Bahasa Inggris Siswa 1-23

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ 1

01 GREETINGS (1) ............................................................................................ 4

I. LESSON 1 .................................................................................................. 4

II. LESSON 2 .................................................................................................. 4

III. LESSON 3 .................................................................................................. 4

02 GREETINGS (2) ........................................................................................... 10

IV. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 10

03 PERSONAL INFORMATION (1) .................................................................. 13

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 13

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 13

III. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 14

IV. LESSON 3 ................................................................................................ 14

V. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 15

04 PERSONAL INFORMATION (2) .................................................................. 16

VI. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 16

05 CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS (1) ................................................................ 17

I. LESSON ................................................................................................... 17

06 CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS (2) ................................................................ 26

II. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 26

07 IDENTIFYING OBJECTS (1) .................................................................. 28

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 28

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 29

III. LESSON 3 ................................................................................................ 29

08 IDENTIFYING OBJECTS (2) .................................................................. 33

IV. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 33

09 - IDENTIFYING OBJECTS (3) ........................................................................ 36

V. LESSON 4 ................................................................................................ 36

VI. LESSON 5 ................................................................................................ 36

10 - IDENTIFYING OBJECTS (4) ........................................................................ 43

VII. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 43

11 - OCCUPATION (1) ....................................................................................... 45

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 45

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 45

12 - OCCUPATION (2) ....................................................................................... 52

III. SPEAKING ............................................................................................... 52

13 - INTRODUCTION AND COURTESY (1) ....................................................... 53

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 53

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 53

III. LESSON 3 ................................................................................................ 54

14 - INTRODUCTION AND COURTESY (2) ....................................................... 55

IV. SPEAKING ............................................................................................... 55

15 - FAMILY (1) ................................................................................................... 56

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 56

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 56

III. LESSON 3 ................................................................................................ 56

IV. ACTIVITY ................................................................................................. 57

16 - FAMILY (2) ................................................................................................... 58

V. SPEAKING ............................................................................................... 58

17 - CALENDAR (1) ............................................................................................ 59

I. LESSON 1 ................................................................................................ 59

II. LESSON 2 ................................................................................................ 59

III. LESSON 3 ................................................................................................ 60

IV. LESSON 4 ................................................................................................ 60

V. LESSON 5 ................................................................................................ 61

VI. LESSON 6 ................................................................................................ 61

18 - CALENDAR (2) ............................................................................................ 63

I. EXERCISE ................................................................................................ 63

19 - CELEBRATING (1) ....................................................................................... 64

I. LESSON ................................................................................................... 64

20 - CELEBRATING (2) ....................................................................................... 70

II. SPEAKING ............................................................................................... 70

21 - PLANNING A TRIP (1) ................................................................................. 71

I. LESSON ................................................................................................... 71

II. PROJECT ................................................................................................. 76

22 - PLANNING A TRIP (2) ................................................................................. 77

III. SPEAKING ............................................................................................... 77

23 - .................................................................... 78

I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 78

II. LESSON ................................................................................................... 79

III. PROJECT ................................................................................................. 80


The Differences between Is, Am, Are

Learn Numbers 1-31

Listen and Repeat


1. Group 1 : Hello Mimi.

How are you?
(How are you today?)
Group 2 : Fine, thanks.

2. Group 1 : Hi Mimi.
How are you this morning?
Group 2 : Just fine, thank you.
(I am fine, thank you.)

3. Group 1 : Hello Mimi.

How are you this afternoon?
(How are you this evening?)
Group 2 : Very well, thanks. And you?
(I am pretty well, thank you.)

4. Group 1 : Good bye.

See you tomorrow.
(See you this afternoon.)
(See you this evening.)
(See you tonight.)
(See you later.)
(See you soon.)
Group 2 : Bye.
See you tomorrow.
(See you this afternoon.)
(See you this evening.)
(See you tonight.)
(See you later.)
(See you soon.)


1. Group 1 : Are you Mimi?

(Are you Maria?)
(Are you Maria?)
Group 2 : Yes, I am.
(Yes, I am. I am Maria).
(Yes, I am Maria.)

2. Group 1 : How is Mimi?

(How is Maria?)
(How is Peter?)
Group 2 : Mimi is very well, thank you.
(Maria is just fine, thank you.)
(Peter is great. Thanks.)

3. Group 1 : How are Mimi and Maria?

(How are Joni and Dudu?)
Group 2 : Mimi and Maria are just fine, thank you.
(Joni and Dudu are pretty good, thank you.)


1. Group 1 : Hello Mimi.

Group 2 : Good morning, Peter.

2. Group 1 : How are you?

Group 2 : Fine, thanks.

3. Group 1 : How is Helen?

Group 2 : She is very well, thank you.

4. Group 1 : Good bye, Mimi.

Group 2 : Good bye, Peter.

5. Group 1 : Good morning, Mimi.

Group 2 : Good morning, Peter.

6. Group 1 : How are you this morning?

Group 2 : I am very well, thank you, and how are you?

7. Group 1 : Great, thanks. How is Maria?

Group 2 : She is just fine, thank you.

8. Group 1 : Good bye, Mimi.

Group 2 : Bye, Peter. See you tonight.


1. Group 1 : Good evening.

Group 2 : Good evening, I am Peter.

2. Group 1 : I am Mimi. How are you?

Group 2 : Pretty well, thanks, and you?

3. Group 1 : Great, thanks.

Group 2 : Bye, Mimi. See you later.


1. Group 1 : Hi, Peter. How are you today?

Group 2 :

2. Group 1 : Maria is very well, thank you.

Are Kiki and Lulu well today?
Group 2 : They are pretty well, thanks.

