kohl’s and Nordstrom. Macy’s ings—lighting the fire under
an operating loss if it hadn’t been Based on those assumptions, coming more selective in extending takes on bad-debt reserves based small-cap stocks, which were
for the credit-card business. BofA estimated the CFPB’s late fee credit, but that would limit eligible on delinquency trends, which plummeting. Adding to the fervor,
At Macy’s, revenue excluding rule could reduce Kohl’s earnings consumers and hurt revenue. means it has a more forward-look- an unconfirmed report from
credit cards shrank 5.7% from 2016 per share by 29% to 63% this fiscal Deteriorating consumer credit ing way of treating the amount Bloomberg claimed China’s leader
to 2022, but credit-card income rose year, compared with a scenario health could pour salt in the wound. that credit-card holders never end Xi Jinping met with market regu-
53%. At least a part of that is due to where such a rule isn’t imposed, and Credit-card issuers across the board up paying (net charge-offs). Kohl’s lators on Tuesday. On Wednesday,
cannibalization: Department stores Nordstrom’s by 11% to 23%. Macy’s are seeing delinquency rates rise af- and Nordstrom’s credit-card reve- it was announced that the head of
often dangle discounts to customers earnings per share could take a 6% ter hitting a trough in 2021. Syn- nues reflect the actual charge-offs China’s securities regulator was
who sign onto their branded cards. to 14% hit. There is at least a limit chrony Financial, one of the largest over the reporting period. stepping down.
That translates to gains on the to the impact since stores no longer private-label credit-card issuers, If anything, this year’s challenges In a Monday report, Goldman
credit revenue line and a hit to own their credit-card receivables. said the 30-plus day delinquency are a good opportunity for investors Sachs estimated state-backed funds
gross margins, notes Hutchinson. Retailers and credit-card issuers rate rose to 4.74% in the fourth to evaluate whether department have bought around 70 billion
Late fees are especially important said they have ways to offset the quarter, exceeding the rate seen in stores’ relationship with credit yuan, the equivalent of roughly $10
for store credit cards. They made up late-fee cut, but they aren’t so sim- the last three months of 2019. cards has gone toxic. —Jinjoo Lee billion, of Chinese stocks in the
past month. At least 200 billion
yuan is needed to stabilize the
market, according to the bank.

EVs Put a Damper on Ford’s Profit

Given the large state presence in
the market, a relatively small pub-
lic float and cheap valuations, it’s
possible Beijing could steady the
ship—at least for a while. The gov-
Pickup trucks and big sport- Cybertruck underline the limita- ernment has plenty of other tools
utility vehicles are too heavy to tions of today’s EV technology for at its disposal, like banning major
turn into efficient electric vehi- pickup trucks and SUVs. But giv- shareholders from selling. But if
cles. Ford’s results showed Tues- ing up on EVs is hardly an option Beijing is really planning to deploy
day that this is both a blessing either. hundreds of billions of yuan—still
and a curse for the makers of the The big jump in profit would be an uncertain prospect—is the stock
monsters of the road. accompanied by impossible long- market the best place for them?
As with General Motors last term questions. Chances are that The answer is almost certainly no.
week, the big news at Ford was an battery technology will eventually The last time Beijing pulled out
upbeat outlook for 2024. At the improve to the point of working in all the stops to stem a market de-
midpoint of guidance, the pioneer larger vehicles. cline in 2015, China also was fac-

of mass production expects an ad- Mixed messaging reflects their ing an ugly housing downturn. But
justed operating profit of $11 bil- ambivalence. On Ford’s earnings there are crucial differences.
lion this year. call Tuesday, Chief Executive Jim The stock market then was a big
Before the report, released after Farley stressed he would only source of instability: Leveraged bets
hours, analysts expected $9.6 bil- launch next-generation EVs that on stocks skyrocketed in early 2015
lion, according to FactSet. Last will be profitable within a year, as individual investors, and listed
year, Ford made $10.4 billion. meaning some products are being companies, rushed into the market.
The stock was up nearly 6% on pushed back. The CSI 300 more than doubled in
Wednesday. A Ford Mustang Mach-E at an auto show in Washington, D.C., in January. But Ford is planning to devote less than a year before peaking in
Investors had been worried 40% of its capital expenditures to June 2015. Outstanding margin
about falling vehicle prices as pan- introduced by Ford last year puts Meanwhile, EVs lost $4.7 billion the technology in 2024—same as loans more than quintupled to 2.3
demic shortages ease, higher labor eye-opening numbers on some of last year and the company sees last year. And Farley still has trillion yuan. When the bubble de-
costs after the United Auto Work- the parts moving under the hood. the losses deepening to between sights on the EV growth opportu- flated, that risked creating a vicious
ers strike and, above all, the con- Ford’s “Pro” business, which $5 billion and $5.5 billion this nity. cycle as investors sold stocks—or
tinuing challenge of making EVs comprises its sales to companies, year. “The ultimate competition is other assets—to repay debts.
profitable. is the engine behind Ford’s results. To put this another way, if Ford going to be the affordable Tesla These days, outstanding margin
Yet Ford noted tailwinds that It made $7.2 billion of operating weren’t selling its Mustang Mach- and the Chinese OEMs,” he said. loans are nearly 40% below their
would tip the scale toward profit last year, and the company E and F-150 Lightning models and A messy transition is keeping a peak and have been drifting lower.
growth: resilient U.S. sales, the ab- expects that to rise to at least $8 investing in a new generation of lid on Ford and GM shares, which Rather than a deflating margin bub-
sence of last year’s strike costs, billion in 2024. products to replace them, its ad- trade at less than seven and five ble threatening financial stability,
the impact of last year’s cost-cut- The supersize Super Duty, justed operating profit would be times earnings respectively. the market collapse this time is an-
ting program and a full year of which is mainly a professional 50% higher. Delaying investments helps chored in reality. It reflects worries
profit from the new Super Duty F- product, is a key reason. It is also Ford and GM are in a similarly profit, but it also postpones the about a structural growth slow-
Series truck. easier to sell software to busi- confusing strategic position. The day when investors can stop wor- down, the implosion of the real-es-
GM said something similar last nesses than consumers, who can strength of their core businesses rying about their future. tate market and policy uncertainty.
week. But the new business split get a lot for free. and the limited scope of Tesla’s —Stephen Wilmot The money that would be
needed to shock the market back to
life would be better put to work in
the real-estate sector. Property in-

