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Daniel : Hey Desmond, have you figured out your New Year's Eve plans yet?

Desmond : Not yet, still deciding. Any suggestions?

Daniel: Well, I heard there's this awesome party at Restu's place. It's supposed to be

Desmond: Oh, really? I'm up for a good party. What's happening there?

Daniel: They've got a DJ, a dance floor, and I heard they're doing a countdown with
fireworks at midnight. It sounds like it's going to be a blast.

Desmond: Nice! I'm in. Should we bring anything?

Daniel: Yeah, they're doing a potluck-style thing, so maybe we can bring some snacks or

Desmond: Sounds good. I'll pick up some appetizers, and you can grab some drinks.
What do you think?

Daniel: Perfect! And let's not forget the tradition of making New Year's resolutions. Got
any in mind?

Desmond: Hmm, maybe to hit the gym more often and eat healthier. How about you?

Daniel: I'm thinking of finally starting that novel I've been talking about forever. This
year, for sure.

Desmond: That's a great goal! We can hold each other accountable. Now, let's get ready
for the party and welcome the new year in style!

Daniel: Absolutely! It's going to be a night to remember.

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