3. Group 1 : See you tomorrow morning, bye.

Group 2 : Bye. See you.


1. Group 1 : Hi, how are you?

Group 2 : Fine, thank you. I am Mimi.

2. Group 1 : Hello Mimi.

Group 2 : And you are?

3. Group 1 : I am Peter.
Group 2 : Hello Peter.

4. Group 1 : See you later.

Group 2 : Good-bye.


A. Create new sentences using the words within the parentheses.
Q: Good morning, Maria.
(Mimi, Peter)
A: Good morning, Mimi.
A: Good morning, Peter.

1. Good morning, Mimi. How are you?

(Maria, Peter, Mr. Joni, Mrs. Tata)

2. Good afternoon, Mr. Joni. How are you?

(good morning, good evening, hello)

3. Good-bye, Mrs. Brown. See you tomorrow.

(this evening, tonight, later, tomorrow morning)

4. She is very well, thank you. And how are you?
(Maria, Susi, Mimi and Peter)

B. Choose the correct words.

fine afternoon how well you
this see good very am

1. _____ you tomorrow.

2. How are _____ tonight?
3. _____ well, thanks
4. _____, thank you
5. _____ evening, Mr. Green.
6. I _____ John Smith
7. How are you _____ evening?
8. Good afternoon.
9. _____ are you?
10. Pretty _____, thanks.

C. Choose the correct words.
is am are

1. I _____ fine. How _____ you?

2. How _____ Budi?
3. She _____ very well, thank you.
4. _____ you Maria? Yes, I _____.
5. How _____ you this evening, Mrs. Tata?
6. _____ Kevin well this morning?
7. How _____ Mr. and Mrs. Joni this morning?
8. Budi and Putri _____ very well, thank you.
9. I _____ very well, thank you.
10. Putri _____ fine, thanks.

D. Sort the conversations by numbering 1 to 5.

___ Bill : Hello, Shane. How are you?

___ Mary : Nice to meet you too.
___ Shane :
___ Bill :
___ Mary : Hello, Bill. How are you doing?


Memorize Numbers 1-31

Listen and Repeat - At the Party

1. Peter : Hello.
2. Jane : Hi!

3. Peter : My name is Peter. What's your name?

4. Jane : My name is Jane. Nice to meet you.

5. Peter : It's a pleasure. This is a great party!

6. Jane: Yes, it is. Where are you from?

7. Peter : I'm from Indonesia.

8. Jane : Indonesia? Really, are you Javanese?

9. Peter : No, I'm not Javanese. I'm Sundanese.

10. Jane : Oh, you're Sundanese. Sorry about that.

11. Peter: That's OK. Where are you from?

12. Jane: I'm from Malaysia, but I'm not Malaysian.

14. Peter: No, so what are you?
15. Jane: Well, my parents are Balinese, so I'm Indonesian, too.

16. Peter: That's very interesting. Bali is a beautiful place.

17. Jane: Thank you. Yes, it is a wonderful place.

Answer the Questions - At the Party

1. name? ________________________
2. Where does Peter come from? ________________________
3. Is Peter a Javanese? ________________________
4. Where does the woman come from? ________________________
5. Where do her parents come from? ________________________

Listen and Repeat

Hello, my name is Gaby Manuela. I am 17 years old. I have 2 brothers and

1 sister. My address is Gatot Subroto 87 Malang. It takes me about 2
hours to get back to Lawang. My phone number is 0818-668-7424. I also
have an email address: Do
contact me, okay?

Use your personal information to fill in the text below.

Hello, my name _________________________________________.

I am ___________________________________________ years old.

I have __________________________________________________.

My address is ___________________________________________.

It takes me about ___________________ to get back to Lawang.

My phone number is _____________________________________.

I also have an email address: ______________________________


Do t forget to contact me, okay?


Speaking - Introduce Yourself

Hello, my name _________________________________________.

I am ___________________________________________ years old.

I have __________________________________________________.

My address is ___________________________________________.

It takes me about ___________________ to get back to Lawang.

My phone number is _____________________________________.

I also have an email address: ______________________________



Listen and Repeat


1. Group 1 : Come in, please.

(Good afternoon, Mimi. Come in, please.)
Group 2 : Thank you.
(Good afternoon, Sir. Thank you.)

2. Group 1 : Do you understand?

(Do you understand?)
Group 2 : Yes, I understand.

3. Group 1 : Stand up, please.

(Please, sit down.)
Group 2 : Yes, Sir.
(Thank you, Sir.)

4. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : Is this lesson one?
(Yes, Mam.)

5. Group 1: Open your book, please, Mimi.
(Close your book, please, Mimi.)
(Open your book and read, please, Mimi.)
(Listen and repeat, please.)
(Now read, please.)
(Now listen.)
(Now repeat.)
Group 2 : Yes, Mrs. Black.
(Yes, Mr. Green.)

6. Group 1 : Come in and sit down, please.

Group 2 : Thank you, Mr. Green. Is it time to begin?

7. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .


1. Group 1 & 2 : .

2. Group 1 & 2 :

3. Group 1 & 2 :

4. Group 1 & 2 : .

5. Group 1 & 2 : .
Please open your dictionary.
Please open your notebook.
Please open your briefcase.

6. Group 1 & 2 : .

7. Group 1 & 2 : .

8. Group 1 & 2 : Please read lesson one now. Read lesson two
Please read lesson one now. Read lesson two
this afternoon.
Please read lesson one now. Read lesson two

9. Group 1 & 2 : .


1. Group 1 : Good morning, Mimi. How are you?

Group 2 : I am fine, Peter, thank you. Please come in.