Snap Doesn’t Get Its Meta Moment vestment dropped nearly 10% year
on year in 2023 while home sales
by value fell 6%. Sales from the
country’s top 100 largest develop-
ers fell 34% in January from a year
It seems a rising tide doesn’t Share-price and index performance, Snap’s quarterly revenue, midpoint—the fastest pace it has earlier, making it the worst month
lift all boats equally—especially past six months change from a year earlier* seen in nearly two years. since at least July 2020, according
when they are very different. 80%
The company continues to cut to China Real Estate Information.
Meta and Snap operate social- costs aggressively, having unveiled Ensuring the timely delivery of
network platforms that saw their plans Monday to lay off 10% of its unbuilt apartments that households
Meta 100
growth rates hit hard in 2022 by a 60 workforce after cutting its head bought is the key to reviving con-
Nasdaq Composite
variety of factors, including a count by about 18% over the past 18 sumer confidence. That would prob-
slowdown in spending by advertis- 75 months. Snap’s revenue per em- ably mean directly recapitalizing
ers and changes made by Apple to 40 ployee jumped 24% over that time. some larger, healthier property de-
its mobile operating system. Those But the disappointing report af- velopers—giving them the where-
changes made it harder to track ter Meta’s blowout is yet another withal to complete the languishing
user behavior to better target ads. 20 reminder that not all social net- projects of their peers, and giving
But the two have been showing 25 works are created equal. Meta’s banks and households the confi-
signs of recovery of late, which heft as the second-largest digital dence to trust them with their cash.
helped make their stocks among the 0 0 ad platform in the U.S. next to The sums involved would be
hottest over the past few months. Google gives it a scale that is hard large: A November note from re-
Meta’s surge put the Facebook par- for advertisers to resist, even with search firm Gavekal Dragonomics
–20 –25
ent back into the Trillion Dollar the platform’s controversies con- estimated that even in 2022, deliver-
Club, while Snap’s three-month gain Sept. 2023 Jan. ’24 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 cerning misinformation, privacy ing all those apartments would have
of 62% before its fourth-quarter re- Sources: FactSet (performance); the company (revenue) *First quarter of 2024 is midpoint of company’s projection and user safety. required a backstop of around one
sults Tuesday afternoon exceeded That scale allows Meta to have trillion yuan. But the idea that
that of every stock on the S&P 500 $1.36 billion—more than 1% short proving business is of its industry. its own networking backbone, households will have the confidence
save for one, according to FactSet. of analysts’ targets. The com- Snap has some bright spots. while Snap has to rely on cloud- to spend and invest while the value
The similarities end there. Meta pany’s revenue projection for the User growth is strong; the com- service providers Google and Ama- and safety of their main asset re-
last week reported that ad reve- current quarter also under- pany added eight million average zon to power its services. Snap mains so murky is questionable at
nue grew 24% year over year to whelmed. Snap’s shares plunged daily active users during the paid 84 cents per daily active user best: The stock market and floor-
$38.7 billion in the fourth quarter, nearly 35% on Wednesday. fourth quarter and projected six in infrastructure costs in the space sales have moved down more
beating Wall Street’s lofty expec- The Snapchat parent’s stock has million more during the first quar- fourth quarter, up 47% from a year or less in tandem since mid-2021.
tations and giving the stock a 20% sold off after its past six quarterly ter—both ahead of analysts’ esti- earlier. The fact that Snapchat Throwing billions into the stock
boost the following trading ses- reports, with five of those being mates. And Snap’s slightly disap- isn’t Facebook is a major appeal market may arrest its decline, at
sion. Snap said Tuesday that reve- double-digit percentage declines. pointing revenue forecast for the for its users. It is something least for a while. But that would
nue for the same period grew less The results raise questions about first quarter projects year-over- Snap’s investors need to keep in be treating the symptoms, not the
than 5% year over year to about just how representative Meta’s im- year growth of nearly 13% at the mind. —Dan Gallagher disease. —Jacky Wong

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