2. Group 1 : Thank you. How is Maria today?

Group 2 : She is very well, thanks.

3. Group 1 : Please sit down.

Group 2 : Thank you.

4. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : Fine.

5. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson two?

Group 2 : Yes, I understand lesson two.

6. Group 1 : Is it time to begin?

Group 2 : Yes, let s begin now.


1. Group 1 : Hello Mimi.

Group 2 : Good afternoon, Peter.

2. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .

3. Group 1 : Please open your book, Mimi.

Group 2 : .

4. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson five?

Group 2 : Yes, I understand lesson five.

5. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson six?

Group 2 : .

6. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .

7. Group 1 : Good night, Mimi.

Group 2 : See you tomorrow morning.


1. Group 1 : Good evening, Mimi.

Group 2 : Good evening.
Are you well this evening Peter?

2. Group 1 : Yes, I am. I am very well. And how are you?

Group 2 : I am fine, thanks.

3. Group 1 : Please come in and sit down, Mimi.

Group 2 : Thanks. How is Mrs. Black this evening?

4. Group 1 : She is just fine, thanks. How is Mr. Green?

Group 2 : He is very well, thanks.

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 : .

6. Group 1 : Do you understand the program?

Group 2 : Yes, I understand the program.

7. Group 1 : Please open your book.

Group 2 : .


1. Group 1 : Hi, Mimi. How are you?

Group 2 : Hello Peter. I am fine, thanks.

2. Group 1 : Please come in and sit down.

Group 2 : Thank you.

3. Group 1 : Open the briefcase, Mimi.

Group 2 : Yes, Peter.

4. Group 1 : Is it time to begin the meeting now?

Group 2 : Group 2 .

5. Group 1 : Open the notebook and read, please.

Group 2 : Yes, please listen.

6. Group 1 :
7. Group 2 : .

8. Group 1 : Good night, Mimi.

Group 2 : Night, see you tomorrow night.


1. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : Fine. Is it time to begin?

2. Group 1 : Yes, please sit down.

Group 2 : Thank you.

3. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .

4. Group 1 : Is it time to go now?

Group 2 : .

5. Group 1 : See you tomorrow evening.

Group 2 : Fine, see you tomorrow.


1. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson two?

Group 2 : Yes, I understand lesson two very well.

2. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson three?

Group 2 : .

3. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .

4. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : I understand.

5. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : Fine, is it time to read now?


A. Look around you. Write down 10 items in this classroom.

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________
7. ___________________________________
8. ___________________________________
9. ___________________________________
10. ___________________________________

B. Translate the sentences.

1. Mari belajar pelajaran enam. _____________________________

2. Saya tidak mengerti. _____________________________
3. Buka bukumu dan bacalah. _____________________________
4. Selamat siang, Pak. _____________________________
5. Itu sangat baik. _____________________________
6. Tolong jangan mengulang. _____________________________
7. Bagaimana kabarmu? _____________________________
8. Saya baik, terima kasih. _____________________________
9. Waktunya berhenti. _____________________________
10. Sampai ketemu besok. _____________________________

C. Change the following sentences into questions.
It is time to begin. Is it time to begin?
You repeat the lesson. Do you repeat the lesson?
I study lesson ten. Do I study lesson ten?

1. That is Jonah. ______________________________

2. I understand. ______________________________
3. You read later. ______________________________
4. This is lesson one. ______________________________
5. It is time to go. ______________________________
6. I am fine. ______________________________
7. This is the class. ______________________________
8. You begin now. ______________________________
9. It is time to eat. ______________________________
10. I study lesson two. ______________________________
11. She is just fine. ______________________________
12. You open your book. ______________________________
13. You understand the program. ______________________________
14. Mrs. Black is very well. ______________________________
15. You begin this afternoon. ______________________________
16. It is time to begin. ______________________________
17. I stand up later. ______________________________
18. Mr. Green is very well. ______________________________
19. You listen to Mrs. Tata. ______________________________
20. It is time to stop now. ______________________________


Possesive Pronouns

A. I my, mine
1. I have a book.
2. That is my book.
3. That book is mine.
B. You your, yours
1. You have a book.
2. That is your book.
3. That book is yours.
C. He his, his
1. He has a book.
2. That is his book.
3. That book is his.
D. She her, hers
1. She has a book.
2. That is her book.
3. That book is hers.
E. We our, ours
1. We have a book.
2. That is our book.
3. That book is ours.


A. There it is, here it is.

B. How, what, where, when, which, why, who, whom, whose.
C. That, this.

Listen and Repeat

A. Part 1

1. Group 1 : Hello Maria.

What is this?
(What is that?)
Group 2 : This is a book.
(That is a book.)

2. Group 1 : Is this your book?

(Is this my dictionary?)
(Is this your notebook?)
(Is this your pencil?)
(Is this your briefcase?)
(Is this his dictionary?)
Group 2 :

3. Group 1 : Whose book is this? Is it yours?
(Whose book is this? Is it mine?)
(Whose book is it? Is it his?)
Group 2 : .

4. Group 1 :
Is it yours?
Group 2 : .

B. Part 2

1. Group 1 : Where are Billy and John? Is this car theirs?

Group 2 : Yes, that car is theirs. Where is your car?

2. Group 1 : Is this your briefcase?

(Is this your pencil?)
(Is this your book?)
Group 2 : .
(Yes, .)
(Yes, .)

3. Group 1 : There is the blackboard. Where is the door?

(There is the window. Where is the
Group 2 : There it is. Please open it.
(There it is.)

C. Part 3

1. Group 1 : Whose book is this? Is it our book?

Group 2 : Yes,

2. Group 1 : .
Group 2 : .

3. Group 1 : Where is Mrs. Tata? This is her briefcase

Group 2 : .

4. Group 1 : Whose pen is this? Is this yours?

Group 2 :

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Yes, it is.

6. Group 1 :
Group 2 : .

D. Part 4

1. Group 1 :
Group 2 : There it is.

2. Group 1 :
Group 2 : There it is.

3. Group 1 :
Group 2 : There it is.

4. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Here it is.

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Here it is.


A. Choose the correct words.
his/his her/hers my/mine
your/yours our/ours their/theirs

1. _____.
2. _____
3. _____.
4. _____.
5. ____
6. _____.
7. It is _____
8. _____.
9. _____
10. _____
11. _____.
12. _____

Is that Mr. Joni? Yes, it is.

1. Is she here? Yes, she _____.

2. Is Betty in the class? No, she _____.
3. _____.
4. Is it time to begin? No, it _____.
5. Is that your automobile? Yes, it _____.

C. Answer the questions.
Whose book is this? (my/mine)
This is my book.
This book is mine.

1. Whose dictionary is this? (her/hers)


2. Whose pencil is that? (your/yours)


3. Whose chair is that? (my/mine)


4. Whose car is this? (our/ours)


5. Whose notebook is this? (their/theirs)


6. Whose dog is that? (his/his)


D. Choose the correct question words.
who whom what where whose
why which when how

1. __________ color is her chair? Her chair is yellow.

2. __________
3. __________ is he? He is our new teacher.
4. __________ one is their house? on your left.
5. __________ notebook is this? ours.
6. __________ do you go to school?
7. __________ are you so happy? I get a present.
8. __________ pen is it his.
9. __________ are you? I am here.
10. __________ do you come? I come on Monday.
11. __________
12. __________
13. __________ is the taxi? There it is.
14. __________
15. __________ are you? I am fine, thank you.
16. __________ do you call every day? I call my mother.
17. __________


A. Singular and plural noun.
B. Is, isn .
C. This, that, these, those.
D. My, mine, her, hers, his, his, your, yours, their, theirs, our, ours.

Listen and Repeat

A. Part 1

1. Group 1 : Hello Maria.

What are these?
(What are those?)
Group 2 : Those are books.
(Those are books).

2. Group 1 :

Group 2 : Yes, they are. Those are mine.

No, they

3. Group 1 : Are these your books?
(Are these your notebooks?)
(Are these your pencils?)
(Are these your pens?)
(Are these your briefcases?)
Group 2 : Yes, they are. Those books are mine.
(Yes, they are. Those notebooks are mine.)
(Yes, they are. Those pencils are mine.)

4. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

B. Part 2

1. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Yes, those are my things.

2. Group 1 : Here they are books, notebooks, pencils,

and papers.
Group 2 : Thanks. Where are your things?

3. Group 1 : My
Group 2 : Is that your automobile?

4. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Very good. Whose cat is that? Is it yours?

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

C. Part 3

1. Group 1 : Whose pencils are these? Are they yours?

Group 2 :

2. Group 1 : Whose notebooks are these?

Group 2 :

3. Group 1 : Whose dictionaries are these? Are they yours?

Group 2 : No, they

4. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

5. Group 1: Are those automobiles yours?

Group 2 :

6. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Those papers are mine. Those are my papers.

7. Group 1 : Where are the chairs and tables?

Group 2 : There they are. I see the chairs and
tables over there.

D. Part 5

1. Group 1 : Hi, Hani. How are you?

Group 2 : Hello, Bella. Just fine, thanks.

2. Group 1 : Is it time to begin the class?

Group 2 : Yes, it is. Here are your books.

3. Group 1:
Group 2 : Whose books are these?

4. Group 1 : These are yours, and those are mine.

Group 2 :

5. Group 1 : Is this your desk?

Group 2 :

6. Group 1 : Whose desk is this?

Group 2 :
desk is over here.

E. Part 4

1. Group 1 : Good morning, Jane. Come in and sit down.

Group 2 : Good morning, Mr. Gunawan. Is it time to
begin the lesson?

2. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

3. Group 1 : Open your book, Jane. Read lesson four.

Group 2 :

4. Group 1: Here are ten sentences. Do you understand

these sentences?
Group 2 : Yes, I understand the sentences.

5. Group 1 : Page twelve. You read, Jane.

Group 2 : Yes, Mr. Gunawan, page twelve.

F. Part 6

1. Group 1 : Good morning, Arta. How are you?

Group 2 : Fine, thanks. And how are you?

2. Group 1 : Very well, thanks. Are those your books?

Group 2 :

3. Group 1 : Where are yours?

Group 2 : My books are over there. There they are.

4. Group 1 : desk, Arta. Sit down, please.

Group 2 : Thank you Mrs. Bella. Is it time to begin the

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Is that page twelve?

6. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

7. Group 1 : Please read the lesson.

Group 2 :

8. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Thank you. Now I understand.

G. Part 7

1. Group 1 : Hi, Maria. How are you today?

Group 2 : Fine, thanks. And how are you?

2. Group 1 : Pretty well. Is Mrs. Bella here today?

Group 2 :

3. Group 1 : Is Mr. Gunawan here today?

Group 2 :

4. Group 1 : Are there thirteen class here?

Group 2 :

5. Group 1 :
Group 2 : Fine.

H. Part 8

1. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

2. Group 1 : Yes, it is. Is that your automobile?

Group 2 : Here they are. My books are over here.

3. Group 1 :
Group 2 :

4. Group 1 : Do you understand lesson five?

Group 2 :



A. Change the sentences into plural form.

This is my book. These are my books.
That is my book. Those are my books.

That is their bedroom. _______________________

That is our pillow. _______________________
This is his eraser. ______________________
That is her ribbon. ________________________
That is my shirt. _______________________

B. Change the questions into plural form.

Is this my book? Are these my books?
Is that my book? Are those my books?

Is this her comb? __________________________

Is that their plate? __________________________
Is this your sock? _________________________
Is that our lesson? _________________________
Is this his ruler? _______________________

C. Fill in the correct answer.
Is this your book? Yes, it is.

Is his dictionary here? _____________________
Are these your papers? _____________________
Is she here now? _____________________
Is Mr. Gunawan here today? _______________________
Are those his chairs? _____________________
Is that your cat? ______________________

D. Choose the correct word.

my/mine her/hers his/his
our/ours your/yours their/theirs

These are ______ room. They are ours.

That is his desk. This is ______
Those are ______ coins. They are mine.
It is _______ money. It is hers.
That is your flower. That is _______
This is _______ bread. It is theirs.
Those are our markers. They are _______
That is her wallet. It is _______
This is my turtle. It is _______
It is _______ motor. It is his.
That is their plate. That is _______
It is _______ food. It is yours.


Introduce Occupation

Listen and Repeat

A. Part 1

1. Teacher : Good morning, class.

Student : Good morning, Miss Rosa.

2. Teacher : Today, we'll discuss your next project. Make a

presentation of any historical event or figure.
Student : May we choose our own topics?

3. Teacher : Yes, just let me know your choices today.

Student : What should we include in the project?

4. Teacher : A brief overview and key facts. Be creative with

your presentation format!
Student : We will. When is the project due?

5. Teacher : It's due in two weeks, so you have plenty of

time to research and prepare.
Student : Thank you, miss. We're excited to get started.

B. Part 2

1. Patient : Good afternoon, doctor. I don't feel well.

Doctor : Good afternoon. What seems to be the

2. Patient : I have a headache and a cough.

Doctor : I see. How long have you had these

3. Patient : About three days now.

Doctor : Let me check your temperature and listen to
your breathing. Have you taken any medicine?

4. Patient : No, I haven't taken anything. Is my illness

Doctor : Not really, it might be a cold or flu. I'll
prescribe some medicine for you.

5. Patient : Thank you, doctor.

Doctor : You welcome. Get plenty of rest and drink
lots of fluids.

C. Part 3

1. Visitor : Hello! How are you?

Farmer : Hello! I'm good, thank you. How about you?

2. Visitor : I'm fine, thank you. This is my first time visiting

a farm. It's exciting!
Farmer : I'm glad you came! What brings you here?

3. Visitor : I wanted to learn more about farming. What

kind of crops do you grow?
Farmer : We grow corn, wheat, and sunflowers on this

4. Visitor : That's interesting. What do you like most

about farming?
Farmer : I enjoy being close to nature and watching
things grow. It's a peaceful life.

5. Visitor : It sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing with

Farmer : You're welcome! Feel free to ask if you have
more questions.

D. Part 4

1. Victim : Excuse me, officer. I need to report a robbery.

Police : Of course, sir. I'm here to help. Can you please
provide me with some details? When and
where did it happen?

2. Victim : It happened about an hour ago near the park

on Oak Street. I was walking when a man
approached me and demanded my wallet.
Police : I'm sorry to hear that. Did you see what he
looked like?

3. Victim : Yes, he was tall, had dark hair, and was

wearing a black jacket.
Police : Okay, thank you for the description. Do you
remember any other details, like a license plate
number or any unique markings on his clothes?

4. Victim : I'm afraid not. It all happened so quickly.

Police : That's alright. We'll do our best to investigate.
Can I have your name and contact information,

5. Victim : My name is John Smith, and here's my phone

Police : Thank you, Mr. Smith. We'll take it from here.
Please be cautious and stay safe.

6. Victim : Thank you, officer. I appreciate your help.

E. Part 5

1. Victim : Help! Is there anyone outside?

Fireman : Yes, we're here to help. Are you okay?

2. Victim :
Fireman : here safely.

3. Victim : I can't breathe because of the smoke.

Fireman : It's going to be alright. Is there anyone else in
the building?

4. Victim : No, I was the only one home.

Fireman : Great. Now, please stay low to the ground to
avoid the smoke. Follow me, and we'll get you
out of here.

5. Victim : Thank you so much. I don't know what I would

have done without you.
Fireman : It's our job to help in emergencies like this.
We're here to keep you safe.

F. Part 6

1. Dentist : Good morning! How can I assist you today?

Patient : Good morning! I have a toothache, and it's
been bothering me for a few days.

2. Dentist : I see. Let's take a look. Please open your

mouth wide.
Patient :

3. Dentist : It looks like you have a cavity. We'll need to fill

it to prevent further pain.
Patient : Okay, I trust your expertise.

4. Dentist : Great. This won't take long. I'll numb the area
first so you won't feel any pain.
Patient : Thank you, doctor. I appreciate it.

5. Dentist : All done! You did great. Remember to brush

and floss regularly to avoid future cavities.
Patient : I will. Thank you for taking care of me, doctor.

G. Part 7

1. Waiter : Good evening, sir. Welcome to our

restaurant. How many are in your party?
2. Customer : Good evening. It's just the two of us.

3. Waiter : Great! Please follow me to your table.

Customer : Thank you.

4. Waiter : Here are the menus. Can I start you off with
something to drink?
Customer : A glass of water and hot tea, please.

5. Waiter : Of course. Do you need a few more minutes

to look at the menu, or are you ready to
Customer : We need a few more minutes, please.

6. Waiter : No problem at all. Take your time, and I'll be

back shortly.
Customer : Thank you.


Role Play


Letters A Z

Listen and Repeat

1. Jonatan : Hi, I'm Jonatan. Nice to meet you!

Ribka :
May I ask how to spell your name?

2. Jonatan : J-O-N-A-T-A-N. How about you? Is it R-I-P-K-A?

Ribka : -I-B-K-A.

3. Jonatan : Where are you from?

Ribka : I'm from Bandung. How about you?

4. Jonatan : I'm from Jakarta. What do you do for a living?

Ribka : I work as a nurse. How about you?

5. Jonatan : I'm a reporter. That's interesting. Do you have any

hobbies or interests?
Ribka : Yes, I enjoy cooking. How about you?

6. Jonatan : I like cooking and travelling. It sounds like we have

some common interests.
Ribka : That's great to hear! Maybe we can do cooking
together sometime.

7. Jonatan : That sounds like a fantastic idea. It was really nice
meeting you, Ribka.
Ribka : Likewise, Jonatan. Let's stay in touch!

Getting to Know Each Other

Student A :
Student B :
meet you too. May I ask how to spell your name?

Student A :
Student B :

Student A : Where are you from?

Student B :

Student A : living?
Student B :

Student A :
you have any hobbies or interests?
Student B :

Student A :
sounds like we have some common interests.
Student B : That's great to hear! Maybe we can do [an activity]
together sometime.


Getting to Know Others

Student A :
Student B :
meet you too. May I ask how to spell your name?

Student A :
Student B :

Student A : Where are you from?

Student B :

Student A :
Student B :

Student A :
you have any hobbies or interests?
Student B :

Student A :
sounds like we have some common interests.
Student B : That's great to hear! Maybe we can do [an activity]
together sometime.

15 - FAMILY (1)


1. I'm = I am
2. You're = You are
3. He's = He is or He has
4. She's = She is or She has
5. It's = It is or It has
6. We're = We are
7. They're = They are
8. Can't = Cannot
9. I'll = I will
10. Don't = Do not


1. John
4. My cousin cousin
5. My name = the name of my cousins

My Family

1. Grandfather
2. Grandmother
3. Father
4. Mother

5. Son
6. Daughter
7. Brother
8. Sister
9. Niece
10. Nephew
11. Uncle
12. Aunt
13. Cousin

Make your family tree.

16 - FAMILY (2)

My Family Tree

17 - CALENDAR (1)

Dates of the Month

1st = First 11th = Eleventh 21st = Twenty-first

2nd = Second 12th = Twelfth 22nd = Twenty-second

3rd = Third 13th = Thirteenth 23rd = Twenty-third

4th = Fourth 14th = Fourteenth 24th = Twenty-fourth

5th = Fifth 15th = Fifteenth 25th = Twenty-fifth

6th = Sixth 16th = Sixteenth 26th = Twenty-sixth

7th = Seventh 17th = Seventeenth 27th = Twenty-seventh

8th = Eight 18th = Eighteenth 28th = Twenty-eighth

9th = Ninth 19th = Nineteenth 29th = Twenty-ninth

10th = Tenth 20th = Twentieth 30th = Thirtieth

31st = Thirty-first

Days of the Week

1 = Sunday

2 = Monday

3 = Tuesday

4 = Wednesday

5 = Thursday

6 = Friday

7 = Saturday

Months of the Year

1 = January 7 = July

2 = February 8 = August

3 = March 9 = September

4 = April 10 = October

5 = May 11 = November

6 = June 12 = December


nineteen hundred = 1900 = one thousand nine hundred

nineteen oh three = 1903 = one thousand nine hundred three

nineteen seventeen = 1917 = one thousand nine hundred seventeen

nineteen fifty-six = 1956 = one thousand nine hundred fifty-six

two thousand = 2000 = two thousand

twenty oh nine = 2009 = two thousand nine

twenty fourteen = 2014 = two thousand fourteen

twenty twenty-three = 2023 = two thousand twenty-three

On and In

A. We use on with dates and days.

Example: on 12 March, on Friday(s), on Christmas, on Saturday
B. We use in for longer periods of time (months/years/seasons).
Example: in April, in 1968, in the 1970s, in (the) winter,
in the morning/afternoon/evening.
C. We do not use on and in before last and next.
Example: next Friday, last March.

Listen and Repeat

Q: What month is it now?

A: It is December.

Q: What month comes before June?

A: May comes before June.

Q: What is the date two weeks from today?

A: Two weeks from today is the 22th of November.

Q: What comes after the 11th?

A: The 12th comes after the 11th.

Q: What is two days before the 15th?

A: Two days before the 15th is the 13rd.

Q: Which month is the fourth in calendar?

A: April is the fourth month in calendar.

Q: When is your birthday month?

A: My birthday month is on January.

Q: How many days in December?
A: There are 31 days in December.

Q: How many months are there in a year?

A: There are twelve months in a year.

Q: What is five days before 23rd?

A: Five days before 23rd is 18th.

Q: When is the school holidays?

A: The school holidays is on 25 December-7 January.

Q: When was you born?

A: I was born on November 11, 1980.
A: I was born on 11th of November, 1980.

18 - CALENDAR (2)



Listen and Repeat

A. Independence Day.

Student A: Hey, have you guys thought about how we're going to
celebrate Independence Day this year?

Student B: Oh, that's right! It's coming up soon. Any ideas?

Student C: How about organizing a little event at school? We

could have games, performances, and some traditional
Indonesian food.

Student A: That sounds amazing! We could also decorate the

school in red and white, the colors of the Indonesian

Student B: And maybe we can have a mini parade or a flag-raising

ceremony. It would add a patriotic touch.

Student C: Good call! We could invite students to participate in

cultural performances too traditional dances, music,
and maybe a drama showcasing our history.

Student A: Love it! We could also incorporate some educational

activities, like quizzes about Indonesian history and

Student B: And what about a traditional costume day? Everyone

can dress up in Indonesian attire to celebrate our rich
cultural diversity.

Student C: Excellent idea! We could even have a competition for
the best traditional costume.

Student A: I'm on board with all of these ideas! Let's make it a day
filled with pride, joy, and a deeper understanding of
our nation's history.

Student B: Agreed! I'm excited. Let's start planning and get

everyone involved.

Student C: It's going to be a memorable Independence Day

celebration at school!

B. Graduation.

Student A: Can you believe it? Graduation is just around the


Student B: I know, right? It feels surreal. We should definitely plan

something special to celebrate.

Student C: Absolutely! How about a graduation party? We could

rent a place, invite our friends, and make it a night to

Student A: Great idea! And we should have a theme. Something

fun and memorable.

Student B: How about a "Back to the Future" theme? We can

have nods to different decades, and everyone can
dress up in styles from their favorite era.

Student C: Love it! And we can set up a photo booth with props
and a backdrop related to our high school memories.

Student A: Speaking of memories, what about a slideshow with

pictures from our entire high school journey? It'll be a
trip down memory lane.

C. Birthday.

Student A: Guess what, guys! My birthday is coming up

next week!

Student B: No way! That's awesome. We should definitely

do something special to celebrate.

Student C: Totally! Any ideas on how you want to celebrate?

Student A: Well, I was thinking of having a little gathering at

my place. Nothing too big, just our close friends.

Student B: Nice! What about food? Are you planning a cake or


Student A: Absolutely! I'm thinking of ordering a cake and maybe

having some pizzas. We can make our own pizzas with
crazy toppings.

Student C: That sounds like so much fun! And, of course, we need

some good music. Any specific playlist?

Student A: Oh, I'm putting together a playlist of all our favorite

songs. We can dance the night away!

Student B: Sweet! Do you want us to bring anything?

Student A: Just your awesome selves! But if you really want to,
maybe some snacks or drinks?

Student C: Got it. By the way, are we doing any games or


Student A: Hmm, maybe some board games or a mini tournament

of our favorite video game?

Student B: Count me in! And should we get a little gift or

Student A: Honestly, your presence is the best gift. But if you want
to bring something, maybe a small, silly gift? It's all
about the fun!

Student C: Sounds like a plan. Can't wait to celebrate your

birthday with you!

Student A: Thanks, guys! It's going to be epic!

D. New year.

Student A: Hey, have you guys thought about what we should do

for New Year's Eve?

Student B: Not really. Any suggestions?

Student A: How about a small get-together at someone's place?

We can invite our close friends from school.

Student C: That sounds cool. We could have some snacks,

play games, and just chill together.

Student A: Yeah, exactly! We can create a fun atmosphere with

some decorations and music.

Student B: And maybe we can have a little photo booth for some
goofy pictures to remember the night.

Student C: Nice idea! Oh, and we should definitely have a

countdown to midnight.

Student A: Absolutely! We can all gather around, count down, and
cheer as we welcome the New Year together.

Student B: What about resolutions? Should we do that?

Student C: Yeah, why not? We can each share one resolution for
the coming year. It could be something personal or
related to school.

Student A: Great idea. It's a good way to reflect and set some
goals. Plus, it adds a meaningful touch to our

Student B: I'm in! Let's make it a night to remember as we say

goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one.

Student C: Agreed! It's going to be a blast!

Student B: And what about awards? We could have funny awards

like "Most Likely to Become President" or "Best

Student C: Haha, that sounds hilarious! And maybe we can have a

small ceremony where we hand out personalized
graduation caps.

Student A: Yes! And we should definitely have a dance floor. Let's

create a playlist with all our favorite songs from high

Student B: Agreed! I'm getting so excited about this. We've

worked hard for this day, and it deserves a fantastic

Student C: It's going to be a night to remember. Let's start

planning and make our graduation party epic!




Listen and Repeat

A. Camping.

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about planning a camping

trip with our friends?

Student B: Oh, that sounds like a great idea! Where were you
thinking of camping?

Student A: I was considering Latar Ombo Panderman Mountain.

It's got beautiful landscapes, hiking trails, and perfect
spots for camping.

Student B: Nice choice! When were you thinking of going?

Student A: Maybe during the next long weekend? Enough time to

set up camp, explore, and chill by the campfire.

Student B: Perfect! We could bring some tents, sleeping bags,

and maybe even try some campfire cooking.

Student A: Absolutely! And we should plan some activities like

hiking, stargazing, and maybe even some storytelling
around the campfire.

Student B: Count me in! It's been ages since I had a camping


Student A: Plus, it'll be a chance to disconnect from our screens,

enjoy nature, and just relax.

Student B: Totally! Let's start planning, check the gear we need,
and get ready for a camping escapade.

Student A: Agreed! It's going to be an outdoor experience to

remember. Can't wait!

B. Mountain.

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about planning a trip

during our next break?

Student B: Oh, that sounds exciting! Where were you thinking of


Student A: I was considering a road trip to the mountains. You

know, lots of fresh air, hiking, and maybe even

Student B: That sounds awesome! I'm in for an adventure. How

long were you thinking?

Student A: Maybe a long weekend? Enough time to explore

without missing too much school.

Student B: Great idea! We could pack some snacks, play some

music, and just enjoy the journey.

Student A: Exactly! And we could research some cool spots to

visit, like waterfalls or scenic viewpoints.

Student B: Count me in! It's been ages since I've been on a trip
like that.

Student A: Plus, it'll be a chance to capture some amazing photos

for our memories.

Student B: Totally! Let's start planning and get some other friends
on board.

Student A: Agreed! It's going to be a trip to remember. Can't


C. Beach.

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about planning a trip to

the beach?

Student B: Oh, that sounds amazing! Which beach are you

thinking about?

Student A: I was considering a trip to Balekambang Beach. I've

heard it's got beautiful sandy shores and clear blue

Student B: Nice choice! When were you thinking of going?

Student A: Maybe during the next school break. It'd be a perfect

way to unwind and have some fun.

Student B: Totally! We could bring some beach games, maybe

learn to surf, and just chill under the sun.

Student A: Absolutely! And we should find a place to stay that's

close to the beach, so we can enjoy it as much as

Student B: Good idea! We can also explore the local area, try
some seafood, and maybe check out any nearby

Student A: Exactly! A mix of relaxation and adventure. What do
you think?

Student B: I'm all in! Let's start looking into accommodations and
plan out our beach getaway.

Student A: Great! It's going to be a fantastic trip. Can't wait!

D. Culinary tourism.

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about planning a food trip
during the next break?

Student B: Oh, that sounds delicious! Where were you thinking of


Student A: I was considering a trip to Bandung. It's known for its

diverse food scene street food, local specialties, you
name it.

Student B: Awesome choice! When were you thinking of making

this culinary adventure?

Student A: Maybe a long weekend? Enough time to savor

different cuisines without missing too much school.

Student B: Perfect! We could create a food itinerary, trying iconic

dishes from various places in the city.

Student A: Exactly! And we should explore some local markets or

food festivals happening during our visit.

Student B: Count me in! It's been forever since I had a foodie


Student A: Plus, it'll be a chance to taste some unique flavors and
maybe learn a bit about the local culinary culture.

Student B: Totally! Let's start researching food spots and plan out
our delicious getaway.

Student A: Agreed! It's going to be a feast for our taste buds.

Can't wait!

E. City tour.

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about planning a trip


Student B: Oh, that sounds cool! Where would you want to go?

Student A: I was thinking of visiting a historical city. What do you


Student B: Nice choices! A historical city would be fascinating,

When were you thinking?

Student A: Maybe during the next school break. We could explore

and have some fun, you know?

Student B: Totally! We could plan it with a group of friends. It'd be

awesome to share the experience.

Student A: True! I was also considering checking out some local

events or festivals at the destination. Make it a
complete experience.

Student B: That's a great idea! Immersing ourselves in the local

culture would make the trip even more memorable.

Student A: Plus, it could be a good chance to take a break from
school stress and just enjoy ourselves.

Student B: Absolutely! Let's start looking into some options and

plan a fantastic trip together.

Student A: Agreed! It's going to be epic. Can't wait!


1. Form groups of two and make your own conversation about

2. You may create your own sentences or use sentences from the
conversation provided above.

3. The conversation should have at least ten sentences.

4. Present the conversation in the next meeting.




A. New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a
promise or commitment to accomplish certain goals, adopt new
habits, or make positive changes in their life at the beginning of the
B. This practice is particularly common around the transition from
December 31st to January 1st, marking the start of the new year.
C. Example:
1. Academic Goals
2. Trying Something New
3. Being Healthier
4. Managing Time Better
5. Spending Time with Family
6. Learning New Things
D. However, the success of these resolutions often depends on
commitment, planning, and perseverance.

Listen and Repeat

My New Year s Resolution

Hi everyone, I'm (your name) and I'm excited to share my New Year's
resolutions with you. Let's get started.

1. First on my list is school. I want to be better at studying, so my first

resolution is to make a study schedule. This means setting specific
times to do my homework and study for exams.
2. Now, for something exciting. Second, I'm planning to try something
new. I've always been a bit shy, so my resolution is to join a club at
school. Maybe the art club or the science club. It's a way for me to
meet new friends.
3. Next, let's talk about health. Third, I want to be healthier. This means
eating more fruits and vegetables and doing some exercise, like
going for a walk or dancing.
4. Time can be tricky, right? So, my fourth resolution is about time. I'm
going to use a planner. It's like a special book where I write down all
the things I need to do. This will help me remember and manage my
time better.
5. Family is important. For my fifth resolution, I want to spend more
time with my family. Maybe we can have a movie night or cook
dinner together. It's about making special moments.
6. Learning is fun! Sixth, I want to learn new things. I'm going to read
more books. Maybe not big, thick ones, but smaller ones that are
interesting. Reading helps us learn about the world.

So, there you have it my New Year's resolutions. I hope you all have
great resolutions too. Thank you for listening!

1. Create your own New Year's resolutions.
2. Resolutions can be a list of things you want to improve or do this
3. Share your resolutions in front of the class.
4. State what your resolutions are and tell the reasons behind them.


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